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K, Rb, Sr, Ba and rare earth elements of some Archean volcanic rocks from the Vermilion greenstone belt, northeast Minnesota, were determined by the isotopic dilution method. The characteristics of trace element abundances, supported by the field occurrences and major element chemistry, suggest that these volcanic rocks were formed in an ancient island arc system. A felsic rock is suggested to be derived by partial melting of a basaltic source, presumably in an ancient subduction zone.It is well known that the distribution coefficients (liquid/source) for the above trace elements are almost invariably greater than one. Continuous extraction of volcanic liquids from the upper mantle through geologic time would result in depletion of these elements in the upper mantle. However, all trace element abundances in many Archean volcanic rocks are almost identical to their modern equivalents. This gross constancy of trace element concentration in rocks of different geologic age raises some important questions as to the evolution of the upper mantle. It is proposed that the trace elements have been repeatedly and fully recycled in a restrictive and closed system of crust and upper mantle during the last three billion years (recycled mantle), or the trace elements have been replenished from the lower part of the mantle by some undefined process (replenished mantle). It is believed that interplay of both recycling and replenishment have been responsible for crust-mantle evolution in geological history.  相似文献   

28 samples of Cenozoic volcanic rocks collected from Shandong Province have been dated by K-Ar method. They are mainly Neogene with an age range of 4–19 m. y. The basalts from Linqu and Yishui in west Shandong Province are Miocene and those from Penglai and Qixia in east Shandong Province are Miocene and Pliocene in age. The basalts from Wudi in north Shandong Province are Middle-Early Pleistocene in age. In each area the duration of volcanic eruption was estimated at about 2–3 m. y. Pb and Sr isotopic compositions and U, Th, Pb, Rb, Sr, and major elements in most of the samples were determined. The isotopic compositions are:206Pb/204Pb—16.92-18.48,207Pb/204Pb—15.30-15.59,208Pb/204Pb—37.83-38.54, and (87Sr/86Sr)i—0.70327-0.70632. There are some positive or negative linear correlations between206Pb/204Pb and207Pb/204Pb, Pb isotopes and Pb content, Pb isotopes and Sr isotopes, and Sr isotopes and other elements. The basaltic rocks from east and west Shandong Province have somewhat differences in isotopic composition and element content. The basalts probably are products of multi-stage evolution of the mantle. They have preserved the primary features of the source, although they were influenced, to some extent, by the contamination of crustal materials.  相似文献   

Analytical data are presented for the following elements: Cs, Rb, Ba, K, Sr, Ca, Na, Fe, Mg, Cu, Co, Ni, Li, Sc, V, Cr, Ga, Al, Si, La, Y, and Zr. Eight samples were analysed by the spark source method for rare earths, Tl, Pb, Hf, Sn, Nb, Mo, Bi, and In. In addition to data on rhyolitic volcanics, a small number of intermediate volcanics and eugeosynclinal sediments were analysed for comparative purposes. The following features are shown by the trace element data:
  1. The rhyolitic rocks have consistently lower concentrations of most trace and minor elements when compared with recent estimates of average concentrations in granites. None of the criteria for strong fractionation (e.g. low K/Rb, Ba/Rb and K/Cs ratios) are present.
  2. The data do not indicate any systematic differences between the rhyolitic lavas and ignimbrites, although the very young rhyolitic pumices are consistently more “basic” in their element concentrations compared to the other rhyolitic analyses.
  3. The residual glasses (and devitrified matrices) are depleted, relative to the total rock compositions, in Fe, Mg, Ca, Sr, V, Sc, and Al, and enriched in Cs, Rb, K, Ba, and Si. Zr is depleted in the residual glasses separated from rhyolites, but not in the andesitic residual matrices.
  4. The rare earth fractionation patterns of the rhyolitic and andesitic extrusives are very similar, being intermediate between chondritic and sedimentary patterns i.e., there is no evidence of strong fractionation. The rhyolitic patterns also indicate a slight Eu depletion.
  5. Comparable trace and minor element behaviour (with the possible exception of Zr) seems to exist through the rhyolite-andesite compositional range. This is supported by the whole rock-residual liquid trends for the various elements studied, which broadly coincide with the observed whole rock trends, both through the rhyolitic-andesitic compositonal range, and within the rhyolitic compositional range.
The data are finally discussed in the light of the possible origin of the rhyolitic magmas. It is believed that the analytical data presented are qualitatively consistent with the recently proposed idea that the magmas are derived by partial fusion of the associated Triassic-Jurassic eugeosynclinal greywacke-argillite sedimentary sequence.  相似文献   

