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A comprehensive study on the chemical compositions of wet precipitation was carried out from January 2004 to December 2004 in Jinhua, southeastern China's Zhejiang Province. All samples were analyzed for pH, electrical conductivity and major ions (F, Cl, NO3, SO42−, K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and NH4+). The rainwater was typically acidic with a volume-weighted mean pH of 4.54, which ranged from 3.64 to 6.76. SO42− and NO3 were the main anions, while NH4+ and Ca2+ were the main cations. The concentrations of these major ions were generally higher compared to those reported in other parts of the world, but much lower than those in northern China.Wet deposition fluxes of major ions showed pronounced seasonal variations with maximum in spring and minimum in autumn. Significant correlations were found in soil-derived species among Ca2+, Mg2+ and K+ and sea-salt species between Na+ and Cl. Other relatively good correlations were also observed between Ca2+ and SO42-, Mg2+ and SO42-, Mg2+ and NO3, Mg2+ and Cl. Principal component analysis was also performed on individual precipitation to find possible sources of the major ionic species. Varimax rotated four components accounting for 85.9% of the total variance, and were interpreted as acid and alkaline pollutants, sea spray and mixed source, soil and acid/neutralization. Calculation of enrichment factors for rainwater components relative to soil and seawater indicated that Ca2+ and K+ mainly originated from the terrestrial source, and SO42- and NO3 were mostly attributed for the anthropogenic activities in the study area. In general, the results suggested that precipitation chemistry is strongly influenced by anthropogenic sources rather than natural and marine sources. The pollutants in rainwater were mainly derived from long distance transport, local industry and traffic sources.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the chemical composition of wet atmospheric precipitation in India’s richest coal mining belt. Total 418 samples were collected on event basis at six sites from July to October in 2003 and May to October in 2004 and analysed for pH, EC, F, Cl, , , Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+ and . The average pH value (5.7) of the rainwater of the investigated area is alkaline in nature. However, the temporal pH variation showed the alkaline nature during the early phase of monsoonal rainfall but it trends towards acidic during the late and high rainfall periods. The rainwater chemistry of the region showed high contribution of Ca2+ (47%) and (21%) in cations and (55%) and Cl (23%) in anionic abundance. The high non seas salt fraction (nss) of Ca2+ (99%) and Mg2+ (96%) suggests crustal source of the ions, while the high nss (96%) and high ratio signifying the impact of anthropogenic sources and the source of the acidity. The ratio of varies from 0.03 to 3.23 with the average value of 0.84 suggesting that Ca2+ and play a major role in neutralization processes. The assessment of the wet ionic deposition rates shows no any specific trend, however Ca2+ deposition rate was highest followed by and .  相似文献   

我国夏季气温、降水场的时空特征分析   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
黄嘉佑 《大气科学》1991,15(3):124-132
本文用主分量及转动主分量分析方法对我国夏季气温及降水量场(1951—1985年期间)的时空特征进行了研究。从所提取的空间模式中发现气温的解释方差较降水的大,且具有较好的均匀性;从对应的时间分量分析发现气温与降水均具有2—3年的主要变化周期,与东亚大气环流的关系分析中以气温表现较为密切。 对气温和降水场时空特征的稳定性分析表明,无论在持续性、周期性及与东亚大气环流的关系上,进入70年代后均有较明显的变化。比较表明气温场的稳定性较降水为好。 气温场与降水场相互关系分析发现它们有显著的反相关,表现显著的地区为长江中下游、华南及华北等。  相似文献   

In this study, variations of the chemical composition of precipitation in Nanjing, China, over a 12-year period (1992–2003) are presented. The average annual concentration of pH value was 5.15, ranging from 4.93 to 5.36, and there was no significant trend in the acidity of precipitation. SO42−, Cl and NO3 were the main anions, while Ca2+, NH4+ and Mg2+ were the main cations. The concentrations of these main ions were very high compared to those reported in many other areas around the world. Most of the ions came from anthropogenic and crustal sources. High correlations were found among dust-derived cations Ca2+, Mg2+and K+, between Cl and SO42−, between Cl and NH4+ and between acidic anions and dust-derived cations, such as SO42− and Ca2+, SO42− and K+, Cl and Ca2+, Cl and K+, F and Mg2+ and F and K+. A significant decreasing trend was observed in concentration of SO42− because of the abatement strategies for SO2 emissions and energy policy change, while a significant increasing trend was found in the contribution of NO3 to acidification due to the rapidly growing number of motor vehicles. A significant decreasing trend was found in dust-derived cation Ca2+ due to more stringent controls of industrial dust emissions and rapid urbanization reducing the amount of open land, while the contribution of NH4+ to neutralization increased relatively.  相似文献   

