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We determine empirical damping constants for 73 selected Fe i lines following the method of Gurtovenko and Kondrashova (1980), employing high-quality observations and the accurate list of Fe i oscillator strengths by Gurtovenko and Kostik (1980).The results show: (i) No increase of the enhancement factor to van der Waals broadening with excitation potential, as predicted by Edmunds (1975), and with the frequency of the transition (Figure 1); (ii) a substantial part of the commonly-used enhancement factor for weaker lines is not due to collisional damping (Figure 2), but to a misrepresentation of the inhomogeneous structure of the deep photosphere. This false damping effect is not seen in the stronger lines which yield an average damping constant : 1.36 1.5 6.  相似文献   

Observations of a number of helium triplet ( 10830, 4713, 4471, 3889, 4026) and hydrogen (H, , , ) emission line intensities in six quiescent prominences are presented. The regions of prominence and neighboring corona were raster-scanned by the telescope, and all lines were measured concurrently at each point. The instrumental field of view was 5 × 20. The results are compared with previous observations and theory. In particular, the intensity of the 10830 emission relative to the other triplets is found to differ strongly from the predictions of the recent detailed calculations of Heasley et al. (1974) for model quiescent prominences.  相似文献   

A model is presented in which we show analytically the three phases of anisotropy which occur during solar cosmic-ray events observed in the 7.5 MeV to 21 MeV kinetic-energy interval and reported by McCracken et al. (1971): (i) a highly anisotropic, near field-aligned, initial phase, (ii) a convective phase, and (iii) a late-time phase in which the anisotropy is approximately perpendicular to the mean interplanetary magnetic field. The model is based on the cosmic-ray particles being convectively transported out from the Sun, undergoing anisotropic diffusion along the interplanetary magnetic-field lines, and losing energy by adiabatic deceleration or by collision processes. The event is seen simply as a pulse moving outward from the Sun after a cosmic-ray burst with a negative density-gradient in front of it and a positive gradient behind. The convective phase (ii) occurs as the spatial peak moves past the observer and has a propagation speed V d associated with it; the anisotropy vector late in the decay phase (iii) is the result of a residual balance between the radial outward convection and the inward radial component of the anisotropic diffusion. The mathematical solutions are based upon a diffusion coefficient proportional to heliocentric radius and independent of energy and are thus rather special. However they yield formulae for the propagation speed of the convective phase and the direction in space of the long-time anisotropy which are useful as a guide to the dependence of these quantities on the solar wind speed V, the diffusion coefficient and the spectral index . In this model V d increases with V, , and ; and , the angle between the anisotropy vector at infinite time and the outward radial direction increases with /V and decreases as is increased. These predictions of the dependence of and V d upon V, , and are open to observational verification.  相似文献   

The stars in the Main Sequence are seen as a hierarchy of objects with different massesM and effective dynamical radiiR eff=R/ given by the stellar radii and the coefficients for the inner structure of the stars.As seen in a previous work (Paper I), during the lifetime in the Main SequenceR eff(t) remains a near invariant when compared to the variation in the time ofR(t) and (t).With such an effectiveR eff one obtains the amounts of actionA c(M), the effective densities eff(M)=(M)3(M), the densities of action and of energy (or mean presures in the stellar interior)a c(M),e c(M), and the potential energiesE p(M).The amounts of action areA cM k withk1.87 for the M stars,k5/3 for the KGF stars, andk1.83 for the A and earlier stars, representing very simples conditions for the other dynamical parameters. For instancek5/3 means a near invariant effective density eff for the KGF stars, while for such stars the mean densities and coefficients present the strongest variations with masses (M)M –1.81, (M)M0.6.The cases for the M stars (e c(M)M –1) and for the A and earlier stars (betweena c(M)=constant and eff(M)M –1) and also discussed. These conditions for the earlier stars also represent reasonable mean values for the whole stellar hierarchy in the range of masses 0.2M M25M .With all this, one can build dynamical HR diagrams withA c(M), Ep(M), eff M p , etc., whose characteristics are analogous to these in the photometrical HR diagram. A comparison is made betweenA c(M) from the models here and the HR diagram with the best known stars of luminosity classes IV, V, and white dwarfs.The comparison of the potential energiesE p(M)M –p according to the stellar models used here and the observed frequency function (MM –q (number of stars in a given interval of masses) from different authors suggests the possibility that the productE p(M)(M) is a constant, but this must be confirmed with further studies of the function (M) and its fine structure.There are analogies between the formulation used here for the stellar hierarchy and other physical processes, for instance, in modified forms of the Kolmogorov law of turbulence and in the formulation used for the hierarchy of molecular clouds in gravitational equilibrium. Besides, the function of actionA c(M) for the stars has analogous properties to the relations of angular momenta and massesJ(M) for different types of objects. The cosmological implications of all this are discussed.  相似文献   

