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In order to determine the primary factors related to the accumulation of phosphorus in estuarine sediments, a study of phosphorus fractions in sediments of the Delaware River Estuary was undertaken. A correlation matrix between the phosphorus fractions, determined by serial extraction, and 14 sediment variables was computed. Total phosphorus and total inorganic phosphorus in the sediment-phosphorus reservoir decreases with increasing salinity. This variation is correlated with decreasing iron oxyhydroxide content in the sediment. Neither clay content nor calcium carbonate content appear to be significantly correlated with variation in total inorganic phosphorus content in the fine-grained sediments of this estuary. Although calcium phosphate is concluded to be a major constituent of the sediment-phosphorus reservoir, there was no evidence found that it is authigenic in this environment.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2006,21(3):528-545
High mean As concentrations of up to 26.6 μmol/L (1990 μg/L) occur in ground water collected from a fractured-bedrock system composed of sulfidic schist with granitic to dioritic intrusions. Sulfides in the bedrock are the primary source of the As in the ground water, but the presence of arsenopyrite in rock core retrieved from a borehole with As concentrations in the ground water barely above the detection limit of 2.0 μmol/L, shows that there are complicating factors. Chemical analyses of water from 35 bedrock wells throughout a small watershed reveal spatial clustering of wells with high As concentrations. Stiff diagrams and box plots distinguish three distinct types; calcium-bicarbonate-dominated water with low As concentrations (CaHCO3 type), sodium-bicarbonate-dominated water with moderately high As concentrations (NaHCO3 type), and calcium-bicarbonate-dominated water with very high As concentrations (High-As type). It is proposed that differences in recharge area and ground-water evolution, and possible bedrock composition difference are responsible for the chemical distinctions within the watershed. Lack of correlation of As concentrations with pH indicates that desorption of As is an insignificant control on As concentration. Correlations of As concentrations with Fe and redox parameters indicates that reductive dissolution of Fe(III) oxyhydroxides may play a role in the occurrence of high As concentrations in the NaHCO3 and High-As type water. The oxidation of sulfide minerals occurs within the ground-water system and is ultimately responsible for the existence of As in the ground water, but there is no correlation between As and SO4 concentrations, probably due to precipitation of Fe(III) oxyhydroxides and adsorption of As under oxidizing conditions.  相似文献   

The change in porewater nitrate (NO2 ? + NO3 ?) concentrations during exposure of intertidal sediment was studied at a fixed location in the Sado estuary, southwest Portugal, in November 1994. In order to follow nitrate concentration and dynamics from pre-ebb to post flood, during the day, high vertical resolution profiles (0.2 cm) were studied. As a complement, in February 1995, potential nitrification rates in the sediment were measured by laboratory incubations, with high vertical resolution (0.2 cm) up to 3 cm depth. Oxygen penetration was measured with polarographic mini-electrodes. The sediment’s texture as well as the organic matter composition in carbon and nitrogen were studied in deeper (30 cm) cores. In February 1993,210Pb activity depth profiles were measured in a core sampled at the beginning of exposure, in order to evaluate the possibility of nonlocal particle exchange. C:N ratios and210Pb activity profiles show evidence of nonlocal exchange of solid phase particles between the surface and deeper sediment, most likely due to macrofaunal activity. As a consequence, fresh organic matter is brought from the surface to 7–9 cm depth, causing enhancement of nutrient concentrations. Results of this study suggest nitrate dynamics in intertidal sediments of the Sado estuary are strongly influenced by tidal action. Periodic submersion and exposure allow for the diversification of pathways of oxygen supply to the sediment. Tidal stress at the sediment-water interface during the arrival (flooding) and departure (exposure) of the tidal front at the site has an important bearing on the effective depth of the nitrification zone. A denitrification rate of 2.16 μmol N dm?5 h?1 was measured directly from the nitrate inventory in the 1.5–6 cm depth layer. The schematic model of N cycling in these sediments suggests that 20% of the N pool is denitrified during exposure, and that this process is limited by O2 availability for nitrification.  相似文献   

