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Laboratory experiments were conducted to simulate chalcopyrite oxidation under anaerobic and aerobic conditions in the absence or presence of the bacterium Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans. Experiments were carried out with 3 different oxygen isotope values of water (δ18OH2O) so that approach to equilibrium or steady-state isotope fractionation for different starting conditions could be evaluated. The contribution of dissolved O2 and water-derived oxygen to dissolved sulfate formed by chalcopyrite oxidation was unambiguously resolved during the aerobic experiments. Aerobic oxidation of chalcopyrite showed 93 ± 1% incorporation of water oxygen into the resulting sulfate during the biological experiments. Anaerobic experiments showed similar percentages of water oxygen incorporation into sulfate, but were more variable. The experiments also allowed determination of sulfate–water oxygen isotope fractionation, ε18OSO4–H2O, of ~ 3.8‰ for the anaerobic experiments. Aerobic oxidation produced apparent εSO4–H2O values (6.4‰) higher than the anaerobic experiments, possibly due to additional incorporation of dissolved O2 into sulfate. δ34SSO4 values are ~ 4‰ lower than the parent sulfide mineral during anaerobic oxidation of chalcopyrite, with no significant difference between abiotic and biological processes. For the aerobic experiments, a small depletion in δ34SSO4 of ~? 1.5 ± 0.2‰ was observed for the biological experiments. Fewer solids precipitated during oxidation under aerobic conditions than under anaerobic conditions, which may account for the observed differences in sulfur isotope fractionation under these contrasting conditions.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to investigate (i) the rate of O-isotope exchange between SO4 and water molecules at low pH and surface temperatures typical for conditions of acid mine drainage (AMD) and (ii) the O- and S-isotope composition of sulfates produced by pyrite oxidation under closed and open conditions (limited and free access of atmospheric O2) to identify the O source/s in sulfide oxidation (water or atmospheric molecular O2) and to better understand the pyrite oxidation pathway. An O-isotope exchange between SO4 and water was observed over a pH range of 0–2 only at 50 °C, whereas no exchange occurred at lower temperatures over a period of 8 a. The calculated half-time of the exchange rate for 50 °C (pH = 0 and 1) is in good agreement with former experimental data for higher and lower temperatures and excludes the possibility of isotope exchange for typical AMD conditions (T  25 °C, pH  3) for decades.Pyrite oxidation experiments revealed two dependencies of the O-isotope composition of dissolved sulfates: O-isotope values decreased with longer duration of experiments and increasing grain size of pyrite. Both changes are interpreted as evidence for chemisorption of molecular O2 to pyrite surface sites. The sorption of molecular O2 is important at initial oxidation stages and more abundant in finer grained pyrite fractions and leads to its incorporation in the produced SO4. The calculated bulk contribution of atmospheric O2 in the dissolved SO4 reached up to 50% during initial oxidation stages (first 5 days, pH 2, fine-grained pyrite fraction) and decreased to less than 20% after about 100 days. Based on the direct incorporation of molecular O2 in the early-formed sulfates, chemisorption and electron transfer of molecular O2 on S sites of the pyrite surface are proposed, in addition to chemisorption on Fe sites. After about 10 days, the O of all newly-formed sulfates originates only from water, indicating direct interaction of hydroxyls from water with S at the anodic S pyrite surface site. Then, the role of molecular O2 is as proposed in previous studies: acting as electron acceptor only at the cathodic Fe pyrite surface site for oxidation of Fe(II) to Fe(III).  相似文献   

