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Markus Bauer 《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》2009,73(3):529-9557
Due to the widespread contamination of groundwater resources with arsenic (As), controls on As mobility have to be identified. In this study we focused on the distribution of As in the dissolved, colloidal and particulate size fraction of experimental solutions rich in ferric iron, dissolved organic matter (DOM) and As(V). Size fractions between <5 kDa and >0.2 μm were separated by filtration and their elemental composition was analyzed. A steady-state particle size distribution with stable element concentration in the different size classes was attained within 24 h. The presence of DOM partly inhibited the formation of large Fe-(oxy)hydroxide aggregates, thus stabilized Fe in complexed and colloidal form, when initially adjusted molar Fe/C ratios in solution were <0.1. Dissolved As concentrations and the quantity of As bound to colloids (<0.2 μm) increased in the presence of DOM as well. At intermediate Fe/C ratios of 0.02-0.1, a strong correlation between As and Fe concentration occurred in all size fractions (R2 = 0.989). At Fe/C ratios <0.02, As was mainly present in the dissolved size fraction. These observations indicate that As mobility increased in the presence of DOM due to (I) competition between As and organic molecules for sorption sites on Fe particles; and (II) due to a higher amount of As bound to more abundant Fe colloids or complexes <0.2 μm in size. The amount of As contained in the colloidal size fractions also depended strongly on the initial size of the humic substance, which was larger for purified humic acids than for natural river or soil porewater samples. Arsenic in the particle size fraction >0.2 μm additionally decreased in the order of pH 4 ? 6 > 8. The presence of DOM likely increases the mobility of As in iron rich waters undergoing oxidation, a finding that has to be considered in the investigation of organic-rich terrestrial and aquatic environments. 相似文献
Based on natural observations over many years, the distribution of dissolved nutrients and trace elements was analyzed in the mixing zone between the freshwater of the Volga River and Caspian seawater. Most of the trace elements (Li, Rb, Cs, B, F, Br, I, Ga, Sc, Y, Co, Ni, Cu, Cd, Ag, V, As, Sb, Bi, Mo, W, and U) show a conservative behavior. During the period of the highest bioproductivity, dissolved phosphates and silica are intensely removed from solution (up to 60–90 and 46–82% of their supply by river runoff, respectively) mostly owing to uptake by aquatic organisms. The distribution of dissolved strontium was assigned to the weakly nonconservative type, because a minor excess of its content above the lines of conservative mixing (8–18%) was observed in some years; perhaps, this is related to different water transformation at the areas of moving and stagnant water in the delta and offshore mouth zone. Barium is characterized by additional input into the solution (up to 52%) in the regions of medium salinity owing to ion exchange reactions in the absorbed complex of river suspended material. The migration of dissolved species of aluminum, manganese, and iron in the mixing zone of Volga and Caspian waters is probably controlled by the coagulation and flocculation of organic and organo-mineral colloids, which is indicated by a sharp decrease in the content of these elements during the initial stage of salinization (59, 91, and 74%, respectively) followed by a plateau. The most complicated distribution was observed for titanium, lead, and rare earth elements (REE), the concentrations of which showed intense removal from the solution (up to 64–88% Ti, 52–87% Pb, and 66–83% REE) followed by a gradual increase, which is probably related to the elevated contents of these elements in the water of the northern Caspian above a local minimum in the zone of active flocculation of colloids. 相似文献
H. J. Gui F. S. Li Y. F. Wei T. Yamada 《International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology》2018,15(8):1619-1628
The adsorption characteristics of natural organic matter (NOM) were investigated on the basis of fluorescence excitation emission matrix (EEM) by using four different coal-based activated carbons (ACs). For each AC, batch adsorption isotherms were analyzed using a modified Freundlich isotherm model on the basis of the fluorescence intensity of three major fluorescence peaks appeared in the fluorescence EEM reported to be reflective of the humic acid-like (P1), fulvic acid-like (P2) and aromatic protein-like (P3) substances, respectively, together with the well-used overall quality indices of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and ultraviolet absorbance at the wavelength of 260 nm (UV260). It was found that, for all five quality indices, the adsorption capacity differed with the ACs used, and the modified Freundlich isotherm constant K estimated for P1, P2 and P3 was in close correlation with that of the total organic matter evaluated by DOC. Moreover, no matter which AC was concerned, the magnitude of the estimated K and the removal rate over a broader range of AC dose for P3 were apparently smaller than those for P1 and P2, suggesting the adsorbability of aromatic protein-like substances was lower than that of the humic acid-like and fulvic acid-like substances. The dependency of the adsorption capacity of NOM on the volume of pores in some specific size ranges of the ACs was also revealed. 相似文献
