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Physical and biological properties of the Chesapeake Bay estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) region may influence retention and survival of anadromous white perch (Morone americana) and striped bass larvae (Morone saxatilis). To evaluate this hypothesis we collected data in five cruises, three during May 1998 and two during May 1999, in upper Chesapeake Bay. Time series of freshwater discharge, water temperature, wind, and water level explain differences in ETM location and properties between cruises and years. During high flows in 1998, a two-layer response to wind forcing shifted the ETM up-estuary, while a high discharge event resulted in a down-estuary shift in the salt front and ETM location. In 1999, extremely low discharge rates shifted the salt front 15 km up-estuary of its position in 1998. During 1999, the ETM was less intense and apparently topographically fixed. Gradients in depth-specific abundance of ichthyoplankton were compared with salinity and TSS concentrations along the channel axis of the upper Bay. During 1998, the high flow year, most striped bass eggs (75%) and most early-stage white perch larvae (80%) were located up-estuary of the salt front. In addition, most striped bass (91%) and white perch (67%) post-yolk-sac larvae were located within 10 km of maximum turbidity readings. Total abundance of white perch larvae was lower in 1999, a low freshwater flow year, than in 1998, a high flow year. In 1999, striped bass larvae were virtually absent. White perch (1977–1999) and striped bass (1968–1999) juvenile abundances were positively correlated with spring Susquehanna River discharge. The ETM regions is an important nursery area for white perch and striped bass larvae and life-history strategies of these species appear to insure transport to and within the ETM. We hypothesize that episodic wind and discharge events may modulate larval survival within years. Between years, differences in freshwater flow may influence striped bass and white perch survival and recruitment by controlling retention of egg and early-stage in the ETM region and by affecting the overlap of temperature/salinity zones preferred by later-stage larvae with elevated productivity in the ETM.  相似文献   

The estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) is an important nursery area for anadromous fish where early-life stages can be retained in high prey concentrations and favorable salinities. Episodic freshwater flow and wind events could influence the transport of striped bass (Morone saxatilis) eggs to the ETM. This hypothesis was evaluated with regression analysis of observational data and with a coupled biological-physical model of a semi-idealized upper Chesapeake Bay driven by observed wind and freshwater flow. A particle-tracking model was constructed within a numerical circulation model (Princeton Ocean Model) to simulate the transport of fish eggs in a 3-dimensional flow field. Particles with the sinking speed of striped bass eggs were released up-estuary of the salt front in both 2-d event-scale and 60-d seasonal-scale scenarios. In event scenarios, egg-like particles with observed specific gravities (densities) of striped bass eggs were transported to the optimum ETM nursery area after 2 d, the striped bass egg-stage duration. Wind events and pulses in river discharge decreased the number of egg-like particles transported to the ETM area by 20.9% and 13.2%, respectively, compared to nonevent conditions. In seasonal scenarios, particle delivery to the ETM depended upon the timing of the release of egg-like particles. The number of particles transported to the ETM area decreased when particles were released before and during wind and river pulse events. Particle delivery to the ETM area was enhanced when the salt front was moving up-estuary after river pulse events and as base river flow receded over the spawning season. Model results suggest that the timing of striped bass spawning in relation to pulsed events may have a negative (before or during events) or positive (after river flow events) effect on egg transport. Spawning after river flow events may promote early-stage survival by taking advantage of improved transport, enhanced turbidity refuge, and elevated prey production that may occur after river pulse events. In multiple regression analysis of observed data, mean spring freshwater flow rates and the number of pulsed freshwater flow events during the striped bass spawning season explained 71% of the variability in striped bass juvenile abundance in upper Chesapeake Bay from 1986 to 2002. Positive parameter estimates for these effects support the hypothesis that pulsed freshwater flow events, coupled with spawning after the events, may enhance striped bass early-stage survival. Results suggest that episodic events may have an important role in controlling fish recruitment.  相似文献   

