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三频观测值可改善周跳探测与修复,但易受伪距观测值噪声的严重影响且有一些不敏感周跳组合无法探测。针对目前存在的问题,本文采用小波变换理论对伪距观测值降噪以提高探测修复周跳能力;合理优化组合观测量以组成稳定方程;使用QR分解进一步提高计算跳变量时的数值稳定性。最后,利用BDS和GPS/QZSS三频高、低采样率实测数据进行测试。结果表明,所有人为加入的周跳都被正确探测并修复,而且不存在无法探测、周跳误探与误修复问题。  相似文献   

北斗三频周跳探测方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三频观测量能形成更多优良组合,有利于提高周跳探测和修复的成功率。针对目前北斗已经实现三频观测数据播发,为周跳探测与修复提供了新方法和新途径的现状,该文基于多频伪距相位组合法对北斗三频实测数据进行了数据预处理。结合北斗三频载波相位组合的特性,给出了组合观测量的选取标准,并且利用一组实测数据进行了验证。实验结果表明,在数据采样率较高、历元间电离层延迟变化可忽略时,根据该方法选取的最优伪距相位组合可探测和修复观测数据中的所有周跳。  相似文献   

针对历元间隔较大或电离层延迟较大的情况,采用两个无几何相位组合与一个最优无几何无电离层组合形成3个线性无关的探测量,将历元间高次差法引用到无几何相位组合探测量中,通过选取合适的探测阈值,使无几何相位组合能够正确探测到较大电离层影响情况下的不敏感周跳。此外,文中采用了一种特殊的无几何无电离组合观测量进行辅助修复,通过两次取整保证了周跳修复的准确性,避免了传统三频周处理中的搜索算法造成错误修复的问题,试验表明,文中算法可以正确探测与修复较大电离层影响情况下不同北斗卫星星座类型的所有小周跳组合以及不敏感周跳组合。  相似文献   

高杰  谢建涛 《测绘工程》2016,25(12):25-31
BDS三频观测条件下可以组合得到具有优良特性的虚拟载波观测量,有利于改善非差观测数据的周跳实时探测与修复。文中提出一种基于BDS三频非差数据的周跳实时探测与修复模型:首先,采用消电离层无几何HMW组合观测量探测和修复EWL周跳;然后,将经过修复的EWL观测量与WL组合消除几何相关项,忽略电离层延迟残差进而确定WL周跳;最后采用经过修复的WL观测量与NL组合形成无几何观测量,并通过优化载波相位组合确定电离层延迟的变化量以探测和计算NL周跳,并通过简单变换得到原始载波观测量的周跳值。通过实测BDS三频数据对模型可行性进行验证分析,结果表明,即使在30s的采样率以及电离层活动活跃条件下,该模型都可有效实时探测和修复各类周跳。  相似文献   

The difficulty to detect and repair cycle slip of carrier phase measurements is a key limit for continuously high accuracy of GNSS positioning and navigation services. We propose an automated cycle slip detection and repair method for data preprocessing of a CORS network. The method jointly uses double-differenced (DD) geometry-free (GF) combination and ionospheric-free observation corrected for the computed geometrical distance (IF-OMC) to estimate the cycle slips in dual-frequency observations. The DD GF combination, which is only affected by the ionospheric residual, can be used to detect cycle slips with high reliability except for special pairs such as (77, 60) on GPS L1/L2 frequencies. The detection principle of the IF-OMC observable is such that there is a large discontinuity related to the previous epoch when cycle slips occur at the present epoch. The disadvantages of these two combinations can be overcome employing the proposed detection method. The cycle slip pair (77, 60) has no effect on the GF combination, while a change of 14.65 m is derived from GPS L1/L2 observations using the IF-OMC algorithm. Using pre-determined station coordinates as precise values, we found that the accuracy of the DD IF-OMC combination was 18 mm for a 200-km CORS baseline. Therefore, cycle slips in dual-frequency observations can be correctly and uniquely determined using DD GF and IF-OMC equations. The proposed method was verified by adding simulated cycle slips in observations collected from the CORS network under a quiet ionosphere and shown to be effective. Moreover, the method was assessed with observations made during intense ionospheric activity, which generated extensive cycle slips. The results show that the algorithm can detect and repair all cycle slips apart from two exceptions relating to long data gaps.  相似文献   

