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Sourcing seafood for the three major markets: The EU,Japan and the USA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes the marine fish and invertebrate consumption in three of the world’s major seafood markets (the EU, Japan and the USA) using a series of global maps indicating the likely origin of the seafood consumed by each market. These maps display a high level of dependence by these markets on foreign sources as the serial depletion of local fisheries resources forced the fleets in search for new seafood supplies well beyond their domestic waters. The acquisition of foreign (and high seas) seafood by these markets is conducted through two channels: by dispatching distant water fishing fleets that directly exploit foreign stocks; and by importing catch landed elsewhere by local fleets. The results also demonstrate that each of the three major markets occupies a zone of influence within which it is dominant.  相似文献   

Fish and fish-related products are among the most highly traded commodities globally and the proportion of globally harvested fish that is internationally traded has steadily risen over time. Views on the benefits of international seafood trade diverge, partly as a result from adopting either an aggregate national focus or a focus on local market actors. However, both views generally assume that the trade in question is characterized by export of fisheries resources to international markets. This is potentially misleading as empirical evidence suggests that import of seafood can also have impacts on local SSF dynamics. A systematic analysis of the different ways in which local production systems connect to international seafood markets can therefore help shed more light on why small-scale fisheries exhibit such differences in outcomes as they engage in an increasingly global seafood trade. This paper conducts a synthesis across 24 cases from around the world and develops a typology of small-scale fisheries and how they connect to and interact with international seafood trade. The analysis is based on key features drawn from trade theory regarding how trade interacts with local production. The implications of the findings for social and ecological sustainability of small-scale fisheries are discussed with the aim of identifying further research topics which deserve attention to better inform trade policy for more sustainable fisheries and more just wealth distribution from their trade.  相似文献   

Knowing the patterns of marine resource exploitation and seafood trade may help countries to design their future strategic plans and development policies. To fully understand these patterns, it is necessary to identify where the benefits accumulate, how balanced the arrangements are, and how the pattern is evolving over time. Here the flow of global seafood was traced from locations of capture or production to their countries of consumption using novel approaches and databases. Results indicate an increasing dominance of Asian fleets by the volume of catch from the 1950s to the 2010s, including fishing in the high seas. The majority of landings were by high-income countries’ fishing fleets in their own waters in the 1950s but this pattern was greatly altered by the 2010s, with more equality in landings volume and value by fleets representing different income levels. Results also show that the higher the income of a country, the more valuable seafood it imports compared to its exports and vice versa. In theory, this implies that the lower income countries are exporting high value seafood in part to achieve the broader goal of ending poverty, while achieving the food security goal by retaining and importing lower value seafood. In the context of access arrangements between developed and developing countries, the results allow insights into the consequences of these shifting sources of income may have for goals such as poverty reduction and food security.  相似文献   

Exotic marine fish products are increasingly appreciated in China. In this study, 100 samples of Cod, Salmon and Tuna products were collected from supermarkets in Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou. First the information reported on the label were assessed in the light of the Chinese legislation, paying particular attention to the fish names and the geographical origin. Then, a comparative analysis of the official trade denominations adopted by five European countries (Italy, France, Germany, Spain and United Kingdom) for Cod, Salmon and Tuna was performed. Finally, the Chinese names of the species considered in the EU list were verified consulting the available international lists. Overall, 95% of the samples employed just generic names. In particular, 98% of Salmon and 100% of Tuna products were generically labeled while the labeling of Cod products was more diversified, even though 80% reported misleading or fake denominations. The results of this work highlighted the lack of a mandatory legislation on seafood traceability and of an official naming system. In particular, this study propose the introduction of a detailed Chinese naming system based on the Chinese Latin Dictionary for Seafood Names, following the EU approach. In fact, inaccurate labeling can have both economic and health implications for consumers as well as it may distort the true abundance of fish stocks. These drawbacks can be particularly serious considering the pivotal role of China in the global fishery industry.  相似文献   