The relationships between egg production (spawning behavior), larval growth and survival, and environmental conditions that larvae encounter were investigated in the Patuxent River tributary of Chesapeake Bay in 1991. Striped, bass (Morone saxatilis) eggs and larvae occurred predominantly above the salt front where conductivity was ≤800 μmhos cm?1. There were three prominent peaks in egg production, each coinciding with increasing temperatures. Estimated growth rates of 6-d, otolith-aged cohorts, which ranged from 0.15 mm d?1 to 0.22 mm d?1 (mean=0.17 mm d?1), were not demonstrated to differ significantly from each other. Observed zooplankton densities and temperature did not significantly affect growth rates. Stage-specific cumulative mortalities of combined cohorts were calculated for eggs (Zstage=0.20=18.1%), yolk-sac larvae (Zstage=5.80=99.7%), and first-feeding larvae (Zstage=2.95=94.8%). The very high mortality of yolk-sac larvae suggests that dynamic during this stage may have had a major impact on subsquent recruitment. Cohort-specific mortality rates of larvae were variable, ranging from Z=0.045 d?1 to 0.719 d?1, and were strongly temperature-dependent. Cohorts that experiented average temperature <15°C or >20°C during the first 25 d after hatching had significantly higher mortality rates than those which experienced intermediate temperatures. Estimated hatch-date frequencies of larvae ≥8 mm SL indicated goo, very good, and very low potential recruitments for cohorst spawned during early-season (April 2–11), mid-season (April 12–24) and late-season (April 25–May 5), respectively. Because seasonal temperature trends and fluctuations are unpredictable, striped bass females cannot select a spawning time that guarantees their offspring will be exposed to optimum temperatures. Consequently, selection may have occured for spawning over a broad range of temperatures and dates, a behavior insuring that some larval cohorts will encounter favorable temperatures.  相似文献   

The copepod Eurytemora carolleeae dominates vernal zooplankton biomass in the Chesapeake Bay estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) region, where it is an important prey item for larval anadromous fish. Although there have been several zooplankton studies in the Chesapeake Bay ETM focused on spring, the importance of winter zooplankton populations for establishing these vernal conditions has not been investigated. We examined the abundance, distribution, and individual sizes of E. carolleeae in winter of 2007 and 2008 and we investigated the potential impact of varying winter conditions and rising winter temperatures on Eurytemora female carbon content, egg production rate, and generation time. We found higher abundances and larger individuals in the colder 2007 than in 2008 under similar freshwater flow conditions. Empirical estimates showed that overall zooplankton productivity was higher in 2007 than in 2008. Published recruitment indices for anadromous fish including white perch and striped bass were higher in 2007 than in 2008 in the study region. Based on these findings, we hypothesize that colder conditions resulted in larger individuals and therefore increased prey biomass available to larval fish. We further hypothesize that rising winter water temperatures will negatively impact trophic transfer of primary production to copepods and ultimately to fish.  相似文献   

This study aimed at characterizing the diet of the oyster Crassostrea gigas along an estuarine gradient in the Bay of Brest (France), through stable isotope (δ13C and δ15N) measurements in primary producers and wild oysters. The contribution of different potential food sources to the diet of C. gigas was estimated at high spatial resolution (over a gradient of 40 km with samplings every 2 km) to identify ecological transition zones and highlighted the dominance of resuspended biofilm in oysters diet. Although the different primary producers did not display any obvious pattern along the estuarine gradient, the stable isotope signatures of C. gigas differed among estuarine, inner Bay, and open sea sites. In particular, a striking 15N depletion pattern was found along the gradient which allowed to identify seven homogeneous groups. Moreover, some unexpected values found at two stations within the estuary revealed localized anthropogenic disturbances. Overall, our results suggest that suspension feeders might be better indicators of ecosystem functioning than primary producers and reflect the different ecological processes occurring along estuarine gradients, including localized anthropogenic inputs. We suggest that the usefulness of suspension feeders as indicators of ecosystem functional typology lies in the dominance of benthic material in their diet, which results in locally occurring processes being reflected in oysters’ stable isotope ratios.  相似文献   

