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The 1996 Sulawesi Tsunami   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
On 1 January, 1996 at 16:05 p.m. local time, an earthquake of magnitude M = 7.8 struck the central part of Sulawesi Island (Indonesia). It was accompanied by tsunami waves 2–4 m high. Nine people were killed and 63 were injured. A tsunami survey was conducted by Indonesian and Russian specialists. The measured tsunami runup heights and eyewitness accounts are reported and discussed. Historical data on the Sulawesi Island tsunamis are analysed and tsunami risk prediction in the central part of Sulawesi Island carried out for the first time.  相似文献   

The first 7 years of the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program (NTHMP) have had a significant positive impact on operations of the Richard H. Hagemeyer Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC). As a result of its seismic project, the amount and quality of real-time seismic data flowing into PTWC has increased dramatically, enabling more rapid, accurate, and detailed analyses of seismic events with tsunamigenic potential. Its tsunameter project is now providing real-time tsunameter data from seven strategic locations in the deep ocean to more accurately measure tsunami waves as they propagate from likely source regions toward shorelines at risk. These data have already been used operationally to help evaluate potential tsunami threats. A new type of tsunami run-up gauge has been deployed in Hawaii to more rapidly assess local tsunamis. Lastly, numerical modeling of tsunamis done with support from the NTHMP is beginning to provide tools for real-time tsunami forecasting that should reduce the incidence of unnecessary warnings and provide more accurate forecasts for destructive tsunamis.  相似文献   

The tsunami run-up, inundation and damage pattern observed along the coast of Tamilnadu (India) during the deadliest Indian Ocean tsunami of December 26, 2004 is documented in this paper. The tsunami caused severe damage and claimed many victims in the coastal areas of eleven countries, bordering the Indian Ocean. Along the coast of Indian mainland, the damage was caused by the tsunami only. Largest tsunami run-up and inundation was observed along the coast of Nagapattinam district and was about 10–12 m and 3.0 km, respectively. The measured inundation data were strongly scattered in direct relationship to the morphology of the seashore and the tsunami run-up. Lowest tsunami run-up and inundation was measured along the coast of Thanjavur, Puddukkotai and Ramnathpuram districts of Tamilnadu in the Palk Strait. The presence of shadow of Sri Lanka, the interferences of direct/receded waves with the reflected waves from Sri Lanka and Maldive Islands and variation in the width of continental shelf were the main cause of large variation in tsunami run-up along the coast of Tamilnadu.  相似文献   

During a tsunami emergency numerous local authorities responsible for the security oflocal persons and businesses which function in the coastal zone are required to makecritical decisions within a very short time frame. It is known that the consequencesof the situation will depend on the quality and quantity of decisions which they makeor allow to occur at the critical time. Based on this concept, the Local System of Tsunami Alert (SLAT; Spanish) was developed. This is a computational tool designed for the automatic implementation of integral management for an emergency of this type.The System is able to immediately evaluate possible risks and determine thetype of alert represented (Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Celeste) if relevantdata such as coordinates of the epicenter, magnitude, date, and origin of theearthquake (>6.5° on the Richter scale) threatening the Pacific areknown. Other relevant data include location of the coastal or marine epicentreand the superficial hypocenter. The relevant data may now be obtained fromthe internet from international seismological services, and fed into the programto give the most probable time for arrival of the first wave train at a given pointof interest, whether this be a port, bathing area, generating plant, or coastal city.The program also gives the time required for the first wave train to arrive at agiven coast, and displays a menu of previously planned actions to be taken accordingto the type of alert. It also permits dissemination of a bulletin with critical data and action plans by fax or e-mail to scattered users as well as for storage on the computer disc. The system is designed in a way that the user always confirms with authorities that anevent has in fact been generated. On a local scale, the user is required to prepare an operative emergency plan of action to be followed by his company, community, or municipality, to be followed for each type of alert.The System permits carrying out test exercises with the users, as well as simulationof past events. Knowledge concerning past events permits understanding correctdesign of emergency action plans for mitigation of potential present and future events.This software is specifically designed for the Pacific Coast of South America, and isprepared in Spanish, with the intention of improving responses of inhabitants of coastalareas to the potential threat from tsunamis.  相似文献   

