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A pollen record from the core sediments collected in the northern part of Lake Baikal represents the latest stage of the Taz (Saale) Glaciation, Kazantsevo (Eemian) Interglacial (namely the Last Interglacial), and the earliest stage of the Zyryanka (Weichselian) Glaciation. According to the palaeomagnetic-based age model applied to the core, the Last Interglacial in the Lake Baikal record lasted about 10.6 ky from 128 to 117.4 ky BP, being more or less synchronous with the Marine Isotope Stage 5e. The reconstructed changes in the south Siberian vegetation and climate are summarised as follows: a major spread of shrub alder (Alnus fruticosa) and shrub birches (Betula sect. Nanae/Fruticosae) in the study area was a characteristic feature during the late glacial phase of the Taz Glaciation. Boreal trees e.g. spruce (Picea obovata) and birch (Betula sect. Albae) started to play an important role in the regional vegetation with the onset of the interglacial conditions. Optimal conditions for Abies sibiricaP. obovata taiga development occurred ca. 126.3 ky BP. The maximum spread of birch forest-steppe communities took place at the low altitudes ca. 126.5–125.5 ky BP and Pinus sylvestris started to form forests in the northern Baikal area after ca. 124.4 ky BP. Re-expansion of the steppe communities, as well as shrubby alder and willow communities and the disappearance of forest vegetation occurred at about 117.4 ky BP, suggesting the end of the interglacial succession. The changes in the pollen assemblages recorded in the sediments from northern Baikal point to a certain instability of the interglacial climate. Three phases of climate deterioration have been distinguished: 126–125.5, 121.5–120, and 119.5–119 ky BP. The penultimate cooling signal may be correlated with the cool oscillation recorded in European pollen records. However, such far distant correlation requires more careful investigation.  相似文献   

Declining biological production as a part of an ongoing land degradation process is considered a severe environmental problem in the dry northern and northwestern regions of China. The aim of this study is to develop and adapt a satellite data-driven gross primary production model called Lund University light use efficiency model (LULUE) to temperate conditions in order to map gross primary production (GPP) for the Grasslands of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (IMAR), China, from 1982 to 1999. The water stress factor included in the original model has been complemented with two temperature stress factors. In addition, algorithms that allocate the proportions of C3/C4 photosynthetic pathways used by plants and that compute temperature-based C3 maximum efficiency values have been incorporated in the model.The applied light use efficiency (LUE) model is using time series of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), CLouds from AVHRR (CLAVR) from the 8-km resolution NOAA Pathfinder Land Data Set (PAL). Quasi-daily rainfall and monthly minimum and maximum temperatures, together with soil texture information, are used to compute water limitations to plant growth. The model treats bare soil evaporation and actual transpiration separately, a refinement that is more biophysically realistic, and leads to enhanced precision in our water stress term, especially across vegetation gradients.Based on ground measurements of net primary production (NPP) at one site, the LULUE reproduces the variability of primary production better than CENTURY or NDVI alone. Mean annual GPP between 1982 and 1999 range from about 100 g/m2 in desert regions in the west to about 4000 g/m2 in the northeast of IMAR, and the coefficient of variation for GPP is highest near the margins of the deserts in the west where rainfall is erratic. Linear trends fitted through the 18-year time series reveal that the western regions have encountered no change, while a large area in the center of the IMAR shows marked increases in GPP. In the northeast, negative trends in GPP are noted and coincide with rainfall trends. Though the high inter-annual variability in primary production undermines the identification of significant trends, we could not isolate any general decline in grassland primary production.  相似文献   