Whitefish wars: Pangasius, politics and consumer confusion in Europe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rapid growth in production of the farmed Vietnamese whitefish pangasius and its trade with the European Union has provoked criticism of the fish's environmental, social and safety credentials by actors including WWF and Members of the European Parliament and associated negative media coverage. This paper reviews the range of claims communicated about pangasius (identified as a form of mass mediated risk governance), in light of scientific evidence and analysis of data from the EU's Rapid Alert System for Food and Feeds food safety notification system for imported seafood. This analysis shows pangasius to be generally safe, environmentally benign and beneficial for actors along the international value chains that characterise the trade. The case is made that increasingly politicised debates in Europe around risk and uncertainty are potentially counterproductive for EU seafood security and European aquaculture industry, and that the trade in pangasius can contribute to sustainable seafood consumption in a number of ways. Transparent evidence-based assessment and systems for communicating complex issues of risk for products such as pangasius are required in order to support continuance of fair and mutually beneficial trade.  相似文献   

Identifying socio-economic drivers of small-scale fisheries is a fundamental step to understand impacts and pressures on fishery resources, and the behaviour of seafood trade actors. It is especially relevant for developing countries where such information is usually lacking and fisheries management is greatly needed. To address this gap, this study maps the structure of value chains of fish and marine invertebrates caught by small-scale fisheries from São Vicente, Cape Verde (West Africa), and examines the main socio-economic drivers behind the seafood trade on the island. Specifically, it shows how drivers, such as tourism and the local market, shape the preferences for certain species and how they affect the distribution of income among actors involved in the seafood trade. To collect this information, interviews were done with fishers, small-scale traders, market vendors, and restaurant owners, in all fishing communities of the island of São Vicente, in 2015. Tourism and the local market drive the exploitation of a wide variety of marine species, from small demersal low trophic level fish and marine invertebrates, to large pelagic high trophic level fish species. Moreover, the local seafood market, and especially tourism dynamics, contribute to the unequal distribution of income among actor groups, benefiting mostly restaurant owners due to their direct access to tourist consumers. Such findings have implications for local fishery resources management, food security, and fishing communities’ livelihoods.  相似文献   

Managing small-scale fisheries in a developing country like the Philippines is very challenging because of high pressures from expanding fishing population, poverty and lack of alternative options. Thus, resource-focused fisheries management initiatives such as marine protected area (MPA) establishment will likely result in further marginalization of the poor fishers which could pose more serious problems in coastal communities. In this study, the status of small-scale fisheries in 44 coastal towns in the Philippines was assessed using FISHDA (Fishing Industries' Support in Handling Decisions Application), a simple decision support tool which requires minimal or easily-generated data. Results showed that 68% (30 out of 44) of the studied towns have unsustainable fisheries unless 58% of their fishing grounds are protected from all fishing activities. Alternatively, 53% of the active fishers in towns with unsustainable fisheries must totally stop fishing to avert fishery collapse. Alarming as it may sound, this is still an underestimate as catches incurred by the highly efficient and destructive illegal fishing activities such as blast, poison and large-scale fishing, which are reported to be still rampant in many coastal areas in the Philippines, were not accounted for in this study. This study demonstrated that MPAs alone may not be enough to avert fishery collapse even if MPA size is increased from the current 3% to 15% of the municipal waters, i.e. up to 15 km from the shore, as required by the Philippine law. Various challenges confronting the fishery and important recommendations to address them are further discussed.  相似文献   

This article provides a historical account of Chinese public policy on fisheries subsidies, and a discussion of problems and limitations resulting from the World Trade Organization (WTO) Doha Round fisheries subsidies negotiation. By analyzing subsidization trends and applying a proportional assessment of subsidized areas, the article tracks the evolvement of Chinese fishery policy objective and priorities. Chinese fishery is not historically significantly subsidized in light of its relatively market-oriented structure and a sustained momentum in reducing marine capture capacity. However, due to the commitment to encouraging qualitative growth and to satisfying a rising domestic demand for fish, the government seeks for adequate policy space to employ fuel, distant water fisheries, infrastructure and various ‘green light’ subsidies. Whether or not such a claim can be accepted as a developmental right not an exception remains to be answered by the revision of current negotiation draft.  相似文献   

