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Atmospheric carbon dioxide is widely studied using records of CO2 mixing ratio, δ13C and δ18O. However, the number and variability of sources and sinks prevents these alone from uniquely defining the budget. Carbon dioxide having a mass of 47 u (principally 13C18O16O) provides an additional constraint. In particular, the mass 47 anomaly (Δ47) can distinguish between CO2 produced by high temperature combustion processes vs. low temperature respiratory processes. Δ47 is defined as the abundance of mass 47 isotopologues in excess of that expected for a random distribution of isotopes, where random distribution means that the abundance of an isotopologue is the product of abundances of the isotopes it is composed of and is calculated based on the measured 13C and 18O values. In this study, we estimate the δ13C (vs. VPDB), δ18O (vs. VSMOW), δ47, and Δ47 values of CO2 from car exhaust and from human breath, by constructing ‘Keeling plots’ using samples that are mixtures of ambient air and CO2 from these sources. δ47 is defined as , where is the R47 value for a hypothetical CO2 whose δ13CVPDB = 0, δ18OVSMOW = 0, and Δ47 = 0. Ambient air in Pasadena, CA, where this study was conducted, varied in [CO2] from 383 to 404 μmol mol−1, in δ13C and δ18O from −9.2 to −10.2‰ and from 40.6 to 41.9‰, respectively, in δ47 from 32.5 to 33.9‰, and in Δ47 from 0.73 to 0.96‰. Air sampled at varying distances from a car exhaust pipe was enriched in a combustion source having a composition, as determined by a ‘Keeling plot’ intercept, of −24.4 ± 0.2‰ for δ13C (similar to the δ13C of local gasoline), δ18O of 29.9 ± 0.4‰, δ47 of 6.6 ± 0.6‰, and Δ47 of 0.41 ± 0.03‰. Both δ18O and Δ47 values of the car exhaust end-member are consistent with that expected for thermodynamic equilibrium at∼200 °C between CO2 and water generated by combustion of gasoline-air mixtures. Samples of CO2 from human breath were found to have δ13C and δ18O values broadly similar to those of car exhaust-air mixtures, −22.3 ± 0.2 and 34.3 ± 0.3‰, respectively, and δ47 of 13.4 ± 0.4‰. Δ47 in human breath was 0.76  ± 0.03‰, similar to that of ambient Pasadena air and higher than that of the car exhaust signature.  相似文献   

In rivers draining the Himalaya-Tibetan-Plateau region, the 26Mg/24Mg ratio has a range of 2‰ and the 44Ca/42Ca ratio has a range of 0.6‰. The average δ26Mg values of tributaries from each of the main lithotectonic units (Tethyan Sedimentary Series (TSS), High Himalayan Crystalline Series (HHCS) and Lesser Himalayan Series (LHS)) are within 2 standard deviation analytical uncertainty (0.14‰). The consistency of average riverine δ26Mg values is in contrast to the main rock types (limestone, dolostone and silicate) which range in their average δ26Mg values by more than 2‰. Tributaries draining the dolostones of the LHS differ in their values compared to tributaries from the TSS and HHCS. The chemistry of these river waters is strongly influenced by dolostone (solute Mg/Ca close to unity) and both δ26Mg (−1.31‰) and (0.64‰) values are within analytical uncertainty of the LHS dolostone. These are the most elevated values in rivers and rock reported so far demonstrating that both riverine and bedrock values may show greater variability than previously thought.Although rivers draining TSS limestone have the lowest values at −1.41 and 0.42‰, respectively, both are offset to higher values compared to bedrock TSS limestone. The average δ26Mg value of rivers draining mainly silicate rock of the HHCS is −1.25‰, lower by 0.63‰ than the average silicate rock. These differences are consistent with a fractionation of δ26Mg values during silicate weathering. Given that the proportion of Mg exported from the Himalaya as solute Mg is small, the difference in 26Mg/24Mg ratios between silicate rock and solute Mg reflects the 26Mg/24Mg isotopic fractionation factor () between silicate and dissolved Mg during incongruent silicate weathering. The value of of 0.99937 implies that in the TSS, solute Mg is primarily derived from silicate weathering, whereas the source of Ca is overwhelmingly derived from carbonate weathering. The average value in HHCS rivers is within uncertainty of silicate rock at 0.39‰. The widespread hot springs of the High Himalaya have an average δ26Mg value of −0.46‰ and an average value of 0.5‰, distinct from riverine values for δ26Mg but similar to riverine values. Although rivers draining each major rock type have and δ26Mg values in part inherited from bedrock, there is no correlation with proxies for carbonate or silicate lithology such as Na/Ca ratios, suggesting that Ca and Mg are in part recycled. However, in spite of the vast contrast in vegetation density between the arid Tibetan Plateau and the tropical Lesser Himalaya, the isotopic fractionation factor for Ca and Mg between solute and rocks are not systematically different suggesting that vegetation may only recycle a small amount of Ca and Mg in these catchments.The discrepancy between solute and solid Ca and Mg isotope ratios in these rivers from diverse weathering environments highlight our lack of understanding concerning the origin and subsequent path of Ca and Mg, bound as minerals in rock, and released as cations in rivers. The fractionation of Ca and Mg isotope ratios may prove useful for tracing mechanisms of chemical alteration. Ca isotope ratios of solute riverine Ca show a greater variability than previously acknowledged. The variability of Ca isotope ratios in modern rivers will need to be better quantified and accounted for in future models of global Ca cycling, if past variations in oceanic Ca isotope ratios are to be of use in constraining the past carbon cycle.  相似文献   

