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超大型矿床全球背景一大陆板块源于天外的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柳志青 《矿床地质》1991,10(2):171-178
作者根据碳酸岩、金伯利岩、金刚石矿床和大型、超大型硼矿床与碳质球粒陨石的成因联系,根据超大型矿床密集区中超大型矿床组合与某些陨石中相对富集元素组合的一致性,对全球主要矿床分布规律进行了综合研究,提出地球大陆岩石圈可能主要是由碳质球粒陨石组成的星子(C群星子)演化而来。论文认为,4100—3900Ma时,(群星子陨击地球,形成主要由C群星子组成的原始微板块。富含水、碳和有机物的C群微板块在局部熔融的过程中形成绿岩、花岗岩,并释放出大量水和二氧化碳,形成双层结构的大陆岩石固、原始的酸性水圈和二氧化碳气圈。不同星子形成的大陆岩石圈,成矿元素背景不一致,导致在大陆的不同部位形成不同的超大型矿床密集区。  相似文献   

孙立梅 《吉林地质》2005,24(1):92-96
从工作准备、图形矢量化与校正、建立分层文件、属性编辑、坐标转换、图面整饰和成果输出几方面,叙述在1:20万水文地质图空间数据库建设工作中形成的一套工作方法,结合本省实际提出了建立吉林省空间数据库时对本省区域水文地质特征的处理方法和几点工作体会。  相似文献   

The analysis of the glacial landscape of southern Saskatchewan (Canada) through multiple data sets (e.g. digital elevation model, till compositional data) has revealed previously unrecognized subglacial sediment–landform assemblages. A southwest-trending corridor of mega-scale till lineations (Maskwa corridor) bounded on each side by hummocky terrain extends from the Canadian Shield to southwestern Saskatchewan. This landform assemblage is clearly cross-cut by a broad south to southeast trending corridor (Buffalo corridor) consisting of subparallel curvilinear till ridges. The carbonate content of the surface till is spatially consistent within these assemblages, suggesting a strong sediment–landform relationship. The two corridors are interpreted as the product of palaeo-ice streams. The Maskwa palaeo-ice stream flowed up the regional slope and across preglacial valleys, indicating it was thick and stable. Narrow dispersal trains extending across as well as down-glacier from the Athabasca Basin suggest that the Maskwa palaeo-ice stream extended far into the ice sheet across contrasting shield and platform terrains. In comparison, the Buffalo palaeo-ice stream was thinner and largely controlled by subglacial geology and topography. Its catchments were located at the Canadian Shield boundary and the system was oriented along-slope. It experienced lateral shifts and it was fed by a network of tributaries. The glacial dynamics shift from the Maskwa to the Buffalo system occurred at about 13.5 14C kyr BP. The Buffalo system later evolved into thin outlet lobes until final deglaciation of the area. The proposed model has implications for ice-sheet reconstruction and the assessment of till properties in the prairies and in similar terrains.  相似文献   

The Hydrogeological Landscape (HGL) Framework is a landscape-characterisation tool that is used to discern areas of similar physical, hydrogeological, hydrological, chemical and biological properties, referred to as HGL Units. The HGL Framework facilitates prioritisation of natural-resource management investment by identifying current and potential hazards in the landscape. Within prioritised regions, on-ground management actions are tailored for specific Management Areas within individual HGL Units. The HGL Unit boundaries are determined through expert interpretation of spatial and field based datasets, such as climate, landform, geology, regolith, soil, stream network, groundwater flow systems, water quality and vegetation assemblages. The resulting HGL Units are validated by an interdisciplinary team using field assessment and biophysical testing. The use of the HGL Framework for new applications creates opportunities for refinement of the existing methodology and products for end users. This paper uses an application in the Australian Capital Territory as a case study to illustrate two enhanced techniques for the landscape characterisation component of the HGL Framework: use of an unsupervised statistical learning algorithm, Self-Organising Maps (SOM), to further validate HGL Units; and landform modelling to assist in delineation of Management Areas. The combined use of SOM and landform modelling techniques provides statistical support to the existing expert and field-based techniques, ensuring greater rigour and confidence in determination of landscape patterns. This creates a more refined HGL Framework landscape-characterisation tool, facilitating more precise hazard assessment and strategic natural-resource management by end users.  相似文献   

