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在1997年以前,我国南极考察船到达南极长城站和中山站附近水域后,由于没有合适的锚地而多次出现险情。成功地在南极长城站和中山站水域完成锚地选址和锚地测绘任务,是一件非常重要的事情。它是南极科考船安全避风、高效货物装卸的保证,它对于我国南极科学考察和基站建设有着十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

西南极沿海雪暴研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
黄耀荣 《海洋学报》2000,22(6):124-130
对“雪暴”这种天气,国内外有不同的称谓有的国家称为高吹雪,也有人称为暴风雪.日本称为地吹雪,我国高寒的东北地区称之为“烟炮大雪”.现在我们按中气象局规定统一称为“雪暴”.它的定义是:大风席卷着飞雪,垂直高度从几米到几百米,水平能见度从小于1 000 m到小于10 m,很难辨认出当时的雪是从天降下的,还是风吹起的。  相似文献   

余兴光  卢昌义 《台湾海峡》2005,24(4):558-563
本文报道了中国第16次南极考察期间,作者对考察船向长城站输油期问发生的溢漏油事故全程跟踪结果,分析了主要风险源及发生溢油风险事故的原因和采取预防措施的重要性,指出南极长城站存在着榆油过程抗溢油能力低下、防溢漏油环保基础设施薄弱、风险管理措施亟待加强等主要环保问题,提出了加强长城站环保基础设施建设与风险防范管理的对策,以便对船舶或站上设施溢油风险做出更有效地反应.  相似文献   

In this paper,based on the observational data of 1995in the Chinese Antarctic Great Wall Station the snowstorm is studied synoptically.It is found that there are two kinds of snowstorms with different physical characteristics and that the happening of snowstorm is always accompanied by a near-ground level inversion laycr.The function of the inversion layer is analyzed,too,It is indicated that thestrong ESE-wind type snowstorm is mainly caused by katbatic wind and gradient wind together.This idea is new and different from the general concept that there is no katabatic wind in the westerm Antarctic area.  相似文献   

Over the past 30 years, shelf circulation on the West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) has been derived from hydrographic data with a reasonable level of confidence. However, with the exception of a very few drifter tracks and current-meter timeseries from moorings, direct velocity measurements have not previously been available. In this article, shelf and shelf-edge circulation is examined using a new velocity dataset, consisting of several years of acoustic Doppler current profiler transects, routinely collected along the ship tracks of the R/V Gould and the R/V Palmer since the fall of 1997. Initial processing and quality control is performed by Dr. Teresa Chereskin and Dr. Eric Firing, who then place the data in an archive accessible by public website, resulting in the broad availability of the data for a variety of uses. In this study, gridded Eulerian means have been calculated to examine circulation on the shelf and slope off the South Shetland Islands, in Bransfield Strait, and on the shelf and slope south of these regions, including Marguerite Bay and the adjacent shelf and shelf-edge. Shelf-edge flow is northeastward in the study area from the offshore of northern Alexander Island to Smith Island, while a southward flowing shelf-edge feature, probably the shallow component of the polar slope current, appears between Elephant Island and Livingston Island. The shallow polar slope current appears to turn shoreward to pass through Boyd Strait between Smith and Livingston Islands. In Bransfield Strait, there is cyclonic circulation. The previously identified northeastward-flowing South Shetland Island jet is strong and present in all seasons, with a large barotropic component not revealed by the hydrography-based velocities derived in the past. On the shelf seaward of Adelaide, Anvers and Brabant Islands, the strong along-shelf Antarctic Peninsula coastal current flows southwestward, with strongest velocities in winter (June–September) off Anvers and Brabant Islands, but stronger in summer (December–March) off Adelaide Island. Seaward of Marguerite Bay, there is seaward flow in the upper 400 m of the water column over the southwest bank of Marguerite Trough, strongest in summer, and shoreward flow near the northeast bank and adjacent shallower shelf areas.  相似文献   

