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Shallow water rudist bivalves are a very suitable tool for palaeoenvironmental and palaeobiogeographic reconstructions of the Cretaceous Tethys. For this reason, we have reviewed fossil localities bearing polyconitid rudists of the late Aptian and Albian in the Himalayan area and in other Tethyan sites. The well preserved Rossi Ronchetti rudist collection of Yasin (Kohistan Himalayas) has been reinspected as a reference for the regionally distinctive Horiopleura haydeni biofacies. Two morphotypes of the genus related to different sedimentary settings were distinguished on the basis of biometric measurements. Assemblages characterized by benthic organisms of Mesogean affinity dominated by polyconitid and radiolitid rudists, together with nerineid gastropods, corals and orbitolinid forams have a distinct provincial significance. Today, various polyconitid bearing biofacies can be recognized in many sedimentary successions of the Himalayas, westwards to the Iberia region and even eastwards to the Pacific area. Their distribution allows recognition of a palaeobiogeographic pattern influenced by a thermal barrier. It also helps to understand how the accretion of the Lhasa terrane and the Kohistan-Dras intra-oceanic volcanic arc could represent a spreading centre for the “Yasin-type” Horiopleura haydeni biofacies (marked by the absence of Polyconites) in the South West Asian Province.  相似文献   

The structure of the Chilean Frontal Cordillera, located over the Central Andes flat-slab subduction segment (27°–28.5°S), is characterized by a thick-skinned deformation, affecting both the pre-rift basement and the Mesozoic and Cenozoic infill of the NNE-SSW Lautaro and Lagunillas Basins, which were developed during the Pangea-Gondwana break-up. The compressive deformation show a complex interaction between Mesozoic rift structures and thrust systems, affecting a suite of Permo-Triassic (258–245 Ma) granitic blocks. We used a combination of geological mapping, new structural data, balanced and restored cross sections and geochronological data to investigate the geometry and kinematics of the Andean thick-skinned thrust systems of the region. The thrust systems include double-vergent thick-skinned thrust faults, basement-cored anticlines and minor thin-skinned thrusts and folds. The presence of Triassic and Jurassic syn-rift successions along the hanging wall and footwall of the basement thrust faults are keys to suggest that the current structural framework of the region should be associated with the shortening of previous Mesozoic half grabens. Based on this interpretation, we propose a deformation mechanism characterized by the tectonic inversion of rift-related faults and the propagation of basement ramps that fold and cut both, the early normal faults and the basement highs. New U–Pb ages obtained from synorogenic deposits (Quebrada Seca and Doña Ana formations) indicate at least three important compressive pulses. A first pulse at ∼80 Ma (Late Cretaceous), a second pulse related to the K-T phase of Andean deformation and, finally, a third pulse that occurred during the lower Miocene.  相似文献   

Wood fossil charcoal is identified from the upper Lower Cretaceous (Serra do Tucano Formation, Aptian–Albian) of Roraima (North Brazil). The presence of charcoal demonstrates the occurrence of Early Cretaceous palaeo-wildfires for the first time in this region and only the third time for the entirety of South America. A gymnospermous taxonomic affinity can be established for the charred woods and a relationship with conifers is likely, thus providing additional evidence for the taxonomic composition of Early Cretaceous floras in this region.  相似文献   

This paper describes the first macrofloristic record from Los Adobes Formation (Chubut Group) in Cañadón Asfalto Basin (Patagonia, Chubut Province, Argentina). The studied fossils were recovered from the Aptian–Albian Bardas Coloradas Member, and consist of silicified woods preserved in fluvial channel deposits. One wood shows homocellular rays with smooth radial and tangential walls, diffuse axial parenchyma, tracheid pitting of the abietinoid type and cross-field pitting cupressoid usually ordered in rows and columns indicating placement within Cupressinoxylon hallei Kräusel. This fossil tree resembles some members of the extant Cupressaceae s.s., as Austrocedrus chilensis (D. Don) Pic. Serm. & Bizzarri, Pilgerodendron uviferum (D. Don) Florin, Fitzroya cupressoide (Molina) I. M. Johnst. and Libocedrus plumosa (D. Don) Druce. Due to poor preservation the other fossil wood specimen was assigned to cf. Cupressinoxylon Göppert 1850 nom. cons. prop. This is the first unequivocal record of C. hallei from the Cretaceous of South America and the oldest reliable record of the Callitroideae, indicating that this subfamily was well established since the mid-Cretaceous in the Southern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