In this study rates of oxygen, ammonium (NH4 +), nitrate (NO3 ), nitrite (NO2 ), and nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes, nitrogen (N) fixation, nitrification, and denitrification were compared between two intertidal sites for which there is an abundant global literature, muddy and sandy sediments, and two sites representing the rocky intertidal zone where biogeochemical processes have scarcely been investigated. In almost all sites oxygen production rates greatly exceeded oxygen consumption rates. During daylight, NH4 + and NO3 uptake rates together with ammonification could supply the different N requirements of the primary producer communities at all four sites; N assimilation by benthic or epilithic primary producers was the major process of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) removal; N fixation, nitrification, and denitrification were minor processes in the overall light DIN cycle. At night, distinct DIN cycling processes took place in the four environments, denitrification rates ranged from 9 ± 2 to 360 ± 30 μmol N2 m−2 h−1, accounting for 10–48% of the water column NO3 uptake; nitrification rates varied from 0 to 1712 ± 666 μmol NH4 + m−2 h−1. A conceptual model of N cycle dynamics showed major differences between intertidal sediment and rocky sites in terms of the mean rates of DIN net fluxes and the processes involved, with rocky biofilm showing generally higher fluxes. Of particular significance, the intertidal rocky biofilms released 10 times the amount of N2O produced in intertidal sediments (up to 17 ± 6 μmol N2O m−2 h−1), representing the highest N2O release rates ever recorded for marine systems. The biogeochemical contributions of intertidal rocky substrata to estuarine and coastal processes warrant future detailed investigation.  相似文献   

The Carson River Superfund Site in west-central Nevada is an area of Hg-contaminated soil, sediment, water, air, and biola resulting from the amalgamation milling of Ag-Au ores of the Comstock lode worked approximately a century ago. In order to develop an understanding of the behavior, transport, and fate of Hg at this site, a technique was developed to estimate the proportions of total, elemental, exchangeable, organic, and sulfide Hg in soils, sediments, and tailings.Results of this analysis performed on active Carson River sediments indicate that Hg is selectively dissolved out of Hg-Au amalgam particles and subsequently adsorbed to fine-grained sediments which are then deposited in downstream, low-energy reaches of the Carson River and Labontan Reservoir. In the relatively more-reducing environment of the reservoir Hg appears to be converted, in large part, to relatively-insoluble HgS.The original elemental form of Hg released to the environment is the chemical form which is still dominant in most highly-contaminated soils, sediments, and tailings. Deeper, more-reducing soil horizons, however, appear to fix a significant portion of the Hg as HgS, analogous to the Lahontan Reservoir example described above. This fixation as HgS is documented to be largely limited to higher-sulfur areas where sulfide minerals from the Comstock ores increase the total sulfur concentrations of contaminated soils, sediments, and tailings.  相似文献   

The relationship between lobsters and eelgrass beds was investigated in the Piscataqua River, which constitutes the lower portion of the Great Bay Estuary, New Hampshire and Maine. The goals of the study were to assess the numbers, size distribution, and sex distribution of lobsters in eelgrass beds, to determine whether lobsters in the eelgrass beds were transients or residents, and to investigate eelgrass density preferences among adolescent lobsters. Eighty percent of the lobsters collected from eelgrass beds were adolescents, measuring >40 to 70 mm carapace length (CL). Of the 295 lobsters collected at four different eelgrass beds, we found an average male-to-female ratio of 1.2. Tag/recapture efforts in eelgrass beds (1.5 to 4 mo interim period) yielded an average recapture of 5.5%. Twenty transects, each 10 m in length, sampled at two eelgrass sites revealed a lobster density of 0.1 m−2. In mesocosm experiments, lobsters (53–73 mm CL) showed a clear preference for eelgrass over bare mud. Our investigations showed that adolescent lobsters burrow in eelgrass beds, utilize eelgrass as an overwintering habitat, and prefer eelgrass to bare mud.  相似文献   