Sedimentary S cycling is usually conceptualized and interpreted within the context of steadily accreting (1-D) transport-reaction regimes. Unsteady processes, however, are common in many sedimentary systems and can result in dramatically different S reaction balances and diagenetic products than steady conditions. Globally important common examples include tropical deltaic topset and inner shelf muds such as those extending from the Amazon River ∼1600 km along the Guianas coast of South America. These deposits are characterized by episodic reworking of the surface seabed over vertical depths of ∼0.1-3 m. Reworked surface sediments act as unsteady, suboxic batch reactors, unconformably overlying relict anoxic, often methanic deposits, and have diagenetic properties largely decoupled from net accumulation of sediment. Despite well-oxygenated water and an abundant reactive organic matter supply, physical disturbance inhibits macrofauna, and benthic communities are dominated by microbial biomass across immense areas. In the surficial suboxic layer, molecular biological analyses, tracer experiments, sediment C/S/Fe compositions, and δ34S, δ18O of pore water indicate close coupling of anaerobic C, S, and Fe cycles. δ18O- can increase by 2-3‰ during anaerobic recycling without net change in δ34S-, demonstrating reduction coupled to complete anaerobic reoxidation to and a δ18O- reduction + reoxidation fractionation factor?12‰ (summed magnitudes). S reoxidation must be coupled to Fe-oxide reduction, contributing to high dissolved Fe2+ (∼1 mM) and Fe mobilization-export. The reworking of Amazon-Guianas shelf muds alone may isotopically alter δ18O- equivalent in mass to?25% of the annual riverine delivery of to the global ocean. Unsteady conditions result in preservation of unusually heavy δ34S isotopic compositions of residual Cr reducible S, ranging from 0‰ to >30‰ in physically reworked deposits. In contrast, bioturbated facies adjacent to physically reworked regions accumulate isotopically light S (δ34S to −20‰) in otherwise similar decomposition regimes. The isotopic patterns of both physically and biologically reworked regions can be simulated with simple diagenetic models. Heavy S isotopic signatures are largely a consequence of unsteady diffusion and progressive anaerobic burndown into underlying deposits, whereas isotopically depleted bioturbated deposits predominantly reflect biogenic diffusive scaling and isotopic distillation/diffusive pumping associated with reoxidation in burrow walls immediately adjacent to reduced zones. The S isotopic transition from unsteady physically controlled regions of the Amazon delta moving laterally into bioturbated facies mimics the transition of S isotopic patterns temporally in the geologic record during the rise of bioturbation. No special role for S disproportionation is required to explain these differences. The potential role of unsteady, suboxic diagenesis and dynamic reworking of sediments has been largely ignored in models of the evolution of surficial elemental cycling and interpretations of the geologic record.  相似文献   

Sphalerite oxidation is a common process under acid-mine drainage (AMD) conditions and results in the release of , Zn and potentially toxic trace metals, which can pollute rivers and oceans. However, there are only a few studies on the mechanisms of aerobic sphalerite oxidation. Oxygen and S isotope investigations of the produced may contribute to the understanding of sphalerite oxidation mechanisms so helping to interpret field data from AMD sites. Therefore, batch oxidation experiments with an Fe-rich sphalerite were performed under aerobic abiotic conditions at different initial pH values (2 and 6) for different lengths of time (2–100 days). The O and S isotope composition of the produced indicated changing oxidation pathways during the experiments. During the first 20 days of the experiments at both initial pH values, molecular O2 was the exclusive O source of . Furthermore, the lack of S isotope enrichment processes between and sphalerite indicated that O2 was the electron acceptor from sphalerite S. As the oxidation proceeded, a sufficient amount of released Fe(II) was oxidized to Fe(III) by O2. Therefore, electrons could be transferred from sphalerite S sites to adsorbed hydrous Fe(III) and O from the hydration sphere of Fe was incorporated into the produced as indicated by decreasing δ18OSO4 values which became more similar to the δ18OH2O values. The enrichment of 32S in relative to the sphalerite may also result from sphalerite oxidation by Fe(III).The incorporation of O2 into during the oxidation of sphalerite was associated with an O isotope enrichment factor εSO4–O2 of ca. −22‰. The O isotope enrichment factor εSO4–H2O was determined to be ?4.1‰. A comparison with O and S studies of other sulfides suggests that there is no general oxidation mechanism for acid-soluble sulfides.  相似文献   

