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根据岩性、主微量元素特征和元素比值分析,斯里兰卡普塔拉姆地区ZK593钻孔的沉积物可分为6段。它们分别沉积于温暖潮湿、水动力较强的浅海-滨海相环境,经历了3次明显的海水进退。各层北美页岩标准化曲线平缓,轻重稀土元素没有明显的分异,Ce轻度亏损,球粒陨石标准化曲线斜率为负,轻稀土元素相对富集,各层Eu亏损明显,Ce轻度亏损,表明沉积物属于受陆源影响的陆棚沉积物。Ce负异常与碳酸盐沉积及气候环境有关。元素相关系数分析表明,Ca和Sr与生物作用关系明显;ΣREE与Al2O3和SiO2等微量元素与陆源碎屑关系密切。δ18 O 的负向偏移与沉积后地下水的作用有关。  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2001,4(3):409-420
Petrological studies on the surrounding metamorphic rocks of the Eppawala carbonatite body, Wanni complex, Sri Lanka, revealed that these rocks had been metamorphosed under amphibolite to granulite facies conditions. Garnet-sillimanite-biotite gneiss shows lower range of metamorphic temperature (730–770°C) than the migmatite gneiss (750–780°C) and the pressure varies from 6.6–7.8 kbar to 5.6–6.4 kbar respectively. The metamorphic age of the garnet-sillimanite-biotite gneiss and migmatite gneiss dated 607±23 Ma and 626±16 Ma, respectively for mineral — whole rock isochron in Sm-Nd system. These ages are compatible with the ages of regional high-grade metamorphism occurred 610–550 Ma in the three crustal units in Sri Lanka.Rb-Sr system for biotite, apatite and whole-rock fractions suggests 493±5 Ma for the Eppawala carbonatite body. This age indicates the cooling age of the biotite. The presence of non-crystalline carbonatite matrix and large hexagonal apatite crystals suggests a slow cooling history. Further, low closure temperature of biotite in Rb-Sr system suggests that the intrusion age of carbonatite body should be more than 493 Ma, but non-metamorphosed nature provides evidence that the intrusion age of the carbonatite body should be less than the period of regional metamorphism 610–550 Ma. Therefore, Eppawala carbonatite body has a strong possibility to be a late to post magmatic intrusion. The other late to post magmatic intrusions in the Wanni complex and Highland complex are dated between 580–550 Ma. Therefore, the most probable intrusion age of the Eppawala carbonatite body is suggested to be around 550 Ma.  相似文献   

Field and petrographic investigations, cathodoluminescence (CL) studies as well as microprobe analyses of major rock-forming minerals were conducted to establish the crystallization processes in the Eppawala carbonatites, Sri Lanka. The well preserved magmatic textures and crystal morphologies combined with the chemistry of apatite, calcite and dolomite indicate two major stages of crystal growth, which were accompanied by dynamic crystallization conditions. Initially, nucleation of apatite, ilmenite and possibly olivine was associated with rapid crystal growth during slow cooling of the carbonatite melt at depth. The heat loss through the roof and crystallization processes induced the development of turbulent convective currents, which in turn prevented further nucleation and growth of crystals and led to the dispersion of these earlier formed crystals within the magma chamber. Then, rapid upward movement of magma along structural weaknesses led to (i) the transport of mineral clusters, (ii) deformation of ilmenite, (iii) fracturing of apatite and (iv) the emplacement of the carbonatite melt as dykes. Here, the conditions were favourable for the simultaneous crystallization of magnetite, calcite and dolomite in a non-turbulent environment. Subsequent subsolidus alteration caused the hydrothermal overprint of the documented mineral assemblages, particularly along grain boundaries. The study demonstrates that detailed textural examinations of carbonatites combined with mineral chemical analyses and CL investigations can reveal the crystallization processes within carbonatite melts.  相似文献   

