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利用自然资源部古地磁与古构造重建重点实验室新引进的GeoLas HD型193nm ArF准分子激光剥蚀系统和Agilent 7900型四极杆电感耦合等离子质谱仪,成功建立了LA-ICP-MS锆石微区U-Pb定年及微量元素分析测试方法。以标准锆石91500为外标,在32 μm束斑直径、5.0 J/cm2能量密度和5 Hz剥蚀频率等实验条件下,对Ple?ovice、Temora1和Qinghu锆石标样开展了U-Pb定年实验,所测年龄结果与各标样推荐值在误差范围允许的条件下一致,并且Ple?ovice年龄结果在不同时间段内保持稳定。同时对未知年龄样品11-5开展了不同实验室测年结果对比研究,所测结果与中国地质大学(武汉)地质过程与矿产资源国家重点实验室所测年龄在误差允许范围内一致。以NIST SRM 610为外标,29Si为内标,分析测试了锆石91500和NIST SRM 612标准样品的微量元素含量,实验测试结果与推荐值一致。在此基础上探索总结了不同剥蚀斑束直径对U-Pb年龄结果的影响,认为在同样的能量密度和剥蚀频率条件下,16~44 μm的剥蚀直径可以获取可靠的锆石U-Pb年龄,但32~44 μm相比16~24 μm小斑束直径所测得的年龄更加精准。   相似文献   

库水位上升诱发边坡失稳机理研究   总被引:30,自引:1,他引:30  
库水位上升有可能诱发边坡失稳破坏,湖北省秭归县三峡库区的千将坪高速滑坡即是一例。库水位上升对边坡稳定性的影响主要表现在孔隙水压力作用和滑动面强度参数的弱化上,采用Mohr-Coulomb强度准则描述了孔隙水压力对土体应力状态的影响,土体浸水后,在孔隙水压力作用下Mohr应力圆变小而向左移动并相对远离强度曲线。边坡稳定性分析表明,在库水位由坡脚上升到坡顶的过程中,孔隙水压力作用使边坡的稳定性先降低后增加。指出水库蓄水初期,由于孔隙水压力使边坡的稳定性降低,加上滑动面强度参数的弱化给边坡稳定性带来的不利影响,若边坡的安全储备强度不够,很可能发生滑坡。  相似文献   

The transition from the last glacial and beginning of Bølling–Allerød and Pre‐Boreal periods in particular is marked by rapid increases in atmospheric methane (CH4) concentrations. The CH4 concentrations reached during these intervals, ~650–750 ppb, is twice that at the last glacial maximum and is not exceeded until the onset of industrialization at the end of the Holocene. Periods of rapid sea‐level rise as the Last Glacial Maximum ice sheets retreated and associated with ‘melt‐water pulses’ appear to coincide with the onset of elevated concentrations of CH4, suggestive of a potential causative link. Here we identify and outline a mechanism involving the flooding of the continental shelves that were exposed and vegetated during the glacial sea‐level low stand and that can help account for some of these observations. Specifically, we hypothesize that waterlogging (and later, flooding) of large tracts of forest and savanna in the Tropics and Subtropics during the deglacial transition and early Holocene would have resulted in rapid anaerobic decomposition of standing biomass and emission of methane to the atmosphere. This novel mechanism, akin to the consequences of filling new hydroelectric reservoirs, provides a mechanistic explanation for the apparent synchronicity between rate of sea‐level rise and occurrence of elevated concentrations of ice core CH4. However, shelf flooding and the creation of transient wetlands are unlikely to explain more than ~60 ppb of the increase in atmospheric CH4 during the deglacial transition, requiring additional mechanisms to explain the bulk of the glacial to interglacial increase. Similarly, this mechanism has the potential also to play some role in the rapid changes in atmospheric methane associated with the Dansgaard–Oeschger cycles. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the socioeconomic consequences of extreme coastal flooding events. Wealth and income impacts associated with different social groups in coastal communities in Israel are estimated. A range of coastal flood hazard zones based on different scenarios are identified. These are superimposed on a composite social vulnerability index to highlight the spatial variation in the socioeconomic structure of those areas exposed to flooding. Economic vulnerability is captured by the exposure of wealth and income. For the former, we correlate the distribution of housing stock at risk with the socioeconomic characteristics of threatened populations. We also estimate the value of residential assets exposed under the different scenarios. For the latter, we calculate the observed change in income distribution of the population under threat of inundation. We interpret the change in income distribution as an indicator of recovery potential.  相似文献   

