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The Näsliden and Rävliden deposits in the Skellefte field consist of stratiform massive sulfide ores associated with submarine volcanic and clastic rocks. The ores are pretectonic. Consequently, the orebodies are considered to have formed syngenetically with deposition of the host rocks. Banding and interlayering with host sediments are common features. Cu : Zn and Zn : Pb ratios of the ores show stratigraphically and laterally defined trends. Cu : Pb : Zn ratios correspond with those found in other deposits of volcanogenic origin. Nonstratiform breccia Cu mineralizations occur directly under the massive stratiform ores in the footwall rocks where hydrothermal alteration is strongest. Ore formation took place intermittently resulting in clusters of ore systems occurring at slightly different stratigraphical levels within each deposit.  相似文献   

A multi-element geochemical study of the wall rocks of intermediate to felsic volcanic-hosted massive sulfide deposits was carried out to identify pathfinder elements which significantly enlarge the size of exploration targets. Drill core samples from the Crandon massive sulfide deposit in Wisconsin, and outcrop samples from the United Verde and Iron King deposits in Arizona, and from the Captains Flat, Mt. Costigan, and Wiseman Creek deposits in New South Wales, Australia were analyzed. Because anomalously high fluorine values have been described in several volcanic-hosted ore systems, fluorine was included in the study.All of the above deposits have patterns of fluorine enrichment around ore. Drill core samples from two noneconomic prospects within ten miles of the Crandon deposit contain background to only weakly anomalous fluorine values.At the large Crandon deposit (> 50 million tons of zinc, copper ore), fluorine enrichment extends approximately 320 m into the footwall rocks and at least 220 m into the hanging wall rocks. At the large United Verde deposit (> 50 million tons of copper, zinc ore), fluorine enrichment is recognizable in the footwall rocks at least 650 m from the ore. At the smaller Iron King deposit (five million tons production of zinc, lead, copper ore), fluorine enrichment extends for a distance of approximately 60 m into the footwall rocks. At the small deposits in New South Wales (< five million tons production of zinc, lead, copper ore), fluorine enrichment is easily recognizable, but with the samples collected, the limits of the anomalous patterns cannot be defined.Fluorine occurs in some hydrothermal systems unassociated with mineralization and is therefore not a specific signature of ore-forming processes. From the work completed, many massive sulfide deposits in volcanic rocks occur in hydrothermal systems which contain fluorine. On the basis of the data presented, if anomalously high fluorine values do exist in an exploration search area, the chances of finding a massive sulfide ore deposit are improved.Genetic models for volcanic-hosted massive sulfide ore deposits have concentrated on rock textures, alteration mineralogy, and geochemistry of the ore metals. From the data presented, fluorine should be considered as a component of massive sulfide systems in intermediate to felsic volcanic rocks, and should be considered as a possible complexing agent for the ore metals.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(10):1103-1107
A quasi-diffusion theory of origins of mechanical dispersion halos and a discussion of secondary (epigenetic) dispersion halos of ore bodies overlain by unconsolidated sediments are here presented, including the extent of migration of the ore substances by diffusion. --V. P. Sokoloff.  相似文献   

Platinum-group minerals (PGM) in primary ores and placers are compared in order to substantiate prospecting guides for layered and differentiated intrusions containing sulfide Cu-Ni ores with platinum-group elements (PGE). It is shown that supergene placer mineral assemblages bear information on primary sources and their probable economic value. The mineralogical and geochemical data on the large Siberian intrusions that host Cu-Ni and low-sulfide PGM deposits (Noril’sk 1, Kingash, Chinei, and Yoko-Dovyren) are used to elaborate mineralogical prospecting guides based on the comparative study of PGM assemblages in primary ore, heavy concentrate halos, and hillside sediments. The mechanism of PGM redistribution under supergene conditions is exemplified in the Chinei deposit. The placer mineral assemblage with prevalence of Pt-Fe alloys, atokite-rustenburgite, sperrylite, and multicomponent Pd-Sn-Cu-Pb compounds can be used as a prospecting guide for Noril’sk-type primary PGM ore and related economic placers. The paolovite-sperrylite or sperrylite PGM assemblage in heavy concentrate halos indicates occurrence of Cu-Ni ore in the prospecting area. Sperrylite with isomorphic admixture of Ir and Os typical of the Kingash pluton could be a orospecting guide for Ni-bearing mafic-ultramafic intrusions.  相似文献   

