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The availability of reactive phosphorus (P) may promote cyanobacterial blooms, a worldwide increasing phenomenon. Cyanobacteria may also regulate benthic P cycling through labile organic input to sediments, favouring reduced conditions and P release, ultimately acting as self-sustainment mechanism for the phytoplankton blooms. To analyse P–cyanobacteria feedbacks and compare external versus internal loads, we investigated P cycling in the Curonian Lagoon, a freshwater estuary with recurrent summer blooms. At two sites representing the dominant sediment types, we characterised P pools and mobility, via combined pore water analysis, calculation of diffusive exchanges and flux measurements via sediment core incubations. Annual P budgets were also calculated, to analyse the whole lagoon role as net sink or source. Muddy sediments, representing nearly 50 % of the lagoon surface, displayed higher P content if compared with sandy sediments, and most of this pool was reactive. The muddy site had consequently higher pore water dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) concentrations maintaining high diffusive gradients. However, measured fluxes suggested that both sediment types were mostly P sinks except for a large DIP regeneration (nearly 30 μmol m?2 h?1) recorded at the muddy site during an intense cyanobacteria bloom. Such internal regeneration had the same order of magnitude as the annual external P load and may offset the net annual DIP sink role of the estuary. It may also prolong the duration of the bloom. Our results suggest that positive feedbacks can regulate N-fixing cyanobacteria blooms and internal P recycling, through either diffusive fluxes or sediment settling and resuspension.  相似文献   

West Falmouth Harbor, a shallow lagoon on Cape Cod, has experienced a threefold increase in nitrogen load since the mid- to late 1990s due to input from a groundwater plume contaminated by a municipal wastewater treatment plant. We measured the exchange of nitrogen and phosphorus between the harbor and the coastal waters of Buzzards Bay over several years when the harbor was experiencing this elevated nitrogen load. During summer months, the harbor not only retained the entire watershed nitrogen load but also had a net import of nitrogen from Buzzards Bay. During the spring and fall, the harbor had a net export of nitrogen to Buzzards Bay. We did not measure the export in winter, but assuming the winter net export was less than 112 % of the load, the harbor exported less than half of the watershed nitrogen load on an annual basis. For phosphorus, the harbor had a net import from coastal waters in the spring and summer months and a net export in the fall. Despite the large increase in nitrogen load to the harbor, the summertime import of phosphorus from Buzzards Bay was sufficient to maintain nitrogen limitation of primary productivity during the summer. Our findings illustrate that shallow systems dominated by benthic producers have the potential to retain large terrestrial nitrogen loads when there is sufficient supply of phosphorus from exchange with coastal waters.  相似文献   

Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) is now recognized as an important source of nutrients and freshwater to some coastal environments. We studied a shallow coastal lagoon (Little Lagoon, AL, USA) in the northern Gulf of Mexico that lacks riverine inputs but has been suspected to receive significant SGD. We observed persistent salinity gradients between the east and west ends of the lagoon and the pass connecting it to the Gulf of Mexico. Covariance between salinity in the lagoon and the groundwater tracer 222Rn indicated that SGD was responsible for the salinity gradients and is the primary source of freshwater to the lagoon. Cluster analysis of 246 biweekly samples based on temperature, salinity, and two proxies of SGD revealed two hydrographic regimes with different drivers for nutrient inputs. In samples characterized by high discharge and low temperatures (generally December–April), total nitrogen (TN) was negatively correlated with salinity, while total phosphorus (TP) was positively correlated with temperature. Total nitrogen in the groundwater was very high (0.36–4.80 mM) while total phosphorus was relatively low (0.3–2.3 μM), consistent with SGD as the source of TN during the high-discharge periods. In periods with low discharge and higher temperatures (approx. May–November), TN and TP had strong positive correlations with temperature and are inferred to originate from benthic efflux. Seasonal changes in nutrient stoichiometry in the lagoon water column also indicate an alternation between low TN/TP sediments and high TN/TP groundwater as the primary sources of nitrogen in this system.  相似文献   