A turbidity maximum has been observed in the Kennebec estuary during mode rate and low flow conditions near the upstream limit of salinity intrusion. Hydrographic, ADCP, and transmissometer data were collected at different river flow levels and seasons during 1995–1998. The location of the tip of the salt intrusion changes dramatically and during high runoff may be flushed from the channel of the estuary along with the accumulated particles in the turbidity maximum. It is hypothesized that the estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) was absent 18% of the time with occurrences in all seasons during 1993–1999 based on river flow volumes from the Kennebec and Androscoggin Rivers throughout the study period. When the flow is moderate and low, which occurred 73% of the time on average, a region of high turbidity can be found as far as 40 km upstream of the mouth. Suspended particulate loads are low in the ETM, on the order of tens of mg l−1 and may vary with the length of time that the ETM has been present.  相似文献   

Sediments from the Aquia aquifer in coastal Maryland were collected as part of a larger study of As in the Aquia groundwater flow system where As concentration are reported to reach levels as high as 1072 nmol kg−1, (i.e., ∼80 μg/L). To test whether As release is microbially mediated by reductive dissolution of Fe(III) oxides/oxyhydroxides within the aquifer sediments, the Aquia aquifer sediment samples were employed in a series of microcosm experiments. The microcosm experiments consisted of sterilized serum bottles prepared with aquifer sediments and sterilized (i.e., autoclaved), artificial groundwater using four experimental conditions and one control condition. The four experimental conditions included the following scenarios: (1) aerobic; (2) anaerobic; (3) anaerobic + acetate; and (4) anaerobic + acetate + AQDS (anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonic acid). AQDS acts as an electron shuttle. The control condition contained sterilized aquifer sediments kept under anaerobic conditions with an addition of AQDS. Over the course of the 27 day microcosm experiments, dissolved As in the unamended (aerobic and anaerobic) microcosms remained constant at around ∼28 nmol kg−1 (2 μg/L). With the addition of acetate, the amount of As released to the solution approximately doubled reaching ∼51 nmol kg−1 (3.8 μg/L). For microcosm experiments amended with acetate and AQDS, the dissolved As concentrations exceeded 75 nmol kg−1 (5.6 μg/L). The As concentrations in the acetate and acetate + AQDS amended microcosms are of similar orders of magnitude to As concentrations in groundwaters from the aquifer sediment sampling site (127-170 nmol kg−1). Arsenic concentrations in the sterilized control experiments were generally less than 15 nmol kg−1 (1.1 μg/L), which is interpreted to be the amount of As released from Aquia aquifer sediments owing to abiotic, surface exchange processes. Iron concentrations released to solution in each of the microcosm experiments were higher and more variable than the As concentrations, but generally exhibited similar trends to the As concentrations. Specifically, the acetate and acetate + AQDS amended microcosm typically exhibited the highest Fe concentrations (up to 1725 and 6566 nmol kg−1, respectively). The increase in both As and Fe in the artificial groundwater solutions in these amended microcosm experiments strongly suggests that microbes within the Aquia aquifer sediments mobilize As from the sediment substrate to the groundwaters via Fe(III) reduction.  相似文献   

The salinity intrusion in the Fraser estuary, Canada, migrates landward during the rising tide and is flushed downstream on the falling tide. Suspended sediment concentrations are higher during unstratified flows than during stratified conditions. Mixing between the upper layer and the salinity intrusion is restricted by a strong density interface on the rising tide but enhanced mixing occurs across a weak salinity gradient on the falling tide. A weakly-developed estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) and positive internal waves occur at the tip of the salinity intrusion as it migrates seaward. Spectral analyses of optical backscatter probe time series indicate that sediment movement from the upper layer is restricted by the density interface on the rising tide. During the falling tide, sediment mixing is enhanced by internal waves at the surface of the ETM. Internal waves generated at the density interface have a higher frequency during the rising tide than the falling tide.  相似文献   

