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High-resolution in situ X-ray specular reflectivity was used to measure the structures of orthoclase (001) and (010) cleavage surfaces in contact with deionized water at 25°C. X-ray reflectivity data demonstrate a high degree of structural similarity between these two orthoclase-water interfaces. Both interfacial structures include cleavage along the plane of minimal bond breakage resulting in surfaces terminated by non-bridging oxygens; structured water within 5 Å of the orthoclase surface (consisting of adsorbed species at the surface and layered water above the surface), with a featureless water profile beyond 5 Å; substitution of outermost K+ ions by an oxygen containing species (presumably H3O+); and small structural displacements of the near surface atoms. The interfacial water structure, in comparison with recent results for other mineral-water interfaces, is intermediate between the minimal structure found at calcite-, barite-, and quartz-water interfaces and the more extensive structure found at the muscovite-water interface.  相似文献   

Chromitites enclosed within metasomatised Finero phlogopite peridotite (FPP) contain accessory platinum-group minerals, base metal (BM) sulfides, baddeleyite, zircon, zirconolite, uraninite and thorianite. To provide new insights into mantle-crustal interaction in the Finero lithosphere this study evaluates (1) the mineral chemistry and Os-isotope composition of laurite, (2) the crystal morphology, internal structure, in-situ U-Pb, trace-element and Hf-isotope data of zircon from two chromitite localities at Alpe Polunia and Rio Creves. The osmium isotope results reveal a resticted range of ‘unradiogenic’ 187Os/188Os values for laurite at Alpe Polunia (0.1247–0.1251, mean 0.1249 ± 0.0001). Re-Os model ages (TRD) of laurite reflect an Early Paleozoic partial melting event (ca 450 Ma or older), presumably before the Variscan orogeny. The Os isotopic composition of laurite/chromitite probably preserves their mantle signature and was not affected by later metasomatic processes. U-Pb and Hf-isotope data show that the Finero chromitites have distinct zircon populations with peculiar morphology, internal cathodoluminescence textures, trace-element composition and an overall U-Pb age span from ∼310 Ma to 190 Ma. Three age peaks at Rio Creves (220 ± 4 Ma, 234.2 ± 4.5 Ma and 277.5 ± 3.2 Ma) are consistent with a prolonged formation and multistage zircon growth, in contrast to the common assumption of a single metasomatic event during chromitite formation. The trace-element signatures of zircons are comparable with those of mantle-derived zircons from alkaline ultramafic rocks, supporting the carbonatitic nature of the metasomatism. Hf-isotope compositions of the Finero zircons, with εHf values ranging mainly from −3 to +1, are consistent with crustal input during metasomatism and could indicate that the parental melts/fluids were derived from a relatively old source; the minimum estimates for Hf model ages are 0.8–1.0 Ga. Our findings imply that mantle rocks and metasomatic events at Finero have a far more complex geological history than is commonly assumed.  相似文献   

To better understand the composition, characteristics of helium diffusion, and size distribution of interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) responsible for the long-term retention of extraterrestrial 3He, we carried out leaching, stepped heating, and sieving experiments on pelagic clays that varied in age from 0.5 Ma to ∼90 Myr. The leaching experiments suggest that the host phase(s) of 3He in geologically old sediments are neither organic matter nor refractory phases, such as diamond, graphite, Al2O3, and SiC, but are consistent with extraterrestrial silicates, Fe-Ni sulfides, and possibly magnetite. Stepped heating experiments demonstrate that the 3He release profiles from the magnetic and non-magnetic components of the pelagic clays are remarkably similar. Because helium diffusion is likely to be controlled by mineral chemistry and structure, the stepped heating results suggest a single carrier that may be magnetite, or more probably a phase associated with magnetite. Furthermore, the stepped outgassing experiments indicate that about 20% of the 3He will be lost through diffusion at seafloor temperatures after 50 Myrs, while sedimentary rocks exposed on the Earth’s surface for the same amount of time would lose up to 60%. The absolute magnitude of the 3He loss is, however, likely to depend upon the 3He concentration profile within the IDPs, which is not well known. Contrary to previous suggestions that micrometeorites in the size range of 50-100 μm in diameter are responsible for the extraterrestrial 3He in geologically old sediments [Stuart, F.M., Harrop, P.J., Knott, S., Turner, G., 1999. Laser extraction of helium isotopes from Antarctic micrometeorites: source of He and implications for the flux of extraterrestrial 3He flux to earth. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta63, 2653-2665], our sieving experiment demonstrates that at most 20% of the 3He is carried by particles greater than 50 μm in diameter. The size-distribution of the 3He-bearing particles implies that extraterrestrial 3He in sediments record the IDP flux rather than the micrometeorite flux.  相似文献   