在青藏高原腹地可可西里地区发育一套新生代碱性、高钾钙碱性——钾玄岩火山岩类,由于该时期正是亚洲大陆内部岩石圈发生剧烈变形,青藏高原强烈隆升的重大变革时期,火山岩的形成在这些重大事件中扮演什么角色?很值得探讨。通过对区内火山岩Rb、Sr、Sm、Nd、Pb同位素的研究,在火山岩的岩浆来源、成因等方面获得了大量信息。研究表明:新生代火山岩主要来源于富集 型地幔区,部分为具极高εSr和极低εNd的酸性火山岩,它是与区内钾质熔岩同源的晚期分异产物;碱性火山岩在成因上与板内初始裂谷有关。研究成果为青藏高原特有的"壳-幔混合层"的形成提供了证据。  相似文献   

Data are presented for K, Ba, Sr, Rb, Li, Ga, Mg, Mn, and Fe for twelve rhyolitic plagioclases (An28-An46), one dacitic (An53), and three andesitic plagioclases (An68-An81). Additional data are presented for Ga, Gr, V, Ni, Co, Sc, Y, La, Sr, and Ba for two augites, nine hypersthenes, and five hornblendes separated from the same rocks. Distribution factors have been calculated, using these data, and previously published results for coexisting groundmass compositions (=liquids).The plagioclases show a positive correlation between, and a progressive increase in K and Ba (range 0.09–0.58% and 61–610 p.p.m. respectively) with increasing Ab-content. Sr (range 465–880 p.p.m.) shows a well defined maximum between An40-An55. The plagioclases have extremely high K/Rb ratios (mostly > 1,000).This volcanic series is characterised by relatively Mg-rich pyroxenes and hornblendes. The augites contain higher Sc, Cr, Y, Sr, and Y relative to their coexisting hypersthenes, while the hornblendes exhibit higher Sc, V, Ba, Sr, Y, and La relative to coexisting hypersthenes. Very marked differences in concentrations of these elements exist between the rhyolitic and andesitic ferromagnesian phenocrysts. There is also evidence of a systematic distribution of Sc, V, Cr, Y, Co, and Ni between coexisting hypersthenes and hornblendes, and between these minerals and their coexisting whole rock and groundmass compositions.The data are discussed from a petrological viewpoint, as they are interpreted to indicate that the phenocrysts crystallised in the magmas in which they are found, and are not xenocrystic. No evidence of hybridisation or contamination, subsequent to the onset of crystallisation, is found.  相似文献   

甘肃西秦岭地区存在钾霞橄黄长岩和钾质粗面玄武岩(钾玄岩)两类钾质火山岩,出露在甘肃西秦岭礼县、宕昌县等,地理坐标大致相当于104°20′~104°50′E,33°30′~34°10′N。钾霞橄黄长岩是一种不含斜长石,但普遍含有高钛金云母、黄长石、白榴石、霞石的岩石,全岩化学成分具低SiO2和Al2O3,富TiO2、CaO、MgO和高K/Na、高Mg#值的特征;钾质粗面玄武岩(钾玄岩)含有大量斜长石但是缺乏高钛金云母、黄长石、白榴石和霞石,全岩化学中SiO2、Al2O3明显高于前者,而TiO2、CaO、MgO、K/Na和Mg#值要比钾霞橄黄长岩低。钾霞橄黄长岩的全岩K/Ar和金云母单矿物的39Ar/40Ar同位素定年落在7.1~23Ma,而钾玄岩的全岩39Ar/40Ar同位素定年落在9Ma左右,因此它们同为中新世产物。两类钾质火山岩具有相似的富集不相容元素和轻稀土的特征。两类钾质火山岩的初始87Sr/86Sr分别在0.70403~0.70749和0.70412~0.70522;143Nd/144Nd分别在0.51274~0.51294和0.51265~0.51276;εNd分别在1.12~5.95和0.3~2.3。206Pb/204Pb、207Pb/204Pb和208Pb/204Pb分别落到18.3746~18.9986、15.529~15.6693和38.4971~39.4144。在火山岩源区示踪的143Nd/144Nd-87Sr/86Sr,207Pb/204Pb-206Pb/204Pb,208Pb/204Pb-206Pb/204Pb,143Nd/144Nd-206Pb/204Pb,87Sr/86Sr-206Pb/204Pb和Ba/Nb-La/Nb图解中,一致显示两类钾质火山岩具有与OIB相似的地球化学特征,源区可能与地幔柱有关,并具有EM1、DMM和HIMU端员混合特征。结合前人对该区深部地球物理和断裂构造的研究,论证了火山岩的起源与成因,指出作为对印度—欧亚大陆强烈碰撞的吸收与调节,高原下软流圈地幔流沿400km界面向北东方向的侧向流动以及西秦岭周边克拉通块体的阻挡,是形成西秦岭断裂系左行走滑特征和巨大拉分盆地的主要原因,也是导致西秦岭新生代两类钾质火山岩和碳酸岩起源与成因的动力学机制,较好地解释了西秦岭新生代岩浆作用起源深度大,具有地幔柱源的地球化学特征,岩石组合与地球化学有别于高原内部及其周边地区新生代钾质火山岩的原因。  相似文献   

