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白令海是北冰洋的边缘海,其海冰变化与北极其他海域存在巨大差异。近10年来,白令海海冰面积发生显著减少,对区域水文、大气甚至生态系统造成巨大影响,甚至影响到中纬度乃至我国气候系统。基于卫星观测、模式模拟等多种手段,学术界对白令海海冰时空变化特征及其影响因子进行了大量的研究。本文阐述了白令海近期海冰变化,回顾了海冰变化的影响因子,总结了白令海海冰变化对水文、大气、生态系统以及中纬度气候系统的影响。通过对已有研究进行综合分析指出,受研究方法缺陷和观测数据缺失,以及探索因果关系机制的综合性研究较少的影响,对于驱动季节内白令海海冰变化机理认识仍然不足。进一步指出,需要加强对前期海冰对后期海冰影响、风场对海冰的拖拽作用、暖平流对海冰的影响尺度以及海冰面积变化尺度演变等方向的研究。  相似文献   

北极海冰与全球气候变化   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
李培基 《冰川冻土》1996,18(1):72-80
最近有关北极海冰在全球气候系统中作用的研究发现,北冰洋边缘海域大洋深水的形成与海冰发育有关,海冰冻融过程对盐度层结具有重要影响,海冰变化可引起盐度突变层的灾变和热盐环流的突然停止,热盐环流的变化与北大西洋海冰10年际变化相联系,北大西洋气候的不稳定性与热盐环流变化密切相关。北极海冰-海洋-大气间耦合作用,使北极海冰构成了北大西洋和全球气候反馈循环中的重要环节。  相似文献   

极地海冰的研究及其在气候变化中的作用   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
极地海冰作为全球气候系统的一个重要组成部分,通过影响大洋表面的辐射平衡、物质平衡、能量平衡以及大洋温、盐流的形成和循环而影响全球气候变化.从最初研究极地海冰的强度和承载力到目前海/冰/气相互作用全球气候耦合模型的建立,使海冰变化和全球气候变化紧密结合起来.这些研究领域主要有:海冰及其表层雪的物理特性和过程、海冰区域生态特征、海冰区与气候相关的反照率和物质平衡研究以及海冰气候耦合模型等大的领域.模拟显示,21世纪因为全球变暖,南北极海冰都将减少.海冰和全球气候系统其它要素之间的相互作用问题、极地海冰的厚度季节性区域性分布问题、极地海冰边界及范围变化趋势问题、生消关键过程及其影响因素问题、冰间湖的作用以及海气相互作用等将是未来重要的研究方向.  相似文献   

格陵兰海海冰外缘线变化特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
格陵兰海作为北冰洋的边缘海之一,容纳了北极输出的海冰,其海冰外缘线的变化既受北极海冰输出量的影响,也受局地海冰融化和冻结过程的影响。利用2003年1月到2011年6月AMSR-E卫星亮温数据反演的海冰密集度产品,对格陵兰海海冰外缘线的变化特征进行了分析。结果表明,格陵兰海海冰外缘线不仅存在一年的变化周期,还存在比较显著的半年变化周期,与海冰在春秋两季向岸收缩有关。格陵兰海冬季的海冰外缘线极大值呈逐年下降的趋势,体现了北极增暖导致的冬季海冰范围减小;而夏季海冰外缘线离岸距离的极小值呈上升趋势,表明夏季来自北冰洋的海冰输出量增大。2003—2004年是格陵兰海夏季海冰融化最严重的2年。2007年北冰洋夏季海冰覆盖范围达到历史最小;而格陵兰海夏季的最小海冰范围最大,表明2007年北冰洋海冰的输出量大于其他年份。此外,夏季格陵兰岛冰雪融化形成的地表径流对海冰外缘线有一定的影响。对海冰外缘线影响最大的不是格陵兰海的局地风场,而是弗拉姆海峡(Fram Strait)区域的经向风,它直接驱动了北冰洋海冰向格陵兰海的输运,进而对格陵兰海海冰外缘线的分布产生滞后的影响。  相似文献   

