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Benthic metabolism and nutrient cycling in Boston Harbor, Massachusetts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To gain insight into the importance of the benthos in carbon and nutrient budgets of Boston Harbor and surrounding bays, we measured sediment-water exchanges of oxygen, total carbon dioxide (DIC), nitrogen (ammonium, nitrate+nitrite, urea, N2O), silicate, and phosphorus at several stations in different sedimentary environments just prior to and subsequent to cessation of sewage sludge disposal in the harbor. The ratio of the average annual DIC release to O2 uptake at three primary stations ranged from 0.84 to 1.99. Annual average DIC:DIN flux ratios were consistently greater than predicted from the Redfield ratio, suggesting substantial losses of mineralized N. The pattern was less clear for P: some stations showed evidence that the sediments were a sink for P while others appeared to be a net source to the water column over the study period. In general, temporal and spatial patterns of respiration, nutrient fluxes, and flux ratios were not consistently related to measures of sediment oxidation-reduction status such as Eh or dissolved sulfide. Sediments from Boston Harbor metabolize a relatively high percentage (46%) of the organic matter inputs from phytoplankton production and allochthonous inputs when compared to most estuarine systems. Nutrient regeneration from the benthos is equivalent to 40% of the N, 29% of the P, and more than 60% of the Si demand of the phytoplankton. However, the role of the benthos in supporting primary production at the present time may be minor as nutrient inputs from sewage and other sources exceed benthic fluxes of N and P by 10-fold and Si by 4-fold. Our estimates of denitrification from DIC:DIN fluxes suggests that about 45% of the N mineralized in the sediments is denitrified, which accounts for about 17% of the N inputs from land.  相似文献   

Sediment denitrification is a microbial process that converts dissolved inorganic nitrogen in sediment porewaters to N2 gas, which is subsequently lost to the atmosphere. In coastal waters, it represents a potentially important loss pathway for fixed nitrogen which might otherwise be available to primary producers. Currently, data are lacking to adequately assess the role of denitrification in reducing or remediating the effects of large anthropogenic nitrogen loads to the coastal zone. This study describes the results of 88 individual measurements of denitrification (as a direct flux of N2 gas) in sediment cores taken over a 3-yr period (1991–1994) from six stations in Boston Harbor, nine stations in Massachusetts Bay, and two stations in Cape Cod Bay. The dataset is unique in its extensive spatial and temporal coverage and includes the first direct measurements of denitrification for North Atlantic shelf sediments. Results showed that rates of denitrification were significantly higher in Boston Harbor (mean=54, range<5–206 μmol N2 m?2 h?1) than in Massachusetts Bay (mean=23, range<5–64 μmol N2 m?2 h?1). Highest rates occurred in areas with organic-rich sediments in the harbor, with slower rates observed for low-organic sandy sediments in the harbor and at shallow shelf stations in the bay. Lowest rates were found at the deepest shelf stations, located in Stellwagen Basin in Massachusetts Bay. Observed rates were correlated with temperature, sediment carbon content, and benthic macrofaunal activity. Seasonally, highest denitrification rates occurred in the summer in Boston Harbor and in the spring and fall in Massachusetts Bay, coincident with peak phytoplankton blooms in the overlying water column. Despite the fact that sediment denitrification rates were high relative to rates reported for other East Coast estuaries, denitrification losses accounted for only 8% of the annual total nitrogen load to Boston Harbor, a consequence perhaps, of the short water-residence times (2–10 d) of the harbor.  相似文献   

氧化还原敏感微量元素 Re、Mo 和 U 主要依靠扩散作用通过沉积物—水界面,在不同氧化还原条件下的沉积物中自生富集,Re在轻度还原的次氧化沉积环境中富集,Mo在还原性更强的硫化环境中富集,而 U 具有较宽的富集沉积深度区间。Re、Mo和 U 独特的地球化学行为使其可用于指示海洋环境的氧化还原状态,其在沉积物中的自生富集程度与沉积时所处的氧化还原条件具有良好的相关性:Re、Mo 和 U 在氧化沉积环境(Re/Al<1.3×10-7,Mo/Al<0.4×10-4)和季节性缺氧区覆盖的沉积环境中富集程度较小,在常年性缺氧区覆盖的沉积环境(U/Al>5×10-4,Mo/Al>5×10-4)和硫化沉积环境(Mo/Al>5×10-4)中富集程度较大。除依据其地球化学行为特征和相对富集程度进行定性分析之外,还可以结合元素富集系数(TMEF<1 表示亏损,TMEF>1 表示富集,TMEF  相似文献   