U-Pb geochronology of igneous zircon from rhyolitic host rocks to the Archean Kidd Creek, Geco and Winston Lake massive sulfide deposits, in the Superior Province of Ontario, shows that volcanism, which accompanied mineralization, occupied a narrow time span (2717±2 Ma, 2720±2 Ma and 2723±2 Ma, respectively). Precise ages of hydrothermal monazite, allanite and rutile from alteration zones surrounding the above deposits indicate that these minerals crystallized 40–70 million years after volcanism. Monazite from Kidd Creek mine is 2659±3 Ma old, in agreement with spatially associated 2664±25 Ma old rutile. Monazite from a biotite schist at Geoco mine gives a similar age of 2661±1 Ma. However, monazite from a sericite schist, which hosts the ore at Geco mine, is 2675±2 Ma old. Abraded large monazite grains from three units in the Winston Lake deposit are coeval with biotite crystallization and record an age of 2677±2 Ma, approximately the same as monazite in the sericite schist at Geco. Data points from allanite fractions from both the Winston Lake and Geco deposits fall on a Pb-Pb isochron that gives an age of 2672±5 Ma. Rutile from Winston Lake gives a younger age of 2651±6/-2 Ma and may date retrograde alteration of biotite to chlorite. The ca. 2676 Ma age of monazite from Winston Lake and in the sericite schist at Geco mine probably dates a regional metamorphic event that affected most of the southern Superior Province. The ca. 2660 Ma old monazite in the biotite schist at Geco mine and in the chlorite-sericite alteration at Kidd Creek may date later K-metasomatism caused by metamorphically derived fluids that were focussed along old fault structures. Such fluids were also responsible for local sulfide remobilization. Monazite and rutile are spatially associated with chlorite and sericite alterations at Kidd Creek. Their young ages indicate that these originally syngenetic mineral assemblages may have been significantly affected by regional metamorphism. Formation of monazite at all three deposits studied was a result of significant REE remobilization during metamorphism. The discrete character of syn-metamorphic hydrothermal activity in different units of the same deposit, as well as its synchroneity among different, widely separated deposits, requires a mechanism for episodic injection of heat and fluid into the crust on a regional scale. These activities are broadly coeval with, and probably related to, plutonism within adjacent metasedimentary subprovinces and middle to lower crustal metamorphism in the Superior Province.  相似文献   

为推进航空瞬变电磁法在我国浅覆盖区寻找多金属矿的应用,选择在已知火山岩型块状硫化物( VMS)矿区开展航空瞬变电磁法测量试验,结果显示:反演电阻率断面图中低阻异常与勘探剖面探明的矿体十分吻合,反演电阻率剖面400 m处切面和时间常数τ圈定的航电异常与主矿区位置一致。证明航空瞬变电磁法在寻找火山岩型块状硫化物矿床中效果显著,值得在该类多金属找矿工作中推广应用。  相似文献   

铜陵地区硫化物矿床成矿过程的热传导和物质输运动力学   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
岑况  於崇文 《地球化学》2001,30(6):533-539
根据热传导和热致流体流动以及化学物质输运动力学原理,模拟和分析了铜陵地区铜金硫化物矿床成矿过程的温度场和流体动场。根据矿区温度空间分布模式和流体流线的展布模式,可以预测矿床的溶解地段和成矿物质的堆积场所。研究表明:(1)能量流和物质流是热液成矿的关键因素,而岩浆侵位带进的热是驱动流体流动的原动力;(2)侵入体的产状、不同化学性质围岩的空间分布的组合方式、围岩的孔隙度和渗透率差异等因素共同限定了成矿物质的沉淀堆积场所;(3)矿区中铁和硫主要来自五通组高孔隙度的含黄铁矿砂岩。在砂岩和灰岩之间的白云岩层强烈碎裂形成有利的成矿空间,白云岩与砂岩之间的化学位差是构成成矿化学反应发生的动力。  相似文献   