Hillary Jenks 《GeoJournal》2008,73(3):231-244
The “Little Tokyo” neighborhood of Los Angeles was the center of pre-internment community life for Japanese immigrants and their children and is still considered the symbolic home of later generations of Japanese Americans in Southern California. Drawing on three years of ethnographic research in Little Tokyo, I explore in this article how contemporary Japanese Americans have used and transformed this ancestral landscape in order to express, contest, and formalize collective memories of the Japanese American experience, particularly with regard to their place in the national body politic. Historical narratives inscribed at many places in Little Tokyo, both informal and institutional, project a narrative of sacrifice, suffering, and redemption in the context of internment and military service, articulating neatly with mainstream American tropes of overcoming hardship as a process of ‘earning’ citizenship and its benefits. However, such narratives are also contested by alternative interpretations and representations of these spaces that describe a special role for Japanese Americans in making demands of their government, rather than just sacrifices to it. The resulting debates, disagreements, and even occasional consensus around constructions of nation, identity, community, and belonging are rooted in the ‘sacred ground’ of Little Tokyo, gathering meaning and persuasive power through their connection to a symbolically dense site of shared memory. The multiple memory projects of this landscape reveal how Japanese Americans have envisioned their relationship to the concept of America, to each other, and to other communities with shared experiences in a diverse metropolis.
Hillary JenksEmail:

以整个景观为研究对象,着重分析研究九寨沟的景观格局,景观之间的相互关系以及人类活动对景观的影响.从景观生态学的角度,结合遥感和地理信息系统技术,综合景观分类原理绘制出九寨沟景观分布矢量图,并建立景观空间数据库.运用景观生态学数量分析方法,选取斑块大小、斑块数、平均斑块面积、最大斑块指数、斑块形状指数、景观多样性、景观破碎化等景观指标,对九寨沟景区进行综合的、多层次的景观空间结构分析,从而对景区内景观格局变化的内在规律进行探讨,并针对景观破碎化现况,提出九寨沟生态旅游可持续性发展建议.  相似文献   

Recent Russian legislative and policy documentation concerning national progress towards sustainable development has suggested that the attainment of such a state would represent the first stage in the development of the noosphere as outlined by the Russian scientist Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky (1863-1945). This paper explores Vernadsky’s model of evolutionary change through a focus on his work on the biosphere and noosphere in an attempt to further understanding of the way in which Russia is approaching the concept of sustainable development in the contemporary period. It is argued that the official Russian interpretation of the noosphere idea tends to obscure the evolutionary and materialist foundations of Vernadsky’s biosphere-noosphere conceptualisation. At the same time, the concluding section of the paper suggests that the scope of Vernadsky’s work can be used to stimulate the search for a more coherent approach to work in areas of sustainable development and sustainability across the span of the social and physical sciences.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2006,21(1):134-151
Freshwater Lake Ulubat (c. 1.5 m deep and c. 138 km2) receives sediment from a 10.414 km2 area in the seismically active Susurluk Drainage Basin (SDB) of NW Turkey. The B and trace element contents of the lake infill seem to be a link between the fresh landforms of the SDB and the lacustrine sediment. Deposition in Lake Ulubat has been 1.60 cm a−1 for the last 50 a according to radionucleides; however the sedimentation rate over the last millennium was 0.37 cm a−1 based on 14C dating. The B content of the lacustrine infill displays a slight increase at 0.50 m and a drastic increase at 4 m depth occurring c. 31 a and c. 1070 a ago, respectively. Probably the topmost change corresponds to the start of open mining in the SDB and the second one to the natural trenching of borate ore-deposits. These dates also show indirectly a 1.4 cm a−1 erosion rate during the last millennium as the borate beds were trenched up to 15 m. By extrapolation, it is possible to establish that the formation of some of the present morphological features of the southern Marmara region, especially river incision, began in the late Pleistocene, and developed especially over the last 75 ka.  相似文献   