Variable recruitments of striped bass were hypothesized to be caused by factors influencing growth and survival of larvae. Eggs and larvae were collected in the Potomac River from 1987 to 1989 and in the Upper Chesapeake Bay in 1988 and 1989 to estimate abundances, larval growth and survival rates, and environmental variability. Larval batch dates, ages, and growth and mortality rates were estimated from analysis of otolith daily increments. A retrospective analysis of Potomae River ichthyoplankton data from 1974–1977 and 1980–1982 provided additional estimates of larval abundances and vital rates for comparative purposes. Significant correlations betweens vital rates (growth and mortality) and abundances of striped bass larvae, and the Maryland juvenile recruitment index indicated that recruitment level may be fixed during the larval stage. The ratio of mean daily growth and mortality rates (G:Z) of larvae in the Potomac River for 1987–1989 was highest in 1987 when the juvenile index was relatively high, and was lower in 1988 and 1989 when juvenile indices were low. In the Upper Bay, mean larval growth rate, survival rate, and the G:Z ratio were highest in 1989 when the juvenile index also was high. In both tributaries, abundances of late-stage larvae (8 mm SL) were correlated with juvenile-stage recruitment indices. The retrospective analysis provided additional evidence that Potomac River larval abundances and G:Z ratios were positively correlated with juvenile recruitment indices in the 1974–1977 and 1980–1982 periods. Conditions favoring striped bass larval abundance and potential recruitment differed between the Potomac River and the Upper Bay. In the Potomac, late-stage larval abundances coincided with late-season water temperatures that were relatively warm, low river discharges and high, late-season densities of zooplankton prey, which favored larval growth. In the Upper Bay, the high abundance of late-stage larvae in 1989 relative to 1988 was attributed to a higher egg production that was coincident with high zooplankton abundances.  相似文献   

To compare natural variability and trends in a developed estuary with human-influenced patterns, stable isotope ratios (δ13C and δ15N) were measured in sediments from five piston cores collected in Chesapeake Bay. Mixing of terrestrial and algal carbon sources primarily controls patterns of δ13Corg profiles, so this proxy shows changes in estuary productivity and in delivery of terrestrial carbon to the bay. Analyses of δ15N show periods when oxygen depletion allowed intense denitrification and nutrient recycling to develop in the seasonally stratified water column, in addition to recycling taking place in surficial sediments. These conditions produced 15N-enriched (heavy) nitrogen in algal biomass, and ultimately in sediment. A pronounced increasing trend in δ15N of +4‰ started in about A.D. 1750 to 1800 at all core sites, indicating greater eutrophication in the bay and summer oxygen depletion since that time. The timing of the change correlates with the advent of widespread land clearing and tillage in the watershed, and associated increases in erosion and sedimentation. Isotope data show that the region has experienced up to 13 wet-dry cycles in the last 2700 yr. Relative sea-level rise and basin infilling have produced a net freshening trend overprinted with cyclic climatic variability. Isotope data also constrain the relative position of the spring productivity maximum in Chesapeake Bay and distinguish local anomalies from sustained changes impacting large regions of the bay. This approach to reconstructing environmental history should be generally applicable to studies of other estuaries and coastal embayments impacted by watershed development.  相似文献   

Experiments in 2.2 m3, in situ mesocosm enclosures indicate that black drum, Pogonias cromis, eggs and larvae potentially can survive in the lower Chesapeake Bay at ambient microzooplankton prey levels (≈200 prey 1?1) in the absence of predators. In growth experiments, larva mean growth rates to 10 d posthatch were similar (0.17 mm d?1 and 0.18 mm d?1) when fed at prey levels of 50 prey 1?1 and 200 prey 1?1. Individual growth rates, however, were more variable at 50 prey 1?1. Mortality rates also were comparable in 50 (27% d?1) and 200 (23% d?1) prey 1?1 enclosures. In a second experiment, the predation potentials of the hydromedusa Nemopsis bachei and the lobate ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi were estimated in relation to initial black drum egg prey density, presence of alternative <1 mm zooplankton prey, and estimated daily abundance of the jellyfish on the black drum spawning grounds. Mortality rates per medusa and ctenophore were similar (0.02–0.03 d?1), were not affected by presence of alternative prey, and were directly related to initial egg density. Results suggest that the gelatinous predators, especially the hydromedusa, could have cleared a high (≈38%) but variable fraction of the water column daily of fish eggs and yolk-sac larvae during the black drum spawning season. We hypothesize that the poor or episodic recruitment success of black drum in Chesapeake Bay results from a short spawning season that often coincides with abundance peaks of gelatinous predators and that predation on eggs and yolk-sac larvae may control recruitment.  相似文献   