对沙特北部恩乌尔(Umm Wu'al)磷矿的磷块岩的常量、微量和稀土元素地球化学特征进行分析研究,探讨矿区内Arqah磷矿段中磷块岩的沉积古环境。分析结果表明,区内磷块岩主要由内碎屑、少量陆源碎屑、生物碎屑和填隙物等组成,以富含CaO、P_2O_5,少MgO、SiO_2为特点。磷块岩中Ba含量高达350×10~(-6),Sr含量高达1433×10~(-6),表明磷块岩成矿与生物作用关系密切。磷块岩Sr/Ba比值1.96~21.20,反映出其是为正常沉积的,而U/Th比值2.83~21.83,均大于1,则反映出成矿过程中有热水作用参与。δU为1.79~2.0,均大于1,表明磷块岩形成于明显的缺氧沉积环境。磷块岩稀土总量较高(平均150×10~(-6)),经北美页岩标准化的稀土配分模式曲线呈现近乎水平,轻重稀土分异程度低,轻稀土相对亏损,重稀土富集的特征。LREE/HREE比值0.63~2.08,绝大多数大于1,(La/Yb)_N平均为1.14,接近1,显示出磷块岩总体成矿古地理环境变化不明显,局部时段受海平面升降有所变化。δCe平均为0.28,小于1,负异常显著,进一步表明磷块岩形成于明显的缺氧的沉积环境。δEu平均为0.91,接近1,综合分析认为该区磷块岩形成于远岸的古地理变化不明显的缺氧沉积环境。  相似文献   

Geochemical variations in stream sediments (n = 54) from the Mahaweli River of Sri Lanka have been evaluated from the viewpoints of lithological control, sorting, heavy mineral concentration, influence of climatic zonation (wet, intermediate, and dry zones), weathering, and downstream transport. Compositions of soils (n = 22) and basement rocks (n = 38) of the catchment and those of <180 μm and 180–2000 μm fractions of the stream sediments were also examined. The sediments, fractions, soils and basement rocks were analyzed by X-ray fluorescence to determine their As, Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, V, Sr, Y, Nb, Zr, Th, Sc, Fe2O3, TiO2, MnO, CaO, P2O5 and total sulfur contents. Abundances of high field strength and ferromagnesian elements in the sediments indicate concentration of durable heavy minerals including zircon, tourmaline, rutile, monazite, garnet, pyriboles, and titanite, especially in <180 μm fractions. The sediments show strong correlation between Ti and Fe, further suggesting presence of heavy mineral phases containing both elements, such as ilmenite and magnetite. The basement rocks range from mafic through to felsic compositions, as do the soils. The river sediments lack ultrabasic components, and overall have intermediate to felsic compositions. Elemental spikes in the confluences of tributary rivers and high values in the <180 μm fractions indicate sporadic inputs of mafic detritus and/or heavy minerals to the main channel. Al2O3/(K2O + Na2O) and K2O/Na2O ratios of the sediments and LOI values of the soils correlate well with the climatic zones, suggesting intense weathering in the wet zone, lesser weathering in the intermediate zone, and least weathering in the dry zone. Low Sr and CaO contents and Cr/V ratios in stream sediments in the wet zone also suggest climatic influence. Fe-normalized enrichment factors (EFs) for As, Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni and Cr in stream sediments in the main channel are nearly all <1.5, indicating there is no significant environmental contamination. The chemistry of the sediments, rocks and the soils in the Mahaweli River are thus mainly controlled by source lithotype, weathering, sorting, and heavy mineral accumulation.  相似文献   

The vein graphite deposits of Sri Lanka are located in a Precambrian high grade metamorphic terrain dominated by granulite facies rocks. The vein graphite has been interpreted as being of solid phase lateral secretion origin, derived by hydrothermal solutions or of biogenic origin. Based on what is known on the composition of the fluids under granulite facies conditions and the role of these fluids in their transport through the crust, the origin of the graphite is proposed to be the direct consequence of granulite facies metamorphism in the presence of a CO2 rich fluid under low fO2 conditions. This CO2 rich fluid could promote hydraulic fracturing and precipitation of vein graphite. Textures and structures of the vein graphite indicate syntectonic deposition by a crack-seal process under granulite facies metamorphic conditions. This model is supported by temperature estimates on graphite based on XRD data and stable carbon isotopes of graphite that suggest a deep-seated crustal origin.  相似文献   

