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冲绳海槽海底热液喷出口附近海水中210Pb和210Po的行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论了在冲绳海槽伊平屋海岭和南奄西海丘两处海底热液喷出口附近海水中的铀系子体放射性核素210Pb和210Po浓度的垂直分布剖面.在伊平屋海岭,甲烷及222Rn的数据表明海底热液活动不强,总210Pb和210Po放射性均低于它们各自母体的放射性,210Pb和210Po在海水中的平均停留时间分别为20和2~5a,而在以“黑色烟雾”为特征的海底热液活动强烈的南奄西海丘,在”烟雾”中的总210Pb含量(0.167×10-3~2.50×10-3Bq/kg)相对其母体226Ra贫乏,而总210Po含量(1.83×10-3~2.83×10-3Bq/kg)则相对其母体210Pb过剩.该处海水中的210Po的放射性高于东海陆架区及冲绳海槽其他海区,并且显示了210Po过剩.210Pb/226Ra以及210Po/210Pb放射性比值的范围分别为0.1~0.4和1.1~7.8.在热液扩散带中210Pb被优先从海水中清除.控制南奄西海丘海水中210Pb浓度的可能机制涉及到210Pb通过扩散作用的横向输送.在热液扩散带中高210Po/210Pb放射性比值表明210Pb的耗尽及210Po从海底热液喷出口的加入.  相似文献   

~(210) Po and ~(210) Pb are increasingly used to constrain particle dynamics in the open oceans, however they are less used in coastal waters. Here, distributions and partitions of ~(210) Po and ~(210) Pb were examined in the Taiwan Strait, as well as their application to quantify particle sinking. Activity concentrations of dissolved ~(210) Po and ~(210) Pb(0.6 μm)ranged from 1.21 to 7.63 dpm/(100 L) and from 1.07 to 6.33 dpm/(100 L), respectively. Activity concentrations of particulate ~(210) Po and ~(210) Pb varied from 1.96 to 36.74 dpm/(100 L) and from 3.11 to 38.06 dpm/(100 L). Overall,particulate ~(210) Po and ~(210) Pb accounted for the majority of the bulk ~(210) Po and ~(210) Pb. 210 Po either in dissolved or particulate phases showed similar spatial patterns to 210 Pb, indicating similar mechanisms for controlling the distributions of ~(210) Po and ~(210) Pb in the Taiwan Strait. The different fractionation coefficients indicated that particles in the Zhemin Coastal Current(ZCC) inclined to absorb 210 Po prior to 210 Pb while they showed an opposite effect in the Taiwan Warm Current(TWC). Based on the disequilibria between ~(210) Po and ~(210) Pb, the sinking fluxes of total particulate matter(TPM) were estimated to range from –0.22 to 3.84 g/(m2·d), showing an overall comparable spatial distribution to previous reported sediment accumulation rates. However, our sinking fluxes were lower than the sedimentation rates, indicating a sediment resuspension in winter and horizontal transport of particulate matter from the Taiwan Strait to the East China Sea.  相似文献   

Vertical profiles for the uranium-series radioisotopes 210Pb and 210Po were obtained at thetwo hydrothermal vent sites, the Iheya Ridge and the Minami-Ensei Knoll, in the Mid-Okinawa Trough in 1993 and 1994, respectively. In 1995, both radioisotopes were measured at the Minami-Ensei Knoll a-gain. At the Iheya Ridge, where the hydrothermal activity is not active as reflected by the CH_4, and 222Rn data, both the total 210Pb and 210Po activities show deficiency relative to their parents, and the mean residence time of 210Pb and 210Po is approximately equal to 20 and 2-5 a, respectively. At the Minami-Ensei Knoll, which is characterized by black smokers, the total 210Pb(0.167 × 10~(-3)-2.5 × 10~(-3)_ Bq/kg) around the plumes is deficient relative to 226Ra but the total 210Po activities (1.83 × 10 ~(-3) - 2.83 × 10~(-3) Bq/kg) are in excess relative to 210Pb. The 210Po activities are higher than those in the East China Sea and the Okinawa Trough and excess 210Po has been found. The 210Pb/226Ra and 210Po/  相似文献   

