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The internal sectors of the Orobic Alps (Northern Italy) are characterised by Alpine age regional shortening showing a transition, through time, from plastic to brittle deformation. Thrust faults cut Alpine ductile folds and are marked by cataclasites and, locally, by pseudotachylytes, suggesting that motion was accommodated by seismic frictional slip. In the Eastern Orobic Alps the thrusting initiated at depths deeper than 10 km (the emplacement depth of the Adamello pluton) and possibly continued at shallower depths. This demonstrates that thrust motion occurred between 10 km depth and the brittle-ductile transition, i.e., at mid-crustal depths. The Orobic Alps exhumed paleoseismic zone shows different geometries along strike. In the central sectors of the Orobic Alps, thrust faults, associated with pseudotachylytes, have average dips around 40° and show no pervasive veining. Much steeper thrusts (dips up to about 85°) occur in the eastern Orobic Alps. In this area, faults are not associated with pervasive veining, i.e., fluid circulation was relatively scarce. This suggests that faulting did not occur with supralithostatic fluid pressure conditions. These reverse faults are severely misoriented (far too steep) for fault reactivation in a sublithostatic fluid pressure regime. We suggest that thrust motion likely started when the faults were less steep and that the faults were progressively rotated up to the present day dips. Domino tilting is probably responsible for this subsequent fault steepening, as suggested by a decrease of the steepness of thrust faults from north to south and by systematic rotations of previous structures consistently with tilting of thrust blocks. When the faults became inclined beyond the fault lock-up angle, no further thrusting was accommodated along them. At later stages regional shortening was accommodated by newly formed lower angle shear planes (dipping around 30–40°), consistently with predictions from fault mechanics. 相似文献
Field-based structural analysis of an exhumed, 10-km-long strike-slip fault zone elucidates processes of growth, linkage, and termination along moderately sized strike-slip fault zones in granitic rocks. The Gemini fault zone is a 9.3-km-long, left-lateral fault system that was active at depths of 8–11 km within the transpressive Late-Cretaceous Sierran magmatic arc. The fault zone cuts four granitic plutons and is composed of three steeply dipping northeast- and southwest-striking noncoplanar segments that nucleated and grew along preexisting cooling joints. The fault core is bounded by subparallel fault planes that separate highly fractured epidote-, chlorite-, and quartz-breccias from undeformed protolith. The slip profile along the Gemini fault zone shows that the fault zone consists of three 2–3-km-long segments separated by two ‘zones’ of local slip minima. Slip is highest (131 m) on the western third of the fault zone and tapers to zero at the eastern termination. Slip vectors plunge shallowly west-southwest and show significant variability along strike and across segment boundaries. Four types of microstructures reflect compositional changes in protolith along strike and show that deformation was concentrated on narrow slip surfaces at, or below, greenschist facies conditions. Taken together, we interpret the fault zone to be a segmented, linked fault zone in which geometrical complexities of the faults and compositional variations of protolith and fault rock resulted in nonuniform slip orientations, complex fault-segment interactions, and asymmetric slip-distance profiles. 相似文献