In 1997, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and the five western States of Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, and Washington joined in a partnership called the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program (NTHMP) to enhance the quality and quantity of seismic data provided to the NOAA tsunami warning centers in Alaska and Hawaii. The NTHMP funded a seismic project that now provides the warning centers with real-time seismic data over dedicated communication links and the Internet from regional seismic networks monitoring earthquakes in the five western states, the U.S. National Seismic Network in Colorado, and from domestic and global seismic stations operated by other agencies. The goal of the project is to reduce the time needed to issue a tsunami warning by providing the warning centers with high-dynamic range, broadband waveforms in near real time. An additional goal is to reduce the likelihood of issuing false tsunami warnings by rapidly providing to the warning centers parametric information on earthquakes that could indicate their tsunamigenic potential, such as hypocenters, magnitudes, moment tensors, and shake distribution maps. New or upgraded field instrumentation was installed over a 5-year period at 53 seismic stations in the five western states. Data from these instruments has been integrated into the seismic network utilizing Earthworm software. This network has significantly reduced the time needed to respond to teleseismic and regional earthquakes. Notably, the West Coast/Alaska Tsunami Warning Center responded to the 28 February 2001 Mw 6.8 Nisqually earthquake beneath Olympia, Washington within 2 minutes compared to an average response time of over 10 minutes for the previous 18 years.  相似文献   

Tsunami education activities, materials, and programs are recognized by the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program (NTHMP) as the essential tool for near-source tsunami mitigation. Prior to the NTHMP, there were no state tsunami education programs outside of Hawaii and few earthquake education materials included tsunami hazards. In the first year of the NTHMP, a Strategic Plan was developed providing the framework for mitigation projects in the program. The Strategic Plan identifies education as the first of five mitigation strategic planning areas and targets a number of user groups, including schools, businesses, tourists, seasonal workers, planners, government officials, and the general public. In the 6 years of the NTHMP tsunami education programs have been developed in all five Pacific States and include print, electronic and video/film products, curriculum, signage, fairs and workshops, and public service announcements. Multi-state education projects supported by the NTHMP include TsuInfo, a bi-monthly newsletter, and Surviving a Tsunami, a booklet illustrating lessons from the 1960 Chilean tsunami. An additional education component is provided by the Public Affairs Working Group (PAWG) that promotes media coverage of tsunamis and the NTHMP. Assessment surveys conducted in Oregon, Washington, and Northern California show an increase in tsunami awareness and recognition of tsunami hazards among the general population since the NTHMP inception.  相似文献   

航空三维磁梯度测量方案研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张青杉 《地质与勘探》2010,46(6):1087-1091
本文概略介绍了航空三维磁梯度测量的发展现状,指出了实施航空三维磁梯度测量所应着力解决的几个问题,包括基本装置及其计算方法、探头一致性、探头姿态以及固定翼磁补偿问题等,并针对当前状况提出了用于大比例尺或中-大比例尺航空三维磁梯度测量的具体方案,大胆引入了正四面体测量装置,并将陀螺仪数据同步至原航测数据之中,既可大幅度提高测量精度及数据稳定性,同时可解决同点三梯度的数值计算问题,对后续数据处理、成图、解释均具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Sea level measurements along the southeastern Brazilian coast, between 20° S and 30° S, show the effect of the Sumatra Tsunami of December 26, 2004. Two records from stations, one located inside an estuary and other inside a bay, shows oscillations of about 0.20 m range; one additional record from a station facing the open sea shows up to 1.2 m range oscillations. These oscillations have around 45 min period, starting 20–22 h after the Sumatra earthquake in the Indian Ocean (00:59 UTC) and lasting for 2 days. A computer modelling of the event reproduces the time of arrival of long shallow-water tsunami waves at the southeastern Brazilian coast but with slight longer period and amplitudes smaller than observed at the coast, probably due to its coarse resolution (1/4 of a degree). The high amplitudes observed at the coast suggest a mechanism of amplification of these waves over the southeastern Brazilian shelf.  相似文献   

A tsunamigenic sediment layer has been discovered in fluvio-alluvial sequences on the northern coast of the Marmara Sea, northwestern Turkey. The layer consists of unsorted silty coarse sand including terrestrial molluscs and charcoal fragments. The AMS radiometric ages of the shells have been estimated at around BC 400, AD 300, AD 400, and AD 1000. We propose that a tsunami occurred in the Marmara Sea in the middle of 11th century and invaded the fluvial plains. The older fossils were derived from the underlying horizons, and it is probable that buoyant materials such as terrestrial molluscs and charcoals were isolated from liquefied sediments during submarine sliding. Slope failure of coastal blocks triggered by fault movement generated tsunamis, which might have transported floating materials to the backshore.  相似文献   