Temporal variations of colloidal carrier phases and associated trace elements in a boreal river 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Ralf Dahlqvist Karen Andersson Johan Ingri Björn Stolpe 《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》2007,71(22):5339-5354
Elemental size distributions, from truly dissolved through colloidal to particulate, have been studied in a subarctic boreal river. The measurements, carried out during 2002, ranged from winter to summer conditions, including an intense spring flood event. Results are reported for a total of 42 elements. Size distributions were characterised using a combination of cross-flow (ultra)filtration (CFF), flow field-flow fractionation (FlFFF), and diffusive gradients in thin-films (DGT). The three techniques showed similar trends, but quantitative comparisons reveal some important differences that warrant further investigation.Previous work has identified two colloidal carrier phases in fresh waters, dominated by iron and carbon, respectively. The majority of the elements studied are associated with one or both of these colloidal carrier phases. The exceptions are the alkali metals and several anions that are only very weakly associated with colloidal material, and which therefore occur mainly as truly dissolved material (<1 kDa in molecular weight). We discuss the likely origin for the two colloidal carrier phases and consider how associated trace elements fit into the geochemical framework. The relative affinities of the elements for iron and carbon colloidal carrier phases are related to their chemistries, and are compared with earlier data from the Delsjö Creek in southern Sweden.Elemental colloidal concentrations show strong seasonal variations related to changes in the colloidal carrier phase(s) with which they associate. In particular, many elements show a strong spring maximum in colloidal concentrations associated with the strong maximum in colloidal carbon concentration during the spring flood. 相似文献
Hydroacoustics as a tool for assessing fish biomass and size distribution associated with discrete shallow water estuarine habitats in Louisiana 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
We developed a relative index of fish biomass and size distribution in ultra-shallow waters (< 2 m) of Barataria Bay, Louisiana,
based on the comparison of horizontal hydroacoustic data with gill net and push trawl catches in an effort to understand the
role that habitat plays in both fish biomass and distribution. Exclosure net experiments indicated that the contribution of
acoustic backscattering from sources other than fishes were negligible. Split-beam transducer, gill net, and push trawl sampling
were conducted concurrently in Barataria Bay to provide information on fish composition and length distributions and for comparisons
among gear types. Results suggest that acoustic fish biomass was generally higher in the low salinity stations and lower at
the high salinity stations, at least in March 2004. We observed a greater mean length of fishes associated with oyster shell
habitats when compared to adjacent sand-mud habitats. This paper demonstrates the utility of hydroacoustics as a tool to quantify
relative acoustic fish biomass and size distribution associated with common estuarine habitats in ultra-shallow waters. This
study also illustrates the potential of using acoustics for augmenting traditional sampling procedures. 相似文献
Use of major and selected trace elements to describe mixing processes in a water reservoir 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Data on temperature, major constituents and some trace elements, measured in the dissolved and particulate phases, were used to identify the hydrodynamics of a reservoir (the Bicaz reservoir, Romania). Results revealed that the reservoir experiences two thermal stratifications per year (summer and winter). However, the summer stratification is delayed by the high river inflow of June–July. Two layers were identified, a surface and a deep layer, whose location and impact vary with time. The surface layer originates from the river inflow (intrusion layer) and the deep current is produced by the outflow (velocity current). According to season, the river inflow either supplies the deep current or remains recordable up to the dam. Consequently, the structure of the water column, and thus the biogeochemical processes within it, are governed both by thermal stratification and by these layers. 相似文献
