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Vibrating-Rocking Motion of Caisson Breakwater Under Breaking Wave Impact   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The possible motions of a caisson breakwater under dynamic load excitation include vibrating, vibrating-sliding and vibrating-rocking motions. The models of vibrating motion and vibrating-sliding motion have been proposed in an early paper. In this paper, a model of vibrating-rocking motion of caisson breakwaters under breaking wave impact is presented, which can be used to simulate the histories of vibrating-rocking motion of caisson breakwaters. The effect of rocking motion on the displacement, rotation, sliding force and overturning moment of breakwaters is investigated. In case the overturning moment exceeds the stability moment of a caisson, the caisson may only rock. The caisson overturns only in case the rocking angle exceeds the critical angle. It is shown that the sliding force and overturning moment of breakwaters can be reduced effectively due to the rocking motion. It is proposed that some rocking motion should be allowed in breakwater design.  相似文献   

沉箱预制时在沉箱底部四个角各放置一个木盒,该木盒经防腐处理,一面作为牵引孔、朝外、不封、其余五面用木板封住。木盒上面预留一个直径15㎝朝上的销钉孔,放置销钉。放置木盒时需与周边钢筋留有至少8㎝以上的钢筋混凝土保护层,浇筑混凝土时在销钉孔放置圆形预埋件。沉箱出运时以钢丝绳扣为拉鼻,通过销钉孔利用大直径圆钢作为销钉固定钢丝绳,牵引机将拖运牵引力传给沉箱,带动沉箱前移。  相似文献   

The multi-spring shear mechanism plastic model in this paper is defined in strain space to simulate pore pressure generation and development in sands under cyclic loading and undrained conditions,and the rotation of principal stresses can also be simulated by the model with cyclic behavior of anisotropic consolidated sands.Seismic residual deformations of typical caisson quay walls under different engineering situations are analyzed in detail by the plastic model,and then an index of liquefaction extent is applied to describe the regularity of seismic residual deformation of caisson quay wall top under different engineering situations.Some correlated prediction formulas are derived from the results of regression analysis between seismic residual deformation of quay wall top and extent of liquefaction in the relative safety backfill sand site.Finally,the rationality and the reliability of the prediction methods are validated by test results of a 120 g-centrifuge shaking table,and the comparisons show that some reliable seismic residual deformation of caisson quay can be predicted by appropriate prediction formulas and appropriate index of liquefaction extent.  相似文献   

Corresponding to the sliding and the overturning failure, the elementary motion modes of caisson breakwater include the horizontal-rotational oscillation coupled motion, the horizontal sliding-rotational oscillation coupled motion, the horizontal vibrating-uplift rocking coupled motion, and the horizontal sliding-uplift rocking coupled motion. The motion mode of a caisson will transform from one to another depending on the wave forces and the motion behaviors of the caisson. The numerical models of four motion modes of caisson are developed, and the numerical simulation procedure for joint motion process of various modes of caisson breakwater under wave excitation is presented and tested by a physical model experiment . It is concluded that the simulation procedure is reliable and can be applied to the dynamic stability analysis of caisson breakwaters.  相似文献   

Corresponding to the sliding and the overturning failure, the elementary motion modes of caisson breakwater include the horizontal-rotational oscillation coupled motion, the horizontal sliding-rotational oscillation coupled motion, the horizontal vibrating-uplift rocking coupled motion, and the horizontal sliding- uplift rocking coupled motion. The motion mode of a caisson will transform from one to another depending on the wave forces and the motion behaviors of the caisson. The numerical models of four motion modes of caisson are developed, and the numerical simulation procedure for joint motion process of various modes of caisson breakwater under wave excitation is presented and tested by a physical model experiment. It is concluded that the simulation procedure is reliable and can be applied to the dynamic stability analysis of caisson breakwaters.  相似文献   