Four or five sets of ab initio models, including Unrestricted Hartree Fock (UHF) and hybrid Density Functional Theory (DFT) are calculated for each species in a series of aqueous ferric aquo-chloro complexes: , , , FeCl3(H2O)3, FeCl3(H2O)2, , FeCl5H2O2−, , ) in order to determine the relative isotopic fractionation among the complexes, to compare the results of different models for the same complexes, to examine factors that influence the magnitude of the isotopic fractionation, and to compare bond-partner-driven fractionation with redox-driven fractionation.Relative to , all models show a nearly linear decrease in 56Fe/54Fe as the number of Cl ions per Fe3+ ion increases, with slopes of −0.8‰ to −1.0‰ per Cl at 20 °C. At 20 °C, 1000 ln β (β = 56Fe/54Fe reduced partition function ratio relative to a dissociated Fe atom) values range from 8.93‰ to 9.73‰ for , 8.04-9.12‰ for , 7.61-8.73‰ for , 7.14-8.25‰ for , and 3.09-4.41‰ for . The fractionation between and ranges from 1.5‰ to 2.6‰, depending on the model; this is comparable in magnitude to fractionation effects due to Fe3+/Fe2+ redox reactions. β values from the UHF models are consistently higher than those from the hybrid DFT models.Isotopic fractionation is shown to be sensitive to differences in ligand bond stiffness (above), coordination number, bond length, and the frequency of the asymmetric Fe-X stretching vibrational mode, as predicted by previous theoretical studies. Complexes with smaller coordination numbers have higher 1000 ln β (7.46‰, 5.25‰, and 3.48‰ for , ,, respectively, from the B3LYP/6-31G(d) model). Species with the same number of chlorides but fewer waters also show the effect of coordination number on 1000 ln β: (7.46‰ vs. 7.05‰ for FeCl3(H2O)2 vs. FeCl3(H2O)3 and 5.25‰ vs. 4.94‰ for vs. FeCl5H2O2− with the B3LYP/6-31G(d) model). As more Fe-Cl bonds substitute for Fe-OH2 bonds (with a resulting decrease in β), the lengths of the Fe-Cl bonds and the Fe-O bonds increase.Preliminary modeling of shows an Fe3+/Fe2+ fractionation of 3.2‰ for the B3LYP/6-31G(d) model, in agreement with previous studies. The addition of an explicit outer hydration sphere of 12 H2O molecules to models of improves agreement with measured vibrational frequencies and bond lengths; 1000 ln β increases by 0.8-1.0‰. An additional hydration sphere around increases 1000 ln β by only 0.1‰.Isotopic fractionations predicted for this simple system imply that ligands present in an aqueous iron environment are potentially important drivers of fractionation, and suggest that significant fractionation effects are likely in other aqueous systems containing sulfides or organic ligands. Fractionation effects due to both speciation and redox must be considered when interpreting iron isotope fractionations in the geological record.  相似文献   

Deuterium and oxygen isotope fractionations between liquid and vapor water were experimentally-determined during evaporation of a NaCl solution (35 g L−1) as a function of water temperature and wind velocity. In the case of a null wind velocity, slopes of δD18O trajectories of residual waters hyperbolically decrease with increasing water temperatures in the range 23-47 °C. For wind velocities ranging from 0.8 to 2.2 m s−1, slopes of the δD18O trajectories linearly increase with increasing wind velocity at a given water temperature. These experimental results can be modeled by using Rayleigh distillation equations taking into account wind-related kinetics effects. Deuterium and oxygen isotope compositions of water inclusions trapped by the precipitated halite crystals were determined by micro-equilibration techniques.These isotopic compositions accurately reflect those of the surrounding residual waters during halite growth. Isotopic compositions of water inclusions in twenty natural halites from the Messinian Realmonte mine in Sicily suggest precipitation temperatures of that match the homogenization temperatures obtained by microthermometry (median = 34 ± 5 °C). The similarity between the measured and experimental slopes of the δD18O evaporation trajectories suggests that the effect of wind was negligible during the genesis of these halite deposits. Hydrogen and oxygen isotope compositions of water inclusions from Realmonte halite also define a linear trend whose extrapolation until intersection with the Mediterranean Meteoric Water Line allows the characterization of the water source with δD and δ18O values of −70 ± 10‰ and −11.5 ± 1.5‰, respectively. These results reveal that the huge amounts of salts deposited in Sicily result from the evaporation of seawater mixed with a dominant fraction (?50%) of meteoric waters most likely deriving from alpine fluvial discharge.  相似文献   

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