Research on hydrogeochemistry for mineral exploration for inland Australia includes development of weathering models and extensive mine-scale and regional groundwater data. Mineral saturation indices for groundwater, activity–activity plots and reaction modelling simulate weathering of volcanic-hosted massive sulfide (VHMS) deposits in deeply weathered environments. At 10 m or more below surface, dissolved O2 is very low and other solutes such as sulfate, carbonate and nitrate are more likely oxidants. Modelling indicates that these processes differ from oxic weathering of highly eroded terrains, and provide the framework to develop robust hydrogeochemical exploration procedures in covered terrains. Sulfide weathering potentially occurs in two or more phases that effect surrounding groundwaters in differing manners. Deeper oxidative alteration of sulfides (e.g. bornite to chalcopyrite), occurring tens to hundreds of metres below surface, uses sulfate and carbonate as oxidants, causing neutral to alkaline conditions. In this zone, only pyritic massive sulfides potentially generate acidic conditions. Thus, deep sulfide-rich rocks are indicated by sulfate-depleted groundwater. Closer to the surface, sulfides are oxidised to soluble sulfates by dissolved nitrate, with much less acid production than if dissolved oxygen was the main oxidant. Thus, in shallow groundwater, sulfides are indicated by sulfate enrichment and nitrate depletion. Elements are released from sulfides and wall rocks by acid or alkaline conditions. The derived FeS (pH–Eh + Fe + Mn) and AcidS (Li + Mo + Ba + Al) indices distinguish sulfide systems through tens of metres of cover. VHMS systems are distinguished from other non-economic sulfide deposits where there is little transported cover, using various dissolved elements, including Zn, Pb and Cu. Elsewhere, ‘patchiness’ and limited aerial extent of metal signals are due to adsorption effects, that intensify with depth. Other elements such as Mn and Co have lesser diminution effects, but are less selective indicators for VHMS. There is exploration potential for elements such as Pt or Ag. These varying sulfide indicators have moderate utility, even for large-scale (~5 km spacing) sampling. Results indicate that hydrogeochemistry can add value to greenfields exploration for VHMS ore deposits in deeply weathered terrains. It is also moderately successful at indicating the presence of sulfide-rich systems (whether magmatic or hydrothermal) under >100 m cover, thus providing a rapid and cost-effective regional prospectivity tool for deeply buried terrains. Such mineral exploration tools will encourage exploration investment for more difficult regions of Australia and in other deeply weathered regions of the world.  相似文献   

在辽宁生金皋地区和赵家堡子地区的找金过程中,采用黄铁矿矿物学方法,对黄铁矿晶体的形态、主要成份和微量元素特征等进行分析。结果表明以五角十二面体晶形为特征的半自形细粒状黄铁矿含金性较高;黄铁矿主成份S、Fe含量相对低,而黄铁矿中Cu、Pb、Zn、Au、Ag等微量元素总量相对高的黄铁矿分布区域与金矿化关系密切;提出赵家堡子地区具备找到一处中型以上金矿的前景,而在生金皋地区找到大型金矿床的可能性很小,但有望找到伴生金矿床。  相似文献   

The geology and typification of volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits of the Southern Urals are considered. The mineralogical-geochemical types of these deposits correlate with the composition of the underlying igneous rocks: Ni-Co-Cu deposits correlatedwith serpentinites (Ivanovka type); (Co)-Cu deposits, with basalts (Dombarovka type); Cu-Zn deposits, with basalt-rhyolite and basalt-andesite-rhyolite complexes (Ural type); and Au-Ba-Pb-Zn-Cu deposits, with basalt-andesite-rhyolite complexes with predominance of andesitic and felsic volcanics (Baimak type). The Ural-type deposits are subdivided into three subtypes: I, underlain by basalts (Zn-Cu deposits); II, hosted in felsic volcanic rocks of bimodal complexes (Cu-Zn deposits); and III, hosted in felsic volcanic rocks of continuously differentiated complexes (Zn-Cu deposits with Ba, Pb, and As). The above types and subtypes bearing local names are compared with global types of VMS deposits (MAR, Cyprus, Noranda, and Kuroko), to which they are close but not identical.  相似文献   

