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Several mountainous regions are currently affected by syn- or post-orogenic active extension. We investigate how a newly-formed normal fault interacts with structures inherited from a previous contractional phase. To this end, we use analog models that adopt an innovative technique for performing a precut that mimics such inherited structures into a clay layer; this clay layer is laid on top of a master fault simulated by two rigid blocks sliding along an inclined plane. We carry out six experiments with variously oriented precuts and compare the results with those obtained in a reference isotropic experiment. All other conditions are identical for all seven realizations. Fault evolution is monitored by taking closely-spaced snapshots analyzed through the Digital Image Correlation method. We find that the upward propagation of the normal fault can be either accelerated or decelerated depending on the presence of a precut and its orientation. Such precuts can also promote or inhibit the formation of bending-moment faults. These interactions between master fault and precut also affect the shape of the fault-related syncline–anticline pair.  相似文献   

Flaring of associated gas from oil exploitation has several consequences on the environment. This study explores the spatial variability effects of gas flaring on the growth and development of cassava (Manihot esculenta), waterleaf (Talinum triangulare), and pepper (Piper spp.) crops commonly cultivated in the Niger Delta, Nigeria. Data was collected on soil and atmospheric temperature and moisture at a 20-m interval, starting at 40 m from the flare point to a distance of 140 m. Lengths and widths of crop leaves, height of crop plants and cassava yields were measured at the specified distances. The amino acid, ascorbic acid, starch, and sugar constituents of the cassava yields were determined. The results suggest that a spatial gradient exists in the effects of gas flares on crop development. Retardation in crop development manifests in decreased dimensions of leaf lengths and widths of cassava and pepper crops closer to the gas flare point. Statistical analysis also confirms that cassava yields are higher at locations further away from the flare point. In addition, the amount of starch and ascorbic acid in cassava decreased when the plant is grown closer to the gas flare. High temperatures around the gas flare appear to be the most likely cause of this retardation. The waterleaf crop, on the other hand, appears to thrive better around the gas flare point.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the imperatives of sand search and describes two case histories of sand search in the Niger Delta. These case histories highlight the project cycle of sand search operations and circumstances in which environmental peculiarities can influence procedures and strategies. Field and laboratory procedures emphasise the applications of particle-size distribution and compaction tests to field construction control. The need to integrate mitigative measures of potential impacts into the planning and execution of projects has been emphasised. Some environmental consequences of sand dredging have also been highlighted.  相似文献   

尼日尔三角洲盆地泥收缩构造发育特征及对沉积的控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
泥收缩构造是发育在尼日尔三角洲盆地深水区的典型构造样式,属重力滑脱冲断构造,主要构造类型有冲断裂、塑性泥构造及相关褶皱和正断裂。基于地震地质解释,结合构造发育史分析,认为泥收缩构造主要受塑性泥构造控制,在中新世托尔托纳(Tortonian)晚期开始活动,中新世墨西拿期(Messinian)—上新世赞克勒期(Zanclean)达到最强,之后构造活动逐渐减弱,但至今仍在活动。通过古构造恢复,结合沉积展布分析,认为中新世托尔托纳晚期沉积开始受构造活动控制,托尔托纳阶上部及以上地层具有明显的同沉积特征,泥收缩构造相关的冲断裂上升盘厚度明显小于下降盘厚度,褶皱两翼的地层厚度明显厚于中间背斜顶部的地层厚度。  相似文献   

位于南大西洋东岸被动大陆边缘之上的尼日尔三角洲发育一大型重力滑动构造。自非洲大陆向南大西洋方向,该重力滑动构造可以划分出前缘挤压构造变形区和后缘拉张构造变形区。前缘挤压构造变形,形成褶皱冲断带;后缘拉张构造变形,形成堑垒构造;两者之间的过渡带发育滑脱褶皱。三角洲沉积的时代为始新世—第四纪,地层剖面自下而上依次是海相页岩(Akata组)、近海三角洲相砂岩—页岩互层(Agbada组)和陆相冲积砂岩(Benin组)。3个岩石地层单元都是穿时的,向大洋方向变新。重力滑动构造的主滑脱面位于Akata海相页岩中。根据生长地层、不整合以及卷入变形的地层时代,重力滑动构造起始于约12 Ma,伴生有广泛发育的泥构造。重力滑动构造的形成可能与新生代喀麦隆火山带(Cameroon volcanic line)的火山活动有一定的关系。  相似文献   