We present a model of bacterial sulfate reduction that includes equations describing the fractionation relationship between the sulfur and the oxygen isotope composition of residual sulfate (δ34SSO4_residual, δ18OSO4_residual) and the amount of residual sulfate. The model is based exclusively on oxygen isotope exchange between cell-internal sulfur compounds and ambient water as the dominating mechanism controlling oxygen isotope fractionation processes. We show that our model explains δ34SSO4_residual vs. δ18OSO4_residual patterns observed from natural environments and from laboratory experiments, whereas other models, favoring kinetic isotope fractionation processes as dominant process, fail to explain many (but not all) observed δ34SSO4_residual vs. δ18OSO4_residual patterns. Moreover, we show that a “typical” δ34SSO4_residual vs. δ18OSO4_residual slope does not exist. We postulate that measurements of δ34SSO4_residual and δ18OSO4_residual can be used as a tool to determine cell-specific sulfate reduction rates, oxygen isotope exchange rates, and equilibrium oxygen isotope exchange factors. Data from culture experiments are used to determine the range of sulfur isotope fractionation factors in which a simplified set of equations can be used. Numerical examples demonstrate the application of the equations. We postulate that, during denitrification, the oxygen isotope effects in residual nitrate are also the result of oxygen isotope exchange with ambient water. Consequently, the equations for the relationship between δ34SSO4_residual, δ18OSO4_residual, and the amount of residual sulfate could be modified and used to calculate the fractionation-relationship between δ15NNO3_residual, δ18ONO3_residual, and the amount of residual nitrate during denitrification.  相似文献   

Aqueous oxidation of sulfide minerals to sulfate is an integral part of the global sulfur and oxygen cycles. The current model for pyrite oxidation emphasizes the role of Fe2+-Fe3+ electron shuttling and repeated nucleophilic attack by water molecules on sulfur. Previous δ18O-labeled experiments show that a variable fraction (0-60%) of the oxygen in product sulfate is derived from dissolved O2, the other potential oxidant. This indicates that nucleophilic attack cannot continue all the way to sulfate and that a sulfoxyanion of intermediate oxidation state is released into solution. The observed variability in O2% may be due to the presence of competing oxidation pathways, variable experimental conditions (e.g. abiotic, biotic, or changing pH value), or uncertainties related to the multiple experiments needed to effectively use the δ18O label to differentiate sulfate-oxygen sources. To examine the role of O2 and Fe3+ in determining the final incorporation of O2 oxygen in sulfate produced during pyrite oxidation, we designed a set of aerated, abiotic, pH-buffered (pH = 2, 7, 9, 10, and 11), and triple-oxygen-isotope labeled solutions with and without Fe3+ addition. While abiotic and pH-buffered conditions help to eliminate variables, triple oxygen isotope labeling and Fe3+ addition help to determine the oxygen sources in sulfate and examine the role of Fe2+-Fe3+ electron shuttling during sulfide oxidation, respectively.Our results show that sulfate concentration increased linearly with time and the maximum concentration was achieved at pH 11. At pH 2, 7, and 9, sulfate production was slow but increased by 4× with the addition of Fe3+. Significant amounts of sulfite and thiosulfate were detected in pH ? 9 reactors, while concentrations were low or undetectable at pH 2 and 7. The triple oxygen isotope data show that at pH ? 9, product sulfate contained 21-24% air O2 signal, similar to pH 2 with Fe3+ addition. Sulfate from the pH 2 reactor without Fe3+ addition and the pH 7 reactors all showed 28-29% O2 signal. While the O2% in final sulfate apparently clusters around 25%, the measurable deviations (>experimental error) from the 25% in many reaction conditions suggest that (1) O2 does get incorporated into intermediate sulfoxyanions (thiosulfate and sulfite) and a fraction survives sulfite-water exchange (e.g. the pH 2 with no Fe3+ addition and both pH 7 reactors); and (2) direct O2 oxidation dominates while Fe3+ shuttling is still competitive in the sulfite-sulfate step (e.g. the pH 9, 10, and 11 and the pH 2 reactor with Fe3+ addition). Overall, the final sulfate-oxygen source ratio is determined by (1) rate competitions between direct O2 incorporation and Fe3+ shuttling during both the formation of sulfite from pyrite and from sulfite to final sulfate, and (2) rate competitions between sulfite and water oxygen exchange and the oxidation of sulfite to sulfate. Our results indicate that thiosulfate or sulfite is the intermediate species released into solution at all investigated pH and point to a set of dynamic and competing fractionation factors and rates, which control the oxygen isotope composition of sulfate derived from pyrite oxidation.  相似文献   

