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史前人类向青藏高原扩散的过程和适应高海拔缺氧环境的机制是多学科关注的热点科学问题.青海湖盆地是青藏高原旧石器-中石器时代遗址分布最为丰富的区域,对这些遗址出土的石制品原料的分析有助于深入理解青藏高原史前狩猎采集人群的石料开发策略、人群迁徙和交流联系.青海湖盆地151遗址出土的928件石制品的石料研究分析显示,处于末次冰消期的下文化层的石制品以近源的石英和石英岩为主要原料,而处于全新世早中期的上文化层在同类型近源石料仍占主体地位的情况下,开始出现较高比例和多样化的优质硅质石料,并且主要用于生产细石器.野外调查和查阅地质资料均未发现青海湖盆地内有151遗址中出现的同类型优质硅质石料产出,推测其来自远距离搬运.青海湖盆地内其他8个末次冰消期至全新世中期遗址的3269件石制品石料分析结果显示,与151遗址同类型的远源优质硅质石料在全新世早期开始在盆地内的遗址中出现.这一结果表明青海湖盆地末次冰消期古人类活动强度和范围有限,全新世早中期古人类受到全新世大暖期气候变好和周边地区农业人群兴起挤压活动空间的双重影响,在高原上的活动范围和强度大大增加,伴随着开始有意识地开发优质石料,较频繁地进行远距离迁移和人群交流.远源优质硅质石料的产地可能位于北祁连山区和青藏高原上的陆相火山岩区,需要未来更深入的研究揭示.该研究为深入理解青藏高原古人类的高海拔环境适应策略和移动模式提供了重要材料,为理解史前人类向高原扩散的机制提供了重要信息.  相似文献   

中国古人类石器技术与生存模式的考古学阐释   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
高星  裴树文 《第四纪研究》2006,26(4):504-513
文章在对中国境内旧石器时代文化遗存的时空分布、埋藏情况、石器制作技术与使用功能、石制品类型—形态特征与演化趋势、对石器原料及其他资源的利用方式、区域文化传统的划分和特点考察的基础上,提出中国古人类"综合行为模式",并以此对本地区古人类演化过程和文化特点的成因进行分析和阐释;提出该区域古人类于更新世的大部分时期内在生物进化与行为演化上具有连续性、稳定性、高频迁徙性、务实简便性、灵活机动性、因地制宜性和与环境的和谐性;在文化发展方面表现为保持传统与进取创新相交织;从考古学角度支持中国古人类"连续进化,附带杂交"的理论。  相似文献   

Characterizing raw material of stone tools used by Late Neolithic and Copper Age communities is important for interpreting access to available sources and establishing regional routes of distribution. Ichnological analysis may be used to help characterize lithic material and determine the source of artifacts. Here we report for the first time the existence of trace fossils in artifacts from the Late Neolithic and Copper Age of southern Spain. Ichnological analysis indicates a trace fossil assemblage consisting of relatively scarce small‐sized Chondrites and abundant Phycosiphon. A regional survey of natural outcrops and chert quarries indicates the presence of discrete trace fossils only in the samples from geological formations that are part of the Campo de Gibraltar Complex. Ichnological composition in these samples is similar to that discerned in the artifacts and suggests that this was the probable source of the chert used in tool manufacture. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

刘扬  陈全家  侯亚梅 《第四纪研究》2008,28(6):1042-1049
文章对近年来发现于吉林东部即长白山山地地区的12处旧石器遗址中9处含有细石器的遗存予以关注,并将它们界定为"含细石器遗存"。由于延边大洞遗址的材料整理工作尚未结束,只对其中的8处进行了实际分析和研究。主要从细石核型式和细石器工艺技术两个方面对这些遗存中发现的细石器进行了分析,同时把与细石器伴生的非细石器制品作为石制品组合从原料、技术、器物大小和类型等方面给予探讨。基于上述几方面的分析研究,提出该地区含细石器遗存包括了以细石器为主体、以小石器为主体和以大石器为主体的3种类型,并初步认为该地区细石器制作技术来源于华北地区。遗存年代为旧石器时代晚期或偏晚。  相似文献   

文章记述并分析了20世纪90年代后期重庆巫山龙骨坡遗址出土于第7水平层的16件石制品,包括若干各具特色的工具类型,如原型手镐、原型薄刃斧、大型尖刃器、直刃砍砸器、凸刃砍砸器、长刃石刀、短刃石刀、刮削器、凿刃器等,反映出石器制作者明确的工作目标和为了达到目标所经历的一个又一个中间过程;说明了当时的人类对工具制作的具体需求和适当利用自然环境的事实。研究证据还体现了大约200万年前华南早期人类工具类型的多样性与特殊性,标志着中国早期人类在当时阶段所达到的技术发展水平。龙骨坡遗址很可能是东亚早期人类文化的一个发祥地。  相似文献   

