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This study investigates the behaviour of the Zr-in-rutile and Ti-in-zircon thermometers in granulite facies metapelites from the Ivrea-Verbano Zone lower crustal section. U–Pb ages of zircon constrain the timing of regional amphibolite–granulite facies metamorphism to 316 ± 3 Ma and record zircon recrystallisation and resetting of U–Pb ages at 276 ± 4 Ma and 258 ± 3 Ma. Zr-in-rutile thermometry records peak contact metamorphic temperatures related to intrusion of mafic magmatic rocks and gives peak temperatures between 900–930 °C and 1,000–1,020 °C that are consistent with the geological settings of the samples. Ti-in-zircon temperatures of 700–800 °C and 810–870 °C record growth or re-equilibration of zircon after cooling from peak temperatures. Ti-in-quartz thermometry for one sample records both peak and retrograde temperatures. Some rutiles in all samples record resetting of Zr-in-rutile temperatures at ~750–800 °C. Electron microprobe profiles across individual rutiles demonstrate that Zr expulsion occurred by recrystallisation rather than by diffusive exchange. Exsolution of small needles of baddelyite or zircon from rutile is an important method of Zr redistribution, but results in no net Zr loss from the grain. The demonstration that Zr-in-rutile thermometry can robustly record peak temperatures that are not recorded by any other thermometer emphasises the relevance of this technique to investigating the evolution of high-grade metamorphic terranes, such as those that characterise the lower crust.  相似文献   

陆梅华  周新华 《地球学报》1997,18(Z1):135-137
本文研究了意大利北部Ivrea-Verbano带中角闪岩同位素组成特征。系统的同位素及地球化学资料表明该区处于与消减带有关的增生楔环境。  相似文献   

The Ivrea-Verbano Zone in northern Italy represents a section through the lower continental crust which has been tilted and emplaced into its present position during the Alpine orogeny. Recent and on-going structurally-oriented geological mapping in this region is providing new information about the geometry of the complex. The central part of the zone is dominated by a large basic complex (the 'mafic formation') which is intrusive into the surrounding gneisses. The foliation within the envelope of gneisses is deflected around the intrusive complex as if by ballooning, but in the region south-west of Monte Capio both units are folded together into a tight to isoclinal steeply plunging fold with an amplitude of c. 10 km. This fold locally inverts the stratigraphy of the layered basic group of the complex, and is thought to be the result of gravitational collapse following intrusion and inflation of a large magma body into the lower crust.
Several high-temperature shear zones have now been traced within the country rock for distances up to 20 km. The geometry of these, and their relationship to the basic complex suggests that at least some of the extensional collapse of the mafic body is related to uplift caused by intrusion of this body.
Close parallels can be drawn between the observed structure in the Ivrea-Verbano Zone (after removing the effects of late, low-temperature faulting and folding related to emplacement of the rocks into their present position), and those inferred from deep seismic reflection profiling in areas of current extension such as parts of the US Basin and Range province.  相似文献   

The remanent magnetization of the andesitic cover of the Sesia-Lanzo Zone has been studied from 16 sites along three transversal sections. The remanent magnetization of the rock is stable and it appears to be primary after a conglomerate test. The mean direction of magnetization is consistent for all sites, but for one exception, with satisfactory values of statistical parameters. Therefore no deformation structures postdating the acquisition of remanent magnetization can be inferred from palaeomagnetic data. The mean direction of magnetization (11 sites, 152 specimens) is: D=135.9, I=–2.9, with 95=8.8. No tectonic correction can yet be made.
Zusammenfassung Die natürliche remanente Magnetisierung der Andesiten, die die Bedeckung der Sesia-Lanzo Zone bilden, ist an 16 Orten gemessen worden, die entlang drei Querdurchschnitten liegen. Das Gestein besitzt eine stabile NRM, die auf Grund eines Konglomeratstest die ursprüngliche sein müßte. Alle Orte, die annehmbare statistische Werte aufweisen, außer einem, haben die gleiche Magnetisierungsrichtung. Die paläomagnetischen Messungen zeigen keine Strukturen aufeinanderfolgender Deformation bei dem Magnetisierungsvorgang. Die durchschnittliche Magnetisierungsrichtung (11 Orte, 152 Gesteinsproben) ist: D = 135,9, I = –2,9, mit 95 = 8,8. Keine tektonische Korrektur wird bisher eingerechnet.