Structural characterization of iron oxide-water interfaces provides insight into the mechanisms through which these minerals control contaminant fate and element cycling in soil, sedimentary, and groundwater systems. Ordering of interfacial water and structural relaxations at the hematite (1 1 0) surface have been investigated in situ using high-resolution specular X-ray reflectivity. These measurements demonstrate that relaxations are constrained to primarily the top ∼5 Å of the surface. Near-surface iron atoms do not relax substantially, although the uppermost layer displays an increased distribution width, while the undercoordinated oxygens on the surface uniformly relaxed outward. Two sites of adsorbed water and additional layering of water farther from the surface were observed. Water fully covers the (1 1 0) surface and appears to form a continuous network extending into bulk solution, with positional order decreasing to that of a disordered bulk fluid within 1 nm. The arrangement of water is similar to that on the hematite (0 1 2) surface, which has a similar surface topography, although these surfaces display different vibrational amplitudes or positional disorder of adsorbed water molecules and average spacings of near-surface layered water. Comparison between these surfaces suggests that interfacial water ordering on hematite is controlled primarily by surface structure and steric constraints and that highly ordered water is likely common to most hematite-water interfaces.  相似文献   

Nickeliferous laterite ores from two typical central Greece deposits (Larymna and Evia), currently used in the LARCO GMMSA smelting plant to produce ferronickel, were characterized using a combination of diffraction, microscopic, and analytical techniques. X-ray diffraction patterns of various fractions, with emphasis to the clayey material (<2 μm), after glycolation and heating at 550 °C, indicated that both materials contain crystalline Fe3+ oxide (hematite) and chlorite-group phyllosilicates, whereas the Evia sample contains additional illite. Transmission electron microscopy investigations revealed that the LARCO laterite ores consist of complex nanoscale aggregates of the above-mentioned phases. Different Ni-bearing Mg-Fe-phyllosilicates (mainly chlorite-group minerals), occur in mixture with hematite. Nickel is present in all examined phases, and therefore the separation of pure Ni-phases, by physical or chemical methods, is practically unfeasible. Trace element bulk analyses showed that there no significant differences, with regarding to Ni content concentrations (ca. 0.6–0.7 wt.%), between the initial ore and the clay fraction, for both the Larymna and Evia laterites (ca. 30% and 26% wt.% enrichment respectively). However, the Larymna ore contains double quantities of Co and it is enriched in rare earths compared to Evia (ΣREE = 774 ppm and 76 ppm respectively), while Sc concentrations are comparable in both mining areas (64 ppm and 42 ppm respectively). Discrimination diagrams (e.g. Th/Sc vs. Zr/Sc and Ce/Ce* vs. Eu/Eu*) showed that LARCO laterite Ni-ores do not exclusively originate in ultrabasic -ophiolitic- rocks as previously considered.  相似文献   