Late Glacial to Holocene ice retreat was investigated along a 120 km long fjord system, reaching from Gran Campo Nevado (GCN) to Seno Skyring in the southernmost Andes (53°S). The aim was to improve the knowledge on regional and global control on glacier recession with special emphasis on latitudinal shifting of the westerlies. The timing of ice retreat was derived from peat and sediment cores, using mineralogical and chemical characteristics, and pollen as proxies. Stratigraphy was based on 14C-AMS ages and tephrochronology. The ice retreat of the Seno Skyring Glacier lobe is marked by an ice rafted debris layer which was formed around 18,300 to 17,500 cal. yr B.P. Subsequently, fast glacier retreat occurred until around 15,000 to 14,000 cal. yr B.P. during which around 84% of Skyring Glacier were lost. This fast recession was probably also triggered by an increase of the Equilibrium Line Altitude (ELA) from 200 to 300 m. Subsequently, the ice surface was lowered below the ELA in an area that previously made up more than 50% of the accumulation area. Much slower retreat and glacier fluctuations of limited extent in the fjord channel system northeast of GCN occurred between around 14,000 to 11,000 cal. yr B.P. during both the Antarctic Cold Reversal and the Younger Dryas. This slow down of retreat indicates a decline in the general warming trend and/or increased precipitation, due to a southward migration of the westerlies. After around 11,000 cal. yr B.P. pollen distribution shows evolved Magellanic Rainforest and similar climate as at present, which lasted throughout most of the Holocene. Only Late Neoglacial moraine systems were formed in the period 1220–1460 AD, and subsequently in the 1620s AD, and between 1870 and 1910 AD. The results indicate that the Gran Campo Nevado ice cap has reacted more sensitive and partly distinct to climate change, compared to the Patagonian Ice Field.  相似文献   

The mainly endemic phytoplankton record of Lake Baikal has been used in this study to help interpret climate variability during the last 1000 years in central Asia. The diatom record was derived from a short core taken from the south basin and has been shown to be free from any sedimentary heterogeneities. We employ here a diatom-based inference model of snow accumulation on the frozen lake for the first time (r2boot=0.709; RMSEP=0.120 log cm). However, palaeoenvironmental reconstructions have been improved by the use of correction factors, specifically developed for the dominant phytoplankton (Aulacoseira baicalensis, Aulacoseira skvortzowii, Cyclotella minuta, Stephanodiscus meyerii and Synedra acus) in the south basin of Lake Baikal. Cluster analysis identifies three significant zones in the core, zone 1 (c. 880 AD–c. 1180 AD), zone 2 (c. 1180–1840 AD) and zone 3 (c. 1840–1994 AD), coincident with the Medieval Warm Period (MWP), the Little Ice Age (LIA) and the period of recent warming, respectively. Our results indicate that S. acus dominated the diatom phytoplankton within zone 1 coincident with the MWP. S. acus is an opportunistic species that is able to increase its net growth when A. baicalensis does not. During this period, conditions are likely to have been unfavourable for the net increases in A. baicalensis growth due to the persistence of warm water in the lake, together with an increased length of summer stratification and delay in timing of the autumnal overturn. In zone 2, spring diatom crops blooming under the ice declined in abundances due in part to increased winter severity and snow cover on the lake. Accumulating snow on the lake is likely to have arisen from increased anticyclonic activity, resulting in prolonged winters expressed during the LIA. Thick, accumulating snow cover inhibits light penetration through the ice, thereby having negative effects on cell division rate and extent of turbulence underneath the ice. Consequently, only taxa whose net growth occurs during autumn overturn (C. minuta) predominate in the lake at this time. Diatom census data and reconstructions of snow accumulation suggest that warming in the Lake Baikal region started as early as c. 1750 AD, with a shift from taxa that bloom during autumn overturn to assemblages that begin to grow underneath the frozen lake in spring. Very recent increases and subsequent decline of S. acus in the surface sediments of the lake mirror monitoring records of this species over the last 50 years. Our study confirms that, over the last 1000 years, physical processes are important in determining planktonic diatom populations in the lake and highlights the value of integrated plankton, trap, and sediment studies for improving quantitative palaeoenvironmental reconstructions from fossil material.  相似文献   