210Po, 210Pb, and 234Th were determined in water columns of the East China Sea (ECS) to investigate their biogeochemical behaviors during a severe red tide event. Dissolved 210Po, 210Pb, and 234Th accounted for large fractions of the total phases. The abnormally high concentrations of dissolved 210Pb were observed. Partition behaviors of these radionuclides were influenced by particle content effect and particle composition based on distribution coefficient (Kd) vs. total suspended matter (TSM) content and Kd vs. ratios of particulate organic carbon and total suspended matter contents (POC/TSM content ratios). The peaks of mass specific activities of 210Po, 210Pb, and 234Th indicated that degraded particles could have an intensified enrichment ability for radionuclides compared with the surficial suspended matters. Fractionation factor of 210Po and 210Pb (FPo/Pb) (>1) and fractionation factor of 210Po and 234Th (FPo/Th) (>1) were much higher at algal blooming regions than that at non-blooming stations, indicating that algal blooms promoted the fractionation of 210Po against 210Pb and 234Th, and proving that 210Po exhibited a stronger affinity for biogenic particles than 210Pb and 234Th when POC content increased in the sea. POC/210Po, POC/210Pb and POC/234Th ratios (content/activity ratios) sharply decreased with depth in both algal bloom and non-bloom stations. The outbreak of algal bloom promoted the complexity of suspended particles and increased the variability of POC/tracer ratios (content/activity ratios) in the different depth of the shallow seas. More considerations should be taken to the difficulty of the selection of export interface and the suitable tracers when algal blooming occurs.  相似文献   

为揭示中国东南沿海地区210Po和210Pb的大气沉降时空变化特征,探讨该地区气溶胶的停留时间,于2013年1月至2014年12月对厦门地区210Po和210Pb的大气沉降通量进行了时间序列研究。结果发现,210Po和210Pb的平均日沉降通量分别为(65.38±4.79) mBq/(m2·d)(n=54)和(0.78±0.09) Bq/(m2·d)(n=54),表现出明显的周年变化。东北季风期间,210Po和210Pb的沉降通量较高,而西南季风期间其通量较低。2013年和2014年,210Po的年沉降通量分别为19.29 Bq/(m2·a)和9.25 Bq/(m2·a),210Pb的年沉降通量分别为159.2 Bq/(m2·a)和189.6 Bq/(m2·a)。两核素的年沉降通量表现出不同程度的年际差异。210Po与210Pb沉降通量之间存在显著的线性正相关关系,揭示了大气中210Po和210Pb具有相同的迁出机制,降雨和大气中核素含量是影响210Po和210Pb沉降通量的主要因素。该研究结果可以为探求台湾海峡海水中210Po与210Pb的收支平衡提供大气来源项。  相似文献   

陈进兴 《海洋科学》1989,13(4):28-29
本文利用放射化学分析法测定了长江口及其邻近陆架沉积物中~(226)Ra和~(210)Pb的含量。结果表明,在该海区的沉积物中,~(226)Ra含量的水平分布随经度增加而直线下降,而~(210)Pb含量的水平分布则随经度增加而直线上升,二者形成明显的同步反向分布。  相似文献   

夏季楚科奇海河水与海冰融化水组分的空间变化特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对2008年夏季楚科奇海水氧同位素组成的分析,运用S、δ18 O的质量平衡关系计算出河水组分和海冰融化水组分的份额,揭示出楚科奇海河水和海冰融化水组分的空间变化规律,并探讨其影响因素。楚科奇海河水组分的份额介于1.9%~18.4%之间,呈现随深度增加而降低的趋势;河水组分积分高度的变化范围为1.3~16.6m,平均为(4.8±4.0)m。河水组分份额与积分高度均呈现东高西低、北强南弱的特征,与太平洋入流东侧为富含河水组分的阿拉斯加沿岸流、西侧为低河水组分的白令海陆架水,以及北部海域受波弗特流涡埃克曼辐聚作用的影响有关。海冰融化水份额呈现随深度增加而降低的趋势,20~30m以深受到冬季海冰形成时所释放盐卤水的明显影响。海冰融化水积分高度的变化范围为-3.2~1.7m,平均值为(-0.3±1.2)m,其空间分布呈现东低西高、南强北弱的特征,与太平洋入流输入通量的时间变化以及输入路径的西偏有关。  相似文献   