Résumé L'aimantation rémanente des andésites qui constituent la couverture de la Zone Sesia-Lanzo a été mesurée en 16 endroits disposés le long de trois sections transversales. La roche a une aimantation rémanente stable, qui, d'après le test du conglomérat, devrait être originelle. Tous les endroits qui présentent des valeurs statistiques acceptables ont, sauf un, la même direction d'aimantation. Les mesures paléomagnétiques ne révèlent donc pas de structures de déformation consécutive à l'acquisition de l'aimantation rémanente. La direction moyenne de l'aimantation (11 sites, 152 échantillons) est: D=135.9, I=–2.9 avec 95=8.8. On n'a pas apporté, pour l'instant, de correction tectonique.

, Sesia-Lanzo, 16- , . , , , . , , , . , . (11 , 152 ) : D=135,9; =–2,9 95=8,8. .

Paragneisses of the Ivrea-Verbano zone exhibit over a horizontal distance of 5 km mineralogical changes indicative of the transition from amphibolite to granulite facies metamorphism. The most obvious change is the progressive replacement of biotite by garnet via the reaction: a $${\text{Biotite + sillimanite + quartz }} \to {\text{ Garnet + K - feldspar + H}}_{\text{2}} {\text{O}}$$ which results in a systematic increase in the modal ratio g = (garnet)/(garnet + biotite) with increasing grade. The systematic variations in garnet and biotite contents of metapelites are also reflected by the compositions of these phases, both of which become more magnesian with increasing metamorphic grade. The pressure of metamorphism has been estimated from the Ca3Al2Si3O12 contents of garnets coexisting with plagioclase, sillimanite and quartz. These phases are related by the equilibrium: b $$\begin{gathered} 3 CaAl_2 {\text{Si}}_{\text{2}} {\text{O}}_{\text{8}} \rightleftharpoons Ca_3 Al_2 {\text{Si}}_{\text{3}} {\text{O}}_{{\text{12}}} + 2 Al_2 {\text{SiO}}_{\text{5}} + {\text{SiO}}_{\text{2}} \hfill \\ plagioclase garnet sillimanite quartz \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$ which has been applied to these rocks using the available data on the mixing properties of plagioclase and garnet solid solutions. Temperature and f H 2O estimates have been made in a similar way using thermodynamic data on the biotite-garnet reaction (a) and the approximate solidus temperatures of paragneisses. Amphibolite to granulite facies metamorphism in the Ivrea-Verbano zone took place in the P-T ranges 9–11 kb and 700–820 °C. The differences in temperature and pressure of metamorphism between g= 0 and g = 1 (5 kms horizontal distance) were less than 50° C and approximately 1 kb. Retrogression and re-equilibration of garnets and biotites in the metapelites extended to temperatures more than 50° C below and pressures more than 1.5 kb below the peak of metamorphism, the degree of retrogression increasing with decreasing grade of the metamorphic “peak”. The pressure and temperature of the peak of metamorphism are not inconsistent with the hypothesis that the Ivrea-Verbano zone is a slice of upthrusted lower crust from the crust-mantle transition region, although it appears that the thermal gradient was too low for the zone to represent a near-vertical section through the crust. The most reasonable explanation of the granulite facies metamorphism is that it arose through intrusion of mafic rocks into a region already undergoing recrystallisation under amphibolite facies conditions.  相似文献   

