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根据2017年8月北极斯瓦尔巴德地区王湾海域微小型浮游动物调查资料,研究了该区域微小型浮游动物的种类组成及群落特征。结果表明:王湾海域在水深10~50 m内存在一个明显温跃层,该温跃层内水温高于其他水层;不同水层盐度变化表现为从表层到底层逐渐增高的趋势,70 m以深海域的盐度基本保持稳定;微小型浮游动物包括无壳纤毛虫(Aloricate Ciliates)、砂壳纤毛虫(Tintinnida Ciliates)和甲壳类无节幼体(Crustacea Nauplii)3个类别,其中砂壳纤毛虫10种。甲壳类无节幼体和无壳纤毛虫均为微小型浮游动物的优势类群,砂壳纤毛虫中的钝笛杯虫(Ptychocylis obtusa)、挪威棘口虫(Acanthostomella norvegica)、网纹虫(Favella sp.)、百乐拟铃虫(Tintinnopsis beroidea)和白领细壳虫(Stenosemella nivalis)均为优势种类;微小型浮游动物主要集中分布在水体的中上层水域10~30 m,该海域温跃层内微小型浮游动物种类和丰度最为丰富,30 m以浅海域微小型浮游动物丰度约占整个水体微小型浮游动物丰度的54.8%,而100 m以浅海域这一比例高达93%以上,其中10 m层为最多(均值为343.3 ind./L),底层为最少(均值为50.9 ind./L);整个调查区域微小型浮游动物的多样性指数均大于2.5,丰富度指数均大于1.2,均匀度均大于0.7,不同站位多样性指数、均匀度指数和丰富度指数波动范围不大,站位间差异不大。  相似文献   

2008年夏季白令海营养盐的分布及其结构状况   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
中国第3次北极考察对白令海营养盐的分布及结构状况进行了观测分析,结果表明,白令海营养盐分布和结构状况区域性特征明显。海盆区表层DIN、磷酸盐和硅酸盐平均浓度分别为9.73,0.94,11.06 μmol/dm3;陆架区表层DIN,磷酸盐和硅酸盐平均浓度分别为0.60, 0.43, 3.74 μmol/dm3。营养盐高值主要出现在白令海西南部的海盆区和海峡口西南侧水域,低值出现于陆架边缘的陆坡区和陆架东部水域。白令海盆区真光层DIN,磷酸盐、硅酸盐浓度普遍较高,叶绿素浓度则较低,具有典型的高营养盐、低叶绿素(HNLC)特征。海盆区生物作用不是营养盐空间分布的主要调控因子,而陆架区营养盐的分布变化不仅受控于物理海洋输运过程的变化,同时也受夏季浮游生物生长、营养盐吸收消耗所影响。陆架和陆坡区表层海水N/P,Si/P比值平均分别为1.8, 9.9和3.2, 2.2,呈明显的低N/P,Si/P比值结构特征,陆坡区缺硅明显,陆架区缺氮显著。在白令海水域磷酸盐浓度普遍较高,它不可能成为浮游植物光合作用限制因子。受硅限制水域主要限于陆坡区硅藻大量繁殖时期,属偶然性限制,在白令海陆架区绝大部分水域主要表现为氮限制。  相似文献   

北极王湾冰海沉积物类型及沉积作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
王湾作为发育于现代冰盖边缘的开放性峡湾,具有典型的冰海沉积特征,使其成为研究冰海沉积作用的良好场所.对湾内54个表层沉积物进行了粒度分析,并计算了其粒度参数.表层沉积物与其他地区冰碛物、冰水沉积物及冰海沉积物的对比,验证了应用粒度参数散点图在区分冰川亚环境过程中的有效性.参照冰海沉积物划分方案,将王湾的冰海沉积物划分为...  相似文献   

