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Mantle xenoliths from Puy Beaunit (French Massif Central) are compositionally varied, ranging from relatively fertile spinel lherzolites to refractory spinel dunites. Fertile peridotites have registered a modal (amphibole-bearing lherzolites) and cryptic metasomatic event that took place before the last Permian (257 Ma) melting episode. Depletion processes have been constrained by chemical modelling: the depletion is related to different degrees of partial melting, but two major melt extraction episodes are needed to explain the range of major element composition. The second event was responsible for the local large-scale dunitification of former residues. The first melting event (F25%) and metasomatic enrichment are attributed to an ancient fluid and/or liquid infiltration that could be related to a pre-Variscan regional subduction (located to the north of the Beaunit area). Texture acquisition and major deformation of the mantle xenoliths were sub-contemporaneous of the subduction and would result from lithospheric delamination. The second melting event (F17%) produced high-Mg basalts with calc-alkaline trace element signature that gave rise to the Permian underplating episode recognised in western Europe.  相似文献   

火山岩携带的橄榄岩捕虏体是研究深部岩石圈地幔成分特征与热结构状态的最直接样品。湖北大洪山早奥陶世钾镁煌斑岩携带的石榴二辉橄榄岩具有富集的地球化学特征,指示当时的岩石圈厚度可达110 km。华南内陆地区宁远和道县早侏罗世玄武岩所携带的地幔包体具有饱满的成分特征,代表遭受了较低程度部分熔融的地幔残留。宁远地幔包体的全岩Re-Os同位素特征显示该地区中生代大陆岩石圈地幔为从软流圈新增生而形成的新生地幔。这表明内陆地区古生代存在的富集地幔被完全拆沉,并被新生地幔所取代;中生代内陆地区的岩石圈拆沉作用可能与该地区自225 Ma以来大规模的岩石圈伸展作用有关。华南新生代地幔包体主要分布在沿海地区。通过地幔包体矿物成分估算获得的温度与压力资料揭示新生代沿海地区岩石圈厚度约为80~90 km,并具有热的地温梯度。无论是全岩还是硫化物的Re-Os同位素特征都表明沿海地区在新生代仍残留有古元古代岩石圈地幔,表明新生代沿海地区的拉张作用仅导致了岩石圈地幔的部分拆沉和减薄。  相似文献   

The main anatectic granite of the Velay complex is unique among major French Massif Central Hercynian granitoids in that rather than having an entirely lower crustal source, it formed by mixing between partial melts of the meta-igneous lower crust and ‘upper crustal’ country rock schists and orthogneisses. The geochemical variations in the Velay main anatectic granites cannot, however, be explained by mixing alone as their compositions range to lower SiO2, with higher Al2O3, Fe2O3 and TiO2 and lower Na2O and CaO, than either end member in mixing. The variations are interpreted as being due to the presence of up to 35% restite in minimum melts of country rock compositions. Primary restites form equilibrium assemblages represented by biotite, ilmenite and surmicaceous enclaves which consist of biotite ± apatite, zircon and almandine. The main anatectic granites more rarely contain schist and gneiss enclaves, quartz resisters and plagioclase restites. Secondary restites are mainly represented by cordierite, and possibly K-feldspar, which formed by recrystallisation of primary biotite-rich restites. The unique characteristics of the Velay main anatectic granites are likely to be due, in part, to its late formation close to the end of the Hercynian orogeny. The metasedimentary lower crust may have become too refractory to yield large volumes of melt following partial melting to form the other major Massif Central granitoids. The heat necessary for partial melting at higher crustal levels was transferred from the lower crust by the intrusion of I-type granites and low volume diorites from the mantle. Upper crustal anatexis was mainly controlled by muscovite breakdown reactions (< 830 to 850 °C) and the liberation of water due to the recrystallisation of biotite to cordierite. The temperatures necessary for biotite breakdown were only achieved locally and resulted in the formation of high-LREE granites.  相似文献   

