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In this article,we analyze the characters of SV-component receiver function of teleseismic body waves and its advantages in mapping the S-wave velocity structure of crust in detail.Similar to radial receiver function,SV-component receiver function can be obtained by directly deconvolving the P-component from the SV-component of teleseismic recordings.Our analyses indicate that the change of amplitude of SV-component receiver function against the change of epicentral distance is less than that of radial receiver function.Moreover,the waveform of SV-component receiver function is simpler than the radial receiver function and gives prominence to the PS converted phases that are the most sensitive to the shear wave velocity structure in the inversion.The synthetic tests show that the convergence of SV-component receiver function inversion is faster than tnat of the radial receiver function inversion.As an example,we investigate the S-wave velocity structure beneath HIA sta-tion by using the SV-component receiver function inversion method.  相似文献   

The Wudalianchi volcano is a modern volcano erupted since the Holocene.Its frequent occurrence of the small earthquake is considered to be indicator of active dormancy volcano.The S wave velocity structure is inferred from the receiver function for the crust and upper mantle of the Wudalianchi volcano area.The results show that the low velocity structure of Swave is widely distributed undemeath the volcano area and part of the low-velocity-zone located at shallow depth in the Wudalianchi volcano area.The low velocity structure is related to the seismicity.The Moho interface is not clear undemeath the volcano area,which may be regard to be an nec-essary condition for the lava upwelling.Therefore,we infer that the Wudalianchi volcano has the deep structural condition for the volcano activity and may be alive again.  相似文献   

利用西安数字遥测地震台网记录的数字地震资料.采用P↑-波初动半周期方法.得到了渭河断陷盆地及邻近地区的Q值分布。结果表明,Q值分布与20km深度P↑-波速度分布有较好的一致性.并与该区域的地震活动性密切相关。  相似文献   

孙若昧  刘福田 《地球物理学报》1995,38(05):599-607,694
用1984-1991年发生在京津唐地区(37°-41°N,112.5°-120°E)的2505个地震的22234条P波到时进行的层析成像,揭示了地震活动性与速度图像间的联系:1.公元1000年以来该区强震震中在上地壳的投影大多分布在高速块体内或高速块体与低速块体相交地带,偏高速体的一侧.2.唐山地震和三河-平谷地震所处的构造背景相似,均未依傍大断层,处在介质速度变化剧烈部位.3.宁河与唐山、滦县分别位于规模大小、位置深浅不同的两个不同的高速块体处,可以解释唐山地震序列震源深度分布东北浅西南深的总体特征.4.唐山地震可能是由一条北西向的地下隐伏断层扩展的结果.  相似文献   

用1984-1991年发生在京津唐地区(37°-41°N,112.5°-120°E)的2505个地震的22234条P波到时进行的层析成像,揭示了地震活动性与速度图像间的联系:1.公元1000年以来该区强震震中在上地壳的投影大多分布在高速块体内或高速块体与低速块体相交地带,偏高速体的一侧.2.唐山地震和三河-平谷地震所处的构造背景相似,均未依傍大断层,处在介质速度变化剧烈部位.3.宁河与唐山、滦县分别位于规模大小、位置深浅不同的两个不同的高速块体处,可以解释唐山地震序列震源深度分布东北浅西南深的总体特征.4.唐山地震可能是由一条北西向的地下隐伏断层扩展的结果.  相似文献   

李少睿 《高原地震》2000,12(3):39-43
利用西安数字地震遥测台网记录资料,通过对波形、P波与S波振幅比等方面进行对比分析,找出陕西及邻区地震与爆破的区别。  相似文献   

用近震资料反演京津唐地区的地壳三维速度结构   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
用近震资料能得到在水平向和垂直向分辨率较高的地壳速度结构。计算过程中,分别进行定位和速度结构反演的运算,叠代求解。利用北京电信传输台网的资料,用ACH方法对发生在该地区的147个地震进行定位。根据P波和Pn波的走时数据,用SIRT方法反演地壳的维速度结构。SIRT方法具有物理意义清晰,计算速度快的特点,在微机上即可实现大数据量的反演计算。数值模拟结果显示,SIRT方法的反演结果也是比较理想的。为反  相似文献   