This research tests the hypothesis that trace metals respond to the extent of reducing conditions in a predictable way. We describe pore water and sediment measurements of iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), vanadium (V), uranium (U), rhenium (Re), and molybdenum (Mo) along a transect off Washington State (USA). Sediments become less reducing away from the continent, and the stations have a range of oxygen penetration depths (depth to unmeasurable O2 concentration) varying from a few millimeters to five centimeters. When oxygen penetrates ∼1 cm or less, Fe is reduced in the pore waters but reoxidized near the sediment-water interface, preventing a flux of Fe2+ to overlying waters, whereas Mn oxides are reduced and Mn2+ diffuses to overlying waters. Both Re and U authigenically accumulate in sediments. Only at the most reducing location, where the oxygen penetrates 0.3 cm below the sediment-water interface, does the surface 30 cm of sediments become reducing enough to authigenically accumulate Mo.Stations in close proximity to the Juan de Fuca Ridge crest are enriched in Mn and Fe from hydrothermal plume processes. Both V and Mo clearly associate with Mn cycling, whereas U may be associating with either Mn oxides and/or Fe oxyhydroxides. Rhenium is uncomplicated by adsorption to Mn oxides and/or Fe oxyhydroxides, and Re accumulation in sediments appears to be due solely to the extent of reducing conditions. Therefore, authigenic sediment Re enrichment appears to be the best indicator for intermediate reducing conditions, where oxygen penetrates less than ∼1 cm below the sediment-water interface, when coupled with negligible authigenic Mo enrichment.  相似文献   

Rhenium and osmium isotopes in sulfide minerals from the Bagdad porphyry Cu–Mo deposit have been used to determine timing of mineralization and the source of osmium and, by inference, ore metals. Molybdenite, chalcopyrite and pyrite were analyzed mainly from the quartz monzonite and porphyritic quartz monzonite units, which are characterized by moderate to strong potassic alteration (secondary biotite and K-feldspar). Rhenium concentrations in molybdenite are between 330 and 642 ppm. Four Re–Os analyses of two molybdenite samples from the quartz monzonite and porphyritic quartz monzonite yield a weighted average age of 71.8±0.2 Ma (2s). Analyses of a third sample from a molybdenite vein in Precambrian rocks, outside of the main ore zone, yield a weighted average age of 75.9±0.2 Ma (2s), and provide evidence of two separate mineralization episodes. Chalcopyrite samples contain 6 to 12 ppt Os and 1.7 to 4.1 ppb Re; 187Os/ 188Os initial ratios are between 0.1 and 0.8. Pyrite samples have osmium and rhenium concentrations varying in the range 8–17 ppt and 3.9–6.8 ppb, respectively. Analyses from these pyrite samples yield an eight-point isochron with an age of 77±15 Ma (2s) and an initial 187Os/ 188Os ratio of 2.1±0.8 (MSWD=0.90). The results presented here add to the growing body of work indicating that porphyry-type mineralization is produced by long-term, multiple episodes of magmatism and associated mineralization. The data also support the hypothesis that a significant part of the metals and magmas may have a crustal source, as has been suggested for other copper deposits and districts in Arizona.  相似文献   