大陆岩石圈伸展与斑岩铜矿成矿作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
华南地区自古生代以来一直属于陆内构造演化环境。华南陆内伸展型斑岩铜矿主要形成于早侏罗世、晚侏罗世和早白垩世3个时期,其中晚侏罗世成矿期与华南中生代大规模钨锡成矿作用的形成基本属于一个时期。这些斑岩型矿床的时空分布与同时期的俯冲带在时间上和空间上具有明显不协调的关系,且与俯冲有关的、后俯冲伸展背景以及陆陆碰撞有关的斑岩铜矿的线性分布特点明显不同,尤其是早白垩世斑岩铜矿的分布明显呈面状分布,与华南中生代地壳明显减薄的区域基本一致。虽然这3个时期的斑岩型铜矿在地球化学上显示出弧岩浆岩的特点,但是地质事实证明在这3个时期,华南岩石圈发生了明显的伸展作用,尽管每个时期华南不同地区岩石圈伸展的程度可能不同。因此,我们把华南这种类型的斑岩铜矿归称之为"陆内伸展型"斑岩铜矿。陆内伸展型斑岩铜矿的成矿机制可能是岩石圈伸展背景下软流圈上涌导致陆下岩石圈地幔或者下地壳被改造有关。  相似文献   

There is no consensus on the processes responsible for near-coeval formation of Archaean continental crust (dominantly tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite: TTG), greenstone belts dominated by komatiitic to tholeiitic lavas (KT), and sub-continental lithospheric mantle (SCLM). The Douglas Harbour domain (2.7-2.9 Ga) of the Minto Block, northeastern Superior Province, has two TTG suites, the western and eastern Faribault-Thury (WFT and EFT), with embedded KT greenstones. Tonalites of both suites have high light/heavy rare-earth element ratios (L/HREE), high large ion lithophile element (U-Th-Rb-Cs-La: LILE) contents, positive Sr-Pb anomalies, and negative Nb-Ta-Ti anomalies. Such typical Archaean TTG signatures are commonly explained by melting of subducted oceanic crust, but could also originate by melting the base of thick basaltic plateaux formed above mantle upwellings (plumes), leaving behind restites containing pyroxene, garnet, and rutile. Field relationships (in situ segregation veins), phase equilibria (hornblende stabilized at lower crustal pressure), petrography (corroded epidote and muscovite phenocrysts, rare plagioclase phenocrysts), and trace element models, all imply that FT tonalite to trondhjemite evolution reflects hornblende-dominated fractional crystallization, not partial melting of subducted crust. The geochemistry of parental FT tonalites can be modeled by 15-30% melting of FT tholeiitic metabasalts, with residues of eclogite, garnet-websterite, or hornblende-garnet websterite. A minor residual Ti-phase such as rutile is also needed to generate negative Ti-Nb-Ta troughs in the TTGs. However, large volumes of eclogitic restites complementary to TTG are not observed either at the base of Archaean crustal sections, or in the SCLM. Additional problems with slab-melting models include: (a) the rarity of lithologies and associations characteristic of active margins (ophiolites, andesites, blueschists, accretionary mélanges, molasse, flysch, high-pressure belts, and thrust-and-fold belts); (b) the need to deliver plume-derived KT melt through the slab; and (c) extracting enough TTG melt from a subducting slab in the time available (200-300 my). In the plateau-melting model, heat for crustal anatexis is supplied by ongoing KT magma derived from mantle upwellings. However, SCLM rocks differ from predicted 1-stage mantle melting residua; and the voluminous residual eclogites complementary to TTG generation somehow need to be removed. These two problems might solve one another if the dense crustal restites disaggregated and mixed into the underlying depleted mantle. Mantle melting slows upon exhaustion of Ca-Al-rich phases, with large temperature increases needed to extract more melt from harzburgite residua. Physical addition of delaminated crustal restites would refertilize the refractory mantle, allowing extraction of additional melt increments, and might explain the ultra-depleted and orthopyroxene-rich nature of the SCLM. A hybrid source composed of 10% eclogitic restite of EFT tonalite generation, mixed with harzburgitic residues from 25% melting of primitive mantle, yields model melts with trace element signatures resembling typical Munro komatiites. Variations in the mineralogy and geochemistry of the delaminated component might account for the diversity of komatiite types. Degassing of hornblende-rich delaminated restites would transfer LILE to surrounding depleted mantle and could generate boninites. Fusion of undepleted metabasalt sandwiched among denser restites could generate sanukitoids. Mantle melt pulses generated by catastrophic delamination events would underplate nascent TTG crust and trigger renewed crustal melting, followed by delamination of newly formed eclogitic restites, triggering additional mantle melting, and so on. I posit that delamination of crustal restites catalyzed multi-stage melting of the SCLM and maturation of the Archaean continental crust. Thus, Archaean crust and SCLM are genetically inter-linked, and both form above major mantle upwellings.  相似文献   