PM2.5 aerosols were sampled in urban Chengdu from April 2009 to January 2010, and their chemical compositions were characterized in detail for elements, water soluble inorganic ions, and carbonaceous matter. The annual average of PM2.5 was 165g m-3, which is generally higher than measurements in other Chinese cities, suggesting serious particulate pollution issues in the city. Water soluble ions contributed 43.5% to the annual total PM2.5 mass, carbonaceous aerosols including elemental carbon and organic carbon contributed 32.0%, and trace elements contributed 13.8%. Distinct daily and seasonal variations were observed in the mass concentrations of PM2.5 and its components, reflecting the seasonal variations of different anthropogenic and natural sources. Weakly acidic to neutral particles were found for PM2.5. Major sources of PM2.5 identified from source apportionment analysis included coal combustion, traffic exhaust, biomass burning, soil dust, and construction dust emissions. The low nitrate: sulfate ratio suggested that stationary emissions were more important than vehicle emissions. The reconstructed masses of ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, particulate carbonaceous matter, and fine soil accounted for 79% of the total measured PM2.5 mass; they also accounted for 92% of the total measured particle scattering.  相似文献   

Cloudwater samples were collected from November 1992 to March 1995 in Vallombrosa, a mountain site of the Tuscan Apennines (central Italy). Chemical analyses show that all examined inorganic ions contributed significantly to the total ionic content (TIC). The ratio SO42−/NO4 ranged from 0.92 to 3.46 and was >1 for 86% of samples. There is a wide range in the chemical composition of the cloudwater. The total ionic content ranged from 640 to 7476 μeq l−1 and pH from 3.17 to 6.22. The liquid water content (LWC) ranged from 0.06 to 0.94 g m−3 and electrical conductivity from 47 to 485 μΩ−1. The total ionic content decreases while the liquid water content increases. Also analyzed were soluble trace metals (Fe, Pb, Cu, Mn, Cd, Al), synthetic anionic surfactants and the methanesulphonic acid. Chemical analyses evidenced in some cases a high concentration of organic matter. The meteorological analysis for a few samples of individual passages was carried out for the possibility of establishing a correspondence between meteorological events and chemical composition. The sources (marine, crustal and anthropogenic) of chemical components were deduced.  相似文献   

The goal of this study is to determine the chemical composition of rain, in the wider region of Athens, Greece for the time period 1st September 2001 to 31st August 2002. Two model automatic rain samplers were installed in the Meteorological Station of Laboratory of Climatology (latitude: 37° 58′ N, longitude: 23° 47′ E) inside the Athens University Campus and in a site at Heraklio Attica, a northern suburb of Athens (latitude: 38° 03′ N, longitude: 23° 45′ E). The concentrations (μeq l−1) of the major cations (H+, Na+, K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+) and anions (Cl, , και ), as well as pH and conductivity of rain in 39 total samples were determined. The figures of pH range from 6.4 to 8.4 and conductivity from 8 to 207 μS cm−1. The analysis showed that Ca2+ ions are abundant within all examined samples, while and present the highest concentrations from the anions. In order to find out the origin of the air masses, the air mass back trajectories were calculated. Five sectors of the origin of air masses were revealed: the North, the South, the Local, the West and the East sector. Multivariate methods included Factor Analysis and Discriminant Analysis were applied to the examined ion concentrations and three main factors were extracted, which discriminated the ions according to their origin. The first group of ions is interpreted as the result of the anthropogenic activity, the second group represents the acidity–alkalinity independently of their source and the third one the marine influence.  相似文献   

南京市降水化学特征及其来源研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
为了解南京江北地区降水化学特征,分析了2011年3—6月共25个降水日的109个降水样品中的主要水溶性离子,并利用后向轨迹模式探讨了降水气团来源.结果表明:1)南京地区3—6月降水主要受南、北2种气团影响,北方气团降水的主要离子浓度高于南方气团降水.2)海盐示踪法和相关性分析显示,降水中NO3-和SO42-主要来自燃煤、工业排放和汽车尾气;Ca2+主要来自地壳源;Cl-主要来自海洋;海洋源和陆源对Mg2+和K+都有贡献,Mg2+的陆源贡献大于海洋源贡献,K+受海洋源的影响程度要低于Mg2+.3)南、北气团初期降水的各离子浓度高于总降水的各离子浓度,且初期降水的主要离子的富集系数高于总降水.这说明在降水初始阶段,雨水对南京大气中污染物(气态污染物和颗粒物)的云下冲刷去除作用较强,降水的离子浓度最高,局地源对降水离子的贡献较明显.  相似文献   

