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We present our new investigation into the depositional environment and provenance of the Yingshuiquan Formation in the central Qiangtang region of northern Tibet, in order to further our understanding of the environment of the Longmu Co–Shuanghu Palaeo–Tethys during the Early Triassic. The Yingshuiquan Formation is composed of oolitic limestone, calcareous sandstone, calcarenite, thin-bedded ribbon limestone, bioclastic limestone, and coarse oolite limestone that were deposited in a shallow-marine basin and contain abundant Lower Triassic conodont fossils (e.g. Hadrodontina anceps, Pachycladina sp., gen. et sp, Pachyclaina oblique, Hibbardelloides sp). We selected detrital zircons from four calcareous sandstone samples for U–Pb dating, yielding minimum age peaks of 263, 269, 275, and 280 Ma, respectively, and a minimum age of 249 Ma, based on several zircons around the same age. Analysis of the conodont biofacies and zircon LA-ICP-MS dating of calcareous sandstone indicates that the data is consistent with deposition in the Early Triassic. The Yingshuiquan Formation records Early Triassic shallow-water sediment in the Longmu Co–Shuanghu Palaeo–Tethys, and has a Southern Qiangtang and Northern Qiangtang terranes provenance. During the Early Triassic, the carbonate sediments of the Yingshuiquan Formation were deposited in an active environment around the Longmu Co–Shuanghu Palaeo–Tethys, which has became a residual sea basin.  相似文献   

The Vellayani lake, located on the west coast, Kerala, South India, is a natural fresh water lake. In order to understand the source and nature of the sediments; thirteen lake floor sediment samples were collected from the Vellayani lake at different intervals along the S-N transects covering the entire surface area of the lake. Textural studies indicate that lake floor sediments are dominant in sand (55.39%) followed by clay (30.57%) and silt (14.04%) fractions. Coarse components are dominant at the inlet ofthe stream into the lake. The geochemical content of the sediments reveals low SiO2, MnO, CaO, MgO, Na2O, K2O, and P2O5 content while TiO2, Fe2O3 and Al2O3 are high when compared with Post Archean Australian Shale (PAAS) and Upper Continental Crust (UCC) values. SiO2 is high in coarse fractions while Al2O3 is strongly associated with fine sediments. Major oxide contents supported by Rare Earth Element (REE) data reveal a distinct negative Eu anomaly reflecting a dominant cratonic origin of the sediments. Detailed geochemical data indicate a mixed source, predominantly, the lateritic soils, sedimentary and metamorphic bedrocks exposed around the lake and in the catchment area.  相似文献   

The abundance and structural diversity of bacteriohopanepolyols (BHPs) was examined in three marine pelagic environments that are characterized by strong vertical redox gradients and water column suboxia or anoxia. The abundance and, in most instances, structural diversity of BHPs was highest at depths where conditions were suboxic or anoxic. However, the majority of the BHP structures that were identified are environmentally cosmopolitan and their biological sources are presently not well constrained. An isomer of bacteriohopanetetrol (denoted BHT II) was observed at all three study sites in association with anoxic and suboxic conditions within the water column. Based on the absence of BHT II from terrigenous and oxic marine environments studied to date, and its strong association with suboxic and anoxic marine pelagic environments, we propose that BHT II is a promising candidate biomarker for water column suboxia and anoxia in the marine geologic record. The molecular fingerprint of BHPs in suspended and sinking particles and core-top sediments indicates that hopanoids produced within the water column are exported to marine sediments and that their biological source is most likely associated with settling particles and not the free-water phase. Based on our observations, BHPs likely represent an important input to the sedimentary hopanoid inventory, particularly in upwelling environments characterized by pelagic oxygen minimum zones (OMZ) and anoxic marine basins.  相似文献   

海斗深渊是海洋中最深的区域,由水深范围在6000~11000 m范围内的深部海沟组成,以极端的物理化学条件为特征,其沉积物以深海黏土为主。基于目前关于马里亚纳海沟及其沉积物的研究进展,总结了海斗深渊的地貌、物理化学和水动力等方面的特征;归纳了海斗深渊沉积物的粒度特征、矿物组成和古生物特征;探讨了海斗深渊沉积物的物质来源及主要分析方法。海斗深渊沉积物的物质来源具有多源性,综合多种方法示踪是准确揭示其物质物源的关键。  相似文献   