The Re-Os isotopic systematics of two ca. 2.7-Ga komatiite flows from Belingwe, Zimbabwe are examined. Rhenium and Os concentrations in these rocks are similar to concentrations in other Archean, Proterozoic, and Phanerozoic komatiites. Despite the excellent preservation of primary magmatic minerals, the Re-Os systematics of whole-rock samples of the komatiites show open-system behavior. Consistent model ages for several whole-rock samples suggest a disturbance to the system during the Proterozoic. Despite the open-system behavior in the whole rocks, Re-Os systematics for concentrates of primary magmatic olivine and spinel indicate generally closed-system behavior since the magmatic event that produced the rocks. Regression of the data for the mineral concentrates yields an age of 2721 ± 21 Ga, which is consistent with Pb-Pb and Sm-Nd ages that have been previously reported for the komatiites (Chauvel et al., 1993), and an initial 187Os/188Os ratio of 0.11140 ± 84 (γOs = +2.8 ± 0.8).The 2 to 3% enrichment in 187Os/188Os ratio of the mantle source of the komatiites, relative to the chondritic composition of the contemporaneous convecting upper mantle, most likely reflects either the incorporation of substantially older (≥ 4.2 Ga), Re-rich recycled mafic crust into the mantle source of the komatiites or the contribution of suprachondritic Os to the source from the putative 187Os-enriched outer core. The former interpretation would indicate the Hadean formation and recycling of mafic crust. The latter interpretation would require early formation of a substantial inner core followed by upwelling of a mantle plume from the core-mantle boundary, at least as far back as the Late Archean. Either interpretation requires large-scale mantle convection during the first half of Earth history.  相似文献   

Spinel lherzolite xenoliths from Mont Briançon, French Massif Central, retain evidence for multiple episodes of melt depletion and melt/fluid infiltration (metasomatism). Evidence for primary melt depletion is still preserved in the co-variation of bulk-rock major elements (MgO 38.7-46.1 wt.%; CaO 0.9-3.6 wt.%), and many samples yield unradiogenic bulk-rock Os isotope ratios (187Os/188Os = 0.11541-0.12626). However, many individual xenoliths contain interstitial glasses and melt inclusions that are not in equilibrium with the major primary minerals. Incompatible trace element mass balance calculations demonstrate that metasomatic components comprise a significant proportion of the bulk-rock budget for these elements in some rocks, ranging to as much as 25% of Nd and 40% of Sr Critically, for Re-Os geochronology, melt/fluid infiltration is accompanied by the mobilisation of sulfide. Consequently, bulk-rock isotope measurements, whether using lithophile (e.g. Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd) or siderophile (Re-Os) based isotope systems, may only yield a perturbed and/or homogenised average of these multiple events.Osmium mass balance calculations demonstrate that bulk-rock Os in peridotite is dominated by contributions from two populations of sulfide grain: (i) interstitial, metasomatic sulfide with low [Os] and radiogenic 187Os/188Os, and (ii) primary sulfides with high [Os] and unradiogenic 187Os/188Os, which have been preserved within host silicate grains and shielded from interaction with transient melts and fluid. The latter can account for >97% of bulk-rock Os and preserve geochronological information of the melt from which they originally precipitated as an immiscible liquid. The Re-depletion model ages of individual primary sulfide grains preserve evidence for melt depletion beneath the Massif Central from at least 1.8 Gyr ago despite the more recent metasomatic event(s).  相似文献   

