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We present a study on the retrieval sensitivity of the column-averaged dry-air mole fraction of CO2 (XCO2) for the Chinese carbon dioxide observation satellite (TanSat) with a full physical forward model and the optimal estimation technique. The forward model is based on the vector linearized discrete ordinate radiative transfer model (VLIDORT) and considers surface reflectance, gas absorption, and the scattering of air molecules, aerosol particles, and cloud particles. XCO2 retrieval errors from synthetic TanSat measurements show solar zenith angle (SZA), albedo dependence with values varying from 0.3 to 1 ppm for bright land surface in nadir mode and 2 to 8 ppm for dark surfaces like snow. The use of glint mode over dark oceans significantly improves the CO2 information retrieved. The aerosol type and profile are more important than the aerosol optical depth, and underestimation of aerosol plume height will introduce a bias of 1.5 ppm in XCO2. The systematic errors due to radiometric calibration are also estimated using a forward model simulation approach.  相似文献   

The spectra of O_2 A-band(0.76 μm) and CO_2 near-infrared emissions(1.6 μm) are simulated by the SCIATRAN radiative transfer model(V3.1.23), and compared with those observed by GOSAT-FTS(Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite-Fourier Transform Spectrometer). Systematic deviations between the observed and simulated spectra are found to exist,especially for the O_2 A-band. The discrepancies are characterized by their mean differences averaged over the observed spectral ranges. A correction is applied to the observed GOSAT-FTS L1B(V141.141) spectra by scaling the spectral intensity measured by TANSO-FTS(Thermal and Near infrared Sensor for carbon Observation Fourier Transform Spectrometer) onboard GOSAT.The average columnar CO_2 concentrations(XCO_2) are retrieved from the observed and the corrected GOSAT-FTS spectra by using the SCIATRAN inversion algorithm. Compared with the GOSAT-FTS L2 XCO_2 data products retrieved from the observed spectra of GOSAT-FTS, the SCIATRAN retrievals from the corrected spectra show a much better agreement, with the relative error less than 1%. But the results of GOSAT TANSO-FTS(V161.160) show smaller residuals than GOSAT TANSO-FTS(V141.141) without mean residual correction. The results indicate that the mean residual correction would increase the precision of XCO_2 retrieval for spectra with systematic deviations.  相似文献   

A high-accuracy surface modeling (HASM) method based on the fundamental theorem of surfaces, is developed to simulate XCO2 surfaces using the GOSAT retrieval XCO2 data. Two tests are designed to investigate the simulation accuracy. The first test divides the existing satellite retrieval XCO2 data into training points and testing points, and simulates the XCO2 surface using the training points while computing the simulation error using the testing points. The absolute mean error (MAE) of the testing points is 1.189 ppmv, and the corresponding values of the comparison methods, Ordinary Kriging, IDW, and Spline are 1.203, 1.301, and 1.355 ppmv, respectively. The second test simulates the XCO2 surface using all the satellite retrieval points and uses the TCCON (Total Carbon Column Observing Network) site observation values as the ture values. For the six typical TCCON sites, the HASM simulation MAE is 1.688 ppmv, and the satellite retrieval MAE at the same sites is 2.147 ppmv. These results indicate that HASM can successfully simulate XCO2 surfaces based on satellite retrieval data.  相似文献   

Solar geoengineering has been proposed as a potential mechanism to counteract global warming. Here we use the University of Victoria Earth System Model (UVic) to simulate the effect of idealized sunshade geoengineering on the global carbon cycle. We conduct two simulations. The first is the A2 simulation, where the model is driven by prescribed emission scenario based on the SRES A2 CO2 emission pathway. The second is the solar geoengineering simulation in which the model is driven by the A2 CO2 emission scenario combined with sunshade solar geoengineering. In the model, solar geoengineering is represented by a spatially uniform reduction in solar insolation that is implemented at year 2020 to offset CO2-induced global mean surface temperature change. Our results show that solar geoengineering increases global carbon uptake relative to A2, in particular CO2 uptake by the terrestrial biosphere. The increase in land carbon uptake is mainly associated with increased net primary production (NPP) in the tropics in the geoengineering simulation, which prevents excess warming in tropics. By year 2100, solar geoengineering decreases A2-simulated atmospheric CO2 by 110 ppm (12%) and causes a 60% (251 Pg C) increase in land carbon accumulation compared to A2. Solar geoengineering also prevents the reduction in ocean oxygen concentration caused by increased ocean temperatures and decreased ocean ventilation, but reduces global ocean NPP. Our results suggest that to fully access the climate effect of solar geoengineering, the response of the global carbon cycle should be taken into account.  相似文献   