Triple-frequency global navigation satellite systems allow the introduction of additional linear observation combinations. We define two geometry-free phase combinations and one geometry-free pseudorange minus phase linear combination to detect and correct cycle slip in real time. At first, the optimal BDS (BeiDou System) triple-frequency geometry-free phase combinations are selected for cycle slip detection. Then, a detailed analysis of the cycle slip detection is performed by examining whether some special cycle slip groups cannot be discovered by the selected combinations. Since there still remain some cycle slip groups undetectable by the two geometry-free phase combinations, we add a pseudorange minus phase linear combination which is linearly independent with these two phase combinations, to be sure that all the cycle slips can be detected. After that, an effective decorrelation search based on LAMBDA and least squares minimum principle is applied to calculate and determine the cycle slips. The method has been tested on triple-frequency undifferenced BDS data coming from a benign observation environment. Results show that the proposed method is able to detect and repair all the small cycle slips in the three carriers.  相似文献   

In order to incorporate the time smoothness of ionospheric delay to aid the cycle slip detection, an adaptive Kalman filter is developed based on variance component estimation. The correlations between measurements at neighboring epochs are fully considered in developing a filtering algorithm for colored measurement noise. Within this filtering framework, epoch-differenced ionospheric delays are predicted. Using this prediction, the potential cycle slips are repaired for triple-frequency signals of global navigation satellite systems. Cycle slips are repaired in a stepwise manner; i.e., for two extra wide lane combinations firstly and then for the third frequency. In the estimation for the third frequency, a stochastic model is followed in which the correlations between the ionospheric delay prediction errors and the errors in the epoch-differenced phase measurements are considered. The implementing details of the proposed method are tabulated. A real BeiDou Navigation Satellite System data set is used to check the performance of the proposed method. Most cycle slips, no matter trivial or nontrivial, can be estimated in float values with satisfactorily high accuracy and their integer values can hence be correctly obtained by simple rounding. To be more specific, all manually introduced nontrivial cycle slips are correctly repaired.  相似文献   

全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)能够为用户提供定位、导航和授时(PNT)服务,被广泛应用于国防安全保障和国民经济建设中.实时精密单点定位(RT-PPP)是一种高精度卫星导航定位方法,针对信号中断导致的重新初始化时间长的问题,提出一种基于历元间差分伪距和载波相位观测量的周跳修复算法,设计了一种RT-PPP算法,并介绍其实现流程.采用国际GNSS服务(IGS)观测站数据进行周跳修复实验,成功率在99%以上,缩短了重新收敛时间.在楼顶进行推车实验,RT-PPP在水平方向定位精度优于1 cm,高程定位方向精度为2~3 cm.  相似文献   

Triple-frequency signals have thus far been available for all satellites of BeiDou and Galileo systems and for some GPS satellites. The main benefit of triple-frequency signals is their formation of extra-wide-lane (EWL) combinations whose ambiguities can be instantaneously fixed for several 10–100 km baselines. Yet, this benefit has not been fully exploited and only used as a constraint for narrow-lane (NL) ambiguity resolution (AR) in most previous studies. In this study, we comprehensively investigate the real-time kinematic (RTK) capabilities of EWL observations, also referred to as EWL RTK (ERTK). We begin by mathematically expressing the ease of EWL AR and the difficulty of NL AR, respectively, using a numerical demonstration. We then present the mathematical models for ERTK including the ionosphere-ignored, ionosphere-float and ionosphere-smoothed types. The experiments are conducted using a four-station network of real triple-frequency BeiDou data with baseline lengths from 33 to 75 km. The results show that the ionosphere-ignored ERTK achieves real-time solutions with a horizontal accuracy of about 10 cm. Although the ionosphere-float ERTK solutions are very noisy, they can be quickly improved at the centimetre level by further applying the ionosphere-smoothed model. Note that such accurate results are very promising and already satisfy many applications without complicated NL AR. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive study to make full use of EWL observations of triple-frequency signals on RTK.  相似文献   

冯威  任小杰  张熙  黄丁发 《测绘学报》2021,50(3):295-303
对于高频高动态的连续实时动态(RTK)定位,快速低时延的周跳探测与修复至关重要.基于高频数据误差特征和改进的几何无关相位组合MGF(modified geometry-free combination),本文提出了一种观测值域的动态GNSS周跳低时延解算方法OMGF(observation based MGF).首先基...  相似文献   

卢祥  何骞  刁锦通 《测绘工程》2016,25(1):17-20
高精度GPS定位的核心问题之一是周跳探测,针对电离层残差法不能较好适用于低采样率情形的不足,提出基于站间单差观测值的电离层残差法。在短基线中,利用站间单差较大地消弱电离层的影响,所提方法能弥补电离层残差法不能较好适用于高采样率情形的不足。利用实测数据实验证明,改进的电离层方法在采样间隔为30s时同样适用,可以将周跳显著地分离。  相似文献   

周跳的探测一直以来都是GPS载波相位测量数据预处理的一个重点和难点,准确探测周跳有利于整周模糊度的确定,大大地提高了GPS的定位精度.文章利用集合卡尔曼滤波模型对GPS周跳问题进行探测研究,针对静态载波相位数据给出了最佳的参数量,进行周跳探测试验,从理论和实践上证明了该模型对GPS周跳探测的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