《Chemical Geology》1999,153(1-4):11-35
Anhydrous mantle peridotite xenoliths from a single volcanic vent in the French Massif Central are compositionally varied, ranging from relatively fertile lherzolites to refractory harzburgites. Fertile lherzolites closely resemble previous estimates of undepleted mantle compositions but the average of the Ray Pic xenoliths is much less enriched in LILE and LREE than McDonough's (1990) average mantle [McDonough, W.F., 1990. Constraints on the composition of the continental lithospheric mantle. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 101, 1–18]. The wide geochemical variation in the bulk rocks reflects significant heterogeneities that can be attributed to two major processes within the shallow lithospheric mantle. The first process is depletion, related to variable degrees of partial melting and melt extraction from an originally near-chondritic mantle. This process has largely controlled the major elements and much of the trace element variation between fertile lherzolites and refractory peridotites. LREE-depleted compositions are also produced by this process. During partial melting, HREE behaved coherently with the major oxides and the moderately incompatible trace elements (Y, V and Sc). A subsequent process of enrichment is indicated by high concentrations of incompatible trace elements in many of the xenoliths. Sr, Ba, K, Th, U, Nb and LREE abundance are independent of major oxide variations and reflect enrichment related to infiltration by alkaline silicate melts/fluids. Both fertile and refractory mantle were enriched but harzburgites were particularly affected. Modal metasomatism occurred only rarely and is indicated by Cr-diopside-rich veins and patches in a few samples. Their chemistry suggests that they were also formed by migration of similar magmas/fluids from the asthenospheric mantle, although the presence of wehrlitic patches may indicate interaction with carbonate melts. In both depleted and enriched xenoliths, trace element patterns for separated clinopyroxenes closely reflect those of the bulk rock, except for Rb, Ba and Nb, which are probably hosted by other phases.  相似文献   

吉林省蛟河市境内大石河新生代玄武岩中含有丰富的地幔橄榄岩包体,详细的岩石学与矿物学研究显示,这些包体的主要岩石类型为尖晶石二辉橄榄岩-方辉橄榄岩,未发现石榴石橄榄岩.岩相学及地球化学资料显示它们都是经历过熔体抽取而形成的岩石圈地幔残留.矿物平衡温度计算发现,本区的这些地幔橄榄岩包体来自地下40~60km深度,且下部以二辉橄榄岩为主,而上部以贫单斜辉石的二辉橄榄岩和方辉橄榄岩为主,显示明显的岩石圈地幔分层现象.Sr-Nd-Hf同位素资料反映这些地幔包体均表现为亏损性质,而Re-Os同位素资料确定上述岩石圈地幔形成于中元古代,明显老于上覆地壳的新元古宙时代,反映壳幔年龄上的解耦.因此我们推测,该区曾经历过华北克拉通类似的早期岩石圈地幔的整体丢失事件,然后形成于其它地区的中元古宙岩石圈地幔在本区增生.  相似文献   

