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中国甘肃省酒泉地区公婆泉盆地早白垩世恐龙化石   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
尤海鲁  罗哲西 《地质学报》2008,82(1):139-144
中国甘肃省酒泉地区公婆泉盆地下白垩统新民堡群的恐龙化石主要由1992年中日丝绸之路恐龙考察计划和1997~2000年中美马鬃山恐龙考察计划发掘和研究。先后发现的恐龙包括兽脚类、蜥脚类、禽龙类和新角龙类等。这一新的公婆泉恐龙组合的主要特征是同时包含了在晚白垩世占主导地位的几类恐龙的基干分子,如戈壁巨龙(Gobititan)是巨龙型类的基干分子,马鬃龙(Equijubus)是鸭嘴龙型类的基干分子,而古角龙(Archaeoceratops)和黎明角龙(Auroraceratops)是新角龙类的基干分子。公婆泉恐龙组合的另一特征是其某些成员的体型较大,如似鸟龙类和镰刀龙类恐龙是同期同类中最大的。比较研究发现,公婆泉盆地新民堡群的恐龙和辽西热河群的恐龙关系密切,但前者的整体来说要比后者进步。考虑到公婆泉盆地新民堡群的时代(Albian)较辽西热河群(Hauterivian晚期-Aptian早期)晚,公婆泉恐龙组合似应代表中国北方早白垩纪鹦鹉嘴龙恐龙动物群进化过程中较进步的一个阶段。  相似文献   

魏曌英  李莉 《世界地质》2017,36(3):655-662
描述发现于中国辽宁朝阳早白垩世九佛堂组地层中的一件鸟类标本。该标本体型较小,具有许多反鸟类的近裔特征。通过对新标本后肢形态特征的分析,可判断其为一小型树栖反鸟类。新标本具有发育的前肢和进步的乌喙骨,及发育滞后的后肢和相对原始的胸骨形态。胸骨长宽比约为1,顶端呈圆弧形,两个后侧突末端不膨大,中央突末端稍扩大,龙骨突基本不发育等。新标本同时具有反鸟类的原始和进步特征,以及原始的胸骨特征。其综合特征不同于已知任意一种小型反鸟类,因此建立一个反鸟类新属种——普通小反鸟(Microenantiornis vulgaris gen.et sp.nov.)。  相似文献   

甘肃酒泉盆地早白垩世植物化石及其古气候意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
邓胜徽  卢远征 《地质学报》2008,82(1):104-114
首次较系统报道了产于甘肃酒泉盆地下白垩统的植物化石,分为两个植物组合。Athrotaxites-Solenites组合产于赤金堡组上段,有Solenites luanpingensis Wang,Pityocladus cf.i waianus(ishi)Chow,Pityocladus sp.,Athrotaxites berryi Bell等,时代大致为早白垩世早期,反映潮湿或半干旱半潮湿气候。Brachyphyllum-Pseudofrenelopsis组合见于中沟组上部,包括Sphenopterissp.,Pseudofrenelopsis dalatzensis(Chowet Tsao)Cao ex Zhou,Cupressinocladus elegans(Chow)Chow,Cupressinocladus sp.,Pagiophyllumyumenense sp.nov.,Pagiophyllumcompressum sp.nov.,Pagiophyllum sp.,Brachyphyllumningshiaense Chow et Tsao,Brachyphyllumobtusum Chow et Tsao,Elatocladus sp.,Podozamites sp.,Carpolithus sp.等12种,时代为Aptian-Albian期,反映干旱型气候。  相似文献   