对中国第2次北极科学考察海洋表层沉积物(0~1 cm)中硫酸盐还原菌进行4℃、25℃的培养实验,结合首次北极科学考察海洋沉积物硫酸盐还原菌研究成果,研究了研究区硫酸盐还原菌丰度的分布。结果表明,4℃培养得出硫酸盐还原菌丰度为0~2.4×104个/g(湿样),平均3 433个/g(湿样),并呈现有规律的分布趋势:低纬区的高于高纬区的,浅水区的高于深水区的。本区硫酸盐还原菌丰度高于中国东海、南海和黄海部分海区沉积物中的,低于胶州湾以及西北冰洋某些海区中的。25℃培养时硫酸盐还原菌丰度为0~2.4×104个/g(湿样),平均4 062个/g(湿样),在1 880 m以浅水域其丰度与4℃培养时的一致,而在1 880 m以深水域其丰度高于4℃培养时丰度。  相似文献   

234 Th was utilized as a tracer of particulate organic carbon (POC) export in the northwestern South China Sea (SCS) on the basis of the data collected at four stations during a spring cruise.Depth profiles of dissolved and particulate 234 Th activities were measured in the upper 60 m,showing a significant deficit relative to 238 U over the investigated stations.A stratified structure of 234 Th-238 U disequilibrium was in general observed in the upper 60 m water column,indicating that the euphotic zone of t...  相似文献   

对南海和厦门湾表层水中210Po和210Pb的粒级分布特征进行了研究.结果表明,南海海水中210Po和210Pb在不同粒级颗粒物中的体积比活度高低顺序为:(<0.4μm)>(0.4~2.0 μm)>(2.0~10 μm)>(>10μm).210Po、210Pb主要存在于<2.0 μm粒级颗粒物中.厦门湾210Po体积比活度高低顺序为:(2.0~10 μm)>(<1.2μm)>(>10μm)>(1.2~2.0 μm),210Po主要存在于>2.0μm粒级颗粒物中.南海不同粒级颗粒物中210Pb的质量比活度差异不大,0.4~2.0 μm和2.0~10 μm粒级210Po质量比活度约为10μm粒级210Po比活度的3倍.厦门湾210Po的质量比活度比南海相应粒级210Po低约1个数量级,且各粒级间差异不大,表明不同粒径颗粒物在210Po和210Pb清除过程中的作用不同.210Po和210Pb的固-液分配系数(Kd)及分馏因子(α)进一步证实南海0.4~2.0 μm粒级颗粒物对210Po的清除能力比其它粒级颗粒物更强,而>10μm粒级颗粒物对210Pb的清除能力比其它粒级颗粒物更强.不同粒级颗粒物中210Po与210Pb之间的不平衡状况揭示了不同粒级颗粒物不同的来源,为210Po/210Pb不平衡示踪颗粒物来源提供了依据.  相似文献   

The distribution of the natural radionuclide 210Po in the water column along a horizontal transect of the continental shelf, slope and deep basin regions of the East Sea (Sea of Japan), a marginal sea of the Northwest Pacific Ocean, was investigated, and its behavior is described here. The settling fluxes of particulate 210Po in the deep basin along with 210Pb, 234Th and biogenic matter were also determined. 210Po inventories in the water column were observed to decrease from winter to summer in all stations, probably due to increased influx of 210Po-poor Kuroshio Water of the Northwest Pacific Ocean during summer. Vertical profiles of dissolved and particulate 210Po along with the settling fluxes of particulate 210Po in the deep basin station have enabled us to evaluate temporal variations and residence times of 210Po. In the slope and basin, activities of dissolved 210Po generally decreased from the surface to the bottom water, with maximum activity just below the subsurface chlorophyll a maximum at 50–75 m depth in spring and summer. These subsurface peaks of dissolved 210Po activity were attributed to the release of 210Po from the decomposition of 210Po-laden biogenic particulate organic matter. In the deep basin, despite the decrease in total mass flux, the sinking flux of particulate 210Po was higher in the deeper trap (2000 m) than in the shallower one (1000 m), probably due to scavenging of dissolved 210Po from the water column during particle descent and/or break-down of 210Po-depleted particulate matter between 1,000 m and 2,000 m depths. In general, the ratios of the particulate phase to the dissolved phase of 210Po (Kd) increased with depth in the slope and basin stations. 210Po removal from the water column appears to depend on the primary productivity in the upper waters. There is an inverse relationship between Kd and suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentration in the water column. From the 210Po activity/chlorophyll a concentration ratios, it appears that sinking particles arriving at 1000 m depth were similar to those in the surface waters.  相似文献   