The application of biomarker climate proxies to lacustrine settings requires a thorough understanding of those processes that give rise to and mediate in the burial and preservation of organic matter in the sediments. This information is to date missing for Lake Baikal in Central Asia. The biogeochemistry of the lake cannot be considered analogous to that in other lacustrine environments given its enormous size, depth, remote location and unique biology. The aim of this paper is to report on the main compound classes in the water column and sediments. As part of an ongoing evaluation of the inputs and fluxes of organic matter in Lake Baikal, we have found that there are significant differences in the inputs and preservation of organic matter between the North and South Basins. Both basins have dominant algal input and a contribution from the terrestrial plants of the lake edges and surrounding environments. However, the concentration of organic material in the sediment traps and sediments of the South Basin is much higher than that of the North Basin. In addition, the South Basin contains much higher proportions of the more labile material than does the North Basin. This is likely due to the South Basin being free of surface ice for a much longer time than the North, and in consequence, primary producers having an overall longer productive season. There is some evidence of microbial activity in the sediment traps and sediments from both the North and South Basins, but it does not appear to be more predominant in one basin than the other. It is probable that the differences in the composition and concentration of biomarkers in sediments between basins is due to the length of and the intensity of the productive season, which is in turn influenced by the climate.  相似文献   

In this account we present estimates of nannofossil fluxes in four sections and one borehole all belonging to the Early Jurassic western Tethys. This study aims to map the distribution of pelagic carbonate production across the Early Toarcian anoxic event (T-OAE), and to understand which environmental parameters did control such production. Our results indicate important changes in carbonate production by nannoplankton occurring within the western Tethys and its variations through time. Nannofossil fluxes (specimens per m2 per year) are extremely low during the T-OAE in all the studied settings. Higher fluxes are encountered in the westernmost part of the Tethys Ocean before the T-OAE, whilst pelagic carbonate production shifted towards the northern margin of the Tethys after the recovery from anoxic conditions. The dramatic decrease in nannoplankton production during the T-OAE has been interpreted in previous works as a biocalcification crisis related to high pCO2 in the atmosphere/hydrosphere system. Although a high pCO2 may have lowered the carbonate saturation state of Early Jurassic oceans and finally hampered biocalcification, we speculate that the most important effects of CO2 increase were indirect, and affected pelagic producers via changes on climate and sea-level. Namely, it seems that precipitation/evaporation budgets and continental runoff that controlled nutrient levels and salinity in surface oceanic waters were important factors for pelagic biocalcifiers.  相似文献   

The paper is concerned with identifying changes in the time series of water and sediment discharge of the Zhujiang (Pearl River), China. The gradual trend test (Mann–Kendall test), and abrupt change test (Pettitt test), have been employed on annual water discharge and sediment load series (from the 1950s–2004) at nine stations in the main channels and main tributaries of the Zhujiang. Both the Mann–Kendall and Pettitt tests indicate that water discharge at all stations in the Zhujiang Basin showed no significant trend or abrupt shift. Annual water discharges are mainly influenced by precipitation variability, while the construction of reservoirs/dams in the Zhujiang Basin had little influence on water discharge. Sediment load, however, showed significant decreasing trends at some stations in the main channel of the Xijiang and Dongjiang. More stations have seen significantly decreasing trends since the 1990s. The decreasing sediment load in the Zhujiang reflects the impacts of reservoir construction in the basin. In contrast, the Liujiang, the second largest tributary of the Xijiang, has experienced a significant upward shift of sediment load around 1991 likely caused by exacerbated rock desertification in the karst regions. The annual sediment load from the Zhujiang (excluding the delta region) to the estuary has declined from 80.4 × 106 t averaged for the period 1957–1995 to 54.0 × 106 t for the period 1996–2004. More specifically, the sediment load declined steadily since the early 1990s so that in 2004 it was about one-third of the mean level of pre-90s. Water discharge and sediment load of the Zhujiang would be more affected by human activities in the future with the further reservoir developments, especially the completion of the Datengxia hydroelectric project, and an intensification of the afforestation policy in the drainage basin.  相似文献   