A new load surface based approach to the reliability analysis of caisson-type breakwater is proposed. Uncertainties of the horizontal and vertical wave loads acting on breakwater are considered by using the so-called load surfaces, which can be estimated as functions of wave height, water level, and so on. Then, the first-order reliability method(FORM) can be applied to determine the probability of failure under the wave action. In this way, the reliability analysis of breakwaters with uncertainties both in wave height and in water level is possible. Moreover, the uncertainty in wave breaking can be taken into account by considering a random variable for wave height ratio which relates the significant wave height to the maximum wave height. The proposed approach is applied numerically to the reliability analysis of caisson breakwater under wave attack that may undergo partial or full wave breaking.  相似文献   

A Probabilistic Method for Motion Analysis of Caisson Breakwaters   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
1 .IntroductionInrecent years ,especiallyfrom1994 when aninternational conference on breakwater design washeldinJapan,muchresearchonthe dynamic analysis of caisson breakwaters has been done ,and manyimportant progresses have been made .Oumeraci and Korten…  相似文献   

为了研究波流共同荷载作用下开挖基槽附近海床动态响应和液化破坏情况,提出一个二维耦合计算模型,采用雷诺时均纳维-斯托克斯(RANS)方程描述波浪运动情况,通过设定侧边界条件实现稳定流场。海床部分通过求解Biot固结方程,得到波流荷载下海床中的应力和位移情况。将模型计算结果与水槽试验数据和解析解进行比较,验证了波流模型和海床模型的有效性。在此模型基础上,分析得到了开挖之后海床新的应力和固结状态。同时,通过参数分析得到了波流耦合情况下波浪形态的变化,以及海流对海床液化情况和孔压情况的影响。最后,通过线性回归计算得到最大液化深度与流速的拟合关系曲线。计算结果可用于判断基槽开挖后不规则海床的液化情况,对相关研究和实际工程具有一定参考意义。  相似文献   

介绍了青岛银海大世界旅游交通码头工程在沉箱进水孔开关的设置过程中,采用了人工在沉箱顶部平台上通过绳索牵引设置在进水孔外侧盖板上的杠杆来控制进水孔开启、关闭的工艺。该工艺与传统采用定型阀门控制的工艺相比具有:结构简单、安装方便、操作安全、成本低廉的优势。  相似文献   

In the dynamic stability analysis of a caisson breakwater, most of current studies pay attention to the motion characteristics of caisson breakwaters under a single periodical breaking wave excitation. And in the lifetime stability analysis of caisson breakwater, it is assumed that the caisson breakwater suffers storm wave excitation once annually in the design lifetime. However, the number of annual severe storm occurrence is a random variable. In this paper, a series of random waves are generated by the Wen Sheng-chang wave spectrum, and the histories of successive and long-term random wave forces are built up by using the improved Goda wave force model. It is assumed that the number of annual severe storm occurrence is in the Poisson distribution over the 50-year design lifetime, and the history of random wave excitation is generated for each storm by the wave spectrum. The response histories of the caisson breakwater to the random waves over 50-year design lifetime are calculated and taken as a set of samples. On the basis of the Monte Carlo simulation technique, a large number of samples can be obtained, and the probability assessment of the safety of the breakwater during the complete design lifetime is obtained by statistical analysis of a large number of samples. Finally, the procedure of probability assessment of the breakwater safety is illustrated by an example.  相似文献   

Reliability Index of Caisson Breakwaters for Load Variables Correlated   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to suit the condition that the wave uplift is correlated with the horizontal wave load acting on a vertical breakwater, a generally used method for determining the reliability index β of the breakwater, i.e. the Hasofer-Lind method, is extended in a generalized stochastic space for correlative variables. The computational results for a caisson breakwater indicate that the value of β for the case of correlated variables is obviously smaller than that for the case of independent variables.  相似文献   