Freshwater green algae Ankistrodesmus sp, cultured in dilute solutions of metals chelated with EDTA, revealed massive uptake of U. Examination of Thames River waters and selected micro-organisms of its aquatic ecosystem revealed an average dissolved U concentration of 1.46 ppb, representing about twice the global mean riverine solute concentration of 0.6 ppb U. Suspended particulates, principally algae, contain U at 103 to 105 times that of their river habitat, averaging 28 300 ppb U. One community of the filamentous algae Spirogyra sp. contained intracellular crystals tentatively identified as the Ca-oxylate weddelite. Studies of algae from a variety of environments have shown large concentration factors for a wide range of elements. Algae from an acid U mine tailings site contain up to 2.7% U (dry weight) plus very high concentrations of other metals. Micro-organisms may act as an important sink for metal solutes in the hydrosphere.  相似文献   

刘正义  秦明宽 《铀矿地质》2007,23(2):84-90,120
笔者用实验地球化学方法,通过设定不同成矿元素与H2s反应的方程式,计算其反应的自由能,确定反应进行的方向和可能性,并利用“还原沉淀系数”定量判别不同岩石样品对成矿元素的还原强度。研究证实,石油的氧化物——地沥青及部分油浸砂岩对U、Mo、Se、V、Re等元素具有较强的还原沉淀能力,从而构成了砂岩型铀矿床成矿作用的重要环节。文章最后探讨了地沥青及油浸砂岩(主要还原剂为CH4)具有还原作用能力的热力学机理。  相似文献   

Vitellogenin is an egg-yolk precursor protein in teleosts which is crucial to the survival of larvae. Manufactured in the liver, where pollutants are known to accumulate, and transported to the ovary by the blood, its synthesis by the liver or uptake by the gonad can be compromised by accumulation of xenobiotics. In three studies, winter flounder (Pleuronectes americanus) blood samples were taken to determine normal levels of vitellogenin during the reproductive cycle, and to learn how its production might be affected in degraded environments. Specifically, these studies followed the seasonal cycle of vitellogenin production in winter flounder through monthly sampling at relatively clean (Shoreham, New York) and degraded areas (Black Rock and New Haven harbors, Connecticut) in Long Island Sound; examined the relationship between parental vitellogenin levels and survival of offspring by sampling fish that had been spawned at the Milford Laboratory for a reproductive success study; and determined the effect of gross liver lesions on vitellogenin production by sampling flounder from Boston Harbor, Massachusetts, which have been reported to have a high prevalence of liver tumors. Blood vitellogenin levels were determined by measuring alkali-labile phosphate (ALP). Large fish (>30 cm) from the two degraded sites had elevated serum ALP levels relative to those from the clean area. Lowered total ovarian lipid levels in large fish from Black Rock Harbor suggested impaired vitellogenin uptake. There were no significant differences in serum ALP among the small (≤30 cm) fish from the three sampling sites. Boston Harbor flounder with gross liver lesions had lower ALP values than fish without such lesions. There were no significant differences in ALP values among the spawned fish.  相似文献   

The well-defined and intensively studied episode of Se contamination at Kesterson Reservoir (Merced County, California, U.S.A.) provided a unique opportunity to describe the distribution, speciation and geochemical transformations of Se in a variety of geochemical and ecological settings, ranging from permanent ponds to semi-arid grasslands and salt flats. Kesterson Reservoir comprises 500 ha of land contaminated with Se from agricultural drain water. In most places. Se was concentrated in surficial organic detritus and the surficial decimeter of mineral soil. At dry sites, selenate ion predominated below 20 cm depth. Elemental selenium (Se0) also was prominent. The amount of zero-valent Se increased slowly with time. Although selenate is thermodynamically stable in the vadose zone in the presence of oxygen, Se0 is an additional, metastable product of the mineralization of organic selenium. Thiols and inorganic sulfides dramatically increase the solubility of Se0. Decreasing pH inhibits the reaction, explaining the observed decrease in solubility and biological availability of Se in soil and aquatic systems at low pH. Adding thiols or methionine to soil increases the emission of volatile Se compounds several-fold, suggesting that thiols play a major role in the microbial cycling of Se in soil.  相似文献   