Benthic oxygen, dinitrogen, and nutrient fluxes (NH4+, NO3, and PO43−) were measured monthly during a 1-year period at two locations in Weeks Bay, a shallow (1.4 m) and eutrophic estuary in Alabama. Gross primary productivity (GPP), ecosystem respiration (R), and net ecosystem metabolism were determined from high-frequency dissolved oxygen measurements. Peak water column NO3 (55 μM) and chlorophyll a (138 μg/l) concentrations were measured during spring and fall, respectively. Sediments were a net source of NH4+ (102 μmol m−2 h−1) and PO43− (0.9 μmol m−2 h−1) but a sink for NO3 (−30 μmol m−2 h−1). Benthic N2 fluxes indicated net N fixation (12 μmol N m−2 h−1). Sediment oxygen demand (0.55 g O2 m−2 day−1) accounted for <10% of R (7.3 g O2 m−2 day−1). Despite high GPP rates (4.7 g O2 m−2 day−1), the estuary was net heterotrophic. Benthic regeneration supplied, on average, 7.5% and 4% of primary productivity N and P demands, respectively. These results contrast with the conventional view that benthic regeneration accounts for a large fraction of phytoplankton nutrient demand in shallow estuaries.  相似文献   

Accurate benthic habitat maps are critical for resource management in coastal waters with competing uses. We used a 500 kHz phase-measuring bathymetric sonar (PMBS) and 900 kHz side-scan sonar to acquire seafloor data in estuarine and shelf environments. Grab samples and remotely operated vehicle video created geological and biological classifications for segmented maps produced by a backscatter clustering program. PMBS improves regional map resolution (<1 m), reduces the need for direct sampling, extends information on sediment–biological relationships to larger areas, and allows measurements of bedforms. Auto-segmentation was successful in environments with highly contrasting acoustic signatures and meters-scale homogeneity. Patchier communities are identifiable in PMBS data. Species preferences for sediment (i.e., tubeworm preference for sediment without shell hash) allowed us to determine potential habitat without identifying individual organisms in acoustic data. PMBS with sufficient ground-truthing offers an efficient way to map seafloor characteristics, which is critical in marine spatial planning efforts.  相似文献   

Benthic fluxes of soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) were measured in situ using autonomous landers in the Gulf of Finland in the Baltic Sea, on four expeditions between 2002 and 2005. These measurements together with model estimates of bottom water oxygen conditions were used to compute the magnitude of the yearly integrated benthic SRP flux (also called internal phosphorus load). The yearly integrated benthic SRP flux was found to be almost 10 times larger than the external (river and land sources) phosphorus load. The average SRP flux was 1.25?±?0.56?mmol?m?2?d?1 on anoxic bottoms, and ?0.01?±?0.08?mmol?m?2?d?1 on oxic bottoms. The bottom water oxygen conditions determined whether the SRP flux was in a high or low regime, and degradation of organic matter (as estimated from benthic DIC fluxes) correlated positively with SRP fluxes on anoxic bottoms. From this correlation, we estimated a potential increase in phosphorus flux of 0.69?±?0.26?mmol?m?2?d?1 from presently oxic bottoms, if they would turn anoxic. An almost full annual data set of in situ bottom water oxygen measurements showed high variability of oxygen concentration. Because of this, an estimate of the time which the sediments were exposed to oxygenated overlying bottom water was computed using a coupled thermohydrodynamic ocean?Csea and ecosystem model. Total phosphorus burial rates were calculated from vertical profiles of total phosphorus in sediment and sediment accumulation rates. Recycling and burial efficiencies for phosphorus of 97 and 3%, respectively, were estimated for anoxic accumulation bottoms from a benthic mass balance, which was based on the measured effluxes and burial rates.  相似文献   