The uptake of atmospheric carbon dioxide in the water transported over the Bering–Chukchi shelves has been assessed from the change in carbon-related chemical constituents. The calculated uptake of atmospheric CO2 from the time that the water enters the Bering Sea shelf until it reaches the northern Chukchi Sea shelf slope (1 year) was estimated to be 86±22 g C m−2 in the upper 100 m. Combining the average uptake per m3 with a volume flow of 0.83×106 m3 s−1 through the Bering Strait yields a flux of 22×1012 g C year−1. We have also estimated the relative contribution from cooling, biology, freshening, CaCO3 dissolution, and denitrification for the modification of the seawater pCO2 over the shelf. The latter three had negligible impact on pCO2 compared to biology and cooling. Biology was found to be almost twice as important as cooling for lowering the pCO2 in the water on the Bering–Chukchi shelves. Those results were compared with earlier surveys made in the Barents Sea, where the uptake of atmospheric CO2 was about half that estimated in the Bering–Chukchi Seas. Cooling and biology were of nearly equal significance in the Barents Sea in driving the flux of CO2 into the ocean. The differences between the two regions are discussed. The loss of inorganic carbon due to primary production was estimated from the change in phosphate concentration in the water column. A larger loss of nitrate relative to phosphate compared to the classical ΔN/ΔP ratio of 16 was found. This excess loss was about 30% of the initial nitrate concentration and could possibly be explained by denitrification in the sediment of the Bering and Chukchi Seas.  相似文献   

楚科奇海盆M04柱晚更新世以来沉积古环境记录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对"中国第五次北极科考"采自楚科奇海盆的M04柱进行粒度、冰筏碎屑、黏土矿物、岩心XRF扫描、沉积物颜色分析,初步建立了楚科奇海盆晚更新世MIS4期以来的沉积地层框架。MIS4期以来,楚科奇海盆M04柱沉积物粒度和黏土矿物组成具有明显的冰期/间冰期变化特征,冰期沉积物粒度分布以双峰态为主,由洋流搬运和海冰搬运沉积组分组成,伊利石含量高、高岭石含量低;间冰期沉积物具有三峰态粒度分布特征,由海冰搬运、洋流搬运和冰山搬运沉积组分组成,伊利石含量低、高岭石含量高。通过M04柱黏土矿物组合类型与北冰洋边缘海盆的表层沉积物黏土矿物组合类型对比表明,晚更新世以来楚科奇海盆沉积环境发生显著变化:温暖的间冰期受波弗特涡流驱动,波弗特海为研究区的物源输入提供了主要贡献;寒冷的冰期表层环流呈反向输运,细颗粒物源碎屑以东西伯利亚海的输入为主。  相似文献   

用γ谱方法测定了南极长城站附近特有生物群落栖息地沉积物中放射性核素含量,地表沉积物中40K,137Cs,210Pb,226Ra,228Ra,228Th.和238U平均比活度,分别为143,7.56,24.1,3.65,5.36,4.15和6.5Bq/kg.同时测试了阿德雷岛企鹅栖息地粪土沉积地层中放射性核素含量,利用其中的210Pb比活度,210Pbex垂向变化特征,推演沉积物的沉积速率和地质历史年代:其中AD1-a柱样时间跨度约为74a(1928~2002年),据此计算了沉积速率为0.063mm/a(r=0.794),并讨论了在南极特定条件下,放射性核素示踪对定年影响以及与区域现代气候环境变化的内在联系.  相似文献   

In the summers of 1999 and 2003, the 1st and 2nd Chinese National Arctic Research Expeditions measured the partial pressure of CO2 in the air and surface waters (pCO2) of the Bering Sea and the western Arctic Ocean. The lowest pCO2 values were found in continental shelf waters, increased values over the Bering Sea shelf slope, and the highest values in the waters of the Bering Abyssal Plain (BAP) and the Canadian Basin. These differences arise from a combination of various source waters, biological uptake, and seasonal warming. The Chukchi Sea was found to be a carbon dioxide sink, a result of the increased open water due to rapid sea-ice melting, high primary production over the shelf and in marginal ice zones (MIZ), and transport of low pCO2 waters from the Bering Sea. As a consequence of differences in inflow water masses, relatively low pCO2 concentrations occurred in the Anadyr waters that dominate the western Bering Strait, and relatively high values in the waters of the Alaskan Coastal Current (ACC) in the eastern strait. The generally lower pCO2 values found in mid-August compared to at the end of July in the Bering Strait region (66–69°N) are attributed to the presence of phytoplankton blooms. In August, higher pCO2 than in July between 68.5 and 69°N along 169°W was associated with higher sea-surface temperatures (SST), possibly as an influence of the ACC. In August in the MIZ, pCO2 was observed to increase along with the temperature, indicating that SST plays an important role when the pack ice melts and recedes.  相似文献   