对北祁连山白银矿田和郭密寺矿田中主要矿床的矿石和矿石矿物组分特征研究表明,由于各矿田的成矿条件和地球化学背景存在差异,造成不同矿床的矿石和矿石矿物元素组合各具特色。但作为同一类型矿床,它们之间又有很多共性,特别是同一矿田内各矿床的地球化学特征具有相似性和过渡性,反映了成矿条件变化的趋势。  相似文献   

The most higly contaminated surface areas from cesium-137 fallout from the April 1986 accident at the Chernobyl' nuclear power station in Ukraine occur within the 30-km radius evacuation zone set up around the station, and an 80-km lobe extending to the west-southwest. Lower levels of contamination extend 300 km to the west of the power station. The deposition of this radioactive dust on the surface and the subsequent entombment of the damaged reactor effectively result in the de facto establishment of an above-ground nuclear waste storage site. This site is located on a thick sedimentary sequence of loose, mostly clastic deposits, with a shallow (generally 3-5 m) water table. The geology, the presence of surface water, a shallow water table, and leaky aquifers at depth make this an unfavorable environment for the long-term containment and storage of the radioactive debris. An understanding of the general geology and hydrology of the area is important to assess the environmental impact of this unintended waste storage site, and to evaluate the potential for radionuclide migration through the soil and rock and into subsurface aquifers and nearby rivers.  相似文献   

The Archean Murchison greenstone belt, Limpopo Province, South Africa, represents a rifted epicontinental arc sequence containing the largest volcanic-hosted massive sulfide (VMS) district in Southern Africa. The so-called Cu–Zn line is host to 12 deposits of massive sulfide mineralization including: Maranda J, LCZ, Romotshidi, Mon Desir, Solomons, and Mashawa with a total tonnage of three million metric tons of very high grade Zn, subordinate Cu, and variable Pb and Au ore. The deposits developed during initial phases of highly evolved felsic volcanism between 2,974.8 ± 3.6 and 2,963.2 ± 6.4 Ma and are closely associated with quartz porphyritic rhyolite domes. Elevated heat supply ensured regional hydrothermal convection along the entire rift. Recurrent volcanism resulted in frequent disruption of hydrothermal discharge and relative short-lived episodes of hydrothermal activity, probably responsible for the small size of the deposits. Stable thermal conditions led to the development of mature hydrothermal vent fields from focused fluid discharge and sulfide precipitation within thin layers of felsic volcaniclastic rocks. Two main ore suites occur in the massive sulfide deposits of the “Cu–Zn line”: (1) a low-temperature venting, polymetallic assemblage of Zn, Pb, Sb, As, Cd, Te, Bi, Sn, ±In, ±Au, ±Mo occurring in the pyrite- and sphalerite-dominated ore types and (2) a higher temperature suite of Cu, Ag, Au, Se, In, Co, Ni is associated with chalcopyrite-bearing ores. Sphalerite ore, mineralogy, and geochemical composition attest to hydrothermal activity at relatively low temperatures of ≤250 °C for the entire rift, with short-lived pulses of higher temperature upflow, reflected by proportions of Zn-rich versus Cu-rich deposits. Major- and trace-metal composition of the deposits and Pb isotope signatures reflect the highly evolved felsic source rock composition. Geological setting, host rock composition, and metallogenesis share many similarities not only with Archean VMS districts in Canada and Australia but also with recent arc–back-arc systems on the modern seafloor where fragments of continental crust and areas of elevated heat flow are involved in petrogenetic and associated metallogenic processes.  相似文献   

Tellurium-bearing minerals are generally rare in chimney material from mafic and bimodal felsic volcanic hosted massive sulfide (VMS) deposits, but are abundant in chimneys of the Urals VMS deposits located within Silurian and Devonian bimodal mafic sequences. High physicochemical gradients during chimney growth result in a wide range of telluride and sulfoarsenide assemblages including a variety of Cu-Ag-Te-S and Ag-Pb-Bi-Te solid solution series and tellurium sulfosalts. A change in chimney types from Fe-Cu to Cu-Zn-Fe to Zn-Cu is accompanied by gradual replacement of abundant Fe-, Co, Bi-, and Pb- tellurides by Hg, Ag, Au-Ag telluride and galena-fahlore with native gold assemblages. Decreasing amounts of pyrite, both colloform and pseudomorphic after pyrrhotite, isocubanite ISS and chalcopyrite in the chimneys is coupled with increasing amounts of sphalerite, quatz, barite or talc contents. This trend represents a transition from low- to high sulphidation conditions, and it is observed across a range of the Urals deposits from bimodal mafic- to bimodal felsic-hosted types: Yaman-Kasy → Molodezhnoye → Uzelga → Valentorskoye → Oktyabrskoye → Alexandrinskoye → Tash-Tau → Jusa.  相似文献   