Peridotite xenoliths found in Cenozoic alkali basalts of northern Victoria Land, Antarctica, vary from fertile spinel-lherzolite to harzburgite. They often contain glass-bearing pockets formed after primary pyroxenes and spinel. Few samples are composite and consist of depleted spinel lherzolite crosscut by amphibole veins and/or lherzolite in contact with poikilitic wehrlite. Peridotite xenoliths are characterized by negative Al2O3–Mg# and TiO2–Mg# covariations of clino- and orthopyroxenes, low to intermediate HREE concentrations in clinopyroxene, negative Cr–Al trend in spinel, suggesting variable degrees of partial melting. Metasomatic overprint is evidenced by trace element enrichment in clinopyroxene and sporadic increase of Ti–Fetot. Preferential Nb, Zr, Sr enrichments in clinopyroxene associated with high Ti–Fetot contents constrain the metasomatic agent to be an alkaline basic melt. In composite xenoliths, clinopyroxene REE contents increase next to the veins suggesting metasomatic diffusion of incompatible element. Oxygen isotope data indicate disequilibrium conditions among clinopyroxene, olivine and orthopyroxene. The highest δ18O values are observed in minerals of the amphibole-bearing xenolith. The δ18Ocpx correlations with clinopyroxene modal abundance and geochemical parameters (e.g. Mg# and Cr#) suggest a possible influence of partial melting on oxygen isotope composition. Thermobarometric estimates define a geotherm of 80°C/GPa for the refractory lithosphere of NVL, in a pressure range between 1 and 2.5 GPa. Clinopyroxene microlites of melt pockets provide P–T data close to the anhydrous peridotite solidus and confirm that they originated from heating and decompression during transport in the host magma. All these geothermometric data constrain the mantle potential temperature to values of 1250–1350°C, consistent with the occurrence of mantle decompressional melting in a transtensive tectonic regime for the Ross Sea region.  相似文献   

Selenium has been analyzed in addition to S in 58 spinel peridotite xenoliths collected in Cenozoic alkali basalts from the Massif Central (France). The S concentration range now available for this suite, calculated from 123 samples, is the largest ever reported for alkali basalt-hosted xenoliths (<3-592 ppm). Likewise, the Se concentrations range between 0.2 and 67 ppb. No partial melting signature can be identified from the S and Se systematic. Half of the analyzed xenoliths have lost S during supergene weathering. By contrast, neither surficial alteration, nor loss of chalcophile elements during eruption can explain the regional-scale variations of S and Se concentrations. A first group of lherzolite xenoliths sampled in Southern Massif Central, from volcanic centers older and spatially unrelated to the Massif Central plume that triggered the Cenozoic volcanism, contains between 20 and 250 ppm S (with occasional S concentrations up to 592 ppm) and 12-67 ppb Se. It is clear that the highest S values, originally interpreted as representing S abundances in the primitive mantle, were in fact enriched by metasomatism. Highly variable S and Se contents (<5-360 ppm; 9-52 ppb) have also been observed in peridotite xenoliths collected in the Northern Massif Central, from volcanic centers mostly older than the plume. Like Group I xenoliths, these Group II xenoliths were strongly metasomatized by volatile-rich carbonated/silicated melts which precipitated Cu-rich sulfides. A third group of xenoliths from Plio-Quaternary basalts spatially related to the Massif Central Plume are uniformly poor in S (10-60 ppm) and Se (9-29 ppb). In this Group III, poikiloblastic textured xenoliths have lost most of their S and Se budget by peridotite-melt interactions at high melt/rock ratios. Taken as a whole, the Massif Central xenolith suite provides further evidence for strong heterogeneities in the S and Se budget of the sub-continental lithospheric mantle. However, the few LREE-depleted fertile lherzolites that escaped strong metasomatic alterations suggest a S- and Se-depleted primitive mantle reservoir compared to currently accepted primitive mantle estimates.  相似文献   

The Pb isotope composition of the upper mantle beneath Central Europe is heterogeneous due to the subduction of regionally contrasting material during the Variscan and Alpine orogenies.Late Variscan to Cenozoic mantlederived melts allow mapping this heterogeneity on a regional scale for the last ca.340 Myr.Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic anorogenic magmatic rocks of the Bohemian Massif(lamprophyres,volcanic rocks of basanite/tephrite and trachyte/phonolite series) concentrate mostly in the Eger Rift.Cretaceous ultramafic lamprophyres yielded the most radiogenic Pb isotope signatures reflecting a maximum contribution from metasomatised lithospheric mantle,whereas Tertiary alkaline lamprophyres originated from mantle with less radiogenic ~(206)Pb/~(204)b ratios suggesting a more substantial modification of lithospheric source by interaction with asthenosphericderived melts.Cenozoic volcanic rocks of the basanite/tephrite and trachyte/phonolite series define a linear mixing trend between these components,indicating dilution of the initial lithospheric mantle signature by upwelling asthenosphere during rifting.The Pb isotope composition of Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic magmatic rocks of the Bohemian Massif follows the same Pb growth curve as Variscan orogenic lamprophyres and lamproites that formed during the collision between Laurussia,Gondwana,and associated terranes.This implies that the crustal Pb signature in the post-Variscan mantle is repeatedly sampled by younger anorogenic melts.Most Cenozoic mantle-derived rocks of Central Europe show similar Pb isotope ranges as the Bohemian Massif.  相似文献   

