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WANG  Shuqing 《中国海洋工程》2002,16(3):301-310
This paper investigates the characteristics of reduction of the lateral vibration by use of a Tuned Mass Damper(TMD) for offshore jacket platforms under impact loading. Unlike traditional analysis, the present analysis focnses on theenergy concept of TMD/structure systems. In this study, a time domain is taken. The platform is modeled as a simplifiedsingle-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) system by extraction of the first vibration mode of the structure and the excited force isassumed to be impact loading. The energy dissipation and energy transmission of the structure-TMD system are studied.Finally, an optimized TMD design for the modeled platform is demonstrated based on a new type of cost function - maxi-mum dissipated energy by TMD. Results indicate that TMD control is effective in reducing the standard deviation of thedeck motion but less effective in reducing the maximum response under impact loading.  相似文献   

调谐质量阻尼器对海洋平台的减振效果分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前调谐质量阻尼器(TMD)的研究和设计多数是依据结构的第一阶模态进行的,忽略了TMD对结构其它模态的影响。为了明确TMD是否会对结构的高阶模态造成不利的影响以及影响的程度,论文采用模态分析法将海洋平台-TMD系统进行模态分解,推导出系统各阶模态的状态空间方程。并以一海洋平台为算例,讨论TMD针对结构的某一摸态进行设计时对各阶模态响应的减振效果,仿真的结果表明TMD对设计的模态有较好的减振效果,但对平台的其它模态响应的减振幅度有限,甚至产生不利影响,使某些模态的振动响应增幅较大。  相似文献   

An approach to seismic response reduction for offshore platforms by the use of the tuned liq-uid damper is presented in this paper.First of all,the effects of the tuned frequency ratio and excited fre-quency ratio on the seismic response reduction of the platform structure are investigated.Based on the re-sults,a mechanical model and equation of motion for the TLD-platform system are established.And theneffectiveness of the appraoch is verified by numerical calculation.  相似文献   

固定式海洋平台利用TLD的减震研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文研究固定式海洋平台利用调谐液体阻尼器(TunedLiquidDamper,简称TLD)减小地震反应的方法。首先探讨了调谐频率比、激磁频率比对减震效果的影响,在此基础上建立了TLD——平台系统的力学模型和运动方程,通过数值计算验证了该方法的有效性  相似文献   

海洋石油平台TMD振动控制及参数优化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
研究了随机波浪载荷作用下调谐质量阻尼器(TMD)对桩基钢结构海洋平台的减振效果,采用谱分析法对TMD参数进行优化,优化TMD 使平台的位移响应标准偏差比无TMD下降12.4% 。并研究了TMD参数在优化域内的失调对响应的影响,TMD刚度失调比阻尼失调要敏感,欠阻尼失调比过阻尼失调要敏感。从振害累积概念出发,对谐激励下SDOF- TMD的Randall参数优化方法提出了改进。  相似文献   

Optimal Design of TMD Under Long-Term Nonstationary Wave Loading   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
—Traditionally,the use of a tuned mass damper(TMD)is to improve the surviability of the pri-mary structure under extraordinary loading environment while the design loading condition is describedby either a harmonic function or a stationary random process that can be fully characterized by a powerspectral density(PSD)function.Aiming at prolonging the fatigue life of an offshore platform,this studyconsiders an optimal design of TMD for the platform under long-term nonstationary loading due tolong-term random sea waves characterized by a probabilistic power spectral density(PPSD)function.Inprinciple,a PPSD could be derived based on numerous ordinary PSD functions;and each of them is treat-ed as realization of the corresponding PPSD.This study provides a theoretical development for theoptimal TMD design by minimizing the cost function to be the mean square value of the expectedlong-term response.A numerical example is presented to illustrate the developed design procedure.  相似文献   

对规则波作用下圆形调谐液体阻尼器的可行性及有效性进行了试验研究,探索调谐液体阻尼器对于固定式海洋平台结构成振的实用性。调谐液体阻尼器的减振性能通过结构响应的减小程度来评价。试验观测了容器中液体的运动形态,同时考虑容器的大小、数目,阻尼器与平台结构、波浪三者之间的频率比,质量比以及激振波浪参数等诸多因素的影响,得到了利用调谐液体阻尼器进行固定式海洋平台减振设计的具有指导意义的结论。  相似文献   