夏季渤海西南部及黄河口海域营养盐分布特征   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
There are few papers dealing with nutrients distribution in the mixing region of the Huanghe River Estuary, although the Huanghe River is one of the largest rivers in China. We investigated nutrients (nitrate nitrite, phosphate and silicate) at 81 stations in the southwest Bohai Sea and the Huanghe River Estuary in July, 1984. The concentrations of nitrate, nitrite, phosphate and silicate are higher in the estuary and offshore than those in the centre of the Bohai Sea. They are 44.3ug-at/L for nitrate, 0.31ug-at/L for nitrite, 0.36ug-at/L for phosphate and 60.4ug-at/L for silicate. There are negative correlations between nutrients and salinity in this region. The correlation coefficients in surface layer are:γSiO3-si=-0.963(n=81) γPO4-P=-0.829(n=81) γNO3-N=-0.971(n=81) γNO2-N=-0.553(n=81) The correlation coefficients show that, in the surface layer, there are no obvious removal of nutrients during mixing river-water and seawater in the Huanghe River Estuary.  相似文献   

Kongsfjorden is a typical fjord on the edge of the ice cap of the Arctic Svalbard-Barents Sea. Its inner bay is connected with a modern glacier front along the direction of the fjord axis with a significant gradient change in the parameters of hydrology, sedimentation, and biology. In summer, ice and snow melt-water and floating ice collapse continuously and thus transport the weathering products on the surrounding land into the sea. Thus Kongsfjorden is regards as a natural laboratory for the study of unique sedimentation in polar fjords under modern glacial-sea water conditions. In this study, fifty-two surface sediments were collected in Kongsfjorden for clay mineral analysis to study the sediment source and sediment-transport process. Our results indicate that clay minerals in the surface sediments from Kongsfjorden are mainly composed of illite, chlorite, and kaolinite, and no smectite is found. Rocks from different periods exposed extensively in the surrounding areas of Kongsfjorden provide an important material basis for clay minerals in the Kongsfjorden. Kaolinite may be mainly derived from the fluvial deposits, weathered from reddish sandstones and conglomerates during the Carboniferous Period.Illite is mainly derived from Proterozoic low-grade and medium-grade metamorphic phyllite, mica schist, and gneiss. While chlorite is mainly from Proterozoic low-grade metamorphic phyllite and mica schist. In the direction from the fluvio-glacial estuary to the sea of the glacier front of Kongsfjorden, illite increase gradually,and the content of kaolinite declines gradually. However, the change pattern of chlorite is insignificant, which may be related to the provenance. Kongsfjorden detritus is mainly transported by the fluvio-glacial streams and icebergs into the sea and deposited in the inner bay. Coarse sediments are rapidly deposited in the glacier front,estuary, and near-shore areas. Clay fraction begins to deposit significantly by 200–400 m after flowing into the sea,which due to the crystal behavior of clay minerals, hydrodynamic condition and flocculation. Kaolinite and chlorite on the south of the bay near the Blomstrandhalv?ya Island is mainly affected by ice-rafted detritus and thus can reveal the trajectory of transportation by the floating ice while entering the sea.  相似文献   

以2010年2-3月对渤海海峡进行的3个断面的调查资料为依据,分析并讨论了渤海海峡冬季营养盐的分布特征及其影响因素.结果表明:冬季,由于强烈的垂直混合作用,渤海海峡水体中水温、营养盐及叶绿素a (Chl-a)的分布基本呈上下一致的特征.调查海域营养盐的分布基本呈现出近岸高,中部低;西南部高,北部低的特征,这与近岸受陆源...  相似文献   

钦州湾夏季营养盐的分布特征及富营养化评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2009年8月对钦州湾海域的现场调查资料,分析了钦州湾表层海水中营养盐的分布特征及其成因。结果表明:该湾亚硝酸盐(NO2-N),硝酸盐(NO3-N),铵盐(NH3-N),无机磷(PO4-P)和活性硅(SiO3-S)i平均含量分别为0.05 mg/L,0.46 mg/L,0.09 mg/L,0.007 mg/L和1.54 mg/L。在空间分布上,各营养盐含量均呈现出由湾内向湾外逐渐递减的变化趋势,体现出夏季陆地径流的主导控制作用。相关性分析表明,陆源水的物理混合过程是影响诸营养盐含量的主要因素,生物、化学作用次之。通过污染指数A及营养状态质量指数NQI的分析,整个海湾水质处于中度污染程度和富营养化状态,以无机氮为主要污染因子。  相似文献   