南极半岛周边海域水团及水交换的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用中国第34次南极考察于2018年1–2月在南极半岛周边海域获得的温盐、海流现场观测数据,分析了调查区域主要水团及水交换特征。结果表明,观测区域内主要存在南极表层水、绕极深层水、暖深层水、南极底层水、布兰斯菲尔德海峡底层水。威德尔海的暖深层水、威德尔海深层水通过南奥克尼海台东侧的奥克尼通道、布鲁斯通道和南奥克尼海台西侧的埃斯佩里兹通道进入斯科舍海,其中奥克尼通道的深层海流最强,流速最大可达0.25 m/s,密度较大的威德尔海深层水可以通过此通道进入斯科舍海;布鲁斯通道海流流速约为0.13 m/s,通过此通道的暖深层水位势温度较高;埃斯佩里兹通道海流流速约为0.10 m/s,通过此通道的暖深层水位势温度最低,威德尔海深层水密度最小。在南奥克尼海台东西两侧均观测到南向和北向的海流,但整体上来看,向北的海流和水交换更强。水体进入斯科舍海后,沿着南斯科舍海岭的北侧向西北方向流动,流速约为0.21 m/s。德雷克海峡中的南极绕极流仅有一部分向东进入斯科舍海南部海域,且受到向西流动的暖深层水、威德尔海深层水的影响,斯科舍海南部海域的绕极深层水明显比德雷克海峡中绕极深层水的高温高盐性质弱;受到南极绕极流的影响,南斯科舍海岭北侧的威德尔海深层水比南侧暖。南斯科舍海岭上的水体可能受到北侧绕极深层水、暖深层水,西侧陆架水,东侧冬季水的影响,因此海岭上水体结构较为复杂。  相似文献   

基于中国第30次南极科学考察在南极半岛(60°~63°S)近岸海域获取的调查资料,分析了该海域生物化学要素中溶解有机碳(DOC)、总氮(TN)和总磷(TP)分布特征并讨论地形和水团对其的影响。结果表明:2014年夏季南极半岛近岸海域水体DOC浓度变化范围为40.5~78.1μmol/L,平均浓度为66.3μmol/L;TN浓度变化范围为4.2~29.5μmol/L,平均浓度为14.9μmol/L;TP浓度变化范围为0.8~2.9μmol/L,平均浓度为2.0μmol/L。表层DOC呈现研究海域西北部D1断面和东南部D5断面浓度较高,中部DOC浓度较低;表层TN与TP浓度高值区出现在研究海域西部D1断面北部以及南部,中部和东部浓度较低;DOC,TN和TP浓度的垂直分布与海底地形和水团交汇密切相关,水团运动受阻于地形致使生物化学要素在垂直方向再分布。DOC,TN和TP空间分布反映了南极半岛近岸海域生物化学要素复杂的流通,将为合理开发和利用南极资源及环境影响评价提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The ecosystem of the sea region adjacent to the Antarctic Peninsula is undergoing remarkable physical and biological changes, in the context of global warming. However, understanding of the dynamics of phytoplankton taxonomic composition in this marginal ice zone remains unclear. In this study, seawater samples collected from 36 stations in the northeastern Antarctic Peninsula were analyzed for nutrients and phytoplankton pigments.Combining with CHEMTAX analysis, remote sensing data, and physico...  相似文献   

The waters near the Antarctic Peninsula have always been a study hot spot because of their variable and unique oceanographic conditions.To determine the distribution and possible influencing factors on phytoplankton size and abundance near the Antarctic Peninsula,a large-scale survey was conducted during the austral summer of2018.Samples were collected in 27 stations located in the Drake Passage(DP),South Shetland Islands(SSI),and South Orkney Islands(SOI).Phytoplankton communities were described using chlorophyll a(Chl a),flow cytometry and light microscopy to cover a size range from pico-to microphytoplankton.Nanophytoplankton,especially small nanophytoplankton(2-6 μm) with abundance ranging from 0.66 ×10~3 cells/mL to 8.46 ×10~3 cells/mL,was predominant throughout the study area.Among different regions,there was an obvious size shift.The proportion of picophytoplankton near the Elephant Island(EI) and DP was higher than other regions,and larger cells were found mainly in east of SOI.The distribution of phytoplankton abundance detected by flow cytometry was not completely consistent with Chl a concentrations due to the contribution of larger cells to Chl a.Possible influencing factors on the phytoplankton size distribution were discussed.The properties of water masses such as temperature and salinity can influence the phytoplankton size distribution.Correlation analysis revealed that only picophytoplankton is significantly correlated with salinity.Light and Fe availability might affect phytoplankton abundance and size distribution especially near the waters of SSI and EI in this study.It was also speculated that the abundance of cryptophytes is possibly related to ice melting.  相似文献   

利用南极长城站 1988—2017 年连续的日照、云量、天气现象、气温和湿度等观测资料,研究 了南极西部乔治王岛 30 a的日照变化特征及其与气象要素的关系。 结果显示,南极地区的日照时 间远少于中低纬度地区,这主要因为该地区常年以阴云天气为主,云层对太阳光的遮挡降低了日 照时间的总量值。2000 年以来,随着总云量和相对湿度的增加,日照时间呈减少趋势。 根据统计分析月平均相对湿度以及每月出现雨、雪、雾、轻雾、吹雪等天气现象和最低气温三0 ℃的天数,发 现液态( 固态) 现象的发生频率与日照百分率的变化趋势一致(相反) ,即日照百分率低(高) 时,液态现象少(多) ,固态现象多(少) 。  相似文献   