The linear combinations of multi-frequency carrier-phase measurements for Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) are greatly beneficial to improving the performance of ambiguity resolution (AR), cycle slip correction as well as precise positioning. In this contribution, the existing definitions of the carrier-phase linear combination are reviewed and the integer property of the resulting ambiguity of the phase linear combinations is examined. The general analytical method for solving the optimal integer linear combinations for all triple-frequency GNSS is presented. Three refined triple-frequency integer combinations solely determined by the frequency values are introduced, which are the ionosphere-free (IF) combination that the Sum of its integer coefficients equal to 0 (IFS0), the geometry-free (GF) combination that the Sum of its integer coefficients equal to 0 (GFS0) and the geometry-free and ionosphere-free (GFIF) combination. Besides, the optimal GF, IF, extra-wide lane and ionosphere-reduced integer combinations for GPS and BDS are solved exhaustively by the presented method. Their potential applications in cycle slip detection, AR as well as precise positioning are discussed. At last, a more straightforward GF and IF AR scheme than the existing method is presented based on the GFIF integer combination.  相似文献   

BDS非GEO卫星的MW组合存在与高度角强相关的系统性偏差,针对其引起的TurboEdit算法探测周跳不可靠问题,该文提出一种高度角指数滤波模型.改进后的周跳检验量消除了MW组合的系统性偏差,具有更好的探测性能.采用BDS实测数据对该方法进行验证,结果表明:该方法显著降低了MW组合周跳探测时的漏检和误检,结合GF组合的历元间二次差算法,可以准确探测所有人为加入的周跳.  相似文献   

在高精度GNSS测量中,周跳的存在直接影响到整周模糊度的解算及最终定位精度。针对目前各省市连续运行基准站网多系统观测数据的获取导致周跳探测工作量增加,该文基于甘肃省卫星定位连续运行基准站网(GSCORS)双频观测值提出了一种满足普遍条件的多系统周跳探测方法。采用相位减伪距结合电离层残差法分别对GPS和BDS原始观测值进行周跳探测与修复,通过对相应载波的模拟周跳探测发现,BDS较大的卫星钟差和伪距噪声影响了数据质量,其周跳检测量时间序列波动大于GPS,对7周以上周跳探测的精度较GPS会有1周的偏差,但电离层残差法能对BDS相位减伪距法探测残留的1周小周跳进行二次探测并修复。实验最终证实该方法能够有效探测并且正确分离GPS和BDS每个频率1周以上的周跳。  相似文献   

王帅  高井祥 《测绘科学》2012,37(5):40-42
本文基于多频组合观测值探测周跳的原理,利用模拟的GPS L5数据与L1、L2进行不同的线性组合,选取(0,1,-1)、(-1,8,-7)和(1,-6,5)3个波长较长、线性不相关且几何距离无关、观测噪声较小的组合,对实测数据人为加入了大小不同的周跳组合,周跳探测结果表明,三频甚至多频组合观测值能够实时探测各种情况下的周跳。  相似文献   

针对GNSS技术应用于变形监测场景下经常出现的单频观测值周跳导致模糊度错误传递的问题,该文提出了一种基于基线近似解的单频三差周跳探测方法,该方法不仅解决了参考星更替时周跳检验量的转换问题,提供了参考星发生周跳时的应对方法,同时也从理论上证明了该方法适用于GLONASS卫星观测值的周跳探测,较好地解决了监测环境中出现单频周跳难以探测的问题.通过对开阔环境和遮挡环境的多系统多频数据进行周跳探测实验,证明了新方法能够有效探测出小至1周的周跳,对GNSS技术应用于各种复杂环境具有重要意义.  相似文献   

罗腾  白征东  原波 《测绘科学》2011,36(6):167-168
随着新一代卫星导航定位系统中多个频率观测数据的应用,利用多频载波相位数据的组合特性将会使周跳的探测和修复变得更加快速准确.本文利用多频组合观测值理论,选出适合北斗数据的组合系数,并结合伪距/载波相位组合方法,对北斗三频实测载波数据进行了周跳的探测与修复研究,试验结果表明无论是小周跳、大周跳以及各种粗差,该方法都可以快速...  相似文献   

GNSS实时数据质量控制   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
设计了一套实时数据质量控制模块,利用观测值的多种线性组合进行周跳探测及修复,并对观测方程的验后残差进行实时分析,来探测粗差和周跳,从而使实时数据的处理结果更加稳定可靠,并在PANDA单历元实时数据处理模块(SRIF)的基础上,运用实时质量控制模块进行试验。结果表明,此模块更加稳定可靠,适用于GNSS实时数据处理。  相似文献   

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