This study describes the Thukela Banks crustacean and linefish fisheries and investigates the potential impacts of reduced flow from the Thukela River on the value of these fisheries. Data were obtained from published and unpublished material, key informants and government records. The crustacean fishery employs about 300 people, and comprises an inshore and offshore fishery. Inshore catches and effort are strongly seasonal, peaking in April to June. The probability of fishing in any particular month is positively correlated with catch per unit effort. Average overall annual catch (inshore and offshore) was estimated to be in the region of 700 tonnes for 1992–2002 with a gross output of about R36.7 million per annum, and a gross value added (net output) of R13.8 million (1 US$ = R6.40; 2003). Inshore prawns were estimated to contribute R8.5 million of the gross output. The Thukela Banks was estimated to contribute R4.5 million and R35 million (rand value in 2003) to the gross output of the commercial linefishery and boat-based recreational angling fishery respectively. Freshwater reduction scenarios yielded 0.7–11% reductions in prawn catches, which translated into only a 1–2% drop in the annual value of the fishery. The latter was attributed to the fishery's diversity (predominantly the buffering effect of bycatch) and the fact that the stocks of the species targeted by the offshore component are largely independent of flow. Catches and value of the recreational boat-based linefishery were predicted to remain fairly constant irrespective of any changes in flow. The commercial linefishery was the most responsive, with a 20% decline in total catch and 17% value predicted for the most extreme flow reduction scenario.  相似文献   

In this paper the discard ban policy within the Portuguese fisheries sector is discussed and the opportunities and impact in the fisheries economy that arise from sales of unwanted fish under the new landing obligation are evaluated. The decadal mean price of fish (€/kg, adjusted for inflation) rose from the 1940s until the 1970s, dropping thereafter. The yearly averaged economic income estimated for discards sales between 1969 and 2009 ranged from 419345€ to 2164379€. Discard ban sales could contribute from 10% to 53% of the total landed value and 9–34% of the total catches (landings + discards). Under a discard ban policy, the fishing sector with the largest economic contribution for total discards sales would be multispecies (54%), followed by trawl (26%) and seine (20%). On average, fishing sales contributed with 0.63% to gross domestic production (GDP) between 1938 and 2009. Discard sales can increase 1.07–1.46 times more than the fish landing contribution to GDP. After 1983 the average landings/imports economic ratio was 0.28:1, which means that fish imports surpassed landings economic value 3.57 fold. The discard ban policy can create economic opportunities in the national context thus helping to revitalize some specific fisheries sectors.  相似文献   

Notwithstanding a complex array of international, national, and local policies designed to protect biodiversity and manage human activities, the condition of Australia's Great Barrier Reef has been deteriorating. This trend indicates that policy settings are inadequate or the right policies have been prescribed but not effectively implemented. This study aimed to determine which policies influenced on-ground management of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area and Marine Park, how they were implemented, and the challenges encountered by practitioners in applying policies. The research required content analysis of policy instruments relevant to various jurisdictional levels, and surveys and interviews with 19 key informants across jurisdictions and agencies. This study found that policy intent is not automatically translated into practice: international agreements are interpreted and reinterpreted along the policy pathway to on-ground management and, consequently, the aspirations of these agreements can be frustrated and their effectiveness diluted. Due to limits of jurisdictional responsibility, practitioners within the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority are constrained in influencing key factors that impact on their capacity to address threats and manage outcomes. The major policy gap affecting management outcomes was the absence of a mechanism with which to manage cumulative impacts responsible for deterioration of key ecosystem processes and biodiversity. These findings highlight that effective policy implementation is a challenging task, limited by gaps between intentions and outcomes, inconsistencies, and conflicting agendas. An improved understanding of the policy implementation process and the policy-practitioner relationship is essential to enhancing links between policy and on-ground management.  相似文献   