研究外荷载为长期非平稳随机过程。考虑长期荷载的特性 ,采用 1个概率谱密度函数来反映长期非平稳随机荷载及其特征 ;概率谱密度函数是基于大量的一般谱密度函数的统计特性获得。以延长结构的抗疲劳使用寿命为目标函数 ,提出了调谐质量减振阻尼器的优化设计方法 ,这在实际工程中有着极为广阔的应用前景。本文旨在从理论上发展长期非平稳随机荷载作用下调谐质量减振阻尼器的优化设计方法 ;文中采用长期波浪实测数据 ,给出了 1个数值算例说明整个设计过程。  相似文献   

Li  Huajun 《中国海洋工程》2002,16(1):33-40
The objective of the present research is to examine the effectiveness of the lateral vibration control of wave-excited re-sponse of offshore platforms with magnelo-rheological (MR) damper, In this study, the offshore platform is simplified to be a single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) system by extracting the first vibration mode of the struclure. The exlernal 'generalized' wave force is determined with a white noise via a designed filler. A semi-active control method based on optimal control the-ory is proposed considering that the yield stress of the MR damper can be varied continuously within a certain range. The dy-namics of SDOF structure coupled with the MR damper is investigated. Numerical simulation demonstrates that the MR damper with this control strategy can significantly reduce the maximum responses and the root-mean-square (RMS) values.  相似文献   

1.IntroductionAmong various control devices,Tuned Mass Damper(TMD)has been mostfrequently usedtothecontrol of structural vibration induced by oscillating loads such as earthquakes,winds,and waves.This is due to the fact that it operates without external e…  相似文献   

SHI  Xiang 《中国海洋工程》2003,17(4):481-494
A three-dimensional fixed offshore platform in deep water modeled by the finite element method is studied in this paper. Analysis of the dynamic response of the MDOF structure is realized taking the non-linearity of the wave drag force and the wave-structure interaction into account. The structural response statistics, which have Gaussian distributions, are used to evaluate the vibration effect of the structure without TMD and with TMD. And an optimal method to design TMD controlling the first mode of the multi-mode structure is proposed. Moreover, the probabilities of occurrence of sea states at the platform site are considered for prediction of the long-term effect of a TMD. Simulation results demonstrate that the long-term effect of a well-designed TMD is good and the practical use is possible due to the good stability of its optimal parameters under different sea states.  相似文献   

The Optimal Design of TMD for Offshore Structures   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
This paper presents the optimal design procedure of Tuned Mass Damper(TMD)for re-ducing vibration of an actual steel jacket offshore platform excited by random wave loading.In this study,a frequency domain is taken.The force on the structure is determined by use of the linearized Morisonequation for an input Power Spectral Density(PSD)of wave elevation.The sensitivity of optimum valuesof TMD to characteristic parameters of random wave spectrum is analyzed.An optimized TMD designfor the modeled platform is given based on design conditions and the findings of the study.  相似文献   

The dynamics of jacket supported offshore wind turbine (OWT) in earthquake environment is one of the progressing focuses in the renewable energy field. Soil-structure interaction (SSI) is a fundamental principle to analyze stability and safety of the structure. This study focuses on the performance of the multiple tuned mass damper (MTMD) in minimizing the dynamic responses of the structures objected to seismic loads combined with static wind and wave loads. Response surface methodology (RSM) has been applied to design the MTMD parameters. The analyses have been performed under two different boundary conditions: fixed base (without SSI) and flexible base (with SSI). Two vibration modes of the structure have been suppressed by multi-mode vibration control principle in both cases. The effectiveness of the MTMD in reducing the dynamic response of the structure is presented. The dynamic SSI plays an important role in the seismic behavior of the jacket supported OWT, especially resting on the soft soil deposit. Finally, it shows that excluding the SSI effect could be the reason of overestimating the MTMD performance.  相似文献   

LU  Jianhui 《中国海洋工程》2002,16(3):321-328
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of multi-tuned mass dampers (MTMD) on mitigating vi-bration of an offshore oil platform subjected to ocean wave loading. An optimal design method is used to determine the optimal damper parameters under ocean wave loading. The force on the structure is determined by use of the linearized Morison equation. Investigation on the deck motion with and vvithout MTMD on the structure is made under design condi-tions. The results show that MTMD with the optimized parameters suppress the response of each structural mode. The sensitivity of optimum values of MTMD to characteristic wave parameters is also analyzed. it is indicated that a single TMD on the deck of a platform can have the best performance, and the small the damping value of TMD, the betler the vibration control.  相似文献   