Magnetic profiles obtained during the Hesant 92/93 cruise with the R/V Hesperides show large amplitude anomalies (up to 1000 nT) along a 100 km wide band in the northern margin of the Powell Basin. The anomalies, which are also locally identified in the eastern and western margins, are attributed to the continuation of the two branches of the Antarctic Peninsula Pacific Margin Anomaly (PMA). Interactive modelling of two-dimensional bodies in four profiles oriented NNW-SSE allows us to determine the main features of the magnetic source bodies within the continental crust. These are elongated in a N60/degE trend, and their base is located at a depth exceeding 15 km. Equivalent magnetic susceptibilities mostly between 0.07 and 0.1 (SI) are obtained. These values are consistent with the hypothesis that remanent magnetisation of the magnetic source bodies is sub-parallel to the present geomagnetic field (norÍmally magnetised). The general trends of the bathymetry a nd the geometry of the acoustic basement on multichannel seismic profiles are consistent with the upper surface of magnetic bodies. In order to match the observed anomalies it is also necessary to consider a second tabular shaped body with induced magnetisation in almost all the profiles, which could represent layers 2 and 3 of the oceanic crust of the Powell Basin. Three different geometries of connection between the anomalies in the Powell Basin margins and the PMA branches are discussed. The most plausible one is the occurrence of two branches, although they are closer together than in the Bransfield Strait. The northern branch would continue along the fragments of continental crust of the South Scotia Ridge located at the northern boundary of the Powell Basin, whereas the southern branch would be located only in the eastern and western passive margins of the Powell Basin. The apparent splitting of the southern branch of the anomalous body indicates that it was emplaced before Oligo cene times, when the opening of this basin occurred, and that it was subsequently fragmented during the Cenozoic. A possible time of formation of the PMA body would be during the long Cretaceous normal polarity interval, which also coincides with a peak in magmatic activity along the Antarctic Peninsula.  相似文献   

在平行轴螺旋桨式风传感器的基础上,制作一个安装于螺旋桨式风传感器风速轴组件上的防冻雨装置,通过这种技术改进,使得改造后的风传感器能在冻雨天气下正常观测,并在中国南极长城站开展了现场试验。通过数据检验分析,改造后的风传感器可有效提升数据可用率,提升了观测连续性,减少了人力劳动。本改进技术对极地地区、我国贵州省等冻雨灾害多发地区的气象观测具有重要意义。  相似文献   

We have obtained improved images of a debris flow deposit through the reprocessing of multichannel seismic reflection data between Drifts 6 and 7 of the continental rise of the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula. The reprocessing, primarily aimed at the reduction of noise, relative to amplitude preservation, deconvolution, also included accurate velocity analyses. The deposit is dated as upper Pliocene (nearly 3.0 Ma) via correlation to Sites 1095 and 1096 of the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 178. The estimated volume is about 1800 km3 and the inferred provenance from the continental slope implies a run out distance exceeding 250 km. The dramatic mass-wasting event that produced this deposit, unique in the sedimentary history of this margin, is related to widespread late Pliocene margin erosion. This was associated with a catastrophic continental margin collapse, following the Antarctic ice sheet expansion in response to global cooling. The seismic data analysis also allowed us to identify diffractions and amplitude anomalies interpreted as expressions of sedimentary mounds at the seafloor overlying narrow high-velocity zones that we interpret as conduits of fluid expulsion hosting either methane hydrates or authigenic carbonates. Fluid expulsion was triggered by loading of underlying sediments by the debris flow deposits and may have continued until today by input of fluids from sediment compaction following the deep diagenesis of biogenic silica.  相似文献   

南极大磷虾(Euphausia superba)为南大洋生态系统中的关键种,也是南极生态系统食物网中的重要枢纽。该种秋冬季转换期的营养信息对于理解其知之甚少的越冬机制非常重要。但关于此方面的少数研究在时空变化上仍存在着差异。为此,我们调查了南极半岛秋季(4-5月)和冬季(6月)磷虾成体δ13C和δ15N值的个体、月份及区域性差异。我们的目标旨在检验该期间磷虾的营养变化以及磷虾与其在南极海洋生态系统中的摄食环境之间的关系。结果如下:(1)磷虾δ13C值与体长之间无显著关系,但δ15N值与体长之间则存在显著相关性;(2)秋季磷虾δ13C值呈现增长趋势,但冬初季节并无显著变化,此期间δ15N值无显著不同;(3)布兰斯菲尔德与南设得兰群岛之间的δ15N平均值显著不同。我们的数据表明南极半岛秋至初冬转换期间磷虾成体营养呈现个体、季节性及区域性变化。  相似文献   

