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通过建立包含线性洋底地形、牛顿冷却和Rayleigh摩擦的逆向约化重力线性大洋深层环流模型,采用摄动方法研究热带海区的侧边界底地形在位涡平衡方程中的动力效应。结果发现,坡度微弱的地形(α=0(ε))对涡管的作用可以忽略,此时平底近似是可取的;在坡度较陡峭的情况下,地形将对西边界流产生显著的影响。特别要指出的是,地形与牛顿冷却在对涡管进行强迫时具有一定的等效性。  相似文献   

This article discusses an effective way to study deep-water current activity with the sedimentary features of seabed sediments. In the paper, we have processed a seismic survey line crossing the Northwest sub-basin of the South China Sea (SCS). In the seismic profile, we can clearly distinguish the contourite sediment waves and find the erosion scope formed by the deep-water bottom current. Combining the analytic result of piston cores sediments in the research area, we can conclude that the deep-water current is the contour current. It enters the SCS through the narrow Bashi Channel and then it flows to the southwest direction along the isobaths of Dongsha uplift and Southern uplift, but there isn't direct evidence to explain that bottom current flows to the direction of the deep-sea basin. The conclusion confirms former speculation about the passage of deep-water current and provides an important foundation to construct the whole structure of deep-water circulation for the SCS.  相似文献   

青岛一次局地大暴雨的中尺度环流特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用多普勒雷达、地面自动站、垂直风廓线及GPS 水汽分布等多种新型探测资料,对2008 年8 月14 日下午,奥帆赛期间发生在青岛地区的局地大暴雨天气的影响系统和中尺度强降雨形成的动力机理进行了综合分析,并通过0.5 km WRF模式的数值模拟给出了有地形阻挡情况下海风环流模型.研究结果表明:副高减弱东撤和弱冷空气南下在中低空形成闭合低涡是造成这次过程的主要天气尺度影响系统.海风中尺度辐合带上有风向切变辐合、大暴雨中心有明显的雷暴高压等中尺度天气系统.海风锋区辐合扰动向上传播,引发边界层扰动,是青岛局地大暴雨形成的主要抬升因素,而来自东南海洋上的暖湿平流为大暴雨的产生提供了充沛的水汽和能量.海风锋区辐合带上触发的强对流是大暴雨形成的直接原因;来自于海上的低空急流带来的大量水汽对强降雨的发生具有重要作用.海风在深入陆地后所发生的辐合和上升运动,对造成海风所触发的局地大暴雨有着极其重要的作用.  相似文献   

将大气和海洋中f-平面上中尺度地形的扰动问题统一起来作为一个地球物理流体力学问题,应用涡度、能量和经圈动量守恒条件,将原来高度非线性方程变成一个二阶椭园型非线性方程,用数值模拟方法分析了大气中的过山运动和海洋中的沿岸上升流,给出了与观测接近的模拟结果以及运动过程对内部物理参数和外界条件的敏感性分析。所提方法可供进一步的动力学分析和数值研究参考。  相似文献   

GPS动态实时差分定位模式具有精度高,性能可靠,使用方便等优点,它在许多领域都展示了广阔的应用前景,本文将以DGPS在航道的水下地形与不深测量方面的具体应用为例予以简单介绍,代与同行交流。  相似文献   

大西洋温盐循环的演变:早渐新世北大西洋深水开始形成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
气候和大洋盆地形状的急剧变化标志了新生代的开始。不断增加的证据表明了在早新生代(约55 Ma)的极端温暖时期,主要存在于南大洋的深水层形成了与现代模式根本不同的循环模式,并在北大西洋北部及南大洋形成了深水层。早新生代模式向两极模式的转变出现于何时?该转变的主要作用力如何?巴拿马地峡(4·2 Ma)的形成被认为是代表了深水循环向两极模式转变的最后作用,它使湾流将盐度较高的暖水带到北半球高纬形成北大西洋深层水(NADW),现代NADW由来自Nordic海和拉布拉多海的深水组成。然而,通常认为北大西洋的深水形成的最初阶段只有Nordic海…  相似文献   