In the southern Tethyan margin, the Essaouira-Agadir Basin (EAB), south of Morocco, exhibits well-exposed and fossiliferous sections of Aptian–Albian age. Biostratigraphy by ammonoids and sedimentological analysis have been realized for five sections located along an E-W transect in the EAB. The studied successions were dated from the latest Early Aptian to the Early Albian and are characterized by five major sedimentary discontinuities defining at least four main sedimentary sequences. The Late Aptian–Early Albian succession can be considered a gently westward-dipping ramp, marked by a deepening upward evolution. A quantitative study of calcareous nannofossils and calcium carbonate content has been performed on three of these sections. At this time, the EAB was located in the tropical-equatorial hot arid belt. The decrease in both calcium carbonate content and Nannoconus abundances at the Aptian–Albian transition could be the result of cooler climatic conditions recognized in the EAB, and/or of the associated increasing terrigenous input and nutrients, which hindered carbonate production. In the EAB, the nannofossil productivity is higher below the deposition of dark levels, which are coeval with the Niveau Paquier, recognized as the expression in southern France of the OAE 1b (Early Albian). During the Early Albian, the EAB was characterized by nannofossil fluxes two times lower than the upwelling-influenced Mazagan Plateau (southern Tethyan margin) and eight times lower than the Vocontian Basin (northern Tethyan margin). These results show that, with respect to the northern Tethyan margin, trophic conditions in sea surface waters of the pelagic realm of the southern Tethyan margin were lower. Comparable results obtained by Heldt et al. in the neritic realm of the southern Tethyan margin have been ascribed to more arid climatic conditions.  相似文献   

Petrographic, geochemical and field studies in low grade metamorphic areas (Ciudad Rodrigo-Hurdes-Sierra de Gata domain, CRHSG, central-western Spain) show that Neoproterozoic-Lowermost Cambrian series in the Central Iberian Zone (CIZ) record two kinds of provenance sources including: (1) detrital material derived from recycled orogens and (2) a Cadomian coeval juvenile contribution that governs their isotopic signature. Evidence of magmatism contemporaneous with Neoproterozoic-Cambrian sedimentation is provided by the presence of coherent, massive volcanic rocks (metabasalts, metaandesites, and metarhyolites), volcaniclastic shales, sandstones, conglomerates and breccias. The appearance of volcanogenic lithic fragments and crystals mixed in different proportions with siliciclastic constituents and also present within calcareous components in the sedimentary succession, reinforces this evidence. Although most of the selected volcanic and volcaniclastic samples appear to show tholeiitic affinity, some of them display calc-alkaline affinity. Different trace element ratios, such as Sm/Nd, Nb/Yb and Ta/Yb, suggest a magmatic evolution in the same tectonic setting. The geochemical results reported here support the existence of an active geodynamic setting as a direct contributor to the synsedimentary and magmatic content of the Neoproterozoic–Lowermost Cambrian successions in the CIZ. In particular, the relatively high Nd (T) values and the high range of f Sm/Nd ratios are consistent with an active margin during the Neoproterozoic–Early Cambrian. The existence of tectonic activity is also confirmed by the presence of synsedimentary deformation and volcanic rocks. All of these traits favour a geodynamic model in which the Iberian Cadomian segment represented in the CIZ would have been part of an active northern margin of Gondwana, with an associated magmatic arc and related basins during Neoproterozoic–Lower Cambrian times. A proposed link between the Ossa Morena and the Central Iberian Zones might account for late Cadomian pull-apart basins developed on both sides of the magmatic arc, sharing the same scenario and involving similar magmatic activity during the Neoproterozoic–Cambrian transition.
M. D. Rodríguez-AlonsoEmail: Phone: +34-923-294498Fax: +34-923-294514