Damage surrounding the core of faults is represented by deformation on a range of scales from microfracturing of the rock matrix to macroscopic fracture networks. The spatial distribution and geometric characterization of damage at various scales can help to predict fault growth processes, subsequent mechanics, bulk hydraulic and seismological properties of a fault zone. Within the excellently exposed Atacama fault system, northern Chile, micro- and macroscale fracture densities and orientation surrounding strike-slip faults with well-constrained displacements ranging over nearly 5 orders of magnitude (0.12 m–5000 m) have been analyzed. Faults have been studied that cut granodiorite and have been passively exhumed from 6 to 10 km depth. This allows direct comparison of the damage surrounding faults of different displacements. The faults consist of a fault core and associated damage zone. Macrofractures in the damage zone are predominantly shear fractures orientated at high angles to the faults studied. They have a reasonably well-defined exponential decrease with distance from the fault core. Microfractures are a combination of open, healed, partially healed and fluid inclusion planes (FIPs). FIPs are the earliest set of fractures and show an exponential decrease in fracture density with perpendicular distance from the fault core. Later microfractures do not show a clear relationship of microfracture density with perpendicular distance from the fault core. Damage zone widths defined by the density of FIPs scale with fault displacement but appear to reach a maximum at a few km displacement. One fault, where damage was characterized on both sides of the fault core shows no damage asymmetry. All faults appear to have a critical microfracture density at the fault core/damage zone boundary that is independent of displacement. An empirical relationship for microfracture density distribution with displacement is presented. Preferred FIP orientations have a high angle to the fault close to the fault core and become more diffuse with distance. Models that predict off-fault damage such as a migrating process zone during fault formation, wear from geometrical irregularities and dynamic rupture are all consistent with our data. We conclude it is very difficult to distinguish between them on the basis of field data alone, at least within the limits of this study. 相似文献
Structurally controlled, syn-rift, clastic depocentres are of economic interest as hydrocarbon reservoirs; understanding the structure of their bounding faults is of great relevance, e.g. in the assessment of fault-controlled hydrocarbon retention potential. Here we investigate the structure of the Dombjerg Fault Zone (Wollaston Forland, NE Greenland), a syn-rift border fault that juxtaposes syn-rift deep-water hanging-wall clastics against a footwall of crystalline basement. A series of discrete fault strands characterize the central fault zone, where discrete slip surfaces, fault rock assemblages and extreme fracturing are common. A chemical alteration zone (CAZ) of fault-related calcite cementation envelops the fault and places strong controls on the style of deformation, particularly in the hanging-wall. The hanging-wall damage zone includes faults, joints, veins and, outside the CAZ, disaggregation deformation bands. Footwall deformation includes faults, joints and veins. Our observations suggest that the CAZ formed during early-stage fault slip and imparted a mechanical control on later fault-related deformation. This study thus gives new insights to the structure of an exposed basin-bounding fault and highlights a spatiotemporal interplay between fault damage and chemical alteration, the latter of which is often underreported in fault studies. To better elucidate the structure, evolution and flow properties of faults (outcrop or subsurface), both fault damage and fault-related chemical alteration must be considered. 相似文献
ESR detection of seismic frictional heating events in the Nojima fault drill core samples, Japan 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
We have analyzed the Nojima fault NIED 1800 m drill core samples by ESR (Electron Spin Resonance) to detect seismic frictional heating events, especially during the 1995 Kobe Earthquake. Dark gray fault gouge with foliation > 10 cm away from the fault plane at about 1140 m in depth, which was produced by ancient fault movements, has a FMR (ferrimagnetic resonance) signal. Heating experiments show that this FMR signal is derived from ferrimagnetic trivalent ion oxides (γ-Fe2O3: maghemite) with imperfect crystallinity, which is produced by thermal dehydration of γ-FeOOH (lepidocrocite) or Fe(OH)3 (limonite). The existence of the FMR signal means that dry heating such