Production and resource use by intertidal taxa were studied in the estuarine fjord of Puget Sound, Washington, USA. Along nearly 100 km, salinity is similar, and intertidal habitat and immersion time were kept consistent, thus allowing a focus on other environmental variables such as temperature and resource availability that could influence growth. Primary producers (ulvoid and fucoid macroalgae) and suspension feeders (oysters and barnacles) were transplanted on three beaches in each of three regions and assessed for individual-level growth, carbon and nitrogen ratios, and stable isotopes. In most transplants, δ13C and C/N showed no regional variation but δ15N was enriched up-estuary. Among environmental variables, chlorophyll a, total suspended solids, and particulate organic matter had small and/or inconsistent regional variation, but temperature was higher up-estuary. For the most intensively studied species (Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas) transplanted four times over 2 years, seasonal and regional variation in growth were best predicted by temperature rather than resource availability. Growth rates continued to increase into Totten Inlet, a shallow finger inlet at the head of Puget Sound. As indicators of environmental conditions, the growth and tissue chemistry of intertidal study taxa affirm that sources and amounts of resources show no strong gradients along this estuarine fjord, and they also support temperature as a key factor for performance, with species-specific responses. Higher temperatures may also have community-level impacts, given prior evidence linking beach temperatures to reduced intertidal diversity and biomass into Puget Sound.  相似文献   

The isotopic compositions of commercially available herbicides were analyzed to determine their respective 15N, 13C and 37Cl signatures for the purposes of developing a discrete tool for tracing and identifying non-point source contaminants in agricultural watersheds. Findings demonstrate that of the agrochemicals evaluated, chlorine stable isotopes signatures range between δ37Cl = −4.55‰ and +3.40‰, whereas most naturally occurring chlorine stable isotopes signatures, including those of road salt, sewage sludge and fertilizers, vary in a narrow range about the Standard Mean Ocean Chloride (SMOC) between −2.00‰ and +1.00‰. Nitrogen stable isotope values varied widely from δ15N = −10.86‰ to +1.44‰ and carbon stable isotope analysis gave an observed range between δ13C = −37.13‰ and −21.35‰ for the entire suite of agro-chemicals analyzed. When nitrogen, carbon and chlorine stable isotope analyses were compared in a cross-correlation analysis, statistically independent isotopic signatures exist suggesting a new potential tracer tool for identifying herbicides in the environment.  相似文献   

Striped bass,Morone saxatilis, larvae of 9 DAH (days after hatching) were fed for 16 d with five densities of adults (5–100 l?1), copepodites (10–200 l?1), and nauplii (50–1,000?1) of the copepodEurytemora affinis, and 5-DAH and 10-DAH larvae were fed at seven densities (5–500 l?1) of brine shrimp,Artemia salina, nauplii. The study determined the effects of prey types and densities on the survival and growth of the fish larvae, and the effects of delaying first feeding from 5 DAH to 10 DAH. The survival and grwoth of the larvae fedE. affinis adults was higher than those fedE. affinis copepodites.E. affinis nauplii were the poorest prey. OneE. affinis adult provided nutrition equivalent to 1.45 copepoditer or 11.12 nauplii. The percentage survival of the larvae was higher for those fedA. salina nauplii thanE. affinis adults at the densities below 67.25 l?1, but there was no difference at this density or higher. Delaying first feeding from 5 DAH to 10 DAH did not affect percentage survival and size of larvae at the end of the experiments. Because the survival and growth of the larvae increased as the prey density increased, it was difficult to set a point along the regression line as the minimum density requirement level. It may be said that for striped bass larvae, the higher the prey density, the higher the survival and growth, and thus the greater the recruitment success.  相似文献   

Estuarine fish populations are exposed to a variety of environmental conditions that cause both short-term variability and long-term trends in abundance. We analyzed an extensive data set for striped bass (Morone saxatilis) in the San Francisco Estuary to refine our understanding of how environmental variability influences recruitment. We examined the effects of environmental variability during early life stages on subsequent recruitment (age 3 yr), and the degree to which conditions in early life may have contributed to a long-term decline in abundance of adult striped bass in the San Francisco Estuary. Survival from egg to young-of-the-year varied strongly with freshwater flow; this effect apparently occurred within the first week or two of life, a time period that encompasses transport of eggs and larvae from the rivers to rearing areas and the onset of feeding. The rate of freshwater flow to pumping facilities that export freshwater from the system had small or sporadic effects on survival during the first month or two of life. Although many young striped bass between ages 2 and 8 mo were entrained in export pumping facilities, the resulting high mortality was unrelated to total mortality rates determined from field data on young striped bass. This lack of effect was apparently due to strong density-dependent mortality occurring between ages 1 mo and 3 yr (Kimmerer et al. 2000). The available data do not support previously suggested relationships between recruitment and freshwater flow during early life, or between gross estimates of pesticide input and survival of early life stages. We used a simple life-cycle model to show that various combined factors could have led to a decline in adult abundance, particularly a large and increasing adult mortality, but that events early in life probably did not contribute substantially to the decline. These results demonstrate that several decades of monitoring data from numerous life stages are needed to distinguish among alternative hypotheses about environmental influences on populations of estuarine fish.  相似文献   

