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In the pre-3.7 Ga old Isua supracrustal belt, West Greenland, a banded iron-formation occurs. The iron-formation can be subdivided into different facies according to composition and mineralogy, and these facies resemble the facies subdivision of younger Archaean and Precambrian iron-formations. The geochemistry of the Isua iron-formation indicates that the secular variation in the contents of phosphorus, calcium and aluminium as well as the Na/K ratios of Precambrian iron-formations can be extended into the Early Archaean. A remarkable feature of the Isua iron-formation is the high chalcopyrite/iron-sulphide ratio. Field relationships and geochemical evidence indicate that the iron-formation is mainly of submarine-exhalative origin from brines of basaltic pedigree.  相似文献   

Growing evidence from the accessible geological record reveals that crust-mantle differentiation on Earth started as early as 4.4 Ga. In order to assess the extent of early Archean mantle depletion, we obtained 176Lu-176Hf, 147Sm-143Nd, and high field strength element (HFSE) concentration data for the least altered, well characterized boninite-like metabasalts and associated metasedimentary rocks from the Isua supracrustal belt (southern West Greenland). The metasediments exhibit initial εHf(3720) values from −0.7 to +1.5 and initial εNd(3720) values from +1.6 to +2.1. Initial εHf(3720) values of the least altered boninite-like metabasalts span a range from +3.5 to +12.9 and initial εNd(3720) values from −0.3 to +3.2. These initial Hf-isotope ratios display coherent trends with SiO2, Al2O3/TiO2 and other relatively immobile elements, indicating contamination via assimilation of enriched components, most likely sediments derived from the earliest crust in the region. This model is also consistent with previously reported initial γOs(3720) values for some of the samples. In addition to the positive εHf(3720) values, the least disturbed samples exhibit positive εNd(3720) values and a co-variation of εHf(3720) and εΝd(3720) values. Based on these observations, it is argued, that the most depleted samples with initial εHf(3720) values of up to +12.9 and high 176Lu/177Hf of ∼0.05 to ∼0.09 tap a highly depleted mantle source with a long term depletion history in the garnet stability field. High precision high field strength element (HFSE) data obtained for the Isua samples confirm the contamination trend. Even the most primitive samples display negative Nb-Ta anomalies and elevated Nb/Ta, indicating a subduction zone setting and overprint of the depleted mantle sources by felsic melts generated by partial melting of eclogite. Collectively, the data for boninite-like metabasalts support the presence of strongly depleted mantle reservoirs as previously inferred from Hf isotope data for Hadean zircons and combined 142Nd-143Nd isotope data for early Archean rocks.  相似文献   

地层证据——对大别造山带汇聚历史的制约   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
大别造山带的汇聚演化历史一直存在不同的认识,来自扬子陆块和华北陆块显生宙以来的地层记录以及北淮阳地区的地层记录可能为两个陆块的汇聚模式提供制约。通过对扬子陆块与华北陆块显生宙以来岩相古地理进行比较,其中3个阶段相似, 2个阶段差别很大。以浊积岩发育作为俯冲阶段的标志,磨拉石建造出现作为闭合的标志,显生宙以来,大别造山带曾经历了两次俯冲和两次汇聚,俯冲时间分别是晚奥陶世—早志留世和早三叠世,汇聚的时间分别为中 晚泥盆世和中三叠世,早期的汇聚具有软碰撞特征,以上认知得到了北淮阳地区地层、古生物和沉积记录的支持,同时也与大别山造山带榴辉岩的同位素年龄数据基本吻合。高压 超高压变质岩在晚三叠世处于快速折返阶段,早侏罗世以前到达地表,其平均折返隆升速率为39~66mm/a。  相似文献   

大别造山带的汇聚演化历史一直存在不同的认识,来自扬子陆块和华北陆块显生宙以来的地层记录以及北淮阳地区的地层记录可能为两个陆块的汇聚模式提供制约。通过对扬子陆块与华北陆块显生宙以来岩相古地理进行比较,其中3个阶段相似, 2个阶段差别很大。以浊积岩发育作为俯冲阶段的标志,磨拉石建造出现作为闭合的标志,显生宙以来,大别造山带曾经历了两次俯冲和两次汇聚,俯冲时间分别是晚奥陶世—早志留世和早三叠世,汇聚的时间分别为中 晚泥盆世和中三叠世,早期的汇聚具有软碰撞特征,以上认知得到了北淮阳地区地层、古生物和沉积记录的支持,同时也与大别山造山带榴辉岩的同位素年龄数据基本吻合。高压 超高压变质岩在晚三叠世处于快速折返阶段,早侏罗世以前到达地表,其平均折返隆升速率为39~66mm/a。  相似文献   