as frictional heating once occurred, and that the frictional heat temperature along the dark gray fault gouge may have risen to over 350 °C during ancient seismic fault slip. In order to detect frictional heating events in fault zones, the increase of the FMR signal and the color change of fault gouge into dark gray or black are important indexes. On the other hand, no FMR signal is detected from the fault gouges just on two fault planes at about 1140 m and 1300 m in depth, which are considered to be possible main fault planes in the 1995 Kobe Earthquake. These two fault planes may not have played an important role of fault slip in the Earthquake. 相似文献
On the internal structure and mechanics of large strike-slip fault zones: field observations of the Carboneras fault in southeastern Spain 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Deciphering the internal structure of large fault zones is fundamental if a proper understanding is to be gained of their mechanical, hydrological and seismological properties. To this end, new detailed mapping and microstructural observations of the excellently exposed Carboneras fault zone in southeastern Spain have been used to elucidate both the internal arrangement of fault products and their likely mechanical properties. The fault is a 40 km offset strike-slip fault, which constitutes part of the Africa–Iberia plate boundary. The zone of faulting is 1 km in width not including the associated damage zone surrounding the fault. It is composed of continuous strands of phyllosilicate-rich fault gouge that bound lenses of variably broken-up protolith. This arrangement provides a number of fluid flow and fluid sealing possibilities within the fault zone. The gouge strands exhibit distributed deformation and are inferred to have strain hardening and/or velocity hardening characteristics. Also included in the fault zone are blocks of dolomite that contain thin (<1 cm thick) fault planes inferred to have been produced by strain weakening/velocity weakening behaviour. These fault planes have a predominantly R1 Riedel shear orientation and are arranged in an en echelon pattern. A conceptual model of this type of wide fault zone is proposed which contrasts with previous narrow fault zone models. The observed structural and inferred mechanical characteristics of the Carboneras fault zone are compared to seismological observations of the San Andreas fault around Parkfield, CA. Similarities suggest that the Carboneras fault structure may be a useful analogue for this portion of the San Andreas fault at depth. 相似文献
伍法权 《水文地质工程地质》1997,24(2):17-19
本文扼要地介绍了统计岩体力学对岩体结构岩体变形性质及变形参数,强度特性及破坏概率的研究方法及有关结论,运用理论公式表述了众多地质因素对岩体工程性质的影响。 相似文献
Frictional discharge at fault asperities: Origin of fractal seismo-electromagnetic radiation 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
To investigate the relation between the rock friction and the fractal electromagnetic radiation before the main-shock of earthquakes, we conducted a friction experiment simulating the motion of an asperity on a fault plane, and observed photon emissions due to electric discharge by dielectric breakdown of ambient gases from friction contacts between rock minerals. This indicates that frictional discharges (plasma generations) could occur locally at microscopic asperities on fault surfaces. From concepts on the fractal size-distribution and temporal evolution of fault asperities, the frictional discharge occurring at asperities on the fault plane can be one of origins of the fractal electromagnetic radiation (Benioff electromagnetic radiation) prior to earthquakes. 相似文献
Fractal distribution of particle size in carbonate cataclastic rocks from the core of a regional strike-slip fault zone 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