A new anguimorph lizard from the late Barremian–Aptian of the Salas de los Infantes area (Cameros Basin, Iberian Peninsula) is described here as Arcanosaurus ibericus gen. et sp. nov. It corresponds to the first squamate remains from the Burgos Province. The unique combination of morphological and microanatomical characters enables us to erect a new genus and species that we tentatively assign to Varanoidea despite the strange seemingly absence on the axis of a posterior hypapophysis. The combination of both microanatomical and geological data suggests an essentially terrestrial mode of life. This discovery reveals itself particularly interesting concerning the evolutionary history of varanoids as this new Spanish taxon might correspond to the oldest terrestrial varanoid known to date.  相似文献   

Early Cretaceous sediments of Aptian–Albian age outcrop at Munday’s Hill Quarry, Bedfordshire, England. Previous papers describing the section have resulted in different terminologies being applied. The Lower Cretaceous in Bedfordshire is represented by sediments belonging to the Lower Greensand Group and the Gault Clay Formation. Within the Lower Greensand Group in the study area the Woburn Sands Formation, are of Aptian–Albian age. Selected samples have been analysed for palynology. The analysis reveals diverse palynomorph assemblages, including well-preserved dinoflagellate cysts and sporomorphs. Comparison of the assemblages with published records indicates that the lower samples are of Late Aptian age. Forms recorded include common Kiokansium unituberculatum, Cerbia tabulata, Aptea polymorpha and Cyclonephelium inconspicuum. An Early Albian age is indicated for the uppermost sample.  相似文献   

The genus Horiopleura Douvillé is restricted to the Mediterranean and southwestern Asian regions, and is represented by eight species developed during the late Barremian–Albian. This revision of species contributed to delineate generic and specific characters. The definition of species is based on a set of external and internal qualitative and quantitative characters, the key characters being size, radial bands, ornamentation and the presence of a left posterior canal. Morphometry documents the dimorphism of some species, corroborated by regression analysis. Horiopleura dumortieri is an upper Barremian–lowermost Bedoulian species from SE France, Horiopleura brevis n. sp. is a Bedoulian, Mediterranean species, extending to the lower Gargasian, Horiopleura gigantea (pro Monopleura) is a Bedoulian species, restricted the Ukrainian Carpathes. Horiopleura lamberti and H. almerae are Upper Aptian to lower Albian species, and are known from Southern Europe and North Africa. Horiopleura haydeni is essentially late Aptian and typifies the southwestern Asia “Yasin fauna”. Horiopleura distefanoi and H. gemmellaroi (both formerly placed in Polyconites) are restricted to the Albian of the peri-Adriatic regions and North Africa, the former being present in the Middle East. Multiple correspondence analysis using six categorical variables and their categorical states, applied to the comparison of species, tends to corroborate our overall taxonomic frame-work, and reveals three groups of species with distinctive ages.  相似文献   

Late Aptian–early Albian limestones from the eastern Brazilian continental margin record the early evolution of the South Atlantic Ocean. In Tethyan and North Atlantic domains, a planktic foraminiferal turnover and organic-rich deposits related to Oceanic Anoxic Event 1b (OAE 1b) point to major ocean-climate changes through this interval. Coeval organic-rich deposits of the South Atlantic Ocean have been interpreted as the product of restricted circulation rather than attributed to a global event. However, previous investigations of the early marine phase of South Atlantic lack data from more distal facies, making correlations to global events difficult. Here, we present C, O, and Sr isotopes, elemental geochemistry, TOC and pyrolysis data, as well as a microfacies analysis of an upper Aptian–lower Albian distal section from the Campos Basin (southeastern Brazil). Our focus is on the paleoenvironmental characterization of and the possible association between organic-rich deposits and major perturbations related to Aptian–Albian transition. Five microfacies associations (MA) were identified in the informal units I and III, which were deposited in the neritic region on a carbonate ramp. Organic-rich deposits were described in unit III, composed of planktic-dominated wackestones interbedded with black shales, in a distal dysoxic to anoxic environment. The carbonates 87Sr/86Sr ratios showed a drastic increase (0.7072–0.7074), interpreted as enhanced chemical weathering, supported by the increase of continental input to the top of section. This trend was accompanied by a long-term δ13Ccarb negative excursion, which were assigned to the latest late Aptian–early Albian interval of the isotope reference curves, in accordance with the described occurrence of Colomiella recta. This scenario matches those proposed for the late Aptian–early Albian transition and OAE 1b set, as an enhanced greenhouse stage, pointing to the influence of the referred ocean-climate changes on the deposition of organic-rich deposits of the early South Atlantic Ocean. This investigation gives more evidences that these perturbations were a widespread event, as a product of broad-scale disturbances in the global carbon cycle which also controlled organic deposition and preservation on restricted settings.  相似文献   