Sphalerite oxidation is a common process under acid-mine drainage (AMD) conditions and results in the release of , Zn and potentially toxic trace metals, which can pollute rivers and oceans. However, there are only a few studies on the mechanisms of aerobic sphalerite oxidation. Oxygen and S isotope investigations of the produced may contribute to the understanding of sphalerite oxidation mechanisms so helping to interpret field data from AMD sites. Therefore, batch oxidation experiments with an Fe-rich sphalerite were performed under aerobic abiotic conditions at different initial pH values (2 and 6) for different lengths of time (2–100 days). The O and S isotope composition of the produced indicated changing oxidation pathways during the experiments. During the first 20 days of the experiments at both initial pH values, molecular O2 was the exclusive O source of . Furthermore, the lack of S isotope enrichment processes between and sphalerite indicated that O2 was the electron acceptor from sphalerite S. As the oxidation proceeded, a sufficient amount of released Fe(II) was oxidized to Fe(III) by O2. Therefore, electrons could be transferred from sphalerite S sites to adsorbed hydrous Fe(III) and O from the hydration sphere of Fe was incorporated into the produced as indicated by decreasing δ18OSO4 values which became more similar to the δ18OH2O values. The enrichment of 32S in relative to the sphalerite may also result from sphalerite oxidation by Fe(III).The incorporation of O2 into during the oxidation of sphalerite was associated with an O isotope enrichment factor εSO4–O2 of ca. −22‰. The O isotope enrichment factor εSO4–H2O was determined to be ?4.1‰. A comparison with O and S studies of other sulfides suggests that there is no general oxidation mechanism for acid-soluble sulfides.  相似文献   

A detailed experimental study was conducted to investigate mechanisms of pyrite oxidation by determining product yields and oxygen isotopic fractionation during reactions between powdered pyrite (FeS2) with aqueous hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Sealed silica-tube experiments utilized aliquots of pyrite that were reacted with 0.2 M H2O2 for 7 to 14 days at 4 to 150 °C. No volatile sulfur species were detected in any experiment. The only gaseous product recovered was elemental oxygen inferred to result from decomposition of H2O2. Aqueous sulfate (Saq) was the only sulfur product recovered from solution. Solid hydrated ferric iron sulfates (i.e., water-soluble sulfate fraction, Sws) were recovered from all experiments. Ferric oxide (hematite) was detected only in high temperature experiments.Reactants were selected with large differences in initial δ18O values. The oxygen isotopic compositions of oxygen-bearing reactants and products were analyzed for each experiment. Subsequent isotopic mass-balances were used to identify sources of oxygen for reaction products and to implicate specific chemical reaction mechanisms. δ18O of water did not show detectable change during any experiment. δ18O of sulfate was similar for Saq and Sws and indicated that both H2O and H2O2 were sources of oxygen in sulfate. Low-temperature experiments suggest that H2O-derived oxygen was incorporated into sulfate via Fe3+ oxidation, whereas H2O2-derived oxygen was incorporated into sulfate via oxidation by hydroxyl radicals (HO). These two competing mechanisms for oxygen incorporation into sulfate express comparable influences at 25 °C. With increasing reaction temperatures from 4 to 100 °C, it appears that accelerated thermal decomposition and diminished residence time of H2O2 limit the oxygen transfer from H2O2 into sulfate and enhance the relative importance of H2O-derived oxygen for incorporation into sulfate. Notably, at temperatures between 100 and 150 °C there is a reversal in the lower temperature trend resulting in dominance of H2O2-derived oxygen over H2O-derived oxygen. At such high temperatures, complete thermal decomposition of H2O2 to water and molecular oxygen (O2) occurs within minutes in mineral-blank experiments and suggests little possibility for direct oxidation of pyrite by H2O2 above 100 °C. We hypothesize that a Fe-O2 mechanism is responsible for oxygenating pyrite to sulfate using O2 from the preceding thermal decomposition of H2O2.  相似文献   

