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SHASTA(Shaarp and smooth Transport Algorithm)是求解二维磁流体动力学问题的单一网格程序.在将其用于磁重联问题的数值模拟时,它被修改成为采用自适应网格方法的程序.修改后的程序可以针对扩散区进行细化计算.在SHASTA程序的自适应计算实现过程中,采用了插入式的自适应修改策略,原二维磁流体力学偏微分方程的求解算法被作为独立单元使用.另外,修改中使用分层的数据结构,将每个细化层次的物理量用二维可变数组描述,并标记磁场和压强分布的陡变区为细化区域,再通过插值的方法得到细化层网格点上的物理量分布和边界条件,最后细化区域的细化计算结果被赋予给其上一层网格,并对其内容进行更新.采用细化计算进行的磁重联的模拟实验表明,相比单一网格计算,细节分辨率得到提高,相应的计算时间的增加则与模拟中的参数选择有关;而自适应程序部分带来的计算精度和稳定性的影响则依赖于边界设置,单步长的推进策略和插值算法.  相似文献   

Numerous observational events in the solar atmosphere (e.g., solar ?ares and jets) are attributed to the energy conversion due to magnetic reconnec- tions. Magnetic reconnections are also involved in a new scenario of solar wind origin to play a crucial role in opening the closed magnetic loop and releasing its mass into the open magnetic funnel. In this scenario, the closed magnetic loop moves towards the supergranular boundary by the supergranular convection, and collides with the open magnetic funnel there to trigger the magnetic reconnec- tion between each other. This work aims at studying the occurrence and effect of magnetic reconnection in this scenario in detail. The magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) numerical simulation is an important approach to investigate the mag- netic reconnection process in the solar atmosphere. A two-dimensional MHD numerical model has been established, and in combination with the strati?ed temperature and density distributions in the solar atmosphere, the numerical simulation on the process of magnetic reconnection of the closed magnetic loops driven by the horizontal ?ows with the open magnetic ?elds has been performed on the scale of supergranulation. Based on a quantitative analysis of the simula- tion result, it is suggested that the process of magnetic reconnection can really realize the mass release of closed magnetic loops, and further supply to the new open magnetic structures to produce upward mass ?ows. Our results provide a basis for the further modeling of solar wind origin.  相似文献   

Neupert效应的定性描述是耀斑中脉冲分量(硬X射线、微波暴)与渐变分量(软X射线发射)之间存在的因果关系,即耀斑最初的能量是以加速粒子的形式释放,加速的电子在大气传输过程中产生非热硬X射线轫致辐射,并加热大气,耀斑软X射线发射是高能粒子注入大气的响应.根据经典Neupert效应的定量描述,硬X射线发射(表征非热电子注入)结束时软X射线应该立刻达到极大,但以往的观测发现一些耀斑软X射线峰值时间(t2)明显晚于硬X射线结束时间(t1)(τ=t2–t1,τ 0),热与非热辐射之间存在明显的偏离经典Neupert效应的情况.为了研究偏离经典Neupert效应的事件,在2002—2015年间的RHESSI (Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager)和GOES (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites)耀斑列表中,按照在25–50 keV范围内光变较简单、软X射线有对应发射峰等判据,共选择276个耀斑样本,统计了这些耀斑的τ分布、环长d (用双足点源之间的距离来表征)与τ的关系.结果显示:(1)有227个耀斑τ 0,即有约82%的耀斑偏离经典Neupert效应;(2)τ与d之间存在一定的线性相关,即环越长,软X射线极大的时间越延后;(3)似乎存在一个临界距离,当环长小于临界距离时,经典Neupert效应成立.这些结果印证了修正Neupert效应的必要性,并对其物理意义进行了讨论.  相似文献   

激光驱动亥姆霍兹电容线圈靶的磁重联实验已经提出并进行了多年.当实验中的金属板被强激光照射时产生自由电子,这些自由电子的运动在连接两金属板的两个平行线圈中产生电流,由两个平行线圈内部电流产生的磁场之间随即发生重联.该实验不同于其他直接由Biermann电池效应所产生高β(等离子体热压与磁压的比值)环境下的磁重联实验.对该类实验进行了3维磁流体动力学数值模拟,首次展示了亥姆霍兹电容器线圈靶如何驱动磁重联的过程.数值模拟结果清楚地表明,磁重联的出流等离子体在线圈周围发生与实验结果相一致的堆积现象.线圈电流产生的磁场可高达100 T,使得磁重联区域周围的等离子体β值达到10^-2.与实验室结果进行比较,数值模拟重复了实验展示的大多数特征,可有助于深入认识和理解实验结果背后的物理学原理.  相似文献   