2019年在南海北部开展了4个季节的现场调查,获取了调查海域海水温度、盐度和营养盐等环境要素的实测数据。珠江口西侧近岸海域营养盐表现出明显的季节性和区域特征,除秋季为潜在的氮限制外,冬、春、夏季均表现为磷限制,且春季最为显著,主要受冲淡水输入和陆架水入侵影响。受西南季风强弱和调查海域海底地形差异的影响,春、夏季珠江口外跨陆架断面(A断面)上升流强度大于海南岛以东跨陆架断面(B断面),且夏季营养盐浓度等值线的爬升高度和范围大于春季。黑潮水入侵稀释了陆架坡折处以外海域的营养盐浓度,冬季75~150m深水体的营养盐浓度相比夏季降低了25%以上;El Ni?o期间黑潮水入侵增强,春、秋季A断面的东沙群岛附近海域75~150m深水体的营养盐浓度比相邻站位均低20%以上。春季冷涡中心无机氮(dissolved inorganic nitrogen,DIN)、磷酸盐(PO43–-P)和硅酸盐(Si O32–-Si)相较于边缘区域分别升高了6.42μmol·L–1、0.71μmol·L  相似文献   

2011年春、夏季黄海、东海营养盐分布特征研究   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
利用2011年4月和8月的调查资料,分析讨论了春、夏季黄海、东海营养盐分布特征及影响因素。结果表明,在调查海域,春季的硅酸盐、硝酸盐的浓度较高;夏季磷酸盐、氨氮的浓度较高。受长江冲淡水影响,长江口-浙闽近海表层营养盐浓度较高,且夏季高值区向外海扩展;外海受黑潮表层水的影响营养盐浓度较低。南黄海营养盐主要受长江冲淡水、黄海冷水团、黄海暖流的共同影响,夏季形成强烈的温跃层,在底层维持着一个稳定的高盐、富营养盐的冷水团。  相似文献   

杭州湾营养盐时空分布特征及其影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
文章基于2015年1—12月杭州湾海域12个航次的调查资料,对杭州湾海域营养盐溶解无机氮(DIN)和活性磷酸盐(PO_4~(3-))的月度时空分布特征及其影响进行了探讨。结果表明,杭州湾表层海水DIN和PO_4~(3-)含量空间分布月际间变化明显,其变化受湾内、沿岸径流输入和长江冲淡水影响显著。杭州湾海域12个月DIN含量均超第四类海水水质标准,硝酸盐氮(NO_3~-)占DIN的94%及以上。N/P值处于较高水平,内湾(IB)和外湾(OB)的N/P值季节性变化幅度比中湾(CB)大,海湾生态系统对磷的变化敏感。营养盐-盐度对研究区域的水体混合状况有明显的指示作用,杭州湾营养盐的分布主要受物理混合作用所控制,浮游生物活动对营养盐分布的影响相对较小。  相似文献   

1Introduction Besidestheprecipitationandriverdischarges,the watersinthePacificOceanandtheAtlanticOceanare thesourcesoftheArcticOceanwater.TheAtlantic waterenterstheArcticOceanviatheFramStraitand theBarentsSea.Foritsdenserfeatureduetohigh salinity,mostofitsinkstothenorthofSvaldbardand circulatesinallthedeepbasinsintheArcticOcean, formingthedeepandbottomwatersoftheArcticO- cean(Aagaardetal.,1985;Rudelsetal.,1999).The BeringStraitistheonlychannelforthePacificwater toflowintotheArcticOce…  相似文献   

The Kongsfjorden is highly sensitive region to climate variability, however, the study of gamma-ray radionuclides in related areas is relatively scarce. In this study, the grain size, total organic carbon(TOC), 13 Corg isotopes, and specific activities of seven gamma nuclides were analysed in surface sediments of the Kongsfjorden in the Arctic during the summer of 2017. The specific activities of 210 Pbex, 137 Cs, 238 U, 226 Ra, 228 Ra, 228 Th, and 40 K were 12–256 Bq/kg, 0–3.8 Bq/kg, 25–42 Bq/k...  相似文献   