This paper presents two kinematic failure mechanisms of threc-dimensional rectangular footing resting on homogeneous undrained clay foundation under uniaxial vertical loading and uniaxial moment loading. The failure mechanism under vertical loading comprises a plane strain Prandti-type mechanism over the central part of the longer side, and the size of the mechanism gradually reduces at the ends of the longer side and over the shorter side as the corner of rectangular footing is being approached where the direction of soil motion remains normal to each corresponding side respectively. The failure mechanism under moment loading comprises a plane strain scoop sliding mechanism over the central part of the longer side, and the radius of scoop sliding mechanism increases linearly at the ends of the longer side. On the basis of the kinematic failure mechanisms mentioned above, the vertical ultimate bearing capacity and the ultimate bearing capacity against moment or moment ultimate bearing capacity are obtained by use of upper bound limit analysis theory. At the same time, numerical analysis results, Skempton' s results and Salgado et al. 's results are compared with this upper bound solution. It shows that the presented failure mechanisms and plastic limit analysis predictions are validated. In order to investigate the behaviors of undrained clay foundation beneath the rectangular footing subjected to the combined loadings, numerical analysis is adopted by virtue of the general-purpose FEM software ABAQUS, where the clay is assumed to obey the Mohr-Coulomb yielding criterion. The failure envelope and the ultimate bearing capacity are achieved by the numerical analysis results with the varying aspect ratios from length L to breadth B of the rectangular footing. The failure mechanisms of rectangular footing which are subjected to the combined vertical loading V and horizontal loading H (Vertical loading V and moment loading M, and horizontal loading H and moment loading M respectively are observed in the finite e  相似文献   

针对导管架式海洋平台结构型式与特点,利用冲击隔振理论,将冰锥体与隔振技术结合起来,提出一种能有效降低冰荷载激励的"两级柔性隔振锥体"设计方案。建立了两极隔振锥体简化计算模型,确定了系统振动传递系数参数之间的关系。通过建立海洋平台有限元模型,采用有限元程序,进行了模拟冰荷载激励下的振动响应分析,并对安装隔振装置的小比例模型结构进行了冲击荷载下的减振试验。结果表明采用"两级柔性隔振锥体"能有效降低传递给海洋平台的冰力极值,减小海洋平台冰激励的响应。  相似文献   

As jack-up platforms have recently been used in deeper and harsher waters, there has been an increasing demand to understand their behaviour more accurately to develop more sophisticated analysis techniques. One of the areas of significant development has been the modelling of spudcan performance, where the load-displacement behaviour of the foundation is required to be included in any numerical model of the structure. In this study, beam on nonlinear winkler foundation (BNWF) modeling—which is based on using nonlinear springs and dampers instead of a continuum soil media—is employed for this purpose. A regular monochrome design wave and an irregular wave representing a design sea state are applied to the platform as lateral loading. By using the BNWF model and assuming a granular soil under spudcans, properties such as soil nonlinear behaviour near the structure, contact phenomena at the interface of soil and spudcan (such as uplifting and rocking), and geometrical nonlinear behaviour of the structure are studied. Results of this study show that inelastic behaviour of the soil causes an increase in the lateral displacement at the hull elevation and permanent unequal settlement in soil below the spudcans, which are increased by decreasing the friction angle of the sandy soil. In fact, spudcans and the underlying soil cause a relative fixity at the platform support, which changes the dynamic response of the structure compared with the case where the structure is assumed to have a fixed support or pinned support. For simulating this behaviour without explicit modelling of soil-structure interaction (SSI), moment-rotation curves at the end of platform legs, which are dependent on foundation dimensions and soil characteristics, are obtained. These curves can be used in a simplified model of the platform for considering the relative fixity at the soil-foundation interface.  相似文献   

当前我国近海海域属稀缺资源,波浪能试验场建设须通过合理布局各测试泊位,在保证试验场各泊位可同时正常开展测试工作的前提下,尽量减小用海面积。拉近试验泊位距离,是减小用海面积的直接手段,但在此过程中,必须保证在试验场场址海域水动力环境下,泊位接入测试波浪能装置后,其之间的水动力影响在可接受的范围内。以大万山波浪能试验场泊位设计为例,介绍一种有效的泊位间水动力影响分析方法。方法采用自主开发的二维Boussinesq波浪模型,开展水动力影响分析工作,同时引入相对波高比概念,对泊位接入装置后影响距离和影响面积进行了定量的分析。文中研究得出的分析方法,可用于判定泊位布局设计的合理性。  相似文献   

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