The occurrence of various types of mobilizates in the Baldissero spinel lherzolite is due to partial melting of the same body. The study of the relationships between the peridotite and its mobilizates demonstrates that olivine did not take an active part in the fusion. Estimates of the degree of partial melting vary from 10% for the average composition, to 20% for the most depleted samples. These values refer to an initial pyrolitic composition, and thus are relative, as they can vary depending on the actual primary composition.The calculated composition of the liquid generated by partial melting is quite similar to that of a picritic basalt, and is practically the same irrespective of the 10% and 20% fusion. This fact provides strong evidence that melting took place at a unique invariant point of the natural system, producing a liquid with a remarkably constant composition.Projection of the liquid in the fo-an-di-si diagram is fairly well aligned with the modal compositions of the solid residua, but does not coincide with the minimum of the simplified system. The proposed solution is based on the enlargement of the spinel field (at constant pressure), due to the Cr content in this phase. Therefore, the position of the invariant minimum is not fixed, but rather controlled by the Cr content of the spinel. Is is suggested that, by an increase in the Cr content, spinel might at a given moment become refractory. Thus, saturated or over-saturated magmas are produced depending on the phase relations between olivine, orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene. This would happen in the case of very advanced fusions or in the case of fusion of already depleted peridotites.The relationships between mobilizates of different generations suggest a non adiabatic mantle upwelling.  相似文献   

Summary Spinel occurs in the pyroxenitic, peridotitic and gabbroic layers of the Ivrea-Verbano layered igneous complex. Its composition varies between picotite and Mg-hercynite. Maximum Cr2O3 contents are found in the spinels of the dunitic cumulitic layers occurring at some height above the base of the complex. Chromium deposits are absent. The lack of chromite and of chromium deposits is attributed to the early fractionation of clinopyroxene (which depleted the residual liquid in chromium) instead of olivine, as a consequence of the relatively high pressure prevailing during crystallization (8 kb). The relationships betweenfO2-composition of spinel-composition of the silicate phases indicate thatfO2 exerted a major control on the internal stratigraphy of the single layers and on the pattern of fractionation. The variation offO2 are on their turn related to accidental variations of the pressure acting on the magma.It is finally suggested that chromium deposits are limited to low pressure layered intrusions, where the magma has been emplaced rapidly into a shallow magma chamber. No chromium concentration is to be expected in those complexes that crystallized into deep-seated magma chambers and that fractionated at relatively high pressure, not markedly different from that at which the magma was produced. One of the major controls on the presence of chromium deposits results, therefore, to be the geotectonic environment of intrusion.
Chrom-Spinell im geschichteten vulkanischen Komplex von Ivrea-Verbano, Westalpen, Italien
Zusammenfassung Für die Spinelle der Pyroxenit-, Peridotit- und Gabbro-Lagen des Ivrea-Verbano-Intrusivkomplexes wurde eine Zusammensetzung im Bereich Picotit und Mg-Herzynit bestimmt. Die Dunit-Lagen im basalen Anteil des Komplexes führen Spinelie mit Cr2O3-Gehalten bis zu 30 Gew-%. Chromerz-Konzentrationen fehlen jedoch, was auf die fraktionierte Kristallisation von Klinopyroxen (und Entstehung Cr-Restschmelzen) an Stelle von Olivin, als Folge der bei relativ hohem Druck (8 kbar) erfolgten Intrusion, zurückzuführen ist. Die Beziehungen zwischen Sauerstoffpartialdruck und Spinell- und Silikat-Zusammensetzung zeigen den bedeutendenfO2-Einfluß auf den stratigraphischen Aufbau der einzelnen Gesteinslagen und auf die fraktionierenden Kristallisationsvorgänge. Die schwankendenfO2-Werter stehen in Zusammenhang mit den ebenfalls variierenden auf das Magma wirkenden Drücken.Es ist anzunehmen, daß Chromerzkonzentrationen nur in geschichteten Intrusivkomplexen vorkommen, die sich unter niederem Druck bzw. in einer oberflächennahen Magma-Kammer bildeten, und nicht in jenen, die tiefer intrudierten und bei hohem Druck kristallisierten. Von großer Bedeutung für die Bildung von Chromerzlagerstätten ist also das geotektonische Milieu der Intrusion.