Nineteen subsurface sections and a large number of thin sections of the Mauddud limestone (age Albian?CEarly Cenomanian) were studied to unravel the depositional facies and environments. The allochems in the Mauddud Formation are dominated by bioclasts (reach 23%) and peloids (reach 60%), whereas intraclasts are less abundant (reach 2.3%). The sedimentary microfacies of the Mauddud Formation includes lime mudstone, wackestone, wackestone?Cpackstone, packstone, packstone?Cgrainstone, in addition to dolostone lithofacies and green shale lithofacies. These microfacies have been deposited in shallow warm marine environment of varying salinities and energy levels. Cementation, neomorphism, dolomitization, compaction, and dissolution are observed affecting variably both ground mass and particles. The formation displays various extents of dolomitization and is cemented by calcite and dolomite. Dolomitization increases toward the north of the study area and exhibits different textures. Similarly cementation shows a variety of textures. In addition, authigenic minerals, such as glauconite and pyrite, are scattered within the groundmass and along solution surfaces. The formation has gradational contact with the underlying Nahr Umr Formation but is unconformably overlain by the Ahmadi Formation, despite local conformity. Thus, the vertical bioclast analysis indicates that the Mauddud Formation is characterized by four major depositional cycles, which control the distribution of reservoir quality as well as the patterns of calcite and dolomite, cement distribution. Petrographical study shows that the fossil represents the main Allchem, Peloids, whereas intraclasts come second in abundance. Calcite (more than 50%) and dolomite (as diagenetic products, range between 20% and 50%) are the predominant mineral components of Mauddud Formation. Fossils were studied as an environmental, age, and facial boundary indicators. Five major depositional microfacies are recognized. These depositional microfacies have been subdivided according to their primary and diagenetic constituents into ten submicrofacies. The determined four major depositional cycles were representing normal sequential regression from base upward. The lateral analysis shows the same regressive cycle and by using the lithofacies association concepts to build the depositional model of the Mauddud Formation environment.  相似文献   

This note reports new occurrences of syenite bodies around Marunthurkota area from the Kerala khondalite belt (KKB). Petrological and geochemical studies suggest that the syenites have a pronounced A-type affinity, metaluminous characteristics with high concentrations of alkalies, Rb, Sr, Zr, and high K2O/Na2O ratio. Miaskitic nature (agpaitic index<1) of syenite suggest involvement of CO2 related phase in their genesis. The petrological characteristics signify crystallization of the rock at shallow levels within the crust. Geochemistry favours mantle origin of the magma and enrichment of Ba and Sr are indicative of involvement of carbonatite melt in the source region. The study envisages the presence of a juvenile CO2 enriched upper mantle below the southern Indian continental crust during the Pan-African time.  相似文献   

The benthic foraminifera from the Savitri estuary are being reported for the first time. The faunal analyses reveal the occurrence of mixed assemblage. It is observed that Trochammina inflata is the most dominant species and appears to be the indigenous to mangrove environment.  相似文献   

The depositional facies and environments were unraveling by studying 21 subsurface sections from ten oilfields in the central and southern Iraq and a large number of thin sections of the Nahr Umr (siliciclastic deposit) Formation (Albian). This formation is mainly composed of sandstone interlaminated with minor siltstone and shale, with occurrence of thin limestone beds. Nahr Umr Formation is subdivided into three lithostratigraphic units of variable thicknesses on the basis of lithological variations and log characters. Mineralogically and texturally, mature quartz arenite and sandstones are the common type of the Nahr Umr Formation. The sandstones are cemented by silica and calcite material and have had a complex digenetic history. Compaction, dissolution, and replacements are the main diagenetic processes. Prodelta, distal bar, distributary mouth bar, distributary channel, over bank, and tidal channel are the main depositional environments recognized for the Nahr Umr Formation, within the studied wells. This formation was deposited in shallow marine and fluvial–deltaic environments and exhibit progradational succession of facies. Eight sedimentary facies that have been identified in the Nahr Umr Formation include claystone lithofacies, claystone siltstone lithofacies, lenticular-bedded sandstone–mudstone lithofacies, wavy-bedded sandstone–mudstone lithofacies, flaser-bedded sandstone–mudstone lithofacies, parallel and cross lamination sandstone lithofacies, trough cross-bedded sandstone lithofacies, and planar cross-bedded sandstone lithofacies. The depositional model of the Nahr Umr Formation environment was built based on the lithofacies association concepts.  相似文献   