Previous work has shown that the type and pH history of an aerosol governs trace metal solubility in rainwater. This study concentrates on the crustal elements Al, Fe and Mn and identifies additional processes which affect dissolution not only in the atmosphere but also on mixing into seawater. Aerosol dissolution experiments (at aerosol concentrations of about 30 mg 1–1) show manganese exhibiting high solubility at the low pH values typical of clouds (54±2.5% at pH 2, with results expressed in mole percent units) with 85% of this increase occurring within 6 hours of acidification. The percentage dissolution decreases to 50% at pH values representative of rainwater (pH 5.5) and to 26±4% at pH 8, typical of seawater. No such dramatic solution phase removal occurs at pH 8 in the presence of inorganic anions (to a final solubility of 44±2%). Thus the extent of manganese dissolution depends strongly on whether aerosols are cycled through acidic environments and on subsequent inorganic complexation once rainwater mixes into sea. Aluminium shows highest dissolution (7.1±0.6%) at low pH with 78% of this increase occurring within 6 hours of acidification. Rapid solution phase removal occurs on increasing the pH to that representative of rainwater (to 0.9±0.4% with 87% of this decrease occurring within 15 min). As a consequence of acid cycling and aluminium's amphoteric nature, solubility is enhanced at seawater pH (2.3±0.3%) over that in rain. Iron shows a strong pH-solubility relationship with highest solubility at low pH (4.7±0.2%), 70% of this value being reached within 6 hours of acidification, and decreasing rapidly to 0.17% as pH is raised to 8. Addition of inorganic anions at pH 8 to simulate mixing into seawater causes a further decrease in solubility, perhaps due to anion induced colloid destabilisation. Photochemical reduction also effects solubility under low pH conditions with Fe(II) comprising 1% of the total iron in the Saharan Aerosol used and 8.4% in an Urban material at a pH of 2. This element shows rapid solution phase removal with increasing particulate load which is tentatively rationalised in terms of a simple Kd approach. 相似文献
Spatial distribution of deuterium in atmospheric water vapor: Diagnosing sources and the mixing of atmospheric moisture 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
We measured the stable isotopic composition of hydrogen (δD) within atmospheric water vapor collected simultaneously at six sites in the vicinity of a lake (Lake Kasumigaura, Eastern Japan) to determine its spatial distribution characteristics and thereby diagnose sources and mixing of atmospheric moisture. The measured spatial distribution of δD showed no relation to distance from the lake, although it showed a correlation with the distribution of the water-vapor mixing ratio Q. For two of the three sampling days, we found a simple two-component (i.e., water vapor transpiring from local land surfaces and pre-existing vapor in the background atmosphere) mixing line in a Keeling plot (i.e., δ − 1/Q diagram). On a third day, however, contributions from lake evaporation were detected in addition to the above components. On this day, lake-derived vapor accounted for approximately 10-20% of atmospheric water vapor at the sites located leeward of the lake. The observed differences in mixing patterns among sampling days can be explained by a simple atmospheric moisture budget. Thus, it is likely that simultaneous isotopic measurements of atmospheric water vapor at multiple locations with aid of Keeling plot are capable of giving us useful information in diagnosing the sources and mixing pattern of the vapor. 相似文献
Yoko Furukawa Janet L Watkins Jinwook Kim Kenneth J Curry Richard H Bennett 《Geochemical transactions》2009,10(1):2-11
The dispersion-aggregation behaviors of suspended colloids in rivers and estuaries are affected by the compositions of suspended materials (i.e., clay minerals vs. organic macromolecules) and salinity. Laboratory experiments were conducted to investigate the dispersion and aggregation mechanisms of suspended particles under simulated river and estuarine conditions. The average hydrodynamic diameters of suspended particles (representing degree of aggregation) and zeta potential (representing the electrokinetic properties of suspended colloids and aggregates) were determined for systems containing suspended montmorillonite, humic acid, and/or chitin at the circumneutral pH over a range of salinity (0 – 7.2 psu). 相似文献13.