At Eppawala in central Sri Lanka secondary phosphate mineralization is intimately associated with laminated fabrics within depressions (sinkholes and smaller cavities) formed in the thick weathering profiles of a hilly terrain underlain by a Precambrian apatite-bearing formation. The lowermost levels of the profile show extensive zones of leaching where derived apatite crystals occur within fine-grained, laminated stromatolite sequences. The stromatolitic groundmass, which diagenetically formed by percolating oxygenated phosphate and carbonate-rich groundwaters, is impregnated by the phosphate minerals francolite and collophane. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) reveals that fine filaments, characteristic of microorganisms, are associated with the secondary phosphate mineralization. Continuous degradation and fragmentation of the stromatolitic mat has produced pellets, peloids, and intraclasts all enriched in secondary apatite. Degrading recrystallization around the edges of the primary apatite crystals has developed coated grains. The widespread occurrence of phosphate-enriched allochems in stromatolitic groundmasses is a unique development of a modern phosphorite in a karstic environment.  相似文献   

湖南省锰矿资源丰富,类型多样,沉积型锰矿是最重要的类型,主要沉积成锰期集中在早南华世大塘坡期、中奥陶世烟溪期及晚二叠世孤峰期.通过对三个主要成锰期代表性锰矿石电子探针分析显示,三个主要成锰期所成锰矿床,矿石组分类似,组成矿石的锰矿物主要为锰的碳酸盐,包括菱锰矿、钙菱锰矿、镁菱锰矿、锰白云石、锰方解石等.三个主要成锰期代表性锰矿石及地层稀土元素地球化学标准化参数与配分模式显示,各成矿期含锰地层与锰矿石之间无显著差异,暗示了它们是相似的沉积环境下形成的产物,为正常沉积与热水沉积的复合.一方面,各成矿期岩、矿石稀土元素总量中等偏高,表现为正常沉积物的稀土元素特征.另一方面,在北美页岩标准化配分曲线上,呈现出水平或重稀土相对富集的左倾配分曲线,Ce的负异常,又是典型热水沉积成因呈现出的稀土元素地球化学特征.δCe异常特征,指示了成锰作用处于波动的缺氧还原/氧化沉积环境.  相似文献   

A detailed study of maceral composition and vitrinite reflectance of the coal deposits from Marki-Jhari-Jamni area, situated in the northwestern extremity of Wardha valley coalfield, Yeotmal district, Maharashtra has been carried out with special reference to their depositional set up. These coals have two distinct types of maceral organization, one having significantly high distribution of the vitrinite group of macerals (35–41%) and the other containing the dominance of inertinite (26–49%). Liptinite maceral group is recorded between 14 and 24%, barring a few coal bands having liptinite maceral group as high as 33–37%. The vitrinite reflectivity ranges from 0.38–0.43%. Thus, they have attained sub-bituminous C rank. Mineral matter in these coals varies between 15 and 22%. The present study suggests that the basin primarily experienced cold climate having intermittent brackish water influx with alternating dry oxidizing spells.  相似文献   

A detailed study of maceral composition and vitrinite reflectance of the coal deposits from Marki-Jhari-Jamni area, situated in the northwestern extremity of Wardha valley coalfield, Yeotmal district, Maharashtra has been carried out with special reference to their depositional set up. These coals have two distinct types of maceral organization, one having significantly high distribution of the vitrinite group of macerals (35–41%) and the other containing the dominance of inertinite (26–49%). Liptinite maceral group is recorded between 14 and 24%, barring a few coal bands having liptinite maceral group as high as 33–37%. The vitrinite reflectivity ranges from 0.38–0.43%. Thus, they have attained sub-bituminous C rank. Mineral matter in these coals varies between 15 and 22%. The present study suggests that the basin primarily experienced cold climate having intermittent brackish water influx with alternating dry oxidizing spells.  相似文献   