The Middle Jurassic Walloon Subgroup is a prolific coal seam gas (CSG) resource in the Surat Basin, Queensland. Sedimentary framework models constrain stochastic reservoir models of the geological heterogeneity, but there is limited basin analysis information in the public domain. Here we present a regionally consistent stratigraphic framework model for the Walloon CSG play in the eastern Surat Basin. Lithostratigraphic correlation of open-file industry and government wireline logs supports the interpretation of six subunits in the eastern Surat Basin (oldest–youngest: Durabilla Formation; Taroom Coal Measures; Tangalooma Sandstone; and Juandah Coal Measures, informally divided into three members named the lower Juandah Coal Measures, Juandah sandstone and upper Juandah Coal Measures). Important findings are that subunits within the Walloon Subgroup do not correlate along the entire CSG play area; in many places, the overlying Springbok Sandstone (Upper Jurassic) has incised to the lower Juandah Coal Measures level, removing the upper coal seam groups. The Walloon Subgroup thins to the south through a combination of depositional thinning and truncation. Lithofacies analysis and isopach maps support deposition in a southerly prograding fluvial system or clastic wedge. This stratigraphic and depositional interpretation informs models for hydrogeological studies of the Walloon Subgroup and underpins a regional assessment of controls on microbial methane distribution.  相似文献   

Mudflats and associated mangroves are most important ecosystems of tropical coastal regions. Mangroves play a very important role in maintaining the environmental balance; thus in addition to mangrove reforestation and restoration, afforestation has also been practiced. We studied distribution of sediment components (sand, silt, clay) organic carbon (OC), heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Cr and Co) and pH in six cores collected from one of the largest mudflats of Mandovi estuary, west coast of India. The temporal distribution patterns of these proxies suggested that past changes in tidal energy conditions, fresh water inflow and anthropogenic activities over the last few decades, together helped in development of a middle tidal flat in this estuary. In cores collected from the mangroves, trapping and deposition of finer particles and organic matter were enhanced by a complex aerial mangrove root system in recent years. Mangroves were, therefore, suggested to enhance the buildup of mudflats in Mandovi estuary. Cores collected from mudflats also exhibited higher deposition of finer particles and organic matter (except MF2) in recent years, suggesting maturity and greater stability of the entire mudflat in recent years. Middle tidal flats (mudflats) of Mandovi estuary may, therefore, prove to be suitable substrates for mangrove proliferation in the near future. Finer sediments deposited mainly from mining activities in recent years exhibited lower pH and higher metal content. Organisms dwelling in these recently deposited sediments are, therefore, at higher risk of bioaccumulation and metal toxicity.  相似文献   