The Fomopea granitic pluton is emplaced in gnessic and amphibolitic basement.These gneissic and amphibolitic basement rocks are represented in the pluton's body as sub-rounded,elongated or stretched xe...  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the style, distribution, mechanics and timing of deformation of the Andean retroarc zone between 39° and 40°S, in the North Patagonian Andes. Field recognition and interpretation of the main structures, constrained by new gravity data allowed establishing a structural control for the main sedimentary successions that coexisted with Andean development. A balanced cross section is constructed, where the westernmost segment is characterized by a thick-skinned structure associated with a deep decollment, over which Late Paleozoic rocks are uplifted on top of Cenozoic successions. To the east, a central segment was formed by Late Miocene inversion of a late Oligocene backarc basin controlled by a shallower decollment. A new K/Ar age of 29 Ma constrains the age of these synextensional deposits. Gravity data show the rhomboedric geometry and depth of these depocenters affecting the basement in the western orogenic front area. Finally, an eastern sector is characterized by the inversion of Late Triassic structures and development of primary faults over a deeper decollment, producing a west-vergent deformational belt. The restoration of the structural profile has yielded a total shortening of less than 10 km produced in more than one contractional stage. The complex structure described in this work results from the interaction of NW structures related to the typical Andean deformation, and ENE structures related to the intraplate Huincul high. Finally, previous works had visualized in seismic tomographies an area of relatively low velocities in the orogenic front area, interpreting it as a mantle-derived magmatic-hydrothermal crustal reservoir. Computed elastic thicknesses performed in this work from gravity data show a good correlation between areas of low flexural rigidity and areas of low seismic velocities. These anomalies coincide at surface with Pliocene to Quaternary retroarc mafic eruptions that could have a connection to slab tearing processes proposed for the last 5–2 Ma from seismic data.  相似文献   

The shallow-marine, mixed siliciclastic-calcareous Late Cretaceous deposits from the Apuseni Mountains have been extensively studied and compared to coeval deposits from the Alpine Gosau. The former are mainly represented by conglomerates, sandstones, marls, and limestones with rudists that unconformably overlie the crystalline basement and its Permo-Mesozoic cover. Our new, detailed investigations on the rudist fauna from Măgura Hill, the type locality of Pseudopolyconites hirsutus (Patrulius) and Miseia costulata Patrulius, indicate a Late Santonian–Early Campanian age for these deposits instead of an Early Santonian one as previously suggested (Patrulius, 1974). This study also mentions for the first time the occurrences of Pseudosabinia klinghardti (Böhm) and Pseudopolyconites parvus Milovanović in the rudist-bearing deposits from the Apuseni Mountains. We include their palaeontological features, as well as the ones for Pseudopolyconites hirsutus. Based on new biostratigraphic data, our study expand the stratigraphic range of Pseudosabinia klinghardti and Pseudopolyconites parvus – previously considered characteristic for the Early Campanian–Maastrichtian interval. Also we add new information on their palaeobiogeographic distribution within the central-eastern Mediterranean area during the Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