The S-isotope composition (δ34SCDT) of 213 samples of sulfides, sulfates and native sulfur from the pyrite mineralizations of southern Tuscany and associated country rocks were determined. The sulfur isotopic composition of pyrite is quite homogeneous and similar for all studied ore bodies, with an average δ34S value near +9,5‰. Pyrite disseminated within the Filladi di Boccheggiano formation, and thought to be authigenic, shows a much larger range of δ34S values (-13.1 to +14.5‰). The isotopic compositions of other sulfides associated with pyrite in the deposits show that isotopic equilibrium among sulfides was approached on a regional scale, but seldom fully attained. Isotopic data suggest that sedimentary marine sulfate was the ultimate source of sulfur in ores. Sulfates (mostly anhydrite) from the sulfate-carbonate lenses associated with both the Filladi di Boccheggiano and the Calcare Cavernoso formations also have similar and homogeneous compositions (average δ34S=+15–16‰). Coexisting sulfates and sulfides are not in isotopic equilibrium. In the light of the isotopic data, among the many proposed genetic models for the largest stratabound pyrite bodies the two following alternatives appear the most likely: 1) in agreement with recently suggested hypotheses, the ore bodies are older than the emplacement of the Mio-Pliocenic granitoids in the area, and are probably hydrothermal-sedimentary in origin, coeval with associated country rocks; 2) the ore bodies were formed as a consequence of bacterial reduction of anhydrite in low-temperature convection systems related to the early stages of the Mio-Pliocenic thermal anomaly. In both cases, the emplacement of the Mio-Pliocenic granitoids caused metamorphism and remobilization of the pre-existing ores, producing smaller discordant mineralized bodies.  相似文献   

We present analyses of stable isotopic ratios 17O/16O, 18O/16O, 34S/32S, and 33S/32S, 36S/32S in sulfate leached from volcanic ash of a series of well known, large and small volcanic eruptions. We consider eruptions of Mt. St. Helens (Washington, 1980, ∼1 km3), Mt. Spurr (Alaska, 1953, <1 km3), Gjalp (Iceland, 1996, 1998, <1 km3), Pinatubo (Phillipines, 1991, 10 km3), Bishop tuff (Long Valley, California, 0.76 Ma, 750 km3), Lower Bandelier tuff (Toledo Caldera, New Mexico, 1.61 Ma, 600 km3), and Lava Creek and Huckleberry Ridge tuffs (Yellowstone, Wyoming, 0.64 Ma, 1000 km3 and 2.04 Ma 2500 km3, respectively). This list covers much of the diversity of sizes and the character of silicic volcanic eruptions. Particular emphasis is paid to the Lava Creek tuff for which we present wide geographic sample coverage.This global dataset spans a significant range in δ34S, δ18O, and Δ17O of sulfate (29‰, 30‰, and 3.3‰, respectively) with oxygen isotopes recording mass-independent (Δ17O > 0.2‰) and sulfur isotopes exhibiting mass-dependent behavior. Products of large eruptions account for most of‘ these isotopic ranges. Sulfate with Δ17O > 0.2‰ is present as 1-10 μm gypsum crystals on distal ash particles and records the isotopic signature of stratospheric photochemical reactions. Sediments that embed ash layers do not contain sulfate or contain little sulfate with Δ17O near 0‰, suggesting that the observed sulfate in ash is of volcanic origin.Mass-dependent fractionation of sulfur isotopic ratios suggests that sulfate-forming reactions did not involve photolysis of SO2, like that inferred for pre-2.3 Ga sulfates from Archean sediments or Antarctic ice-core sulfate associated with few dated eruptions. Even though the sulfate sulfur isotopic compositions reflect mass-dependent processes, the products of caldera-forming eruptions display a large δ34S range and exhibit fractionation relationships that do not follow the expected equilibrium slopes of 0.515 and 1.90 for 33S/32S vs. 34S/32S and 36S/32S vs. 34S/32S, respectively. The data presented here are consistent with modification of a chemical mass-dependent fractionation of sulfur isotopes in the volcanic plume by either a kinetic gas phase reaction of volcanic SO2 with OH and/or a Rayleigh processes involving a residual Rayleigh reactant—volcanic SO2 gas, rather than a Rayleigh product. These results may also imply at least two removal pathways for SO2 in volcanic plumes.Above-zero Δ17O values and their positive correlation with δ18O in sulfate can be explained by oxidation by high-δ18O and high-Δ17O compounds such as ozone and radicals such as OH that result from ozone break down. Large caldera-forming eruptions have the highest Δ17O values, and the largest range of δ18O, which can be explained by stratospheric reaction with ozone-derived OH radicals. These results suggest that massive eruptions are capable of causing a temporary depletion of the ozone layer. Such depletion may be many times that of the measured 3-8% depletion following 1991 Pinatubo eruption, if the amount of sulfur dioxide released scales with the amount of ozone depletion.  相似文献   