1Introduction Heterotrophicmicrobesarenowconsideredtobe significantcomponentsofthestructureandfunctionof marinepelagicecosystems.Heterotrophicbacteriacon- stituteamajorpoolofbiomassinopenecosystem (WilhelmandSuttle,1999).Theyconsumealargepor- tionofprimaryproduction(Li,1998;Sherryetal., 2002;Lietal.,2004),andtheymineralizemostofthe dissolvedorganiccarbonthattheyconsume(Azamet al.,1983;Richetal.,1997;Azam,1998).Therolesof planktonicprotists,suchasheterotrophicflagellates andciliates,inmicro…  相似文献   

By using the Arctic runoff data from R-ArcticNET V4.0 and ArcticRIMS, trends of four major rivers flowing into the Arctic Ocean, whose climate factor plays an important role in determining the variability of the Arctic runoff, are investigated. The results show that for the past 30 years, the trend of the Arctic runoff is seasonally dependent. There is a significant trend in spring and winter and a significant decreasing trend in summer, leading to the reduced seasonal cycle. In spring, surface air temperature is the dominant factor influencing the four rivers. In summer, precipitation is the most important factor for Lena and Mackenzie, while snow cover is the most important factor for Yenisei and Ob. For Mackenzie, atmospheric circulation does play an important role for all the seasons, which is not the case for the Eurasian rivers. The authors further discuss the relationships between the Arctic runoff and sea ice. Significant negative correlation is found at the mouth of the rivers into the Arctic Ocean in spring, while significant positive correlation is observed just at the north of the mouths of the rivers into the Arctic in summer. In addition, each river has different relationship with sea ice in the eastern Greenland Sea.  相似文献   

On the basis of the CTD data obtained within the Bering Sea shelf by the Second to Sixth Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition in the summers of 2003, 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014, the classification and interannual variation of water masses on the central Bering Sea shelf and the northern Bering Sea shelf are analyzed. The results indicate that there are both connection and difference between two regions in hydrological features. On the central Bering Sea shelf, there are mainly four types of water masses distribute orderly from the slope to the coast of Alaska: Bering Slope Current Water(BSCW), MW(Mixed Water), Bering Shelf Water(BSW) and Alaska Coastal Water(ACW). In summer, BSW can be divided into Bering Shelf Surface Water(BSW_S) and Bering Shelf Cold Water(BSW_C). On the northern Bering Sea shelf near the Bering Strait,it contains Anadyr Water(AW), BSW and ACW from west to east. But the spatial-temporal features are also remarkable in each region. On the central shelf, the BSCW is saltiest and occupies the west of 177°W, which has the highest salinity in 2014. The BSW_C is the coldest water mass and warmest in 2014; the ACW is freshest and mainly occupies the east of 170°W, which has the highest temperature and salinity in 2012. On the northern Bering Sea shelf near the Bering Strait, the AW is saltiest with temperature decreasing sharply compared with BSCW on the central shelf. In the process of moving northward to the Bering Strait, the AW demonstrates a trend of eastward expansion. The ACW is freshest but saltier than the ACW on the central shelf,which is usually located above the BSW and is saltiest in 2014. The BSW distributes between the AW and the ACW and coldest in 2012, but the cold water of the BSW_C on the central shelf, whose temperature less than 0°C, does not exist on the northern shelf. Although there are so many changes, the respond to a climate change is synchronized in the both regions, which can be divided into the warm years(2003 and 2014) and cold years(2008, 2010 and 2012). The year of 2014 may be a new beginning of warm period.  相似文献   