 The paper reviews local engineering practices of erosion control in the coastal areas of the Niger Delta, influenced by tidal activities, and analyses the physical conditions and criteria for the application of control measures. The control methods utilized include the use of sand-cement and sand-gravel bags, used rubber tire networks, wooden groins, concrete retaining walls, sheet pile walls, and rock gabions. The effectiveness of typical cases of these measures are evaluated and suggestions made on improvements in design to ensure enhanced performance. Received: 22 February 1996 · Accepted: 30 July 1996  相似文献   

Abstract: Deep-water turbidite channels have attracted much attention as a focused issue in petroleum exploration and development. Extensive studies have been performed on the architecture of turbidite channels, and most researches have focused on their geometric shapes, sedimentary processes and controlling factors. However, little attention has been paid to the distribution patterns, distribution laws and quantitative studies of composite sand bodies of turbidite channels. Taken one slope area of the Niger Delta Basin as an example, this study conducted a semi-quantitative to quantitative analysis on architecture of composite sand bodies of turbidite channels based on cores, well logging and seismic surveys. It is shown that turbidite channel systems can be classified as confined and unconfined channel systems. For confined channel systems, the vertical evolution process involves four stages. The sinuosity of a channel system is controlled by slope, with a negative power function relationship between them. When slope gradient reaches four degrees, the channel system is nearly straight. Based on the migration direction and migration amount of single channels within channel complexes, channel composite patterns can be divided into four classes (the lateral composite, en-echelon composite, swing composite and vertical composite) and several subclasses. Various channel composite patterns show specific distribution laws spatially. For meandering channel complexes at the middle-late evolution stage of confined channel systems, the lateral migration amongst single channels shows the features of integrity and succession. The sinuosity of single channels in the late period is greater than that in the early period, and cut-offs may occur locally when the sinuosity is larger than five degrees. This study provides a better understanding for the geological theory of deep-water sedimentary, and also improves exploitation benefits of this type of reservoirs.  相似文献   

Geochemical evaluation of the distribution of heavy metals in soils of Port Harcourt and its environs in the Niger Delta region is presented in respect of anthropogenic factor and index of geoaccumulation. Sixteen (16) soil samples were collected from two horizons (0-10 cm and 100 cm) from the various grids and analyzed. The geo-chemical analyses showed the vertical and horizontal distributions of heavy metals. The results showed the ranges of the metals determined as follows: Pb (6.86-2.49)×10-6, with an average of 4.63×10-6; Cd (0.05-0.00)×10-6, with an average of 0.02×10-6, As (0.01-0.00)×10-6, with an average of 0.00×10-6. Cu (15.36-10.80) ×10-6, with an average of 13.36×10-6, and V (1.36-0.20)×10-6, with an average of 0.94×10-6. Quantification of the degree of pollution was carried out using anthropogenic factor (AF) and index of geoaccumulation (Igeo). The Igeo values of 0.06, 0.02 and 0.00 for Pb, Cd and As, respectively indicate low-level contamination while Zn (1.14) and V (1.40) show me-dium-level contamination. The sources of contamination are attributed to urbanized anthropogenic activities. The majority of the samples analyzed show that the AF values are less than 1 with the exception of vanadium (V) whose AF values range from 2.73 to 13.60×10-6. Vanadium is more enriched than As, Cd, Pb, and Cu. The order of degrees of anthropogenic contamination and index of geoaccumulation in the soil is V >Zn >Pb >Cu >Cd >AS. Metals were retained near the top soil and their concentrations in the deepest horizons were lower and normal for uncontaminated soils. Metal concentrations in the top soil horizons were significantly related to distance from the industrial and hu-man activities.  相似文献   

This article prognosticates the hydrocarbon generation potential of core samples from fields A, B, C and D in Niger delta, Nigeria. The objectives of this study are to characterize the quality of these core samples by organic geochemical analyses. A total of ten core samples collected from fields A, B, C and D in Niger delta were analyzed using total organic carbon (TOC) content analysis, rock-eval pyrolysis technique. The analytical results of the stud- ied core samples reveal that they have generally high total organic carbon contents (TOC), suggesting that conditions in the Niger delta favour organic matter production and preservation. There is a variation in the kerogen types and this may be attributed to the relative stratigraphic positions of the core samples within the Niger delta. The rock-eval results indicate that the samples from fields C and D contain predominantly Type II kerogen with a capacity to gen- erate oil and gas and hence have good generative potential. The samples from fields A and B contain mainly Type III kerogen and are gas-prone with moderate generative potential.  相似文献   