A bottom trawl survey was used to determine the position of a nursery ground for snapper, Chrysophrys auratus, in the North Taranaki Bight, New Zealand, and so indicate what area should be protected from potentially harmful fishing techniques. A nursery ground for trevally, Caranx georgianus, was also identified. The growth rate of snapper from the North Taranaki Bight is shown to be much faster than Hauraki Gulf and East Cape stocks, but quite similar to Tasman Bay fish. The onset of sexual maturity appears to be related to fish size rather than age, with about 80% of snapper being mature at a fork length of 25 cm. Recruitment success varies greatly between years, and successful recruitment may be related to warm spring temperatures.  相似文献   

紫贻贝养殖产业的现状、问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为全面系统地了解中国紫贻贝(Mytilus galloprovincialis)养殖产业情况,作者从养殖产量、养殖面积、进出口贸易、养殖生产等方面概述了紫贻贝产业现状,对中国紫贻贝养殖业的种质资源、苗种生产方式、养殖生产流程、养殖方式等进行了综述,并针对紫贻贝养殖中存在的问题,从种质资源、养殖模式、设施设备、食品安全控...  相似文献   

This paper reports all available geochemical data on sediments and pore waters from the Xisha Trough on the northern continental margin of the South China Sea. The methane concentrations in marine sediments display a downhole increasing trend and their carbon isotopic compositions (δ 13C = −25 to −51‰) indicate a thermogenic origin. Pore water Cl concentrations show a range from 537 to 730 mM, and the high Cl samples also have higher concentrations of Br, Na+, K+, and Mg2+, implying mixing between normal seawater and brine in the basin. The SO4 2− concentrations of pore waters vary from 19.9 to 36.8 mM, and show a downhole decreasing trend. Calculated SMI (sulfate-methane interfaces) depths and sulfate gradients are between 21 and 47 mbsf, and between −0.7 and −1.7 mM/m, respectively, which are similar to values in gas hydrate locations worldwide and suggest a high methane flux in the basin. Overall, the geochemical data, together with geological and geophysical evidence, such as the high sedimentation rates, high organic carbon contents, thick sediment piles, salt and mud diapirs, active faulting, abundant thermogenic gases, and occurrence of huge bottom simulating reflector (BSR), are suggestive of a favorable condition for occurrence of gas hydrates in this region.  相似文献   

High-resolution multichannel seismic data enables the discovery of a previous, undocumented submarine canyon(Huaguang Canyon) in the Qiongdongnan Basin, northwest South China Sea. The Huaguang Canyon with a NW orientation is 140 km in length, and 2.5 km to 5 km in width in its upper reach and 4.6 km to 9.5 km in width in its lower reach. The head of the Huaguang Canyon is close to the Xisha carbonate platform and its tail is adjacent to the central canyon. This buried submarine canyon is formed by gravity flows from the Xisha carbonate platform when the sea level dropped in the early stage of the late Miocene(~10.5 Ma). The internal architecture of the Huaguang Canyon is mainly characterized by high amplitude reflections, indicating that this ancient submarine canyon was filled with coarse-grained sediments. The sediment was principally scourced from the Xisha carbonate platform. In contrast to other buried large-scale submarine canyons(central canyon and Zhongjian Canyon) in the Qiongdongnan Basin, the Huaguang Canyon displays later formation time, smaller width and length, and single sediment supply. The coarse-grained deposits within Huaguang Canyon provide a good environment for reserving oil and gas, and the muddy fillings in Huaguang Canyon have been identified as regional caps. Therefore, Huaguang Canyon is potential area for future hydrocarbon exploration in the northwest South China Sea. Our results may contribute to a better understanding of the evolution of submarine canyons formed in carbonate environment.  相似文献   