There are a growing number of Early Cretaceous avian tracks and trackways from around the world, with Asia (China and Korea) having the largest reported number and diversity of Mesozoic avian traces to date, and these new discoveries are increasing the Early Cretaceous avian ichnodivesrity of Laurasia. Here we report on a new Lower Cretaceous avian track locality in the Guanshan area, Yongjing County, Gansu Province, northwest China, and on a novel ichnospecies of Koreanaornis, Koreanaornis lii ichnosp. nov. Koreananornis lii is distinct from other Koreanaornipodidae in that it possesses a consistently wider digit divarication than previously described tridactyl tracks, and possess a short, small, posteromedially oriented hallux that displays a different orientation than that seen in Koreanaornis hamanensis. The lack of linear and angular data reported for digit I traces of many avian ichnotaxa has the potential to give misleading results in multivariate statistical analyses. Also, the wide divarication of Koreanaornis lii causes the ichnotaxon to not group with other Koreanornipodidae in multivariate analyses, but with Ignotornidae. Despite the results of the analyses, K. lii is morphologically distinct from these ichnotaxa. The results demonstrate that relying solely on multivariate statistical analyses without careful examination of footprint morphology will result in erroneous ichnospecies groupings. While new vertebrate ichnotaxa discoveries from Asia may support the hypotheses of the presence of a unique and endemic Asian vertebrate ichnofauna during the Cretaceous, the recent discovery of skeletal remains interpreted to be of a volant wading bird from the Early Cretaceous, and recent reports of tracks from volant avians, could suggest that flighted avians of the shore- and wading bird ecotypes could have had a Laurasian-wide distribution during the Early Cretaceous. However, strong convergence in foot morphology of shore- and wading birds suggests that avian ichnotaxa found in both present-day Asia and North America may have been made by birds endemic to eastern and western Laurasia during the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

松江盆地为一中生代山间沉积盆地,盆地内大砬子组上段普遍发育浊流沉积。通过对浊积岩体的沉积环境特征、岩性特征、沉积构造特征、粒度结构特征及层序特征等进行的研究表明:发育于盆地扩张时期的大砬子组上段浊积岩具有稳定型浊积岩的沉积特征,并将其划分为中心微相及边缘微相。应用沉积岩碎屑物质成分对浊积岩进行统计并结合前人的研究成果表明,大砬子上段沉积时期,源区构造背景为稳定陆块区,构造环境较为稳定。大量浊积岩所形成的岩性圈闭可构成良好的储集体。  相似文献   

甘肃昌马盆地构造特征与成因   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
阿尔金断裂是由阿尔金主干断层及其他次级断裂面组成的巨型走滑断裂系,其分布规律符合左行走滑挤压模式。昌马盆地位于阿尔金断裂带东段,它的古应力场与阿尔金断层的运动方向一致。昌马盆地北界是阿尔金主干断层;南界由锯齿状相交的半截子井-野马山断层、野观山断层、石板墩-龚岔口断层、中祁连北缘断层组成,分别是阿尔金主干断层的S面、小型Y面、P面、S面;东界由香毛山西断层、马舌头断层、青石岩断层组成,分别是阿尔金主干断层的X面、S顶、R’面,昌马盆地是由这些断层围限的狭长三角形。因此,昌马盆地是阿尔金断裂带中主干断层与分枝断层联合作用形成的走滑分枝盆地。盆地经历了侏罗纪-白垩纪的拉张作用,接受了巨厚的沉积;晚第三纪到第四纪由于阿尔金断裂左行走滑运动,盆地反转,处于受挤压状态,形成走滑分枝盆地。通过对昌马盆地石油地质特征的分析,认为昌马盆地具有形成油气的有利地质条件,应加强勘探力度。  相似文献   

The Early Cretaceous Zhidan Group in the northern Ordos Basin, Inner Mongolia, yielded a large number of tetrapods, including turtles, choristoderes, crocodyliforms, psittacosaurs, stegosaurs, theropods and birds. Well-preserved sauropod teeth have been found in the Luohandong Formation, a middle-upper unit of the Zhidan Group. The large V-shaped wear facet, low slenderness index value, labial grooves, lingual ridge and concavity on the tooth crown suggest that these teeth are from titanosauriforms. Moreover, the presence of the prominent bosses on the lingual side of the tooth crown indicates these teeth should be identified as Euhelopus teeth further. The existence of Euhelopus in Ordos Basin (Inner Mongolia), Shandong Province and western Liaoning Province shows some connections about vertebrate faunas during Early Cretaceous in these areas. Other tetrapod groups such as turtles (Sinemys, Ordosemys), choristoderes (Ikechosaurus), psittacosaurs (Psittacosaurus) and birds (Cathayornis) provide more evidences for this viewpoint.  相似文献   