In the Itsaq Gneiss Complex south of the Isua supracrustal belt (West Greenland) some areas of early Archaean tonalite and quartz-diorite are non-gneissic, free of pegmatite veins, and in rarer cases are undeformed with relict igneous textures and hence were little modified by heterogeneous ductile deformation under amphibolite facies conditions in several Archaean events. Such well-preserved early Archaean rocks are extremely rare. Tonalites are high Al, and have bulk compositions close to experimental liquids. Trace element abundances and modelling suggest that they probably originated as melts derived from basaltic compositions at sufficiently high pressures to require residual garnet + amphibolites ± clinopyroxene in the source. The major element characteristics of the quartz-diorites suggest these were derived from more mafic magmas than the tonalites, and underwent either igneous differentiation or mixing with crustal material. As in modern arc magmas, high relative abundances of Sr, Ba, Pb, and alkali elements cannot be generated simply from a basaltic source formed by large degrees of melting of a depleted mantle. This may indicate an important role for fluids interacting with mafic rocks in generating the earliest preserved continental crust. The high Ba/Th, Ba/Nb, La/Nb and low Nb/Th, Ce/Pb, and Rb/Cs ratios of these tonalites are also observed in modern arc magmas. SHRIMP U-Pb zircon geochronology was undertaken on seven tonalites, one quartz-diorite, a thin pegmatitic vein and a thin diorite dyke. Cathodoluminescence images show the zircon populations of the quartz-diorite and tonalites are dominated by single-component oscillatory-zoned prismatic grains, which gave ages of 3806 ± 5 to 3818 ± 8 Ma (2σ) (quartz-diorite and 5 tonalites) and 3795 ± 3 Ma (1 tonalite). Dating of recrystallised domains cutting oscillatory-zoned zircon indicates disturbance as early as 3800–3780 Ma. There are rare ca. 3600 Ma and 3800–3780 Ma (very high U and low Th/U) ≤ 20 μm wide partial overgrowths on the prismatic grains. Given likely Zr-undersaturation of precursor melts and evidence of zircon recrystallisation and metamorphic regrowth as early as 3800–3780 Ma, the age determinations on the prismatic oscillatory-zoned zircon populations give the igneous crystallisation age of the tonalite and quartz-diorite protoliths. When the coherency of the geochemistry is considered, these samples represent the best preserved suites of ca. 3800 Ma felsic igneous rocks yet documented. Received: 1 December 1998 / Accepted: 23 July 1999  相似文献   

Four wells (K-109, Hr-1, Tk-3, and Bj-1) in NE Iraq (including parts of the Kurdistan Region) were selected to study the Tithonian–Berriasian Chia Gara Formation from the inorganic geochemical point of view. The intervals studied in each well occurred at present-day burial depths of Hr-1 3,075–3,310 m; K-109 2,780–3,090; Tk-1 2,770–2,890; and Bj-1 2,150–2,310 m. A total of 16 samples from the four studied wells were investigated geochemically using X-ray fluorescence in order to measure their major element oxides and their trace element contents. Among the major oxides, CaO has the highest weight percentages in all samples as expected in this limestone-dominated formation. SiO2 and Al2O3 show higher concentrations only in well Bj-1 than the other sections, due to its shallower depth of deposition and its marginal location within the depositional basin. The general trace element distribution along all studied well successions showed good similarity. However, the ratios of V/Ni and V/Cr were of higher values in the lower part of the formation, which is considered as a good indicator to the deposition of this part of the formation within anoxic depositional environment. An exception was in well Bj-1, where the V/Ni ratio was lower in the this lower part of the formation than the upper part that may be due to the different lithology in this succession which is lacking distinct shale or calcareous shale beds. However, the V/Cr ratio can still indicate the prevailing of reducing condition because V/Cr ratios in all samples are >2. Also, Th/U ratio in the lower part of the studied successions was lower than the upper part, which is also coinciding with the domination of the reducing geochemical conditions in the depositional environment. It may be concluded from this study that the R-mode cluster analysis of the main oxides indicated to the main mineral constituent of the rock which is calcite. It is also confirmed that the SiO2 and Al2O3 contents in the Chia Gara limestones are especially high in well Bj-1, particularly in the lower and upper parts of the succession. On the other hand, R-mode cluster analysis of the trace elements showed lower amounts of Zr and V in relation to silica and confirmed the random distribution of Sr and Ba in the studied samples. Q-mode cluster analysis indicated that the upper part of the studied formation is pure limestone in well H-1 and such purity of limestone beds also occurs in the lower part of the studied formation in well Tk-3. The elemental distribution within the sections as inferred from the studied samples indicates that the anoxic depositional conditions were prevailed during the Chia Gara Formation, especially during the accumulation of the lower part.  相似文献   

Sediments of Balsam Meadow have produced a 11,000-yr pollen record from the southern Sierra Nevada of California. The Balsam Meadow diagram is divided into three zones. (1) The Artemisia zone (11,000–7000 yr B.P.) is characterized by percentages of sagebrush (Artemisia) and other nonarboreal pollen higher than can be found in the modern local vegetation. Vegetation during this interval was probably similar to the modern vegetation on the east slope of the Sierra Nevada and the climate was drier than that of today. (2) Pinus pollen exceeded 80% from 7000 to 3000 yr B.P. in the Pinus zone. The climate was moister than during the Artemisia zone. (3) Fir (Abies, Cupressaceae, and oak (Quercus) percentages increased after 3000 yr B.P. in the Abies zone as the modern vegetation at the site developed and the present cool-moist climatic regime was established. Decreased fire frequency after 1200 yr B.P. is reflected in decreased abundance of macroscopic charcoal and increased concentration of Abies magnifica and Pinus murrayana needles.  相似文献   