The history (45–0 ka BP) of the aquatic vegetation composition of the shallow alpine Lake Luanhaizi from the NE Tibetan Plateau is inferred from aquatic plant macrofossil frequencies and aquatic pollen and algae concentrations in the sediments. C/N (range: 0.3–100), δ13C (range: −28 to −15‰), and n-alkane measurements yielded further information on the quantitative composition of sedimentary organic matter. The inferred primary production of the former lake ecosystem has been examined in respect of the alternative stable state theory of shallow lakes [Scheffer, M., 1989. Alternative stable states in eutrophic, shallow freshwater systems: a minimal model. Hydrobiological Bulletin 23, 73–83]. Switches between clear and turbid water conditions are explained by a colder climate and forest decline in the catchment area of Lake Luanhaizi. The macrofossil-based reconstruction of past water depth and salinity ranges, as well as other organic matter (OM) proxies allowed climatic inferences of the summer monsoon intensity during the late Quaternary. Around 45 ka BP, conditions similar to or even moister than present-day climate occurred. The Lake Luanhaizi record is further evidence against an extensive glaciation of the Tibetan Plateau and its bordering mountain ranges during the Last Glacial Maximum. Highest lake levels and consequently a strong summer monsoon are recorded for the early Holocene period, while gradually decreasing lake levels are reconstructed for the middle and late Holocene.  相似文献   

Death Valley, California is today the hottest hyperarid area in the western Hemisphere with temperatures of 57 °C (134 °F) recorded. During the late Quaternary, pluvial Lake Manly covered much of the Valley and contributed to a much more moderate climate. The abrupt draining of Lake Manly in the mid-Holocene and coincident dramatic shifts in temperature and aridity exerted substantial selection pressure on organisms living in this area. Our research investigates the adaptive response of Neotoma (woodrats) to temperature change over the late Quaternary along a steep elevational and environmental gradient. By combining fieldwork, examination of museum specimens, and collection of paleomiddens, our project reconstructs the divergent evolutionary histories of animals from the valley floor and nearby mountain gradients (− 84 to > 3400 m). We report on recent paleomidden work investigating a transition zone in the Grapevine Mountains (Amargosa Range) for two species of woodrats differing significantly in size and habitat preferences: N. lepida, the desert woodrat, and N. cinerea, the bushy-tailed woodrat. Here, at the limits of these species' thermal and ecological thresholds, we demonstrate dramatic fluctuations in the range boundaries over the Holocene as climate shifted. Moreover, we find fundamental differences in the adaptive response of these two species related to the elevation of the site and local microclimate. Results indicate that although N. cinerea are currently extirpated in this area, they were ubiquitous throughout the late Pleistocene and into the middle Holocene. They adapted to climate shifts over this period by phenotypic changes in body mass, as has been demonstrated for other areas within their range; during colder episodes they were larger, and during warmer intervals, animals were smaller. Their presence may have been tied into a much more widespread historical distribution of juniper (Juniperus sp.); we document a downward displacement of approximately 1000 m relative to juniper's modern extent in the Amargosa Range. These results suggest a cooler and more mesic habitat association persisting for longer and at lower elevations than previously reported.  相似文献   

The Gran Campo Nevado (GCN) forms an isolated ice cap on the Península Muñoz Gamero (PMG) located 200 km to the south of the Southern Patagonia Icefield (SPI). We present a glacier inventory of the GCN made up by 27 drainage basins (in total 199.5 km2) and other small cirque and valley glaciers of the southern part of PMG (in total 53 km2). The glacier inventory is based on a digital elevation model (DEM) and ortho-photos. Contour lines from maps, relief information derived from Landsat TM satellite imagery from 1986 and 2002 and stereoscopic data from aerial photos were combined in a knowledge-based scheme to obtain a DEM of the area. A digital ortho-photo map based on aerial photos from 1998 and several ortho-photos based on aerial photos from 1942 and 1984 could be produced from the initial DEM. A geographical information system (GIS) served to outline the extent of the present glaciation. All major glaciers of the GCN show a significant glacier retreat during the last 60 yr. Some of the outlet glaciers lost more than 20% of their total area during this period. Overall glacier retreat amounts to 2.8% of glacier length per decade and the glacier area loss is 2.4% per decade in the period from 1942 to 2002. We hypothesise that GCN glaciers may have reacted faster and more synchronously with the observed warming trend during recent decades when compared with the SPI.  相似文献   