中国早白垩世今鸟类甘肃鸟的蹼足化石   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
玉门甘肃鸟(Gansus yumenensis)是中国发现的第一只中生代鸟类化石。该化石产自甘肃西北部下沟组,时代与辽宁西部产热河生物群的早白垩世地层的时代大体相当。该鸟类趾节拉长,很短的爪具有较尖锐的屈肌结节,因而被认为是一种适应于水生生活的鸟类。玉门甘肃鸟的建立最初仅依据一件左足标本,直到最近又发现了少量可供进一步研究的新标本。本文描述了一件新的玉门甘肃鸟的完整后肢化石,标本在远端趾节之间显示出清晰的蹼的构造。这为玉门甘肃鸟具有发育足蹼的观点提供了最直接的证据。玉门甘肃鸟也成为世界上已知最古老的适应于水生生活环境的鸟类。  相似文献   

The paper systematically analyzes the hydrocarbon migration characteristics of the Lower Cretaceous in the Erlian Basin, based on the geochemical data of mudstone and sandstone in the main hydrocarbon-generating sags. (1) The source rocks in K1ba and K1bt1 are estimated to be the mature ones, their hydrocarbon expulsion ratio can reach 32%-72%. The Type-I sags in oil windows possess good hydrocarbon generation and expulsion conditions, where commercial reservoirs can be formed. (2) According to the curves of the mudstone compaction and evolution of clay minerals, the rapid compaction stage of mudstones is the right time of hydrocarbon expulsion, i.e., primary migration. (3) The timing between hydrocarbon generation and expulsion is mainly related to the accordance of the oil window and the rapid compaction stage of mudstones in the hydrocarbon generation sags of Type-I. That forms the most matching relation between hydrocarbon generation and migration. (4) The faults and unconformities are the important paths for the secondary hydrocarbon migration. Especially, the unconformity between K1ba and K1bt1 has a favorable condition for oil accumulation, where the traps of all types are the main exploration targets. (5) Hydrocarbon migration effect, in the Uliastai sag, is most significant; that in the Saihan Tal and Anan sags comes next, and that in the Bayandanan and Jargalangt sags is worst.  相似文献   

辽宁北票四合屯盆地下白垩统义县组沉积相   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
本文系统地论述了北票四合屯盆地下白垩统义县组沉积时期的演化,将盆地演化划分为继承性初始坳陷、火山洼地、湖盆沉降与扩展三个阶段,其后由于火山作用而使盆地封闭。与盆地演化相对应,建立了盆内义县组的沉积相序,自下而上依次为冲积扇与河流相、火山沉积相、河流相、湖相(滨湖亚相,浅湖亚相,半深湖亚相,浅湖亚相,滨湖亚相,浅湖亚相)、火山溢流相,并指出火山喷发间歇期湖盆的湖水进退规律、水体性质以及沉积环境特征。  相似文献   

Knowledge of the turtle fauna from the Lower Cretaceous of the Iberian Peninsula has been very limited until now. There are several fossil sites where Lower Cretaceous associations of continental vertebrates have been found. Although turtles have been identified in some of them, most of these specimens have not been studied, so the diversity is unknown. Among all these findings, the turtles from the Cameros Basin are considered particularly relevant, both in their abundance and diversity. Their study has allowed the identification of several taxa. At least one representative of Solemydidae and three taxa of Eucryptodira are recognized. This study establishes kinship and biogeographic relationships between the taxa in Cameros with those found in other Spanish fossil sites and with those of other European regions.  相似文献   

民和盆地下白垩统遗迹化石的类型与气候的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
民和盆地下白垩统首次发现7个遗迹属,早期的朱家台组为Skolithos-Planolites组合,中期的盐锅峡组为Thalassinoides-Palaeophycus组合,晚期的红古城组为Planolites-Scoyenia组合。这些遗迹属在纵向上可以出现相行为。表明水深不是主控因素,而是古气候的作用。  相似文献   

辽西朝阳盆地早白垩世一新的无齿翼龙化石   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
采自辽西朝阳盆地早白垩世九佛堂组的一翼龙化石被记述。化石材料是一接近完整骨架的无齿的翼龙,带有一不完全的头骨。作者将其归于翼手龙类(Pteroclactyloidea),并建一新属、新种一无齿吉大翼龙(Jidapterus edentus gen.et sp.nov.)。  相似文献   