Soft corals and black corals are useful proxy tools for paleoceanographic reconstructions. However, most work has focused on deep-water taxa and few studies have used these corals as proxy organisms in shallow water (<200 m). To facilitate the use of stable nitrogen and carbon isotope (δ15N and δ13C) records from shallow-water soft coral and black coral taxa for paleoceanographic reconstructions, quantification of the inherent variability in skeletal isotope values between sites, across depth, and among taxa is needed. Here, skeletal δ15N and δ13C values were measured in multiple colonies from eleven genera of soft corals and two genera of black corals from across a depth transect (5-105 m) at two sites in Palau located in the tropical western Pacific Ocean. Overall, no difference in skeletal δ15N and δ13C values between sites was present. Skeletal δ15N values significantly increased and δ13C values decreased with depth. This is consistent with changes in isotope values of suspended particulate organic matter (POM) across the photic zone, suggesting that the primary food source to these corals is suspended POM and that the stable isotopic composition of POM controls the skeletal isotopic composition of these corals. Thus, to compare the isotope records of corals collected across a depth range in the photic zone, first order depth corrections of −0.013‰ m−1 and +0.023‰ m−1 are recommended for δ15N and δ13C, respectively. Average depth-corrected δ15N values were similar between black corals and soft corals, indicating that corals in these orders feed at a similar trophic level. In contrast, average depth-corrected δ13C values of black corals were significantly lower than that of soft corals, potentially resulting from metabolic processes associated with differing skeletal compositions among the orders (i.e., gorgonin vs. chitin based). Thus, a correction of +1.0‰ is recommended for black corals when comparing their δ13C-based proxy records to soft corals. After correcting for both the depth and order effects, variability in δ15N values among corals within each genera was low (standard deviation (SD) of the mean <±0.5‰), with the exception of Acanthorgorgia. The calculated SD of <±0.5‰ provides a first order guideline for the amount of variability that could be expected in a δ15N record, and suggests that these corals may be useful for δ15N-based paleoceanographic reconstructions. Variability in δ13C values among corals within genera was also low (standard deviation of the mean <±0.5‰) with the exception of Rhipidipathes and Villogorgia. Similar to δ15N, records from the genera studied here with the exception of Rhipidipathes and Villogorgia may be useful for δ13C-based paleoceanographic reconstructions. Overall, using the recommendations developed here, stable isotope records from multiple sites, depths and taxa of these corals can be more rigorously compared.  相似文献   

Patterns of habitat utilization and migration of Hudson River striped bass,Morone saxatilis, were estimated using otolith microchemical analysis to chart age- and sex-dependent movements. Otoliths from 25 males and 25 females were analyzed for seasonal and age-specific patterns in strontium: calcium level. These levels were converted into salinity estimates based upon a relationship derived from experimental studies. Seasonal patterns in salinity habitation indicated annual up-estuary migrations in mature age-classes of males and females, and may represent spawning migrations. Early emigration of young striped bass (<3 yr old) into polyhaline and euhaline waters was observed for both sexes, but females tended to reside at higher salinities throughout their life span. Otolith microchemical analysis indicated that 68% of the sampled females and 28% of the sampled males spent significant portions of their lives in euhaline coastal waters. A positive relationship between down-estuary movements and age was observed for both sexes, supporting the hypothesis of size-related dispersion and anadromy in striped bass populations. Individuals collected during the same season or from the same segment of the river had similar lifetime salinities. This result suggests that group cohesion (schooling) could persist for substantial periods of an individual’s life span. The most cohesive group was fall-collected males, which may reside permanently in fresh water and estuarine waters. Cohesive migratory groups would have important implications for investigations on effects of contaminants and fishing pressure on Hudson River striped bass.  相似文献   