黄河和长江流域泛滥平原细粒沉积物的Sr同位素组成存在较大差异.前者的87Sr/86Sr变化范围较小,为0.712868~0.718860,平均值为0.715474;后者变化范围较大,为0.71305~0.736502,平均值为0.721438.黄河流域中、上游细粒沉积物的87Sr/86Sr低于下游;而长江流域细粒沉积物的87Sr/86Sr中游高于上、下游,且南侧高于北侧.由Nw向SE,SE,87Sr/86Sr逐渐增加.87Sr/86Sr这种空间变化规律明显受各汇水盆地内地壳岩石平均组成、年龄和化学风化作用强度的制约:岩石的Rb/Sr比值越大、年代越老、化学风化作用越强,87Sr/86Sr比值就越大.87Sr/86Sr比值是识别中国边缘海黄河、长江输运物质的有效参数,其端员值分别为0.719269和0.724312.  相似文献   


准噶尔盆地的新生代沉积的物质来源对认识中亚地区乃至全球气候环境演变、亚洲内陆干旱化以及粉尘输送路径等关键科学问题都具有重要的意义,但目前对盆地内沉积物的物质来源的研究还比较粗略。文章以准噶尔盆地内不同类型的表层沉积物为研究对象,通过对稀土元素特征的研究进一步探讨盆地内不同沉积的物质来源与相互联系。研究结果表明:准噶尔盆地不同区域表层沉积物的稀土元素含量(不含Y元素)变化较大,变化范围为55.54~194.44 μg/g;大部分样品的δCe值在0.95~1.05之间,未见明显的Ce异常,指示了盆地内整体干旱环境下较弱的风化成壤作用,而Eu异常和UCC标准化配分模式表现出的复杂变化,可能指示了准噶尔盆地表层沉积物物质来源的多源性。根据盆地内表层沉积物的稀土元素总量、配分模式以及δEu值表现出的不同特征,结合了盆地内的区域地形和盛行风向等要素,认为盆地东部的戈壁砂和周围山地的基岩碎屑物之间存在着一定的物源继承,同时强劲的西北风也为该地带来了来自盆地北部和中部的物质来源;北部的阿尔泰山碎屑物质是盆地北部戈壁砂和沙漠砂的主要物质来源,但戈壁砂表现出的Eu中度亏损和较高的ΣREE值可能代表着该区域还存在更为广阔的物源;盆地西部各类沉积物之间表现出的稀土元素特征的相似性表明该地缺乏外界物质的参与,物源具有明显的局域性;盆地南缘的沙漠砂和河流表层沉积物主要来源于天山碎屑物质经冰川磨蚀及寒冻风化等作用形成的粉砂粒级物质,但是该地的黄土在地形和风向的影响下表现出了复杂的物质来源,盆地中的沙漠、天山碎屑物质、盆地东部的戈壁砂,甚至于中亚广大荒漠区的粉尘都为黄土提供了部分物源。


南黄海沉积物常量元素组成及物源分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对南黄海295个站位沉积物样品的常量元素含量分析,研究了南黄海沉积物常量元素组成的R-型聚类分析、R-型因子分析及与物质来源的关系。南黄海沉积物常量元素Al2O3、MgO、K2O、Fe2O3分布基本相似;SiO2分布与Al2O3、MgO、K2O、Fe2O3分布相反;中、西部CaO、CaCO3分布与黄河、长江物源有明显关系;Na2O分布与黄河物质供给有关;TiO2分布反映了长江物质的运移方向。现代黄河物质及老黄河物质主要沉积于南黄海的西部、中部和东南部;海区东部物质反映来自朝鲜半岛物质的对南黄海东部的作用。长江物质主要局限于南黄海的西南和南部区域沉积;TiO2和Ti/Al分布反映了长江物质可能对南黄海中部区域也有所影响。  相似文献   

通过对南黄海295个站位沉积物样品的常量元素含量分析,研究了南黄海沉积物常量元素组成的R-型聚类分析、R-型因子分析及与物质来源的关系。南黄海沉积物常量元素Al2O3、MgO、K2O、Fe2O3分布基本相似;SiO2分布与Al2O3、MgO、K2O、Fe2O3分布相反;中、西部CaO、CaCO3分布与黄河、长江物源有明显关系;Na2O分布与黄河物质供给有关;TiO2分布反映了长江物质的运移方向。现代黄河物质及老黄河物质主要沉积于南黄海的西部、中部和东南部;海区东部物质反映来自朝鲜半岛物质的对南黄海东部的作用。长江物质主要局限于南黄海的西南和南部区域沉积;TiO2和Ti/Al分布反映了长江物质可能对南黄海中部区域也有所影响  相似文献   

