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北冰洋Gakkel洋中脊的地幔熔融控制因素及非岩浆地壳增生   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Spreading rate is a primary factor of mantle melting and tectonic behavior of the global mid-ocean ridges. The spreading rate of the Gakkel ridge decreases gradually from west to east. However, the Gakkel ridge can be divided into four thick-and-thin zones with varying crustal thicknesses along ridge axis. This phenomenon indicates that mantle melting of the Gakkel ridge is not a simple function of spreading rate. Mantle temperature, water content,mantle composition, and other factors are important in crustal accretion processes. Based on gravity-derived crustal thickness and wet melting model, we estimate that the mantle potential temperatures of the four zones are1 270, 1 220, 1 280, and 1 280°C(assuming that mantle water content equals to global average value), with corresponding mantle water contents of 210, 0, 340, and 280 mg/kg(assuming that mantle potential temperature is 1 260°C), respectivly. The western thinned crust zone is best modeled with low mantle temperature, whereas the other zones are mainly controlled by the enhanced conduction caused by the slower spreading rate. Along the Gakkel ridge, the crustal thickness is consistent with rock samples types. Predominated serpentinized peridotite and basalt are found in the area with crustal thickness 1.5 km and 2.5 km, respectively. The rock samples are including from basalt to peridotite in the area with crustal thickness between 1.5 and 2.5 km. Based on this consistency, the traditional magmatic accretion zone accounted for only 44% and amagmatic accretion accounted for 29% of the Gakkel ridge. The amagmatic accretion is a significant characteristic of the ultra-slow spreading ridge.  相似文献   

在俄罗斯科学院地质研究所的海底地貌和构造实验室中,进行着建立中大西洋数字构造图的工作。为此,必须建立相应的数据库和分析各种各样的资料。在研究过程中,作者进行了热液观测,这可能对海洋热液体系领域专家感兴趣。在70年代末发现了高温热泉。在现代的世界海洋中...  相似文献   

我们利用气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GC-MS)测试了南大西洋洋中脊附近采集的沉积物样品中烃类的分布和组成。通过分析发现,样品中烃类表现出明显的双峰分布,同时明显的富集3-甲基烷烃、8-甲基烷烃以及2,4,(n-1)-三甲基烷烃,这可能是海底微生物代谢作用的结果。样品中也富集萜烷、藿烷和甾烷等生物标志物,这也支持样品中烃类主要为微生物来源的观点。样品中沥青和烃类显示出距离热液区近的2V-TVG10和26V-TVG05站位含量高,而距离热液区远的22IV-TVG01、22V-TVG11和22V-TVG14站位含量低的趋势,暗示出样品中沥青以及烃类的分布和组成可能受到海底热液活动的影响。  相似文献   

20年前,科学家乘“阿尔文”号深潜器沿东太平洋海隆21°N洋中脊下潜,通过舷窗看到一个惊人景象:翻腾的云团状黑色“烟雾”从高高的岩石质“火山囱”顶部快速上升。由黑色、细粒颗粒组成的烟雾悬浮在热液卷流中,火山囱由富金属矿物组成。“阿尔文号”用特制流体瓶子和...  相似文献   

超慢速扩张洋中脊具有不同于其他扩张速率洋中脊的特征,表现为剧烈变化的洋壳厚度和典型的非岩浆段。本文对前人研究的洋中脊岩浆形成关键因素和迁移聚集模式进行综合分析,结合实际地球物理和地球化学的观测数据,探讨了超慢速扩张洋中脊岩浆从地幔源区形成、迁移汇聚、形成洋壳的整个地质过程,进一步指出了影响洋壳结构的关键控制因素。研究结果表明,超慢速扩张洋中脊沿轴洋壳厚度的变化受岩浆补给量和迁移汇聚的共同制约。其中,岩浆补给量受控于洋中脊的地幔潜热、地幔成分和扩张速率的变化;岩浆迁移和汇聚过程则与超慢速扩张洋中脊密集的分段特征和阻渗层的空间结构密切相关。  相似文献   

“大洋一号”调查船于2011年5—6月在南大西洋中脊14°S附近进行了7个站位的小型底栖生物采样。共鉴定出小型底栖生物10个类群。小型底栖生物平均丰度为(60.63±54.77) ind/10 cm2,平均干重生物量为(9.42±8.92) μg/10 cm2。线虫是其中的优势类群,丰度为(47.42±47.99)ind/10 cm2,占总丰度的78.21%,另外,肉鞭动物和桡足类分别占总丰度的16.63%和3.91%。生物量前3位的类群依次为桡足类、线虫和肉鞭动物。小型底栖生物密度随沉积物深度增加而减少,约73.55%的生物丰度分布在0~2 cm层内。个体大小方面,有75.32%的小型底栖生物粒径处于32~125 μm范围内。  相似文献   