The effect of pulsed events on estuarine turbidity maxima (ETM) was investigated with the Princeton Ocean Model, a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model. The theoretical model was adapted to a straight-channel estuary and enhanced with sediment transport, erosion, deposition, and burial components. Wind and river pulse scenarios from the numerical model were compared to field observations before and after river pulse and wind events in upper Chesapeake Bay. Numerical studies and field observations demonstrated that the salt front and ETM had rapid and nonlinear responses to short-term pulses in river flow and wind. Although increases and decreases in river flow caused down-estuary and up-estuary (respectively) movements of the salt front, the effect of increased river flow was more pronounced than that of decreased river flow. Along-channel wind events also elicited non-linear responses. The salt front moved in the opposite direction of wind stress, shifting up-estuary in response to down-estuary winds and vice-versa. Modeled pulsed events affected suspended sediment distributions by modifying the location of the salt front, near-bottom shear stress, and the location of bottom sediment in relation to stratification within the salt front. Bottom sediment accumulated near the convergent zone at the tip of the salt front, but lagged behind the rapid response of the salt front during wind events. While increases in river flow and along-channel winds resulted in sediment transport down-estuary, only reductions in river flow resulted in consistent up-estuary movement of bottom sediment. Model predictions suggest that wind and river pulse events significantly influence salt front structure and circulation patterns, and have an important role in the transport of sediment in upper estuaries.  相似文献   

Bulk nitrogen (N) isotope signatures have long been used to investigate organic N source and food web structure in aquatic ecosystems. This paper explores the use of compound-specific δ15N patterns of amino acids (δ15N-AA) as a new tool to examine source and processing history in non-living marine organic matter. We measured δ15N-AA distributions in plankton tows, sinking particulate organic matter (POM), and ultrafiltered dissolved organic matter (UDOM) in the central Pacific Ocean. δ15N-AA patterns in eukaryotic algae and mixed plankton tows closely resemble those previously reported in culture. δ15N differences between individual amino acids (AA) strongly suggest that the sharply divergent δ15N enrichment for different AA with trophic transfer, as first reported by [McClelland, J.W. and Montoya, J.P. (2002) Trophic relationships and the nitrogen isotopic composition of amino acids. Ecology83, 2173-2180], is a general phenomenon. In addition, differences in δ15N of individual AA indicative of trophic transfers are clearly preserved in sinking POM, along with additional changes that may indicate subsequent microbial reworking after incorporation into particles.We propose two internally normalized δ15N proxies that track heterotrophic processes in detrital organic matter. Both are based on isotopic signatures in multiple AA, chosen to minimize potential problems associated with any single compound in degraded materials. A trophic level indicator (ΔTr) is derived from the δ15N difference between selected groups of AA based on their relative enrichment with trophic transfer. We propose that a corresponding measure of the variance within a sub-group of AA (designated ΣV) may indicate total AA resynthesis, and be strongly tied to heterotrophic microbial reworking in detrital materials. Together, we hypothesize that ΔTr and ΣV define a two dimensional trophic “space”, which may simultaneously express relative extent of eukaryotic and bacterial heterotrophic processing.In the equatorial Pacific, ΔTr indicates an average of 1.5-2 trophic transfers between phytoplankton and sinking POM at all depths and locations. The ΣV parameter suggests that substantial variation may exist in bacterial heterotrophic processing between differing regions and time periods. In dissolved material δ15N-AA patterns appear unrelated to those in POM. In contrast to POM, δ15N-AA signatures in UDOM show no clear changes with depth, and suggest that dissolved AA preserved throughout the oceanic water column have undergone few, if any, trophic transfers. Together these data suggest a sharp divide between processing histories, and possibly sources, of particulate vs. dissolved AA.  相似文献   