温暖的大西洋水进入北冰洋后,通过热量释放影响海洋和大气环境。在欧亚海盆,大西洋水深度浅,其热量释放是海冰融化的重要热源,也是海冰减退和北极放大的关键因素。大西洋水输送的环流结构没有变化,而是通过流速的变化改变热量输送的效率。大西洋水在流动过程中通过湍流运动、冬季对流和双扩散三大物理机制向上释放热量而降温。近年来,大西洋水热量增加并将暖信号向北冰洋内部输送,进而影响下游加拿大海盆的海洋过程。增暖的热源来自弗拉姆海峡的异常暖事件,体现为北欧海挪威大西洋流水温长期变化因素与低频振荡因素的共同作用。  相似文献   

太阳辐射能是海冰融化的最主要能源,基于在2008年8月21~27日北极加拿大海盆中部为期8天的冰站考察中海冰光学观测数据,研究了北冰洋中央密集冰区海冰吸收的太阳辐射能。通过现场直接观测,确定了海冰透射率、反照率、吸收率及其随冰厚的变化,得出海冰对太阳短波辐射的吸收率大约为到达冰面太阳辐射的16%,大部分被冰雪表面反射。为期3天的对太阳辐射的观测表明,虽然到达北冰洋中央密集冰区的太阳辐射能并不少,但由于云和雾覆盖的时间所占的比例很大,有将近57%被大气削弱,其余的又有77%左右被冰雪表面反射回太空,海冰吸收的热量只有10.2 W/m2,相当于每天融化2.6 mm的冰,1 m厚海冰全部融化需要380天,不足以为海冰融化提供足够的热量。因此北冰洋中央密集冰区终年被海冰覆盖,即使在北冰洋海冰面积骤减的现状下,那里的海冰密集度仍然接近100%。然而,文章的结果指出:大气中云和雾大幅度减少、积雪层融化、海冰厚度减小、融池的比例增加等因素都会大幅度增加海冰吸收的热量,未来这些过程的发生有可能导致北冰洋密集冰区的海冰快速融化。  相似文献   

太阳辐射能是海冰融化的最主要能源,基于在2008年8月21~27日北极加拿大海盆中部为期8天的冰站考察中海冰光学观测数据,研究了北冰洋中央密集冰区海冰吸收的太阳辐射能.通过现场直接观测,确定了海冰透射率、反照率、吸收率及其随冰厚的变化,得出海冰对太阳短波辐射的吸收率大约为到达冰面太阳辐射的16%,大部分被冰雪表面反射.为期3天的对太阳辐射的观测表明,虽然到达北冰洋中央密集冰区的太阳辐射能并不少,但由于云和雾覆盖的时间所占的比例很大,有将近57%被大气削弱,其余的又有77%左右被冰雪表面反射回太空,海冰吸收的热量只有10.2W/m2,相当于每天融化2.6mm的冰,1m厚海冰全部融化需要380天,不足以为海冰融化提供足够的热量.因此北冰洋中央密集冰区终年被海冰覆盖,即使在北冰洋海冰面积骤减的现状下,那里的海冰密集度仍然接近100%.然而,文章的结果指出:大气中云和雾大幅度减少、积雪层融化、海冰厚度减小、融池的比例增加等因素都会大幅度增加海冰吸收的热量,未来这些过程的发生有可能导致北冰洋密集冰区的海冰快速融化.  相似文献   

北极海冰消融初期,上覆积雪急剧消融,融池开始形成,海冰表面物理特征异常复杂。由于观测资料缺乏,对这一时期海冰变化的研究仍存在较大不确定性。利用2015年5月份在巴罗Elson Lagoon海域观测的海冰表面物理特征和光谱反射率数据,分析了巴罗地区海冰消融初期表面积雪、裸冰和融池反射率特性及其影响因素。结果表明:消融初期,海冰表面异质性强,积雪、裸冰和融池相间分布。在积雪覆盖的区域,积雪对海冰光谱反射率起决定性作用,观测到不同雪深(3~23 cm)的反射率变化在0.53~0.85之间,平均反射率为0.76且反射率与雪深呈正相关。在表面积雪厚度相同的情况下,积雪底层含水量越大,表层反射率越小。观测还显示,在融池形成的区域,海冰的反射率急剧降低,融池初形成时反射率为0.206,略低于裸冰(0.216)。随着融池的发展,当其深度达到10 cm时,反射率仅为0.04,与开阔海域海水接近。  相似文献   