Factors that govern heavy metal concentration in sediments were examined by a combined analytical, geochemical, and geological approach. The constrains encountered in the determination of the anthropogenic influence are exposed. The region examined was the Krka River estuary located in the typical karst region of the eastern Adriatic, Yugoslavia.Sedimentological research revealed that: the Krka River (main water supplier) is almost free of suspended terrigenous material; the main supplier of suspended terrigenous matter of flysch origin is a small torrent-type Gudua Creek, and that this fine grained terrigenous material is sedimented mostly in the central enlarged part of the estuary, the Prokljan Lake.Three different groups of heavy metals were identified in recent sediments. Increased concentrations of nickel and zinc were found in estuarine sediments due to strongnatural enrichment in source rocks. Manganese and chromium were found to benaturally enriched and depleted in surface layer respectively, due to the different postdepositional geochemical behavior. Lead and copper concentrations were found to be increased in surface sediments in the central part of the estuary, apparently from anthropogenic source.  相似文献   

The Neuse River estuary, North Carolina, United States, has demonstrated various symptoms of eutrophication during the past 20 yr. We contributed to an environmental assessment program, through ecological network analysis, a group of algorithms to evaluate networks of material flows within a structured system. Networks of nitrogen (N) cycling for 16 consecutive seasons were constructed based on previous field and laboratory studies. Network analysis provided understanding of the relationship between N loading and recycling, the fates of N and the expected interseasonal variation of both model inputs and outputs. Various indices indicated that recycling of imported N was very high, supporting measured observations. There was little correlation between estimates of loading and N uptake by phytoplankton, although loading of total and particulate N did correlate positively with export. Because of the high degree of recycling of N, the rate of loading of new N is a small fraction of the total processing of N or of the needs for primary production alone. We predict that on a short-term basis the controls on primary production tend to be associated with conditions in the estuary rather than import. This condition is likely to postpone easily observable responses to loading reduction over the entire estuary and in the short term, although improvements in water quality should occur over time.  相似文献   

Nature of the crust in Maine,USA: evidence from the Sebago batholith   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
 Neodymium and lead isotope and elemental data are presented for the Sebago batholith (293±2 Ma), the largest exposed granite in New England. The batholith is lithologically homogeneous, yet internally heterogeneous with respect to rare earth elements (REE) and Nd isotopic composition. Two-mica granites in the southern/central portion of the batholith (group 1) are characterized by REE patterns with uniform shapes [CeN/YbN (chondrite normalized) = 9.4–19 and Eu/Eu* (Eu anomaly) = 0.27–0.42] and ɛ Nd(t) = −3.1 to −2.1. Peripheral two-mica granites (group 2), spatially associated with stromatic and schlieric migmatites, have a wider range of total REE contents and patterns with variable shapes (CeN/YbN = 6.1–67, Eu/Eu* = 0.20–0.46) and ɛ Nd(t) = −5.6 to −2.8. The heterogeneous REE character of the group 2 granites records the effects of magmatic differentiation that involved monazite. Coarse-grained leucogranites and aplites have kinked REE patterns and low total REE, but have Nd isotope systematics similar to group 2 granites with ɛ Nd(t) = −5.5 to −4.7. Rare biotite granites have steep REE patterns (CeN/YbN = 51–61, Eu/Eu* = 0.32–0.84) and ɛ Nd(t) = −4.6 to −3.8. The two-mica granites have a restricted range in initial Pb isotopic composition (206Pb/204Pb = 18.41–18.75; 207Pb/204Pb = 15.60–15.68; 208Pb/204Pb = 38.21–38.55), requiring and old, high U/Pb (but not Th/U) source component. The Nd isotope data are consistent with magma derivation from two sources: Avalon-like crust (ɛ Nd>−3), and Central Maine Belt metasedimentary rocks (ɛ Nd<−4), without material input from the mantle. The variations in isotope systematics and REE patterns are inconsistent with models of disequilibrium melting which involved monazite. Received: 8 December 1995 / Accepted: 29 April 1996  相似文献   