未来上海地区海平面上升将引起地下水位抬升,将会对土压缩模量E产生影响。E是土的最重要的物理力学参数指标之一,尤其在地基沉降计算中具有重要意义。本文主要针对土压缩模量Es的预测分析工作,进行了地基变形的探讨研究,供交流参考。  相似文献   

An innovative approach to solve the problem of lowering water table was carried out in a quarry lake south of the city of Milan (northern Italy): the project, based upon pumping out water at a rate of 1,000 L/s can be considered a strategic medium to long-term solution to hinder the rise of groundwater level interfering with underground structures (foundation, construction, subway) in urban areas. The basic idea is to pump a high groundwater rate as close as possible to the stagnation point of the piezometric depression located in the city. After a pilot-test was carried out in November 1998, experimental activities started in July 2001 and lasted one year; water withdrawal was discharged into artificial channels used in agricultural practice. Maximum drawdowns measured in the quarry lake by the monitoring network resulted in more than 5 m, and a significant drawdown was registered up to 1.5 km of distance from the quarry in the important historical site of Chiaravalle Abbey, threatened by groundwater rise. The results of this pumping activity confirm the importance of the project, its lower cost compared with traditional solutions (such as drainage by wells) and remarkable effects on the improvement of surface water quality. A groundwater model was implemented to evaluate further scenarios of discharge rate and pumping location, too.  相似文献   

A new nonlinear data-analysis technique compares the typical sequences in different time or spatial series. The method quantitatively compares delay-coordinate embedded state-space plots by treating them plots as probability distributions. Thus its application is not limited to data generated by deterministic systems, and does not require knowledge of a system's dimension. In a preliminary application, comparing state-space plots of natural and model-generated eolian ripples suggests that the interactions in them have similarities with those in nature, and that this method can be of use as an additional model evaluation tool.  相似文献   

The study of geomorphic processes in barren landscapes, Precambrian and modern, has wide implications for planetary science. A long‐held status quo has been that, prior to the Palaeozoic evolution of vegetation, fluvial channels would have been invariably shallow, wide, braided in planform and flashier in discharge than vegetated ones. These assumptions are challenged through a threefold analysis of channel morphometry, discharge regimes and planform style. Measurements of modern and Proterozoic channel sections reveal overlapping morphometric ranges irrespective of climate and vegetation, pointing to shared scalar properties. Discharge regimes and planform styles inferred from Proterozoic records are akin to the spectrum observed in modern systems. Current criteria employed to identify meandering planforms are biased towards mud‐prone systems, and fail to address the sand‐rich nature of prevegetation alluvium. Vegetation forcing on river functioning cannot be entirely downplayed, although available data are construed towards an uniformitarian appraisal of pre‐Silurian fluvial dynamics.  相似文献   

The stability of a mangrove ecosystem in Cananeia, Brazil, is assessed based on investigations of the site-specific temporal rise in relative sea level during the past 50 years, 100-year sediment accumulation rates (SAR) and sources of organic matter (OM). Addressing this, three sediment cores were collected in a transect, intertidal mud flat, mangrove margin and well into the forest. The net SAR, as estimated by the age–depth relationships of 210Pb and 137Cs, is between 2.5 and 3.9 mm year−1. These rates are comparable to the estimates based on the Pb and Zn contaminant markers corresponding to mining initiation in the region in 1918. Further, the SARs are lower than the rate of regional relative sea level rise (4 mm year−1) as indicated by the past 50-year tide gauge record, but the rate is higher than the eustatic sea level rise (1.7 ± 0.3 mm year−1). The stratigraphies of TOC/TN, δ13C(OC), OP and δ15N indicate site-specific mangal vegetal litter, which is the predominant source of OM at all core sites, during the past century and reflects a stable mangal system over that time span.  相似文献   

Recent research has identified two fundamental unit processes that build delta distributary channels. The first is mouth-bar deposition at the shoreline and subsequent channel bifurcation, which is driven by progradation of the shoreline; the second is avulsion to a new channel, a result of aggradation of the delta topset. The former creates relatively small, branching networks such as Wax Lake Delta; the latter generates relatively few, long distributaries such as the Mississippi and Atchafalaya channels on the Mississippi Delta. The relative rate of progradation to aggradation, and hence the creation of accommodation space, emerges as a controlling parameter on channel network form. Field and experimental research has identified sea level as the dominant control on Holocene delta growth worldwide, and has empirically linked channel network changes to changes in the rate of sea level rise. Here I outline a simple modeling framework for distributary network evolution, and use this to explore large-scale changes in Holocene channel pattern that have been observed in deltas such as the Rhine-Meuse and Mississippi. Rapid early- to mid-Holocene sea level rise forced many deltas into an aggradational mode, where I hypothesize that avulsion and the generation of large-scale branches should dominate. Slowing of sea level rise in the last ~6000 yr allowed partitioning of sediment into progradation, facilitating the growth of smaller-scale distributary trees at the shorelines of some deltas, and a reduction in the number of large-scale branches. Significant antecedent topography modulates delta response; the filling of large incised valleys, for example, caused many deltas to bypass the aggradational phase. Human effects on deltas can be cast in terms of geologic controls affecting accommodation: constriction of channels forces rapid local progradation and mouth-bar bifurcation, while accelerated sea level rise increases aggradation and induces more frequent channel avulsion.  相似文献   