在全球变暖的背景下,北极海冰在发生快速变化,海冰覆盖范围明显减小,厚度显著变薄,积雪/海冰—反照率正反馈机制在此背景下变得愈发重要。气候系统和单一海冰模式采用了从简单到复杂的海冰反照率参数化方案。首先对模式中的海冰反照率参数化进行了回顾,并结合对现有卫星反照率产品问题的分析,概述了前人对参数化的评估研究工作。在此基础上进一步讨论了气候模式中海冰反照率参数化方案存在的问题,一方面目前的反照率参数化对海冰融池和冰间水道等物理过程的考虑还不够完善,另一方面反照率参数化方案的发展受到观测数据可用性的制约。最后对参数化的发展方向进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

北极楚科奇海海冰特征研究——以1999年夏季为例   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
对北冰洋楚科奇海海冰分布、厚度、气/冰/海界面温度场观测,钻取海冰冰芯,观测冰结构的变化,发现3种海冰组合结构: 1)表面融化型; 2)表面和底部融化型; 3)整体融化型. 海冰结构形成的热力学过程为:在气/冰界面上,海冰上表面吸收辐射能使冰体升温,出现表面融化; 在冰/海水界面上,海冰盘与开阔水域的相间分布、相对运动,将周围温度较高的水体输送到海冰的底部,加热、融化海冰底部; 冰体升温,冰晶间盐水膜首先融化,分离冰晶,破坏海冰整体结构. 冰的相变吸热,使其温度维持在融点, 这些过程均衡了夏季北冰洋的温度变化.  相似文献   

北极海冰减退引起的北极放大机理与全球气候效应   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
自20世纪70年代以来,全球气温持续增高,对北极产生了深刻的影响。21世纪以来,北极的气温变化是全球平均水平的2倍,被称为"北极放大"现象。北极海冰覆盖范围呈不断减小的趋势,2012年北极海冰已经不足原来的40%,如此大幅度的减退是过去1 450年以来独有的现象。科学家预测,不久的将来,将会出现夏季无冰的北冰洋。全球变暖背景下北极内部发生的正反馈过程是北极放大现象的关键,不仅使极区的气候发生显著变化,而且对全球气候产生非常显著的影响,导致很多极端天气气候现象的发生。北极科学的重要使命之一是揭示这些正反馈过程背后的机理。北极放大有关的重大科学问题主要与气—冰—海相互作用有关,海冰是北极放大中最活跃的因素,要明确海冰结构的变化,充分考虑融池、侧向融化、积雪和海冰漂移等因素,将海冰热力学特性的改变定量表达出来。海洋是北极变化获取能量的关键因素,是太阳能的转换器和储存器,要认识海洋热通量背后的能量分配问题,即能量储存与释放的联系机理,认识淡水和跃层结构变化对海气耦合的影响。全面认识北极气候系统的变化是研究北极放大的最终目的,要揭示气—冰—海相互作用过程、北极海洋与大气之间反馈的机理、北极变化过程中的气旋和阻塞过程、北极云雾对北极变化的影响。在对北极海冰、海洋和气候深入研究的基础上,重点研究极地涡旋罗斯贝波的核心作用,以及罗斯贝波变异的物理过程,深入研究北极变化对我国气候影响的主要渠道、关键过程和机理。  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2003,22(5-7):645-658
The extent of seasonal and perennial sea ice changed dramatically through the Late Quaternary and these changes influenced both the ocean and atmosphere by controlling the exchange of energy, moisture and gases between them, and by altering the planetary albedo. Reconstructing the changing patterns of sea ice distribution in the recent past remains one of the outstanding challenges to the paleo-community. To evaluate the importance of these reconstructions we performed sensitivity tests using NCAR's Community Climate Model (CCM3), and a series of prescribed sea ice extents designed to capture the full range of Arctic sea ice variability under interglacial (Holocene) and full glacial (Last Glacial Maximum) boundary conditions. Our simulations indicate that surface temperatures and sea level pressures in winter (DJF) are most sensitive to changes in sea ice, and that these changes are propagated over the surrounding land masses in the North Atlantic, but that equivalent changes in sea ice produce smaller corresponding changes in temperature or sea level pressure in the North Pacific region. A comparison between CLIMAP (Map Chart Series MC-36, Geological Society of America, Boulder, CO, 1981) and a more realistic assessment of LGM sea ice yields dramatic changes in winter temperatures and precipitation patterns across Eurasia. These differences, forced only by changed sea ice conditions, reinforce the need to develop accurate maps of past sea ice to correctly simulate Late Quaternary environments. Such reconstructions also will be essential to validate the next generation of sea ice models.  相似文献   