A scheme of radiolarian zonal subdivision is proposed for the upper Albian–Santonian of the Tethyan regions of Eurasia. The upper Albian contains one zone: Crolanium triangulare; the Cenomanian contains three zones: Patellula spica (lower Cenomanian), Pseudoaulophacus lenticulatus (middle Cenomanian), and Triactoma parva (upper Cenomanian); the Turonian contains four zones: Acanthocircus tympanum (lower Turonian (with no upper part)), Patellula selbukhraensis (upper part of the lower Turonian), Phaseliforma turovi (middle Turonian (with no upper part)), and Actinomma (?) belbekense (upper part of the middle Turonian–upper Turonian); the Coniacian contains two zones: Alievium praegallowayi (lower part of the Coniacian) and Cyprodictyomitra longa (upper part of the Coniacian); the Santonian contains three zones: Theocampe urna (lower Santonian), Crucella robusta (middle Santonian–lower part of the upper(?) Santonian), and Afens perapediensis (upper part of the upper Santonian). The biostratigraphic subdivisions are correlated with biostrata in the schemes proposed previously for the Tethys and Pacific. A new species Patellula selbukhraensis Bragina sp. nov. is described.  相似文献   

The outcrop of the Marnes Bleues at the Col de Pré-Guittard, 11 km north of the village of Rémuzat in the Départment of Drôme in southeastern France is probably the most intensively studied succession spanning the Aptian/Albian boundary interval. Following the rejection of the proposed GSSP for the base of the Albian Stage (based on the first occurrence of the ammonite Leymeriellla tardefurcata in the section at Le Pillart, Tartonne, Alpes-de-Haute Provence), we re-visit the Pré-Guittard section. A new candidate GSSP defined by the first occurrence of the planktonic foraminifera Microhedbergella renilaevis Huber and Leckie, 2011 is here proposed. This first occurrence is placed in a 100 m section with 28 secondary markers, including calcareous nannofossils, planktonic foraminifera, palynomorphs, an inoceramid bivalve, ammonites, stable carbon isotopes, and local marker beds. The outcrop fulfils most of the physical criteria required of a Global Stratotype Section and Point.  相似文献   

The southern Central Andes of Argentina and Chile (27–40°S) are the product of deformation, arc magmatism, and basin evolution above a long-lived subduction system. With sufficient timing and provenance constraints, Andean stratigraphic and structural records enable delineation of Mesozoic-Cenozoic variations in subsidence and tectonic regime. For the La Ramada Basin in the High Andes at ∼31–33°S, new assessments of provenance and depositional age provided by detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology help resolve deformational patterns and subsidence mechanisms over the past ∼200 Myr. Marine and nonmarine clastic deposits recorded the unroofing of basin margins and sediment contributions from the Andean magmatic arc during Late Triassic to Early Cretaceous extension, thermal subsidence, and possible slab rollback. Subsequent sediment delivery from the Coastal Cordillera corresponded with initial flexural accommodation in the La Ramada Basin during Andean shortening of late Early Cretaceous to Late Cretaceous age. The architecture of the foreland basin was influenced by the distribution of precursor extensional depocenters, suggesting that inherited basin geometries provided important controls on later flexural subsidence and basin evolution. Following latest Cretaceous to early Paleogene tectonic quiescence and a depositional hiatus, newly dated deposits in the western La Ramada Basin provide evidence for a late Paleogene episode of intra-arc and proximal retroarc extension (development of the Abanico Basin, principally in Chile, at ∼28–44°S). Inversion of this late Paleogene extensional basin system during Neogene compression indicates the southern Central Andes were produced by at least two punctuated episodes of shortening and uplift of Late Cretaceous and Neogene age.  相似文献   

Apatite fission-track analysis performed on eighteen Mesozoic sediment samples of the Neuquén Basin from the Southern Central Andes orogenic front between 35°30′ and 37°S has revealed Campanian-Paleocene (75-55 Ma), late Eocene-early Oligocene (35-30 Ma) and middle Miocene (15-10 Ma) cooling episodes. Each cooling episode corresponds closely with major unconformities observed in the preserved sedimentary sequences, and is associated with kilometer-scale additional burial and subsequent exhumation. A similar degree of cooling is inferred from associated vitrinite reflectance data. Late Eocene-early Oligocene exhumation is recognized only near the eastern orogenic front adjacent to the foreland in the southernmost part of the study area and may be related partly to within-plate magmatism and associated extension in the Palaoco Basin. The Campanian-Paleocene and middle Miocene cooling episodes are recognized more widely in the fold and thrust belt and appear to coincide with periods of eastward arc expansion and mountain building processes.  相似文献   