With 7 Figures  相似文献   

The bulk composition, mineralogy and mineral chemistry of base-metal sulfides have been investigated in the Fe-Ni-(Cu) ore deposits of the Ivrea-Verbano basic complex.The sulfide ores mostly display textural evidence of having been primarily deposited as an immiscible melt. Bulk compositions of the ores indicate that considerably low Ni/Fe and Ni/Co ratios are found in deposits developed close to metasedimentary country rocks, possibly as a result of mixing with sedimentary sulfur.Phase relations of primary sulfides indicate that early crystallization of the ore was dominated by a monosulfide solid solution (Mss) with a pyrrhotite composition, from which pentlandite and chalcopyrite were formed through subsolidus exsolution. Pentlandite from contaminated ores is typically enriched in Co. Troilite and hexagonal intermediate pyrrhotite intergrowths frequently occur due to low-temperature equilibration of metal-rich pyrrhotites, suggesting a low S fugacity of the original sulfide melt.The sulfides may be locally mobilized and redeposited along shear zones within the same host rock, giving rise to fairly massive ores having a typical cemented-breccia texture. Bulk composition and assemblages suggest that mobilization occurred at various temperatures during the cooling history of the ore, when sulfides were still in the molten state or at a lower temperature under the influence of abundant deuteric fluids. In this last case, growth of pyrite is seen as being possibly due to sulfurization and/or oxidation.  相似文献   

Quartz c-axis fabrics are described from a shear zone in a jadeite — garnet bearing meta-granite from Monte Mucrone, in the Sesia-Lanzo Zone of the western Italian Alps. Quartz blebs in the meta-granitoid are progressively deformed into cigar shaped lenses, and are recrystallized. Fabrics measured from individual blebs show considerable variation resulting from an initial orientation effect, and are not very enlightening. A synoptic diagram, however, has a pole-free area which can be correlated with the extension direction, and an asymmetry which is consistent with the known sense of shear operating in the zone.Although the technique of preparing synoptic diagrams is rather painstaking, its use is advocated for complex fabric situations, as it may allow partial removal of problems associated with non-random initial orientation distributions.  相似文献   

 The Sesia-Lanzo Zone is a polymetamorphic unit containing Hercynian granulite relics overprinted by eclogite and greenschist facies metamorphism and deformation during the Alpine orogeny. Different parts of the unit record different stages on the P-T-deformation evolution, allowing multi-system isotopic studies to unravel the precise timing of the metamorphic history. New Rb–Sr white mica and U–Pb sphene data constrain the age of eclogite facies metamorphism and deformation to 60–70 Ma. This substantially alters the common view of early- to mid-Cretaceous eclogite facies metamorphism in this unit. The new results are more consistent with the established geotectonic framework for the Alpine orogeny, since they do not require a prolonged period of depressed geothermal gradient at a time when the region was in extension. It is also more concordant with recent studies of other units that demonstrate post-Cretaceous high-pressure metamorphism. Step-heated 40Ar–39Ar analysis of phengites yields good plateaux giving ages older than the corresponding Rb–Sr age. Such anomalously high ages indicate the presence of radiogenic argon-rich fluids in the grain boundary network under the fluid/pressure conditions acting during this high-pressure metamorphic event. The U–Pb sphene ages are variable in polymetamorphic rocks, and show inheritance of older Pb or sphene crystals into the high-pressure event. Two monometamorphic assemblages yield concordant ages at 66±1 Ma, reflecting crystallisation of the eclogite facies assemblage. The Gneiss Minuti Complex (GMC) lies structurally below the Eclogitic Micaschists, and its pervasive greenschist facies fabric yields tightly clustered Rb–Sr white mica ages at 38–39 Ma. This greenschist event did not affect the majority of the EMC. The 40Ar–39Ar ages of micas formed at this time were very disturbed, whereas micas surviving from an earlier higher pressure assemblage had their 40Ar–39Ar system reset. The greenschist event did not strongly affect U–Pb systematics in Hercynian age sphenes, suggesting that the GMC did not uniformly suffer an eclogite facies metamorphism during the Alpine cycle, but was juxtaposed against the EMC later in the orogeny. This model still requires that the locus of deformation and metamorphism (and possibly fluid flux) moved outboard with time, leaving the Sesia-Lanzo basement as a shear-bounded unreactive block within the orogenic wedge. Received: 12 October 1995/Accepted:25 June 1996  相似文献   