Beach sediments in Sri Lanka contain industrial-grade heavy mineral occurrences. Samples of both offshore and onshore sediments were collected to examine the provenance, mineralogy and geochemical compositions of the heavy mineral occurrences. Coastal morphodynamic changes along the coastline of Sri Lanka were analyzed using the time-series satellite images. These coastal morphodynamic changes were used to identify the prominent directions of monsoon-influenced longshore currents, coastal sediment accretion and depositional trends and their relationships to the provenance of the heavy minerals. Results show the concentrations of detrital ilmenite, zircon, garnet, monazite, and rutile vary in the onshore and offshore sediments. The heavy mineral potential of the northeastern coast is high (average contents of about 45–50% in the Verugal deposit, 70–85% in the Pulmoddai deposit, and 3.5–5.0% in offshore samples stretching from Nilaveli to Kokkilai), compared to sediments in southwest (average content about 10% in onshore sediments and 2% in offshore sediments from the mouth of the Gin River). Therefore, no economic-grade heavy mineral placers were identified in the offshore environments. The high concentrations of heavy minerals in beach sediments and low concentrations in offshore sediments suggest operation of a panning system in the surf zone to form enriched placer deposits. Major and trace element compositions of beach sediments show marked enrichments of TiO2, Fe2O3, La, Ce, Zr, Cr, Nb, Th and V compared to average Upper Continental Crust (UCC) values. Analysis of prominent coastal longshore transport patterns identifies bidirectional sediment transport in the northeast coast of Sri Lanka. In the southwestern coast, two transport directions occur with anti-clockwise transport from Galle to Hambantota, and clockwise transport from Hikkaduwa to Wadduwa. The heavy minerals in the placers were mainly derived from Precambrian metamorphic rocks, and transported to the coast through the river systems of Sri Lanka.  相似文献   


New age and isotopic data show that the high-grade basement rocks of Sri Lanka were not linked to the Archaean granulite domain of southern India but experienced their main structural and metamorphic development during the Pan-African event some 950 to 550 Ma ago. This occurred when West Gondwana and East Gondwana collided to form one of the longest collisional structures in the Supercontinent — the Mozambique belt that extends from Mozambique to Ethiopia and Sudan. A major tectonic boundary, interpreted as a thrust zone, divides the Highland/Southwestern Complex in the central part of Sri Lanka from the Vijayan Complex in the E and SE. The former is interpreted to represent the remnant of a once extensive passive margin extending west, in a Gondwana reconstruction, via Madagasgar to Tanzania and Mozambique. The Vijayan Complex may have been part of a separate continental margin plutonic assemblage, and its collision with the Highland/ Southwestern Complex marks the final amalgamation of East and West Gondwana into a supercontinent some 550 Ma ago. The Sri Lankan granulites cannot be correlated with the distinctly older granulites of the Eastern Ghats belt of India, and this suggests that Sri Lanka was situated close to the SE coast of Madagascar in a Gondwana reconstruction.
Zusammenfassung Neue Isotopen- und Altersdaten aus dem metamorphen Grundgebirge von Sri Lanka zeigen, daß dieses Gebiet nicht, wie vielfach vermutet, Teil des archaischen Granulitkomplexes von Südindien war, sondern seine strukturelle und metamorphe Entwicklung während der panafrikanischen Orogenèse zwischen ca. 950 Ma und ca. 550 Ma hatte. Diese Orogenèse ist das Resultat der Kollision zwischen West-Gondwana (Afrika und Südamerika) und Ost-Gondwana (Südindien, Australien und Antarktis) und führte zur Bildung eines der längsten Kollisionsgürtel des Superkontinentes, dem Mosambik-Gürtel, der sich von Mosambik bis nach Äthiopien und in den Sudan erstreckt. Der West- und Zentralteil Sri Lankas mit den Wanni und Highland/Southwestern Komplexen wird vom Vijayan Komplex im Osten und Südosten durch eine Überschiebungszone getrennt, die möglicherweise eine Sutur darstellt. Die Gesteine im Westen und in den Highlands werden als der Rest eines ehemals weiträumigen passiven Kontinentalrandes interpretiert, zu dem wohl auch die lithologisch ähnlichen Abfolgen der hochmetamorphen Gebiete in Mosambik, Tansania und Madagaskar gehörten. Der Vijayan Komplex war wohl Teil der separaten plutonischen Suite eines aktiven Kontinentalrandes, und seine Kollision mit dem Highland/ Southwestern Komplex markiert das endgültige Verschweißen von West- und Ost-Gondwana zu einem Superkontinent vor ca. 550 Ma. Die Granulite Sri Lankas können nicht mit den deutlich älteren Granuliten des Gürtels der Eastern Ghats in Südost Indien korreliert werden sondern ähneln eher den hochgradigen Gesteinen in Südost Madagaskar. Damit ist die Lage Sri Lankas nahe Madagaskar in einer Gondwana Rekonstruktion wahrscheinlicher als nahe der Südostküste Indiens.