A detailed analysis of interstellar measurements in the direction of the Gum nebula is carried out. The ionized region is shown to have an angular radius of 18° and appears to be bounded by a shell of neutral gas. The mean electron temperature deduced from radio-frequency absorption measurements is found to be 8500K. These parameters suggest that the nebula is the normal and possibly evolved Hii region of Pup and 2 Vel, rather than the fossil Strömgren sphere of the Vela supernova as suggested by Brandtet al. (1971).  相似文献   

The observed energy spectra in synchrotron sources are power laws,N (E)=KE , with the distribution in peaked around 2.5. These are consistent with initially injected spectra with between 1 and 2, subsequently steepened by synchrotron losses. Contrary to the results of Kardashev (1962), it is shown that statistical acceleration when coupled with synchrotron losses lead naturally to the formation of flat stationary spectra with 1. These stationary spectra have bends near the energy at which synchrotron losses balance the energy gains by acceleration. Above this bend the spectrum tends to =2. The time evolution of an initial spectrum towards the stationary spectrum is investigated. It is suggested that the initially flat spectra with 1 to 1.5 observed in some variable sources result from an incomplete approach to the stationary spectrum, and that in sources with constant acceleration spectra with 2 are to be expected.  相似文献   

A semi-continuous hierarchy, (i.e., one in which there are galaxies outside clusters, clusters outside superclusters etc.), is examined using an expression of the field equations of general relativity in a form due to Podurets, Misner and Sharp. It is shown (a) that for a sufficiently populous hierarchy, the thinning factor( i+1/ i [r i /r i+1] is approximately equal to the exponentN in a continuous density law (=aR –N) provided (r i /r i+1)3-1; (b) that a hierarchical Universe will not look decidedly asymmetric to an observer like a human being because such salient observers live close to the densest elements of the hierarchy (viz stars), the probability of the Universe looking spherically symmetric (dipole anisotropy0.1 to such an observer being of order unity; (c) the existence of a semi-continuous or continuous hierarchy (Peebles) requires that 2 if galaxies, not presently bound to clusters were once members of such systems; (d) there are now in existence no less than ten arguments for believing 2, though recent number counts by Sandageet al. seem to be in contradiction to such a value; (e) Hubble's law, withH independent of distance, can be proved approximately in a relativistic hierarchy provided (i)N=2, (ii)2GM(R)/c 2 R1; (iii)Rc (iv)M0 in a system of massM, sizeR (f) Hubble's law holds also in a hierarchy with density jumps; (g)H100 km s–1 Mpc–1; (h) objects forming the stellar level of the hierarchy (in a cosmology of the Wilson type) must once have had 2GM/c 2 R1; (i) there is a finite pressurep=2Ga in all astrophysical systems (a=R N ,N2); (j) for the Galaxy, theory predictsp G7×10–12 dyn cm–2, observation givesp G5×10–12 dyn cm–2; (k) if the mass-defect (or excess binding energy) hypothesis is taken as a postulate, all non-collapsed astrophysical systems must be non-static, and any non-static, p0 systems must in any case be losing mass; (1) the predicted mass-loss rate from the Sun is 1012 g s–1, compared to 1011 g s–1 in the observed solar wind; (m) the mass-loss rates known by observation imply timescales of 5×109 years for the Sun and 1010 years for other astrophysical systems; (n) degenerate superdense objects composed of fermions must haveN-2 if they were ever at their Schwarzschild radii and comprised a finite numberN B of baryons; (o)N B1057N for degenerate fermion and boson systems; (p)285-4; (q) the metric coefficients for superdense bodies give equations of motion that imply equal maximum luminosities for all evolving superdense bodies (L max1059 erg s–1); (r) larger bodies have longer time-scales of energy radiation atL max (10–5 s for stars,1 h for QSO's) (s) expansion velocities are c soon after the initial loss of equilibrium in a superdense object; (t) if the density parametera(t) in aR –N isa=a (non-atomic constants of physicsc, G, A), andA, thenN=2; (u) N2 is necessary to giveMM at the stellar level of the hierarchy;(v) systems larger than, and including, galaxies must have formed by clumping of smaller systems and not (as advocated by Wertz and others) in a multiple big bang.  相似文献   