Studies of a morphologically diverse population of Eosolenides, organic-walled macrofossils from the Upper Mesoproterozoic (1015–1025 Ma) Lakhanda Group of southeastern Siberia, suggest that these elongate fossils may be remains of soft-bodied organisms having tube-grade organization. The compressed, originally cylindrical fossils, of more or less constant diameter along their length, are subdivided by transverse membranes into a regular series of distinct chamber-like segments. The lateral walls of the segmented tubes are double-layered, the outer sheath- or cuticle-like layer of which was originally flexible and commonly exhibits very fine and closely spaced transverse striations. The presence of structures inferred to be basal attachment disks suggests a benthic habit, whereas the morphological variability of the population can be interpreted as showing that their body shape changed as the organisms grew and increased markedly in length. Reproduction may have been by budding. An important peculiarity exhibited by these tubular fossils is the presence within many specimens of small spherical unicells, interpreted possibly to be algal endosymbionts. Although in some respects these fossils resemble cnidarians, the biological affinities of Eosolenides tubes remain enigmatic.  相似文献   

The Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous platform‐slope to basinal carbonate strata cropping out in Gargano Promontory (southern Italy) are partly dolomitized. Fieldwork and laboratory analyses (petrographic, petrophysical and geochemical) allowed the characterization of the dolomite bodies with respect to their distribution within the carbonate succession, their dimensions, geometries, textural variability, chemical stability, age, porosity, genetic mechanisms and relation with tectonics. The dolomite bodies range from metres to kilometres in size, are fault‐related and fracture‐related, and probably formed during the Early Cretaceous at <500 m burial depths and temperatures <50°C. The proposed dolomitization model relies on mobilization of Early Cretaceous seawater that flowed, downward and then upward, along faults and fractures and was modified in its isotopic composition moving through Triassic and Jurassic strata that underlie the studied dolomitized succession. Despite the numerous cases reported in literature, this study demonstrates that hydrothermal and/or high‐temperature fluids are not necessarily required for fault‐controlled dolomitization. Distribution and geometries of dolomite bodies can be used for palaeotectonic reconstructions, as they partly record the characteristics (size, attitude and kinematics) of the palaeo‐faults, even if not preserved, that controlled dolomitization. In Gargano Promontory, dolomites record Early Cretaceous palaeo‐faults from metres to kilometres long, striking north‐west/south‐east to east/west and characterized by normal to strike‐slip kinematics. Dolomitization increases the matrix porosity by up to 7% and, therefore, can improve the geofluid storage capacity of tight, platform‐slope to basinal limestones. The results have a great significance for characterization of geofluid (for example, hydrocarbons) reservoirs hosted in similar dolomitized carbonate successions. Distribution, size and shapes of reservoir rocks (i.e. dolomite bodies) could be broadly predictable if the characteristics of the palaeo‐fault system present at the time of dolomitization are known.  相似文献   

Class Ib resinites are the most common subclass of amber and are found throughout the world. They have a macromolecular structure based on co-polymerized communic acid, communol and biformenes. Because this class of resinite does not contain succinic acid, crosslinking of the polymer through esterification of communol moieties has never been theorized. Analysis of Class Ib resinites from Grassy Lake and Cedar Lake in western Canada was performed using pyrolysis–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry with in situ hexamethyldisilazane derivatization, using a thermal separation probe to perform the pyrolysis and sample introduction. This has allowed larger, more complex fragments to be released from the polymer matrix than previously possible using instantaneous pyrolysis methodologies. The results show for the first time that Class Ib resinite can undergo self-crosslinking between the communol and communic acid moieties in the polylabdane matrix. The chromatographic results also show that a portion of the monoterpenes and non-polymerizable diterpenes in the resinite are bound to the polymer matrix and not fully occluded as was previously theorized. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra of the resinites are presented and a more accurate spectral interpretation is proposed, based on the chromatographic results.  相似文献   