京津唐地区地壳结构与强震的发生──I.P波速度结构   总被引:22,自引:5,他引:22  
孙若昧  刘福田 《地球物理学报》1995,38(5):599-607,T001
用1984-1991年发生在京津唐地区(37°-41°N,112.5°-120°E)的2505个地震的22234条P波到时进行的层析成像,揭示了地震活动性与速度图像间的联系:1.公元1000年以来该区强震震中在上地壳的投影大多分布在高速块体内或高速块体与低速块体相交地带,偏高速体的一侧.2.唐山地震和三河-平谷地震所处的构造背景相似,均未依傍大断层,处在介质速度变化剧烈部位.3.宁河与唐山、滦县分别位于规模大小、位置深浅不同的两个不同的高速块体处,可以解释唐山地震序列震源深度分布东北浅西南深的总体特征.4.唐山地震可能是由一条北西向的地下隐伏断层扩展的结果.  相似文献   

2014年9月晋冀蒙临时地震台网正式运行,为晋冀蒙交界地区的地震研究提供了丰富的资料。结合临时台与固定台记录的P波走时资料,采用双差层析成像方法对该区进行地震重定位和三维P波速度结构联合反演,分析该区3个典型盆地的速度扰动结果,结果表明,地震重定位残差显著降低,震源深度分布更加合理;P波速度浅层基本符合平原地区低速、山区高速的特点,深层则有相反表现,典型盆地P波速度在浅层较为复杂,高低速相间,深层表现为低速;研究时段内忻定盆地和延怀盆地地震活动密集,大同盆地地震活动较弱,低速体及边缘地震活动强度高于高速体及边缘。  相似文献   

青藏高原北缘地区上地幔P波速度结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王凯  姚振兴 《中国地震》1991,7(2):37-46
本文利用长周期P波波形资料,通过拟合理论地震图的方法研究了青藏高原北缘东侧区和西侧区的上地幔P波速度结构。结果表明,在这两个区域的上地幔结构中均存在P波低速层,且盖层的厚度较薄,在405km和670km深处均有P波速度的一级间断面。在670km深处这两个地区的速度结构仍有差异。  相似文献   

Using the techniques of seismic tomography three-dimensional velocity images at crust and upper mantle in Yunnan province and its adjacent region have been successfully reconstructed. The results of image are: (1) The image of the velocity in the upper crust is closely related to the well-known geological structure of the surface, the Kangdian earth axis is a distinct high velocity area, and a high velocity rock stratum, which appoaching the surface of the earth, has been formed. (2) There is a low-velocity layer between 26°–31°N and 100°–104°E in deep crust, the depth of Moho discontinuity in Sichuan bass in is less than 50 km. (3) The results of seismological tomography not only reveal the lateral heterogeneity in the researched region, but also find approximately the strike of Honghe fault from the image at bottom of crust, and the velocity in both side of the fault are different obviously. (4) There is a low-velocity column within 25 km to 110 km in Tengchong region, which may be occured by upward moving of the basalt in the mantle. (5) In studied area, the thickness of the crust in west part is thicker than in southeast part. (6) From the image at bottom of the crust we can find that earthquakes with magnitude greater than 5 occurred in big velocity gradient zones, especially in transition zone between high and low velocity. There are a few earthquake in the low-velocity area. (7) We can see from Figure 6 that there still clearly exists lateral heterogeneity at 450 depth. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,15, 61–67, 1993.  相似文献   

京津唐地区中上地壳三维P波速度结构   总被引:50,自引:6,他引:44       下载免费PDF全文
根据华北遥测台网和延庆-怀来数字地震台网记录的京津唐地区(113.5~119.5E,38.0~41.5N)1992~1999年共16 048条P波首波到时资料,利用近震层析成像方法反演了该地区中、上地壳三维P波速度结构,并用所得到的地震波三维P波速度模型同时得到了震级ML1.7~6.2的1 132次地震的精确震源参数.反演结果揭示了京津唐地区地震P波速度结构明显的横向不均匀性.  相似文献   