黑龙江省三江盆地鹤岗凹陷下白垩统猴石沟组沉积特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者等通过对鹤岗凹陷北部露头和钻孔资料的综合利用,结合少量的样品分析及薄片鉴定工作,对研究区下白垩统猴石沟组主要岩石学特征、沉积相类型及展布特征进行了综合研究,在此基础上,以砂岩型铀矿成矿理论为指导,对猴石沟组有利成矿砂体的沉积相类型进行了初步讨论。认为①猴石沟组砂体以长石岩屑砂岩和岩屑砂岩为主,主要为陆相淡水沉积环境,具较高的还原容量;②研究区内猴石沟组主要为扇三角洲沉积环境,并划分为辫状河道、漫滩沼泽、水下分流河道、河口坝、席状砂和分流间湾等6种微相;③猴石沟组沉辫状河道砂体可作为寻找潜水氧化带型砂岩型铀矿的重点类型,而水下分流河道砂体是作为寻找层间氧化带型砂岩型铀矿的主攻类型。  相似文献   

Cretaceous dinosaur tracks from Hunan Province are historically significant as the basis for three ichnotaxa: Xiangxipus chenxiensis, Xiangxipus youngi, and Hunanpus jiuquwanensis all representing theropodan tracks, described from a single site in 1982. Although the type locality has since been destroyed, the type specimen and replicas remained available for restudy in 2006, when paratype Hunanpus tracks and sauropod footprints were described from a second, nearby locality. Material from both localities is here re-described in detail. It is proposed that while Xiangxipus chenxiensis can be regarded as a distinct ichnospecies, probably representing an ornithomimid trackmaker, Xiangxipus youngi cannot be accommodated in the same ichnogenus. We consider it similar to the ichnogenus Wupus from the Lower Cretaceous of Sichuan Province, and therefore of possible avian affinity. We also find no justification for regarding Hunanpus jiuquwanensis as generically distinct from the widespread ichnogenus Grallator, and therefore rename it Grallator jiuquwanensis comb. nov. The Hunan track record is generally consistent with the sparse record of theropod skeletal remains in the province, but adds evidence of sauropods that was previously lacking.  相似文献   

李莉  王晶琦  侯世林 《世界地质》2010,29(2):183-187
记述了辽宁建昌头道营子早白垩世九佛堂组发现的孔子鸟化石一新种—建昌孔子鸟(Confuci-usornis jianchangensis sp.nov.)。尽管新种缺失前肢及肩带,还是在许多特征上很容易与属型种(圣贤孔子鸟)相区别。例如,个体小、鳞骨近三角形、方骨粗大、齿骨前端有突起、跗蹠骨近端愈合、第V跗蹠骨不存在和尾综骨粗大等。新种是孔子鸟类在建昌地区的首次发现,对于展示孔子鸟类的多样性等具有较重要意义。  相似文献   

Two incomplete bones referred to ankylosaur scapulocoracoid and humerus are described, which were discovered from the Early Cretaceous Jiufotang Formation of Dachengzi Town, Kazuo County, Liaoning Province. Ankylosaur dinosaurs have ever been found in the Lower Cretaceous Yixian, Fuxin and Sunjiawan Formations of western Liaoning. The occurrence of ankylosaurs within Jiufotang Formation improves our knowledge on the ankylosaur stratigraphic distribution. Based on the length of scapulocoracoid, the new dinosaur is estimated to exceed 6.0 meters long, representing the largest ankylosaur in western Liaoning.  相似文献   