采用气相色谱-质谱技术对南极半岛东北海域海底表层沉积物的总有机碳、有机质碳同位素(δ13 Corg)和生物标志化合物等进行了测试分析。研究区表层沉积物总有机碳TOC平均值高于现代深海沉积物中的平均含量。δ13 Corg的变化说明该海域有机碳来源呈海洋水生生物来源和陆源混合的特征。正构烷烃的峰型分布、主峰碳、饱和烃轻重比C-21/C+22和(C21+C22)/(C28+C29)、甾烷组合和藿烷组合证实研究区西部表层沉积物有机质来源以陆源高等植物为主,其陆源可能来自于附近的南极半岛和南舍得兰群岛;研究区东部表层沉积物有机质来源偏以海源为主,且以低等浮游生物、藻类及细菌生物等海源输入为主。碳优势指数(Carbon preference index,CPI)、奇偶优势指数(Odd-even Predominance,OEP)和甾烷C29ααα20S/(20S+20R)比值显示研究区D1-7站位和D5-9沉积物有机质演化程度较高,D5-2和D2-4站位的有机质演化程度低,其他站位介于中间状态。饱和烃中姥鲛烷、植烷及其比值(Pr/Ph)等组合显示研究区西部以氧化-弱还原的沉积环境为主,其可能是受高温低盐别林斯高晋海水流和附近火山喷发的影响所致;研究区东部以还原—强还原沉积环境为主,可能是受低温高盐的威德尔底层水(WSBW)和威德尔海深层水(WSDW)影响所致。  相似文献   

从计量经济学的角度,采用柯布-道格拉斯(Cobb-Douglas,C-D)生产函数模型,分析了不同气象变量对青岛地区滨海旅游的经济产出弹性影响。结果表明:滨海旅游经济产出与高温日数在1%水平下显著正相关,与降水日数、大雾日数、雷暴日数和大风日数均在1%水平下显著负相关;降水、雷暴、高温和大雾天气是影响经济产出的高敏感性因子,在每提高1%水平的情况下,其弹性影响分别达到-0.679%、-0.507%、0.311%和-0.288%;21世纪以来,青岛地区降水和雷暴天气呈减少的趋势,高温天气则呈增多的趋势,均有利于滨海旅游产值的增加。  相似文献   

马浩  张作为 《海洋科学》2011,35(1):75-80
基于气候态的SODA(simple Ocean Data Assimilation)数据,比较了气候态意义下南极附近和南极绕极流区域的海洋层结,对南极融冰问题的合理海洋边界条件进行了初步探讨.结果表明:南极融冰所注入的淡水通量在大西洋东部和印度洋海区将沿着表层路径到达南极绕极流区,在大西洋西部和太平洋的经向运动路径视淡...  相似文献   

An Antarctic sea ice identification algorithm on the HY-2A scatterometer(HSCAT) employs backscattering coefficient(σ0) and active polarization ratio(APR) for a preliminary sea ice identification.Then standard deviation(STD) filtering and space filtering are carried out.Finally,it is used to identify sea ice.A process uses a σ0,STD threshold and an APR as sea ice indicators.The sea ice identification results are verified using the sea ice distribution data of the ASMR2 released by the National Snow and Ice Data Center as a reference.The results show very good consistence of sea ice development trends,seasonal changes,area distribution,and sea ice edge distribution of the sea ice identification results obtained by this algorithm relative to the ASMR2 sea ice results.The accuracy of a sea ice coverage is 90.8% versus the ASMR2 sea ice results.This indicates that this algorithm is reliable.  相似文献   

田伟  徐兆礼 《海洋学报》2015,37(6):120-127
2011年12月-2012年11月,在广西白龙半岛邻近海域进行周年污损生物挂板试验,共记录到污损生物60种,以亚热带暖水种为主,其中优势种类有河蜾蠃蜚Corophium acherusicum、钩虾Gammarus sp.、网纹藤壶Amphibalanus reticulatus、翡翠贻贝Perna viridis、华美盘管虫Hydroides elegans、太平洋侧花海葵Anthopleura nigrescens、冠瘤海鞘Styela canopus、凸壳肌蛤Musculus senhousia和多齿围沙蚕Perinereis nuntia。全年均有生物附着,四季平均附着密度和附着湿质量分别为45 136个/m2和4 246.03g/m2,其中以秋季附着密度最高,达到153 514个/m2,春季附着湿质量最大,为9 418.42g/m2。污损生物群落Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H′)、Pielou均匀度指数(J)和Margalef物种丰富度指数(d)均以夏季最高,冬季最低。丰度/生物量比较法结果表明,冬季、秋季、下半年和周年板上的污损生物群落结构不够稳定。  相似文献   

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