Petrographic analysis is a useful, but underused tool to aid in distinguishing between subsolidus and anatetic-related textures in migmatites. This study focuses on assessing the relative contributions of these two processes in the development of migmatitic orthogneiss textures in the Velay Massif, French Massif Central. The results of this study show that subsolidus processes are more important in the development of migmatitic textures in the orthogneiss than anatectic leucosome development. Four textural stages are identified from the mylonitic non-anatectic orthogneiss, annealed, migmatitic orthogneiss to diatexite. The monomineralic K-feldspar and plagioclase–muscovite banding was transformed with increasing temperature to polymineralic plagioclase–quartz–muscovite and K-feldspar–quartz–muscovite layers by the wetting of feldspar boundaries during heterogeneous nucleation of quartz from a fluid phase at high surface energy triple points. A further increase of temperature led to the growth of K-feldspar probably related to production of small amounts of melt in plagioclase rich aggregates, controlled by muscovite abundance. Solid state annealing processes in conjunction with incipient anatexis resulted in the formation of apparent granitic-like textures in plagioclase dominated aggregates. By contrast, in K-feldspar dominated aggregates exclusively subsolidus processes prevail, leading to the development of coarse grained leucosome. With the onset of biotite dehydration melting the plagioclase-dominated aggregates are destroyed by the melt whereas the K-feldspar aggregates may be preserved.  相似文献   

Three independent Pb isotope homogenizing processes operating on large volumes of rock material during limited intervals in the Phanerozoic have been used to define a unique evolutionary curve for rock and ore lead isotopic compositions of the southern Massif Central, France. The model is

Mineralogy and Petrology - Chromite, ultramafic and mafic rocks from Eldivan, Yapraklı, Ayli Dağ, Küre, Elekdağ and Kızılırmak in northern Turkey have been...  相似文献   

This study examines the major element composition of mantle-derived garnets recovered from heavy mineral concentrates of several Proterozoic kimberlites of the diamondiferous Wajrakarur Kimberlite Field (WKF) and the almost barren Narayanpet Kimberlite Field (NKF) in the Eastern Dharwar Craton of southern India. Concentrate garnets are abundant in the WKF kimberlites, and notably rare in the NKF kimberlites. Chemical characteristics of the pyropes indicate that the lithology of the sub-continental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) beneath both the kimberlite fields was mainly lherzolitic at the time of kimberlite eruption. A subset of green pyropes from the WKF is marked by high CaO and Cr2O3 contents, which imply contribution from a wehrlitic source. The lithological information on SCLM, when studied alongside geobarometry of lherzolite and harzburgite xenoliths, indicates that there are thin layers of harzburgite within a dominantly lherzolitic mantle in the depth interval of 115–190 km beneath the WKF. In addition, wehrlite and olivine clinopyroxenite occur locally in the depth range of 120–130 km. Mantle geotherm derived from xenoliths constrains the depth of graphite–diamond transition to 155 km beneath the kimberlite fields. Diamond in the WKF thus could have been derived from both lherzolitic and harzburgitic lithologies below this depth. The rarity of diamond and garnet xenocrysts in the NKF strongly suggest sampling of shallower (<155 km depth) mantle, and possibly a shallower source of kimberlite magma than at the WKF.  相似文献   