大西洋中脊轴部裂谷与佛得角断裂东部连接处的地貌构造Г.В.Аганова等大洋中脊和与其共轭的断裂区是详细研究的主要对象之一,研究中运用了综合技术手段,首先是多道回声仪,旁侧声纳和下潜仪器。对大西洋中脊不同地段获取的资料,揭示了以前未知的大西洋中脊轴...  相似文献   

洋中脊-地幔柱、地幔柱-海沟与海沟-洋中脊相互作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由热点假说的提出发展到静态地幔柱学说和动态地幔柱模式,到现在研究较多的大型火成岩省、脊-柱相互作用和脊-沟相互作用,海底构造研究取得了巨大进步。柱-脊相互作用可导致洋中脊的分段、跃迁与石化过程,反之,洋中脊的变化也可导致地幔柱的形态与直径等发生变化。洋中脊与地幔柱相遇可以出现不同的柱-脊相互作用。地幔柱除可以出现在离散型板块边缘外,还可以随板块迁移进入俯冲带,并出现柱-沟相互作用。地幔柱在俯冲带出现的位置不同,因而其对俯冲过程的影响和作用效果也相应不同,目前提出了6种地幔柱与海沟或俯冲带相互作用的可能模式。脊-柱相互作用和脊-沟相互作用对传统的板块俯冲作用过程是个重要突破。  相似文献   

洋中脊与地幔柱热点相互作用研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
地表热点是认识地幔柱假说以及地幔柱动力学的窗口,发生在洋脊与热点之间的相互作用则是了解地球上两大动力系统(板块构造和地幔柱)的直接联系的最有利地区。研究洋脊-热点之间的相互作用对于揭示地幔动力学、热点附近洋壳构造的演变以及与热点密切相关的洋中脊处的岩浆热液活动具有重要的意义。在肯定地幔柱假说的基础上,对洋脊-地幔柱(热点)的模拟实验以及三大洋中不同扩张脊与热点相互作用的最新研究作了系统的介绍和评述,指出室内模拟实验以及地质学、岩石学、地球化学和地球物理学(特别是高分辨率的地震技术)的结合研究将是本领域研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Continuous along-axis Sea Beam coverage of the slow-intermediate spreading (34–38 mm yr−1 full rate) southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge (25°–27°30′S and 31°–38° S) shows that the ridge axis is segmented by both rigid and non-rigid discontinuities. Following the model of Macdonald et al. (1988b), a hierarchy of four orders is proposed for ridge axis discontinuities based on a continuum of relative age and distance offset across the discontinuites. This paper discusses the characteristics associated with five second-order discontinuities found in the areas surveyed. First-order discontinuities represent rigid offsets, transform faults, whereas non-rigid discontinuities fall into the second, third and fourth orders. Like transform fault boundaries, second-order discontinuities have distinctive morphologic signatures both on and off-axis-discordant zones — and therefore are better defined than third- or fourth-order discontinuities. Second-order discontinuities are offsets that range in distance from less than 10 km to approximately 30 km and vary in age offset from 0.5 to approximately 2.0 m.y. The variable morphotectonic geometries associated with these discontinuities indicate that horizontal shear strains are accommodated by both extensional and strike-slip tectonism and that the geometries are unstable in time. Three characteristic geometries are recognized: (1)en echelon jog in the plate boundary where ridge axis tips overlap slightly, (2)en echelon jog in the plate boundary where ridge axes are separated by an extensional basin whose long axis is oriented parallel to the strike of the adjoining ridge axes, and (3) oblique offset characterized by a large extensional basin that is oriented approximately 45° to the strike of the ridge axes. In the case of the third type, evidence for short strands of strike-slip tectonism that link an obliquely oriented extensional basin flanking ridge tips is often apparent. Analysis of the detailed bathymetric and magnetic data collected over the second-order discontinuities and their off axis terrain out to 5–7 m.y. documents that second-order discontinuities can follow several evolutionary paths: they can evolve from transform fault boundaries through prolonged asymmetric spreading, they may migrate along strike leaving a V-shaped wake, and they may remain in approximately the same position but oscillate slightly back and forth. In addition, a small change in the pole of relative motion occurring 4–5 Ma is thought to have resulted in the initiation of at least one second-order discontinuity in the survey area. A geologic model is proposed which involves the interplay of lithospheric thickness, asymmetric spreading, temporal and spatial variability of along-axis magmatic input and changes in the poles of relative motion to explain the origin, morphology and evolution of second-order ridge axis discontinuities.  相似文献   

