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大长江三角洲旅游区域协作研究 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
大长江三角洲地区旅游资源丰富,旅游产品多样:但是,由于旅游缺乏区域协作,制约了该区旅游业的快速发展。文章通过对旅游资源、旅游产品基础、旅游协作的可能性与可行性以及区域旅游协作存在的问题分析,提出了促进区域旅游协作的对策和建议。 相似文献
基于区域旅游协作的内涵与理论基础,针对马芜铜宜城市带区域旅游资源在地理分布上的差异性,协作区域地缘通达性,以及该区域旅游发展现状存在着协作的必要性等,提出马芜铜宜城市带区域旅游协作应该优先发展长江旅游线,各中心城市据点启带动作用辐射整个协作区。尝试构建该区域旅游协作的具体可行模式,包括城市带的旅游区域组合和区域旅游主题产品组合。 相似文献
闽台旅游地理差异与福建对台旅游产品开发 总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18
从旅游地理角度看,福建与台湾两省关系特殊。福建对台旅游产品开发具有重要的经济。文化和政治意义,地理差异是旅游客流的根本动力,目前,福建对台旅游产品开发还存在不尽如人意之处,应当科学地分析闽台旅游地理差异。提出合理的对策,从地理差异的角度审视闽台旅游资源,发现福建对台旅游资源界定上存在误区,森林是生态旅游资源,温泉疗养旅游资源,祖地旅游资源,民俗旅游资源等并非福建重点地台旅游资源,盲目开发这些旅游资源不能取得预期的效益,从实际地理差异出发,具有空间组合优势的自然旅游景观,祖籍地的历史文化旅游景观,祖庙宗教旅游景观等是福建重点旅游资源,从地理差异的角度审视对台旅游产品,存在产品开发误区,寻根旅游产品的市场化的程度偏低,宗教旅游产品的内涵单一,观光旅游产品缺乏特色,休闲旅游产品品位偏低,从闽台旅游地理差异的实际出发,本文提出福建对台旅游产品开发策略要提高旅游产品的历史文化含量,提高旅游产品的科学文化含量,加强旅游产品的可参与性,调整旅游产品的线路排布。 相似文献
县域旅游协作开发模式探讨——以湖南省华容县为例 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在经济全球化和区域一体化的浪潮中,区域旅游协作已成为旅游开发的一种基本趋势.区域旅游协作是县城旅游发展总体规划中的重要内容.从华容县与邻近地区进行旅游协作发展的形成基础出发,提出并论述了适合县域旅游协作开发的3种组织模式,分别是捆绑、搭载和对接,并以湖南省华容县为例针对不同的旅游资源如何运用此3种模式做了深入探讨,试图探讨实现县域层面区域旅游协作的最佳途径. 相似文献
内地与香港旅游业跨区域协作的实施途径分析 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
文章总结了进入90 年代以来内地与香港旅游业跨区域交流的几个新特征,即两地游客互访市场增长迅速、旅游业资金技术联系日趋频繁、协作形式趋向多元化和高层次;深入系统地分析了两地间开展跨区域旅游协作所存在的社会心理基础、经济基础与地缘基础三方面的前提条件和门槛限制,并探讨了今后内地与香港开展跨区域旅游协作的几个重点实施途径,提出了把握一个中心、面向两个市场、开拓三个合作领域的实施模式 相似文献
区域旅游产业化测度体系研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
旅游产业化水平是区域综合竞争力的重要组成部分。阐述旅游产业化的内涵,从效度、效率和效益3个维度分析影响区域旅游产业化水平的关键因素,建立了7个项目指标和24个因子指标的评价体系,采用基于主成分分析法的综合评价模型对国内31个省级行政区2004年的旅游产业化水平进行综合评价。 相似文献
区域旅游竞争力数字化评价体系研究 总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10
建立了一套适于中国国情的区域旅游竞争力数字化评价系统。系统以国家和地区权威机构公开发布的统计数据为基本依据及其核心指标,融合旅游学和区域竞争力学说基本内涵,考虑区域旅游竞争潜在能力,以区域旅游竞争业绩、区域旅游环境竞争力和区域旅游竞争潜力作为评价系统三大要素,既包含全面衡量影响区域旅游竞争力的诸多综合因素,又注重选择对区域旅游竞争力有重要影响的指标作为主体,数字化特征和实时动态跟踪能力显著。 相似文献
吴志 《云南地理环境研究》2012,24(3):10-14,20
随着海峡两岸交流日益加深,大陆与台湾关系日益成为研究热点。从行政关系、人口迁移、文化融合等方面梳理了闽台文化区的形成与发展过程。依据海洋文化学的理论,分析其形成的原因,结果表明:闽台区域文化的形成过程伴随海洋文化的发展,特殊的地脉条件是闽台海洋文化和闽台文化区形成的共同基础,船政文化、海神信仰文化和海商文化等海洋文化特质共同推动了闽台文化区的发展。 相似文献
旅游产业是一项跨地区、跨部门的联动性和带动性都较强的综合性产业。跨地区、跨部门的协调与协作是旅游发展的重要机制,也是实践的迫切需要。川粤两省旅游的资源、客源和需求既有巨大差异,又存在相互协作的空间、潜力和效益。从川粤两地景观资源互补、旅游客源互补、游客的需求等方面分析了川粤两地旅游协作的必要性与可行性,并指出存在的问题,提出川粤旅游协作发展的对策建议。 相似文献
发展乡村旅游是解决“三农问题”的一条重要途径, 乡村旅游等级质量标准的制定与推广, 为乡村旅游产业持续发展提供了保障。在区域合作框架下, 通过比较台湾海峡西岸旅游区四省(福建、浙江、江西、广东)的乡村旅游的地方标准评判项目, 发现各地乡村旅游等级标准与评定存在差异, 制约了区域乡村旅游一体化发展。提出应从利益相关者的功能分工协作机制、检查项目指标可比评价体系、评估产品的核心价值体系三位一体构建评价标准框架系统, 进一步规范与改善乡村旅游质量评判标准, 推动海西乡村旅游星级标准区域一体化建设, 研究案例具有典型性, 可为规范乡村旅游发展提供指导。 相似文献
Comparative study of LUCC between Fujian and Taiwan provinces could be a good case for study because of their geographical proximities and historical, cultural similarities. Fujian and Taiwan had gone through and currently are in different economic development stages. Taiwan is in the stage of post-industrialization and Fujian is in the intermediate stage of industrialization. By using the official statistics, changes of built-land in Fujian and Taiwan were analyzed in details. The results showed that these two provinces seemed to have the same characteristics of built-land changes, i.e., accelerating development, and concentrated distribution on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, forming a pattern with the economic layout of two sides acting in cooperation with eath other. If comparing different industrialized areas in Fujian with industrialized stages in Taiwan, it is clear that these two provinces seemed to have the same characteristics of