The Bonnifield district hosts 26 tmmined volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) occurrences. Environmental geochemical samples of water and stream sediment were collected at several occurrences, concentrating on the two best-exposed and largest deposits, Red Mountain (RM) and Sheep Creek (SC). Limited samples were also collected at the poorly exposed WTF deposit. The deposits are Late Devonian to Early Mississippian, and are hosted by felsic metavolcanic and carbonaceous schist members of the Totatlanika Schist or Keevy Peak Fm. Spring and stream waters at RM and SC have pH values commonly 〈3.5 (as low as 2.4 at RM and 2.5 at SC), high conductivity (up to 11000 μS/cm), and very high (Is to 100s mg/L) dissolved contents of Al, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Ni, and Pb. Waters at RM are characterized by extremely high REE contents (summed REE median 3200 μg/L, n=33). At both RM and SC, pyrite oxidation and dissolution produce low pH waters that interact with and dissolve bedrock minerals, resulting in acidic, metal-laden, naturally degraded streams that are mostly devoid of aquatic life. Ferricrete is common. In contrast, WTF barely produces a surficial environmental footprint, mostly due to topography and relief. RM and SC are well exposed in the areas of relatively high relief, and both exhibit extensive areas of quartz-sericite-pyrite-alteration. While WTF shares many of the same deposit-and alteration characteristics, it is concealed by tundra in a large, nearly flat area. Surface water at WTF is absent and outcrops are sparse. Even though WTF is roughly the same size as Red Mountain (both around 3 million tonnes) and has similar base- and precious-metal grades, the surficial geochemical manifestation of WTF is minimal. However, exposure through mining of the altered, mineralized rock at WTF potentially could initiate the same processes of pyrite oxidation, acid generation, and mineral dissolution that are observed naturally at RM and SC.  相似文献   

Evidence for a Picritic, Volatile-rich Magma beneath Mt. Shasta, California   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Large, magnesium-rich olivines are plentiful in several Holocenecinder cones within 20 km of Mt. Shasta Summit. Glasses (formerlysilicate melts) included in the olivines are high alumina basalts(tholeiites and olivine tholeiites). In the most magnesian olivinesthe glass inclusions have large vapor bubbles. Surrounding someof the glass inclusions are broad Fe-rich zones and ghost outlines.These facts indicate crystallization of major proportions ofolivine from the initial trapped melts. The initial melts containedan inferred 24 per cent of MgO and were rich in volatiles. Theinferred entrapment temperature of the initial melt is 1410°C. The initial liquid is a possible mantle derived parentof Mt. Shasta basalts and andesites and of some hidden alpineperidotite.  相似文献   

The Zlaté Hory ore deposits — as an example of volcanogenic, strata-bound, massive, base-metal sulfides occurring in the Devonian formations of the Jeseníky Mts. — are compared with distinctive Phanerozoic types representing this type of ore deposit, i.e., with Kuroko-type, Rosebery-type, Besshi-type and Cyprus-type deposits. The results of comparison performed with fuzzy-linguistic diagnosis indicate close resemblance of the Zlaté Hory deposits to Rosebery-type massive sulfides with regard to primary features; however, individual features point to certain original similarity with Kuroko-type deposits, too. The metamorphic history of the ore deposits studied was similar to that of the Rosebery and Besshi types.  相似文献   

A series of vanadium oxides—shcherbinaite, karelianite, kyzylkumite, coulsonite, and berdesinskiite—was found in association with pyrrhotite in pyrite-pyrrhotite ore from the Paleoproterozoic Vihanti massive sulfide deposit of the Kuroko-type. It is suggested that enrichment in vanadium of massive sulfide ore from the Vihanti deposit is a result of their metamorphogenic regeneration and pyrrhotinization at the expense of rocks and ore enriched in vanadium. The list of rare minerals in massive sulfide ore has been extended.  相似文献   

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