东海莫霍面起伏与地壳减薄特征初步分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
收集、整理大量由地震剖面提供的沉积层厚度资料,得到东海沉积层等厚图。对完全布格重力异常进行沉积层重力效应改正后,得到剩余重力异常,利用地震资料揭示的莫霍面深度值来约束界面反演得到东海莫霍面埋深。结果表明,东海陆架盆地莫霍面深度在25~28 km之间平缓变化,地壳厚度为14~26 km,西厚东薄;冲绳海槽盆地莫霍面深度为16~26 km,地壳厚度为12~22 km,北厚南薄。东海陆架盆地东部与冲绳海槽盆地南部地壳减薄明显,拉张因子分别达到2.6和3。初步分析认为冲绳海槽地壳以过渡壳为主,并未形成洋壳。  相似文献   

东北大西洋北海渔场鱼类群落结构年际变化研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
陈爽  陈新军 《海洋学报》2019,41(6):64-75
根据2001-2015年东北大西洋北海渔场进行的国际底拖网调查渔获数据,采用生物多样性指数和多元统计分析研究该海域群落结构的年际变化,并利用格局转变贯序t检验的方法研究鱼类种群的转变规律,结合环境因素与捕捞因素分析群落结构变化的原因。结果显示:2001-2015年北海渔场共出现280种渔业资源,其中鱼类有222种,资源丰度波动较大;物种多样性整体呈上升趋势。聚类分析和非度量多维标度排序分析表明,研究期间大致分为2001-2003年、2004-2011年和2012-2015年3个阶段。大西洋鲱分别在2004年和2014年种群结构发生格局转变,格局转变指数(RSI)分别为-0.45和0.41;黑线鳕在2003年和2012年格局发生转变,RSI值分别为-0.58和-0.66;黍鲱在2014年格局发生转变,RSI值为2。通过对环境因素与捕捞因素的分析发现,北海渔场群落格局第一次发生转变主要受捕捞因素影响,第二次发生转变主要受环境因素影响。  相似文献   

The Moho interface provides critical evidence for crustal thickness and the mode of oceanic crust accretion. The seismic Moho interface has not been identified yet at the magma-rich segments (46°-52°E) of the ultra- slow spreading Southwestern Indian Ridge (SWIR). This paper firstly deduces the characteristics and do- mains of seismic phases based on a theoretical oceanic crust model. Then, topographic correction is carried out for the OBS record sections along Profile Y3Y4 using the latest OBS data acquired from the detailed 3D seismic survey at the SWIR in 2010. Seismic phases are identified and analyzed, especially for the reflected and refracted seismic phases from the Moho. A 2D crustal model is finally established using the ray tracing and travel-time simulation method. The presence of reflected seismic phases at Segment 28 shows that the crustal rocks have been separated from the mantle by cooling and the Moho interface has already formed at zero age. The 2D seismic velocity structure across the axis of Segment 28 indicates that detachment faults play a key role during the processes of asymmetric oceanic crust accretion.  相似文献   

翁通爪哇高原、凯尔盖朗高原与沙茨基海隆是全球三大洋底高原, 是大量岩浆喷发到地表的结果, 火山面积分别达1.90×106、1.25×106、0.53×106km2。本文详细分析了该三大洋底高原的地形、剩余地幔布格重力异常(residual mantle Bouguer anomaly, RMBA)与重力反演的相对地壳厚度, 并结合地质与地球化学特征约束进行对比研究。结果显示, 翁通爪哇高原、凯尔盖朗高原与沙茨基海隆分别高出周围海底约4.3、5、4km, 相应的地幔布格重力异常最大变化值分别为250、330、200mGal, 以及相应的相对地壳厚度变化分别为11、13、9km, 表明形成三大洋底高原的岩浆量远远大于正常洋中脊的岩浆量。此外, 三大洋底高原皆形成于洋中脊附近。Nd、Pb、Hf同位素比值分析表明, 翁通爪哇高原的玄武岩组分为洋岛玄武岩; 凯尔盖朗高原大部分类似于洋岛玄武岩, 并含有洋中脊玄武岩组分; 沙茨基海隆的玄武岩组分主要为东太平洋海隆正常洋中脊玄武岩, 却又存在少量位于全球洋岛玄武岩范围内。这些特征揭示了三大洋底高原可能形成于“地幔柱-洋中脊相互作用”。对此本文提出了两种模式: 一为洋中脊被地幔柱拖拽至其上方; 二为洋中脊之下的软流圈受到地幔柱影响, 从而产生超常熔融与超厚地壳。  相似文献   