对位于松潘-甘孜地体南部的兰尼巴岩体和羊房沟岩体进行了详细的岩石学、地球化学及锆石U-Pb年代学研究,重点讨论了岩体的成因。U-Pb激光剥蚀等离子体质谱(LA-ICPMS)年龄集中在211Ma附近,属晚三叠世,代表了岩体的形成年龄。两岩体具有中等至较高的SiO2含量(58.31%~68.02%)和较高的全碱含量(6.70%~8.80%),具有准铝质(A/CNK=0.68~0.99)的特征,属于高钾钙碱性到橄榄玄粗岩系列。其中,兰尼巴岩体南段富Al2O3(15.85%~16.27%)、K2O(3.29%~3.40%),中等MgO(1.16%~1.47%),并具有高Sr(869×10-6~1032×10-6)、低Y(9.53×10-6~9.85×10-6)特征以及中等至较高的稀土元素分馏[(La/Yb)N>31],并且见有暗色包体,非常类似于下地壳熔融形成的钾质埃达克岩。兰尼巴岩体的北段及羊房沟岩体的主量元素、微量元素特征都很相似,相对兰尼巴岩体南段具有更高的K2O含量(4.08%~5.96%),相对低的Sr(664×10-6~868×10-6),稍高的Y(19.71×10-6~27.76×10-6)和明显较低的Sr/Y比值(29.39~42.05),显示出高钾钙碱性I型花岗岩的特征,可能来自于增厚下地壳的部分熔融。野外地质特征和地球化学特征均显示岩体的形成有幔源物质或新生地壳物质的参与,其中幔源岩浆的加入为松潘-甘孜造山带大量中生代花岗岩的形成提供了热源和部分物源。地幔岩浆的上侵和高钾钙碱性花岗岩体的形成标志着松潘-甘孜造山带至少在晚三叠世就已处于伸展构造环境。  相似文献   

Two sections of the anorthosite ‘complex’ were examined at Messina, South Africa and at Pikwe, Botswana. Thirty XRF whole-rock analyses of samples in stratigraphic order show that alkalies at Messina increase upwards from leuco-gabbros to anorthosites, but no such correlation was found at Pikwe. Electron probe analyses of plagioclases in 33 samples indicate extensive normal zoning and variation (An31-An80) especially at Pikwe. The highest An-contents tend to vary monotonically with stratigraphic position, whereas the lowest values are erratic. Twenty-two amphibole analyses indicate that SiO2, TiO2 and MgO/FeO increase, decrease and increase, respectively, with height at Messina, but 22 analyses from Pikwe show no such trends. Their compositions are similar to those from the Fiskenaesset complex. Aluminous chromites are Fe-rich, also like the Fiskenaesset ones.

The Limpopo anorthositic rocks belong to a layered igneous body that was recrystallized by regional metamorphism and subjected to erratic metasomatism. The original Limpopo and Fiskenaesset bodies strongly resemble gabbroic and peridotitic relics in the Peninsular Ranges Batholith in S. California.  相似文献   

The Jeribe Formation (Early Middle Miocene) in the central and southern Iraq consists mainly of shallow marine carbonates. Many microfacies have been identified: mudstone, wackestone, packstone, and grainstone with seven submicrofacies. Four major depositional cycles were determined. Microfacies developments and their distribution are controlled by cyclicity and relative sea level fluctuations. The Allochems in the Jeribe Limestone Formation are dominated by bioclasts. Peloids, ooids, and intraclasts are less abundant. The fossils are represented by benthonic forams and very rare planktonic forams. Calcite and dolomite are the predominant mineral components of Jeribe Formation. The carbonates of Jeribe have been affected by a variety of diagenetic processes such as compaction, dissolution, cementation, neomorphism, dolomitization, anhydritization, and silicification. By using the lithofacies association concepts, the depositional model of the Jeribe Formation environment was built. The Jeribe was deposited in open to restricted platforms which indicated lagoonal environment with warm and restricted-open circulation and the lower part (in well Hemrin-2) was deposited in foreslope environment.  相似文献   