We report observations of the He  i λ 5876 (D3) line in the late A- and early F-type stars in the Pleiades and Alpha Persei star clusters used to determine chromospheric activity levels. This represents the first sample of young stars in this temperature range with chromospheric activity measurements. We find the same average activity level in the young early F stars as in Hyades-age stars and field stars. In addition, the young star sample shows the same large star-to-star variation in activity as seen in the older stars. Thus, as a whole, chromospheric activity in this photospheric temperature range remains the same over nearly a factor of 100 in stellar age (50 Myr to 3 Gyr), in striking contrast to the behaviour of later-type stars. In the five late A stars we find three certain detections of D3 and one likely detection. This includes the bluest star yet observed with a chromospheric D3 line, Pleiades star HII 1362 at ( B − V )0=0.22, making it one of the earliest stars with an observed chromosphere. The late A stars have D3 equivalent widths comparable to the weakest early F stars. However, when comparing D3 measurements in the young late A stars with older late A stars, we find evidence for a slight decrease in activity with age based on the large number of non-detections in the older stars. We find an apparently linear relationship between the activity upper limit and B − V over our entire range of B − V . Extrapolated blueward, this relationship predicts that the chromospheric D3 line would disappear for all stars at B − V ≈0.13.  相似文献   

We present 1D numerical simulations of the very late thermal pulse (VLTP) scenario for a wide range of remnant masses. We show that by taking into account the different possible remnant masses, the observed evolution of V4334 Sgr (a.k.a. Sakurai's object) can be reproduced within the standard 1D mixing length theory (MLT) stellar evolutionary models without the inclusion of any ad hoc reduced mixing efficiency. Our simulations hint at a consistent picture with present observations of V4334 Sgr. From energetics, and within the standard MLT approach, we show that low-mass remnants  ( M ≲ 0.6 M)  are expected to behave markedly differently from higher mass remnants  ( M ≳ 0.6 M)  in the sense that the latter remnants are not expected to expand significantly as a result of the violent H-burning that takes place during the VLTP. We also assess the discrepancy in the born-again times obtained by different authors by comparing the energy that can be liberated by H-burning during the VLTP event.  相似文献   

The European Space Agency Rosetta Spacecraft passed within 803 km of the main belt asteroid (2867) Steins on 5 September 2008. The Rosetta Spacecraft carries a number of scientific instruments including a millimeter and submillimeter radiometer and spectrometer. The instrument, named MIRO (Microwave Instrument for the Rosetta Orbiter), consists of a 30-cm diameter, offset parabolic reflector telescope followed by two heterodyne receivers. Center-band operating frequencies of the receivers are near 190 GHz (1.6 mm) and 562 GHz (0.53 mm). Broadband continuum channels are implemented in both frequency bands for the measurement of near surface temperatures and temperature gradients. A 4096 channel CTS (chirp transform spectrometer) having 180 MHz total bandwidth and ∼44 kHz resolution is also connected to the submillimeter receiver. We present the continuum observations of asteroid (2867) Steins obtained during the fly-by with the MIRO instrument. Spectroscopic data were also collected during the fly-by using the MIRO spectrometer fixed-tuned to rotational lines of several molecules. Results of the spectroscopic investigation will be the topic of a separate publication.Comparative thermal models and radiative transfer calculations for Steins are presented. Emissivities of Steins were determined to be 0.6-0.7 and 0.85-0.9 at wavelengths of 0.53 and 1.6 mm, respectively. The thermal inertia of Steins was estimated to be in the range 450-850 J/(m2 s0.5 K). Assuming that the emissivity of Steins is determined by the Fresnel reflection coefficients of the surface material, the area-averaged dielectric constant of the surface material is in the range 4-20. These values are rock-like, and are unlike the powdered-regolith surface of the Moon.  相似文献   