高质量和高分辨率的降水产品在天气预报,数值模式模拟和气象防灾减灾方面起着重要的作用.本文利用四川地区高密度的地面降水传感器观测数据,比较CMPAS四种不同时空尺度的降水实况分析产品,评估CMPAS的融合准确性与在四川地区的适用性.研究表明:四种CMPAS降水产品都在四川盆地内精度较高,攀西地区和川西高原次之.随着降水量...  相似文献   

Major ion concentrations and strontium isotopic ratios (87Sr/86Sr) were measured in rainwater samples collected at the urban site of Lanzhou, a city located on the Loess Plateau in the arid and semi-arid areas of northwest China. The rainwater samples possessed alkaline pH, at a reference level of 5.6, with a range of 6.82 to 8.28 and a volume-weighted mean (VWM) pH value of 7.70. The alkaline character of rainwater in Lanzhou is due to the result of neutralization caused by the alkaline soil dusts which contain large amount of CaCO3. It was observed that Ca2+ was the most abundant cation with a VWM value of 886 µeq l− 1 (115–2184 µeq l− 1), accounting for 87.8% of the total cations. Without considering HCO3, SO42− and NO3 were dominant among the anions, accounting for 64.2% and 23.0%, respectively, of the total measured anions. Using Na as an indicator of marine origin and Al for terrestrial inputs, the proportions of sea salt and non-sea-salt elements were estimated from elemental ratios. The precipitation in this region has typical continental characteristics. The Sr concentrations varied from 0.004 to 0.885 µmol l− 1, and strontium isotopic ratios (87Sr/86Sr) lay in the range of 0.71025–0.71302, with an average of 0.71143. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of Lanzhou rainwater are higher than that of seawater, which reflects contributions from the radiogenic Sr sources of the aerosols. The most suitable candidate for the source would be the soil dust originating from local and distant loess and desert areas. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios were used to characterize different sources of base cations in rainwater, suggesting that the samples could be interpreted in terms of combinations of at least three components: soil dust derived from the Loess Plateau and desert areas in northwest China (with 87Sr/86Sr ~ 0.7130), seawater (with 87Sr/86Sr ~ 0.70917), and anthropogenic inputs (with 87Sr/86Sr ~ 0.7103). The high 87Sr/86Sr ratio and Ca and Sr content in the rainwater from Lanzhou can be attributed to the dissolution of calcium carbonate in soil dust.  相似文献   

利用公路交通气象监测网资料、国家级公路融合降水实况分析产品及公路阻断信息,分析了2022年“龙舟水”期间华南地区的公路交通降水特点及影响特征,并对此次过程的公路交通气象服务情况进行复盘。结果表明:1)“龙舟水”期间,降水对广东、广西主要高速公路运行均产生一定影响,其中广西受严重影响的公路里程在全省路网占比高于广东。2)降水引发的公路阻断事件总体呈现出广西多于广东,北部多于南部,国省干线公路多于高速公路的特征。其中,降水对广东道路交通的影响以降雨(积水)为主,对广西的影响则以崩塌、滑坡、泥石流等次生地质灾害为主。3)华南地区公路交通降水预报落区与实况较为一致,公路气象预报预警起到了较好的预报服务效果。同时,公路交通暴雨灾害风险预估产品对于公路阻断灾情的预判体现出较好的指示意义。  相似文献   


基于南海海域西沙永兴岛近56 a逐日降水量和雨日资料,采用Morlet小波分析方法对西沙永兴岛降水量和雨日的演变趋势、周期变化等进行全面分析。结果表明:(1)西沙永兴岛降水量和雨日有明显的季节变化,夏秋季偏高,冬春季偏低。(2)年降水量和雨日的年际变化并不一致,降水量有显著的年际和年代际变化,而雨日在近56 a来则呈现显著的下降趋势。(3)小波分析表明年降水量在22~24 a时间尺度上周期振荡较为明显,而雨日的显著周期振荡主要出现在3~6 a的短时间尺度上。(4)不同季节降水量和雨日的年际变化也不同,春季降水量主要呈上升趋势,而夏季呈下降趋势。秋季和冬季雨日下降显著。春季降水量20世纪90年代以后,在4~6 a的短时间尺度上周期振荡强度较强,而夏季雨日强度最大的周期振荡频率位于8~12 a。


