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Nonstationary gas-dynamical processes occuring in the disks of spiral galaxies due to the external gravitational field have been studied using numerical simulations. A series of hydrodynamical discontinuities, including strong shock fronts and contact discontinuities, arises as a result of the nonlinear, supersonic interaction between emerging spiral formations and the flow of matter in the two-armed global morphology.  相似文献   

The influence of close passages of galaxies on the shapes of disk galaxies and the distribution of stars in them is studied for several types of interactions in the framework of the restricted N-body problem. Depending on the conditions adopted, either two spiral density waves or ring structures are formed in the stellar disk of the galaxy. These structures can generate star formation fronts with the corresponding shape, as are observed in disk galaxies. Our calculations can also be applied to study the influence of the passage of a nearby star on a protoplanetary disk. The formation of ring structures there could specify the type of planet formation in the outer regions of the planetary system and the distribution of semimajor axes for the planetary orbits. We use the same model to study the generation and evolution of spiral density waves in the stellar disks of galaxies as a result of the recently found asymmetry of the gravitational potential in the massive dark haloes in disk galaxies. The dipole component of the gravitational field of the halo can continuously permanently generate the spiral structure in disk galaxies.  相似文献   

We suggest and justify a new photometric method enabling the derivation of the relative thickness of a galactic disk from the two-dimensional surface-brightness distribution of the galaxy in the plane of the sky. The method is applied to images of 45 early-type (S0-Sb) galaxies with known radial exponential or piece-wise-exponential (with a flatter outer profile) surface-brightness distributions. The data were taken from the open SDSS archive. The statistics of the estimated relative thicknesses of the stellar disks of early-type galaxies show the following features. The disks of lenticular and spiral early-type galaxies have similar thickness. The presence of a bar results in only a slight increase of the thickness. However, there is a substantial difference between the thicknesses of disks with a single exponential brightness profile and exponential disks that represent the inner segments of Type III profiles (after Erwin); i.e., they have an outer exponential disk with a larger characteristic scale. The disks are significantly thicker in the former than in the latter case. This may provide evidence that a single exponential scale in a disk surface-brightness distribution forms due to viscosity effects acting over the entire period of star-formation evolution in the disk.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the radial scales, central surface brightnesses, and colors of 400 disks of various types of galaxies. For nine galaxies, the brightness decrease and the central disk brightness were obtained via a two-dimensional decomposition of the U BV RI J H K photometric images into bulge and disk components. We used published disk parameters for 392 of the galaxies. The central surface brightness μ 0,i 0 and linear (disk) scale length h vary smoothly along the Hubble sequence of galaxies within a rather narrow interval. The disks of relatively early-type galaxies display higher central K surface brightnesses, higher central surface densities, higher central mass-to-luminosity ratios M/L(B), smaller sizes (relative to the diameter of the galaxy D 25), redder integrated colors, and redder central colors. The color gradient normalized to the radius of the galaxy and the “blue” central surface brightness of the disk, μ 0,i/0(B), are both independent of the galaxy type. The radial disk scales in different photometric bands differ less in early-type than in late-type galaxies. A correlation between the central disk surface brightness and the total luminosity of the galaxy is observed. We also consider the influence of dust on the photometric parameters of the disks.  相似文献   

After 50 years of observational studies of black holes, great progress has been achieved in this branch of astrophysics. Several dozen stellar-mass black holes have been discovered in X-ray binaries, and several hundred supermassive black holes in galactic nuclei. The remarkable recent discovery of gravitational waves from merging black holes in a binary system by LIGO marks the beginning of a new stage in black-hole research. It is quite possible that gravitational-wave studies will provide definitive evidence for the existence of event horizons in black holes in the near future. On the other hand, the development of methods for space and ground-based radio-interferometry observations provides hope that it will be possible to obtain images of “shadows” of supermassive black holes in galactic nuclei, and to observe directly processes occurring in the vicinities of the event horizons of supermassive black holes. This is important for tests of general relativity in extremely strong gravitational fields.  相似文献   