尼日尔三角洲盆地深水油气资源丰富,其中盆地东部深水区已发现的亿顿级油气田数量和累计油气可采储量均约为西部深水区的两倍,东、西部深水区油气差异巨大,开展尼日尔三角洲盆地深水沉积特征和差异研究具有重要的生产意义和学术价值。通过对该盆地大量地震、测井和岩心等资料的分析,提出了西部深水扇主要是由三角洲提供物源,通过大型峡谷的运输,在深水平原区形成树枝状发散的深水扇,又称作“有根深水扇”;东部深水扇也是由三角洲供源,但由于缺乏大型峡谷的运输,沉积物沿大陆斜坡滑移至半深海—深海平原,形成根部不发育的“扇面状”深水扇,又称作“无根深水扇”。尼日尔三角洲盆地东西部深水区油气分布差异,除构造等因素外,其最主要的原因为有/无峡谷作为物源运输通道,分别形成的不同沉积类型,进而分别形成两种样式的深水圈闭类型,最终造成东西部深水区油气分布的巨大差异。  相似文献   

尼日尔三角洲位于非洲大陆西海岸的几内亚湾,由尼日尔河注入大西洋形成的,是世界上最大的三角洲之一。它发育于冈瓦纳大陆裂解形成的中、西非裂谷系和大西洋被动大陆边缘交汇部位,主体位于大西洋洋壳之上,部分位于非洲前寒武纪结晶基底之上。中、西非中生代裂谷系通过控制贝努埃-尼日尔河系的发育,间接控制三角洲的形成演化。尼日尔三角洲是一个进积型三角洲,具有典型的进积三角洲沉积序列,自下而上依次是海相页岩(Akata组)、近海三角洲相砂岩-页岩互层(Agbada组)和陆相冲积砂岩(Benin组)。三个岩石地层单位均规律性穿时,向洋方向变新。尼日尔三角洲层序中发育一大型重力滑动构造。该重力滑动构造的主滑脱面位于Akata海相页岩中,可以划分出前缘挤压构造变形区和后缘拉张伸展构造变形区。挤压构造变形区发育褶皱冲断带,伸展构造变形区发育堑垒构造,两者之间的过渡带发育滑脱褶皱。尼日尔三角洲的重力构造伴生有广泛发育的泥构造。重力动构造的形成可能与新生代喀麦隆火山带(Cameroon volcanic line)有一定的关系。  相似文献   

The structure of the 25 km long northeastern portion of the Murchison–Statfjord North Fault Zone and adjacent syn-rift stratigraphy are integrated to reconstruct the temporal and spatial evolution during c. 30.5 myr of Late Jurassic, North Sea rifting. Based on a structural analysis (Dd data) alone, approximately 14 precursor fault strands are identified. Incorporation of stratigraphic data shows that only six of these strands were important in controlling stratal architecture and distribution. Three main stages in the evolution of the fault zone are recorded in the syn-rift stratigraphy and are biostratigraphically constrained. These are: (1) following initiation of rifting, six isolated fault strands developed (each <4 km long) and controlled the stratigraphy for c. 13 myr; (2) the isolated strands linked along-strike forming two >9 km long fault segments separated by a 2 km wide relay ramp, that controlled the stratigraphy for at least the following c. 10.5 myr; and (3) the two fault segments hard-linked forming a single, continuous fault trace during the final c. 7 myr of rifting. The results of this study reveal the necessity to adopt an integrated structural and stratigraphic approach when reconstructing the evolution of normal fault zones. The results may also help to further constrain models of fault evolution.  相似文献   