河南卢氏发现黄土旧石器   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
文章报道了在河南卢氏发现的3个旧石器地点:石制品出自S1的Ly15地点;在S3,S2和S1中均有旧石器发现的Ly13地点;出自S2的Ly14地点。3个地点的石制品均以石英岩砾石为原料,锤击法打片,石器数量较少,有手镐、刮削器,这些发现为探索中国南北旧石器文化的关系及其与环境变化的关系有重要意义。  相似文献   

三峡地区更新世人类适应生存方式   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
近20年来,一大批重要遗址的发现、发掘和研究,使三峡地区成为目前我国旧石器考古研究的重要地区之一。该地区在更新世总体上是以亚热带湿热森林环境为主。长江的发育和两岸丰富的动植物为古人类适应、生存和迁徙提供了资源。广泛流行的砾石石器工业是当地古人类在背山面河的自然环境下从事狩猎-采集活动所必需的。早更新世至晚更新世早期,古人类从洞穴居住逐渐转为旷野游动生活,石器保留砾石石器的面貌;晚更新世末期,石片石器取代砾石石器而居主要地位,石器组合中出现了小型的刮削器和磨制石器,部分遗址伴生陶片,这说明人类生存行为由狩猎-采集向农业耕作-家畜驯养的过渡,生存方式也转为以定居为主。古人类在三峡地区的生存方式是长期适应当地自然环境的结果。  相似文献   

欧亚大陆的黄土带与旧石器早期人类活动   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
文章对欧洲和亚洲黄土分布资料进行了整理,结合欧亚的旧石器考古资料,发现在旧石器早期,欧亚大陆的考古遗址主要分布在黄土带上,这反映了在旧石器早期,东西文化的交流与传播可能存在着一条"黄土之路"。这条"黄土之路"东至中国华北,在天山、阿尔泰山地区分为两条线,在高加索地区汇合,通过欧洲,一直向西至法国和不列颠群岛。通过对欧洲、中亚和东亚黄土旧石器遗址剖面的对比,发现无论是冰期还是间冰期,在黄土分布区,有的地方一直是人类活动的场所,比如欧洲和东亚,周围的自然环境能使人类生存和生活;而有的地方只有在间冰期才适合人类生活,比如中亚。这需要进一步的工作证明。在S5(MIS 13~15)阶段,无论在欧洲还是亚洲,考古遗址发现的几率都比较大,这也许说明在这个时期人类的活动更为活跃。而且在这条横贯欧亚大陆的古土壤带上,相似的自然环境也许存在着更多的交流。这需要进一步对旧石器文化特征上进行比较方能得出更确切的结论。  相似文献   

高星 《第四纪研究》2003,23(4):379-384
德日进是中国旧石器时代考古学的开拓者与奠基人之一.他与桑志华发现并发掘了水洞沟和萨拉乌苏遗址,参与了关于中国史前考古的第一本专著<中国旧石器时代>的写作.他作为中国地质调查所新生代研究室的顾问参与和指导了周口店遗址的发掘和研究工作,对确认北京猿人石器的人工属性和用火遗迹起过重要的作用,与裴文中一道对周口店的石器工业进行了系统研究,奠定了中国旧石器时代考古学的基础,并与杨钟健等一起建立了周口店遗址的地层层序和地质时代框架.他对中国旧石器时代考古的第一代学人裴文中和贾兰坡有过多方面的指导和帮助,进而对中国旧石器时代考古学的后续发展产生了深远的影响.  相似文献   

Chert is the most frequent lithic raw material in the Columbia Plateau, but archaeologists have made few attempts to link chert artifacts to their quarries in this area. The Mack Canyon Site in north-central Oregon is near a chert source, providing an opportunity to compare provenance analysis techniques. Macroscopic and microscopic visual attributes and element concentrations were determined for 26 samples from six sources in the Columbia Plateau. Additional concentration data from two other sources were included for comparison. Four artifacts were selected from the Mack Canyon Site for comparison to the nearby outcrop. Although all of the artifacts were macroscopically indistinguishable from the local material, microscopic attributes and element concentrations indicate that only one of the artifacts came from the outcrop. Linking chert artifacts and quarries through statistical analysis of element concentrations holds promise for the Columbia Plateau. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