In the metabasites of Val Chiusella, metamorphic assemblages are present, corresponding to the glaucophane schist facies, i.e. garnet glaucophanites to omphacite-garnet glaucophanites, as well as to the eclogite facies, i.e., glaucophane eclogites, eclogites, and omphacite felses. Both groups of assemblages are divided by the critical reaction 1 zoisite +1 glaucophane 1.2 omphacite+0.8 garnet+0.7 paragonite +1.4 quartz+0.8 H2O. From textural evidence it is clear that in the investigated area this reaction proceeded to the right according to a prograde metamorphism. Correspondingly, K garn-cpx D(Fe/Mg) values of coexisting garnet-omphacite pairs in the glaucophane schist facies assemblages are higher than in the eclogite facies assemblages and reflect a temperature increase from about 450 ° C to about 550 ° C at minimum water vapour pressures of 12 to 16 kb.  相似文献   


The definition of the active fault geometry and kinematics in young evolving orogens may be difficult owing to changes in the structural architecture which may occur with a frequence of few hundred thousand years. Cases from the central Apennines well illustrate this problem. The Avezzano-Bussi and Vallelonga-Salto Valley fault systems (65 and 85 km long, respectively) show clear evidence of Pliocene-early Pleistocene activity and have been responsible for the formation of intermontane basins. Available geological data, however, indicate that only minor segments (the Tre Monti and Trasacco faults, both 7 km long) of the mentioned faults have to be considered active during the late Pleistocene-Holocene, as faults accommodating minor deformations inside an intermontane basin. The L'Aquila fault system underwent significant geometrical and kinematic modifications during the Quaternary, with the reactivation of minor portions of parallel normal faults to draw a new system of en-echelon normal-oblique left-lateral faults. The Laga Mts. fault experienced an along-fault activity migration. The portion of the fault which was active earlier during the Quaternary shows a significant decrease or end of the activity while a portion previously not active displays impressive evidence of late Pleistocene-Holocene displacements. Structural changes in the intermontane basins bounded by the Colfiorito fault system also indicate that the intensity of the tectonic activity decreased during the Quaternary. Not defining the structural evolution in the above mentioned cases would imply wrong conclusions for both the fault geometry and kinematics which may be delivered for seismotectonics and seismic hazard assessment. This typically leads to overestimate the fault length and the expected magnitude or to the increase in the number of seismogenic sources affecting an area. Finally, the definition of the structural evolution permits to select between different geometrical options in terms of active faulting framework (e.g. a system of parallel normal faults vs. a system of en-echelon normal oblique faults as in the case of the L'Aquila fault system) related to different geometries at depth (detachment normal fault vs. high-angle oblique fault). © 2001 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS  相似文献   