渤海湾盆地每年沉积大量的河流碎屑物质,但其中的砂级物质能否迁移扩散到胶东半岛海湾内一直不清楚。锆石和钾长石分别是河流沉积物中常见的副矿物和主要造岩矿物之一,由于各自的U- Pb年龄和地球化学元素组成在不同区域内存在显著差异,是进行物源示踪研究的理想矿物。基于此,本文利用激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子质谱仪 (LA- ICP- MS) 对渤海湾盆地主要注入河流和胶东半岛的威海湾和银滩湾的海岸砂开展碎屑锆石 (n=438) 和钾长石 (n=160) 微区原位U- Pb年龄、Th/U比值和主微量元素分析,结果表明威海湾和银滩湾内的砂级沉积物的碎屑锆石以具有典型的新元古代峰值年龄 (697~735 Ma),缺乏古元古代和新太古代峰值年龄为特征,Th/U比值和胶东基岩接近,结合Kolmogorov- Smirnov 统计方法的多维判别图 (MDS),说明这些砂级碎屑物质的源区主要是以胶东半岛为源区的近源物质。而黄河口的碎屑钾长石原位(in situ) Na2O、K2O、Al2O3和Rb、Sr、Ba、Pb元素含量变化与刘公岛和银滩的海砂样品截然不同,进一步验证了上述碎屑锆石的研究结果。因而将碎屑锆石和钾长石原位地球化学分析相结合有助于精准判定物源关系,在今后中国北部陆架海物源示踪研究、渤海湾盆地盆山耦合研究中将具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

This paper presents a detailed sediment chemistry investigation of the Manasbal lake, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India, which is one of the high altitude lakes in the Kashmir valley. 22 lake floor sediment samples covering the entire lake were collected and analyzed for textural characteristics, CaCO3, organic matter, TOC, TN contents, C/N ratio, major and trace element chemistry. These analyses were conducted to trace the provenance of the sediments. Textural parameters reveal that the lake sediments consist predominantly clay and silt fractions. The C/N ratio of the sediments indicates a mixed source of TOC, both autochthonous and allochthonous in origin. The log (Fe2O3/K2O) Vs. log (SiO2/ Al2O3) graph of the sediments discriminates the rock types of the catchment area that are Fe-shale, Fe-sand, wacke, shale and litharenite. The Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) falls between 59.11 to 90.16% and Chemical Index of Weathering (CIW) between 63.97 to 99.68% and these values are higher than the Post-Archaean Australian Shale (PAAS), indicating moderate to highly chemically weathered lake floor sediments. Plagioclase Index of Alteration (PIA) values (60.74-99.63%) suggests the occurrence of plagioclase feldspars in the lake floor sediments. Geochemical characteristics signify a mixed-nature of provenance of the lake floor sediments due to the tectonic settings of the lake basin in a complex catchment area.  相似文献   

The elemental composition of organic matter and the major and trace element compositions of stream sediments from Myanmar (Ayeyarwady and Sittaung rivers) and Thailand (Mekong and Chao Phraya rivers, and their tributaries) were determined to examine their distributions, provenance, and chemical weathering processes. Higher total organic carbon (TOC) and total nitrogen (TN) contents in the finer grained sediments indicate hydrodynamic energy may control their distributions. TOC/TN ratios indicate inputs of both aquatic macrophyte and higher vascular plant material to the river sediments. The major element abundances of the sediments are characterized by predominance of SiO2 in coarser fractions and a marked negative correlation with Al2O3, representing primary grain size primarily control on SiO2 content. Marked depletion of most labile elements (Na2O, CaO, K2O, Ba and Sr) relative to UCC (upper continental crust), indicate destruction of feldspar during chemical weathering in the source area or during transport. However, enrichment of some high field strength elements (Zr, Th, Ce and Y) relative to UCC and higher Zr/Sc ratios indicate moderate concentration of resistant heavy minerals in finer-grained samples. Discriminant diagrams and immobile trace element characteristics indicate that the Mekong, and Chao Phraya river sediments were largely derived from felsic sources with compositions close to typical rhyolite, dacite/granodiorite, UCC, I- and S-type granites. Relative enrichment of ferromagnesian elements (e.g. MgO, Cr, Ni) and high Cr/V and low Y/Ni ratios in Ayeyarwady and Sittaung sediments indicate the presence of a mafic or ultramafic component in their sources. The ICV (Index of Compositional Variability), CIA (Chemical Index of Alteration), PIA (Plagioclase Index of Alteration), αAl, Rb/Sr and K2O/Rb ratios indicate that the Ayeyarwady and Sittaung sediments record low to moderate degrees of chemical weathering in their source, compared to moderate to intense chemical weathering in the Mekong and Chao Phraya river basins. These results are compatible with existing major ion data for river waters collected at the same locations.  相似文献   