中国北方晚更新世人类的适应变迁与辐射   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
陈胜前 《第四纪研究》2006,26(4):522-533
晚更新世是现代人在全球建立全面的生态优势的时期。中国北方有比较丰富的发现,但现有的材料和研究没有能够回答人类此时的生计状态、适应模式和环境联系。文章从行为重建和生态学的角度考察,将中国北方晚更新世的人类适应置于欧亚大陆整体人类演化框架中来考虑,重新审查已有的发现,提出中国旧石器时代晚期可以分为两个阶段:以骨角工具、装饰品和更精制的石器组合为代表的早段(EUP)和以细石叶工艺为代表的晚段(LUP);并确定中国北方晚更新世人类适应至少经历两次革命性的变化,同时存在至少4种适应模式;而且其地域化的特征是从早到晚加强。人类的适应辐射则主要表现于人口的扩张,特别是向极端环境的殖民,技术模式的迅速转换和地域化特征的加强。  相似文献   

Identifying the geological and geographical origin of lithic raw materials is critical to effectively address prehistoric forager raw material economies and mobility strategies. Currently, Paleolithic archaeology in Belgium lacks a systematic sourcing strategy to effectively substantiate detailed interpretations of prehistoric hunter‐gatherer behavioral change across time and space. This pilot study evaluates the potential to “fingerprint” flint from the Mons Basin, western Belgium, using the laser ablation‐inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry (LA‐ICP‐MS) technique and a multivariate statistical analysis of 87 geological samples and 39 Gravettian period chipped stone artifacts. We reappraise two hypotheses raised by previous scholars based on visual raw material identification: (1) the Gravettian occupants of Maisières‐Canal supplied themselves with “black flint” from one single source; (2) the sites Rhens and Koblenz‐Metternich yielded artifacts indicative of long‐distance transfer of western Belgian flint into the German Rhineland, ca. 260 km from the primary source area. Our results demonstrate the validity of LA‐ICP‐MS data with flint and compositional data analysis for fingerprinting discrete geological formations from the Mons Basin. We suggest multiple source provisioning for Maisières‐Canal. Geochemical characterization of other potential flint sources is required to validate the long‐distance transfer hypothesis of western Belgian “black flint” into the German Rhineland.  相似文献   

青藏高原边缘地区晚更新世人类遗存与生存模式   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
高星  周振宇  关莹 《第四纪研究》2008,28(6):969-977
自20世纪80年代在青海小柴旦发现旧石器遗存以来,青藏高原边缘地区已经发现了10余处旧石器时代遗址,年代属晚更新世晚期。这些遗存显示,古人类在距今30ka左右开始尝试向这些高海拔地区扩散,但直至距今15ka以后才有更多的人群迁徙至此。通过对这些遗存分布位置、古环境特征、年代测定和石器技术、组合分析,得以管窥古人类对该地区的开发利用过程,并进而阐释史前人类技术发展、生存模式演变和古环境的耦合关系。  相似文献   

近20年来中国旧石器考古学的进展与思考   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
本文记述近20年来中国旧石器考古学研究的主要成果,着重论述早期人类扩散的速度和中国旧石器工业的基本框架:北、南方各存在一个主工业,并存若干区域工业;同时对试验考古研究以及东西文化比较研究等的现状和问题提出孔见。  相似文献   

This study shows how the occurrence of lithic raw-materials articulate with hunter gatherer technological organization. Three archaeological data sets representing 109 different sites and one ethnographic data set from Australia are examined to show that lithic raw-material size, shape, quality, and availability play a major role in hunter gatherer decisions to make various kinds of stone tools. These characteristics of lithic material occurrence are used to help explain why expedient technologies such as bipolar tool production are sometimes used, and why formalized technologies such as bifacial production may be selected as a tool production strategy. Stone tool morphological variability and technological variability are shown to be directly related to the geological occurrence of stone tool raw materials. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Dakhleh Oasis, the largest of the Egyptian Western Desert, presents an opportunity for diachronic study of lithic raw material preferences during the Middle Stone Age (MSA) of the Eastern Sahara. Archaeological aggregates and raw material sources are exposed and easily mapped. Diverse and abundant lithic raw materials derive from sandstone, shale, and limestone sources and are also found in secondary geological contexts. Three main raw materials were used, and there was strong preference for one of these: Tarawan chert. Easily available only in the north‐central oasis, this material was transported substantial distances even when other materials that were known and used by MSA peoples could be found closer at hand. There is little evidence for use of raw materials exogenous to Dakhleh Oasis. This pattern of usage does not appear to change from the older MSA units to the Aterian Dakhleh Unit. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