The Canavese Zone(CZ)in the Western Alps represents the remnant of the distal passive margin of the Adria microplate,which was stretched and thinned during the Jurassic opening of the Alpine Tethys.Through detailed geological mapping,stratigraphic and structural analyses,we document that the continental break-up of Pangea and tectonic dismemberment of the Adria distal margin,up to mantle rocks exhumation and oceanization,did not simply result from the syn-rift Jurassic extension but was strongly favored by older structu ral inheritances(the Proto-Canavese Shear Zone),which controlled earlier lithospheric weakness.Our findings allowed to redefine in detail(i)the tectono-stratigraphic setting of the Variscan metamorphic basement and the Late Carbonife rous to Early Cretaceous CZ succession,(ii)the role played by inherited Late Carboniferous to Early Triassic structures and(iii)the significance of the CZ in the geodynamic evolution of the Alpine Tethys.The large amount of extensional displacement and crustal thinning occurred during different pulses of Late Carbonife rous-Early Triassic strike-slip tectonics is wellconsistent with the role played by long-lived regional-scale wrench faults(e.g.,the East-Variscan Shear Zone),suggesting a re-discussion of models of mantle exhumation driven by low-angle detachment faults as unique efficient mechanism in stretching and thinning continental crust.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2002,15(3):159-177
The Monte Alpi area of the Southern Apennines represents the only sector of the thrust belt where the reservoir rocks (i.e. Apulian Platform carbonates) for major hydrocarbon accumulations in southern Italy are interpreted to crop out. Tectonic evolution and exhumation of this area were analysed by integrating stratigraphic and structural data with different organic and inorganic parameters which record the burial and thermal evolution of the sediments (vitrinite reflectance, fluid inclusions, and I/S mixed layers in clayey sediments). Our analyses suggest that the presently exposed Monte Alpi structure suffered a loading of ca. 4000 m, owing to the emplacement of allochthonous units in Early Pliocene times. Available geological data indicate that erosion of the tectonic load occurred since the Late Pliocene, when the area first emerged. This implies an average exhumation rate in excess of 1 mm/year. A model can be constructed which matches the maturity indices and also takes into account intermediate stages of the evolution, resulting from combined structural and fluid inclusion data. By this model, a first stage of exhumation would have taken place at an average rate of about 0.36 mm/year. This was controlled by uplift and erosion associated with both: (i) thrusting at depth within the Apulian carbonates (Late Pliocene), and (ii) strike-slip faulting (Early Pleistocene). A second exhumation stage would have occurred in the last 700 ky at a much faster rate (ca. 4 mm/year) as a result of extensional tectonics.  相似文献   

The Arosa Zone, part of the main Alpine suture zone between the Austroalpine and the Penninic realms, forms a heterogeneous unit composed of rocks of oceanic and continental origin. It exhibits mélange character due to minor sedimentary mixing and local penetrative tectonic deformation during Cretaceous and Early Tertiary imbrication. Competent blocks of both Austroalpine and Penninic origin, covering up to 2.5 km2, are embedded in incompetent serpentinitic or shaly-calcareous matrix. On a mesoscale, disrupted strata occur in and adjacent to thrust and shear zones. Contrasting competence between blocks and matrix partitioned deformation into brittle and ductile processes. Extension veins and shear fractures affected the competent strata whereas the matrix developed a penetrative foliation during ductile flow and accommodated high strain. Flow was mainly non-coaxial in the matrix, and coaxial extension prevailed in the blocks.In a regional tectonic setting, we define the Arosa Zone as the tectonostratigraphic unit sandwiched between the Austroalpine and Penninic units. It forms a narrow and highly imbricated zone containing both South Penninic ophiolitic and sedimentary rocks as well as blocks and slices of Austroalpine origin.
Zusammenfassung Die Arosa Zone ist Teil der Alpinen Suturzone zwischen Ostalpin und Pennimkum und bildet eine lithologisch heterogene Einheit aus kontinentalen und ozeanischen Gesteinen. Sie zeigt den Charakter einer Melange, die aus, untergeordnet, sedimentärer Durchmischung und lokaler, aber penetrativer tektonischer Deformation während kretazisch und alttertiärer Tektonik resultiert. Kompetente Blöcke ostalpiner und penninischer Herkunft, die bis zu 3 km im Streichen verfolgbar sind, schwimmen in einer inkompetenten serpentinitischen oder tonig-karbonatischen Matrix. Im Mesobereich treten zerbrochene Gesteinsabfolgen in oder direkt an Überschiebungs- und Scherzonen auf. Unterschiedliche Kompetenz zwischen Blöcken und Matrix teilt die Deformation in spröde und duktile Prozesse auf. Die kompetenten Gesteine zeigen Extensionsspalten und Scherbrüche, in der Matrix entwickelte sich durch duktiles Fließen eine penetrative Schieferung bei hoher Strainintensität. Die Deformation in der Matrix war hauptsächlich nicht-koaxial, koaxiale Extension herrschte in den Blöcken.Im regionalen tektonischen Rahmen definieren wir die Arosa Zone als tektonostratigraphische Einheit zwischen Ostalpin und Penninikum. Sie bildet eine schmale, stark imbrikierte Zone die, aus südpenninischen ophiolithischen und sedimentären Gesteinen, sowie aus Blöcken und Spänen ostalpiner Herkunft aufgebaut wird.