Magnetic reconnection is commonly accepted to play a key role in flare energy release, but only poor information about the main characteristics of this process is available so far. An intrinsic feature of reconnection is plasma density enhancement in current sheets. A unique method to detect this effect is provided by analysis of drifting bursts, whose emission frequency is close to the local Langmuir frequency or its harmonics. With this purpose, we analyze a series of several tens of drifting microwave bursts during the 30 March 2001 flare. The burst drift rates range from −10 to 20 GHz s−1. Using one-dimensional scans recorded with the SSRT interferometer at two different frequencies near 5.7 GHz, we have measured relative positions of burst sources and their velocities along a flare loop revealed from soft X-ray and extreme-ultraviolet images. It is argued that the contribution of the increasing density effect into the observed frequency drift rates is about 6 GHz s−1, which is shown to be consistent with theoretical models of magnetic reconnection with reasonable boundary conditions.  相似文献   

We study the magnetic structure of five well-known active regions that produced great flares (X5 or larger). The six flares under investigation are the X12 flare on 1991 June 9 in AR 6659, the X5.7 flare on 2000 July 14 in AR 9077, the X5.6 flare on 2001 April 6 in AR 9415, the X5.3 flare on 2001 August 25 in AR 9591, the X17 flare on 2003 October 28 and the X10 flare on 2003 October 29, both in AR 10486. The last five events had corresponding LASCO observations and were all associated with Halo CMEs. We analyzed vector magne-tograms from Big Bear Solar Observatory, Huairou Solar Observing Station, Marshall Space Right Center and Mees Solar Observatory. In particular, we studied the magnetic gradient derived from line-of-sight magnetograms and magnetic shear derived from vector magne-tograms, and found an apparent correlation between these two parameters at a level of about 90%. We found that the magnetic gradient could be a better proxy than the shear for predicting where a major flare might occur: all six flares occurred in neutral lines with maximum gradient. The mean gradient of the flaring neutral lines ranges from 0.14 to 0.50 G km-1, 2.3 to 8 times the average value for all the neutral lines in the active regions. If we use magnetic shear as the proxy, the flaring neutral line in at least one, possibly two, of the six events would be mis-identified.  相似文献   

On the basis of the catastrophe model developed by Isenberg et al., we have used the NIRVANA code to perform the magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) numerical experiments to look into the various behaviors of the coronal magnetic configuration that includes a current-carrying flux rope for modelling the prominence levitation in the corona. These behaviors include the evolution of the equilibrium height of magnetic flux rope with the background magnetic field, the corresponding interior equilibrium of magnetic flux rope, the dynamic properties of magnetic flux rope after the system loses equilibrium, as well as the impact of the reference radius on the equilibrium height of magnetic flux rope. In our calculations, an empirical model of the coronal density distribution given by Sittler & Guhathakurta is used, and the physical dissipation is included. Our experiments show that a deviation between the simulated equilibrium height of magnetic flux rope and the theoretical result of Isenberg et al. exists, but it is not apparent, and the evolutionary features of the two results are similar. If the magnetic flux rope is initially located at the stable branch of the theoretical equilibrium curve, the magnetic flux rope will quickly reach the equilibrium position after several rounds of oscillations as a result of the self-adjustment of the system; when the system is located at the critical point it will quickly lose equilibrium and evolve to the eruptive state; the impact of the variation of reference radius on the equilibrium height of magnetic flux rope is consistent with the prediction of the theory; in the eruptive state, the kinetic properties of magnetic flux rope are consistent with the results given by the Lin-Forbes model and observation, and the fast-mode shock in front of the magnetic flux rope is observed in our experiments; furthermore, because that the dissipation is included in our numerical experiments, the energy conversion from the magnetic energy to other forms of energy is very apparent in the eruptive process.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional numerical simulations of the instability of a layer of magnetic field caused by magnetic buoyancy are carried out over a range of parameter values. The layer breaks up into a number of interlocking magnetic flux tubes that become increasingly three-dimensional, although strongly arched flux tubes are not observed. The introduction of background rotation has the principal effect of suppressing the instability. The α -effect, which measures the twist of the flux tubes induced by the rotation, is found to be positive (in the northern hemisphere) but small in magnitude.  相似文献   