Florida Bay is Florida’s (USA) largest estuary and has experienced harmful picocyanobacteria blooms for nearly two decades. While nutrient loading is the most commonly cited cause of algal blooms in Florida Bay, the role of zooplankton grazing pressure in bloom occurrence has not been considered. For this study, the spatial and temporal dynamics of cyanobacteria blooms, the microbial food web, microzooplankton and mesozooplankton grazing rates of picoplankton, and the effects of nutrients on plankton groups in Florida Bay were quantified. During the study, cyanobacteria blooms (>3 × 105 cells mL−1) persisted in the eastern and central regions of Florida Bay for more than a year. Locations with elevated abundance of cyanobacteria hosted microzooplankton grazing rates on cyanobacteria that were significantly lower (p < 0.001) and less frequently detectable compared to sites without blooms. Consistent with this observation, cyanobacteria abundances were significantly correlated with ciliates and heterotrophic nanoflagellates at low cyanobacteria densities (p < 0.001) but were not correlated during bloom events. The experimental enrichment of mesozooplankton abundance during blooms yielded a significant decrease in the net growth rate of picoplankton but had the opposite effect when blooms were absent, suggesting that the cascading effect of mesozooplankton grazing on the microbial food web was also altered during blooms. While inorganic nutrient enrichment significantly increased the net growth rates of eukaryotic phytoplankton and heterotrophic bacteria, such nutrient loading had no effect on the net growth rates of cyanobacteria. Hence, this study demonstrates that low rates of zooplankton grazing and low rates of inorganic nutrient loading contribute to the persistence of cyanobacteria blooms in Florida Bay.  相似文献   

Eutrophication plays a crucial role in coastal systems, driving changes in the composition and abundance of flora and fauna with consequent effects for the entire ecosystem. Sensitive to nutrient levels, micro- and macroalgal blooms serve as valuable indicators of eutrophication. The San Antonio Bay (Northern Argentinean Patagonia, 40° 43′ S, 64° 56′ W) provides an appropriate system to study in situ eutrophication processes on coastal communities. In a multi-scale approach, using two different kind of settlement substrates (micro: polyethylene terephthalate, and macro: ceramic), the present study followed benthic algal dynamics over one year, distinguishing changes in natural succession and seasonality. Strong differences were found in the biofilm assemblages after three days, marked by tube dwelling diatoms and Cocconeis spp. under high nutrient-grazer conditions and needle like diatoms (e.g. Nitzschia spp., Tabularia spp.) under lower nutrient-grazer loads. The succession continued by the colonization of macroalgae, with a higher recruitment rate in the nutrient and grazer rich environment with a concomitant higher diversity. Our results show that under higher nutrient-grazer conditions natural benthic succession not only differs in trajectory but in its final taxa composition promoting higher biodiversity and biomass accumulation. In addition, taxa specific substrate preferences interfere with the observed eutrophication pattern, suggesting substrate dependant interrelations between the bloom forming taxa. These findings provide evidence that nutrient enrichment can not only affect an established assemblage but also affect the early succession stages, changing the succession trajectory and thus the final assemblage.  相似文献   

Despite the widely acknowledged threat posed by invasive species in coastal estuaries, there are substantial gaps at the intersection of science and policy that are impeding invasive species management. In the face of pressing management needs in coastal and estuarine environments, we advocate that introduced species should receive the kind of management effort dedicated, for example, to reducing pollution. We support our argument with some examples of economic costs of estuarine and coastal introduced species and a summary of recent evidence for the ecological costs. We highlight some of the issues that either thwart or facilitate the successful marriage between science and management of introduced species, including the regulatory framework for management. We use the available information on coastal eradication programs, including case histories of the programs for Caulerpa taxifolia and Spartina alterniflora (and hybrids) in the western USA, to indicate the feasibility of managing introduced species and to help point out how management and science can improve the outcome. We close with a research agenda that focuses primarily on science that will really assist with invasive species management and reflects our own experience and the opinions of managers directly involved with this issue.  相似文献   

通过对2010年在冀东平原采集的34组水化学同位素样品进行分析,探讨了地下水K+、Ca2+、Na+、Mg2+、SO42-、HCO3-与Cl-的关系,研究了氘氧同位素特征,为该区海(咸)水入侵研究提供了基础数据。研究表明:区内浅层地下水化学类型主要分为三类,沿南北方向具有一定的规律性;山前地段地下水受到的主要影响作用为溶滤作用和离子交换吸附作用,滨海地段地下水主要为混合作用和蒸发浓缩作用影响,过渡地段地下水主要为蒸发浓缩作用影响;滨海地段地下水样品受海水混入影响明显,是海(咸)水入侵的潜在危险区。  相似文献   