New insights into the origin of perylene in geological samples   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The origin of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) perylene in sediments and petroleum has been a matter of continued debate. Reported to occur in Phanerozoic organic matter (OM), fossil crinoids and tropical termite mounds, its mechanism of formation remains unclear. While a combustion source can be excluded, structural similarities to perylene quinone-like components present in e.g. fungi, plants, crinoids and insects, potentially suggest a product-precursor relationship. Here, we report perylene concentrations, 13C/12C, and D/H ratios from a Holocene sediment profile from the Qingpu trench, Yangtze Delta region, China. Perylene concentrations differ from those of pyrogenic PAHs, and rise to prominence in a stratigraphic interval that was dominated by woody vegetation as determined by palynology including fungal spores. In this zone, perylene concentrations exhibit an inverse relationship to the lignin marker guaiacol, D/H ratios between −284‰ and −317‰, similar to the methoxy groups in lignin, as well as co-variation with spores from wood-degrading fungi. 13C/12C of perylene differs from that of land plant wax alkanes and falls in the fractionation range expected for saprophytic fungi that utilise lignin, which is isotopically lighter than cellulose and whole wood. During progressive lignin degradation, the relative carbon isotopic ratio of the perylene decreases. We therefore hypothesise a relationship of perylene to the activity of wood-degrading fungi. To support our hypothesis, we analysed a wide range of Phanerozoic sediments and oils, and found perylene to generally be present in subordinate amounts before the evolutionary rise of vascular plants, and to be generally absent from marine-sourced oils, few exceptions being attributed perhaps to a contribution of marine and/or terrestrial-derived fungi, anoxia (especially under marine conditions) and/or contamination of core material by fungi. A series of low-molecular-weight aromatic quinones bearing the perylene-backbone were detected in Devonian and Cretaceous sediments, potentially representing precursor components to perylene.  相似文献   

A tem microstructural study of dolomite with curved faces (saddle dolomite)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Electron diffraction, analytical electron microscopy, and high voltage, high resolution electron microscopy have been used to investigate crystal defects in calcium-rich saddle dolomites having pronounced curvature of the faces. Results show that branching, ribbon-like defects in these so-called saddle dolomites are thin, coherent laths of calcitic material. The ribbons are profuse and explain the characteristic calcium excess found in most saddle dolomites. Because the lattice spacings of calcite are between 3.8% and 6.7% larger than the corresponding lattice spacings of dolomite, a calcitic ribbon causes local distortion of the host dolomite. The branching ribbons have a predominant {10¯14} orientation and are generally present in high density. They may represent the source of crystal distortion that ultimately manifests itself on the macroscopic scale. The calcitic ribbons form during growth from aqueous solution, although they have features in common with similar defects found in carbonatite carbonates. This fine-scale intergrowth microstructure may be a variant of even finer-scale modulated structures found in other sedimentary calcian dolomites.  相似文献   

High quality seismic reflection data acquired during hydrocarbon exploration activities provide evidence for the subsurface structure and evolution of one of England's most well known structures at outcrop: the Isle of Wight Monocline. It is generally seen as a major northerly verging monoclinal structure linked to the Purbeck Monocline to the west. The Isle of Wight Monocline is the result of the interplay between two inverted east-west trending, southerly dipping and overlapping down-to-the-south major syndepositional normal faults that were active during Triassic and Jurassic times: the Needles and Sandown faults. The area between the two faults tips forms an easterly-dipping relay ramp, down which sequences of all ages thicken. Both of these major normal faults were inverted during Cenozoic (Miocene: Alpine) compressional events, folding the overlying post-rift sequences of early Cretaceous to early Cenozoic (Palaeogene) age. Interpretation of the seismic reflection data suggest that previously unknown high angle, down-to-the-north reverse faults cut the northern limbs of both anticlines forming the composite monocline and are likely to come to crop in the steeply-dipping Chalk and/or the drift-covered Cenozoic sequences. Their identification marked a period of discussions and testing of the model by detailed field mapping. The existence and location of such faulting was proved through an iterative process with the result that a reverse fault zone is now mapped along the northern limb of the northern Sandown Anticline section of the Monocline. The main reverse faults on the Brighstone and Sandown anticlines result in up to circa 550 m of displacement at top Chalk level. It is thought that a series of smaller footwall short-cut faults affect the Cenozoic strata to the north of the main reverse fault, producing up-faulted sections of flatter-lying Cenozoic strata. Reverse displacements and the severity of folding on the inverted faults decreases on each fault segment in a complementary fashion in the area of the relay ramp as one fault takes up the movement at the expense of the other. The swing in strike of the Chalk in the area of shallowly dipping strata between Calbourne and Garstons is a result of deformation of the post-rift sequences across the relay ramp established between the overlapping fault tips of the Needles and Sandown faults and the interaction of the folds developed at the tips of the reverse faults.  相似文献   