Dynamic Response Behaviors of Upright Breakwaters Under Breaking Wave Impact   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
- The dynamic response behaviors of upright breakwaters under broken wave impact are analysed based on the mass-damper-spring dynamic system model. The effects of the mass, damping, stiffness, natural period, and impulse duration (or oscillation period) on the translation, rotation, sliding force, overturning moment, and corresponding dynamic amplifying factors are studied. It is concluded that the ampli-ying factors only depend on the ratio of the system natural period to impulse duration (or oscillation period) under a certain damping ratio. Moreover, the equivalent static approach to breakwater design is also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper describes the design of a perforated caisson breakwater and presents the results of model test. Tests with regular and irregular waves have demonstrated that the perforated caisson breakwater has the advantages of low reflection coefficient, good wave-absorbing performance, relatively small wave height in front of the breakwater, and small amount of overtopping. Analyses have been made of the coefficient of reflection, wave height in front of the breakwater, and wave overtopping. Relevant figures and tables are presented for reference.  相似文献   

- This paper describes the design of a permeable caisson breakwater with slanting slabs (Types I and 11) and presents some preliminary experimental results, together with relevant figures and tables. Analysis is made of the reflection coefficient, transmission coefficient, acting wave pressures, water jetting at the crest of the breakwater, and wave overtopping. Experiments show conclusively that this type of breakwater has the advantages of light dead weight, good wave-absorbing performance, low coefficients of reflection and transmission, and small wave overtopping.  相似文献   

采用气嚢搬运沉箱上浮船坞和浮船坞坐底出运沉箱的施工工艺,施工效率高且安全可靠,该工艺已在沉箱施工中得到了广泛应用。结合浮船坞修理改造后首次应用于渤海重工30万吨级大型船坞工程实例,介绍了浮船坞出运沉箱技术的工艺流程和施工要点,对类似工程的施工具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

1 .IntroductionTremendousdevelopmentofinternationaltradeandseatransportationhastakenplacesincethe1 980s.Duringthesameperiodoftime ,harbortransportationincreasedmarkedly ,resultinginthede teriorationofwaveconditionsinharbors .Reducingwavedamagetoportandmarine…  相似文献   

- The cyclic rotation of principal stress direction with a constant amplitude is the characteristics of cyclic stress in seabed deposit induced by travelling waves. Presented in the paper are the results obtained from tests simulating the cyclic stress characteristics, with emphasis laid on the buildup of pore water pressure in soil samples. Regression analysis of test data shows that the pore water pressure can be expressed as the function of the number of cycles of cyclic loading, or as the function of generalized shear strain. Using the results thus obtained, the possibility of failure of seabed deposit under cyclic loading induced by travelling waves can be evaluated. The comparison with the results of conventional cyclic torsional shear tests shows that neglect of the effect of the cyclic rotation of the principal stress direction will result in considerable over-estimation of the stability of seabed deposit.  相似文献   

王栋  金霞 《中国海洋工程》2006,20(4):665-672
1 .IntroductionSuctioncaissons have been widely usedfor offshore oil exploration duetothe advantages of econo-my and simple installation over traditional piles (Huanget al .,2003) .For tensionleg platforms andspar platforms in deep ocean,suction caissons …  相似文献   

通过断面物理模型试验,获得了圆形沉箱结构直立堤在各种工况组合下,承受水平波压力、底部浮托力的大量数据信息。对这些数据进行了分析总结,得出了有关圆形沉箱直立堤波浪力的分布规律。  相似文献   

It is assumed that the storm wave takes place once a year during the design period, and N histories of storm waves are generated on the basis of wave spectrum corresponding to the N-year design period. The responses of the breakwater to the N histories of storm waves in the N-year design period are calculated by mass-spring-dashpot mode and taken as a set of samples. The failure probability of caisson breakwaters during the design period of N years is obtained by the statistical analysis of many sets of samples. It is the key issue to improve the efficiency of the common Monte Carlo simulation method in the failure probability estimation of caisson breakwaters in the complete life cycle. In this paper, the kernel method of importance sampling, which can greatly increase the efficiency of failure probability calculation of caisson breakwaters, is proposed to estimate the failure probability of caisson breakwaters in the complete life cycle. The effectiveness of the kernel method is investigated by an example. It is indicated that the calculation efficiency of the kernel method is over 10 times the common Monte Carlo simulation method.  相似文献   

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