The three-dimension crustal and upper mantle structures in the region around Beijing were studied by seismic tomography. We used the P wave arrival times from local and teleseismic events. These events were recorded by 250 stations of the North China Seismic Array and 108 stations of the Beijing Telemetry Seismic Network. 118 869 P wave arrivals from 10 285 local events and 12 189 P wave arrivals from 107 teleseismic events were used in the inversion. We obtained the 3-D P wave velocity structure of the cru...  相似文献   

1980—2012年河北省及邻区测震台网地震记录,使用了河北省南部及邻区(34.0°—38.0°N,112.0°—118.0°E)63个固定地震台站和4 540个地震事件,得到27 709条P波到时数据,采用速度结构与地震位置联合反演的方法,获得研究区内地壳P波三维速度结构,重新确定中小地震震源位置。速度结构揭示:研究区域内地壳的P波速度结构存在明显的横向不均匀性,在10—25 km深度上横向不均匀性更加显著;大地震基本发生在速度异常体或高低速交界区域。地震重新定位结果显示:地震P波走时均方根残差(RMS)从1.68 s降到0.82 s;地震呈明显条带状分布,震源深度与地质构造年代具有一定负相关性。  相似文献   

Introduction Tengchong is one of youngest volcanic areas in Chinese mainland. Since Pliocene, the volcanoes have erupted several times. Nowadays, the thermal activity is very intensive there. The possibility of re-eruption and the reserve of geothermal energy in the area are the questions to which the publics pay much attention, and the volcanists and seismologists dedicated. HAN, et al (1996) reviewed all of the studies carried out in Tengchong area. In the late 1990s, an integrative volca…  相似文献   

三峡库区上地壳三维速度结构的双差层析成像研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

本文利用三峡水库诱发地震遥测台网22个子台在2009年初至2016年底期间记录的2093个地震事件直达P、S波到时数据,采用双差层析成像方法联合反演了三峡水库库区及近邻地区上地壳P波三维速度结构,并讨论了库水渗透对速度结构的影响和库区地震活动与速度结构的关系.研究结果表明三峡库区上地壳存在着明显的沉积盖层与结晶基底层的双层结构,两个层的深度与P波速度结构与前人的研究结果基本一致,黄陵背斜西侧当前仍然存在较明显的低速异常区.上地壳浅表层P波速度结构横向差异变化较大,0~5 km深度层P波高速区主要分布在秭归盆地及周缘,8 km深度层高速区主要分布在周家山-牛口断裂东侧至仙女山断裂中段西侧一带,8 km内的高低速区分布与11 km深度层比较存在明显差异.与三峡水库蓄水前与蓄水初期比较,当前库区上地壳沉积盖层内的P波速度结构受到蓄水渗透的影响较明显,主要表现为0~8 km深度内秭归盆地及周缘的水库近岸区存在较大范围高速区,这一现象可能与库水长期渗透改变了上地壳沉积盖层内岩层孔隙裂隙的物理性质从而使地震P波速度增加有关.三峡库区地震事件重新定位后显示,较大地震事件主要分布在P波高速区或高低速区交界地带,而低速区内通常很少发生地震.