Measurements of the concentration and size distribution of aerosol particles in the size-ranges of 0.5–20 μm and 16–700 nm
diameters were made during six fog episodes over the south Indian Ocean. Observations show that concentrations of particles
of all sizes start decreasing 1–2 hours before the occurrence of fog. This decrease is more prominent for coarse particles
of >1 μm diameter and continues until 10–20 minutes before the onset of fog when particle concentrations in all size ranges
rapidly increase by one/two orders of magnitude in ∼20 minutes. Thereafter, concentrations of particles of all sizes gradually
decrease until the dissipation of fog. After the fog dissipation, concentrations of coarse mode particles rapidly increase
and restore to their pre-fog levels but concentrations of the Aitken mode particles decrease slowly and reach their pre-fog
levels only after 1–2 hours. The net effect of fog is to change the bimodal size distributions of aerosols with a coarse mode
at 1.0 μm and an accumulation mode at 40–60 nm to a power law size distribution. It is proposed that the preferential growth
and sedimentation of the coarse mode hygroscopic particles in the initial phase cause a large decrease in the aerosol surface
area. As a result, the low vapour pressure gases which were initially being used for the growth of coarse mode particles,
now accelerate the growth rates of the accumulation and Aitken mode particles. 相似文献
Manfred Birke Uwe Rauch Bodo Harazim Hans Lorenz Wolfgang Glatte 《Journal of Geochemical Exploration》2010
The market for mineral water has been growing steadily over the last few years. Germany is the country with the highest number of bottled mineral water brands (908 bottled water samples from 502 wells/brands were analyzed). The per capita consumption of mineral water in Germany in 2003 was 129 L. A wide range of values of one to seven orders of magnitude was determined for 71 elements in the bottled water samples analyzed by ICP-QMS, ICP-AES, IC, titration, photometric, conductometric and potentiometric methods. A comparison of the element concentrations and the legal limits for both bottled and tap water (EU, Germany, US EPA, WHO) shows that only 70% of the 908 mineral water samples fulfill the German and EU drinking water (i.e., tap water) regulations for all parameters (not including pH) for which action levels are defined. Nearly 5% of the bottled water samples not fulfill the German and EU regulations for mineral and table water. Comparison of our results with the current German and European action levels for mineral and table water shows that only 42 of the bottled water samples exceed the limits for one or more of the following elements: arsenic, nitrate, nitrite, manganese, nickel and barium concentrations. Ten of the bottled water samples contain uranium concentrations above the 10 μg/L recommended limit. 相似文献
Frank J Millero 《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》1982,46(1):11-22
The effect of presure on the solubility of minerals in water and seawater can be estimated from In where the volume (ΔV) and compressibility (ΔK) changes at atmospheric pressure (P = 0) are given by Values of the partial molal volume () and compressibilty () in water and seawater have been tabulated for some ions from 0 to 50°C. The compressibility change is quite large (~10 × 10?3 cm3 bar?1 mol?1) for the solubility of most minerals. This large compressibility change accounts for the large differences observed between values of ΔV obtained from linear plots of In Ksp versus P and molal volume data (Macdonald and North, 1974; North, 1974). Calculated values of for the solubility of CaCO3, SrSO4 and CaF2 in water were found to be in good agreement with direct measurements (Macdonald and North, 1974). Similar calculations for the solubility of minerals in seawater are also in good agreement with direct measurements (Ingle, 1975) providing that the surface of the solid phase is not appreciably altered. 相似文献
Zhongqi HE Tsutomu Ohno Barbara J. Cade-Menun M. Susan Erich C. Wayne Honeycutt 《中国地球化学学报》2006,25(B08):259-259
Natural organic matter (NOM) is an important ingredient in soil which can improve physical, chemical, and biological properties of soils and nutrient supplies. In this study, we investigated the spectral features and potential availability of phosphorus (P) in the IHSS Elliott Soil humic acid standard (EHa), Elliott soil fulvic acid standard Ⅱ (EFa), Waskish peat humic acid reference (WHa), and Waskish peat fulvic acid reference (WFa) by fluorescence spectroscopy, FT-IR, solution 31P NMR, 3-phytase incubation and UV irradiation. We observed more similar spectral features between EHa and EFa as well as between WHa and WFa than between the two humic acids or two fulvic acids themselves. Phosphorus in WHa and WFa was mainly present in the orthophosphate form. However, only about 5% was water soluble. After treatment by both UV irradiation and enzymatic hydrolysis, soluble orthophosphate increased to 17% of WHa P, and 10%o of WFa P. Thus, it appears that a large portion of P in Waskish peat humic substances was not labile for plant uptake. On the other hand, both orthophosphate and organic phosphate were present in EHa and EFa. Treatment by both UV irradiation and enzymatic hydrolysis increased soluble orthophosphate to 67% of EHa P and 52% of EFa P, indicating that more P in Elliott soil humic substances was potentially bioavailable. Our results demonstrated that source (soil vs. peat) was a more important factor than organic matter fraction (humic acid vs. fulvic acid) with respect to the forms and lability of P in these humic substances. 相似文献