利用电子探针和激光探针剥蚀系统(LA-ICP-MS)对北羌塘新第三纪高钾钙碱岩系英安岩中角闪石的主元素和微量、角闪石强烈富集Sc、Ti、V、Cr、Co、Ni等不相容亲铁元素,而相对亏损Th、U、Pb、Rb等强不相容的大离子亲石元素。稀土元素丰度高,且无Eu异常,批示北羌塘这套高钾钙碱岩系火山岩可能是青藏高原加厚的相当于榴辉岩相物质组成的下部陆壳脱水熔融的产物。  相似文献   

张星  崔天夫 《吉林地质》2010,29(1):9-11,17
吉林省敦化地区新生代火山岩主要分布在敦化—密山断裂带及其两侧。本文以其分布状况、岩石类型、岩石化学与地球化学特征、火山岩相以及构造环境等方面论述该区新生代火山活动规律、岩浆演化等,并与区域资料进行分析对比,从而为该区新生代火山的深入研究提供实际的基础地质资料。  相似文献   

沂水杂岩中超镁铁质岩的岩石地球化学特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
主要以捕虏体形式存在于沂水岩浆杂岩和变质杂岩中的超镁铁质岩石不发育鬣刺结构,岩石化学组成以高MgO和低SiO2、TiO2、K2O含量为主要特征。按岩石中是否含有橄榄石大致可以分为橄榄辉石岩和尖晶角闪二辉石岩两种,前者以强烈发育蛇纹石化为特征,矿物组合以单斜(透)辉石+橄榄石为主(偶见斜方辉石),蚀变矿物组合为蛇纹石±铬铁矿+磁铁矿±角闪石±尖晶石等;后者以局部发育滑石化为特征,矿物组合以斜方(古铜)辉石+单斜(透)辉石+尖晶石为主,其次是角闪石+磁铁矿±滑石等。岩石总体以稀土元素总量(∑REE)相对较低、LREE/HREE=1.64~4.40为特征,稀土元素的球粒陨石标准化配分图解显示所有样品均具Eu和Ce的负异常,除3个橄榄辉石岩样品外,多数样品无明显的轻稀土元素、轻重稀土元素和重稀土元素分异。岩石的微量元素组成以不相容元素Rb、Ba、U、Nb、Sr、Zr等具有明显不同的异常为特征:Ba、Nb呈现负异常,而Rb、U呈现正异常,Sr部分呈正异常,Zr和Ti负异常出现在橄榄辉石岩中,其他样品无Zr异常。样品YS0631的SHRIMP锆石U-Pb定年结果显示其变质锆石年龄值为2 560~2 605 Ma;另有一颗结晶锆石的年龄值为2 719 Ma,εHf(t)值为8.2,亏损地幔模式年龄为2 680 Ma。综上所述,该超镁铁质岩石源于地幔,形成于新太古代早期,随后遭受深熔及岩浆作用影响,经历了变质作用的改造。  相似文献   