In spite of the importance of sea ice to polar climates, sea ice/climate studies have been limited in the past due to the lack of consistent, long-term, global sea ice records. Satellite passive microwave technology, available since the early 1970s, now provides the potential of generating the desired long-term data sets. With passive microwave data, global sea ice distributions can be mapped on a routine basis every few days, to a spatial resolution on the order of 30 km. The sea ice records generated so far from such satellite data have already been used in many scientific investigations, helping to quantify global sea ice distributions and their seasonal and interannual variations, and to illuminate possible ice/ocean and ice/atmosphere interactions. The results to date augur well for the possibilities once the satellite passive microwave record is long enough to form a true climatic data base.  相似文献   

全球冰-海洋耦合模式的海冰模拟   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
海冰是全球气候系统的重要分量 ,与大气和海洋的相互作用 ,直接影响大气环流和海洋环流 ,对气候及其变化具有重要影响。文中依据冰、海洋间的热力、动力耦合相互作用 ,改进冰海洋热力耦合方案 ,利用由中国科学院大气物理研究所的 30层海洋模式和基于Flato空化流体流变学的海冰动力模式和Hibler表面热收支平衡的零层海冰热力模式 ,建立全球冰海洋耦合模式。利用大气月平均气候资料 ,利用冰海洋耦合模式对全球海冰的分布及其季节性变化、海冰漂移进行了耦合模拟和分析。模拟的南半球海冰分布及季节变化与实际分析资料非常接近 ,比 2 0层冰海洋耦合模式的结果有显著改进。北半球海冰范围偏小 ,但季节变化的量值与实际相当一致。模拟的海冰速度场反映了南、北半球海冰漂移的主要特征 ,如北极的穿极漂流和南大洋的绕极环流等。对海冰密集度的分析表明 ,模拟结果得以改进原因在于改进的冰海洋热力耦合方案增强了融冰期冰海洋耦合系统海洋热通量增加—密集度减小—能量收支增加的正反馈机制。  相似文献   

北冰洋西部晚第四纪浮游有孔虫Neogloboquadrina pachyderma(sin.)(Nps)壳体的δ18O和δ13C与浮游有孔虫丰度和筏冰碎屑含量的综合研究表明,MIS 7晚期以来,Nps的δ18O和δ13C值出现7次明显的偏轻,可能与海冰形成速率的提高造成轻同位素卤水的生产和下沉相关.偏轻的Nps δ18O和δ13C值对应于极低的浮游有孔虫丰度和筏冰碎屑含量,因此这些轻值与温暖的大西洋水和淡水的输入无关,应当指示进入北冰洋的大西洋水减弱和楚科奇海陆架水的大量减少.相反,Nps δ18O的重值则反映输入北冰洋的淡水和太平洋水的减少;Nps δ13C的重值指示来自陆架流通性更好的表层和盐跃层水向北冰洋的输送.  相似文献   

A narwhal (Monodon monoceros) tusk from 34 m above sea level and located at 82°N on the northwest coast of Ellesmere Island has been radiocarbon dated at 6,830 ± 50 B.P. It was collected from a narrow coastal strip which is isolated from the adjacent Arctic Ocean by glacier ice, ice shelf and multiyear pack ice. The specimen represents an early Holocene range extension of 400–700 km over the present. Because the narwhal requires abundant open water to survive, the Holocene tusk is an important independent item of proxy data on palaeoclimatic change. Contemporary migration routes are directly related to seasonal sea ice in the inter-island channels of the central Canadian Arctic archipelago. The presence of a narwhal on the northwest Ellesmere Island coast at 6,830 ± 50 B. P. suggests that sea ice and ice-shelf conditions were more favourable at that time. A comprehensive chronological framework for late Quaternary and Holocene geomorphic/climatic events from northern Ellesmere Island records a warm early Holocene characterized by abundant driftwood entry into the high Arctic. This was followed by a mid-Holocene climatic deterioration during which the ice shelves of the Ellesmere coast formed. Therefore, the narwhal tusk is further evidence that a period of maximum postglacial warmth occurred during the early Holocene in the Canadian high Arctic.  相似文献   