Lithostratigraphic and organic chemostratigraphic studies of fluvial/lacustrine sediments in the Late Cretaceous Fort Crittenden Formation in south-eastern Arizona USA, reveal changes in palaeoclimate and tectonics as well as associated fluctuations in lake level. The lower Fort Crittenden is dominated by marginal wetland to deep-water lake deposits, whereas the upper Fort Crittenden is characterized by wetland to deltaic deposits. Abundance of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and reflectance of fusinite substantiate the impact of wildfires within the watershed. Organic geochemical evidence of wildfires is linked with sedimentological indicators of seasonal aridity suggesting that wildfires were common occurrences. Sedimentological evidence for seasonal aridity includes mottles and pseudoslickensides on ped structures within wetland mudstones. Distinct variations in PAH assemblages, characterized by the number of aromatic rings, indicate that there were variations in the intensities of wildfires, assuming no variations in the types of fuel. Fusinite reflectance values are consistent with combustion temperatures from 470 to 550 °C observed in modern wildfires.  相似文献   

Twenty-nine taxa of macroalgae were collected from the Grays Harbor Estuary, Washington, from 17 April 1980 to 4 June 1981. Outer (oceanic) sites contained higher numbers of species than sites located in the inner portion of the estuary. Macroalgae were found in several habitats including attached to boulders, logs, tree roots, other algae, and angiosperms, as mats in sand, and drift.Fucus distichus ssp.edentatus andEnteromorpha intestinalis occurred at the greatest number of sites and were found throughout the year. The standing stock of the perennialFucus remained relatively consant, while that of anE. intestinalis andBlidingia minima var.subsalsa complex showed a significant peak between late spring and early summer as well as a winter minimum. The occurrence of most other taxa was highly seasonal. Net productivity rates for the most abundant macroalgal taxa were moderate to high relative to rates published for algae in other North American estuaries. It is concluded that, although inconspicuous, macroalgae may represent an important contributor of organic carbon to the Grays Harbor estuarine system.  相似文献   

High arsenic concentrations (up to 12,000 7g/L) have been measured in groundwater from a confined sandstone aquifer in eastern Wisconsin. The main arsenic source is a sulfide-bearing secondary cement horizon (SCH) that has variable thickness, morphology, and arsenic concentrations. Arsenic occurs in pyrite and marcasite as well as in iron oxyhydroxides but not as a separate arsenopyrite phase. Nearly identical sulfur isotopic signatures in pyrite and dissolved sulfate and the correlation between dissolved sulfate, iron, and arsenic concentrations suggest that sulfide oxidation is the dominant process controlling arsenic release to groundwater. However, arsenic-bearing oxyhydroxides can potentially provide another arsenic source if reducing conditions develop or if they are transported as colloids in the aquifer. Analysis of well data indicates that the intersection of the SCH with static water levels measured in residential wells is strongly correlated with high concentrations of arsenic in groundwater. Field and laboratory data suggest that the most severe arsenic contamination is caused by localized borehole interactions of air, water, and sulfides. Although arsenic contamination is caused by oxidation of naturally occurring sulfides, it is influenced by water-level fluctuations caused by municipal well pumping or climate changes, which can shift geographic areas in which contamination occurs. Résumé De fortes concentrations en arsenic, jusqu'à 12000 7g/L, ont été mesurées dans l'eau souterraine d'un aquifère gréseux captif, dans l'est du Wisconsin. La principale source d'arsenic est un horizon à cimentation secondaire (SCH) comportant des sulfures, dont l'épaisseur, la morphologie et les concentrations en arsenic sont variables. L'arsenic est présent dans la pyrite et dans la marcassite, de même que dans des oxy-hydroxydes de fer, mais non pas dans une phase séparée d'arsénopyrite. Les signatures isotopiques du soufre presque identiques dans la pyrite et dans les sulfates dissous et la corrélation entre les concentrations en sulfates, en fer et en arsenic dissous laissent penser que l'oxydation des sulfures est le processus dominant contrôlant la libération de l'arsenic dans les eaux souterraines. Cependant, les oxy-hydroxydes contenant de l'arsenic sont susceptibles d'être une autre source d'arsenic si des conditions réductrices apparaissent ou s'ils sont transportés dans l'aquifère sous forme de colloïdes. L'analyse des données provenant de puits montre que l'intersection entre le SCH et les niveaux statiques des puits domestiques est fortement corrélée à de fortes concentrations en arsenic dans les eaux souterraines. Des données de terrain et de laboratoire conduisent à penser que la contamination en arsenic la plus forte est causée par l'interaction localisée aux forages entre l'air, l'eau et les sulfures. Bien que la contamination en arsenic soit causée par l'oxydation de sulfures présents naturellement, elle est influencée par les fluctuations du niveau piézométrique causées par les pompages du captage municipal ou par les variations climatiques, ce qui peut conduire au déplacement des zones géographiques où se produisent les contaminations. Resumen Se han medido concentraciones de arsénico muy altas (de hasta 12000 7g/L) en las aguas subterráneas de un acuífero confinado, en areniscas, localizado en la parte oriental de Wisconsin (EEUU). La fuente principal de arsénico es un horizonte de cementación secundaria (SCH) con un alto contenido en sulfuros, y con una gran variabilidad en espesor, morfología y concentraciones de As. El arsénico aparece en piritas y marcasitas, además de en oxihidróxidos de hierro, pero no como una fase independiente de arsenopiritas. El hecho que la marca isotópica de piritas y sulfatos disueltos sea muy similar, y que exista una gran correlación entre las concentraciones de sulfato disuelto, hierro y arsénico sugiere que la oxidación de sulfuros es el proceso que controla la aportación de arsénico al agua subterránea. Sin embargo, los oxihidróxidos con alto contenido en arsénico podrían suponer otra fuente de arsénico si se llegaran a desarrollar condiciones reductoras o si se transportaran como coloides por el acuífero. De los datos procedentes de pozos, se ve una fuerte correlación entre la presencia de altas concentraciones de As en el agua y que el nivel freático intersecte el SCH. Los datos de campo y de laboratorio indican que los puntos con mayor contaminación de arsénico son debidos a interacciones de carácter local y en los propios pozos entre aire, agua y sulfuros. Aunque la contaminación por As está causada por la oxidación de sulfuros presentes de manera natural, también está muy influenciada por las fluctuaciones en los niveles freáticos causadas por bombeos o cambios climáticos.  相似文献   