The Xiong'er volcanic belt, covering an area of more than 60,000 km2 along the southern margin of the North China Craton, has long been considered an intra-continental rift zone and recently interpreted as part of a large igneous province formed by a mantle plume that led to the breakup of the Paleo-Mesoproterozoic supercontinent Columbia. However, such interpretations cannot be accommodated by lithology, mineralogy, geochemistry and geochronology of the volcanic rocks in the belt. Lithologically, the Xiong'er volcanic belt is dominated by basaltic andesite and andesite, with minor dacite and rhyolite, different from rock associations related to continental rifts or mantle plumes, which are generally bimodal and dominated by mafic components. However, they are remarkably similar to those rock associations in modern continental margin arcs. In some of the basaltic andesites and andesites, amphibole is a common phenocryst phase, suggesting the involvement of H2O-rich fluids in the petrogenesis of the Xiong'er volcanic rocks. Geochemically, the Xiong'er volcanic rocks fall in the calc-alkaline series, and in most tectono-magmatic discrimination diagrams, the majority of the Xiong'er volcanic rocks show affinities to magmatic arcs. In the primitive mantle normalized trace-element diagrams, the Xiong'er volcanic rocks show enrichments in the LILE and LREE, and negative Nb–Ta–Ti anomalies, similar to arc-related volcanic rocks produced by the hydrous melting of metasomatized mantle wedge. Nd-isotope compositions of the Xiong'er volcanic rocks suggest that 5–15% older crust has been transferred into the upper lithospheric mantle by subduction-related recycling during Archean to Paleoproterozoic time. Available SHRIMP and LA-ICP-MS U–Pb zircon age data indicate that the Xiong'er volcanic rocks erupted intermittently over a protracted interval from 1.78 Ga, through 1.76–1.75 Ga and 1.65 Ga, to 1.45 Ga, though the major phase of the volcanism occurred at 1.78–1.75 Ga. Such multiple and intermittent volcanism is inconsistent with a mantle plume-driven rifting event, but is not uncommon in ancient and existing continental margin arcs. Taken together, the Xiong'er volcanic belt was most likely a Paleo-Mesoproterozoic continental magmatic arc that formed at the southern margin of the North China Craton. Similar Paleo-Mesoproterozoic continental magmatic arcs were also present at the southern and southeastern margins of Laurentia, the southern margin of Baltica, the northwestern margin of Amonzonia, and the southern and eastern margins of the North Australia Craton, which are considered to represent subduction-related episodic outbuilding on the continental margins of the Paleo-Mesoproterozoic supercontinent Columbia. Therefore, in any configuration of the supercontinent Columbia, the southern margin of the North China Craton could not have been connected to any other continental block as proposed in a recent configuration, but must have faced an open ocean whose lithosphere was subducted beneath the southern margin of the North China Craton.  相似文献   

对取自赣南地区10个温泉的地热气体进行了气体化学成分及氦、碳、氖同位素组成的分析。该区地热气体可分为CO2型和N2型两种类型。CO2型地热气体分布在赣南东南部地区,主要成分是CO2,占总体积96.47%以上,二氧化碳气体的δ13C值为 -5.50‰~-3.49‰(PDB),平均为 -4.66‰,为幔源无机成因,其氦同位素组成为1.36~2.27 Ra,具有明显的幔源成因特征,最高约有28.2%的氦源于地幔,其N2-Ar-He关系研究表明,该型地热气体中的氮源于地幔-地壳-大气混合成因。研究揭示该区CO2型地热气体属幔源无机成因气,是地幔脱气作用的产物。N2型地热气体分布在赣南西部地区,N2含量占91.04%以上,其中二氧化碳气体的δ13C值为 -23.7‰~-12.6‰,平均为 -17.82‰,为壳源有机成因,其氦同位素组成为0.06~0.13 Ra,具有明显的壳源放射性成因特征,3He/4He 与 4He/20Ne关系和He-Ar-N2关系研究表明,N2型温泉气主要来源于大气,并有壳源气体的贡献。  相似文献   

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