General theory of electrical conductivity of a multicomponent mixture of degenerate fermions in a magnetic fieldB, developed in the preceding article (this volume), is applied to a matter in neutron star interiors at densities 0, where 0 = 2.8×1014 g cm–3 is the standard nuclear matter density. A model of free-particle mixture ofn, p, e is used, with account for appearance of -hyperons at > c , where c 40. The electric resistivities along and acrossB, and , and the Hall resistivity H are calculated and fitted by simple analytical formulae at c and > c for the cases of normal or superfluid neutrons provided other particles are normal. Charge transport alongB is produced by electrons, due to their Coulombic collisions with other charged particles; is independent ofB and almost independent of the neutron superfluidity. Charge transport acrossB at largeB may be essentially determined by other charged particles. If c , one has = [1 + (B/B 0)2] for the normal neutrons, and for the superfluid neutrons, while H = B/B e for both cases. HereB e 109 T 8 2 G,B 01011 T 8 2 G, andT 8 is temperature in units of 108 K. Accordingly for the normal neutrons atBB 0, the transverse resistivity suffers an enhancement, 1/4 1. When 50 andB varies from 0 toBB p 1013 T 8 2 G, increases by a factor of about 103–104 and H changes sign. WhenBB p , remains constant for the superfluid neutrons, and H B 2 for the normal neutrons, while H B for any neutron state. Strong dependence of resistivity onB, T, and may affect evolution of magnetic fields in neutron star cores. In particular, the enhancement of at highB may noticeably speed up the Ohmic decay of those electric currents which are perpendicular toB.  相似文献   

A static relativistic theory of the stability of the equilibrium of an isentropic spherically-symmetric star is deduced from the properties of a functionu which is solution of a second-order differential equation, and which is related to the model by means of the formulau = m(v, c)/c, wherem is the mass-energy inside the coordinate volumev and c is the central mass-energy density.Work done in the Laboratorio Astrofisico di Frascati, Roma.  相似文献   

A model of a first generation intermediate star of 5M , with Z=0 has been considered. The model is at an advanced stage of its evolution and has a double shell burning. It burns helium in the inner shell, and hydrogen, via CNO cycle, in the outer shell. =(log/log) T and T =(log/logT) were computed allowing for the oscillations of the relative mass abundance of the reagents in nuclear reactions. Including =(log/log) T and =(log/logT) of mean molecular weight and the effect of the oscillations of abundances due to nuclear reactions, stability was studied. Contrary to the results of the static calculations, we found that instability due to the excitation mechanism provided by the high temperature sensitivity of energy generation rate propagates up to the surface. Thus the model in question was found to be unstable against radial adiabatic pulsations, in its fundamental mode.  相似文献   

The High Energy Transient Experiment (HETE) will be able to perform multiwavelength observations of-ray and X-ray bursts. HETE will potentially be able to localize-ray bursts to a precision of 20 arc-minutes if significant X-ray flux is detected from the burst; a precision of 20 arc-seconds is possible if there is also significant UV radiation from the burst. HETE will broadcast information about bursts detected within seconds of their detection. This VHF-band broadcast will be received at a number of secondary ground stations (SGS) dedicated to HETE, and forwarded to a central distribution site at MIT, from which it is sent to interested observers via Internet.  相似文献   

The observed variation of reddening as function of the heliocentric distance and the spatial variation of reddening within the coma of Comet West in the visual wavelength range have been considered to infer the properties of the cometary dust grains. The relevant model incorporates the variation in the size distribution function as well as the composition of the spherical grains. The real part of the complex index of refraction (m = m – im) is chosen such thatm = 1.6. The imaginary part is required to vary from m = 0.2 to 0.05 over the wavelength range 0.4 to 0.7 m. This choice of refractive index corresponds to dirty silicate grains. As a by-product, the model also satisfies the observed polarization and albedo for the Comet West.  相似文献   

Exact solutions of the gravitational field equations for a Bianchi type I anisotropic space-time, filled with a viscous cosmological fluid obeying an equation of state of the form p = , 0 1, are obtained. We investigate both the viscous Zeldovich ( = 1) and < 1 fluid cases, with constant and time varying (proportional to the mean Hubble factor) shear and bulk viscosity coefficients. It is shown that independently of the matter content, the equation of state and the time dependence of the shear and bulk viscosity coefficients, a viscous Bianchi type I universe experiences a transition to an inflationary era. Due to dissipative processes, the mean anisotropy and the shear of the Bianchi type I universe tend very rapidly to zero.  相似文献   