The four well studied spiral galaxies M33, M81, M100, and M101 are used to analyze the dependences of the star-formation rate (SFR) and star-formation efficiency (SFE = SFR/M gas ) on galactocentric distance R and the photometric and some kinematic parameters of galactic disks. The dependences SFR(R) were estimated based on UV and far-infrared data using published extinction-corrected UV brightness profiles of the galaxies. The local SFE values are most closely related to the surface brightness (density) of the galactic disk at a given R, with this dependence being the same for all four galaxies (except for their central regions). In order to explain the observed disk densities in terms of a simple conservative model (“toy model”) for the evolution of the gas density, the local value of the parameter N in the Schmidt law for the disk (SFR ~ σ gas N ) must not exceed unity. In this case, the observed dependences σ gas (R) and SFE(R) can be matched assuming that accretion is occuring in the central regions of the disks.  相似文献   

The results of studies of the over-reflection mechanism for the development of hydrodynamical instability in the accretion disks of close binary stars are presented. The driving of this instability is shown to result in the generation of regular, large-scale, spiral-vortex structures and the development of turbulence in the disk. The derived estimates of the coefficient of turbulent viscosity are in good agreement with the observations, and are able to explain the high rate of angular-momentum transfer and the measured accretion rate. The developed theoretical model is used with the observational data to derive a power-law spectrum for the developed turbulence.  相似文献   

Two-color photometric data obtained on the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory are used to analyze the structure of 13 large disk galaxies in the NGC 80 group. Nine of the 13 studied galaxies are classified as lenticular galaxies. The stellar populations in the galaxies are very diverse, from old stars with ages of T > 10 billion years (IC 1541) to relatively young stars with ages of T ∼ 1–3 billion years (IC 1548, NGC 85); in one case, star formation is ongoing (UCM 0018+2216). In most of the studied galaxies, more precisely in all of them brighter than M B ∼ −18, two-tiered stellar disks are detected, whose radial surface-brightness profiles can be described by two exponential segments with different characteristic scales—shorter near the center and longer at the periphery. All of the dwarf S0 galaxies with single-tiered disks are close companions to larger galaxies. Except for this fact, no dependence of the properties of S0 galaxies on distance from the center of the group is found. Morphological signs of a “minor merger” are found in the lenticular galaxy NGC 85. Based on these last two results, it is concluded that the most probable mechanism for their transformation of spiral into lenticular galaxies in groups is gravitational (minor mergers and tidal interactions).  相似文献   

Surface photometry data are presented for 12 southern lenticular galaxies located in regions of low density. Digital images in the gri bands were obtained on the LCOGT network of meter-class telescopes. Structural parameters of the global stellar disks of the galaxies are calculated—the exponential scale and relative thickness. The presence of substructure in the disks is noted; in particular, more than half the studied galaxies possess ring structures, sometimes more than one. The color maps presented indicate complex evolution of the substructure of the disks of lenticular galaxies: they can be classified as blue (ongoing star formation) or red (concentration of dust). The rings do not always lie in the main plane of the disk; there are cases of clearly inclined, or even polar, compact rings.  相似文献   

Summary  This paper presents a combination of the Boundary Element Method (BEM) and the cracked ring test to determine the mixed-mode (I–II) fracture toughness of anisotropic rocks. The proposed BEM is used to accurately calculate the Stress Intensity Factors (SIFs) of a cracked anisotropic plate. An anisotropic Hualien marble of Taiwan with a distinct foliation was selected to conduct the cracked ring tests. Based on the measurement of the failure load during the test, the mixed-mode (I–II) fracture toughness can be determined. Experimental results show that the radius ratio, inclination and crack angle significantly affect the fracture toughness. The mode-I fracture toughness (K IC ) is shown to decrease with the increase in hole diameter, whereas the mode-II fracture toughness (K IIC ) increases with the increase in hole diameter when the crack angle β is equal to 0°. The experimental methods proposed have the advantage that the material is easily prepared, the test procedure is simple, and the cost is low. Correspondence: Chia-Hau Chen, Chao-Shi Chen, Department of Resources Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, 701 Tainan, Taiwan  相似文献   