The paper presents data on a comparative study of the bioaccumulation of trace elements in benthic organisms at the shelf in the Yenisei estuary in the Kara Sea and an area of methane seeps in the Deryugin Basin in the Sea of Okhotsk. The data pertain to both essential elements (Fe, Mn, Ni, Co, Cr, and Cu), which are necessary, in certain concentrations, for the metabolism of organisms, and nonessential heavy metals (Cd, Pb, and Hg), as well as As, a toxic metalloid, whose concentrations are subject to standards issued by the World Health Organization for various environments and seafoods. Our data showed that dominated representatives of the bottom-living fauna from the estuary of the Yenisei River (isopoda Saduria spp. and bivalve Portlandia spp.) and from the Deryugin Basin (actinia Actiniaria and clam Vesicomyidae family) were characterized by high bioaccumulation coefficients of most of the elements (≥n × 103), regardless of their biochemical properties. The use of the coefficient K, which characterizes the accumulation of trace elements in the soft tissues of bivalves relative to their shells, allowed us to detect differences in the character of bioaccumulation. In the mussels (both filter-feeding and suspension-feeders) from the Yenisei estuary, K < 1 for most of the elements (Mn, Fe, Cr, Co, Ni, and As), and this suggests that these elements were preferably accumulated in the carbonate shells. Conversely, symbiotrophic Vesicomyidae clams from the Deryugin Basin were characterized by the preferable accumulation of all of the trace elements in gills and soft tissues (the coefficient K ? 1). The likely reasons for this are thought to be different effect of abiotic (biological availability of elements and water turbidity) and biotic (throphic strategies) factors of the habitats.  相似文献   

周宏伟  党龙  张利 《新疆地质》2012,30(2):221-225
北天山褶皱带博格达复背斜南翼二叠系含磷砂岩、粉砂岩,华力西晚期安山玢岩中发育大量铀异常矿化点,冰草沟矿床在该区铀、磷成矿特征研究程度较高。通过对冰草沟矿床铀、磷矿化特征、赋存部位与矿体空间关系进行对比,结合铀、磷化学成因与成矿期联系,认为铀、磷矿为同体共生关系,在该区具综合找矿意义。  相似文献   

The average composition of natural waters such as rivers, lakes, ocean, and hydrothermal vents and corresponding solids in equilibrium (e.g., river-suspended particles or shale; lake sediments; oceanic pelagic clay, organisms, and manganese nodules; and the mid-ocean ridge basalts) do not change randomly. The observed positive correlation between the electron binding energy (I z [*I z ]) and logarithms of bulk distribution coefficient (log K d ) for cations with charge of 1?C4, and the negative correlation between I z [*I z ] and log K d for anions in various aquatic systems are consistent with the prediction from the surface complexation model. In other words, the bond strength between the adsorbed cation and the surface oxygen of hydrated metal oxides, and between the oxygen of adsorbed oxyanion and the surface metal of hydrated metal oxides control the partition of elements between solid and associated liquid in natural aquatic systems. For Mn, Co, Ce, Pb, and Tl, the oxidative uptake at the solid?Cwater interface in the ocean is an additional important process. For alkali and alkaline-earth cations with large ionic radius (such as Cs, Rb, K, and Ba), their relatively small secondary solvation energy further enhances their adsorption onto solid particles. For living and non-living organic matter, the adsorbed B-type cations form extra strong bindings with hydrophilic functional groups such as ?CSH and ?CNH2 on organic matter surface.  相似文献   