Intraplate volcanism during the Late Cenozoic in the Leiqiong area of southernmost China, with basaltic lava flows covering a total of more than 7000 km2, has been attributed to an underlying Hainan plume. To clarify detailed features of the Hainan plume, such as the morphology of its magmatic conduits, the depth of its magmatic pool in the upper mantle and the pattern of mantle upwelling, we determined tomographic images of the mantle down to a depth of 1100 km beneath southern China using 18,503 high-quality arrival-time data of 392 distant earthquakes recorded by a dense seismic array. Our results show a mushroom-like continuous low-velocity anomaly characterized by a columnar tail with a diameter of 200–300 km extending down to the lower mantle beneath north of the Hainan hotspot and a head spreading laterally in and around the mantle transition zone, indicating a magmatic pool in the upper mantle. Further upward, the plume head is decomposed into smaller patches, and when reaching the base of the lithosphere, a pancake-like anomaly has formed to feed the Hainan hotspot. This result challenges the classical model of a fixed thermal plume that rises vertically to the surface. Hence we propose a new layering-style model for the magmatic upwelling of the Hainan plume. Our results indicate spatial complexities and variations of mantle plumes probably due to heterogeneous compositions and thermochemical structures of the deep mantle.  相似文献   

The Pingualuit Crater was formed by a meteoritic impact ca. 1.4 million years ago in northernmost Ungava (Canada). Due to its geographical position near the center of successive North American ice sheets and its favorable morphometry, the Pingualuit Crater Lake (water depth = 246 m) promises to yield a unique continuous sedimentary sequence covering several glacial/interglacial cycles in the terrestrial Canadian Arctic. In this paper, we suggest the existence of a subglacial lake at least during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) by hydraulic potential modeling using LGM ice-surface elevation and bed topography derived from a digital elevation model. These results support the hypothesis that the bottom sediments of the Crater Lake escaped glacial erosion and may contain a long-term continental sedimentary sequence. We also present the stratigraphy of a 9 m-long core retrieved from the deep basin of the lake as well as a multiproxy reconstruction of its deglacial and postglacial history. The base of the core is formed by very dense diamicton reflecting basal melt-out environments marking the end of subglacial conditions at the coring site. The overlying finely laminated silt are related to the onset of proglacial conditions characterized by extremely low lacustrine productivity. Infra Red Stimulated Luminescence and AMS 14C dating, as well as biostratigraphic data indicate sediment mixing between recent (e.g. Holocene) and much older (pre- to mid-Wisconsinan) material reworked by glacier activity. This process prevents the precise dating of these sediments that we interpret as being deposited just before the final deglaciation of the lake. Two finer grained and organic-rich intervals reflect the inception of lacustrine productivity resulting from the cessation of glacial meltwater inputs and ice-free periods. The lower organic interval corresponds to the early postglacial period (6850–5750 cal BP) and marks the transition between proglacial and postglacial conditions during the Holocene Thermal Maximum, while the uppermost organic-rich core section represents late Holocene sediments (~4200–600 cal BP). The organic intervals are separated by a basin-scale erosive slide occurring around 4200 cal BP and likely related to 1) a seismic event due to the glacio-isostatic rebound following the last deglaciation or 2) slope instabilities associated with rapid discharge events of the lake.  相似文献   