synthesized index of built-land change (Lc), i.e., which is from stabilization or comparative stabilization at the initial stages of industrialization to high ex- pansion at the intermediate stages of industrialization, then followed by low consumption at later stages of industrialization, but the Lc of the initial and the later stages of industrialization in Taiwan were slightly higher than those in Fujian. The results from comparison on relevant indexes have shown: The industrial structure changing rate of Fujian is actually higher than that of built-land in Taiwan, but its using efficiency of regional built-land is also obviously lower than that in Taiwan in the intermediate and later stages of industrialization of Fujian. The major driving forces of the built-land changes in both provinces were analyzed in Causal Models of Path Analysis, and its result indicated that the difference in built-land changes of the two provinces is closely related to their economic development stages and industrial structure. Countermeasure for the realization of sustainable utilization of built-land in Fujian put forward in this article is to strengthen its intension and tap the latent power. 相似文献
Comparative study of LUCC between Fujian and Taiwan provinces could be a good case for study because of their geographical proximities and historical, cultural similarities. Fujian and Taiwan had gone through and currently are in different economic development stages. Taiwan is in the stage of post-industrialization and Fujian is in the intermediate stage of industrialization. By using the official statistics, changes of built-land in Fujian and Taiwan were analyzed in details. The results showed that these two provinces seemed to have the same characteristics of built-land changes, i.e., accelerating development, and concentrated distribution on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, forming a pattern with the economic layout of two sides acting in cooperation with eath other. If comparing different industrialized areas in Fujian with industrialized stages in Taiwan, it is clear that these two provinces seemed to have the same characteristics of synthesized index of built-land change (Lc), i.e., which is from stabilization or comparative stabilization at the initial stages of industrialization to high ex-pansion at the intermediate stages of industrialization, then followed by low consumption at later stages of industrialization, but the Lc of the initial and the later stages of industrialization in Taiwan were slightly higher than those in Fujian. The results from comparison on relevant indexes have shown: The industrial structure changing rate of Fujian is actually higher than that of built-land in Taiwan, but its using efficiency of regional built-land is also obviously lower than that in Taiwan in the intermediate and later stages of industrialization of Fujian. The major driving forces of the built-land changes in both provinces were analyzed in Causal Models of Path Analysis, and its result indicated that the difference in built-land changes of the two provinces is closely related to their economic development stages and industrial structure. Countermeasure for the realization of sustainable utilization of built-land in Fujian put forward in this article is to strengthen its intension and tap the latent power. 相似文献
Regional tourism and South-South economic cooperation 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Krishna B. Ghimire 《The Geographical journal》2000,167(2):99-110