Résumé De nouvelles données isotopiques et géochronologiques montrent que les roches métamorphiques du socle du Sri Lanka ne constituent pas, comme on l'a souvent cru, une partie du complexe granulitique archéen de l'Inde méridionale, mais qu'elles ont vécu leur propre histoire tectono-métamorphique au cours de l'orogenèse panafricaine, entre 950 et 550 Ma. Cette orogenèse est le résultat de la collision entre le Gondwana occidental (Afrique et Amérique du Sud) et le Gondwana oriental (Inde du sud, Australie et Antarctique) et constitue une des plus grandes chaînes de collision du Supercontinent: la chaîne du Mozambique, qui s'étend du Mozambique jusqu'au Soudan et en Ethiopie. Un contact tectonique majeur, interprété comme un charriage, sépare le »Highland/South-western Complex« (partie centrale du Sri Lanka) du »Vijayan Complex« (partie est et sud-est). Le premier de ces complexes est interprété comme un reste d'une ancienne marge passive de grande étendue, à laquelle appartenaient aussi les séries lithologiquement analogues du domaine très métamorphique du Mozambique, de Tanzanie et de Madagascar. Le «Vijagan Complex« a pu être une partie d'un ensemble plutonique séparé de marge active; sa collision avec le »Highland/Southwestern Complex« marque la réunion finale en un super-continent il y a quelque 550 Ma, des Gondwanas oriental et occidental. Les granulites du Sri Lanka ne peuvent pas être corrélées avec celles de la chaîne des Eastern Ghats (Inde du sud-est) qui sont nettement plus anciennes; elles se rapprochent plutôt des roches très métamorphiques du sud-est de Madagascar. On en déduit que la position du Sri Lanka, dans une reconstruction du Gondwana, devait être plus proche de Madagascar que de la côte sud de l'Inde.

, , , , , , .. 950 550 . — — — . , , . - - - , , , . , , , , , . , , , - 550 . - - , , - . , - , - .

Monsoon and land use in Sri Lanka   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Agricultural land use in Sri Lanka roughly shows a division of the island in two major parts, according to the climatic division into thr Wet and Dry Zones. Therefore, it is the ultimate, most important question for agricultural land use in Sri Lanka whether the seasonal occurrence of a distinct dry season, which is characteristic of the Dry Zone, is also the most delimiting factor for land use or not. It seems true, in fact, that the long SW monsoonal dry season in the Dry zone is the major fact for a large-scale division of Sri Lanka according to the crops under cultivation and the cropping systems. Paddy (rice) and tea are the leading crops in the Dry as well as Wet Zone. They are at the same time the crops with the greatest economic importance for the island: tea for the international market, rice for the national market. Thus, the main attention is drawn on specific climatic effects, in a large- and meso-(local-)scale, upon tea and paddy and their agroclimatic potential of cultivation. Besides this, also some effects of the monsoon climate of Sri Lanka upon animal husbandry, forestry and pests have been studied briefly, added finally by an outlook on the correlation between the monsoon climate and fishery even, as manifested in the phenomenon of migrating fishermen.  相似文献   