The present-day contribution of coastal-marine placers into the bulk gold production is insignificant. As usual, only gold of coarse- and medium-grained classes is recovered while the fine-grained and dispersed gold are disposed into tailings. During the sedimentation, such a floating gold is removed far from the wave-surf zone. Despite the common belief about poor prospects of the Black Sea shelf for modern gold placers, we have proved the expediency to study the distribution of floating microscopic gold in Holocene marine sediments and carried out the respective works. Using the special concentrating methods, we enabled to detect the gold in most of the 830 samples collected. Geomorphological, lithological, hydrodynamic, and other factors controlling the gold potential were determined. In some cases, the gold content exceeds the minimal economic grade in continental placers. The prospective sites for further investigation were outlined. It was established that the polygenic microscopic gold can be divided into at least clastic, authigenic, and clastic-authigenic types. According to our data, the alluvial, lagoonal-marine, liman, and other sediments at the adjacent land also contain substantial amounts of microscopic gold. The pre10987nary study of oceanic bottom sediments near the Antarctic Peninsula and within the Argentine Basin proved the possibility of microscopic gold to accumulate under various facies conditions. The microscopic gold, mainly of clastic type, was detected here in 82% of samples. The obtained results testify to the global-scale deposition of floating microscopic gold in sedimentation basins of various age and may serve as a basis for the further comprehensive tackling of the problem in different regions.  相似文献   

Methanogenesis and sulfate-reduction were followed in laboratory incubations of sediments taken from tropical seagrass beds. Methanogenesis and sulfate-reduction occurred simultaneously in sediments incubated under N2, thereby indicating that the two processes are not mutually exclusive. Sediments incubated under an atmosphere of H2 developed negative pressures due to the oxidation of H2 by sulfate-respiring bacteria. H2 also stimulated methanogenesis, but methanogenic bacteria could not compete for H2 with the sulfate-respiring bacteria.  相似文献   

南海西部海域的物源研究程度相对较低,尤其对中段的物源有较大的争议。通常认为中部没有大河注入,其物源主要来自其南北的湄公河和红河。笔者通过对该区表层沉积物的系统取样及碎屑矿物分析鉴定认为,碎屑矿物主要分布于南部陆架区和中部陆坡区域。根据因子分析,南海西部碎屑矿物可以明显分为南部、中部、北部三区。南区陆架碎屑矿物主要由重矿物金红石、锐钛矿、白钛矿、锆石、透闪石、十字石及轻矿物石英、长石等组成,原岩应以岩浆岩类为主,包括部分变质岩;中区陆坡以十字石、透闪石、电气石、褐铁矿及黑云母、白云母为主,原岩可能主要为变质岩类;北区陆坡碎屑矿物少,组合特征不明显。各区不仅组合特征明显不同,且各区分界明显,表明其物质来源明显不同,南区物源主要来自红河和加里曼丹岛;中部海域的碎屑矿物组合与中南半岛大量出露的变质岩基本吻合,表明其物源主要来自中南半岛,而不是来自其南北的湄公河和红河。  相似文献   

北部湾东部海域表层沉积物稀土元素组成及物源指示意义   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
窦衍光  李军  李炎 《地球化学》2012,(2):147-157
对北部湾东部海域70个表层沉积物样品的稀土元素(REE)分析结果表明,研究区沉积物 REE 呈现轻稀土元素(LREE)富集、重稀土元素(HREE)平坦以及中等程度的 Eu 异常等特征.REE 组成受沉积物粒度和生物碳酸盐含量的制约,具有典型风化上陆壳 REE 特征,其源岩以上陆壳的长英质岩石为主.根据研究区沉积物 REE 分布规律,研究区可划分为4个地球化学分区,各区域上陆壳标准化曲线明显的不同.物源判别显示研究区的西部、海南岛西南侧(Ⅰ区)呈多源沉积特征,来自以下几个物源区:(1)海南岛西南侧河流沉积物和沿岸侵蚀物;(2)由南向北输入的外海沉积物(冬季);(3)夏季或冬季由北部湾西北部和西部搬运来的沉积物.研究区中部粗粒沉积区(Ⅱ区)与北部湾西部沉积物来源是相同的,主要来源于红河输砂.东北部砂质区(Ⅲ区)沉积物可能来源于雷州半岛西北部近岸基岩侵蚀.研究区东北部(Ⅳ区)沉积物主要来自北部湾北部沿岸侵蚀、琼州海峡和雷州半岛西部的沿岸侵蚀.此外,部分沉积物还可能来自珠江流域以及南海北部陆架区和北部湾西北部  相似文献   

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