Observations of CO2 concentration at a mountaintop in the Colorado Rockies in summer show a large diurnal variability with minimum CO2 concentrations found between 10:00 and 18:00 MST. Simulations are performed with a mesoscale model to examine the effects of atmospheric structure and large-scale flows on the diurnal variability. In the simulations initialized without large-scale winds, the CO2 minimum occurs earlier compared to the observations. Upslope flows play an important role in the presence of this early (pre-noon) minimum while the timing and magnitude of the minimum depend only weakly on the temperature structure. An increase in large-scale flow has a noticeable impact on the diurnal variability with a more gradual decrease in daytime CO2 concentration, similar to summer-averaged observations. From the idealized simulations and a case study, it is concluded that multi-scale flows and their interactions have a large influence on the observed diurnal variability.  相似文献   

Robust and physically understandable responses of the global atmospheric water cycle to a warming climate are presented. By considering interannual responses to changes in surface temperature (T), observations and AMIP5 simulations agree on an increase in column integrated water vapor at the rate 7 %/K (in line with the Clausius–Clapeyron equation) and of precipitation at the rate 2–3 %/K (in line with energetic constraints). Using simple and complex climate models, we demonstrate that radiative forcing by greenhouse gases is currently suppressing global precipitation (P) at ~?0.15 %/decade. Along with natural variability, this can explain why observed trends in global P over the period 1988?2008 are close to zero. Regional responses in the global water cycle are strongly constrained by changes in moisture fluxes. Model simulations show an increased moisture flux into the tropical wet region at 900 hPa and an enhanced outflow (of smaller magnitude) at around 600 hPa with warming. Moisture transport explains an increase in P in the wet tropical regions and small or negative changes in the dry regions of the subtropics in CMIP5 simulations of a warming climate. For AMIP5 simulations and satellite observations, the heaviest 5-day rainfall totals increase in intensity at ~15 %/K over the ocean with reductions at all percentiles over land. The climate change response in CMIP5 simulations shows consistent increases in P over ocean and land for the highest intensities, close to the Clausius?Clapeyron scaling of 7 %/K, while P declines for the lowest percentiles, indicating that interannual variability over land may not be a good proxy for climate change. The local changes in precipitation and its extremes are highly dependent upon small shifts in the large-scale atmospheric circulation and regional feedbacks.  相似文献   

The climate warming is mainly due to the increase in concentrations of anthropogenic greenhouse gases, of which CO2 is the most important one responsible for radiative forcing of the climate. In order to reduce the great estimation uncertainty of atmospheric CO2 concentrations, several CO2-related satellites have been successfully launched and many future greenhouse gas monitoring missions are planned. In this paper, we review the development of CO2 retrieval algorithms, spatial interpolation methods and ground observations. The main findings include: 1) current CO2 retrieval algorithms only partially account for atmospheric scattering effects; 2) the accurate estimation of the vertical profile of greenhouse gas concentrations is a long-term challenge for remote sensing techniques; 3) ground-based observations are too sparse to accurately infer CO2 concentrations on regional scales; and 4) accuracy is the primary challenge of satellite estimation of CO2 concentrations. These findings, taken as a whole, point to the need to develop a high accuracy method for simulation of carbon sources and sinks on the basis of the fundamental theorem of Earth’s surface modelling, which is able to efficiently fuse space- and ground-based measurements on the one hand and work with atmospheric transport models on the other hand.  相似文献   