试用地球系统科学观解读2004年印度洋地震海啸   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吕林素 《地球学报》2007,28(2):209-217
2004年印度洋地震海啸是本世纪初全球发生的最为惨重的自然灾害.这次地震海啸涉及地球的岩石圈、水圈、大气圈和生物圈,甚至还有地外星球和月球的作用,造成能量与物质之间的相互转化与传递,说明地球是一个完整的统一整体.因此,对地震海啸等自然灾害必须采用地球系统科学观进行分析和研究,找出彼此之间的相互关系、形成机制和演化规律,并用信息化、全球化和可持续发展的地球科学观来研究和防御地震海啸.  相似文献   

韩彬  林法祥  丁宇  陈发荣  高伟  李倩  郑立 《岩矿测试》2019,38(4):429-437
随着我国沿海经济的快速发展,人类活动强度不断加剧,对海洋生态系统的干扰和破坏不断加剧。为了解海州湾近岸海域水质状况,本文于2016年4月、9月对海州湾近岸海域表层海水的温度、盐度、pH值、悬浮物(SS)、溶解氧(DO)、化学需氧量(CODMn)、亚硝酸盐(NO2--N)、硝酸盐(NO3--N)、铵氮(NH4+-N)、活性磷酸盐(PO34--P)、铜、铅、锌、镉、石油类等指标进行了两次采样调查,应用分光光度法和ICP-MS等技术分析各指标;应用单因子法、富营养化指数法和有机污染指数法对该海域海水的质量状况进行了评价分析,以期为研究区环境预警、环境管理和保护提供依据。结果表明:研究海域表层海水中CODMn在4月均值为1. 34mg/L,9月为1. 22mg/L;石油类4月均值为0. 031mg/L,9月为0. 034mg/L;活性磷酸盐4月均值为0. 013mg/L,9月为0. 012mg/L;溶解无机氮4月均值为0. 34mg/L,9月为0. 16mg/L; CODMn、石油类、活性磷酸盐、溶解无机氮的质量浓度大致呈现出由西南部向东北部海域降低的趋势,且无机氮总体浓度水平较高,为该海域主要的污染物。根据营养化评价模式和有机污染指数计算结果,本研究认为海州湾近岸海域表层水质总体营养水平较高,处于氮限制的潜在性富营养水平,有机污染程度属于Ⅱ级,水质已受到污染。  相似文献   

福建省沿海经济带多目标地球化学调查成果及应用前景   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
林才浩 《福建地质》2005,24(1):1-11
福建省沿海经济带多目标地球化学调查为全国多目标生态农业地球化学调查计划的一部分,将区域地球化学调查引入新的领域。介绍了该项目的土壤地球化学参数、异常分布特征及初步评价结果,对今后在农业、环境评价、矿产勘查等方面的应用前景进行了探讨。  相似文献   

This Paper discusses the origin of the Coastal Zone Loess on the Liaodong Peninsula, Liaoning Province.The loess is composed mainly of proximal materials transported by low-altitude air flow and less commonly ofinland distal materials carried by high-altitude air flow. The main provenance is the Liaodong Bay. When thesea level declined during glacial period, the bottoms of the Liaodong Bay and Bohai Sea emerged, wheredesertization occurred. As a result, submarine sediments were transported by strong northwesterly winds to theeastern coastal zone of the peninsula and deposited there. These materials mixed with the windblown dust car-ried by atmospheric circulation from the interior of the continent, forming the loess.  相似文献   

杜晓敏  周平  常勇  郑人瑞  夏烨 《地质通报》2020,39(2-3):414-423
美国地质调查局立足于地球系统科学专长,于1994年起领导并实施了国家海岸带和海洋地质计划(CMGP),旨在为海岸带繁荣提供地球科学信息和解决方案。CMGP统筹海陆,在实践中形成了"整合科学"的研究模式,以及"全国统筹规划,聚焦区域需求,湾区河口先导"的空间发展格局。CMGP结合问题导向和兴趣导向调整工作重点,聚焦五项科学需求:整合科学、全国统筹、地质过程、变化及灾害、生态服务,形成了相对稳定的四大研究方向。CMGP认为,海岸带问题的解决,需要向内陆扩展,向流域、山脉探寻地质作用根源,为此建立了"海岸省"的概念。借鉴美国地质调查局的经验,对中国海岸带地质研究提出四点建议:一是科学分区,二是湾区先导,三是技术创新,四是支撑修复。  相似文献   