东秦岭南洛河中游地区发现的旧石器和黄土堆积   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对2006~2007年在东秦岭南洛河中游地区河南省卢氏和洛宁两县发现的8处旷野类型旧石器地点的160余件石制品进行了初步研究,并对产出石制品的黄土堆积剖面进行了地层学分析和光释光测年。初步结果表明,南洛河中游地区的旧石器工业很丰富,石制品的加工技术与上游洛南盆地一致,同样采取硬锤直接打击法;加工石制品的原料来自于河流堆积物中的石英岩和石英砾石等;石制品中有相当数量的小型石片和由小型石片二次加工修理而成的工具,还有直接由砾石加工而成的重型工具,如手镐等;除此之外,大型石片以及以大型石片加工而成的重型工具,如重型刮削器也多有所见。由于工作范围和力度的局限,南洛河中游地区目前尚未发现上游洛南盆地旧石器遗址中广泛存在的手斧、三棱手镐、薄刃斧和大型石刀等Acheulian类型两面加工技术生产的工具。新发现的南洛河中游旧石器地点分布在不同时期形成的河流阶地和黄土地层中。地层分析和光释光年代测试表明,南洛河中游地区的黄土堆积至少从中更新世便已经开始,并一直持续到全新世,至少在黄土剖面中S1,S3和S4的3个层位有石器分布;其黄土-古土壤旋回不仅可以用于石制品产出层位的准确定年,还指示了早期人类石器工业演化和人类生存环境变化的过程。  相似文献   

The Jingshuiwan Paleolithic site lies in the second terrace of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River and has a complete geomorphological section. Archaeological materials from early Late Pleistocene fluvial deposits of silt and sand are dated by optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) to ca. 70 ka. The stone assemblage from layer 7 includes retouched tools (118), cores (304), flakes (281), flake fragments (101), stone hammers (four) and chunks (102). Artifacts were made from lithic sources locally available from the former riverbed. The main type used was silicarenite; quartzite, hypabyssal intrusive rock, extrusive rock and volcanic breccia were also used. The principal flaking technique was direct hammer percussion without prepared striking platforms. Major blanks for tool fabrication were complete flakes (67.0%), followed by cores and incomplete flakes. Most tools were large. Chopper-chopping tools and scrapers were the dominant tool types, followed by points and notches. Modified tools were mostly retouched unifacially on the surface of blanks by direct hammer percussion. Jingshuiwan provides evidence that South China was occupied during MIS 4. Because of the similarity of the stone tool assemblage with earlier ones associated with Homo erectus, it may also provide indirect evidence that H. erectus persisted into the early Late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

湖北郧西黄龙洞古人类石器技术与生存行为探讨   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
湖北郧西黄龙洞古人类遗址自2004年发现以来已进行过3次系统发掘,出土了距今约10万年的晚期智人牙齿化石、哺乳动物化石和38件石制品。文章从类型、原料、剥片技术、加工技术等方法对石制品进行综合分析。结果表明,黄龙洞古人类选择围岩内部的石英质岩脉和洞外河流形成的河卵石进行剥片和加工石器,类型包括石锤、石核、石片、石器、断块和碎屑等,个体以中小型居多;锤击法为剥片基本方法,砸击法被少量使用;石器多为片状毛坯制作而成,刮削器是石器的主要类型,此外还有手镐、砍砸器、石锥和雕刻器等,石器为锤击法单向简单加工而成。另外,结合洞穴自然环境、动物化石埋藏及考古分析等证据,探讨了古人类于更新世晚期对黄龙洞的利用方式和生存行为。  相似文献   

10Be‐26Al cosmogenic surface exposure, optically stimulated luminescence, and radiocarbon dates from the site of Xidatan 2 (∼4300 m above sea level [asl] in the Kunlun Pass, northern Tibetan Plateau) suggest the site was intermittently and briefly occupied approximately 9200–6400 yr B.P. This age is substantially younger than expected given the late Upper Paleolithic character of the lithic assemblage, which is dominated by microlithic and unique discoidal prepared core technologies. Comparisons between Xidatan 2 and known surface lithic assemblages in the Kekexili and Chang Tang regions of the central high Plateau show not only that the latter are technologically similar to Xidatan 2, but also that they are demonstrably connected to Xidatan 2 through utilization of the same stone raw materials, which includes a chemically distinctive obsidian. Contrary to most accounts of Tibetan Plateau colonization, our results suggest that the earliest substantial occupations on the interior Tibetan Plateau above 4000 m asl may date to the Pleistocene/Holocene transition.  相似文献   

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