We analyze the process of formation of delta configuration in some well-known super active regions based on photospheric vector magnetogram observations. It is found that the magnetic field in the initial developing stage of some delta active regions shows a potential-like configuration in the solar atmosphere, the magnetic shear develops mainly near the magnetic neutral line with magnetic islands of opposite polarities, and the large-scale photospheric twisted field forming gradually later. Some results are obtained: (1) The analysis of magnetic writhe of whole active regions cannot be limited in the strong field of sunspots, because the contribution of the fraction of decayed magnetic field is non-negligible. (2) The magnetic model of kink magnetic ropes, supposed to be generated in the subatmosphere, is not consistent with the evolution of large-scale twisted photospheric transverse magnetic field and not entirely consistent with the relationship with magnetic shear in some delta active regions. (3) T  相似文献   

In this paper, the expression of V klm(I) in the Gooding method is rewritten to be the form convenient for calculation, and a standard recursive lm procedure is used to calculate Aklm(I). We have rewritten the Gooding's program under the assumption that l and k have the same odd-even parity, this makes the program be shorten for one half, the computational effciency and readability of the program be raised, the computing time be shortened for 41%, and the computational accuracy and stability are also slightly improved.  相似文献   

The coronal magnetic field above a particular photospheric region will vanish at a certain number of points, called null points. These points can be found directly in a potential field extrapolation or their density can be estimated from the Fourier spectrum of the magnetogram. The spectral estimate, in which the extrapolated field is assumed to be random and homogeneous with Gaussian statistics, is found here to be relatively accurate for quiet Sun magnetograms from SOHO’s MDI. The majority of null points occur at low altitudes, and their distribution is dictated by high wavenumbers in the Fourier spectrum. This portion of the spectrum is affected by Poisson noise, and as many as five-sixths of null points identified from a direct extrapolation can be attributed to noise. The null distribution above 1500 km is found to depend on wavelengths that are reliably measured by MDI in either its low-resolution or high-resolution mode. After correcting the spectrum to remove white noise and compensate for the modulation transfer function we find that a potential field extrapolation contains, on average, one magnetic null point, with altitude greater than 1.5 Mm, above every 322 Mm2 patch of quiet Sun. Analysis of 562 quiet Sun magnetograms spanning the two latest solar minima shows that the null point density is relatively constant with roughly 10% day-to-day variation. At heights above 1.5 Mm, the null point density decreases approximately as the inverse cube of height. The photospheric field in the quiet Sun is well approximated as that from discrete elements with mean flux 〈|φ|〉=1.0×1019 Mx distributed randomly with density n=0.007 Mm−2.  相似文献   

Using simultaneous high spatial (1.3 arcsec) and temporal (5 and 10 s) resolution Hα observations from the 15 cm Solar Tower Telescope at Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences (ARIES), we study the oscillations in the relative intensity to explore the possibility of sausage oscillations in the chromospheric cool post-flare loop. We use the standard wavelet tool, and find the oscillation period of ≈587 s near the loop apex, and ≈349 s near the footpoint. We suggest that the oscillations represent the fundamental and the first harmonics of the fast-sausage waves in the cool post-flare loop. Based on the period ratio   P 1/ P 2∼1.68  , we estimate the density scaleheight in the loop as ∼17 Mm. This value is much higher than the equilibrium scaleheight corresponding to Hα temperature, which probably indicates that the cool post-flare loop is not in hydrostatic equilibrium. Seismologically estimated Alfvén speed outside the loop is  ∼300–330  km s−1  . The observation of multiple oscillations may play a crucial role in understanding the dynamics of lower solar atmosphere, complementing such oscillations already reported in the upper solar atmosphere (e.g. hot flaring loops).  相似文献   

In this paper we analyse the non-potential magnetic field and the relationship with current (helicity) in the active region NOAA 9077 in 2000 July, using photospheric vector magnetograms obtained at different solar observatories and also coronal extreme-ultraviolet 171-Å images from the TRACE satellite.
We note that the shear and squeeze of magnetic field are two important indices for some flare-producing regions and can be confirmed by a sequence of photospheric vector magnetograms and EUV 171-Å features in the solar active region NOAA 9077. Evidence on the release of magnetic field near the photospheric magnetic neutral line is provided by the change of magnetic shear, electric current and current helicity in the lower solar atmosphere. It is found that the 'Bastille Day' 3B/5.7X flare on 2000 July 14 was triggered by the interaction of the different magnetic loop systems, which is relevant to the ejection of helical magnetic field from the lower solar atmosphere. The eruption of the large-scale coronal magnetic field occurs later than the decay of the highly sheared photospheric magnetic field and also current in the active region.  相似文献   