A new high-resolution velocity model of the southern Kyushu-Palau Ridge(KPR) was derived from an activesource wide-angle seismic reflection/refraction profile. The result shows that the KPR crust can be divided into the upper crust with the P-wave velocity less than 6.1 m/s, and lower crust with P-wave velocity between 6.1 km/s and 7.2 km/s. The crustal thickness of the KPR reaches 12.0 km in the center, which gradually decreases to 5.0–6.0 km at sides. The velocity structure of the KPR is simil...  相似文献   

The sedimentary structure in the Gulf of Cadiz has been extensively studied by oil exploration companies. However, up to now little is known about its deep crustal structure. Moreover, the total thickness of the sedimentary layers remains unknown in large areas. The purpose of this paper is the crustal-scale interpretation of deep seismic near-vertical reflection and refraction/wide-angle reflection data obtained during the IAM (Iberian Atlantic Margins) project, carried out in 1993. Our results indicate that a continental type crust is underlying the entire Gulf of Cadiz, with progressive thinning from east to west. The sedimentary cover shows a great thickness, reaching 8 km in the center of the Gulf. Three main sedimentary units can be recognized: Jurassic-Cretaceous calcareous rocks, continuation of Algarve outcrops; the Allochthonous Units of Guadalquivir/Gulf of Cadiz, the offshore continuation of the inland Carmona nappe; and sub-horizontal post-Miocene marine sediments. The crystalline crust is divided into three main layers: the upper crust is characterized by P-wave velocity values of 5.7–6.1 km/s; the middle crust shows values of 6.3–6.4 km/s; the lower crust has a mean vertical velocity gradient of 0.02 km/s/km, with velocities between 6.9 to 7.1 km/s. The total crustal thickness varies from 27 km for the eastern part of the studied area, to 20 km for the westernmost part. The crustal thinning is more pronounced in a N-S direction than in an E-W direction. No major structures related with a defined Iberia-Africa plate boundary could be found. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

台湾海峡地震与地质构造,地壳运动的关系   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
谢志平  陈园田 《台湾海峡》1995,14(4):338-347
在我国辽阔的渤海、黄海、东海和南海,只有渤海发生过Ms≥7级地震。而面积狭小的台湾海峡却发生3次7-8级地震、34次5-6.9级地震,是我国大陆邻近海域地震活动强度最大、频度最高的地方。  相似文献   

Polymetalic sulfide is the main product of sea-floor hydrothermal venting, and has become an important sea-floor mineral resources for its rich in many kinds of precious metal elements. Since 2007, a number of investigations have been carried out by the China Ocean Mineral Resources Research and Development Association(COMRA)cruises(CCCs) along the Southwest Indian Ridge(SWIR). In 2011, the COMRA signed an exploration contract of sea-floor polymetallic sulfides of 10 000 km2 on the SWIR with the International Seabed Authority. Based on the multibeam data and shipborne gravity data obtained in 2010 by the R/V Dayang Yihao during the leg 6 of CCCs21, together with the global satellite surveys, the characteristics of gravity anomalies are analyzed in the Duanqiao hydrothermal field(37°39′S, 50°24′E). The "subarea calibration" terrain-correcting method is employed to calculate the Bouguer gravity anomaly, and the ocean bottom seismometer(OBS) profile is used to constrain the two-dimensional gravity anomaly simulation. The absent Moho in a previous seismic model is also calculated.The results show that the crustal thickness varies between 3 and 10 km along the profile, and the maximum crustal thickness reaches up to 10 km in the Duanqiao hydrothermal field with an average of 7.5 km. It is by far the most thicker crust discovered along the SWIR. The calculated crust thickness at the Longqi hydrothermal field is approximately 3 km, 1 km less than that indicated by seismic models, possibly due to the outcome of an oceanic core complex(OCC).  相似文献   

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