青藏高原东北缘地壳三维速度结构   总被引:12,自引:6,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
本文用1980—2000年M≥1.5的2 032个天然地震事件的38 052个〖AKP-〗、〖AKS-〗、Pm、Sm、Pn和Sn震相到时及人工地震测深给出的Moho面形态资料,利用地震层析技术反演了32°~40°N, 100°~108°E区域内地壳地震波速度结构.从层析成像图象中可以得到,本区的地壳可分成4个层位.第1层(埋深约在0~3 km)为沉积层, 速度梯度约为0.2 s-1;第2层(埋深约在3~17 km)为上地壳, 其顶部速度梯度约为0.1 s-1, 下部速度横向变化较大且存在低速块体;第3层(埋深约在17~36 km)为中地壳, 速度梯度约为0.03 s-1;第4层(埋深约在36 km—Moho)为下地壳, 是一个契形层,总的趋势是西厚东薄,青藏高原较厚逐渐向鄂尔多斯地块和扬子准地台方向变薄,各处的地震波速度梯度不尽相同.  相似文献   

A magnitude 5.5 earthquakes occurred in Eryuan County, Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China, on March 3. And a magnitude 5.0 earthquake occurred in the same place on April 17, 2013, i.e., 45 days later. Then, on May 21, 2021, multiple earthquakes, one with magnitude 6.4 and several at 5.0 or above, occurred in Yangbi County, Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China. All of these occurred in the Weixi-Qiaohou-Weishan fault zone. In this study, 1,874 seismic events in Yangbi and Eryuan counties were identified by automatic micro-seismic identification technology and the first arrivals were picked up manually. Following this, a total of 11,968 direct P-wave absolute arrivals and 73,987 high-quality P-wave relative arrivals were collected for joint inversion via the double difference tomography method. This was done to obtain the regional three-dimensional fine crustal P-wave velocity structure. The results show that the travel time residuals before and after inversion decreased from the initial –0.1–0.1 s to –0.06–0.06 s. The upper crust in the study area, which exhibited a low-velocity anomaly, corresponded to the basin region; this indicated that the low-velocity anomaly in the shallow part of the study area was affected by the basin. Results also showed some correlation between the distribution of the earthquakes and velocity structure, as there was a low-velocity body Lv1 with a wide distribution at depths ranging from 15–20 km in the Yangbi and Eryuan earthquake regions. In addition, earthquakes occurred predominantly in the high-low velocity abnormal transition zone. The low-velocity body in the middle and lower crust may be prone to concentrating upper crustal stress, thus leading to the occurrence of earthquakes.  相似文献   

京津唐地区地壳三维P波速度结构与地震活动性分析   总被引:6,自引:8,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用华北遥测地震台网和首都圈数字地震台网112个台站记录到的1993~2004年发生在首都圈地区3983次地震的P波绝对到时资料和相对到时资料,采用双差地震层析成像方法联合反演了京津唐地区地壳三维P波速度结构和震源参数.京津唐地区的三维P波速度结构图像在浅层上很好地反映了地表地质、地形的特征.在平原和凹陷的盆地处呈现P波低速速度异常,而在隆起的山区或基岩出露区显示为P波高速速度异常.在研究区域内震级M≥6.0历史地震和经过重新定位后的震级ML≥3.0的地震的震源位置在10 km深度和15 km深度处的P波相对速度扰动图上的投影都显示出相似的特点,即:绝大部分的地震的震源位置在P波相对速度扰动图上的投影分布在低、高速异常的交界地带,且偏高速体一侧,只有极少数的地震分布在P波速度异常体内部.  相似文献   

A new set of three-dimensional velocity models beneath Mt. Etna volcano is derived in the present work. We have used P- and S-wave arrivals from local earthquakes recorded at permanent and temporary seismic networks installed since 1980. A set of 1249 earthquakes recorded at more than four seismic stations was selected for traveltime inversion. The velocity models obtained by using different data selection criteria and parametrization display similar basic features, showing a high P-wave velocity at shallow depth in the SE quadrant, in close connection with a high gravimetric Bouguer anomaly. This area shares a low Vp/Vs ratio. High P-wave velocities and high Vp/Vs ratios are obtained along the central conduits, suggesting the presence of dense, intrusive magmatic bodies extending to a depth of about 20 km. The central intrusive core is surrounded by lower P-wave velocities. The relocated earthquake hypocenters also display the presence of an outward dipping brittle region, away from the central conduits, surrounding a ductile zone spatially related to the high P-wave velocity anomalies located in proximity to the central craters.  相似文献   

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