Concentrations of thirty-five trace elements in ambient fine particulate matter (PM2.5) were measured from September 2001 to January 2002 in Mira Loma, a semi-urban area in southern California. The most abundant species were found to be sulfur (S; 23% of the total trace element concentration), followed by Si, Fe, Ca, and Al (soil-related elements; 51% of the total). In general, total trace element concentrations were found to be significantly higher for the drier months of September and October, compared to December and January. Factor analysis, enrichment factor (EF) analysis, and ratio analysis (Al/Zn) revealed a significant contribution of soil-related sources to the ambient trace elements for PM2.5 in the study area. Other important contributors to the trace elements in ambient PM2.5 in Mira Loma included motor vehicle-related emissions (brake pads, lubricant oils, gasoline, and diesel combustion), secondary sulfates, sea salts, and biomass burning. The influence of sea salts on the study area was identified using a backward trajectory analysis.  相似文献   

利用2011—2019年江苏、浙江和安徽27个探测站ADTD闪电监测定位系统获取的资料,对中国长江三角洲三省一市(上海、江苏、浙江、安徽)一体化协同发展区域云地闪的发生频次、强度进行统计,运用EOF方法分析闪电频次的空间分布特征.结果表明:中国长江三角洲区域负闪数均占总闪数的95%以上,正闪平均强度均大于负闪平均强度绝...  相似文献   

Observational study of surface ozone at an urban site in East China   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
In this study, we present the observational data of near surface ozone and some meteorological parameters during 2004, at an urban site (36°42′ N, 117°08′ E, 34.5 m a.s.l.) of Jinan, China. Hourly ozone concentrations exceeding the standard value of China, 100 ppbv, were observed for 65 h (in 23 days) from April to October, and values exceeding US NAAQS (National Ambient Air Quality Standard) for 1 h ozone, 120 ppbv, were observed for 15 h (in 7 days) from late May to early July. Ozone formation presented the phenomenon of “weekend effect”, especially in summer. Monthly variation of ozone coincided with temperature except for July and August. The low ozone levels in July and August may be due to the short sunshine duration and much rainfall during this period. Among these meteorological parameters, daily averaged ozone shows a significant correlation with temperature (r = 0.66) in the year and with relative humidity (r = − 0.75) in summer. Throughout the year, high ozone concentrations were mainly associated with the wind from 180 to 247.5°, while high ozone concentration seemed to have no obvious correlation with a given wind direction in summer. An anomalous nocturnal high ozone episode during 23–25 May 2004 was investigated. Growth fractions of ozone during the nighttime episode were 62.2% and 71.1% for 23 and 24 May, respectively. Synoptic analysis shows that favorable synoptic condition had presumably elevated the background ozone level in this region. Backward trajectory analysis shows that the increase of ozone concentration and the relatively constant high ozone concentrations during the night of May 23 might originate from the transport of ozone rich air mass above boundary layer. Transport of ozone from Yangtze Delta and East Central China might be a significant process for the high ozone level during night May 24 at Jinan.  相似文献   

The results of a 8 year survey of wet and dry depositions collected in Bologna (Northern Italy) are presented and discussed: monthly fluxes of the main ions (hydrogen, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, ammoniacal and nitrate nitrogen, sulphate and chloride) have been registered and statistically discussed. The trend of hydrogen ion, whose largest correlation in the global deposition was found with sulphate, is clearly downwards, with peaks mainly in winter months. By means of a data factor analysis, three main sources to explain the variability of the deposition chemistry were recognized: an anthropogenic contribution (particularly represented by NO3 , SO4 2−, H+), the sea spray (Na+, Cl and, to a lesser extent, K+ and Mg2+) and a terrigenous fraction, particularly characterized by higher Ca2+ concentration; however, some concentration peaks of this ion have been found in association with some episodes of Saharan dust transportation.  相似文献   

Continuous measurements of ozone and its precursors including NO, NO2, and CO at an urban site (32°03′N, 118°44′E) in Nanjing, China during the period from January 2000 to February 2003 are presented. The effects of local meteorological conditions and distant transports associated with seasonal changed Asian monsoons on the temporal variations of O3 and its precursors are studied by statistical, backward trajectory, and episode analyses. The diurnal variation in O3 shows high concentrations during daytime and low concentrations during late night and early morning, while the precursors show high concentrations during night and early morning and low concentrations during daytime. The diurnal variations in air pollutants are closely related to those in local meteorological conditions. Both temperature and wind speed have significant positive correlations with O3 and significant negative correlations with the precursors. Relative humidity has a significant negative correlation with O3 and significant positive correlations with the precursors. The seasonal variation in O3 shows low concentrations in late autumn and winter and high concentrations in late spring and early summer, while the precursors show high concentrations in late autumn and winter and low concentrations in summer. Local mobile and stationary sources make a great contribution to the precursors, but distant transports also play a very important role in the seasonal variations of the air pollutants. The distant transport associated with the southeastern maritime monsoon contributes substantially to the O3 because the originally clean maritime air mass is polluted when passing over the highly industrialized and urbanized areas in the Yangtze River Delta. The high frequency of this type of air mass in summer causes the fact that a common seasonal characteristic of surface O3 in East Asia, summer minimum, is not observed at this site. The distant transports associated with the northern continental monsoons that dominate in autumn and winter are related to the high concentrations of the precursors in these two seasons. This study can contribute to a better understanding of the O3 pollution in vast inland of China affected by meteorological conditions and the rapid urbanization and industrialization.  相似文献   