Harzburgitic xenoliths cut by pyroxenite veins from Avachinsky volcano, Kamchatka, are derived from the sub-arc mantle and record element transfer from the slab to the arc. Olivine and orthopyroxene in the harzburgites have Li isotopic compositions (δ7Li = +2.8 to +5.6) comparable to estimates of the upper mantle (δ7Li ~ +4 ± 2). The pyroxenite veins, which represent modal metasomatism and may therefore provide information about the metasomatic agent, have mantle-normalized trace element characteristics that suggest overprinting of their mantle source by an aqueous, slab-derived fluid. These include relative enrichments of Pb over Ce, U over Th and Sr over Nd. Li is enriched relative to the HREE, and ortho- and clinopyroxene from the veins are in Li elemental and isotopic equilibrium with each other and the surrounding harzburgite. Vein samples (δ7Li = +3.0 to +5.0) do not record a significant slab-derived δ7Li signature. These observations can be reconciled if slab Li diffusively re-equilibrates in the mantle wedge. Modeling demonstrates that Li equilibration of small (1–2 cm width) veins or melt conduits is achieved at mantle wedge temperatures within 101–105 years. We conclude that strongly fractionated Li isotopic signatures cannot be sustained for long periods in the sub-arc mantle, at least at shallow (<70 km) depths. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional hydrodynamic and transport models were used to simulate tidal and subtidal circulation, residence times, and the longitudinal distributions of conservative constituents in New Bedford Harbor, Massachusetts, before and after a hurricane barrier was constructed. The results indicated that the barrier altered circulation patterns in its immediate vicinity and enhanced mixing up to 1.5 km to its north and south. Although the barrier did not significantly affect the longitudinal distributions of conservative constituents, it increased their average residence times in the harbor by up to 30% and their local residence times by 5% to 180%.  相似文献   