本文对分布于藏北南羌塘地区的走构油茶错和纳丁错新生代火山岩进行了岩石学、同位素年代学和地球化学研究.两个地区火山岩主要由粗面玄武岩、橄榄粗安岩、安粗岩及粗面岩组成,具有从碱性系列火山岩到高钾钙碱性火山岩连续演化的特征.锆石U-Pb定年表明两个地区火山岩形成时代分别为34.64±0.55Ma和35.03±0.54Ma,另外在走构油茶错安粗岩和粗面岩中发现了大量的捕获锆石.地球化学分析显示,岩石ε_(Hf)(t)均为正值,但随SiO_2含量的增高,ε_(Hf)(t)有减小的趋势.稀土元素配分曲线上轻重稀土分馏明显,无或轻微Eu负异常,尤其是重稀土出现分馏,大多数样品(Sm/Yb)_N值介于6.30~8.25之间,表明原生岩浆起源于含有石榴石的弱亏损型软流圈地幔,中酸性岩浆所具有的类似埃达克岩的地球化学特征是原生幔源岩浆经AFC作用形成的.始新世末期南羌塘地区的火山活动可能与向北俯冲的拉萨地块的岩石圈地幔断离造成的软流圈上涌有关.  相似文献   

山东中生代火山岩年代学研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
唐嘉锋  刘玉琳  王启飞 《岩石学报》2008,24(6):1333-1338
山东中生代火山岩年代学研究与中国东部许多重大地质问题有直接联系.本次在胶莱盆地标准剖面系统采集了青山群各组的火山岩样品,在安丘大盛群标准剖面采集田家楼组火山岩样品,同时还采集了淄博、蒙阴、莒县等地火山岩样品,进行K-Ar法年龄测定,获得青山群火山岩年龄大致在118-93Ma之间,对应于白垩纪中上部.其中,后夼组始于约117Ma,属于阿普特阶;八亩地组109~103Ma,属于阿尔布阶;石前庄组103.7~93.3Ma,位于阿尔布阶上部至赛诺曼阶,其底部与八亩地组顶部相当,可能两个组之间没有明显的间断;方戈庄组始于93.3Ma,属于上白垩统的土仑阶.鲁东莱阳盆地的八亩地组和鲁西蒙阴八亩地组火山岩年龄基本一致,说明鲁东和鲁西尽管有岩性差异,但同层位火山岩的喷发时间大致相同.大盛群田家楼组下部火山岩年龄95Ma,与石前庄组上部层位相当,说明大盛群与青山群为交叉对应关系.淄博群坊子组中的火山岩年龄120.1Ma和105.7Ma,山东可能不存在侏罗纪火山岩.  相似文献   

马雪盈  刘庆  闫方超  何苗  张宏远 《岩石学报》2021,37(8):2562-2578



青藏高原分布有羌塘—囊谦—滇西和冈底斯两条新生代钾质-超钾质火山岩带。羌塘—囊谦—滇西超钾质岩浆活动的峰值时间为40~30Ma,主体岩石具有Ⅰ型超钾质岩的高MgO和低CaO、Al2O3含量特征;30~24Ma期间羌塘中、西部出现Ⅲ型钾质-超钾质岩浆活动,主体岩石以贫SiO2、高CaO、Al2O3和低MgO/CaO为特征。冈底斯新生代超钾质火山岩也显示I型超钾质岩的高MgO和低CaO、Al2O3含量特征,其形成时间为25~12Ma。综合超钾质岩石的实验资料,可知区内I型超钾质岩的源区以富硅、富钾流(熔)体交代形成的金云母方辉橄榄岩为主;Ⅲ型钾质-超钾质岩浆源区则以斜辉橄榄岩地幔为主。囊谦—滇西Ⅰ型超钾质岩带空间上严格受红河走滑构造带所控制,40~28Ma出现I型超钾质岩浆活动,16Ma转变为OIB型钾质火山岩。岩浆源区从岩石圈地幔向软流圈演变,暗示大型走滑断裂引起的岩石圈地幔减薄和软流圈上涌是导致交代岩石圈地幔金云母分解熔融产生区内I型超钾质岩浆的主控因素。羌塘中部35~34Ma有软流圈来源为主的钠质碱性玄武岩岩浆的喷发,30~24Ma转变为以岩石圈地幔为主要来源的Ⅲ型钾质-超钾质岩浆活动,岩浆源区从软流圈向岩石圈迁移,指示软流圈上涌伴随的富CO2流(熔)体活动是导致古交代岩石圈地幔升温熔融产生Ⅲ型钾质-超钾质岩浆的主控因素,软流圈上涌可能是俯冲板片断离或岩石圈地幔拆沉作用的结果。  相似文献   