We discuss the question whether the late Mesoproterozoic and early Neoproterozoic rocks of eastern, central and southern Africa, Madagascar, southern India, Sri Lanka and South America have played any role in the formation and dispersal of the supercontinent Rodinia, believed to have existed between about 1000 and 750 Ma ago. First, there is little evidence for the production of significant volumes of ˜1.4–1.0 Ga (Kibaran or Grenvillian age) continental crust in the Mozambique belt (MB) of East Africa, except, perhaps, in parts of northern Mozambique. This is also valid for most terranes related to West Gondwana, which are made up of basement rocks older than Mesoproterozoic, reworked in the Brasiliano/Pan-African orogenic cycle. This crust cannot be conclusively related to either magmatic accretion processes on the active margin of Rodinia or continental collision leading to amalgamation of the supercontinent. So far, no 1.4–1.0 Ga rocks have been identified in Madagascar. Secondly, there is no conclusive evidence for a ˜1.0 Ga high-grade metamorphic event in the MB, although such metamorphism has been recorded in the presumed continuation of the MB in East Antarctica. In South America, even the Sunsas mobile belt, which is correlated with the Grenville belt of North America, does not include high-grade metamorphic rocks. All terranes with Mesoproterozoic ages seem to have evolved within extensional, aulacogen-type structures, and their compressional deformation, where observed, is normally much younger and is related to amalgamation of Gondwana. This is also valid for the Trans-Saharan and West Congo belts of West Africa.Third, there is also no evidence for post-1000 Ma sedimentary sequences that were deposited on the passive margin(s) of Rodinia. In contrast, the MB of East Africa and Madagascar is characterized by extensive structural reworking and metamorphic overprinting of Archaean rocks, particularly in Tanzania and Madagascar, and these rocks either constitute marginal parts of cratonic domains or represent crustal blocks (terranes or microcontinents?) of unknown derivation. This is also the case for most terranes included in the Borborema/Trans-Saharan belt of northeastern Brazil and west-central Africa, as well as those of the Central Goíás Massif in central Brazil and the Mantiqueira province of eastern and southeastern Brazil.Furthermore, there is evidence for extensive granitoid magmatism in the period ˜840 to <600 Ma whose predominant calc-alkaline chemistry suggests subduction-related active margin processes during the assembly of the supercontinent Gondwana. The location of the main Neoproterozoic magmatic arcs suggests that a large oceanic domain separated the core of Rodinia, namely Laurentia plus Amazonia, Baltica and West Africa, from several continental masses and fragments now in the southern hemisphere, such as the São Francisco/Congo, Kalahari and Rio de La Plata cratons, as well as the Borborema/Trans-Saharan, Central Goiás Massif and Paraná blocks. Moreover, many extensional tectonic events detected in the southern hemisphere continental masses, but also many radiometric ages of granitois that are already associated with the process of amalgamation of Gondwana, are comprised within the 800–1000 age interval. This seems incompatible with current views on the time of disintegration of Rodinia, assumed to have occurred at around 750 Ma.  相似文献   

四川省位于我国西南腹地、长江上游和我国陆地三级阶梯中的一、二级阶梯之间,由于地质构造和地貌的独特性、复杂性和多样性,所形成的地文景观和水域景观等自然景观丰富、类型多样,成为中国乃至全世界地质景观最为丰富、最具特色的地区之一,按2017年底发布实施的《旅游资源分类、调查与评价》分类方案不能很好地反映出四川省地文景观和水域景观特色与亮点,为此,在充分研究国标基础上,结合其他相关规范以及全省地文景观和水域景观特色,依据资源现存状况、形态、特性、特征主要分类原则将地文景观和水域景观划分为8亚类34基本类型,其中前者4亚类21基本类型、后者4亚类13基本类型,与国标相比,取消了四川没有的海面1个亚类及其相应的3个基本类型以及不便于识别的垂直自然带1个基本类型,划分的基本类型与国标一致的有16个、修改完善的有7个、新增加的有11个。对四川景观资源分类方案进行研讨。  相似文献   