Colloform pyrite with core-rim texture is commonly deposited in carbonate platforms associated with the sulfide ores such as the Caixiashan Pb-Zn deposit.However,the genesis of colloform pyrite in Pb-Zn deposits,its growth controls and their geological implication are insufficiently understood.Integration of in-situ trace element and SIMS sulfur isotopes has revealed geochemical variations among these pyrite layers.These colloform pyrite occur as residual phases of core-rim aggregates,the cores are made up of very fine-grained anhedral pyrite particles,with some rims being made up of fine-grained and poorlycrystallized pyrite,while the other rims were featured with euhedral cubic pyrite.which are cemented by fine-grained calcite and/or dolomite with minor quartz.Sulfur isotope analysis shows that some wellpreserved rims have negative δ~(34)S values(-28.12‰to-0.49‰),whereas most of the cores and rims have positive δ~(34)S values(0 to+44.28‰;peak at+14.91‰).Integrating with the methane and sulfate were observed in previous fluid inclusion study,we suggest that the ~(34)S depleted rims were initially formed by bacteria sulfate reduction(BSR),whereas the positive δ~(34)S values were resulted from the sulfate reduction driven by anaerobic methane oxidation(AOM).The well-developed authigenic pyrite and calcite may also support the reaction of AOM.Combined with petrographic observations,trace element composition of the colloform pyrite reveals the incorporation and precipitation behavior of those high abundance elements in the pyrite:Pb and Zn were present as mineral inclusion and likely precipitated before Fe,as supported by the time-resolved Pb-Zn signal spikes in most of the analyzed pyrite grains.Other metals,such as Hg,Co and Ni,may have migrated as chloride complexes and entered the pyrite lattice.Arsenic and Sb,generally influenced by complex-forming reactions rather than substitution ones,could also enter the pyrite lattice,or slightly predate the precipitation of colloform pyrite as mineral inclusions,which are controlled by their hydrolysis constant in the ore fluids.The colloform pyrite may have grown inward from the rims.The successive BSR reaction process would enrich H_2~(32)S in the overlying water column but reduce the metal content,the nucleation of these pyrite rims was featured by strongly negative sulfur isotopes.The following AOM process should be activated by deformation like the turbidity sediment of the mudstone as the sulfide deposition are associated with fault activities that caused the emission of methane migration upward and simultaneously replenishing the metal in the column.The higher AOM reaction rate and the higher metal supply(not only Fe.but with minor other metals such as Pb and Zn) caused by sediment movement enhanced the metal concentration within the pyrite lattice.  相似文献   

Oxygen isotopic composition of emerald from 62 occurrences and deposits in the world reveals a wide range in δ18O (SMOW) between +6.2 and +24.7‰. The δ18O-values for each deposit are restricted and can be used to determine the origin of emerald from the world's most important producers. The δ18O-value of emerald appears to be a fingerprint of its origin, especially for gems of exceptional quality from Colombia (eastern emerald zone, δ18O = +16.8 ± 0.1‰; western emerald zone, δ18O = +21.2 ± 0.5‰), Afghanistan (δ18O = +13.5 ± 0.1‰), Pakistan (Swat-Mingora districts, δ18O = +15.7 ± 0.1‰), Brazil (Santa Terezinha de Goiás, δ18O = +12.2 ± 0.1‰; Quadrilatero Ferrifero, δ18O = +6.9 ± 0.4‰) and Zimbabwe (Sandawana, δ18O = +7.5 ± 0.5‰). Furthermore, the 18O-composition of emerald appears to be a good marker of its geological environment because the data suggest that host-rock-buffering of fluid δ18O is considerable during fluid-rock interaction. Received: 29 January 1998 / Accepted: 25 March 1998  相似文献   

The sulfur isotopic effect (δ34S) shown by batch cultures of six species of sulfate-reducing bacteria was ?14.6%. (S.D.4.1).Fractionation appeared to be independent of electron donor, temperature (between 35 and 55°) and the extent of sulfate reduction.  相似文献   