The example of eastern Russia is employed to analyze the influence of diverse factors on the development of negative Eu anomalies in magmatic rocks at continental marginal volcanic belts. A strong correlation is identified between the relative value of Eu minima and the degree of Fe oxidation, Fe/(Fe+Mg) of mafic minerals, and an increase in the Eu minimum from basic to acid rocks. It is demonstrated that the value of the Eu minimum hardly depends on either the crystallization depth of the rocks and/or their alkalinity. Within individual tectono-stratigraphic zones, the value of Eu anomalies is independent of the age of the rocks, their affiliation with certain associations, and the basement structure of the volcanic zone. Rocks with clearly pronounced negative Eu anomalies belong exclusively to the ilmenite series that are formed under reduced conditions. The rocks of the magnetite series, which are formed under oxidized conditions, contain trivalent Eu, which behaves analogously to other REE.  相似文献   

The detailed petrographical characters of Cenozoic volcanic rocks of Egypt are given. Two pétrographic provinces have been identified: Abu Zaabal-Abu Rawash-Qatrani province and Cairo-Suez-El-Bahnasa-Tahna province. The rocks of the first one are doleritic basalts, while those of the second one are typical basalts. The weathering of the doleritic basalt, as especially observed in quarries, was also studied.
Zusammenfassung Der detaillierte petrographische Charakter von känozoischen vulkanischen Gesteinen aus Ägypten wird dargestellt. Zwei petrographische Provinzen sind identifiziert worden: die Abu Zaabal-Abu Rawash-Qatrani-Provinz und die Cairo-Suez-El-Bahnasa-Tahna-Provinz. Die Gesteine der ersten sind doleritische Basalte, während die der zweiten typische Basalte sind. Die Verwitterung der doleritischen Basalte, insbesondere in Steinbrüchen beobachtet, wird ebenfalls dargestellt.

Résumé Le caractère détaillé pétrographique de roches volcaniques cénozoiques d'Egypte est démontré. On a identifié deux provinces pétrographiques: la province Abu Zaabal-Abu Rawash-Qatrani et la province Caire-Suez-El-Bahnasa-Tahna. Les roches de la première sont des basaltes doléritiques, tandis que celles de la deuxième sont des basaltes typiques. L'altération des basaltes doléritiques, en particulier observée dans des carrières, a aussi été étudiée.

. : Abu Zaabal-Abu Rawash- Qatrani, a -Cairo-Suez-EI Bahnasa-Tana. , — . .

Dedicated to Professor Dr. A.Rittmann on the occasion of his 75th birthday  相似文献   

吉林省长白山地区新生代火山岩基本特征及成因模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长白山火山岩区位于滨太平洋构造域西侧,东北大陆裂谷系的东部,北东向断裂较为发育,有敦密断裂、鸭绿江断裂、伊通—依兰断裂等超壳断裂,这些断裂为后期岩浆喷溢提供了通道,也基本控制了火山岩的展布方向。该区新生代以来的火山活动可分为甑峰山期、奶头山期、平顶村期、军舰山期、广坪期、白头山期和天文峰期7个期次,通过对该区的深部构造研究,结合板块运动理论综合分析,笔者将该区火山岩的形成分为了6个阶段,提出了长白山地区火山活动的成因模式。  相似文献   

临沧锗矿床的微量元素地球化学   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用ICP-MS测定了临沧锗矿中51个含矿煤、5个无矿煤、9个硅质岩样品的微量元素含量,并与基底二云母花岗岩进行对比,探讨了含矿煤与无矿煤的微量元素地球化学及其与锗超常富集的关系,得出几点认识: a 含矿煤、无矿煤和硅质岩中的大多数微量元素来自基底的二云母花岗岩; b 热水携带了成矿所必需的锗; c Nb可作为锗矿化的指示元素  相似文献   

