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The Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) Short-Wavelength Spectrometer (SWS) spectra of 10 Be stars are presented. It can be seen that the Be stars show a diversity in their ISO SWS01 spectral classifications by Kraemer et al., from naked stars, stars associated with dust, stars with warm dust shells, stars with cool dust shells to very red sources. In addition, the Brc/HI(14-6) line flux ratio derived for the sample stars is compared with that of P Cyg, and it is found that the line ratio of Be stars which were investigated show not only lower values as suggested by Waters et al., but also larger values. Therefore, the line ratio cannot he used to judge whether a star is a Be star or not.  相似文献   

The Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) Short-Wavelength Spectrometer (SWS) spectra of 10 Be stars are presented. It can be seen that the Be stars show a diversity in their ISO SWS01 spectral classifications by Kraemer et al., from naked stars, stars associated with dust, stars with warm dust shells, stars with cool dust shells to very red sources. In addition, the Brα/HI(14-6) line flux ratio derived for the sample stars is compared with that of P Cyg, and it is found that the line ratio of Be stars which were investigated show not only lower values as suggested by Waters et al., but also larger values. Therefore, the line ratio cannot be used to judge whether a star is a Be star or not.  相似文献   

One of the main limitations to the sensitivity of the infrared camera ISOCAM on-board the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) comes from responsivity variations and glitches caused by the impacts of charged particles in photo-detectors. Glitch rate measurements, glitch properties and removal methods have already been addressed during the first ISO detector workshop(Madrid, 1998) and published in a special issue of Experimental Astronomy. It appeared that glitch rate and most of glitch properties could be reproduced by Monte-Carlo simulations. This is very interesting in order to predict before launch the effect of charged particles in photo-detectors operated in space. This paper presents results of Monte-Carlo simulations of radiation effects on ISOCAM detectors. Glitch rates, spatial and energetic properties of glitches have been computed and are compared with measured values. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Though the ultraviolet (UV) domain plays a vital role in the studies of astronomical transient events, the UV time-domain sky remains largely unexplored. We have designed a wide-field UV imager that can be flown on a range of available platforms, such as high-altitude balloons, CubeSats, and larger space missions. The major scientific goals are the variability of astronomical sources, detection of transients such as supernovae, novae, tidal disruption events, and characterizing active galactic nuclei variability. The instrument has a 80 mm aperture with a circular field of view of 10.8 degrees, an angular resolution of ~22 arcsec, and a 240 - 390 nm spectral observation window. The detector for the instrument is a Microchannel Plate (MCP)-based image intensifier with both photon counting and integration capabilities. An FPGA-based detector readout mechanism and real time data processing have been implemented. The imager is designed in such a way that its lightweight and compact nature are well fitted for the CubeSat dimensions. Here we present various design and developmental aspects of this UV wide-field transient explorer.  相似文献   

The space Fresnel Interferometric Imager, originally proposed to the ESA Cosmic Vision plan, is an innovative concept providing enhanced capabilities in terms of spatial resolution and dynamical range. In this paper we describe some of the most promising applications of the Fresnel Interferometric Imager concept in extragalactic studies. There are two different topics where the FII could make major progress. The first one is the mapping of star-formation in galaxies, from the local universe to ??75?C85% look back time, based on the first version of FII which is optimized for the UV and optical domains. The second topic is a test case for a subsequent improved version of FII, with a larger collecting area and optimized for the near-IR, focusing on the physical properties of the first galaxies.  相似文献   

A spectrally filtered Optical Frequency Comb (OFC) laser is proposed as a versatile calibration source for astronomical spectrometers in the 1?C2 ??m spectral range. Such a source overcomes the limitations of current calibration lamps providing a uniform spectrum of equally spaced lines with similar intensity and extremely high long-term frequency stability. We present preliminary studies and results of a system which filters the OFC from a 100 MHz comb spacing to 16 GHz one, an adequate spacing for spectrometers with resolving power ????/???>30000. The first approach employs two Fabry-Perot cavities in series, made of dielectric coated mirrors, followed by a non-linear optical broadening system. The limitations of such a filtering process are discussed. These can be overcome by the second approach, based on filtering cavities with metallic coated mirrors.  相似文献   