Regional tourism within developing countries is a growing phenomenon. Yet this aspect has been largely neglected in social science research as well as tourism planning. This paper highlights the general nature, scale and economic significance of regional tourism in three leading regions in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The topic is especially timely as economic self-reliance and cooperation are increasingly reiterated in the context of the emergence of regional groupings. A key question addressed is whether regional tourism development represents any new and viable prospects for regional economic improvement and partnership, especially compared to international tourism centred on attracting visitors from industrialized countries. Based on a critical assessment of the experiences of three regional blocs (ASEAN – the Association of South-East Asian Nations; SADC – the Southern African Development Community; and Mercosur – a common market comprising Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, with Chile being an associated member), the paper suggests that a basic appreciation of the prospects of regional tourism is not enough to produce perceptible benefits. Regional tourism development is occurring in a haphazard manner, with little attention to managing existing socio-economic inequalities and centre-periphery relations. The paper is based primarily on the review of secondary literature readily available to the author combined with a few documents obtained directly from different regional organizations or through Internet search. A small amount of material, especially concerning emerging tourism trends and outcomes, is drawn from a research project on national mass tourism in developing countries coordinated by the author at the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, Geneva. 相似文献
闽台建设用地变化与工业化耦合的对比分析 总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14
闽台因其区域自然背景及历史文化的相似性和经济发展时序递差性成为区域对比研究的理想对象之一。利用闽台相关统计资料对比显示,闽台建设用地增长速度均体现出加速发展的态势,并集中分布于台湾海峡两岸,与两岸的经济布局成东西呼应格局。从福建不同工业化区域以及台湾工业化阶段对比,闽台建设用地综合变动系数均经历了由工业化初期的稳定型或相对稳定型发展到工业化中期的剧变型,并于工业化后期步入缓变型的过程,但福建工业化初期及后期的综合变动系数值略低于台湾。相关指标对比研究结果显示:相对于台湾而言福建产业结构变动率快于建设用地变化率,但福建工业化中期及后期区域的建设用地效率还明显低于台湾。通径分析的结果说明闽台建设用地变化的差异与两地经济发展阶段及产业结构密切相关。文章最后提出福建建设用地实现可持续利用的发展对策。 相似文献
国外港口物流发展与闽台港口物流对接 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
分析福建与台湾港口物流发展现状和存在问题,以及高雄-厦门、高雄-福州海上试航和“两门两马”小三通直航发展态势,指出两岸试航的局限性和港口物流直航的必然性。综合分析鹿特丹、新加坡、安特卫普、釜山、汉堡等世界著名港口物流发展经验,提出对闽台两岸港口物流对接具有可供借鉴经验。针对闽台港口物流发展中存在问题提出了两岸港口资源整合,建立台海港口群;完善集疏运体系,促进港口物流对接;大力发展临港工业,构建环台湾海峡临港工业走廊等措施。 相似文献
90年代我国区域经济合作政策效果分析 总被引:13,自引:5,他引:13
通过对90年代以来我国区域经济合作的具体实践进行总结和分析,论证分析我国推动地区经济技术合作政策的合理性和可行性。作者从明确中央政府和地方政府有关地区经济技术合作以及区域经济合作的政策目标出发,深入分析区域合作组织的合作动力机制及其实际进展,对区域经济合作取得的成果与当前区域合作中遇到的障碍和问题进行客观评价,并在此基础上提出有关政策建议。提出区域合作组织的发展只能对中央政府推动地区合作战略目标的实现作局部性贡献;总体而言,我国政府通过提倡地区经济技术合作来解决区域问题的国家地区协调发展战略目标的实现在一定阶段内缺少现实合理性。 相似文献
福建省基于闽台互动的产业与空间结构调整研究 总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9
在经济转型条件下,福建省产业和空间结构调整的依据需建立在三个层面上:一是从全球产业大转型中寻求机遇,确立自身发展的整体战略;二是从台海关系这一地缘政治、经济格局的新变局中寻求新的经济增长点并以此为依据重构空间结构;三是从地方空间层面寻求自身的优势,在协调好区域间分工关系的前提下,寻求省域产业和空间结构与上述两个层次的有机耦合。在这三个层面上,台海关系是控制产业与空间结构调整的核心。台海关系加速朝良性发展的新形势以及福建省的独特区位优势决定了福建的产业和空间结构调整必须建立在闽台互动基础之上。高效农业、电子、汽车和石化等重点产业的选择和流动空间—承转空间—地方空间—辐射空间等有机秩序空间系统的建立可以促进闽台产业、空间互动,并最终实现闽台一体化、构建台海经济区的国家战略目标。 相似文献
本文从人力资源数量、人力资源素质和人力资源配置的角度,分析了闽台人力资源状况对区域经济发展的关系,并利用人力资本外部性模型对闽台1978~2003年经济增长的各要素进行了计量分析,结果表明福建省经济增长的主要动力依然是物质资本的投入,与此同时人力资本投入对经济增长的贡献日益明显;台湾人力资本投资对台湾经济增长起着重要的作用,而资本投入对经济增长的拉动作用相对较小。 相似文献
本文立足亚太地区,研究多极化进程与区域经济合作的关系。首先指出对世界多极化进程需要进行再思考,强调过程的长期性、复杂和多变性。接着对亚太地区的多极化态势及其与区域合作的关系,作了具体分析。最后从亚太区域合作的战略格局、中国参与亚太区域经济合作的结构性特征和亚太地区的国际分工等方面,对中国应采取的相应对策进行了探讨 相似文献