曹俊  郭建强  宁志中  陈斌  彭东 《四川地质学报》2020,40(1):169-172,176
四川省位于我国西南腹地、长江上游和我国陆地三级阶梯中的一、二级阶梯之间,由于地质构造和地貌的独特性、复杂性和多样性,所形成的地文景观和水域景观等自然景观丰富、类型多样,成为中国乃至全世界地质景观最为丰富、最具特色的地区之一,按2017年底发布实施的《旅游资源分类、调查与评价》分类方案不能很好地反映出四川省地文景观和水域景观特色与亮点,为此,在充分研究国标基础上,结合其他相关规范以及全省地文景观和水域景观特色,依据资源现存状况、形态、特性、特征主要分类原则将地文景观和水域景观划分为8亚类34基本类型,其中前者4亚类21基本类型、后者4亚类13基本类型,与国标相比,取消了四川没有的海面1个亚类及其相应的3个基本类型以及不便于识别的垂直自然带1个基本类型,划分的基本类型与国标一致的有16个、修改完善的有7个、新增加的有11个。对四川景观资源分类方案进行研讨。  相似文献   

四川省位于我国西南腹地、长江上游和我国陆地三级阶梯中的一、二级阶梯之间,由于地质构造和地貌的独特性、复杂性和多样性,所形成的地文景观和水域景观等自然景观丰富、类型多样,成为中国乃至全世界地质景观最为丰富、最具特色的地区之一,按2017年底发布实施的《旅游资源分类、调查与评价》分类方案不能很好地反映出四川省地文景观和水域景观特色与亮点,为此,在充分研究国标基础上,结合其他相关规范以及全省地文景观和水域景观特色,依据资源现存状况、形态、特性、特征主要分类原则将地文景观和水域景观划分为8亚类34基本类型,其中前者4亚类21基本类型、后者4亚类13基本类型,与国标相比,取消了四川没有的海面1个亚类及其相应的3个基本类型以及不便于识别的垂直自然带1个基本类型,划分的基本类型与国标一致的有16个、修改完善的有7个、新增加的有11个。对四川景观资源分类方案进行研讨。  相似文献   

The paper aims at giving a few methodological suggestions in deterministic earthquake prediction studies based on combined ground-based and space observations of earthquake precursors. Up to now what is lacking is the demonstration of a causal relationship with explained physical processes and looking for a correlation between data gathered simultaneously and continuously by space observations and ground-based measurements. Coordinated space and ground-based observations imply available test sites on the Earth surface to correlate ground data, collected by appropriate networks of instruments, with space ones detected on board of LEO satellites. At this purpose a new result reported in the paper is an original and specific space mission project (ESPERIA) and two instruments of its payload. The ESPERIA space project has been performed for the Italian Space Agency and three ESPERIA instruments (ARINA and LAZIO particle detectors, and EGLE search-coil magnetometer) have been built and tested in space. The EGLE experiment started last April 15, 2005 on board the ISS, within the ENEIDE mission. The launch of ARINA occurred on June 15, 2006, on board the RESURS DK-1 Russian LEO satellite. As an introduction and justification to these experiments the paper clarifies some basic concepts and critical methodological aspects concerning deterministic and statistic approaches and their use in earthquake prediction. We also take the liberty of giving the scientific community a few critical hints based on our personal experience in the field and propose a joint study devoted to earthquake prediction and warning.  相似文献   