Sulfate and water from experiments in which pyrite was oxidized at a pH of 2.0 were analyzed for sulfur and oxygen stable isotopes. Experiments were conducted under both aerobic and anaerobic sterile conditions, as well as under aerobic conditions in the presence of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, to elucidate the pathways of oxidation. Oxygen isotope fractionation between SO2?4 and H2O varied from +4.0 %. (anaerobic, sterile) to + 18.0 %. (aerobic, with T. ferrooxidans.). The oxygen isotope composition of dissolved oxygen utilized in both chemical and microbially-mediated oxidation was also determined (+11.4 %., by T. ferrooxidans; +18.4 %., chemical). Contributions of water-derived oxygen and dissolved oxygen to the sulfate produced in the oxidation of pyrite could thus be estimated. Water-derived oxygen constituted from 23 to ~ 100 percent of the oxygen in the sulfate produced in the experiments, and this closely approximates the range of contribution in natural acid mine drainage. Oxidation of sulfides in anaerobic, water-saturated environments occurs primarily by chemical oxidation pathways, whereas oxidation of sulfides in well-aerated, unsaturated zone environments occurs dominantly by microbially mediated pathways.  相似文献   

The black limestone widely used in Slovenian monuments, particularly in the baroque architecture, is deteriorating extensively due to salt crystallization. Samples of soluble salts from two important historical monuments (in Ljubljana, Slovenia) were investigated in terms of their mineral and isotopic (S and O) compositions. Results revealed the presence of gypsum and soluble salts of the MgSO4·nH2O series, such as starkeyite (MgSO4·4H2O), pentahydrite (MgSO4·5H2O) and hexahydrite (MgSO4·6H2O). Whereas black crusts and subflorescences consisted of gypsum, efflorescences appeared to be an assemblage of gypsum and MgSO4 hydrates. Sample δ18Osulfate values varied from ?1.9‰ to +5.5‰ vs. V-SMOW and δ34Ssulfate values from ?19.8‰ to +3.2‰ vs. V-CDT. The respective isotopic composition of analysed outdoor and indoor monument samples indicated different sources of contamination.  相似文献   

Bacterial sulfate reduction is one of the most important respiration processes in anoxic habitats and is often assessed by analyzing the results of stable isotope fractionation. However, stable isotope fractionation is supposed to be influenced by the reduction rate and other parameters, such as temperature. We studied here the mechanistic basics of observed differences in stable isotope fractionation during bacterial sulfate reduction. Batch experiments with four sulfate-reducing strains (Desulfovibrio desulfuricans, Desulfobacca acetoxidans, Desulfonatronovibrio hydrogenovorans, and strain TRM1) were performed. These microorganisms metabolize different carbon sources (lactate, acetate, formate, and toluene) and showed broad variations in their sulfur isotope enrichment factors. We performed a series of experiments on isotope exchange of 18O between residual sulfate and ambient water. Batch experiments were conducted with 18O-enriched (δ18Owater = +700‰) and depleted water (δ18Owater = −40‰), respectively, and the stable 18O isotope shift in the residual sulfate was followed. For Desulfovibrio desulfuricans and Desulfonatronovibrio hydrogenovorans, which are both characterized by low sulfur isotope fractionation (εS > −13.2‰), δ18O values in the remaining sulfate increased by only 50‰ during growth when 18O-enriched water was used for the growth medium. In contrast, with Desulfobacca acetoxidans and strain TRM1 (εS < −22.7‰) the residual sulfate showed an increase of the sulfate δ18O close to the values of the enriched water of +700‰. In the experiments with δ18O-depleted water, the oxygen isotope values in the residual sulfate stayed fairly constant for strains Desulfovibrio desulfuricans, Desulfobacca acetoxidans and Desulfonatronovibrio hydrogenovorans. However, strain TRM1, which exhibits the lowest sulfur isotope fractionation factor (εS < −38.7‰) showed slightly decreasing δ18O values.Our results give strong evidence that the oxygen atoms of sulfate exchange with water during sulfate reduction. However, this neither takes place in the sulfate itself nor during formation of APS (adenosine-5′-phosphosulfate), but rather in intermediates of the sulfate reduction pathway. These may in turn be partially reoxidized to form sulfate. This reoxidation leads to an incorporation of oxygen from water into the “recycled” sulfate changing the overall 18O isotopic composition of the remaining sulfate fraction. Our study shows that such incorporation of 18O is correlated with the stable isotope enrichment factor for sulfur measured during sulfate reduction. The reoxidation of intermediates of the sulfate reduction pathway does also strongly influence the sulfur stable isotope enrichment factor. This aforesaid reoxidation is probably dependent on the metabolic conversion of the substrate and therefore also influences the stable isotope fractionation factor indirectly in a rate dependent manner. However, this effect is only indirect. The sulfur isotope enrichment factors for the kinetic reactions themselves are probably not rate dependent.  相似文献   