The interrelationship between the cryosphere and the climate is not always operating on Earth over a scale of billions or millions of years. Indeed, most of the time, the Earth is regulated at temperatures such that no ice sheet exists. Nevertheless, it is very fruitful to understand the conditions where and when ice sheets were triggered during the Earth??s history. This paper deals with the paleoclimate and the cryosphere in the last 4.6 Ga and explains the different processes that make the climate of the first 4 billion years warm despite the weaker solar luminosity. We also describe the more recent evolution in the last 65 million years when a global decrease in atmospheric CO2 from around 4 PAL to 1 PAL was associated with a global cooling (1 PAL present atmospheric level = 280 ppm). It is in this context that the Quaternary occurred characterized by low atmospheric CO2 and the presence of two perennial ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica. The last million years are certainly the most documented since direct and reliable CO2 measurements are available. They are characterized by a complex climate/cryosphere dynamics leading to oscillations between long glacial periods with four ice sheets and shorter ones with only two ice sheets (interglacial). We are currently living in one of those interglacials, generally associated with a CO2 level of 280 ppm. Presently, anthropogenic activities are seriously perturbing the carbon cycle and the atmospheric CO2 content and therefore the climate. The last but not least question raised in this paper is to investigate whether the anthropogenic perturbation may lead to a melting of the ice sheets.  相似文献   

The global rate of fossil fuel combustion continues to rise, but the amount of CO2 accumulating in the atmosphere has not increased accordingly. The causes for this discrepancy are widely debated. Particularly, the location and drivers for the interannual variability of atmospheric CO2 are highly uncertain. Here we examine links between global atmospheric CO2 growth rate (CGR) and the climate anomalies of biomes based on (1986–1995) global climate data of ten years and accompanying satellite data sets. Our results show that four biomes, the tropical rainforest, tropical savanna, C4 grassland and boreal forest, and their responses to climate anomalies, are the major climate-sensitive CO2 sinks/sources that control the CGR. The nature and magnitude by which these biomes respond to climate anomalies are generally not the same. However, one common influence did emerge from our analysis; the extremely high CGR observed for the one extreme El Niño year was caused by the response of the tropical biomes (rainforest, savanna and C4 grassland) to temperature.  相似文献   

Atmospheric carbon dioxide is an important kind of greenhouse gas which influences global temperature. Its concentration variation could indicate the distribution of human and natural activities in various regions. Through the non-dispersive infrared method, flask sampling of atmospheric CO2 concentration was measured weekly at four national background stations including Waliguan, Shangdianzi, Lin’an, and Longfengshan. Based on the data collected from September 2006 to August 2007, along with the Waliguan station’s experience on in situ observational data processing, the selection methods for sampling data through the atmospheric background CO2 concentration analysis were preliminarily discussed. On the basis of this result, the variation features of the four typical regions’ atmospheric background CO2 concentration was analyzed for the first time. The results show that the atmospheric CO2 concentration at Waliguan, Shangdianzi, Lin’an, and Longfengshan is 383.5, 385.9, 387.8, and 384.3 ppm, respectively. During the research period, CO2 concentration at the Waliguan station changed slightly. However, the CO2 concentration changed sharply at the Shangdianzi and the Lin’an stations due to the great influence of human activities in the Jingjinji and the Changjiang Delta economic zones, and changed regularly with seasons at Longfengshan station under dual influences of human activities and plant photosynthesis. The results from this study can lay the foundation for more profound studies on atmospheric CO2 concentration level of different areas in China, and could be used to improve the understanding of carbon source and sink distribution.  相似文献   

A generalized watershed model was used to evaluate the effects of global climate changes on the hydrologic responses of freshwater ecosystems. The Enhanced Trickle Down (ETD) model was applied to W-3 watershed located near Danville, Vermont. Eight years of field data was used to perform model calibration and verification and the results were presented in Nikolaidis et al., (1993). Results from the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) and the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) general circulation models which simulated the doubling of present day atmospheric CO2 scenarios were used to perform the hydrologic simulations for the W-3 watershed. The results indicate that the W-3 watershed will experience increases in annual evapotranspiration and decreases in annual outflow and soil moisture. Stochastic models that simulate collective statistical properties of meteorological time series were developed to generate data to drive the ETD model in a Monte-Carlo fashion for quantification of the uncertainty in the model predictions due to input time series. This coupled deterministic and stochastic model was used to generate probable scenarios of future hydrology of the W-3 watershed. The predicted evapotranspiration and soil moisture under doubling present day atmospheric CO2 scenarios exceed the present day uncertainty due to input time series by a factor greater than 2. The results indicate that the hydrologic response of the W-3 watershed will be significantly different than its present day response. The Enhanced Trickle Down model can be used to evaluate land surface feedbacks and assessing water quantity management in the event of climate change.  相似文献   