王可南 《矿床地质》1982,1(1):61-68
本区铜矿床赋存于震旦系昆阳群中,严格地受地层控制。主要矿体均赋存于紫色层与白云岩之间的过渡层(泥、砂质白云岩)以及其上的底部含藻白云岩中。铜的硫化物主要为斑铜矿及黄铜矿,次为辉铜矿、铜蓝及硫砷铜矿;脉石矿物主要为白云石、方解石和石英,次为黄铁矿、绿泥石和绢云母等。  相似文献   

灵台风尘堆积中钙质结核的地球化学研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
孙有斌  周杰  安芷生 《地球化学》2000,29(3):277-282
通过对甘肃灵台风成黄土-古土壤-红粘土序列中钙质结核的野外分布及形态特征观察,并对主元素和微量元素进行化学分析,发现结核中氧化物活动给分和惰性组分含量的比值在剖面中自下而上逐渐变大,反映了结核形成时其上覆土层所经历的淋溶程度逐渐增强;而MgO含量校正后的MgO/Cao比值则逐渐减小,批示结核形成时环境温度逐渐降低。灵台剖面自下而上不同层位结核中Sr/Ba比值及CaCO3含量的变化同氧化物含量及比值  相似文献   

Tidal choking and bed friction in Negombo Lagoon,Sri Lanka   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have studied bed friction and water exchange in a small, almost enclosed, shallow lagoon in Sri Lanka, where both tides and freshwater supply are important for the circulation. Because of the narrow entrance, the lagoon is strongly choked for semidiurnal tidal forcing (the choking coefficient is 0.25). A set of tide gauges positioned on each side of the entrance channel was used to calculate bed friction. Measurements made over three short periods having different freshwater supply to the lagoon indicate an average friction (drag) coefficient CD=0.0041±0.0002 (using a quadratic friction law). A comparison between observed and calculated velocities in the channel for a variety of velocities, indicates that the quadratic friction law is a good tool for parameterization. High freshwater supply increases the lagoonal sea level substantially and decreases the residence time.  相似文献   

为了探讨青海软玉的成矿物质来源、成矿环境及成矿年代,对三岔口矿点、拖拉海沟矿点及大灶火矿点的样品进行了主量元素、微量元素、稀土元素及Ar-Ar法定年的测试。结果显示,软玉样品的主量元素变化不大,与透闪石的理论值相符;微量元素差异较大,说明不同矿点成矿环境不同;稀土元素总量较低(0.29×10-6~40.72×10-6),Eu中度负异常(0.49~0.84),除大灶火青玉样品具左倾的重稀土元素富集模式[(La/Yb)N=0.16~0.61]外,其他样品都具有右倾的轻稀土元素富集模式,(La/Yb)N=2.87~6.34。三岔口矿点、拖拉海沟矿点软玉样品的稀土元素分配曲线与纳赤台基性辉长岩相似,大灶火矿点黄玉的稀土元素分配模式与二长花岗岩相似,而青玉的分配模式与斜长花岗岩相似。样品的~TAl~(3+)、~CAl~(3+)和Ti含量变化表明,翠青玉的成矿温度最高、压力最大,黄玉成矿温度较高、压力较大;烟青玉和青玉成矿温度较高、压力较低;白玉、青白玉和糖玉成矿温度较低、压力较低。翠青玉和黄玉中明显较低的Zr/Hf、Nb/Ta和Sr/Ba值提示其成矿环境酸性明显加强。3个矿点样品的成矿年代301.38~237.28 Ma介于晚石炭世—中三叠世之间,属于印支-海西运动阶段。成矿年代均晚于侵入岩形成年代,说明矿体经历了多次热液交代过程。  相似文献   

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