Using H235S, anaerobic oxidation of sulfide to sulfate by D. desulfuricans was demonstrated. This was probably the result of a reversal of the sulfate reduction pathway.  相似文献   

智博大型磁铁矿床位于新疆西天山阿吾拉勒铁铜成矿带东段,主要矿石矿物为磁铁矿,主要共生金属矿物为黄铁矿。文章通过对黄铁矿进行矿物成因研究来推测矿床成因及特征。本次研究选择2个成矿期的矿石及围岩中的黄铁矿进行电子探针及硫同位素研究。电子探针数据显示岩浆期黄铁矿w(Co)平均为4703×10~(-6),大于热液期w(Co)(735.71×10~(-6)),Co/Ni比值(平均18.53)也大于热液期黄铁矿Co/Ni比值(平均0.96);S/Se比值多数集中于1000~8000之间。部分Co/Ni、Se/Te、S/Se比值落入热液成因范围内,暗示了热液流体参与成矿的可能性。而Co-Co/Ni图解显示岩浆期矿石和热液期矿石具有一定的继承性。黄铁矿中δ~(34)S值介于-1.2‰和0.3‰之间,表明硫主要来源于幔源硫。智博铁矿床矿石主要为岩浆成因,但岩浆期后热液及其他热液流体也参与了晚阶段的成矿作用。  相似文献   

Concentrations of oceanic and atmospheric oxygen have varied over geologic time as a function of sulfur and carbon cycling at or near the Earth’s surface. This balance is expressed in the sulfur isotope composition of seawater sulfate. Given the near absence of gypsum in pre-Phanerozoic sediments, trace amounts of carbonate-associated sulfate (CAS) within limestones or dolostones provide the best available constraints on the isotopic composition of sulfate in Precambrian seawater. Although absolute CAS concentrations, which range from those below detection to ∼120 ppm sulfate in this study, may be compromised by diagenesis, the sulfur isotope compositions can be buffered sufficiently to retain primary values.Stratigraphically controlled δ34S measurements for CAS from three mid-Proterozoic carbonate successions (∼1.2 Ga Mescal Limestone, Apache Group, Arizona, USA; ∼1.45-1.47 Ga Helena and Newland formations, Belt Supergroup, Montana, USA; and ∼1.65 Ga Paradise Creek Formation, McNamara Group, NW Queensland, Australia) show large isotopic variability (+9.1‰ to +18.9‰, −1.1‰ to +27.3‰, and +14.1‰ to +37.3‰, respectively) over stratigraphic intervals of ∼50 to 450 m. This rapid variability, ranging from scattered to highly systematic, and overall low CAS abundances can be linked to sulfate concentrations in the mid-Proterozoic ocean that were substantially lower than those of the Phanerozoic but higher than values inferred for the Archean. Results from the Belt Supergroup specifically corroborate previous arguments for seawater contributions to the basin. Limited sulfate availability that tracks the oxygenation history of the early atmosphere is also consistent with the possibility of extensive deep-ocean sulfate reduction, the scarcity of bedded gypsum, and the stratigraphic δ34S trends and 34S enrichments commonly observed for iron sulfides of mid-Proterozoic age.  相似文献   