We present particle size data from 31 samples of carbonate cataclastic rocks collected across the 26 m thick fault core of the Mattinata Fault in the foreland of the Southern Apennines, Italy. Particle size distributions of incoherent samples were determined by a sieving-and-weighting technique. The number of weight-equivalent spherical particles by size is well fitted by a power-law function on a log–log space. Fractal dimensions (D) of particle size distributions are in the 2.091–2.932 range and cluster around the value of 2.5. High D-values pertain to gouge in shear bands reworking the bulk cataclastic rocks of the fault core. Low D-values characterise immature cataclastic breccias. Intermediate D-values are typical of the bulk fault core. Analysis of the ratio between corresponding equivalent particle numbers from differently evolved cataclastic rocks indicates that the development of particle size distributions with D>2.6–2.7 occurred by a preferential relative increase of fine particles rather than a selective decrement of coarse particles. This preferentially occurred in shear bands where intense comminution enhanced by slip localisation progressed by rolling of coarse particles whose consequent smoothing produced a large number of fine particles. Our data suggest that during the progression of cataclasis, the fragmentation mode changed from the Allègre et al.'s [Nature 297 (1982) 47] “pillar of strength” mechanism in the early evolutionary stages, to the Sammis et al.'s [Pure and Applied Geophysics 125 (1987) 777] “constrained comminution” mechanism in the subsequent stages of cataclasis. Eventually, localised shear bands developed mainly by abrasion of coarse particles. 相似文献
与运动学特征 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
玉树断裂带位于甘孜-玉树断裂带北西段,是一条总体呈NWW向展布的左旋走滑活动断裂带.沿断裂带发育错断水系与冲沟、拉分盆地、地震地表破裂与断裂破碎带等一系列反映玉树断裂带左旋走滑活动的典型地质-地貌标志.在室内遥感解译的基础上,结合最新的野外实地调查成果,对沿玉树断裂带上反映其左旋走滑活动的地质-地貌标志进行了总结,并对断裂带的几何学与运动学特征进行了综合分析.结果表明,玉树断裂带总长约150km,总体走向120~130°,自西向东可划分为呈左阶雁列分布的陇蒙达-结隆段、结隆-结古段和结古-查那扣段3段.沿该断裂带发育的串珠状拉分断陷盆地规模的大小反映出玉树断裂带自西向东拉张效应逐渐减弱、挤压效应逐渐增强的特点.玉树2010年7.1级地震的宏观震中处于晚第四纪活动性最为显著的中段,而仪器震中恰好处于该断裂带的不连续部位,进一步证明雁列走滑活动断裂带上的不连续部位通常是强震活动的初始破裂区域. 相似文献
F. Mirabella M.G. Ciaccio M.R. Barchi S. Merlini 《Journal of Structural Geology》2004,26(12):2233-2249
Normal faults within orogenic belts can be pre-, syn- or post-orogenic features. We studied the Gubbio normal fault (central Italy), which is an example of a pre-orogenic fault reactivated in a post-orogenic stage. The Gubbio Fault is a 22-km-long fault bordering a Quaternary basin and part of an active faults system in the Umbria–Marche region (Central Italy). The interpretation of a set of seismic profiles enables us to reconstruct the fault geometry in detail and to measure displacement and throw distributions along the fault strike. Seismic data indicate that the Gubbio Fault represents an example of multiple reactivation: at least a portion of the fault was active in the Miocene and only a part of the total displacement was achieved in the Quaternary. The reconstruction of the fault geometry at depth shows that the fault is characterised by listric geometry. The fault is also characterised by a bend along strike and structure contours show that this geometry is maintained at depth. As the fault is commonly addressed as presently active, the maximum fault dimensions are correlated to the maximum expected earthquake, and the presence of the fault bend is discussed as a possible barrier to seismic ruptures propagation. 相似文献
Brian Townley Pierrick Roperch Verónica Oliveros Andres Tassara César Arriagada 《Mineralium Deposita》2007,42(7):771-789
In the Carolina de Michilla district, northern Chile, stratabound copper mineralization is hosted by Jurassic volcanic rocks
along the trace of the Atacama fault system. In this study, we present the overall effects of hydrothermal alteration on the
magnetic properties of rocks in this district. Two types of metasomatic alteration associations occur, one of regional extent
and the other of local hydrothermal alteration associated with copper mineralization (e.g., Lince–Estefanía–Susana). Regional
alteration is interpreted as a low-grade “propylitic association” characterized by an epidote–chlorite–smectite–titanite–albite–quartz–calcite
association. The local hydrothermal alteration is characterized broadly by a quartz–albite–epidote–chlorite–calcite mineral
assemblage. The most pervasive alteration mineral is albite, followed by epidote and, locally, actinolite. These minerals
contrast sharply against host rock minerals such as chlorite, calcite, zeolite, prehnite, and pumpellyite, but alteration