青藏高原土壤湿度受积雪与冻土的共同影响,能够记忆长时间的陆面干湿过程,是气候变化的重要因子,对随后的中国东部降水有预测意义。由于高原观测站点稀少,土壤湿度观测资料匮乏,致使现有相关研究大多是基于再分析资料、模式资料和卫星遥感资料(统称替代资料)进行的,且所得结论既有差异,也存在不确定性。因此本文首先综述了各种土壤湿度替代资料的适用性对比研究,进而讨论了青藏高原地区土壤湿度的变化特征及其对我国东部气候的影响。现有研究表明:1)资料对比研究指出,现有的各种替代资料对高原土壤湿度存在明显的高估或低估现象,且评估结论受评估指标和插值方法不同的影响。相对而言,SSM/I和风云3B的土壤湿度产品与实际观测资料相关性较好。2)高原土壤湿度具有多时间尺度变化特征和空间非均匀性,在年变化上具有显著的融冻特征,年代际变化趋势和年际特征呈现显著的区域性差异。SSM/I资料表明春季高原主体土壤湿度的年代际变化趋势呈现为增加的特征,与高原的增暖相一致;年际变率存在东、西两个高值区,与其相关的潜热、感热通量能共同激发遥相关波列影响我国长江流域降水;同时高原土壤湿度在垂直方向上具有一致性,在空间分布上具有南部边缘最大、由东南向西北递减的特征。3)前人对高原土壤湿度影响中国东部降水的结论各有不同,其可能原因之一是采用的替代资料及其适用性不同,其二是模式试验中忽略土壤湿度的空间差异性而带来的误差等。相关问题需要进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

China is home to one-fifth of the world's population and that population is increasingly urban. The landscape is also urbanizing. Although there are studies that focus on specific elements of urban growth, there is very little empirical work that incorporates feedbacks and linkages to assess the interactions between the dynamics of urban growth and their environmental impacts. In this study, we develop a system dynamics simulation model of the drivers and environmental impacts of urban growth, using Shenzhen, South China, as a case study. We identify three phases of urban growth and develop scenarios to evaluate the impact of urban growth on several environmental indicators: land use, air quality, and demand for water and energy. The results show that all developable land will be urban by 2020 and the increase in the number of vehicles will be a major source of air pollution. Demand for water and electricity will rise, and the city will become increasingly vulnerable to shortages of either. The scenarios also show that there will be improvements in local environmental quality as a result of increasing affluence and economic growth. However, the environmental impacts outside of Shenzhen may increase as demands for natural resources increase and Shenzhen pushes its manufacturing industries out of the municipality. The findings may also portend to changes other cities in China and elsewhere in the developing world may experience as they continue to industrialize.  相似文献   

利用ERA-Interim逐日再分析资料及中国753站逐日降水资料,对2008年3月23—28日的东北冷涡天气过程进行诊断分析,并探讨了冷涡降水的主要影响因子。结果表明:1)与夏季冷涡过程不同,此次初春冷涡过程高层环流场由经向环流向纬向环流转变;冷涡发展初期,经向环流的建立使得冷涡向南移动,而成熟阶段冷涡后部的低槽引导冷空气向冷涡输送,导致了冷涡环流的维持。2)亚欧大陆上空强阻塞形势的发展是初春东北冷涡形成的关键因子;乌拉尔山和鄂霍次克海阻塞高压分别受到前期北大西洋和热带太平洋海温异常的调控,为冷涡向南发展维持提供了有利的环流背景,并影响了高低空急流的配置,有利于冷涡降水的形成。3)涡度场和温度场的高低空配置使得东北冷涡发展成深厚的环流系统,干侵入对冷涡的形成和维持同样有重要作用。冷涡环流的发展为东北地区降水提供了有利的水汽和垂直运动条件,冷暖平流交汇引起的锋面过程则促进大范围降水的形成。  相似文献   

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