Inverse kinetic isotope fractionation during bacterial nitrite oxidation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Natural abundance stable isotopes in nitrate (), nitrite (), and nitrous oxide (N2O) have been used to better understand the cycling of nitrogen in marine and terrestrial environments. However, in order to extract the greatest information from the distributions of these isotopic species, the kinetic isotope effects for each of the relevant microbial reactions are needed. To date, kinetic isotope effects for nitrite oxidation and anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) have not been reported. In this study, the nitrogen isotope effect was measured for microbial nitrite oxidation to nitrate. Nitrite oxidation is the second step in the nitrification process, and it plays a key role in the regeneration of nitrate in the ocean. Surprisingly, nitrite oxidation occurred with an inverse kinetic isotope effect, such that the residual nitrite became progressively depleted in 15N as the reaction proceeded. Three potential explanations for this apparent inverse kinetic isotope effect were explored: (1) isotope exchange equilibrium between nitrite and nitrous acid prior to reaction, (2) reaction reversibility at the enzyme level, and (3) true inverse kinetic fractionation. Comparison of experimental data to ab initio calculations and theoretical predictions leads to the conclusion that the fractionation is most likely inverse at the enzyme level. Inverse kinetic isotope effects are rare, but the experimental observations reported here agree with kinetic isotope theory for this simple N-O bond-forming reaction. Nitrite oxidation is therefore fundamentally different from all other microbial processes in which N isotope fractionation has been studied. The unique kinetic isotope effect for nitrite oxidation should help to better identify its role in the cycling of nitrite in ocean suboxic zones, and other environments in which nitrite accumulates.  相似文献   

Oxygen isotope exchange rate between dissolved sulfate and water was experimentally determined at 100, 200 and 300°C. The isotope exchange rate is strongly dependent on temperature and pH of the solution. Combining the temperature and pH dependence of the reaction rate, the exchange reaction was estimated to be first-order with respect to sulfate. The logarithm of apparent rate constant of exchange reaction at a given temperature is a function of the pH calculated at the experimental temperatures. From the pH dependence of the apparent rate constant, it was deduced that the isotope exchange reaction between dissolved sulfate and water proceeds through collision between H2SO04 and H2O at low pH, and between HSO?4 and H2O at intermediate pH. The isotope exchange rate obtained indicates that oxygen isotope geothermometry utilizing the studied isotope exchange is suitable for temperature estimation of geothermal reservoirs. The extrapolated half-life of this reaction to oceanic temperature is about 109 years, implying that exchange between oceanic sulfate and water cannot control the oxygen isotope ratio of oceanic sulfates.  相似文献   

Isotope fractionation during sulfate reduction by natural populations of sulfate-reducing bacteria was investigated in the cyanobacterial microbial mats of Solar Lake, Sinai and the sediments of Logten Lagoon sulfuretum, Denmark. Fractionation was measured at different sediment depths, sulfate concentrations, and incubation temperatures. Rates of sulfate reduction varied between 0.1 and 37 micromoles cm-3 d-1, with the highest rates among the highest ever reported from natural sediments. The depletion of 34S during dissimilatory sulfate reduction ranged from 16% to 42%, with the largest 34S-depletions associated with the lowest rates of sulfate reduction and the lowest 34S-depletions with the highest rates. However, at high sulfate reduction rates (>10 micromoles cm-3 d-1) the lowest fractionation was 20% independent of the rates. Overall, there was a similarity between the fractionation obtained by the natural populations of sulfate reducers and previous measurements from pure cultures. This was somewhat surprising given the extremely high rates of sulfate reduction in the experiments. Our results are explained if we conclude that the fractionation was mainly controlled by the specific rate of sulfate reduction (mass cell-1 time-1) and not by the absolute rate (mass volume-1 time-1). Sedimentary sulfides (mainly FeS2) were on average 40% depleted in 34S compared to seawater sulfate. This amount of depletion was more than could be explained by the isotopic fractionations that we measured during bacterial sulfate reduction. Therefore, additional processes contributing to the fractionation of sulfur isotopes in the sediments are indicated. From both Solar Lake and Logten Lagoon we were able to enrich cultures of elemental sulfur-disproportionating bacteria. We suggest that isotope fractionation accompanying elemental sulfur disproportionation contributes to the 34S depletion of sedimentary sulfides at our study sites.  相似文献   

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