Strong benthic–pelagic coupling is an important characteristic of shallow coastal marine ecosystems. Building upon a rich history of benthic metabolism data, we measured oxygen uptake and nutrient fluxes across the sediment–water interface along a gradient of water column primary production in Narragansett Bay, RI (USA). Despite the strong gradients seen in water column production, sediment oxygen demand (SOD) and benthic nutrient fluxes did not exhibit a clear spatial pattern. Some of our sites had been studied in the 1970s and 1980s and thus allowed historical comparison. At these sites, we found that SOD and benthic fluxes have not changed uniformly throughout Narragansett Bay. In the uppermost portion of the bay, the Providence River Estuary, we observed a significant decrease in dissolved inorganic phosphorus fluxes which we attribute to management interventions. At another upper bay site, we observed significant declines in SOD and dissolved inorganic nitrogen fluxes which may be linked to climate-induced decreases in water column primary production and shifts in bloom phenology. In the 1970s, benthic nutrient regeneration supplied 50% to over 200% of the N and P needed to support primary production by phytoplankton. Summer nutrient regeneration in the Providence River Estuary and Upper bay now may only supply some 5–30% of the N and 3–20% of the P phytoplankton demand.  相似文献   

Stability conditions in an area located NW of Barcelona (Spain) are discussed. Here, several mass movements were observed, mainly affecting weathered Paleozoic slates. Many of these failures involved slopes cut along recent infrastructures: debris flows, wedge and plane failures, generally surficial, occurred more frequently. After a detailed geological and geomorphologic survey, geomechanic characterization was carried out, according to RMR and SMR classifications. This rating gave a prediction of slope behaviour, in fairly good agreement with the real observed one.

Stability numerical analysis was carried out for the main cut slopes, based upon the Limit Equilibrium Method. First of all, the deterministic factor of safety was computed using the mean values of parameters. After that, a simulation technique based upon the Monte Carlo Method was applied in order to obtain factor of safety distributions. The probability of failure was estimated as P(F<1).

Finally, results from deterministic and probabilistic approaches were compared. The effectiveness of different possible remedial measures was highlighted by means of a sensitivity analysis, which showed that the more important parameters in the study area are the geometrical ones (height, slope and failure plane angles). The final technical solutions adopted are briefly outlined.  相似文献   

Coastal lagoons are ubiquitous along coastlines worldwide. Here, we compare the abundance of epifauna, seagrass-associated macroinvertebrates, and small fish across a gradient of seagrass cover in shallow coastal lagoons of the northern Gulf of Mexico. Two of the lagoons had little or no seagrass cover (0–18.8 %), and four had high cover (83.8–97.5 %). All of the lagoons were partially covered with fringing marsh. We hypothesized that, due to habitat redundancy between seagrass beds and fringing marshes, seagrass-associated fish and macroinvertebrates would not be largely reduced despite the large differences in seagrass cover among the lagoons. Our results support this hypothesis. For most sampling dates, we did not find significant differences in fish and macroinvertebrate abundance among the lagoons and, when we did, several highly vegetated lagoons did not have larger abundances than sparsely vegetated lagoons. The extreme shallowness of the lagoons studied (<1 m) may also provide further protection from large predatory fishes in the absence of seagrasses. Our results also suggest that marsh detritus, by providing habitat for epifauna and helping maintain prey availability, may further temper reductions in seagrass-associated fishes and macroinvertebrates following seagrass decline. The results highlight the importance of marsh-bordered, shallow lagoons as habitat for small fish and macroinvertebrates regardless of seagrass cover. This study contributes to the characterization of habitat redundancy in coastal ecosystems and pinpoints the importance of considering all habitats in concert for the proper understanding and management of coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

Seasonal wind-driven upwelling along the U.S. West Coast supplies large concentrations of nitrogen to surface waters that drives high primary production. However, the influence of coastal upwelled nutrients on phytoplankton productivity in adjacent small estuaries and bays is poorly understood. This study was conducted in Drakes Estero, California, a low inflow estuary located in the Point Reyes National Seashore and the site of an oyster mariculture facility that produces 40 % of the oysters harvested in California. Measurements of nutrients, chlorophyll a, phytoplankton functional groups, and phytoplankton carbon and nitrogen uptake were made between May 2010 and June 2011. A sea-to-land gradient in nutrient concentrations was observed with elevated nitrate at the coast and higher ammonium at the landward region. Larger phytoplankton cells (>5 μm diameter) were dominant within the outer and middle Estero where phytoplankton primary productivity was fueled by nitrate and f-ratios were >0.5; the greatest primary production rates were in the middle Estero. Primary production was lowest within the inner Estero, where smaller phytoplankton cells (<5 μm) were dominant, and nitrogen uptake was dominated by ammonium. Phytoplankton blooms occurred at the outer and middle Estero and were dominated by diatoms during the spring and dry-upwelling seasons but dinoflagellates during the fall. Small flagellated algae (>2 μm) were dominant at the inner Estero where no blooms occurred. These results indicate that coastal nitrate and phytoplankton are imported into Drakes Estero and lead to periods of high new production that can support the oyster mariculture; a likely scenario also for other small estuaries and bays.  相似文献   