We present recent 3-D MHD numerical simulations of the non-linear dynamical evolution of magnetic flux tubes in an adiabatically stratified convection zone in spherical geometry, using the anelastic spherical harmonic (ASH) code.We seek to understand the mechanism of emergence of strong toroidal fields from the base of the solar convection zone to the solar surface as active regions. We confirm the results obtained in cartesian geometry that flux tubes that are not twisted split into two counter vortices before reaching the top of the convection zone. Moreover, we find that twisted tubes undergo the poleward-slip instability due to an unbalanced magnetic curvature force which gives the tube a poleward motion both in the non-rotating and in the rotating case. This poleward drift is found to be more pronounced on tubes originally located at high latitudes. Finally, rotation is found to decrease the rise velocity of the flux tubes through the convection zone, especially when the tube is introduced at low latitudes. (© 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Combining the observations of STEREO satellites with the method of three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) numerical simulation, adopt- ing the magnetic ?eld data of the Wilcox Solar Observatory (WSO) and the model of potential ?eld source surface to build up the initial magnetic ?eld in solar corona, and adding a time-varying disturbance of pressure to the active re- gion on the solar surface, the study on the event of coronal mass ejection (CME) and extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) wave happened at 05:35 UT of 2009 February 13 has been performed. It is judged from the images of COR1/STEREO-A that the front speed of this CME is about 350 km·s−1, and the angular width is about 60°. By analyzing the running difference images of EUVI/STEREO-B at 195 ?A, it is found that the bright toroidal wavefront is spreading toward all directions around the active region, and behind the bright toroidal wavefront is a coronal dimming area. The positions of the wavefront in four directions are taken to perform linear ?ttings, it is known that the EUV wave speed is 247 km·s−1, and the EUV wave speed obtained from the numerical simulation is 245 km·s−1. After the IDL visualization program has been carried out for the calculated result, the structures of the bright loop and dimming area can be seen clearly. The numerical simulation is consistent with the satellite observation, which shows that the observed EUV wave may belong to the fast magnetosonic wave.  相似文献   

In this paper, the monthly counts of flare index in the northern and southern hemispheres are used to investigate the hemispheric variation of the flare index in each of solar cycles 20–23. It is found that, (1) the flare index is asymmetrically distributed in each solar cycle and its asymmetry is a real phenomenon; (2) the flare index in the northern hemisphere begins earlier than that in the southern hemisphere in each of solar cycles 20–23, and the phase shifts between the two hemispheres show an odd‐even pattern; (3) although the flare index dominating in a hemisphere does not mean that it leads in phase in this hemisphere in individual solar cycle, these two features have an intrinsic relationship. (© 2013 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We developed a simple model for a flare loop, which was used to fit the emission in the microwave (17 GHz) and millimetre-wave (80 GHz) ranges for the giant flare of 1991 June 4. The simplicity of the model enabled the exploration of a wide range of parameters in a reasonable time. It was possible, using the simple model, to derive from the 17- and 80-GHz data the magnetic field and the number density for every measurement point in the time range we chose to fit.  相似文献   

The close relation between the mass of the central black hole of galaxy and the stellar velocity dispersion of bulge indicates that it is of especial importance to accurately measure the stellar velocity dispersion for determining the mass of the central black hole of galaxy. A method which uses the spectra of SDSS (Sloan Digital Sky Survey) to measure the velocity dispersion and its uncertainty is provided in this paper. Through fitting four different spectral regions which contain remarkable characteristic absorption lines in pixel space, the spectral regions used to accurately measure the stellar velocity dispersion σ are obtained. In this paper, the absorption lines which are mainly contained in these four fitted bands are Ca II K, Mg I b triplet (with wavelengths of 5 167.5, 5 172.7, 5 183.6 Å) and CaT (Ca II triplet with wavelengths of 8 498.0, 8 542.1, 8 662.1 Å). As indicated by the results in different regions, the values of σ obtained by fitting the Mg I b region are small because this region is affected by the emission lines of iron group; the spectral line in the Ca II K line region is easily restricted to the searching algorithm of least square method because its strength is very weak; the stellar velocity dispersions obtained in the combined region of CaT and Ca II K are equivalent to the results given by calculating only the CaT region. This method is used to test a sample of Seyfert galaxies whose redshifts are less than 0.05. It is found that the CaT region is the best spectral region for measuring the stellar velocity dispersion.  相似文献   

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