A spatially homogeneous and isotropic Robertson-Walker model withzero-curvature of the universe is studied within the frame-work of Lyra'smanifold. The gauge-function in Lyra's manifold is taken to betime-dependent. Exact solutions of Einstein equations are obtained for twodifferent early phases of the universe viz. Inflationary phase andradiation-dominated phase by using `gamma-law' equation of statep = ( - 1) . The -index, describing the material content,varies continuously with cosmic time so that in the course of itsevolution, the universe goes through a transition from an inflationaryphase to a radiation-dominated phase. The physical properties of themodels are also discussed.  相似文献   

Charged particle acceleration is considered by a radiation flux from a star or hot spot in X-ray pulsars. It is shown that for any distance from the star there exists the upper velocity limit up to which a particle can be accelerated by radiation. This critical velocity does not depend on the luminosity of the spot. Near the hot spot surface the critical velocityv0.65c. These results are applied to plasma acceleration inX-ray pulsars. The mechanism is advanced, of -ray generation in the course of plasma accretion, onto a neutron star. It is shown that in the presence of a large magnetic field and high luminosity of the spot the relativistic electron-position avalanche may appear. The optical depth of the electron-positron cloud achieves the value of order one. The X-ray quanta emitted by the spot are scattered by relativistic (2.6) electron-positron pairs and are transformed into -radiation. Hard quanta with energy 1 MeV leave the generation region in the narrow cone 0.25.  相似文献   

Two dimensional source brightness distributions at 26.4 MHz for solar bursts of spectral type II, III, IV, and V are derived from observations with a multiple-baseline, time-sharing interferometer system. It was designed explicitly to study the large angle (40 halo) component of low frequency solar bursts first reported by Weiss and Sheridan (1962). Thirty-two bursts occurring in the interval of June–August, 1975, were fit with a circular gaussian core and an elliptical gaussian halo component. Half-power halo diameters (E-W×N-S) averaged 30×28 for type III bursts and 42×27, 28×37, 30×25 for type V, II and IV bursts respectively. Typical core sizes fell in the range of 10±4 giving 31 halo to core size ratio. All burst types were found to have some large angle structure: the specific intensity was 10% compared to the core but the total power in each component was comparable. Two processes for producing the core-halo structure of type III bursts are compared: scattering and refraction of a point source and refraction from many sources over an extended region. It is concluded that the core can be explained by either model but the halo is more consistent with emission from an extended source region of 40° in longitude.  相似文献   

Quasi simultaneous H and radio observations of LSI+61o303 during August-September 1993 are presented. The radio data show that during the studied epoch the outburst has peaked at radio phase 0.6, at level100 mJy. No significant variations in the H profile at phases 0.5 to 0.65 have been detected. A remarkable increase of the EW and FWHM of the H blue peak is observed at radio phase 0.23. Possible reasons are considered.  相似文献   

Covas  Eurico  Tworkowski  Andrew  Tavakol  Reza  Brandenburg  Axel 《Solar physics》1997,172(1-2):3-9
In a recent work (Covas et al., 1996), the behaviour and the robustness of truncated dynamos with a dynamic were studied with respect to a number of changes in the driving term of the dynamic equation, which was considered previously by Schmalz and Stix (1991) to be of the form AB. Here we review and extend our previous work and consider the effect of adding a quadratic quenching term of the form |B|2. We find that, as before, such a change can have significant effects on the dynamics of the related truncated systems. We also find intervals of (negative) dynamo numbers, in the system considered by Schmalz and Stix (1991), for which there is sensitivity with respect to small changes in the dynamo number and the initial conditions, similar to what was found in our previous work. This latter behaviour may be of importance in producing the intermittent type of behaviour observed in the Sun.  相似文献   

Following up our previous analysis of cyclotron radiation in anisotropic plasmas, we derived expression for the power received at a far field point per unit frequency range along the group velocity direction dP(, )/d. We then carry out a series of numerical analysis presenting the spectral features rather than directional features of cyclotron radiation. In particular, we analyse the power received per unit solid angle per unit frequency range d2 P(, )/(d d). It is expected the analysis result presented here can be compared directly with observation for parameters pertaining to astrophysical plasmas in stellar and terrestrial atmospheres.  相似文献   

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