A new theory for the formation of the main structures of galaxies is proposed: these structures are viewed as low-frequency normal modes in disks consisting of precessing stellar orbits. Mathematically, the theory is based on an integral equation in the form of a classical eigenvalue problem, with the eigenvalues being equal to the angular velocities Ωp of the modes. Analysis of the general properties of the master integral equation (without finding concrete solutions) shows that it admits two types of solutions: barlike and spiral. The numerical algorithms are discussed and particular solutions of the integral equation are presented. If resonance interaction can be neglected, the bar mode represents a neutral perturbation of the disk. This mode can be amplified by the effect of the long-range gravitational field of the mode on stars located in the vicinity of the corotation and outer-Lindblad resonances. Spiral perturbations are waves with zero total angular momentum, and spiral modes are excited at the inner-Lindblad resonance. The approach proposed is compared to currently accepted mechanisms for the formation of galactic structures. In particular, Toomre's application of the swing amplification mechanism to explain the formation of global modes is critically discussed. In addition, we show that it is not correct to simulate the real stellar velocity dispersion in a galaxy using softened gravity.  相似文献   

The results of 3D modeling of the formation of the accretion disks of intermediate polars are presented. A model with misaligned rotation axes of accretor and the orbit is onsidered, in which it is assumed that the white dwarf has a dipolar magnetic field with its symmetry axis inclined to the whitedwarf rotation and orbital axes. The computations show that, in the early stages of formation of the disk, the action of magnetic field is able to create the initial (seed) inclination of the disk. This inclination is then supported mainly by the dynamical pressure of the flow from the inner Lagrangian point L1. As themass of the disk increases, the inclination disappears. Under certain conditions, the disk inclination does not arise in systems with misaligned white-dwarf rotation and orbital axes. The influence of the magnetic field and asynchronous rotation of the accretor may result in the formation of spiral waves in the disk with amplitudes sufficient to be detected observationally.  相似文献   

We have developed a three-dimensional numerical model and applied it to simulate plasma flows in semi-detached binary systems whose accretor possesses a strong intrinsic magnetic field. The model is based on the assumption that the plasma dynamics are determined by the slow mean flow, which forms a backdrop for the rapid propagation of MHD waves. The equations describing the slow motion of matter were obtained by averaging over rapidly propagating pulsations. The numerical model includes the diffusion of magnetic field by current dissipation in turbulent vortices, magnetic buoyancy, and wave MHD turbulence. A modified three-dimensional, parallel, numerical code was used to simulate the flow structure in close binary systems with various accretor magnetic fields, from 105 to 108 G. The conditions for the formation of the accretion disk and the criteria distinguishing the two types of flow corresponding to intermediate polars and polars are discussed.  相似文献   

We use UBVRI CCD photometry to study star-forming regions (SFRs) in the galaxies NGC 5585 and IC 1525. The observations were acquired with the 1.5-m telescope of the Mt. Maidanak Observatory of the Astronomical Institute of the Uzbek Academy of Sciences (Uzbekistan), with seeing of 0.8″–1.8″. We identified 47 SFRs in NGC 5585 and 16 SFRs in IC 1525. We estimated the ages and internal extinctions of the SFRs using the PEGASE2 evolution models. The sizes of the SFRs were also determined. We discuss in detail the techniques applied to evaluate the SFR parameters from photometric analysis. The age range for the studied SFRs is (2–40) × 106 yrs, and the internal extinctions are A(V ) ≤ 1.5m. The age distributions of the SFRs in both galaxies are typical of stellar systems with intense, extended star formation. The internal extinction in the SFRs decreases with distance from the galactic centers: A(V ) ∝ −r. For both galaxies, the scale length for the decrease of the dust surface density, estimated from the A(V )−r relation for SFRs, is close to the scale length for the disk brightness decrease in the V and R bands. Relatively larger and older SFRs are observed in the galaxies’ rings, while such SFRs are not found in the spiral arms. We detected different SFR parameters for different spiral arms of NGC 5585.  相似文献   