澜沧老厂资源危机矿山深部新发现的厚大斑岩斑(铜)矿体成为矿区中长期发展的关键性接替资源,研究钼(铜)矿体中伴生组分Re的质量分数及其与Mo的关系,有利于矿床经济评价和推动资源勘查与开发进程.在用ICP-MS方法测定矿石、主要矿石矿物和脉石矿物中Re,Mo质量分数的基础上,应用统计学原理,研究了矿石中Re、\Mo质量分数...  相似文献   

The water column concentration and bioaccumulation of the polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congener CB052 was modeled in New Bedford Harbor, Massachusetts, using site-specific hydrodynamics and loading information. Equilibrium partitioning theory was used to estimate interstitial water CB052 concentrations from sediment concentrations in New Bedford Harbor and Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts. The rate of CB052 vertical flux from the interstitial water to the overlying water column was calculated by multiplying the vertical concentration gradient at the sedimentwater interface by a flux coefficient. The vertical flux coefficient and the flux rate from model-generated water-column concentrations were calculated using an interative procedure. Movement of CB052 within New Bedford Harbor was simulated using calibrated two-dimensional, vertically-integrated, finite element hydrodynamic and transport models. Quasi-steady-state water column concentrations and a field-derived bioconcentration factor were used to predict the expected concentration of CB052 in blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) at two stations in New Bedford Harbor. The model was used to predict the effects of two remedial scenarios (i.e., reducing average sediment total PCB concentrations to 50 ppm or 10 ppm) on concentrations of CB052 in water and blue mussel tissue. Based on the model results, the CB052 concentration in blue mussels would be reduced by 33–53% for the 50 ppm option and by 67–84% for the 10 ppm option.  相似文献   

Whole-rock major element chemical analyses of progressively metamorphosed impure carbonate rocks and pelitic schists, collected from the same metamorphic terrain, reveal similarities and differences in the chemical response of these rock types to the metamorphic event. Relative to a constant aluminum reference frame, both schist and carbonate exhibit no detectable change in their contents of Fe, Mg, Ti, Si, and Ca with change in metamorphic grade. Carbonate rocks become progressively depleted in K and Na with increasing grade of metamorphism, while schists exhibit no statistically significant change in their contents of K and Na. Both rock types become depleted in volatiles (principally CO2 and H2O) with increasing grade.Whole-rock chemical data permit two mechanisms for migration of K and Na from the carbonate rocks during metamorphism: (a) diffusion of alkalis from carbonate to adjacent schist; (b) transport of alkalis by through-flowing metamorphic fluid (infiltration). Mineral equilibria in schist and metacarbonate rock from the same outcrops allow calculation of the affinity for cation exchange between the two rock types during metamorphism. Measured affinities indicate that if mass transport of K and Na occurred by diffusion, chemical potential gradients would have driven the alkalis from schist into carbonate rock. Because diffusion cannot produce the observed chemical trends in the metacarbonates, K and Na are believed to have been removed during metamorphism by infiltration.The disparity in chemical behavior between the pelitic schists and metacarbonate rocks may be a result of enhanced fluid flow through the carbonates. The carbonate rocks may have acted as metamorphic aquifers; the greater flow of fluid through them would then have had a correspondingly greater effect on their whole-rock chemistry.  相似文献   

A 2200-yr long, high-resolution (∼5 yr) record of drought variability in northwest Montana is inferred from diatoms and δ18O values of bio-induced carbonate preserved in a varved lacustrine core from Foy Lake. A previously developed model of the diatom response to lake-level fluctuations is used to constrain estimates of paleolake levels derived from the diatom data. High-frequency (decadal) fluctuations in the de-trended δ18O record mirror variations in wet/dry cycles inferred from Banff tree-rings, demonstrating the sensitivity of the oxygen-isotope values to changes in regional moisture balance. Low frequency (multi-centennial) isotopic changes may be associated with shifts in the seasonal distribution of precipitation. From 200 B.C. to A.D. 800, both diatom and isotope records indicate that climate was dry and lake level low, with poor diatom preservation and high organic carbon: nitrogen ratios. Subsequently, lake level rose slightly, although the climate was drier and more stable than modern conditions. At A.D. 1200, lake level increased to approximately 6 m below present elevation, after which the lake fluctuated between this elevation and full stage, with particularly cool and/or wetter conditions after 1700. The hydrologic balance of the lake shifted abruptly at 1894 because of the establishment of a lumber mill at the lake's outlet. Spectral analysis of the δ18O data indicates that severe droughts occurred with multi-decadal (50 to 70 yr) frequency.  相似文献   