Iron and manganese redox cycling in the sediment — water interface region in the Kalix River estuary was investigated by using sediment trap data, pore-water and solid-phase sediment data. Nondetrital phases (presumably reactive Fe and Mn oxides) form substantial fractions of the total settling flux of Fe and Mn (51% of Fetotal and 84% of Mntotal). A steady-state box model reveals that nondetrital Fe and Mn differ considerably in reactivity during post-depositional redox cycling in the sediment. The production rate of dissolved Mn (1.6 mmol m–2 d–1) exceeded the depositional flux of nondetrital Mn (0.27 mmol m–2 d–1) by a factor of about 6. In contrast, the production rate of upwardly diffusing pore-water Fe (0.77 mmol m–2 d–1) amounted to only 22% of the depositional flux of nondetrital Fe (3.5 mmol m–2 d–1). Upwardly diffusing pore-water Fe and Mn are effectively oxidized and trapped in the oxic surface layer of the sediment, resulting in negligible benthic effluxes of Fe and Mn. Consequently, the concentrations of nondetrital Fe and Mn in permanently deposited, anoxic sediment are similar to those in the settling material. Reactive Fe oxides appear to form a substantial fraction of this buried, non-detrital Fe. The in-situ oxidation rates of Fe and Mn are tentatively estimated to be 0.51 and 0.16–1.7 mol cm–3 d–1, respectively.  相似文献   

 R-mode factor analysis of the recently acquired data on water and sediment chemistry has been performed. Basic chemical parameters have been merged together which aid in interpreting a few empirical geochemical factors controlling the chemical nature of water and sediments of the Gomti River, a major Himalayan tributary of the Ganges drainage basin. Water chemistry seems to be controlled by three factors: bicarbonate, rainfall and silicate and phosphate factors. Sediment chemistry is largely controlled by the following four factors: clay, adsorption/desorption, Fe-Mn hydroxide and mercury factors. These factors show spatial and temporal variability in terms of their R-scores. Received: 8 September 1997 · Accepted: 15 December 1997  相似文献   

Terrane sutures in the Maine Appalachians and adjacent areas are recognized as melange dominated, deformed accretionary prisms of Ordovician age, and as a broad synmetamorphic transcurrent fault zone of probable Late Silurian-Early Devonian age. Although the accretionary prisms are associated with present day aeromagnetic and Bouguer gravity anomalies, they are probably not associated with present day crustal penetrating boundaries. The geology of the accretionary prisms indicates subduction-obduction dominated regimes during which (1) the Gander and Boundary Mountain (Dunnage) terranes amalgamated and (2) the composite Boundary Mountain-Gander terrane accreted to the Laurentian margin. The Penobscottian orogeny produced and deformed the older of the two accretionary prisms. This accretionary prism indicates that the Penobscottian was a continuous or perhaps diachronous event which spanned the late Cambrian to early Late Ordovician. The younger accretionary prism was produced and deformed during the Taconian orogeny during late Middle to early Late Ordovician. Initial deformation of this accretionary prism may have overlapped the waning stages of the Penobscottian. Portions of the Taconian arc locally overlie the Penobscottian accretionary prism. A synmetamorphic fault zone lies within Precambrian(?) to Ordovician(?) bimodal metavolcanic and metapelitic rocks assigned here to the Avalon terrane. This zone is several kilometres wide and is interpreted to be the postsubduction suture between the Avalon and Gander terranes, and may, in part, represent a fossil transform fault system. The fault zone contains phyllonites as well as shear zones which generally record dextral motion. The phyllonites were previously interpreted as a stratigraphic unit, whereas the shear zones span or are contained within mappable compositional units. Formation of and movement along these phyllonites and shear zones ceased before the intrusion of Early Devonian plutons. Not all faults in south-western Maine are related to the suture. Younger dip and/or strike-slip and thrust faults are approximately parallel to, or may lie within, the older shear zones and they complicate the recognition of the older faults.  相似文献   