We consider the interaction of interstellar dust grains with a galactic shock in the gaseous component. Typical parameters of dust grains and spiral density waves imply that the formation of large-scale dust lanes at the front of a galactic shock is possible only in models taking into account a self-focusing phenomenon. In the case of an isothermal flow of interstellar gas through a spiral arm in a model with a gaseous disk of variable thickness, dust lanes can be projected onto the region of increased gas density, although this is not associated with a galactic shock. The dust density peak derived from the classical model of a galactic shock (isothermal flow and a constant thickness of the gaseous disk) is appreciably shifted downstream of the gas flow, so that it does not outline the gas density maximum.  相似文献   

The effect of the discrete structure of the halo on local oscillations of a galactic disk is analyzed. Such effects have much in common with dynamical friction. Gaseous and stellar disks are considered; in both cases, some leading spiral density waves are unstable. Bending oscillations of the disk can also be unstable when the disk interacts with the halo.  相似文献   

We have carried out a search for compact radio sources in the cores of 16 nearby radio galaxies. We detected compact components in four radio galaxies, and found upper limits for the flux density in compact components in ten radio galaxies. VLBI observations enabled the detection of a turnover in the spectra of the two nearby radio galaxies 3C 111 and 3C 465. Using a method based on an inhomogeneous model for a synchrotron source, we estimate the magnetic-field strength and the energy densities in the magnetic field and relativistic electrons in the cores of these radio galaxies. Strong inhomogeneity in the distribution of the magnetic fields in the cores of 3C 111 and 3C 465 is implied by our analysis. The magnetic-field strengths in the central regions of these galactic nuclei, on scales of ~0.1 pc, exceed the mean strength by four to five orders of magnitude, and lie in the range 102 G < H < 104 G.  相似文献   

Data on about forty virialized galaxy clusters with bright central galaxies, for which both the galactic velocity dispersion (?? gal) and the stellar velocity dispersion in the brightest galaxies (??*) are measured, have been used to obtain several approximate relations between ?? gal, ??*, the absolute B magnitude of the brightest central galaxyM B BCG , and the mass of the central massive black holeM BH: $\begin{gathered} \log \sigma _* = (0.12 \pm 0.14)\log \sigma _{gal} + (2.1 \pm 0.4), \hfill \\ \log \sigma _* = - (0.15 \pm 0.02)M_B^{BCG} + (0.85 \pm 0.5), \hfill \\ \log M_{BH} = 0.51\log \sigma _{gal} + 7.28. \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $ . These relations can be used to derive crude estimates ofMBH in the nuclei of the brightest galaxies using the parameters of the both host galaxies and the host galaxy clusters. The last relation above confirms earlier suggestions of a quadratic relation between the masses of the coronas of the host systems and the masses their central objects: M hg halo ?? M cent 2 . The relations obtained are consistent with the common evolution of subsystems with different scales and masses formed in the process of hierarchical clustering.  相似文献   

The mixing of metals in the intergalactic gas when a galaxy with a metal-rich envelope moves through the intergalactic medium is analyzed. Two simple models for the initial distribution of metals are considered. In the first case, the metals are concentrated in a fairly thin envelope with thickness ΔR s =1 kpc, outer radius R s =31 kpc, and metallicity Z=10?3. In the second case, material with the same metallicity uniformly fills an entire spherical region of radius R s . After 2.85 Gyr, the metals are distributed over a fairly extended volume with a typical size of ?200 kpc in the direction of the motion of the intergalactic gas, with a mean metallicity of ?4.6×10?4 in metal-enriched regions. However, the distribution of metals remains extremely nonuniform, so that the main contribution to the overall metallicity is provided by metal-rich islands Z?6×10?4 that occupy only ~10% of the total mixing volume. Moreover, metal-free regions remain in this volume.  相似文献   

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