In this paper we determine the structure and evolution of a normal fault system by applying qualitative and quantitative fault analysis techniques to a 3D seismic reflection dataset from the Suez Rift, Egypt. Our analysis indicates that the October Fault Zone is composed of two fault systems that are locally decoupled across a salt-bearing interval of Late Miocene (Messinian) age. The sub-salt system offsets pre-rift crystalline basement, and was active during the Late Oligocene-early Middle Miocene. It is composed of four, planar, NW–SE-striking segments that are hard- linked by N–S-striking segments, and up to 2 km of displacement occurs at top basement, suggesting that this fault system nucleated at or, more likely, below this structural level. The supra-salt system was active during the Pliocene-Holocene, and is composed of four, NW–SE-striking, listric fault segments, which are soft-linked by unbreached relay zones. Segments in the supra-salt fault system nucleated within Pliocene strata and have maximum throws of up to 482 m. Locally, the segments of the supra-salt fault system breach the Messinian salt to hard-link downwards with the underlying, sub-salt fault system, thus forming the upper part of a fault zone composed of: (i) a single, amalgamated fault system below the salt and (ii) a fault system composed of multiple soft-linked segments above the salt. Analysis of throw-distance (T-x) and throw-depth (T-z) plots for the supra-salt fault system, isopach maps of the associated growth strata and backstripping of intervening relay zones indicates that these faults rapidly established their lengths during the early stages of their slip history. The fault tips were then effectively ‘pinned’ and the faults accumulated displacement via predominantly downward propagation. We interpret that the October Fault Zone had the following evolutionary trend; (i) growth of the sub-salt fault system during the Oligocene-to-early Middle Miocene; (ii) cessation of activity on the sub-salt fault system during the Middle Miocene-to-?Early Pliocene; (iii) stretching of the sub- and supra-salt intervals during Pliocene regional extension, which resulted in mild reactivation of the sub-salt fault system and nucleation of the segmented supra-salt fault system, which at this time was geometrically decoupled from the sub-salt fault system; and (iv) Pliocene-to-Holocene growth of the supra-salt fault system by downwards vertical tip line propagation, which resulted in downward breaching of the salt and dip-linkage with the sub-salt fault system. The structure of the October Fault Zone and the rapid establishment of supra-salt fault lengths are compatible with the predictions of the coherent fault model, although we note that individual segments in the supra-salt array grew in accordance with the isolated fault model. Our study thereby indicates that both coherent and isolated fault models may be applicable to the growth of kilometre-scale, basin-bounding faults. Furthermore, we highlight the role that fault reactivation and dip-linkage in mechanically layered sequences can play in controlling the three-dimensional geometry of normal faults.  相似文献   

先存断裂和膏盐岩发育对构造变形具有重要的控制作用。库车坳陷东部在褶皱数量、构造样式、构造演化过程等方面具有较大的空间差异性,表现出明显的构造分段性。本文在野外地质调查、钻井和地震资料解释的基础上,分析了库车坳陷东部各段整体的构造变形特征和构造演化过程,认为:库车坳陷东部可以划分为吐格尔明段和依奇克里克—亚肯段;吐格尔明段构造形态较为简单,整体上为一个背斜,表现为受高角度先存基底断裂控制,新生代构造变形被限制在先存断裂上盘,并具有后展式的特点,背斜高点向北迁移;依奇克里克—亚肯段表现出多排背斜、后缘基底卷入与前缘薄皮滑脱、分层变形和前展式的特点,表明其构造变形受先存断裂和吉迪克组膏盐岩共同控制。先存断裂与膏盐岩发育特征是影响库车坳陷东部构造变形时空差异性的重要因素。  相似文献   

Analysis of oil samples from the Niger Delta (Nigeria) revealed a range of structurally related hopanes, including 25-norhopanes, and hopanoic and 25-norhopanoic acids. 25-Norhopanes were detected in all medium and heavily biodegraded oils and were most abundant in the heavily degraded oils. Hopanoic acids (C30-C33) and 25-norhopanoic acids (C30-C31) were most abundant in moderately degraded oils and occurred in reduced concentration in heavily degraded oils but were absent from, or in trace concentration in, slightly degraded oils. Consideration of the structures suggests that 25-norhopanoic acids form via carboxylation of 25-norhopanes or demethylation of hopanoic acids. Mass balance for the onshore Niger Delta oils suggests that formation of 25-norhopanes operates independently of 25-norhopanoic acid formation and that 25-norhopanoic acids are likely transient intermediates for only a small proportion of the 25-norhopanes.  相似文献   