We propose a next generation space instrument: the Fresnel imager, a large aperture and lightweight focusing device for UV astrophysics. This paper presents the laboratory setup used to validate the Fresnel imager at UV at wavelengths around 260 nm, and the results obtained. The validation of this optical concept in the visible domain has been previously published, with the first results on sky objects. In this paper we present new optical tests in the UV, of diffractive focusing and chromatic correction at wavelengths around 260 nm. The results show images free from chromatic aberration, thanks to a chromatic corrector scheme similar to the one used in the visible. To complete these tests and reach real astrophysical UV sources, we propose a short space mission featuring a Fresnel imager prototype placed on the international space station: during the mission this small aperture instrument would be aimed at UV sources such as bright stars and solar system objects, to assess at relatively low cost the limits in contrast and resolution of diffractive focusing in space conditions, on real UV astrophysical objects. At wavelengths from 100 to 300 nm, covering Lyman-α, we expect some scientific return from this mission, but the main goal is to increase the TRL, improving the chances of success for a later proposal featuring a full fledged Fresnel imager 10 meters in aperture or more, that would explore new domains of UV astrophysics at very high angular resolution and very high contrast.  相似文献   

I present some of the results we have obtained with the four instruments on board of the ISO satellite. The determination of water vapour abundance, the study of star forming regions and the determination of the physical and chemical conditions in evolved stars are discussed. The implication of these results for future space-based observatories like FIRST and large ground-based infrared telescopes are analyzed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

CASPIR is a near-infrared spectrometer/imager being built for the Mount Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatories' 2.3 m telescope. The instrument is based on a SBRC 256×256 InSb detector array and uses AR-coated Sapphire, MgO, CaF2, and BaF2 optics to produce two imaging focal plane scales with 0.5/pixel and 0.25/pixel. Spectral resolving powers of 500 will be achieved through a 1×128 slit with three grisms designed for the J, H, and K bands. IJ, JH, and HK cross-dispersed échelle grisms will achieve resolving powers of 1100 through a 1×15 slit. Coronograph and imaging polarimetry modes will also be available. The various observing configurations are selected via five remotely controlled wheels. The instrument design and system architecture are discussed, and preliminary detector performance figures reported.  相似文献   

Observations of the winds in the upper atmosphere obtained with the High-Resolution Doppler Imager (HRDI) on the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) are discussed. This instrument is a very stable high-resolution triple-etalon Fabry-Perot interferometer, which is used to observe the slight Doppler shifts of absorption and emission lines in the O2 Atmospheric bands induced by atmospheric motions. Preliminary observations indicate that the winds in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere are a mixture of migrating and non-migrating tides, and planetary-scale waves. The mean meridional winds are dominated by the 1,1 diurnal tide which is easily extracted from the daily zonal means of the satellite observations. The daily mean zonal winds are a mixture of the diurnal tide and a zonal flow which is consistent with theoretical expectations.  相似文献   

Interferometric calibration always yields non unique solutions. It is therefore essential to remove these ambiguities before the solutions could be used in any further modeling of the sky, the instrument or propagation effects such as the ionosphere. We present a method for LOFAR calibration which does not yield a unitary ambiguity, especially under ionospheric distortions. We also present exact ambiguities we get in our solutions, in closed form. Casting this as an optimization problem, we also present conditions for this approach to work. The proposed method enables us to use the solutions obtained via calibration for further modeling of instrumental and propagation effects. We provide extensive simulation results on the performance of our method. Moreover, we also give cases where due to degeneracy, this method fails to perform as expected and in such cases, we suggest exploiting diversity in time, space and frequency.  相似文献   

A cryogenic astronomical spectrometer for the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility is described. This spectrometer will employ an array of at least 20 detectors and provide a resolving power of 100 to 1500 at 1–5 m. The resolving power will be adjustable by changing gratings.Paper presented at the IAU Third Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, held in Kyoto, Japan, between 30 September–6 October, 1984.  相似文献   

A major limitation in the development of wind sensors for use on Mars is the lack of suitable testing and calibration facilities. A low-density wind tunnel has been developed at Oxford University for calibration of wind sensors for Mars landers, capable of providing stable or dynamically varying winds, of air or carbon dioxide, at Martian pressures (5-10 mbar) and speeds (0.5-30 m/s), and temperatures of 200-300 K. The flow field in the test section was calculated using analytical and computational modelling techniques, and validated experimentally using a pitot probe. This facility's stability and accuracy offer significant advantages with respect to previous calibration facilities.  相似文献   