Atmospheric SO2 has a significant impact on the urban environment and global climate. Band Residual Difference Algorithm (BRD) and Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS) were used respectively by NASA and ESA science team to derive SO2 columns from satellite observations, but there are few studies on the comparison and validation of BRD and DOAS SO2 retrievals under the same observation conditions. In this study, the radiative transfer model SCIATRAN was firstly used to validate the accuracies of BRD and DOAS SO2 retrievals, and analyse the uncertainty of SO2 retrieval caused by band selection, O3 absorption, aerosol, surface reflectance, solar and viewing zenith angle. Finally, BRD and DOAS algorithms were applied to the same radiances from satellite observations, and comparisons of BRD and DOAS SO2 retrievals were conducted over volcanic eruption and North China. Results show that, for the case with low SO2 columns, BRD SO2 retrievals have higher retrieval accuracy than DOAS, but typical seasonal variation with high SO2 column in winter and low in summer can be more clearly discernible in DOAS SO2 retrievals than BRD from satellite observations. For the case with high SO2 columns, the differences between BRD (310.8–314.4 nm) and DOAS (315–327 nm) retrievals are large, and the value and accuracy of BRD (310.8–314.4 nm) SO2 retrievals are lower than those of DOAS (315–327 nm) retrievals. Compared with the SO2 inputs in forward model, both BRD (310.8–314.4 nm) and DOAS (315–327 nm) SO2 retrievals are underestimated for the case with high SO2 columns. The selection of wavelength range can significantly affect the accuracy of SO2 retrieval. The error of BRD SO2 retrieval from 310.8–314.4 nm is lower than other bands in the ultraviolet spectral region (306–327 nm). The increase of wavelength in the ultraviolet spectral region 306–330 nm can reduce the underestimation of DOAS SO2 retrievals in the case of high SO2 column, but slight overestimation of SO2 retrieval is found from the 315–327 nm range in the case of low SO2 column. The values of BRD and DOAS SO2 retrieval decrease with atmospheric O3 column and aerosol optical depth increasing, but increase with surface reflectance increasing. Large solar zenith angle and viewing zenith angle can introduce more errors to the BRD and DOAS SO2 retrievals. This study is important for the improvement of retrieval algorithm and the application of SO2 products from satellite observations.  相似文献   

We propose an algorithm that combines a pre-processing step applied to the a priori state vector prior to retrievals, with the modified damped Newton method (MDNM), to improve convergence. The initial constraint vector pre-processing step updates the initial state vector prior to the retrievals if the algorithm detects that the initial state vector is far from the true state vector in extreme cases where there are CO2 emissions. The MDNM uses the Levenberg-Marquardt parameter γ, which ensures a positive Hessian matrix, and a scale factor α, which adjusts the step size to optimize the stability of the convergence. While the algorithm iteratively searches for an optimized solution using observed spectral radiances, MDNM adjusts parameters γ and α to achieve stable convergence. We present simulated retrieval samples to evaluate the performance of our algorithm and comparing it to existing methods. The standard deviation of our retrievals adding random noise was less than 3.8 ppmv. After pre-processing the initial estimate when it was far from the true value, the CO2 retrieval errors in the boundary layers were within 1.2 ppmv. We tested the MDNM algorithm’s performance using GOSAT L1b data with cloud screening. Our preliminary validations comparing the results to TCCON FTS measurements showed that the average bias was less than 1.8 ppm and the correlation coefficient was approximately 0.88, which was larger than for the GOSAT L2 product.  相似文献   