王二七  孟恺  许光  樊春  苏哲 《岩石学报》2018,34(7):1867-1875
印度陆块与欧亚大陆的碰撞是印度洋扩张和特提斯洋闭合综合作用的结果。本文通过综合分析和研究提出这3个板块的相互作用致使印度陆块发生过2次向北的仰冲:早期(古新世末-始新世初,~57Ma)仰冲受其超高速运动(140mm/yr)的驱动,与特提斯之间产生的速度差致使两者间的边界发生破裂,密度小的印度陆块沿印度洋东经90°海岭和马尔代夫岛链向北仰冲到特提斯洋壳之上,两者的叠加导致印度陆块北缘——特提斯喜马拉雅地壳增厚(~70km)并且沉积了一套造山磨拉石——柳曲砾岩;晚期(渐新世-中新世之交,~25Ma)仰冲发生在碰撞后,由于高喜马拉雅结晶岩系沿主中央冲断带和藏南拆离断裂发生的垂向挤出,位于上盘的特提斯喜马拉雅沉积盖层同时发生重力垮塌,沿大喜马拉雅反冲断裂仰冲到冈底斯岩浆岩带之上并且造成后者的隆升和前陆下陷,其北缘充填了一套造山磨拉石沉积——大竹卡砾岩。这两次构造事件均受印度陆块的快速运动驱动。此外,在印度陆块超高速运动的挤压下,特提斯洋可能在早白垩世之后就停止了扩张,而老的洋壳不是俯冲消减了就是被仰冲的印度陆块掩盖了,这解释了为什么雅鲁藏布江缝合带只存早白垩世蛇绿岩。印度洋内东经90°海岭和马尔代夫岛链构成印度陆块的南东和南西边界,前者呈右行走滑,后者呈左行走滑,两者勾画出印度陆块向北漂移的轨迹。  相似文献   

Environmental conservation is increasingly operated through partnerships among state, private, and civil society actors, yet little is known empirically about how such collectives function and with what livelihood and governance outcomes. The landscape approach to conservation (known also as the ecosystem approach) is one such hybrid governance platform. Implemented worldwide over the past decade by international NGOs, the landscape approach employs the ‘ecosystem principles’ of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). In spite of its prominence as a conservation and development strategy, little political ecology scholarship has considered the landscape approach. This article offers a case study of a conservation landscape in the Congo Basin, the Tri-National de la Sangha (TNS), which connects tropical forests in Cameroon, Republic of Congo, and Central African Republic. Led by NGOs, the TNS has since 2001 relied on partnerships among logging companies, safari hunters, the state, and local communities. Although the landscape approach purports to facilitate re-negotiations of user rights, resource access patterns in the TNS appear to have molded to pre-existing power relations. Rather than incorporating local concerns and capabilities into management, local knowledge is discredited and livelihoods are marginalized. As a result, management occurs through spatially-demarcated zones, contrasting the fluidity of interactions among diverse groups: both human (loggers, hunter-gatherers, safari guides, NGOs) and non-human (trees, elephants). These findings are situated within a burgeoning literature on neoliberal environmental governance, and suggest that ensuring ecologically and socially positive outcomes will require careful and iterative attention to linkages between ecological processes and evolving power dynamics.  相似文献   

徐璐媛 《地质学报》2021,95(9):2662-2677
充分认识外太阳系撞击体的来源类型和分布特征,对认识外太阳系固态天体上撞击过程,明确外太阳系天体上的撞击坑生成率和撞击坑定年等诸多方面具有重要的意义.得益于海量高质量探测数据的获取,如今我们对内太阳系主要天体表面的撞击分布和来源已经有了较为深入的了解,但对外太阳系天体的撞击分布和来源还知之甚少.不同大小频率的撞击体会在外...  相似文献   

In the absence of documentary evidence about settlement form and agricultural practice in northwest Scotland before the mid‐18th century, a geoarchaeological approach to reconstructing medieval land use and settlement form is presented here. This study applies multielemental analysis to soils previously collected from a settlement site in the Hebrides and highlights the importance of a detailed knowledge of the local soil environment and the cultural context. Geostatistical methods were used to analyze the spatial variability and distribution of a range of soil properties typically associated with geoarchaeological investigations. Semivariograms were produced to determine the spatial dependence of soil properties, and ordinary kriging was undertaken to produce prediction maps of the spatial distribution of these soil properties and enable interpolation over nonsampled locations in an attempt to more fully elucidate former land‐use activity and settlement patterns. The importance of identifying the spatial covariance of elements and the need for several lines of physical and chemical evidence is highlighted. For many townships in the Hebrides, whose precise location and layout prior to extensive land reorganization in the late 18th–early 19th century is not recoverable through plans, multi‐elemental analysis of soils can offer a valuable prospective and diagnostic tool. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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