Vertical profiles of dissolved and particulate 210Po and 210Pb were measured across the redox transition zone at Station F1 in Framvaren Fjord, Norway. In this fjord, a sharp decrease in pH above the O2/H2S interface facilitates the aerobic dissolution of MnO2. In contrast, Fe(II) concentrations begin to increase only at the O2/H2S interface depth. Activity profiles reveal that dissolved 210Po and 210Pb are sequestered efficiently by particulates in surface waters. As polonium-210 and lead-210 activities descend down into the aerobic manganese reduction (AMR) zone, they are remobilized during the reductive dissolution of the carrier phase oxyhydroxides. Both 210Po and 210Pb are highly enriched at the O2/H2S interface where an active community of microbes, such as anoxygenic phototrophs (e.g., Chromatium, Chlorobium sp.), thrives. The coincident peaks in 210Po, 210Pb and microbial biomass suggest a strong biological influence on the behavior of these radionuclides. There is a strong covariance between the vertical distribution of Mn and Pb, indicating that their redox cycling is closely coupled and is likely microbially mediated.  相似文献   

-Long-chain alkenones were detected in samples of sea surface sediments from the Chukchi Sea and the Bering Sea areas, the Arctic Pole. The analysis result indicates that C37:3 methylketone is pre dominate in the long-chain alkenones from the Chukchi and Bering Sea sediments. The abundance of C37to C39 unsaturated alkenones changes in an order of C37 >C38 >C39. Based on ∑37/∑38 ratio, the de tected organism precursors of the long-chain alkenones are mainly coccolithophrid (Emiliania huxleyi).By the calibration relationship between U3k7 and U37k indices, the sea surface paleotemperature in these seas is estimated. The estimated values of U37k vary from 4.147℃ to 5. 706℃, with a mean value of 5.092℃.  相似文献   

黄海、渤海铅-210沉积速率的分布特征及其影响因素   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对黄海、渤海17个箱式柱样进行了210Pb放射性活度测定,计算了近百年来210Pb沉积速率,并结合前人资料对黄海、渤海区210Pb沉积速率的空间分布特征及其影响因素进行探讨,结果表明,黄河口附近站位沉积速率最高(>2 cm/a),而在渤海中部、渤海湾以及山东半岛沿岸的站位沉积速率较小(≈0.5 cm/a),部分站位沉积...  相似文献   

南海东北部表层沉积物天然放射性核素与137Cs   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
用HPGeγ谱仪测定了南海东北部表层沉积物中的放射性核素.结果给出7种核素的平均比活度分别为40K:538Bq/kg,210Pb:116Bq/kg,226Ra:27.7Bq/kg,228Ra:4.49Bq/kg,228Th:42.0Bq/kg,238U:35.4Bq/kg和137Cs:1.16Bq/kg,210Pb的比活度随离岸距离增大,226Ra比活度随离岸距离没有明显变化,其余核素比活度随离岸距离减小.与对我国近海其他海域报道的沉积物放射性核素含量相比,40K和137Cs稍低于其他海域,其余核素为中等水平.  相似文献   

Four short sediment cores from the Oder estuary, south-western Baltic Sea, were studied with respect to their siliceous microfossil and organic carbon content. The sediments were dated by210Pb. The objective was to detect and date changes in the composition of the diatom flora and link these changes to increased human impact in the drainage area during recent centuries. Two of the cores showed an unperturbed sedimentary sequence representing a complete historical record. A change in the composition of the diatom assemblages attributable to anthropogenic factors was recorded. This was dated to about 1900 in the Oderhaff. The change consisted of an increase in species that thrive in eutrophic waters and those indicating increased salinity or the availability of inorganic nutrients.  相似文献   

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