The Northern Tyrrhenian Sea is located on the collisional zone between the Alpine Corsica and the Northern Apennines and is a key area for gaining a better understanding of the complex relationships between these two systems. The knowledge of the wide offshore part of this zone, located between Corsica (France) and mainland Italy, is based primarily on the analysis of several seismic profiles tied to the outcropping geology and unpublished preliminary reports of few offshore wells. The here presented study of two offshore wells provides a revision of the sedimentology, biostratigraphy and petrography of the thick, mainly siliciclastic, Tertiary successions (about 3,600 m) composing the Elba–Pianosa Ridge (EPR), a structural/morphological high separating the Tuscan Shelf to the east from the Corsica Basin to the west. A comparison with similar deposits cropping out in the surrounding onshore areas (Northern Apennines, Corsica, Tuscan Archipelago, Piedmont Tertiary Basin) provides additional constraints for refinement of the complex geodynamic and regional setting in which the EPR evolved.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(5):349-361
The most widespread blocks within the Cretaceous ophiolitic mélange (North Anatolian ophiolitic mélange) in Central Anatolia (Turkey) are pillow basalts, radiolarites, other ophiolitic fragments and Jurassic-Cretaceous carbonate blocks. The pillow basalts crop out as discrete blocks in close relation to radiolarites and ophiolitic units in Cretaceous ophiolitic mélange.

The geochemical results suggest that analyzed pillow basalts are within-plate ocean island alkali basalts. The enrichment of incompatible elements (Nb, Ta, Light REE, Th, U, Cs, Rb, Ba, K) demonstrates the ocean island environment (both tholeiites and alkali basalts) and enriched MORB. Dated calcareous intrafills and biodetrital carbonates reveal an age span of Callovian—Early Aptian. The thin-shelled protoglobigerinids, belonging to the genus Globuligerina, in the calcareous intrafills between pillow basalt lobes indicates a Callovian—Barremian age interval, most probably, Valanginian to Late Barremian. The volcanic and radiolarite detritus-bearing orbitolinid—Baccinella biodetrital carbonates dated as Late Barremian-Early Aptian in age, were probably deposited around atolls and have a close relationship with the ocean island pillow basalts.

The results collectively support the presence of a seamount on the Neo-Tethyan oceanic crust during the Valanginian—Late Barremian and atolls during the Late Barremian-Early Aptian interval. The presence of an oceanic crust older than that seamount along the Northern Branch of Neo-Tethys is conformable with the geodynamic evolution of the Tethys.  相似文献   

Optically homogeneous augite xenocrysts, closely associated with spinel–peridotite nodules, occur in alkali basalts from Hannuoba (Hebei province, China). They were studied by electron and X-ray diffraction to define the occurrence and significance of pigeonite exsolution microtextures. Sub-calcic augite (Wo34) exsolved into En62–62Fs25–21Wo13–17 pigeonite and En46–45Fs14–14Wo40–42 augite, as revealed by TEM through diffuse coarser (001) lamellae (100–300 Å) and only incipient (100) thinner ones (<70 Å). C2/c augite and P21/c pigeonite lattices, measured by CCD-XRD, relate through a(Aug)?a(Pgt), b(Aug)?b(Pgt), c(Aug)≠c(Pgt) [5.278(1) vs 5.189(1)Å] and β(Aug)≠β(Pgt) [106.55(1) vs 108.55(2)°]. Cell and site volumes strongly support the hypothesis that the augite xenocrysts crystallised at mantle depth from alkaline melts. After the augite xenocrysts entered the magma, (001) lamellae first formed by spinodal decomposition at a Tmin of about 1,100 °C, and coarsened during very rapid transport to the surface; in a later phase, possibly on cooling, incipient (100) lamellae then formed.  相似文献   

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