A three-dimensional, multi-level model was used to study the energy dissipation of semidiurnal internal Kelvin waves due to their interaction with bottom topography. A simplified topography consisting of a channel with an additional shallow bay was used to clarify the wave’s scattering process. When the first mode semidiurnal internal wave given at an open boundary arrives at the bay mouth, higher-mode internal waves are generated at a step bottom of the bay mouth. As a result, the energy of the first mode internal Kelvin wave is effectively decayed. The decay rate of the internal Kelvin wave depends on both the width and length of the additional bay. The maximum decay rate was found when a resonance condition occurs the bay, that is, the bay length is equal to a quarter of wave length of the first mode internal wave on the shallow region. The decay rate in the wide bay cases is higher than that in a narrow case, due to a contribution from the scattering due to the Poincare wave that emanates from the corners of the bay head. The decay rate with the additional bay is 1.1–1.8 times that of the case without the additional bay. The decay rate due to the scattering process is found to be of the same order as that of the internal and bottom friction.  相似文献   

A combination of beta spiral and minimum length inverse methods, along with a compilation of historical and recent high-resolution CTD data, are used to produce a quantitative estimate of the subthermocline circulation in Cascadia Basin. Flow in the North Pacific Deep Water, from 900-1900 m, is characterized by a basin-scale anticyclonic gyre. Below 2000 m, two water masses are present within the basin interior, distinguished by different potential temperature-salinity lines. These water masses, referred to as Cascadia Basin Bottom Water (CBBW) and Cascadia Basin Deep Water (CBDW), are separated by a transition zone at about 2400 m depth. Below the depth where it freely communicates with the broader North Pacific, Cascadia Basin is renewed by northward flow through deep gaps in the Blanco Fracture Zone that feeds the lower limb of a vertical circulation cell within the CBBW. Lower CBBW gradually warms and returns to the south at lighter density. Isopycnal layer renewal times, based on combined lateral and diapycnal advective fluxes, increase upwards from the bottom. The densest layer, existing in the southeast quadrant of the basin below 2850 m, has an advective flushing time of 0.6 years. The total volume flushing time for the entire CBBW is 2.4 years, corresponding to an average water parcel residence time of 4.7 years. Geothermal heating at the Cascadia Basin seafloor produces a characteristic bottom-intensified temperature anomaly and plays an important role in the conversion of cold bottom water to lighter density within the CBBW. Although covering only about 0.05% of the global seafloor, the combined effects of bottom heat flux and diapycnal mixing within Cascadia Basin provide about 2-3% of the total required global input to the upward branch of the global thermohaline circulation.  相似文献   

Within the framework of the linear theory of long waves, we study baroclinic free waves in a bounded basin of variable depth without vertical walls. We consider the case of two-layer stratification. The profile of the bottom of the basin and the form of the interface vary according to the parabolic law. Under these conditions, for the first three modes, we obtain analytic expressions for the frequencies of free oscillations, wave velocities, and the profiles of the free surface and interface. We analyze the dependences of frequencies, wave amplitudes, and wave velocities on the parameters of stratification and geometric characteristics of the basin.  相似文献   

A study of tsunami events in the East (Japan) Sea using continuous Galerkin finite element model, aiming at reproducing tsunami waves generated by underwater earthquakes in 1983 and 1993 respectively has been performed focusing on the geographic extent of a topographic feature in the East (Japan) Sea. Numerical models can be the proper tools to study the combined effects of realistic topography. Subsequently, using the FEM based two-dimensional model we have simulated the smoothed and flattened topographic effects by removal of Yamato Rise and seamounts for the cases of tthe 1983 Central region earthquake tsunami and the 1993 southwestern Hokkaido earthquake tsunami. The results have shown that there will be higher tsunamis along the eastern coasts of Korea in general except some areas, like Sokcho with removal of topographic highs, thus providing complicated bottom topography of the East (Japan) Sea as effective tsunami energy scattering.  相似文献   

渤海夏季底层环流的观测与模拟   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
通过分析用人工水母在渤海夏季进行的首次底层环流的 L agrange观测 ,发现在渤海底层 Lagrange余流只有几 cm/s,在海峡处基本是北进南出的情况 ,在辽东湾有 1个逆时针的环流 ,在渤海湾有 1个顺时针的环流。但是进一步分析发现 ,底层人工水母的运移 (代表了物质输运 )并不完全反映环流的方向 ,在有些站位甚至出现相反的趋势。通过数值模拟知道瞬时的扩散及沉降等过程是产生这种结果的原因 ,而根源在于环流场的不均匀性。  相似文献   