is constrained to mineralized bodies as narrow and low contrast alteration halos that go outwards from actinolite–albite to
epidote–albite, to epidote–chlorite, and finally to chlorite. Hydrothermal alteration minerals, compared to regional alteration
minerals, show iron-rich epidotes, a lower chlorite content of the chlorite–smectite series, and a nearly total albite replacement
of plagioclase in the mineralized zones. Opaque minerals associated with regional alteration are magnetite and maghemite,
and those associated to hydrothermal alteration are magnetite, hematite, and copper sulphides. We present paleomagnetic results
from nine sites in the Michilla district and from drill cores from two mines. Local effects of hydrothermal alteration on
the original magnetic mineralogy indicate similar characteristics and mineralogy, except for an increase of hematite that
is spatially associated with the Cu–sulphide breccias with low magnetic susceptibilities. Results indicate that it is impossible
to magnetically differentiate mineralized bodies from unmineralized lavas, except for pyrite-rich hydrothermal breccias. In
conclusion, for stratabound copper deposits of the Michilla type, the overall effect of hydrothermal alteration on the paleomagnetic
properties of rocks is of low contrast, not clearly discernable even at a small scale. From an exploration point of view,
magnetic exploration surveys should not discern mineralized bodies of Cu–sulphide breccias except in detailed ground surveys
due to the small size of contrasting bodies. Unoriented drill cores with primary ore mineralization record a characteristic
remanent magnetization of reverse polarity. Taking into account the azimuth and dip of the drill cores, we were able to compare
the magnetization of the mineralized bodies with the characteristic directions from sites drilled in situ from Late Jurassic–Early
Cretaceous intrusives mostly. The characteristic direction recorded by the Pluton Viera is similar to the magnetization of
the ore bodies of the Estefania mine. If copper mineralization mostly postdates the tilt of the volcanic flows, the low paleomagnetic
inclinations suggest an age for the mineralization near 145 Ma, the time of the lowest paleolatitude for the South American
plate during the Mesozoic. 相似文献
红3井东侧断层的成因与中拐凸起的形成与演化密切相关,解析其构造几何学与运动学特征对于揭示中拐凸起自晚古生代以来的构造变形具有积极作用,并对于研究区的油气勘探具有重要意义。本文利用断层相关褶皱理论,不整合面识别及平衡剖面的方法,对红3井东侧断层进行精细的构造解析、建模与构造复原。中拐凸起发育白垩系-侏罗系、侏罗系-三叠系、三叠系-上乌尔禾组、上乌尔禾组底界及佳木河组-石炭系5个区域不整合面。研究认为,红3井东侧断层为一断层传播褶皱模型,发育生长三角,平面上分为北段、中段和南段。受海西晚期及燕山期的区域挤压作用的影响,红3井东侧断层在早二叠世末期(P1f末期)至中二叠世晚期(P2w)及早侏罗世晚期(J1s)至晚侏罗世发生两期传播活动,并在中段发生分支,分支断层的断距较小。早期的断层活动在中段最强,南段其次,北段最弱。中-下二叠统被抬升,遭受大面积剥蚀,地层缩短量约为3.8 km。晚期的断层活动微弱,且只发生在中段和北段,地层缩短量约为200 m。红3井东侧断层自北东向南西方向的传播、推覆作用控制了中拐凸起的主体构造形态,整体具有“南北分段、早晚期构造叠加”的特征。 相似文献
胶西北新城金矿床热液蚀变作用 总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2
新城金矿床是胶西北金矿集区中典型的破碎带蚀变岩型金矿床,其矿体受控于NE-NNE向焦家断裂及其次级断裂系统,主要赋存于断裂下盘(黄铁)绢英岩与红化花岗岩体中。焦家断裂下盘分带性明显,自主断裂面向外依此发育主断裂面和断层泥、挤压片理带、构造透镜体带、密集节理带和稀疏节理带。其中,主断裂面和断层泥发育粘土化蚀变;挤压片理带发育面状黄铁绢英岩化蚀变,其内赋存黄铁绢英岩型矿体;构造透镜体带发育脉型(黄铁)绢英岩化、面状绢英岩化和硅化蚀变,其次级断裂内赋存石英硫化物脉型矿体;节理带(包括密集节理带和稀疏节理带)主要发育成红化和细脉型(黄铁)绢英岩化,沿节理面赋存细脉型矿体。碳酸盐化蚀变叠加于上述热液蚀变之上。焦家断裂带表现为以水平为主的蚀变-矿化特征,(黄铁)绢英岩化蚀变与金成矿关系最为密切。论文在厘定断裂构造分带与蚀变-矿化分带空间关系的基础上,通过对各类蚀变岩与新鲜新城花岗岩体元素地球化学分析,剖析了热液蚀变作用过程及其机制。选取TiO_2作为不活动组分,质量平衡计算表明,成矿前新城花岗岩体发生红化作用时,带入组分有Fe_2O_3、K_2O、Al_2O_3以及少量Au、Ag、Cu、Pb、Zn、Sb和Bi等,而被带出组分有SiO_2、CaO和Na_2O等;成矿期红化花岗岩体蚀变为(黄铁)绢英岩过程中,明显带入组分有SiO_2、Fe_2O_3、FeO、Al_2O_3、Mg O、K_2O、Au、Ag、As、Cu、Pb、Zn、Sb和Bi等,而被带出组分为Na_2O。稀土元素地球化学特征与REE球粒陨石标准化配分模式曲线表明,红化和(黄铁)绢英岩化热液蚀变作用影响REE迁移。REE分别在红化和(黄铁)绢英岩化蚀变中带入和带出;Eu在红化过程中呈显著带入,表现为显著Eu正异常(δ_(Eu)=1.34),而在(黄铁)绢英岩化蚀变中活化带出,表现出Eu负异常(0.89~0.95)。成矿期发生(黄铁)绢英岩化蚀变时,Eu从氧化态Eu~(3+)转变为Eu~(2+),进入流体被带走,造成Eu负异常。金主要以Au(HS)~-_2形式在变质流体中运移。成矿流体沿片理面运移时,在挤压片理带发生黄铁绢英岩化蚀变,硫化作用使得流体还原硫活度降低,导致Au(HS)~-_2络合物失稳沉淀并赋存于黄铁矿和石英等矿物裂隙或晶格中,形成黄铁绢英岩型矿化;在构造透镜体带,成矿流体沿次级断裂面和碎裂岩裂隙发生蚀变形成脉型(黄铁)绢英岩,成矿元素在次级断裂面/裂隙内沉淀并形成石英硫化物脉型矿化;在节理带,成矿流体压力瞬时降低导致流体发生不混溶现象,使得Au(HS)~-_2络合物失稳沉淀并充填节理中形成细脉型矿化。 相似文献
Fault zone geometry of a mature active normal fault: A potential high permeability channel (Pirgaki fault, Corinth rift, Greece) 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