A study of the contribution to global climate change from China’s CO2 emission is conducted using the FIO-ESM v1.0 climate model. A series of sensitivity experiments are performed to identify two kinds of contributions to global climate change of China’s CO2 emission due to fossil fuel combustion: one is the pure contribution which is the historical climate response from the sensitivity experiment forced only by China’s CO2 emission, the other is the accumulative contribution which is proposed in this research and defined as the difference of historical climate responses between the experiments forced by all countries’ CO2 emission and other countries’ CO2 emission excluding China. The pure contribution approach considers the total CO2 discharged by China, while the accumulative contribution approach considers not only the discharge amount of China but also the discharge order of China and other countries. The latter is a more realistic approach to quantify the contribution of CO2 emission to the historical change of atmospheric CO2 concentration, surface air temperature (SAT), sea surface temperature (SST) and sea ice coverage in the Arctic. Model results show that from the accumulative perspective, the ratio of the contribution of CO2 emission from China for the increase of atmospheric CO2 concentration, SAT and SST, and the decrease of the sea ice coverage in the Arctic to that from all other countries excluding China varies from 8% to 92%, 5% to 95%, 9% to 91% and 18% to 82%, respectively. Here we take the contribution of China’s CO2 emission as an example, the contribution of CO2 emission from any other country or area can be evaluated by the same approach.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Zwischen 50° bis 85°N Breite wurde die atmosphärische CO2-Konzentration während mehrerer Messflüge registriert. Diese war oberhalb der Tropopause bis zu 7 ppm (im Mittel etwa 2 ppm) niedriger als in der oberen Troposphäre. Im Jahresmittel entspricht diese CO2-Konzentrationsdifferenz einem Fluss von etwa 10–2 g CO2/cm2 Jahr aus der nördlichen Troposphäre in die Stratosphäre. Die Bedeutung dieser CO2-Konzentrationsunterschiede für den atmosphärischen CO2-Haushalt sowie für die Strahlungsbilanz im Tropopausenniveau kann erst nach Vorlage weiterer, über das ganze Jahr verteilter Messdaten erfolgen.
Summary CO2-concentration was measured during several flights in northern latitudes (50°–85°). Above Tropopause CO2-concentration was up to 7 ppm (as a mean some 2 ppm) smaller than in upper troposphere. As a mean this difference in CO2-concentration cm2 year conforms to a CO2-flux of some 10–2 g CO2/cm2 year from northern troposphere into stratosphere. The importance of these CO2-differences for atmospheric CO2-system and for radiation balance in tropopause-height may be considered as soon as more CO2-concentration data for the whole year are available.

The Atmospheric Ultraviolet Radiance Integrated Code (AURIC) is a software package developed by Computational Physics, Inc. (CPI) under the sponsorship of the Air Force Phillips Laboratory/Geophysics Directorate (PL/GP) (currently the Air Force Research Laboratory) for middle and upper atmospheric radiance modeling from the far ultraviolet to the near infrared. The AURIC has been considered as a general model for the radiative transfer simulation of airglow. Based on the theory of MODerate resolution atmospheric TRANsmission (MODTRAN), the AURIC extends calculation to altitudes above 100 km and the wavelength down to 80 nm. A package of AURIC v1.2 was released in 2002, which can be used for single-point simulation from 1947 to 1999. It means that the model is not suitable for atmospheric simulation of large datasets or for atmospheric parameters retrieval from amount of satellite measurements. In this paper, AURIC v1.2 is upgraded to AURIC-2012 based on MATLAB with improvements for modules of the Geomagnetic Parameter (GEOPARM), Atmosphere neutral composition (ATOMS), and Ionospheric electron density (IONOS). The improved AURIC can be used for global automatic airglow simulation and also for automatic retrieval of atmospheric compositions from satellite global observations, such as O/N2 and electron density etc. Besides, the model supplies possibilities for further improvement of airglow radiative mechanism and for substitution of other modules. Based on the AURIC-2012, Limb Column Emission Intensity (L-CEI) and Volume Emission Rate (VER) are calculated. For validation, the results were compared with measurements of the Global Ultraviolet Imager (GUVI) and TIMED Doppler Interferometer (TIDI), respectively. The averaged relative errors of L-CEI and VER at peak altitude are both within 20%. Finally, L-CEI varying with latitude, altitude, solar activity, and geomagnetic activity is simulated, and the distribution characteristics of the simulation and their influencing factors are analyzed subsequently.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the formation mechanisms of infrared radiation in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT), the energetic effects of the radiative absorption/emission processes, and the retrieval of atmospheric parameters from infrared radiation measurements. In the MLT and above, the vibrational levels of the molecules involved in radiative transitions are not in local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) with the surrounding medium, and this then requires specific theoretical treatment. The non-LTE models for CO2, O3, and H2O molecules are presented, and the radiative cooling/heating rates estimated for five typical atmospheric scenarios, from polar winter to polar summer, are shown. An optimization strategy for calculating the cooling/heating rates in general circulation models is proposed, and its accuracy is estimated for CO2. The sensitivity of the atmospheric quantities retrieved from infrared observations made from satellites to the non-LTE model parameters is shown.  相似文献   