Several bathymetric data sets are compared and assessed with constraints of an ocean current model and velocity observations. The root-mean-square (rms) differences among the data sets reach 20 m in the shallow Tsushima/Korea Straits. The numerical experiments to simulate the Tsushima Warm Current are performed using four different topography data sets. The JTOPO1 data (MIRC, 2003) give the smallest rms difference to long-term horizontal velocity observations. Several least-squares combinations of the topography data sets are then sought to minimize the rms difference between the observed and modeled barotropic velocities. Most of the data sets reveal a large bias of 30–60 m at the Western Channel compared to independent sounding depths  相似文献   

Lukashina  N. P. 《Oceanology》2019,59(1):123-132
Oceanology - Based on benthic foraminifera from three sediment cores, the deep-water circulation near the Hunter Channel (Southwest Atlantic) in the Late Pleistocene and Holocene has been...  相似文献   

Kozina  N. V.  Reykhard  L. Ye.  Dara  O. M.  Gordeev  V. V. 《Oceanology》2021,61(6):1006-1015
Oceanology - The paper presents the results of lithological, mineralogical, and geochemical studies of bottom sediments in the central part of the South Caspian Basin. A complex of analytical...  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - The mesoscale circulation of waters in the East Sakhalin Current region (the western Sea of Okhotsk) is studied for the period of 1993 to 2014 using...  相似文献   

Conventional bearing estimation procedures employ planewave steering vectors as replicas of the true field and seek to resolve in angle by maximizing a power function representing the agreement between actual and replica fields. For vertical arrays in oceanic waveguides the received field depends on range and depth, and it is natural to replace the "look-direction" (theta) by a "look-position" (r, z). Thus an environmental model is constructed by specifying ocean depth, sound speed profile, bottom properties, etc., and a propagation model is employed to construct a replica of the field that would be received on the array for a particular source position. The usual estimators (e.g., Bartlett or maximum likelihood) are then used to gauge the agreement between actual and replica fields and the true source position is identified as that position where the agreement is best. The performance of this kind of matched-field processing is strongly affected by the environment. In particular, we demonstrate through simulations that for a deep-water Pacific environment dominated by waterborne paths, ambiguities or sidelobes are associated with convergence zones. In the absence of mismatch between replica and actual fields we find that a 16-element array performs extremely well in low-frequency regimes. Mismatch caused by uncertainties in phone positions, bottom parameters, ocean sound speed, surface and bottom roughness, etc., causes degradation in localization performance. The impact of some of these effects on conventional and maximum likelihood estimators is examined through simulation.  相似文献   

Hydrographic observations have revealed detailed structure of the Bottom Water in the Japan Sea. The Yamato Basin Bottom Water (YBBW) exhibits higher temperatures and lower dissolved oxygen concentrations than those found in the Japan Basin Bottom Water (JBBW). Both Bottom Waters meet around the boundary region between the Yamato and the Japan Basins, forming a clear benthic front. The structure of the benthic front suggests an estuary-like water exchange between both Basins, with the inflow from the Japan Basin passing under the outflow from the Yamato Basin. It is inferred from the property distributions that the JBBW flowing into the Yamato Basin is entrained by the cyclonic circulation in the basin, and modified to become the YBBW. Vertical diffusion and thermal balance in the YBBW are examined using a box model. The results show that the effect of geothermal heating has about 70% of the magnitude of the vertical thermal diffusion and both terms cancel the advection term of the cold JBBW from the Japan Basin. The box model also estimates the turnover time and vertical diffusivity for the YBBW as 9.1 years and 3.4 × 10−3 m2s− 1, respectively.  相似文献   

Karabashev  G. S. 《Oceanology》2021,61(6):861-871
Oceanology - A method is proposed for visualizing the inconstancy of the phytopigment composition in the water layer of the formation of backscattered solar radiation recorded by the MODIS...  相似文献   

Zhmur  V. V.  Novoselova  E. V.  Belonenko  T. V. 《Oceanology》2021,61(6):830-838
Oceanology - Variations in the Brunt–Väisälä frequency caused by mesoscale eddies of different polarity are analyzed. The Lofoten Basin in the Norwegian Sea is the study...  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - The exact scenario of the propagation of highly saline Marmora Sea waters in the Black Sea basin is not clear. Together with river runoff, they form the...  相似文献   

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