Increased groundwater withdrawals for the growing population in the Rio Grande Valley and likely alteration of recharge to local aquifers with climate change necessitates an understanding of the groundwater connection between the Jornada del Muerto Basin and the adjoining and more heavily used aquifer in the Mesilla Basin. Separating the Jornada and Mesilla aquifers is a buried bedrock high from Tertiary intrusions. This bedrock high or divide restricts and/or retards interbasin flow from the Jornada aquifer into the Mesilla aquifer. The potentiometric surface of the southern Jornada aquifer near part of the bedrock high indicates a flow direction away from the divide because of a previously identified damming effect, but a groundwater outlet from the southern Jornada aquifer is necessary to balance inputs from the overall Jornada aquifer. Differences in geochemical constituents (major ions, δD, δ18O, δ34S, and 87Sr/86Sr) indicate a deeper connection between the two aquifers through the Tertiary intrusions where Jornada water is geochemically altered because of a geothermal influence. Jornada groundwater likely is migrating through the bedrock high in deeper pathways formed by faults of the Jornada Fault Zone, in addition to Jornada water that overtops the bedrock high as previously identified as the only connection between the two aquifers. Increased groundwater withdrawals and lowering of the potentiometric surface of the Jornada aquifer may alter this contribution ratio with less overtopping of the bedrock high and a continued deeper flowpath contribution that could potentially increase salinity values in the Mesilla Basin near the divide.  相似文献   

Denitrification rates along a salinity gradient in the eutrophic Neuse River Estuary, North Carolina, were quantified using membrane inlet mass spectrometry (MIMS) within short-term batch incubations. Denitrification rates within the system were highly variable, ranging from 0 to 275 μmol N m−2 h−1. Intrasite variability increased with salinity, but no significant differences were observed across the salinity gradient. Denitrification rates were positively correlated with sediment oxygen demand at the upstream sampling site where sediment organic carbon levels were lowest. This relationship was not observed in the more saline sampling sites. Denitrification rates were highest during winter. On an annual basis, denitrification accounted for 26% of the dissolved inorganic nitrogen and 12% of the total nitrogen supplied to the system.  相似文献   

Near surface (<10 cm) sediment distributions of234Th sampled multiple times at five locations along the axis of the Hudson Estuary from the Upper Bay of New York to Haverstraw Bay are compared with210Pb data from longer cores at the same locations. The comparison indicates that while there is little net sediment accumulation anywhere except at one location in the Upper Bay, near surface sediment in this reach of the estuary is mobile on short (months) time scales. The sediment appears to be physically mixed rather than bioturbated. Comparison of the sediment inventories of234Th with calculated water column production indicates short time scale (months) variability in234Th deposition. Some parts of the bottom have234Th inventories in excess of local production but these appear to be balanced by234Th deficient areas, resulting in a general equilibrium. Sediment inventories of Pb, Cu, and Zn normalized to210Pb show no evidence of a uniquely urban source of these metals to the lower estuary. Silver distributions in sediment indicate a possible source of silver from New York City, probably related to sewage inputs.  相似文献   

The DFAA composition was analyzed over the course of one year, along with salinity, temperature, phytoplankton nutrients, chlorophyll and cell counts. Stepwise multiple linear regression on all variables indicated that the total dissolved free amino acids were only directly related to individual amino acid variations, and not the other variables measured. In the prediction of cell density, only silicate and chlorophyll were significant predictors. Individual amino acids may be more significant in blooms of a single species.  相似文献   

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