From indirect phase-height observations in the LF range at mid-latitudes, significant negative long-term trends of the ionospheric reflection height can be derived. The lowering of the reflection height at constant solar zenith angle can mainly be explained by a temperature decrease of the mesosphere due to increasing greenhouse gases (e.g. CO2) and a reduction of the atmospheric ozone content. Marked seasonal differences of the temperature trends could be found with a stronger cooling of the mesosphere in summer than in winter. A comparison of experimental trend results and model calculations with the three-dimensional global circulation model COMMA-IAP shows a reasonable agreement.  相似文献   

Data on the distribution of fCO2 were obtained during a cruise in the Aegean Sea during February 2006. The fCO2 of surface water (fCO2sw) was lower than the atmospheric fCO2 (fCO2atm) throughout the area surveyed and ΔfCO2 values varied from ?34 to ?61 μatm. The observed under-saturation suggests that surface waters in the Aegean represent a sink for atmospheric CO2 during the winter of 2006. Higher fCO2sw values were recorded in the ‘less warm’ and ‘less saline’ shallow northernmost part of the Aegean Sea implying that the lower seawater temperature and salinity in this area play a crucial role in the spatial distribution of fCO2sw.A first estimate of the magnitude of the air–sea CO2 exchange and the potential role of the Aegean Sea in the transfer of atmospheric CO2 was also obtained. The air–sea CO2 fluxes calculated using different gas transfer formulations showed that during February 2006, the Aegean Sea absorbs atmospheric CO2 at a rate ranging from ?6.2 to ?11.8 mmol m?2 d?1 with the shipboard recorded wind speeds and at almost half rate (?3.5 to ?5.5 mmol m?2 d?1) with the monthly mean model-derived wind speed. Compared to recent observations from other temperate continental shelves during winter period, the Aegean Sea acts as a moderate to rather strong sink for atmospheric CO2.Further investigations, including intensive spatial and temporal high-resolution observations, are necessary to elucidate the role of the Aegean Sea in the process of transfer of atmospheric CO2 into the deep horizons of the Eastern Mediterranean.  相似文献   

We have studied the temperature response to changes in the CO2 concentration in the middle and upper atmosphere using the Coupled Middle Atmosphere–Thermosphere Model 2 (CMAT2). We have performed simulations with a range of CO2 concentrations and three different ways of accounting for the effects of gravity waves, to allow for comparison with previous studies and sensitivity analyses. We initially find that the response of the model to the changes in CO2 concentration which took place between 1965 and 1995 (320–360 ppm) is strongly dependent on the gravity wave parameterization that is used, but this is to a large degree due to steps or kinks in an otherwise nearly linear curve describing the temperature as a function of CO2 concentration. We have not been able to identify the cause of these steps as part of the present study, which is a limitation and must be studied in future work. Here we treated the steps as model noise and rather focused on correcting for their effects by fitting straight lines to the temperature–CO2 curves to estimate the overall slope of the curves. From these slopes we were able to obtain more robust trend estimates than can be obtained by comparing only two model simulations, as is normally done in other, similar studies. The corrected temperature responses to a 40 ppm change in CO2 concentration still show up to 15–17% sensitivity to the gravity wave parameterization in the mesosphere and thermosphere. This remaining sensitivity is likely to be related to the fundamental differences in the way a change in temperature modifies the propagation and dissipation characteristics of gravity waves in each parameterization, which is particularly different for linear and non-linear schemes. The corrected trends we find are largely in agreement with other modelling studies, and therefore do not fully explain observed trends, which are typically larger than those predicted by modelling studies. However, modelling results could be similarly sensitive to other model parameters and settings, for example to gravity wave characteristics or solar activity level, and this should be further investigated as well.  相似文献   

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