Clay-rich mine tailings from phosphate mine operations in Florida are a major environmental and economic problem. Options for reclamation and restoration for these tailings are very limited and are fundamentally restricted by poor physical properties such as low mechanical strength, low hydraulic conductivity, and heavy metal content. The major control on these bulk physical properties is the mineralogy of the materials. Eight continuous push borings were obtained to investigate stratigraphy, mineralogy, aspects of geochemistry, and bulk properties of a deposit of clay-rich mine tailings from a phosphate mine near Bartow, Florida that ceased operations in the early 1970s. Stratigraphy is dominated by laminated clay-rich sediment with minor units of silt and sand. An intact kaolinite liner occurs near the impoundment walls and the impoundment floor has approximately 4 m of relief. Moisture content varies from 4.35 to 57.40 wt% and organic content varies from 0.41 to 9.53 wt%. Bulk XRF investigation indicates that the P2O5 concentrations vary from approximately 4 to 21 wt%. A very strong correlation (r 2 = 0.92) between CaO and P2O5 indicates that apatite is a major control on the phosphate. The strong correlation (r 2 = 0.77) of Al2O3 and TiO2 suggests that the source materials for this deposit are comparatively uniform. A number of heavy metal elements and trace elements occur. Cr, V, Ni, Cu are interpreted to be in phosphate minerals, largely apatite. Sr and Pb are interpreted to be in both phyllosilicates and phosphate minerals. Two populations of apatite were observed in the clay-sized fraction, one that was Fe and Si- bearing and another that was only Si-bearing. Fe-bearing apatite had Fe2O3 contents that varied from 0.38 to 5.32 wt% and SiO2 contents that varied from 0.90 to 3.32 wt%. The other apatite population had a wider range of SiO2 contents that varied from 0.77 to 8.80 wt%. TEM imaging shows that apatite grains are dominantly single crystals with lesser amounts of aggregates. Wavellite commonly occurs as individual or clusters of lath-like crystals and the chemical composition differs from the pure aluminium phosphate end member with average concentrations of components being that of CaO (1.57 wt%), Fe2O3 (1.98 wt%), SiO2 (5.94 wt%). In the clay-sized phosphate minerals investigated no fluorine was found above detection limit (approximately 0.15 wt%), nor was any uranium, radium, heavy metal, or REE element detected. The phyllosilicate mineralogy of the deposit is dominated by smectite (montmorillonite with lesser amounts of nontronite), palygorskite, illite and kaolinite. No systematic variation in the relative proportions of phyllosilicates was observed in the clay deposit. Energy dispersive spectroscopy EDS analysis indicates that chemical compositions of phyllosilicates are somewhat typical but overall are enriched with respect to Fe compared to theoretical end members. The relative enrichment of Fe is interpreted to be a primary sedimentary feature. Ca content in smectite minerals is high and may inhibit stabilization using lime or similar methods. The high percentages of montmorillonite and palygorskite explain the high bulk water contents observed. This investigation provides fundamentally new details regarding clay tailing deposits from closed phosphate mines in central Florida which can be used in restoration and reclamation efforts.  相似文献   

成都市多目标地球化学调查和双层采样的效果   总被引:20,自引:8,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
赵琦 《中国地质》2002,29(2):186-191
成都平原多目标地球化学调查在研究元素基准值及分布特征,构造、农业、环境污染的研究,天然气的预测,pH值的计算等方面取得了进展。并且判定深层样对研究深部元素分布、构造研究、根深作物发育、天然气预测、浅层样对浅层元素分布、农业地质、环境污染等研究有着特殊的作用。多目标地球化学调查及其双层采样方法可以推广。  相似文献   

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