Global warming has caused Arctic sea ice to rapidly retreat,which is affecting phytoplankton,the primary producers at the base of the food chain,as well as the entire ecosystem.However,few studies with large spatial scales related to the Arctic Basin at high latitude have been conducted.This study aimed to investigate the relationship between changes in phytoplankton community structure and ice conditions.Fifty surface and 41 vertically stratified water samples from the western Arctic Ocean(67.0°–88°26′N,152°–178°54′W) were collected by the Chinese icebreaker R/V Xuelong from July 20 to August 30,2010 during China's fourth Arctic expedition.Using these samples,the species composition,spatial distribution,and regional disparities of phytoplankton during different stages of ice melt were assessed.A total of 157 phytoplankton taxa(5 μm) belonging to 69 genera were identified in the study area.The most abundant species were Navicula pelagica and Thalassiosira nordenskioeldii,accounting for 31.23% and 14.12% of the total phytoplankton abundance,respectively.The average abundance during the departure trip and the return trip were 797.07×10~2 cells/L and 84.94×10~2 cells/L,respectively.The highest abundance was observed at Sta.R09 in the north of Herald Shoal,where Navicula pelagica was the dominant species accounting for 59.42% of the abundance.The vertical distribution of phytoplankton abundance displayed regional differences,and the maximum abundances were confined to the lower layers of the euphotic zone near the layers of the halocline,thermocline,and nutricline.The species abundance of phytoplankton decreased from the low-latitude shelf to the high-latitude basin on both the departure and return trips.The phytoplankton community structure in the shallow continental shelf changed markedly during different stages of ice melt,and there was shift in dominant species from centric to pennate diatoms.Results of canonical correspondence analysis(CCA) showed that there were two distinct communities of phytoplankton in the western Arctic Ocean,and water temperature,ice coverage and silicate concentration were the most important environmental factors affecting phytoplankton distribution in the surveyed sea.These findings will help predict the responses of phytoplankton to the rapid melting of Arctic sea ice.  相似文献   

南黄海是东亚海区陆源物质向西太平洋扩散的重要通道,阐明该海区悬浮体粒度特征及其分布规律对于深入揭示中国东部陆架海区源汇沉积体系形成机制具有重要意义。利用2012年夏季在南黄海调查获取的水文环境资料和悬浮体现场粒度(LISST)观测数据,分析悬浮体粒度分布特征及其影响因素,探讨其在南黄海中部泥质区成因机制中的作用。结果表明:夏季,南黄海悬浮颗粒中≤128 μm的细颗粒主要是由无机矿物颗粒组成,而>128 μm的粗颗粒则由有机颗粒主导。无机颗粒主要分布在混合作用较强的近岸浅水区以及远岸的近底水层,有机颗粒在水体层化较强海域的密度跃层处占据主导地位。再悬浮的海底表层沉积物是海水中无机颗粒的主要来源,潮混合过程是引起再悬浮作用的主要动力因素。潮混合锋阻挡了近岸高浓度无机悬浮颗粒物沿近底层向远岸扩散,但跨锋面的表层离岸流可以将近岸区的部分无机细颗粒物输运至南黄海中部。密度跃层阻碍了冷水团内营养盐进一步向海表扩散,导致浮游植物在密度跃层处富集;大量浮游生物及其分泌物与细小的无机颗粒相结合形成絮集体是海水中>128 μm粗颗粒的主要来源。絮集体的形成促进了表层无机细颗粒向海底沉降,促进了泥质区的形成。  相似文献   

During the 3rd Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition cruise in the summer of 2008, nutrients(NO_3~-, NO_2~-,SiO_3~(2-), and PO_4~(3-)) and dissolved oxygen were measured in the western Arctic Ocean, to derive the vertical distribution of nutrient tracers and its relationship to water structure and biogeochemical processes. The nutrient data show that surface waters had the lowest NO_3~-/PO_4~(3-)water column, suggesting an excess of phosphate. Winter Bering Shelf water(wBSW) had high Si*(16.7 μmol/L;Si*=[Si(OH)_4]–[NO_3~-]) with negative N*(-11.7 μmol/L; N*=[PO_4~(3-)]-16[PO_4~(3-)]+3.5 μmol/L) in the water column,indicating nitrate deficiency. The warm Atlantic layer had positive N*(0.8 μmol/L) and negative Si*(-5.4 μmol/L)compared with Pacific source water. The vertical distribution of nutrients indicates that wBSW can be characterized by N* minimum and Si* maximum. In contrast, minima of Si* and SiO_3~(2-)/PO_4~(3-)below 200 m indicate the distribution of Atlantic warm water.  相似文献   

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