We present results from petrophysical analysis of a normal fault zone with the aim of defining the flow pathways and their behavior during seismic and interseismic periods. Data are obtained on porosity geometry, strain structure and mineralogy of different domains of a normal fault zone in the Corinth rift. Data point out a close relationship between mineralogy of the clayey minerals, porosity network and strain structures and allow definition of a macroscopic anisotropy of the flow parameters with a strong control by microscopic ultracataclasite structures. The Pirgaki fault zone, developed within pelagic limestone, has a sharp asymmetric porosity profile, with a high porosity volume in the fault core and in the damage zone of the hanging wall. From porosity volumes and threshold measurements, a matrix permeability variation of 6 orders of magnitude could be expected between the protolith and the fault core. Modifications of this pathway during seismic and interseismic phases are depicted. Healing of cracks formed during seismic slip events occurred in the fault core zone and the porous network in the damage zone is sealed in a second step. The lens geometry of the fault core zone is associated with dissolution surfaces and open conduits where dissolved matter could move out of the fault core zone. These elementary processes are developed in particular along Riedel's structures and depend on the orientation of the strain surfaces relative to the local stress and depend also on the roughness of each surface type. P-surfaces are smooth and control shearing process. R-surfaces are rough and present two wavelengths of roughness. The long one controls localization of dissolution surfaces and conduits; the short one is characteristic of dissolution surfaces. The dissolved matter can precipitate in the open structures of the hanging wall damage zone, decreasing the connectivity of the macroscopic conduit developed within this part of the fault zone. 相似文献
Temporal variation in the geometry of a strike–slip fault zone: Examples from the Dead Sea Transform
The location of the active fault strands along the Dead Sea Transform fault zone (DST) changed through time. In the western margins of Dead Sea basin, the early activity began a few kilometers west of the preset shores and moved toward the center of the basin in four stages. Similar centerward migration of faulting is apparent in the Hula Valley north of the Sea of Galilee as well as in the Negev and the Sinai Peninsula. In the Arava Valley, seismic surveys reveal a series of buried inactive basins whereas the current active strand is on their eastern margins. In the central Arava the centerward migration of activity was followed by outward migration with Pleistocene faulting along NNE-trending faults nearly 50 km west of the center. Largely the faulting along the DST, which began in the early–middle Miocene over a wide zone of up to 50 km, became localized by the end of the Miocene. The subsidence of fault-controlled basins, which were active in the early stage, stopped at the end of the Miocene. Later during the Plio-Pleistocene new faults were formed in the Negev west of the main transform. They indicate that another cycle has begun with the widening of the fault zone. It is suggested that the localization of faulting goes on as long as there is no change in the stress field. The stresses change because the geometry of the plates must change as they move, and consequently the localization stage ends. The fault zone is rearranged, becomes wide, and a new localization stage begins as slip accumulates. It is hypothesized that alternating periods of widening and narrowing correlate to changes of the plate boundaries, manifest in different Euler poles. 相似文献