Résumé La Zone d'Arosa, partie de la zone de suture alpine entre l'Austro-alpin et le Pennique, forme une unité hétérogène composée de roches d'origines océanique et continentale. Elle présente le caractère d'un mélange qui résulte d'un brassage sédimentaire mineur, et de déformations tectoniques, locales mais pénétratives, au cours du Crétacé et du Tertiaire ancien. Des blocs compétents de l'Austro-alpin et du Pennique qui couvrent jusqu'à 2.5 km2, sont enrobés dans une matrice incompétente serpentineuse ou argilo-calcaire. A moyenne échelle, les couches disloquées se rencontrent dans les zones charriées et cisaillées, ou y sont adjacentes. La différence de compétence entre les blocs et la matrice répartit la déformation en processus cassants et ductiles. Les roches compétentes montrent des fentes d'extension et des fractures de cisaillement, alors que dans la matrice, sous l'action d'un flux ductile et d'une intensité de contrainte élevée, se développe une foliation pénétrative. La déformation fut principalement non coaxiale dans la matrice et coaxiale dans les blocs d'extension.Dans un cadre tectonique régional, nous définissons la Zone d'Arosa comme une unité tectonostratigraphique prise entre l'Austro-alpin et le Pennique. Elle constitue une zone étroite et fortement imbriquée composée aussi bien de roches ophiolitiques du Sud-Pennique et de roches sédimentaires, que de blocs et d'écaillés de l'Austro-alpin.

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Summary Geochemical investigations have been carried out on the metabasites of the Ivrea-Verbano Zone (NW-Italy). The Ivrea-Verbano Zone is commonly considered to be a section through the lower continental crust. It is constituted by a steeply dipping sequence of metamorphic rocks (Kinzigitic Series), intruded by a mafic-ultramafic complex.The metabasites of the Kinzigitic Series have a meta-igneous origin. Their protoliths show tholeiitic affinity in the NW and central part of the zone and alkalic affinity in the SE. This fact together with the rock associations suggests that a variation of the paleogeographic environment from NW to SE occurs in the Ivrea-Verbano Zone.
Geotektonische Bedeutung der Metabasite in den Kinzigiten der Ivrea-Verbano Zone (Italienische West-Alpen)
Zusammenfassung Die Ivrea-Verbano-Zone wird im allgerneinen der unteren kontinentalen Kruste zugeordnet. Es handelt sich dabei um eine sehr steil stehende metamorphe Serie (Kinzigit-Serie), die von elnem mafischen-ultramafischen Komplex intrudiert wurde.Die geochemischen Untersuchungen der in der Kinzigit-Serie vorkommenden Metabasite zeigen einen tholeiitischen Chemismus im nordwestlichen und im zentralen Bereich und einen alkalinen im südöstlichen Bereich.Die chemische Entwicklung dieser Magmatite im Zusammenhang mit den unterschiedlichen Nebengesteinen weisen auf eine deutliche Änderung des paläogeographischen Milieus in der Ivrea-Verbano-Zone von Nordwesten nach Südosten hin.

With 8 Figures  相似文献   

Two types of pseudotachylytes are observed in the Balmuccia peridotite of the Ivrea zone (Southern Alps, Italy). A-type pseudotachylytes correspond to previously studied occurrences and were formed under temperatures comprising between 550 and 900 °C and pressures comprising between 0.6 and 1.2 GPa. These conditions were met in the Ivrea crust between 350 and 270 Ma, suggesting that A-type pseudotachylytes were formed during Variscan tectonics or Permian transtensional tectonics. B-type pseudotachylytes post-date A-type pseudotachylytes. Textural characteristics of B-type veins suggest a formation in the upper continental crust, at depths of about 5–10 km or less. Petrological constraints indicate that the exhumation of the Ivrea crust at such shallow depths was achieved later than c.  70 Ma, thus providing a maximum age of 70 Ma for B-type veins. Pseudotachylytes appear as markers of the poly-orogenic evolution of the Alpine belt.  相似文献   

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