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A CCD imaging survey of elliptical galaxies which present radio jets is described. The photometric and morphological properties of these galaxies and their nearby companions are described by Fourier analysis of the intensity variations along a set of elliptical contours fitted to the intensity distribution. A large fraction of the sample shows evidence for interaction with close companions. By interpolation between the best-fit ellipses an elliptical galaxy model of the underlying stellar distribution is constructed and by subtraction of these models interesting morphological features such as boxy isophotes, dust lanes and emission line regions are revealed. The data analysis technique developed for this study is described. The morphological and photometric properties of the objects can be explained by gravitational interaction of galaxies in close encounters. Five objects of a complete sample of low luminosity radio galaxies are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy Reviews》2002,46(2-7):353-356
The optical morphological and photometric properties of 79 low redshift radio galaxies are discussed. It is found that most radio galaxies are luminous bulge dominated systems similar to normal non-radio giant ellipticals. The average absolute magnitude of the sample is 〈MHOST(tot)〉=−23.98, with a clear trend for FR I sources to be ∼0.5 mag brighter than FR II galaxies. In about 40% of the objects we find an excess of light in the nucleus attributable to the presence of a nuclear point source. This contributes on average for ∼1–2% of the total flux from the host galaxy. Radio galaxies follow the same μeRe relationship of normal (non-active) elliptical galaxies. The distribution of ellipticity, the amount of twisting and shape of isophotes do not differ significantly from other ellipticals. These results support a scenario where radio emission is little related with the overall properties of the host galaxy.  相似文献   

We present millimetre (mm) and submillimetre (submm) photometry of a sample of five host galaxies of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), obtained using the Max Planck Millimetre Bolometer (MAMBO2) array and Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array (SCUBA). These observations were obtained as part of an ongoing project to investigate the status of GRBs as indicators of star formation. Our targets include two of the most unusual GRB host galaxies, selected as likely candidate submm galaxies: the extremely red  ( R − K ≈ 5)  host of GRB 030115, and the extremely faint  ( R > 29.5)  host of GRB 020124. Neither of these galaxies is detected, but the deep upper limits for GRB 030115 impose constraints on its spectral energy distribution, requiring a warmer dust temperature than is commonly adopted for submillimetre galaxies (SMGs).
As a framework for interpreting these data, and for predicting the results of forthcoming submm surveys of Swift -derived host samples, we model the expected flux and redshift distributions based on luminosity functions of both submm galaxies and GRBs, assuming a direct proportionality between the GRB rate density and the global star formation rate density. We derive the effects of possible sources of uncertainty in these assumptions, including (1) introducing an anticorrelation between GRB rate and the global average metallicity, and (2) varying the dust temperature.  相似文献   

We aim to understand the properties at the locations of supernova(SN) explosions in their host galaxies and compare with the global properties of these host galaxies. We use the integral field spectrograph(IFS) of Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory(MaNGA) to generate 2 D maps of the parameter properties for 11 SN host galaxies. The sample galaxies are analyzed one by one in detail in terms of their properties of velocity field, star formation rate, oxygen abundance, stellar mass, etc.This sample of SN host galaxies has redshifts around z~0.03, which is higher than those of previous related works. The higher redshift distribution allows us to obtain the properties of more distant SN host galaxies. Metallicity(gas-phase oxygen abundance) estimated from integrated spectra can represent the local metallicity at SN explosion sites with small bias. All the host galaxies in our sample are metal-rich galaxies(12+log(O/H) 8.5) except for NGC 6387, which means SNe may be more inclined to explode in metallicity-rich galaxies. There is a positive relation between global gas-phase oxygen abundance and the stellar mass of host galaxies. We also try to compare the differences of the host galaxies between SNe Ia and SNe II. In our sample, both SNe Ia and SNe II can explode in normal galaxies, but SNe II can also explode in an interacting or a merging system, in which star formation is occurring in the galaxy.  相似文献   

Type Ia Supernova (SN Ia) are a powerful, albeit not completely understood, tool for cosmology. Gaps in our understanding of their progenitors and detailed physics can lead to systematic errors in the cosmological distances they measure. We use UV data in two context to help further our understanding of SN Ia progenitors and physics. We analyze a set of nearly 700 light curves, and find no signature of the shock heating of a red giant companion, predicted by Kasen (Astrophys. J. 708:1025, 2010), casting doubt as to frequency of this SN Ia channel. We also use UV imaging of high redshift host galaxies of SN Ia to better understand the environments which SN Ia occur. We show that some high-z elliptical galaxies have current star formation, hindering efforts to use them as low-extinction environments. We show cosmological scatter of SN distances at large effective radii in their hosts is significantly reduced, and argue this is due to the smaller amounts of dust affecting the SN Ia. Finally, we find a two component dependence of SN distance measurements as a function of their host galaxy’s FUV-V color. This indicates that both the age and metallicity/mass of the host galaxy maybe important ingredients in measuring SN Ia distances.  相似文献   

The relative orientations of the optical and radio axes of radio galaxies are analyzed using data for 271 objects. It is found that the radio axes correlate with the minor axes of the optical galaxies for more elongated radio galaxies (K > 2.5, where K is the ratio of the lengths of the major and minor axes of the radio image) and for radio galaxies of the class FRII, whereas for less elongated radio galaxies (K < 2.5) and radio galaxies of the class FRI the radio axes correlate with the major axes of the optical galaxy. In both cases the correlation turns out to be more significant when the radio galaxies are classified in terms of their elongation than when they are classified in terms of the Fanaroff-Riley criterion. The classification in terms of elongation of the radio image can therefore be of interest for understanding overall problems associated with the mechanism of formation and evolution of radio galaxies. A theoretical foundation for such a classification may be the alternative mechanism of formation of radio galaxies from relativistic plasma ejected from the central part of the optical galaxy and moving in its large-scale, dipole magnetic field. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 365–371, July–September, 1999.  相似文献   

The elliptical galaxies identified with 139 radio sources having double, wide-tail, twin-tail, or head-tail structures were examined on glass or film copies of Schmidt sky survey plates, and orientations were measured for 78 of them. The observed radio axes of well-collimated double sources are distributed over all possible orientations relative to their parent galaxies, but there is a significant preference for orientations within 30° of the projected minor axes of the galaxies. A similar minor-axis trend is found among wide-tail and twin-tail sources. The observed minor-axis peak is fairly broad. These results are consistent with either a very large dispersion in the ejection of radio components about the minor axes of oblate galaxies or a small dispersion about the equatorial planes of prolate galaxies. Other evidence indicates that both oblate and prolate radio galaxies exist. The minor-axis trend is stronger for large sources in the sample selected by Palimakaet al. (1979), but counter-examples to the minor-axis trend were found among other giant sources.  相似文献   

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