位于中国东部苏鲁造山带北侧的胶莱盆地发育早白垩世莱阳组,厚约2000m,为一套陆相碎屑沉积,包括砾岩、砂岩和页岩,以及少量泥灰岩、白云岩和凝灰岩。它可以分为4个岩性段,每个段大致形成一个向上变细的旋回。砾岩砾石成分主要为花岗片麻岩、黑云斜长片麻岩、混合花岗岩和大理岩,其次是黑云片岩、灰岩和沉积碎屑岩、火山岩和花岗岩等。莱阳组砂岩主要由岩屑长石砂岩以及岩屑砂岩组成,具有低的成分成熟度,Q/(F+L)平均为0.42(0.19~0.84)。石英主要由单晶石英组成,长石包括斜长石、微斜长石等,岩屑主要为火山岩和变质岩,其次为沉积岩。6个砂岩地球化学样品分析表明,砂岩的SiO2、Al2O3、TiO2、Fe2O3^T;、MnO、MgO、CaO、Na2O、K2O的平均含量分别为70.53%、13.10%、0.41%、3.09%、0.06%、1.23%、1.69%、3.38%和3.38%,类似于晚元古代造山带砂岩成分。莱阳组砂岩稀土元素分析表明,La含量为38.4×10^-6(28.0×10^-6-50.5×10^-6),Ce含量为69.3×10^-6(58.1×10^-6~81.3×10^-6),稀土总量为134×10^-6~197×10^-6,轻稀土明显富集,La/Yb为20.18(11.91~25.98),(La/Yb)。为13.60(8.03~17.52),有中等到弱的Eu负异常(δEu=0.58-0.88),Ce为弱的负异常(δCe=0.78~0.97)。Ce含量、稀土总量和Eu异常揭示源区岩石形成时的构造背景主要为大陆岛弧。砾石统计揭示,莱阳组物源区的剥蚀序列按时间顺序应该是花岗片麻岩、黑云斜长片麻岩-大理岩-脉石英、灰岩和碎屑岩-正长岩。砂岩点统计、F1-F2判别图、La—Th-Sc和Th—Sc—Zr/10判别图揭示,莱阳组砂岩主要源区属于大陆弧的长英质火成岩区,少许来自再循环造山带。砂岩Zr/Y比值揭示莱阳组砂岩与分布在山东荣成地区具有大陆弧构造背景的片麻岩具有亲缘性。这表明山东胶菜盆地莱阳组砂岩源区主要来自苏鲁造山带,其次有少许来自扬子陆块。造山带周缘盆地的陆源沉积物中,砂岩的碎屑组分以及地球化学特征具有源区构造背景的继承性,反映的是源岩形成的构造环境。  相似文献   

下刚果盆地下白垩统碳酸盐岩沉积区位于海底地形受盐层影响较大的地区,呈现出多级坡折的特征,对该区下森贾组(Lower Sendji Fm.)沉积储层的预测难度增大。运用层序地层学理论和混合能环境的沉积模式,剖析了邻区M油田下森贾组储层类型和成因演化特征,提出两级坡折的古地貌是因盐运动和碳酸盐选择性生长而形成。通过此地貌对海平面的独特响应,建立了研究区下森贾组低水位和高水位体系域两种不同的沉积模式。借助Opend Tect软件的层序结构解析技术,进行研究区下森贾组沉积旋回韵律体的自动追踪。预测下刚果盆地研究区的碳酸盐岩储层在下部的低水位域和海进体系域可能更发育,钻探结果证实下森贾组碳酸盐岩储层确实发育于下部的低水位域和海进体系域。  相似文献   

The stable carbon isotope compositions and the stomatal parameters (stomatal density and stomatal index) of four Cheirolepidiaceae species, Brachyphyllum ningxiaensis, Brachyphyllum obtusum, Pseudofrenelopsis dalatzensis and Pseudofrenelopsis gansuensis, were analyzed to recover the late Early Cretaceous atmospheric CO2 levels. The fossil plants were collected from 5 consecutive sedimentary members of the uppermost Zhonggou Formation. Based on the stomatal data, the estimated palaeo-atmospheric CO2 concentrations in the Jiuquan Basin during the late Early Cretaceous were 1060–882 ppmv based on the carboniferous standardization and were 641–531 ppmv based on the recent standardization; the pCO2 values present at first a decreasing and then an increasing trend within the sedimentary time of the five members. The δ13Cp values based on the 21 Brachyphyllum specimens showed a large variation, which ranged from −20.98‰ to −25.69‰, with an average of −24.2‰. The values also identified a C3 photosynthetic pathway for the Brachyphyllum specimens. The predicted δ13Ca values varied from −2.1‰ to −6.38‰, with an average of −5.03‰. These two proxies were irregular within the different members; therefore, the correlation with the change in atmospheric CO2 concentrations was not significant. Moreover, a water-stressed environment was proposed based on the δ13C values of the present fossil plants, a proposal that was also supported by the previous palaeobotanical, palynological and stratigraphical evidence. In the present study, an inconsistent relationship between the stable carbon isotope and the stomata values was apparent, which most likely indicated that the stomata numbers of the plant were more sensitive to the variation in the concentration of the atmospheric CO2, whereas the δ13C values were sensitive to the moisture conditions.  相似文献   

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