In 2009, the Centre National d??Etudes Spatiales (CNES) carried out an assessment study on a ??Fresnel telescope?? concept based on a two-spacecraftformation flying configuration. This concept uses a binary Fresnel zone plate, and the principle of diffraction focusing, which allows high resolution optical imaging for astrophysics. In addition to CNES, the Laboratoire d??Astrophysique de Toulouse Tarbes (LATT) was deeply involved at two levels: through Research & Technology (R&T) studies to simulate and validate on a test bench the Fresnel concept performance, and through active participation in the CNES team for the optical aspects and to define the astrophysical fields of Fresnel-based space missions. The study was conducted within the technical limitations that resulted from a compromise between the R&T state of the art and the potential scientific domains of interest. The main technical limitations are linked to the size of the primary Fresnel array and to its usable spectral bandwidth. In this framework, the study covers ambitious architectures, correlating the technology readiness of the main critical components with the time-scale and programmatic horizons. The possible scientific topics arise from this range of missions. In this paper, I present a mission launched by a Soyuz, dedicated to astrophysics in the Ultra Violet (UV) band: 120 to 300 nm using a 4-m Fresnel array. It could be competitive in the next fifteen years, whereas a 10-m aperture mission in different bands; UV, visible or Infra Red (IR) (up to 6 ??m) could be achievable in the future. Larger missions, using a primary array larger than 20 m, request technologies not yet available but that will probably be based on new inflatable structures with membranes, as already tested in the USA for other ends.  相似文献   

A. Llebaria  P. Lamy  J.-F. Danjard 《Icarus》2006,182(1):281-296
We present a photometric calibration of the SOHO/LASCO-C2 coronagraph appropriate to Solar System objects based on the extensive analysis of all stars down to magnitude V=8 which transited its field-of-view during the past nine years of operation (1996-2004). An automatic procedure was developed to analyze some 143,000 images, and to detect, locate and measure those stars. Aperture photometry was performed using three different aperture sizes and the zero points of the photometric transformations between the LASCO-C2 magnitudes for its three filters (orange, blue and red) and the standard V magnitudes were determined after introducing a correction for the color of the stars. The calibration coefficients for the surface photometry of extended sources were then derived from the zero points. An analysis of their temporal evolution indicates a slight decrease of the sensitivity of LASCO-C2 at a rate of ∼0.7% per year.  相似文献   

The process of development and calibration for the first Moon-based extreme ultraviolet(EUV) camera to observe Earth's plasmasphere is introduced and the design, test and calibration results are presented. The EUV camera is composed of a multilayer film mirror, a thin film filter, a photon-counting imaging detector, a mechanism that can adjust the direction in two dimensions, a protective cover, an electronic unit and a thermal control unit. The center wavelength of the EUV camera is 30.2 nm with a bandwidth of 4.6 nm. The field of view is 14.7° with an angular resolution of 0.08°, and the sensitivity of the camera is 0.11 count s-1Rayleigh-1. The geometric calibration, the absolute photometric calibration and the relative photometric calibration are carried out under different temperatures before launch to obtain a matrix that can correct geometric distortion and a matrix for relative photometric correction,which are used for in-orbit correction of the images to ensure their accuracy.  相似文献   

The Astrometric Imaging Telescope (AIT) is designed to probe the circumstellar environment by both direct imaging and indirect astrometric measurements. The Circumstellar Imager (CI) is a coronagraphic camera and is the direct imaging component of the AIT. The CI is designed to obtain high-sensitivity images of the circumstellar region. It provides crucial non-inferential information relating to the frequency, origin, and evolution of planetary systems and all forms of circumstellar matter. Such imaging is usually limited by the scattered and diffracted light halos of the star itself, which are greatly suppressed in the CI by mating a novel high-efficiency coronagraph with a phasecompensated optical system. For faint point sources in the circumstellar region, the CI will have a sensitivity in excess of 5 magnitudes fainter than the as-designed Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Laboratory data are shown for the coronagraph, which, in a diffraction-limited environment, is capable of suppressing the stellar diffraction sidelobes by several orders of magnitude without significant sacrifice of field of view. In order to realize the high rejection levels inherent in the coronagraph design, it is necessary to limit scatter in the optical systems, imposing a mid-spatial frequency figure error requirement an order of magnitude smaller than that of the HST. Experimental data directed toward meeting this requirement are also shown.Paper presented at the Conference onPlanetary Systems: Formation, Evolution, and Detection held 7–10 December, 1992 at CalTech, Pasadena, California, U.S.A.  相似文献   

The Infrared Space Observatory successfullycarried out a wide range of astronomical observations in thewavelength range 2.4 m to nearly 200 m. To coverthis extremely broad range, a variety of detector technologies wereused by the instruments teams. As such ISO also proved to bean important test bed for the operation of these detectors ina low-background space environment. Over the two year mission,all the detector types have proven to be quite stable, withonly the Si:As IBC showing any long term degradation.Significant effort has been expended to cope with thebehaviour of the detectors under the space conditions bothoperationally and in ground processing. The main undesirableeffect can be classified as either transient responseanomalies or radiation effects. Overall sensitivity of theISO detectors was generally worse than predicted fromground-based measurements due to combinations of these twoclasses of phenomena. Splinter meetings were held to exchangespecific strategies for dealing with glitches, radiation curing,and transient effects. Plans for future actions were initiated.  相似文献   

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