Debris-flow activity on the forested cone of the Ritigraben torrent (Valais, Swiss Alps) was assessed from growth disturbances in century-old trees, providing an unusually complete record of past events and deposition of material. The study of 2246 tree-ring sequences sampled from 1102 Larix decidua Mill., Picea abies (L.) Karst. and Pinus cembra ssp. sibirica trees allowed reconstruction of 123 events since AD 1566. Geomorphic mapping permitted identification of 769 features related to past debris-flow activity on the intermediate cone. The features inventoried in the study area covering 32 ha included 291 lobes, 465 levées and 13 well-developed debris-flow channels. Based on tree-ring records of disturbed trees growing in or next to the deposits, almost 86% of the lobes identified on the present-day surface could be dated. A majority of the dated material was deposited over the last century. Signs of pre-20th century events are often recognizable in the tree-ring record of survivor trees, but the material that caused the growth anomaly in trees has been completely overridden or eroded by more recent debris-flow activity.Tree-ring records suggest that cool summers with frequent snowfalls at higher elevations regularly prevented the release of debris flows between the 1570s and 1860s; the warming trend combined with greater precipitation totals in summer and autumn between 1864 and 1895 provided conditions that were increasingly favorable for releasing events from the source zone. Enhanced debris-flow activity continued well into the 20th century and reconstructions show a clustering of events in the period 1916–1935 when warm–wet conditions prevailed during summer in the Swiss Alps. In contrast, very low activity is observed for the last 10-yr period (1996–2005) with only one debris-flow event recorded on August 27, 2002. Since sediment availability is not a limiting factor, this temporal absence of debris-flow activity is due to an absence of triggering events, which not only shifted from June and July to August and September over the 20th century, but also seemed to be initiated primarily by persistent precipitation rather than summer thunderstorms. From the reconstructions, based on RCM simulations, there are indications that debris-flow frequencies might continue to decrease in the future, as precipitation events are projected to occur less frequently in summer but become more common in spring or autumn.  相似文献   

The Cassini Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) is an imaging spectrometer covering the wavelength range 0.3-5.2 μm in 352 spectral channels, with a nominal instantaneous field of view of 0.5 mrad. The Cassini flyby of Jupiter represented a unique opportunity to accomplish two important goals: scientific observations of the jovian system and functional tests of the VIMS instrument under conditions similar to those expected to obtain during Cassini's 4-year tour of the saturnian system. Results acquired over a complete range of visual to near-infrared wavelengths from 0.3 to 5.2 μm are presented. First detections include methane fluorescence on Jupiter, a surprisingly high opposition surge on Europa, the first visual-near-IR spectra of Himalia and Jupiter's optically-thin ring system, and the first near-infrared observations of the rings over an extensive range of phase angles (0-120°). Similarities in the center-to-limb profiles of H+3 and CH4 emissions indicate that the H+3 ionospheric density is solar-controlled outside of the auroral regions. The existence of jovian NH3 absorption at 0.93 μm is confirmed. Himalia has a slightly reddish spectrum, an apparent absorption near 3 μm, and a geometric albedo of 0.06±0.01 at 2.2 μm (assuming an 85-km radius). If the 3-μm feature in Himalia's spectrum is eventually confirmed, it would be suggestive of the presence of water in some form, either free, bound, or incorporated in layer-lattice silicates. Finally, a mean ring-particle radius of 10 μm is found to be consistent with Mie-scattering models fit to VIMS near-infrared observations acquired over 0-120° phase angle.  相似文献   

Hale-Bopp (C/1995 O1) was the most productive recent comet observed in terms of gas and dust output. Since its discovery in 1995 at a distance of 7.14 AU from the Sun, the comet has been well observed, revealing the dynamics of a rare and large comet. Hale-Bopp showed strong emissions of the principle cometary gases CN, C3, and C2, as well as an abundance of dust. The production rates of these gases were found to be 1.45×1028, 1.71×1028, and , respectively, with dust production, in terms of Afρ, , as measured in the green continuum (5260 Å). The observations for this paper are presented in two groups spanning 10 days each, one group centered near 32 days prior to and the other 21 days after perihelion. The averages of dust and gas production rates show a slightly higher value for each prior to perihelion than after perihelion, consistent with a possible peak in production a few weeks prior to perihelion passage.  相似文献   