对天水尹道寺酸性火山岩进行了LA-ICPMS锆石U-Pb定年、全岩主量和微量元素分析.结果表明,本区酸性火岩熔岩均为流纹岩,SiO2、Na2O K2O含量高,TiO2含量低,主体为亚碱性系列,轻稀土高度富集,Eu负异常明显.微量元素原始地幔标准化分配模式及洋中脊玄武岩标准化分配模式分别与大陆板内火山岩或大陆板内花岗岩的分配模式一致,Ba、Sr、P、Ti显著亏损.锆石U-Pb同位素定年揭示了流纹岩的岩浆结晶年龄为印支末期(211Ma).流纹岩具有富集放射性Pb同位素的特点,其源区可能为北秦岭基底岩石.依据稀土元素和微量元素分配模式对比研究,认为流纹岩浆为地壳下部部分熔融的产物.源区物质可能为下元古界秦岭岩群中的黑云角闪斜长片麻岩,源区的残留物主体可能为斜长石,含有角闪石,岩浆演化过程中存在少量的碱性长石和黑云母的分离结晶.印支末期秦岭地区处于由陆内碰撞造山阶段开始向深部地幔调整和岩石圈减薄阶段转变,特殊的构造背景使得陆内挤压、剪切走滑和推覆构造较为发育,西秦岭尹道寺地区特定的构造背景与断裂构造的结合,形成了该地区独特的流纹岩浆喷发.  相似文献   

The abundances and isotopic compositions of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur were measured in eleven lunar rocks. Samples were combusted sequentially at three temperatures to resolve terrestrial contamination from indigenous volatiles.Sulfur abundances in Apollo 16 highland rocks range from 73 to 1165 μg/g-whereas sulfur contents in Apollo 15 and 17 basalts range from 719 to 1455 μg/g and correlate with TiO2 content. Lunar rocks as a group have a remarkably uniform sulfur isotopic composition, which may reflect the low oxygen fugacity of the basaltic magmas. Much of the range of reported δ34Scd values (?2 to + 2.5 permil) is caused by systematic analytical discrepancies between laboratories.Lunar rocks very likely contain less than 0.1 μg/g of nitrogen. The measured spallogenic production rate, 4.1 × 10?6 μg 15N/g sample/m.y., agrees remarkably closely with previous estimates. An estimate which includes all available data is 3.7 × 10?6 μg15N/g sample/m.y.Lunar basalts may contain no indigenous lunar carbon in excess of procedural blank levels (~0.7 μg/g). Highlands rocks consistently release about 1 to 5 μg/g of carbon in excess of blank levels, but this carbon might either derive from ancient meteoritic debris or be a mineralogie product of terrestrial weathering. The average measured spallogenic 13C production rate is 4.1 × 10?6 μg13C/g sample/m.y. The 13C spallation exposure ages of rocks 15058 and 15499 are 184 and 135 m.y., respectively.  相似文献   

The concentrations of 23 trace elements in 50 topsoil samples collected from sites ranging between 18°19′N and 49°13′N in East China were analyzed. Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, and Ta have mean contents more than two times higher than in the continental upper crust. Three elements, Rb, Sr, and Ba, are present at lower concentrations than in the continental upper crust. Finally, a group of elements consisting of Ge, Y, Zr, Nb, Sc, Hf, Pb, Th, and U are present at concentrations 1–2 times higher than in the continental upper crust. However, concentrations of trace elements are mainly affected by parent rock. The contents of Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, and Cu for 29 soils from basalt were found to increase from north to south, whereas Rb, Sr, and Ba contents were found to decrease. In addition, element concentration shows a close relationship with annual average temperature (AAT) as well as annual average precipitation (AAP). Since the 29 soils are all from basalt, the trends of the elemental contents should reflect the influence of climate, which determines the intensity of weathering. These elemental trends suggest that the content of certain elements may indicate the intensity of basalt weathering. Ba/Nb and Sr/Nb ratios were both found to have good correlations with AAT and AAP in this study, which means that these ratios can also indicate the intensity of chemical weathering of basalt.  相似文献   

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