Pipko  I. I.  Pugach  S. P.  Semiletov  I. P.  Salyuk  A. N. 《Doklady Earth Sciences》2011,438(2):858-863
Carbonate characteristics of the water mass of the deepwater part of the Arctic Ocean (AO) in the continental slope area were determined, and the range and reasons of their variability during summer-fall season were revealed. The AO water area is a meaningful sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide. The warm intermediate Atlantic waters (AW) are also undersaturated with carbon dioxide relative to its content in the atmosphere. While these waters move along AO continental slope, the value pCO2 in the AW core decreases to 8–10 μatm (mainly, due to drop in the water temperature). The potential absorption capacity of the AO deepwater basin is estimated at approximately 48 Tg of carbon (without sea ice taken into account). Joint analysis of carbonate and hydrological parameters showed that near-bottom waters formed on the shallow shelf of the Laptev Sea, which is rich in inorganic and organic carbon of terrestrial and marine genesis, take part in formation of halocline waters of the AO. They are modified due to interaction with AW penetrating to the shelf and are transferred to the deepwater AO segment, where they occur in the halocline according to their density. Transformed near-bottom waters of the Laptev Sea shelf, similar to waters of the halocline of Pacific origin in the eastern sector of the AO, are traced above the continental slope in Amundsen Basin on the basis of higher CO2 concentrations.  相似文献   

A considerable portion of Northern Eurasia, and particularly its continental shelf, was glaciated by inland ice during late Weichsel time. This was first inferred from such evidence as glacial striae, submarine troughs, sea-bed diamictons, boulder trains on adjacent land, and patterns of glacioisostatic crustal movements. Subsequently, the inference was confirmed by data on the occurrence and geographic position of late Weichselian end moraines and proglacial lacustrine deposits.The south-facing outer moraines in the northeastern Russian Plain, northern West Siberia, and on Taimyr Peninsula are underlain by sediments containing wood and peat, the radiocarbon dating of which yielded ages of 22,000 to 45,000 yr B.P. The youngest late-glacial moraines are of Holocene age: the double Markhida moraine in the lower Pechora River basin, presumably associated with “degradational” surges of the Barents Ice Dome, is underlain by sediments with wood and peat dated at 9000 to 9900 yr B.P.: this suggests that deglaciation of the Arctic continental shelf of Eurasia was not completed until after 9000 yr B.P.The reconstructed ice-front lines lead to the conclusion that the late Weichselian ice sheet of Northern Eurasia (proposed name: the Eurasian Ice Sheet) extended without interruptions from southwestern Ireland to the northeastern end of Taimyr Peninsula, a distance of 6000 km: it covered an area of 8,370,000 km2, half of which lay on the present-day continental shelves and a quarter on lowlands that were depressed isostatically below sea level. Hence, the ice sheet was predominantly marine-based.A contour map of the ice sheet based both on the dependence of the heights of ice domes upon their radii and on factual data concerning the impact of bedrock topography upon ice relief has been constructed. The major features of the ice sheet were the British, Scandinavian, Barents, and Kara Ice Domes that had altitudes of 1.9 to 3.3 km and were separated from one another by ice saddles about 1.5 km high. At the late Weichselian glacial maximum, all the main ice-dispersion centers were on continental shelves and coastal lowlands, whereas mountain centers, such as the Polar Urals and Byrranga Range, played only a local role.The portions of the ice sheet that were grounded on continental shelves some 700 to 900 m below sea level were inherently unstable and could exist only in conjunction with confined and pinned floating ice shelves that covered the Arctic Ocean and the Greenland and Norwegian Seas.The Eurasian Ice Sheet impounded the Severnaya Dvina, Mezen, Pechora, Ob, Irtysh, and Yneisei Rivers, and caused the formation of ice-dammed lakes on the northern Russian Plain and in West Siberia. Until about 13,500 yr B.P. the proglacial system of lakes and spillways had a radial pattern; it included large West Siberian lakes, the Caspian and Black Seas, and ended in the Mediterranian Sea. Later, the system became marginal and discharged proglacial water mainly into the Norwegian Sea.  相似文献   

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