Many continental flood basalts (CFB) have isotope and trace-element signatures that differ from those of oceanic basalts and much interest concerns the extent to which these reflect differences in their upper mantle source regions. A review of selected data sets from the Mesozoic and Tertiary CFB confirms significant differences in their major- and trace-element compositions compared with those of basalts erupted through oceanic lithosphere. In general, those CFB suites characterised by low Nb/La, high (87Sr/86Sr)i and low εNdi tend to exhibit relatively low TiO2, CaO/Al2O3, Na2O and/or Fe2O3, and relatively high SiO2. In contrast, those which have high Nb/La, low (87Sr/86Sr)i and high εNdi ratios, like the upper units in the Deccan Traps, have major- and trace-element compositions similar to oceanic basalts. It would appear that those CFB that have distinctive isotope and trace-element ratios also exhibit distinctive major-element contents, suggesting that major and trace elements have not been decoupled significantly during magma generation and differentiation.

When compared (at 8% MgO) with oceanic basalt trends, the displacement of many CFB to lower Na2O, Fe2O3*, TiO2 and CaO/Al2O3, but higher SiO2, at similar Mg#, is not readily explicable by crustal contamination. Rather, it reflects source composition and/or the effects of the melting processes. The model compositions of melts produced by decompression of mantle plumes beneath continental lithosphere have relatively low SiO2 and high Fe2O3*. In contrast, the available experimental data indicate that partial melts of peridotite have low TiO2, Na2O and Fe2O3*CaO/Al2O3, if the peridotite has been previously depleted by melt extraction. Moreover, melting of hydrated, depleted peridotite yields SiO2-rich, Fe2O3- and CaO-poor melts. Since anhydrous, depleted peridotite has a high-temperature solidus, it is argued that the source of these CFB was variably melt depleted and hydrated mantle, inferred to be within the lithosphere. Isotope data suggest these source regions were often old and relatively enriched in incompatible trace elements, and it is envisaged that H2O±CO2 were added at the same time as the incompatible elements. An implication is that a significant proportion of the new continental crust generated since the Permian reflected multistage processes involving mobilization of continental mantle lithosphere that was enriched in minor and trace elements during the Proterozoic.  相似文献   

梅清风  杨进辉 《岩石学报》2018,34(1):207-216
~(182)Hf-~(182)W作为短周期放射性衰变体系,可有效约束地球早期演化吸积增生和内部分异过程。本文通过系统总结、归纳太阳系形成初期地球核幔分异过程中Hf-W同位素变化规律、月球与地球硅酸盐的W同位素组成,提出利用~(182)Hf-~(182)W体系测定地球核幔分异时间不确定性的主要原因是地球核幔分异的持续性及开放性,大碰撞时间的~(182)Hf-~(182)W同位素限定主要受控于硅酸盐地球和硅酸盐月球的Hf/W比值,讨论了地幔W同位素不均一性的形成机制,与现代地幔不同的~(182)W/~(184)W组成可能代表了后增生作用之前整体硅酸盐地球的W同位素组成,也可能是~(182)Hf未完全灭绝时形成的区域性Hf/W比值差异经~(182)Hf衰变形成的结果。这些结论为探索类地行星形成与演化提供了重要制约。  相似文献   

A detailed isotopic study of minerals and whole rocks from the Cretaceous Oka complex, Quebec, Canada, shows a very small variation in initial Nd and Sr isotopic compositions. Assuming an age of 109 Ma for the complex, apatite, calcite, garnet, melilite, monticellite, olivine and pyroxene and whole rocks yield a range for initial 87Sr/86Sr of 0.70323–0.70333; and for initial 143Nd/144Nd of 0.51271–0.51284 ( SR(T)= –14.8 to –16.2; Nd(T)=+4.1 to +6.6). The negative SR and positive Nd indicate derivation of the Nd and Sr from a source with a time-integrated depletion in the large-ion lithophile (LIL) elements. This agrees with data from other Canadian carbonatites and confirms that a large part of the Canadian Shield is underlain by a source region depleted in the LIL elements. The new data from Oka suggest that the depleted source may have remained coupled to the continental crust until recent time.  相似文献   

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