Openings including their size, shape and distribution in rock play a significant role in the performance of rock related structures. The well-established knowledge in this area can contribute to the engineering practices, for example, underground space design, planning and optimisation in Civil and Mining Engineering and wellbore stability in Drilling Engineering, among others. Thus, understanding the failure mechanism of rock with openings is theoretically and practically meaningful. Laboratory testing on rock or rock-like materials with openings have been studied extensively in the literature, which, however, primarily focuses on the cracks/fractures. In this paper, a comprehensive numerical study on the effect of non-banded openings, i.e., circular, rectangular, and triangular opening, on the rock mechanical behaviour is performed using a hybrid continuum-discrete element method. It is revealed that the proposed simulation method can reproduce reasonably the crack initiation and propagation, and predict well the change of the mechanical behaviour due to the openings. In addition, the influence of the opening shape and opening ratio (=area of opening/specimen area) on the mechanical behaviour is also investigated. 相似文献
The geometry of a fault zone exerts a major control on earthquake rupture processes and source parameters. Observations previously compiled from multiple faults suggest that fault surface shape evolves with displacement, but the specific processes driving the evolution of fault geometry within a single fault zone are not well understood. Here, we characterize the deformation history and geometry of an extraordinarily well-exposed fault using maps of cross-sectional exposures constructed with the Structure from Motion photogrammetric method. The La Quinta Fault, located in southern California, experienced at least three phases of deformation. Multiple layers of ultracataclasite formed during the most recent phase. Crosscutting relations between the layers define the evolution of the structures and demonstrate that new layers formed successively during the deformation history. Wear processes such as grain plucking from one layer into a younger layer and truncation of asperities at layer edges indicate that the layers were slip zones and the contacts between them slip surfaces. Slip surfaces that were not reactivated or modified after they were abandoned exhibit self-affine geometry, preserving the fault roughness from different stages of faulting. Roughness varies little between surfaces, except the last slip zone to form in the fault, which is the smoothest. This layer contains a distinct mineral assemblage, indicating that the composition of the fault rock exerts a control on roughness. In contrast, the similar roughness of the older slip zones, which have comparable mineralogy but clearly crosscut one another, suggests that as the fault matured the roughness of the active slip surface stayed approximately constant. Wear processes affected these layers, so for roughness to stay constant the roughening and smoothing effects of fault slip must have been approximately balanced. These observations suggest fault surface evolution occurs by nucleation of new surfaces and wear by competing smoothing and re-roughening processes. 相似文献
Chung Huang Yu-Chang Chan Jyr-Ching Hu Jacques Angelier Jian-Cheng Lee 《Journal of Structural Geology》2008,30(9):1167-1176
The northern segment of the Chelungpu Fault shows an unusually large co-seismic displacement from the event of the Mw 7.6 Chi-Chi earthquake in western Taiwan. Part of the northern segment near the Fengyuan City provides an excellent opportunity for characterizing active thrust-related structures due to a dense geodetic-benchmark network. We reproduced co-seismic deformation patterns of a small segment of this Chelungpu Fault using 924 geodetic benchmarks. According to the estimated displacement vectors, we identified secondary deformations, such as local rigid-block rotation and significant shortening within the hanging wall. The data set also allows us to determine accurately a 3D model of the thrust fault geometry in the shallow subsurface by assuming simple relations between the fault slip, and the horizontal and vertical displacements at the surface. The predicted thrust geometry is in good agreement with borehole data derived from two drilling sites close to the study area. The successful prediction supports our assumptions of rigid displacement and control of displacement in the hanging wall by the fault geometry being useful first approximations. 相似文献
Grain size and grain shape analysis of fault rocks 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4