Robert H Byrne 《Geochemical transactions》2002,3(1):11-6
Assessments of inorganic elemental speciation in seawater span the past four decades. Experimentation, compilation and critical review of equilibrium data over the past forty years have, in particular, considerably improved our understanding of cation hydrolysis and the complexation of cations by carbonate ions in solution. Through experimental investigations and critical evaluation it is now known that more than forty elements have seawater speciation schemes that are strongly influenced by pH. In the present work, the speciation of the elements in seawater is summarized in a manner that highlights the significance of pH variations. For elements that have pH-dependent species concentration ratios, this work summarizes equilibrium data (S = 35, t = 25°C) that can be used to assess regions of dominance and relative species concentrations. Concentration ratios of complex species are expressed in the form log[A]/[B] = pH - C where brackets denote species concentrations in solution, A and B are species important at higher (A) and lower (B) solution pH, and C is a constant dependent on salinity, temperature and pressure. In the case of equilibria involving complex oxy-anions (MO x (OH) y ) or hydroxy complexes (M(OH) n ), C is written as pK n = -log K n or pK n * = -log K n * respectively, where K n and K n * are equilibrium constants. For equilibria involving carbonate complexation, the constant C is written as pQ = -log(K 2 l K n [HCO3 -]) where K 2 l is the HCO3 - dissociation constant, K n is a cation complexation constant and [HCO3 -] is approximated as 1.9 × 10-3 molar. Equilibrium data expressed in this manner clearly show dominant species transitions, ranges of dominance, and relative concentrations at any pH. 相似文献
《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》1960,20(2):85-100
Sodium and potassium have been determined by flame photometric methods and lithium, rubidium and caesium by emission spectrographic techniques in fourteen australites from Western Australia, South Australia and the Northern Territory. Arithmetic means of the analytical data are: Li, 42 p.p.m; Na, 0.95 per cent; K, 1.89 per cent; Rb, 84 p.p.m; Cs, 2.7 p.p.m. These figures are of the same order of magnitude as terrestrial abundances, and match the abundances in sedimentary rocks somewhat better than those for igneous rocks. The averages for sodium and potassium are virtually identical to those found by Pinson and Schnetzler (1959) for eleven philippinites and indochinites. The dispersion in concentration of the alkali elements is much smaller than in specific terrestrial rock types such as granites, but is distinctly greater than the small dispersion found in chondrites. It is a significant variation, being greater than the limits of analytical precision for the individual elements.All the elements show a close association with one another. Co-efficients of correlation (r) range from +0.730 for the pair Li-Rb to +0.962 for the pair Na-K, and the degree of correlation is statistically “highly significant.” It is concluded that such a coherence arises from a physical process such as mixing, rather than by chemical means.A regional variation in composition, with higher concentrations of alkali elements towards the west of Australia, is observed. 相似文献
Edward R. Sholkovitz 《Earth》1983,19(2):95-161
The chemical behaviour of plutonium in the hydrosphere is a subject of both great practical and intrinsic importance. The production and eventual disposal of Pu and other artificial radionuclides dictates that this be the case. The main objective of this paper is to provide a synthesis and critical examination of currently published data and interpretations on the geochemistry of Pu in natural waters and sediments. Where appropriate, an attempt is made to reinterpret published data with the aim of establishing the relationships between geochemical and biological processes and the distribution, concentration and speciation of Pu. Particular attention is paid to the question of the potential for the chemical remobilization of Pu from the solid to the aqueous phase. Approximately one third of the text deals with freshwaters (mostly lakes) while two thirds discusses the estuarine, coastal and open ocean environments. 相似文献