Mursula  K.  Zieger  B.  Vilppola  J.H. 《Solar physics》2003,212(1):201-207
Several recent studies have reported quasi-periodicities with a period between 1 and 2 years (to be called here `mid-term quasi-periodicities') in various heliospheric parameters, like solar wind speed, interplanetary magnetic field, cosmic rays, and geomagnetic activity. Here we study their long-term occurrence in geomagnetic activity using an extended aa index which covers the last 15 solar cycles. We confirm their intermittent occurrence and the alternation of their dominant period between a slightly shorter period of about 1.2–1.4 years and a slightly longer period of about 1.5–1.7 years. We find that the mid-term quasi-periodicities were strong during two intervals of high solar activity: in the mid-19th century and since 1930. Instead, contrary to earlier studies, we find that they were consistently weak during low solar activity from 1860s to 1920s. This implies a long-term connection between the amplitude of mid-term quasi-periodicities and the solar dynamo strength. Since the rotation speed at the bottom of the solar convection layer (tachocline) has recently been found to vary at a mid-term periodicity, this suggests that the stronger the solar dynamo is, the more variable the rotation rate of the tachocline is. We also note that the disappearance of mid-term periodicities may be used as a precursor for long intervals of very weak solar activity, like great minima.  相似文献   

We investigated three comets, which are active at large heliocentric distances, using observations obtained at the 6-m BTA telescope (SAO RAS, Russia) in the photometric mode of the focal reducer SCORPIO. The three comets, 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1, C/2003 WT42 (LINEAR), and C/2002 VQ94 (LINEAR), were observed after their perihelion passages at heliocentric distances between 5.5 and 7.08 AU. The dust production rates in terms of Afρ was measured for these comets. Using the retrieved values, an average dust production rate was derived under different model assumptions. A tentative calculation of the total mass loss of the comet nucleus within a certain observation period was executed. We calculated the corresponding thickness of the depleted uppermost layer where high-volatile ices completely sublimated. The results obtained in our study strongly support the idea that the observed activity of Comet SW1 requires a permanent demolition of the upper surface layers.  相似文献   

Using the mixing length theory we give expressions for turbulence pressure and the equation of state and various thermodynamic quantities when turbulence is included. On this basis we examined the size of turbulence in the evolution of two stars of masses 2.8 and 7.0M from the main sequence to the red giant and the AGB stages, Our results show that in the late stages the turbulence pressure near the surface of the star can be as much as 30% of the total pressure.  相似文献   

The depositional and erosional history of the Lapis Tiburtinus endogenic travertine located circa 25 km to the east of Rome, Central Italy, near the Colli Albani quiescent volcano, is interpreted through three-dimensional stratigraphy and uranium-series geochronology. Analyses of large exposures located in active quarries and of cores obtained from 114 industrial wells reveal that the travertine deposit is about 20 km2 wide and 60 m thick on average. The travertine thickness is over 85 m toward its western N–S-elongated side, where thermal springs and large sinkholes occur aligned over a seismically-active N-striking fault. The travertine age was calculated using the U/Th isochron method. Results constrain the onset and conclusion of travertine deposition at about 115 and 30 ka, respectively. The three-dimensional study of the travertine shows that this deposit is characterized by a succession of depositional benches grown in an aggradational fashion. The benches are separated by five main erosional surfaces, which are associated with paleosols, conglomerates, and karstic features. This evidence shows that the travertine evolution was mostly controlled by water table fluctuations. Chronological correlations between travertine evolution and paleoclimate indicators suggest that the travertine deposition was partly modulated by climate conditions. Other influencing factors may have been fault-related deformation and volcanic events.  相似文献   

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