High-resolution multichannel seismic data enables the discovery of a previous, undocumented submarine canyon(Huaguang Canyon) in the Qiongdongnan Basin, northwestern South China Sea. The Huaguang Canyon with a NW orientation is 140 km in length, and 2.5 km to 5 km in width in its upper reach and 4.6 km to 9.5 km in width in its lower reach. The head of the Huaguang Canyon is close to the Xisha carbonate platform and its tail is adjacent to the Central Canyon. This buried submarine canyon is formed by gravity flows from the Xisha carbonate platform when the sea level dropped in the early stage of the late Miocene(around 10.5 Ma). The internal architecture of the Huaguang Canyon is mainly characterized by high amplitude reflections, indicating that this ancient submarine canyon was filled with coarse-grained sediments. The sediment was principally scourced from the Xisha carbonate platform. In contrast to other buried large-scale submarine canyons(Central Canyon and Zhongjian Canyon) in the Qiongdongnan Basin, the Huaguang Canyon displays later formation time,smaller width and length, and single sediment supply. The coarse-grained deposits within the Huaguang Canyon provide a good environment for reserving oil and gas, and the muddy fillings in the Huaguang Canyon have been identified as regional caps. Therefore, the Huaguang Canyon is a potential area for future hydrocarbon exploration in the northwestern South China Sea. The result of this paper may contribute to a better understanding of the evolution of submarine canyons formed in carbonate environment.  相似文献   

About 120 gas seepage vents were documented along the west and southwest coast of the Hainan Island, South China Sea, in water depths usually less than 50 m. The principal seepage areas include the Lingtou Promontory, the Yinggehai Rivulet Mouth, Yazhou Bay, the Nanshan Promontory and the Tianya Promontory. They occur along three major zones, reflecting the control by faults and lateral conduits within the basement. It is estimated that the total gas emission from these seepage vents is 294–956 m3/year. The seepage gases are characterized by a high CH4 content (76%), heavy δ13C1 values (−38 to −33‰) and high C1/C1–5 ratios (0.95–1.0), resembling the thermogenic gases from the diapiric gas fields of the Yinggehai Basin. Hydrocarbon–source correlation shows that the hydrocarbons in the sediments from seepage areas can be correlated with the deeply buried Miocene source rocks and sandstone reservoirs in the central depression. The 2D basin modeling results based on a section from the source rock center to the gas seepage sites indicate that the gas-bearing fluids migrated from the source rocks upward through faults or weak zones encompassed by shale diapirism or in up-dip direction along the sandstone-rich strata of Huangliu Formation to arrive to seabed and form the nearshore gas seepages. It is suggested that the seepage gases are sourced from the Miocene source rocks in the central depression of the Yinggehai Basin. This migration model implies that the eastern slope zone between the gas source area of the central depression and the seepage zone is also favorable place for gas accumulation.  相似文献   

One hundred and ten carbon and nineteen strontium isotopic values of outcropping Cambrian Series 2 and Series 3 carbonate rocks in the Penglaiba section of the Keping area were analyzed. Effective isotopic data with little influence of diagenesis were used to address the global correlation. The δ13C values exhibit two major positive excursions (peaking at 3.1‰ and 3.3‰) and three major negative excursions (peaking at −3.0‰, −4.2‰ and −3.2‰). The carbon isotope excursions (peaking at −3.0‰ and −4.2‰) across the Cambrian Series 2-Series 3 boundary show good correlations with similar variations reported in Siberia, Laurentia, North China and South China. In contrast, the other three carbon isotope excursions (peaking at 3.1‰, 3.3‰ and −3.2‰) do not have a fairly good global correlation because of the lack of biostratigraphic data. With respect to the 87Sr/86Sr ratios, they show good correlation with those reported for Laurentia, and further support the global δ13C comparison. On the basis of these new data, it is showed that the combination of δ13C curves and 87Sr/86Sr variations serves as a powerful tool for correlation and subdivision of Cambrian strata in the Tarim Basin of northwest China, and provides new data for global correlation.  相似文献   

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