Ambient temperature freshwater carbonates (“tufas”) have outstanding potential as palaeoclimate archives. However, it has proven difficult to constrain the behaviour of the geochemical parameters on which important proxy systems rely. Current thinking on the development of trace element ratios in tufa rests upon an assumption of precipitation driven by degassing of CO2, with the final precipitate being in equilibrium with ambient river water. This study provides evidence that although supersaturation is largely regulated by degassing, precipitation in sterile flowing systems does not occur throughout the air-water interface, but only at lines of intersection between this interface and a solid surface. Precipitation at the bottom, as is normal in river sites, is not found to occur. However, when benthic microbial communities (“biofilms”) are present, extensive precipitation does occur within them in preference and/or addition to that at the air-water interface. Precipitation is therefore not purely a consequence of degassing, and some microbiological influence is necessary to generate precipitates analogous to nature.We further investigate whether these biofilms alter the behaviour of trace elements within tufa systems, in addition to modulating the sites and mechanisms of precipitation, via a series of experiments. Biofilms are shown to accumulate large inventories of calcium and other dissolved ions (Ba, Sr, and Mg), and we demonstrate that this process is chemoselective in favour of ions with low charge densities. These observations have consequences for interpretation of trace element records from tufas based on an assumption of equilibrium with river water, and also for other carbonate deposits associated with biofilm activity (travertines, marine stromatolites, lacustrine and soil carbonates, speleothems). Conversely, our study provides new insight into the reasons for discrepancy of tufa Mg/Ca ratios from expectation, and thus provides encouragement for the potential of Mg/Ca palaeothermometry in freshwater carbonate systems.  相似文献   

The John Martin Reservoir tracksites from the Dakota Group of Bent County, in southeastern Colorado form part of the mid Cretaceous Dinosaur Freeway characterized by abundant ornithopod footprints (Caririchnium). Over 350 tracks (331 Caririchnium, 1 Magnoavipes, 22 crocodiles, and a few pterosaurs) were discovered at 10 new tracksites. All tracks were found as natural casts, including Caririchnium trackways that were still in-situ, parallel and regularly spaced, suggesting gregarious behavior. Most crocodile tracks are swimming tracks that consist of three or four scratch marks also with parallel orientations in many cases. A few pterosaur tracks consist of pes footprints and scratch marks suggesting swimming or floating activity in shallow water. This is the first pterosaur evidence from the Dakota Group. The Caririchnium size structure from John Martin Reservoir is consistent with the size structure tendency of the whole Dinosaur Freeway, which shows larger track size in the north. This tendency could be interpreted as evidence for more than one ornithopod species spread out across the Dinosaur Freeway. The alternative, that there was one ornithopod species that migrated north and south seasonally is less likely. The John Martin paleoecosystem is interpreted from the track evidence as a well-vegetated coastal plain environment with many ornithopods and a few theropods on land, crocodiles in the water, and pterosaurs in the skies and on the water.  相似文献   