Altered river flow has been suggested as a cause for the low recruitment of striped bass,Morone saxatilis, in the Roanoke River (North Carolina) because of its effect on the proximity of zooplankton and larval striped bass. This results in unsuccessful feeding and subsequent starvation, which was considered to be a major mortality factor. Other mortality factors, such as parasitism and copepod predation on age-0 fish, may also be regulated to some extent by changes in river flow. The relationship of cestode plerocercoids, trematode metacercaria, mussel glochidia, and cyclopoid copepod predators with age-0 fish was evaluated in the lower Roanoke River and western Albemarle Sound from plankton net collections made in 1984 to 1986 and 1988. Plerocercoid prevalence was higher under low river flow conditions than under high flow conditions in darters (Percidae; 16.7% vs. 9.2%), minnows (Cyprinidae; 28.8% vs. 4.7%), andMorone (1.9% vs. 0%). Gut analysis of the age-0 fish revealed that copepods (source of the plerocercoids) were a major diet component ofMorone and darters but not of minnows or herring (Clupeidae). Decreases in river flow were associated with increases in copepod density (Pearson r=?0.62; p=0.0001) and plerocercoid prevalence inMorone (Pearson r=?0.29; p=0.03). The low correlation value forMorone may be quite strong considering the complexity of the variables associated with prevalence. Metacercaria were found only inMorone and minnows, and prevalence and mean intensity were less than that found for plerocercoids. Mussel glochidia prevalence was less than 0.5% for all affected taxa, an order of magnitude less that that found in other studies. The low value may indicate that the mussel population in the Roanoke River is declining. Prevalence of attacks by the predatory copepodMesocyclops edax on age-0 fish was similar to that in Chesapeake Bay, and striped bass was the primary prey. Spatial and temporal proximity of copepods and fish prey may be the key factors in regulating copepod attacks. The low prevalence of parasites and copepod predators seen in this tudy would suggest that mortality from these sources may not be a major factor in age-0 recruitment in this system. Confirmation of these conclusions would require a more controlled experimental approach.  相似文献   

Specimens of a free-living copepod, Cyclops bicuspidatus thomasi, were found attached to striped bass and white perch larvae collected in the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal and adjacent waters. Damage to most of the larvae was constriction of tissue around the point of attachment, but some exhibited more severe damage such as missing parts of the finfold or a ruptured yolk sac. Most of the larvae had damage which was extensive enough to have caused death.  相似文献   

This study investigates the application of sulphur isotope ratios (δ34S) in combination with carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) ratios to understand the influence of environmental sulphur on the isotopic composition of archaeological human and faunal remains from Roman era sites in Oxfordshire, UK. Humans (n = 83), terrestrial animals (n = 11), and freshwater fish (n = 5) were analysed for their isotope values from four locations in the Thames River Valley, and a broad range of δ34S values were found. The δ34S values from the terrestrial animals were highly variable (−13.6‰ to +0.5‰), but the δ34S values of the fish were clustered and 34S-depleted (−20.9‰ to −17.3‰). The results of the faunal remains suggest that riverine sulphur influenced the terrestrial sulphur isotopic signatures. Terrestrial animals were possibly raised on the floodplains of the River Thames, where highly 34S-depleted sulphur influenced the soil. The humans show the largest range of δ34S values (−18.8‰ to +9.6‰) from any archaeological context to date. No differences in δ34S values were found between the males (−7.8 ± 6.0‰) and females (−5.3 ± 6.8‰), but the females had a linear correlation (R2 = 0.71; p < 0.0001) between their δ15N and δ34S compositions. These δ34S results suggest a greater dietary variability for the inhabitants of Roman Oxfordshire than previously thought, with some individuals eating solely terrestrial protein resources and others showing a diet almost exclusively based on freshwater protein such as fish. Such large dietary variability was not visible by analysing only the carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios, and this research represents the largest and most detailed application of δ34S analysis to examine dietary practices (including breastfeeding and weaning patterns) during the Romano-British Period.  相似文献   

Elemental and isotopic composition of leaves of the seagrassThalassia testudinum was highly variable across the 10,000 km2 and 8 years of this study. The data reported herein expand the reported range in carbon:nitrogen (C:N) and carbon:phosphorus (C:P) ratios and δ13C and δ15N values reported for this species worldwide; 13.2–38.6 for C:N and 411–2,041 for C:P. The 981 determinations in this study generated a range of ?13.5‰ to ?5.2‰ for δ13C and ?4.3‰ to 9.4‰ for δ15N. The elemental and isotope ratios displayed marked seasonality, and the seasonal patterns could be described with a simple sine wave model. C:N, C:P, δ13C, and δ15N values all had maxima in the summer and minima in the winter. Spatial patterns in the summer maxima of these quantities suggest there are large differences in the relative availability of N and P across the study area and that there are differences in the processing and the isotopic composition of C and N. This work calls into question the interpretation of studies about nutrient cycling and food webs in estuaries based on few samples collected at one time, since we document natural variability greater than the signal often used to imply changes in the structure or function of ecosystems. The data and patterns presented in this paper make it clear that there is no threshold δ15N value for marine plants that can be used as an unambiguous indicator of human sewage pollution without a thorough understanding of local temporal and spatial variability.  相似文献   

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