Benthic metabolism and nutrient cycling in Boston Harbor, Massachusetts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To gain insight into the importance of the benthos in carbon and nutrient budgets of Boston Harbor and surrounding bays, we measured sediment-water exchanges of oxygen, total carbon dioxide (DIC), nitrogen (ammonium, nitrate+nitrite, urea, N2O), silicate, and phosphorus at several stations in different sedimentary environments just prior to and subsequent to cessation of sewage sludge disposal in the harbor. The ratio of the average annual DIC release to O2 uptake at three primary stations ranged from 0.84 to 1.99. Annual average DIC:DIN flux ratios were consistently greater than predicted from the Redfield ratio, suggesting substantial losses of mineralized N. The pattern was less clear for P: some stations showed evidence that the sediments were a sink for P while others appeared to be a net source to the water column over the study period. In general, temporal and spatial patterns of respiration, nutrient fluxes, and flux ratios were not consistently related to measures of sediment oxidation-reduction status such as Eh or dissolved sulfide. Sediments from Boston Harbor metabolize a relatively high percentage (46%) of the organic matter inputs from phytoplankton production and allochthonous inputs when compared to most estuarine systems. Nutrient regeneration from the benthos is equivalent to 40% of the N, 29% of the P, and more than 60% of the Si demand of the phytoplankton. However, the role of the benthos in supporting primary production at the present time may be minor as nutrient inputs from sewage and other sources exceed benthic fluxes of N and P by 10-fold and Si by 4-fold. Our estimates of denitrification from DIC:DIN fluxes suggests that about 45% of the N mineralized in the sediments is denitrified, which accounts for about 17% of the N inputs from land.  相似文献   

山东沾化滨海地区地下卤水为古浓缩海水封存而成。浅层地下卤水主要赋存在40 m深度以上的粉砂和粉土层中,垂向上分为2个矿层,总厚度9.9-33.7 m,矿化度50.0-99.7 g/L,水位埋深1.2-4.3 m,单位出水量10.42-58.94 m3/(d.m),富水性中等,动态较为稳定。卤水开发利用应合理规划,避免资源浪费,注重综合利用和环境保护。  相似文献   

Assessments of coupled barrier island-estuary storm response are rare. Hurricane Sandy made landfall during an investigation in Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor estuary that included water quality monitoring, geomorphologic characterization, and numerical modeling; this provided an opportunity to characterize the storm response of the barrier island-estuary system. Barrier island morphologic response was characterized by significant changes in shoreline position, dune elevation, and beach volume; morphologic changes within the estuary were less dramatic with a net gain of only 200,000 m3 of sediment. When observed, estuarine deposition was adjacent to the back-barrier shoreline or collocated with maximum estuary depths. Estuarine sedimentologic changes correlated well with bed shear stresses derived from numerically simulated storm conditions, suggesting that change is linked to winnowing from elevated storm-related wave-current interactions rather than deposition. Rapid storm-related changes in estuarine water level, turbidity, and salinity were coincident with minima in island and estuarine widths, which may have influenced the location of two barrier island breaches. Barrier-estuary connectivity, or the transport of sediment from barrier island to estuary, was influenced by barrier island land use and width. Coupled assessments like this one provide critical information about storm-related coastal and estuarine sediment transport that may not be evident from investigations that consider only one component of the coastal system.  相似文献   

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