Moon  I.-J.  Oh  I. S.  Murty  T.  Youn  Y.-H. 《Natural Hazards》2003,29(3):485-500
On 19 August 1997 Typhoon Winnie brought unusually strong and extensive coastal flooding from storm surges to the west coast of Korea, which was farenough from the typhoon's center to lack significant local wind and pressure forcing.Sea levels at some tidal stations broke 36-year records and resulted in property damages of $18,000,000. This study investigated the causes of the unusual high sea levels by using an Astronomical-Meteorological Index (AMI) and a coupled ocean wave-circulation model developed by the present authors. The AMI analysis and the numerical simulation of the surge event showed that the major cause of the high sea levels was not the standard inverse barometric effect supplemented by water piling up along the coast by the wind field of the typhoon as is usual for a typical storm surge, but rather an enhanced tidal forcing from the perigean spring tide and water transported into the Yellow Sea by the currents generated by the typhoon. The numerical results also indicated that the transported water accounted for about 50% of the increased sea levels. Another cause for the coastal flooding was the resonance coupling of the Yellow Sea (with a natural normal mode period of 37.8 h) and the predominant period of the surge (36.5 h).  相似文献   

多波地震勘探中PSV波的识别技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当地震波非垂直入射并在地下存在波阻抗差时,就会产生转换波。由于转换波和入射波之间存在差异,所以可以利用其差异对其进行分离识别。主要介绍了几种PSV波的分离识别方法,并用极化滤波法对波场进行分离识别。  相似文献   

This study reveals the three‐dimensional morphology and syn‐sedimentary formation processes of a deformation structure termed ‘truncated flame structures’ which is found in a terrestrial tsunami deposit in southern Thailand that formed during the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami. The structure was found at the boundary between a lower fine‐grained layer and an upper coarse‐grained layer that are related to two runup events. In order to confirm the morphology of the structure, the authors excavated two trenches and an opencast pit. When viewed in a cross‐section oriented parallel to the direction of the runup current, the deformed boundary has an irregularly bulging profile, similar to that observed in flame structures. The protruding structures are inclined towards the downstream direction of the runup current, and are truncated horizontally along their upper surface by parallel laminations in the overlying layer. When viewed in a cross‐section oriented perpendicular to the current direction, it appears that parts of the upper layer descend into the lower layer as lobate masses. In places, these masses are completely detached from the main part of the upper layer, forming circular or elliptical shapes. The contact between the lower layer and the main part of the upper layer is a planar truncation surface. Opencast excavation of the contact surface revealed that the deformed structures have flat, sinuous horseshoe crests that open in a downstream direction. It is possible for the runup current to generate shear stress such that it deforms the boundary into a truncated flame structure. Moreover, the observations made in this study indicate the syn‐sedimentary development of the structure: deformation and truncation occurred simultaneously in association with the runup current that formed the upper layer. Truncated flame structures can be used as a criterion in identifying the syn‐sedimentary deformation of substrate: the structures are indicative of unidirectional flow with sufficiently high shear velocity to deform unconsolidated substrate. As in the present case, the truncated flame structures may be characteristic of tsunami events that involve strong unidirectional currents on land due to the extraordinarily long wave period of tsunamis, rather than other events such as storm surges or flooding.  相似文献   

This paper examines flood frequencies in three coastal sectors of Britain and analyses the associated storm tracks and their principal pathways. The results indicate that the east coast of Britain has suffered most floods over the last 200 years. The frequencies of flood incidents in the south and southwest coast of Britain have increased, particularly during the 20th century, whereas on the west coast flood frequencies have declined. Three distinctive pathways of storm track are identified, related to flood incidents in each coastal sector. A southern pathway in a corridor along the 55° N parallel is associated with flood incidents recorded on the south and southwest coast, whilst storms that are associated with floods on the west coast concentrate along the 60° N parallel. The relationship between the frequencies of floods and climatic variations needs to be explored further. However, the development of coastal settlements has certainly increased vulnerability, and hence the risk of flood disasters.  相似文献   

综合考虑了海底淤泥层的弹性储水系数、海潮荷载效应和渗透性,对海底露头处具有淤泥层的滨海承压含水层系统中海潮引起的水头波动进行分析,给出了相应的数学模型,并推导出其解析解,讨论了淤泥层弹性储水对于水头波动的影响.分析表明,当淤泥层的厚度或弹性储水系数较小时,或者其渗透性较好时,可以忽略其弹性储水效应,从而把整个淤泥层简化为第三类边界条件来处理.文章还考虑了承压含水层和淤泥层中可能存在的垂向流动,对垂向剖面二维地下水流动方程进行了数值模拟,将二维数值解与忽略垂向流动的一维解析解进行了比较,结果表明该含水层系统的垂向流动是可以被忽略的.  相似文献   

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