含油气盆地走滑构造及其控藏作用研究可以揭示研究区构造特征、形成演化过程, 深化油气成藏条件和油气富集规律认识, 对于指导油气勘探部署具有重要意义。基于地震与钻井资料的解释与分析, 运用断层相干体切片等三维地震精细解释、复杂构造分析等技术, 对在Termit盆地东缘Trakes斜坡首次发现的走滑构造几何学、演化过程、成因机制及其控藏作用进行了研究。研究结果表明, Termit盆地东缘Trakes斜坡发育系列走滑断层, 其主走滑带走向为北北西-南南东和北西-南东向, 其雁列断层(T破裂)走向近南北, 呈右旋右阶排列; 走滑构造性质以张扭性为主, 少量为压扭性, 其剖面样式以负花状构造与Y型断裂为主, 少量直立断层, 局部发育正花状构造; 上述走滑构造是早期先存正断层受后期剪切作用的结果, 主走滑变形阶段为古近纪始新世-渐新世; 新生代以来欧亚板块与非洲板块碰撞, 其累积效应在非洲板块内部形成了近南北向挤压应力, 由于挤压应力在非洲板块北部边界的不均衡性, 造成西北非陆块与东北非陆块发生差异运动, 这种差异运动导致Trakes斜坡早期发育的早白垩世正断层发生张扭性走滑变形。在该系列走滑断层带内, 形成一系列古近系Sokor1组和Sokor2组以及上白垩统Yogou组反向断块圈闭, 其主走滑位移带构成油气垂向运移通道, 有利于上白垩统烃源岩生成油气向上运移、在浅层聚集与成藏。


阿拉善地块东北缘的狼山地区新生代发育有3期构造,分别为中新世NW-SE向挤压形成的逆断层,NNE向挤压形成的左行走滑断层以及晚新生代NW-SE向伸展形成的高角度正断层。结合阿拉善地块东缘的新生代构造,认为狼山地区新生代断层的活动与青藏高原东北缘的逐步扩展、应力场逐渐调整有关。狼山山前正断层目前是一条贯通的断层,其演化基本符合恒定长度断层生长模型,断层中间部位滑动速率最大,向断层两侧逐渐递减。从不同方法得出的滑动速率来看,进入全新世以来,断层滑动速率有逐渐变小的趋势。结合阿拉善地块内部及东缘断层震源机制解以及断层的几何学、运动学特征,认为河套—吉兰泰盆地和银川盆地属于两个性质不同的伸展盆地,两者通过构造转换带相连,转换区内断层表现为右行走滑。转换区5级以上地震可能是受区域性NE-SW向挤压,近南北向右行断层活动的表现。  相似文献   




Growth faulting is a common feature of many deltaic environments and is vital in determining local sediment dispersal and accumulation, and hence in controlling the resultant sedimentary facies distribution and architecture. Growth faults occur on a range of scales, from a few centimetres to hundreds of metres, with the largest growth faults frequently being under‐represented in outcrops that are often smaller than the scale of feature under investigation. This paper presents data from the exceptionally large outcrops of the Cliffs of Moher, western Ireland, where a growth‐fault complex affects strata up to 60 m in thickness and extends laterally for ≈ 3 km. Study of this Namurian (Upper Carboniferous) growth‐fault system enables the relationship between growth faulting and sedimentation to be detailed and permits reconstruction of the kinematic history of faulting. Growth faulting was initiated with the onset of sandstone deposition on a succession of silty mudstones that overlie a thin, marine shale. The decollement horizon developed at the top of the marine shale contact for the first nine faults, by which time aggradation in the hangingwall exceeded 60 m in thickness. After this time, failure planes developed at higher stratigraphic levels and were associated with smaller scale faults. The fault complex shows a dominantly landward retrogressive movement, in which only one fault was largely active at any one time. There is no evidence of compressional features at the base of the growth faults, thus suggesting open‐ended slides, and the faults display both disintegrative and non‐disintegrative structure. Thin‐bedded, distal mouth bar facies dominate the hangingwall stratigraphy and, in the final stages of growth‐fault movement, erosion of the crests of rollover structures resulted in the highest strata being restricted to the proximity of the fault. These upper erosion surfaces on the fault scarp developed erosive chutes that were cut parallel to flow and are downlapped by the distal hangingwall strata of younger growth faults.  相似文献   

The Umbria-Marche foreland fold-and-thrust belt in the northern Apennines of Italy provides excellent evidence to test the hypothesis of synsedimentary-structural control on thrust ramp development. This orogenic belt consists of platform and pelagic carbonates, Late Triassic to Miocene in age, whose deposition was controlled by significant synsedimentary extension. Normal faulting, mainly active from Jurassic through Late Cretaceous-Paleogene time, resulted in significant lateral thickness variability within the related stratigraphic sequences. By Late Miocene time the sedimentary cover was detached from the underlying basement and was deformed by east-verging folds and west-dipping thrusts. Two restored balanced cross sections through the southernmost part of the belt show a coincidence between the early synsedimentary normal faults and the late thrust fault ramps. These evidences suggest that synsedimentary tectonic structures, such as faults and the related lithological lateral changes, can be regarded as mechanically important controlling factors in the process of thrust ramp development during positive tectonic inversion processes.  相似文献   

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