Sedimentological and petrographic study of Holocene deposits in the Eastern Bahamas shows that sedimentation occurred episodically during this period of continually rising sea-level.

The Holocene stratigraphic record exposed on the islands of San Salvador, Lee Stocking and Cat consists of two distinctive units separated by a paleosol: (1) 5000 year-old oolitic eolianites deposited when sea-level was lower than today, and (2) 3000 to 500 year-old bioclastic paleo-beaches and dunes that are congruent with the present stand of sea-level.

A five-stage model that reconciles intermittent sedimentation pattern with continuous sea-level rise is presented. Pre-Holocene topography and changes in the rate of the transgression seem to regulate local4 hydrodynamic conditions, which in turn control onset and offset of sedimentary processes.

This Holocene example of episodic sedimentation during an uninterrupted transgression should be considered when studying ancient discontinuities that are systematically interpreted in terms of relative sea-level fall.  相似文献   


末次间冰期的全球年平均地表气温比现今高0~2 ℃, 这一增温幅度与未来预估的增温幅度相当。因此, 末次间冰期气候往往被认为是未来气候的一个类比。本研究利用挪威地球系统模式(NorESM1-F)开展末次间冰期模拟, 并进一步讨论全球平均海平面上升5 m和10 m时末次间冰期的ENSO海温变率。模拟结果表明: 模拟的末次间冰期热带太平洋年平均海表面温度较工业革命前普遍偏低, 这与地质记录重建基本一致。与工业革命前相比, 模拟的末次间冰期El Niño事件强度偏弱, 极端El Niño事件偏少; 而La Niña事件强度偏强, 极端La Niña事件偏多; 随着全球平均海平面的上升, 海表温度异常出现变化, 表现为小于0.5 ℃的海温异常出现的频率减少, 而大于0.5 ℃的海温异常出现频率增加, 表明全球平均海平面的上升会使海温的异常更加明显, 但全球平均海平面的上升对模拟的末次间冰期ENSO事件的频次及平均强度影响并不显著。


This paper is based on the data obtained during the field study of active faults carried out in 2005–2006 in the Chita and Amur oblast and South Yakutia in connection with detailed seismic demarcation of the projected East Siberia-Pacific Ocean pipeline route. The comprehensive geomorphic and geophysical fieldwork was focused on paleoseismogeology and accompanied by trenching in the zones of reactivated faults. These works allowed us to specify the available information on the present-day structure, seismotectonic regime, and potential seismic hazard of the conjugation of the Baikal Rift Zone and the arched-block rise of the Stanovoi Ridge.  相似文献   

Cao  Anh  Esteban  Miguel  Mino  Takashi 《Natural Hazards》2020,103(1):885-902
Natural Hazards - Past studies have projected that global mean sea levels could be up to between 0.98 and 2.92 m higher by the year 2100 than pre-industrial levels, which could seriously...  相似文献   

Petrological, faunal and floral information derived from a new drill core taken in the Yangtze delta, coupled with data from borings recovered earlier, record a marked transition to warmer, wetter conditions which resulted in widespread inundation of the delta about 4000 years ago. Also identified for that time on the delta plain is a major discontinuity between the Neolithic Liangzhu and Bronze age Maqiao cultures. The cultural discontinuity is indicated by: (1) absence of in situ material between the two at ∼4000 yr B.P.; (2) missing Maqiao material in strata above many Liangzhu sites; (3) less sophisticated Maqiao material than in the older Neolithic phase; and (4) notably fewer Maqiao sites in more restricted areas of the delta plain. It is of note that the change from the Liangzhu to the younger Maqiao does not show an increasingly complex cultural advancement of the type generally associated with the foundation of Chinese civilization. We propose that this cultural discontinuity was caused by the interplay of increased environmental stress and new population migrations into the delta. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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