Scheelite is the main ore mineral in skarn-type tungsten (W-Mo, W-Sn, and W-Cu) deposits, and is also a good proxy for ore-fluid evolution and mineralization. The Bastielieke deposit is the first medium-size W-polymetallic skarn deposit discovered in the Chinese (Xinjiang, NW China) Altay. Scheelite grains at Bastielieke are distributed in biotite granite, skarn and quartz-fluorite veins. They exhibit different textures, and can be divided into four types and six subtypes, including those in granite (Schm), prograde skarn (SchI), retrograde-altered rocks (SchII), and those in late-stage quartz-fluorite veins (SchIII).SchIa and SchIb were formed in the early and late prograde stage, respectively. SchI displays homogeneous texture, enrichments of light rare earth elements (LREEs) relative to heavy REEs (HREEs), and significantly negative Eu anomalies. SchIa has higher Sr-Mo contents and LREE/HREE than SchIb. SchII shows patchy texture by overgrowth and dissolution-reprecipitation, and can be subdivided into dark (SchIIa) and light (SchIIb) zone based in CL imaging. All SchII grains are LREE-enriched with negative Eu anomalies and relatively low LREE/HREE ratios. SchIIb has much higher W-Mo-Nb-Sr contents than SchIIa, which is ascribed to late-stage hydrothermal modifications. Schm and SchIII display homogeneous texture and similar MREE-enriched patterns, as well as very low Mo-W-Sr and different Nb contents.The texture and compositional variations in Bastielieke scheelites reveal that two magmatic fluids derived from different granitic magma reservoirs were involved in the mineralization. The earlier ore-fluid is relativly oxidized and has low HREE contents, forming the early prograde skarn-stage mineralization. Episodic influxes of later F-rich granitic magmatic fluids may have modified the earlier scheelite compositions, leading to multistage W enrichment and varying intragrain compositions.  相似文献   

Ophiolites worldwide show striking diversities in their rock assemblage and structure (i.e., ophiolite diversity), raising a question whether ophiolites are originally similar before intense tectonic dismemberment. Comparison between ophiolites and oceanic lithospheres at modern mid-ocean ridges may provide key constraints on the origin of ophiolite diversity, because oceanic lithospheric structures are inherently controlled by spreading rates. Here, we present a case study of the Xigaze ophiolite in southern Tibet focusing on its gabbroic intrusions outcropping in three localities, i.e., Dazhuqu, Baigang and Jiding. Compared to the Jiding sequence, the Dazhuqu and Baigang gabbroic rocks are less evolved, characterized by higher Cr2O3 contents but lower contents of TiO2 and rare earth element in both clinopyroxene and bulk compositions. It is evident, hence, that the Xigaze ophiolite is characterized by variably evolved and discontinuously distributed gabbroic intrusions, rather by a continuous lower oceanic crust between the mantle and sheeted dike complex as the Penrose-type ophiolites. Our study, along with the identification in previous studies of oceanic detachment faults within the Xigaze ophiolite, demonstrates that the Xigaze ophiolite shows close similarities to oceanic lithospheres at modern slow- and ultraslow-spreading ridges. Hence, the significant structural distinctions between the Xigaze ophiolite and the Penrose-type ophiolites (e.g., the Oman ophiolite) may be inherently associated with different spreading rates of paleo-ridges. Considering the limited scale of the Xigaze gabbroic rocks, here we suggest the Xigaze ophiolite as a typical representative of fossil ultraslow-spreading ridges.  相似文献   

季泽龙  刘晓峰 《地质学报》2023,97(6):1753-1765
前人普遍认为峡东地区成冰系仅发育南沱组,缺失古城冰期和大塘坡间冰期相应地层。笔者发现峡东地区青林口剖面原先划定的南沱组包含上、下两套冰碛岩及之间的页岩夹含锰灰岩,应解体为古城组、大塘坡组和南沱组。本文在剖面实测的基础上,对比了青林口剖面含锰灰岩与长阳古城村剖面菱锰矿层的岩石学特征和稀土元素特征,分析了CIA、CIW和PIA等化学风化强度指标的垂向演化。结果表明,青林口剖面和古城村剖面成冰系均由两套冰期地层夹一套间冰期地层组成;青林口剖面大塘坡组含锰灰岩与古城村剖面大塘坡组菱锰矿具有相似的岩石学和稀土元素特征,指示两者应为同时期地质作用的产物;青林口剖面与古城村剖面大塘坡组在形成过程中所遭受的化学风化强度显著高于冰碛岩地层。因此,峡东青林口剖面成冰系包含成冰纪古城冰期、大塘坡间冰期及南沱冰期的沉积记录,为完整的成冰纪地层序列。  相似文献   

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