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平静状态下电离层总电子含量(TEC)随时间的变化通常可以视为平稳随机过程。然而,太阳或地球的突发事件(如太阳耀斑、地磁场的扰动)会引起电离层的扰动,破坏该平稳过程,从而引起其统计参数的变化。依据平稳随机过程——高斯过程的相关性质,利用其自协方差函数和TEC时间系列,构建了独立同标准正态分布的观测样本,并利用X^2假设检验的方法来探测电离层异常现象。此外,还利用了2000年7月14日太阳耀斑期间我国国际IGS跟踪站武汉GPS跟踪站的数据,进行了实例分析。结果表明,该方法可以有效地探测电离层异常现象。  相似文献   

GPS实时监测和预报电离层电子含量   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
GPS能高精度地实时监测电离层总电子含量(TEC)变化,对纠正单频GPS接收机电离层延迟和监测电离层活动及其所反映的太阳活动规律具有重要意义.上海地区GPS综合应用网的建立,为监测长江三角洲地区电离层变化提供了宝贵的资料,利用这些双频GPS接收机的连续观测资料,可近实时地监测和预报该地区电离层总电子含量,其内外符精度和外推预报30分钟的精度均优于0.4m.  相似文献   

利用时间序列模型预报电离层TEC   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以IGS(international GPS service)发布的电离层TEC(total electron content)资料为样本,用时间序列模型对全球的电离层总电子含量进行了预报.在时间序列预报模型中,不同的定阶方法导致不同的预报结果;实践证明本文使用的BIC定阶准则较好地实现了电离层总电子含量的预报.结果表明:对10 d左右的预报时间段,时间序列模型的TEC计算结果相对精度高,预报相对精度优于60%的网格点数在总网格点数中所占百分比可达90%以上.  相似文献   

GPS监测电离层活动的方法和最新进展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
全球定位系统(GPS)可以快速、准确地提供电离层总电子含量(TEC)信息。简要介绍了GPS技术精确测量TEC、监测电离层的原理和方法,指出进行TEC绝对量估计时求解差分群延迟(DCB)的重要性,以及建立多层和实时电离层监测模型的必要性。分析了影响TEC估计的主要误差源,着重介绍了目前GPS监测电离层的最新成果和进展。  相似文献   

根据高精度卫星导航定位和全球电离层活动监测的需要,利用全球370多个GPS基准站的双频相位实测数据,监测全球电离层总电子含量变化和GPS卫星及接收机的DCB。由于数据量大、数据处理时间长,很难实现高精度快速建模,为此我们采用OpenMP并行算法来加快数据处理速度。实验表明,相对于串行处理,并行处理在8核服务器下能加速7倍以上,在48核服务器下能加速超过40倍。将本文的初步建模结果与CODE、JPL等分析中心的结果进行比较,表明用该方法建立的模型是可靠的。其卫星DCB结果相对于CODE发布的结果精度为0.4ns,相对于JPL发布的结果其精度达到0.3 ns。其测站DCB相对于2个分析中心结果的精度均优于2 ns,垂直总电子含量相对于各分析中心的GIM产品的精度都在5.3TECU以内,相对于CODE的结果的精度最高,达4 TECU。  相似文献   

电离层延迟改正模型综述   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
电离层延迟改正模型通常可以分为广播星历用的预报模型、广域差分用的实时模型、后处理模型3类,不同应用要求需要选择不同的模型。主要比较分析了几种常用的电离层延迟改正模型: 用于广域差分中生成格网模型的三角级数模型、多项式模型、低阶球谐函数模型等都可以获得很好的改正效果,且这3种模型基本上是等价的;电离层延迟谐函数展开模型可以用来分析电离层长时间系列的变化特征;国际电离层参考模型IRI的改正精度一般可以达到60%的效果;而GPS 星历采用的Klobuchar模型的参数设置存在一些不足,对此提出了一些改进措施。  相似文献   

为了更好地计算GPS CV(共视)时间传递中的电离层时延值(它是影响CPS CV比对结果精度的主要因素之一),介绍了当前3种电离层时延的计算方法,并以NICT(National Institute of Information and Communications Technology)单站GPS比对数据及NICT与NTSC(National Time Service Center)的GPS共视比对数据为例,分析比较了不同的电离层时延计算方法对GPS时间比对结果精度的影响。计算结果表明:利用双频实测电离层时延和利用ICS(International GPS Service)提供的TEC(total electton content)map计算的电离层时延对GPS CV比对结果修正后的精度,比利用电离层改正模型的时延对比对结果修正后的精度分别提高30%~40%和20%~30%。  相似文献   

黄文耿  古士芬  沈华 《天文学报》2007,48(3):311-317
2004年12月27日世界时21时30分,一个非常强的γ射线暴扫过地球,它使得暴露在这次事件中的地球高层大气产生额外电离.在爆发期间,地球上多个甚低频(VLF)电波台站都同时观测到了电离层突然骚扰(SID)事件.对GOES卫星的X射线数据、ACE卫星的太阳风和行星际数据以及理论分析表明,地球上观测到的SID事件是由GRB041227引起的.另外,利用国际GPS服务网(IGS)提供的观测数据,采用相干求和的数据处理方法研究了电离层总电子含量(TEC)对这次γ射线暴的响应.结果表明,SGR1806-20产生的GRB041227对地球电离层产生了明显的影响.在爆发期间,平均电离层TEC有一定的增加,其最大增加值约0.04TECU(1TECU=10~(16)el/m~2),产生效果与一个C级或者低于C级的太阳耀斑相当.计算结果还表明了遥远的天体也能对地球的近地空间环境产生或多或少的影响.  相似文献   

王志强  吴斌  周旭华  李军 《天文学报》2003,44(3):318-323
GPS气象学是GPS应用的一个新领域,天顶延迟的精确测定是其中的一个关键.由于GPS测站的垂直位移与天顶延迟存在很强的相关性,所以海潮对精密测定天顶延迟的影响不可忽略.本文对中国地壳运动观测网络2001年第010天到040天的GPS数据进行了处理分析,结果显示这种影响大约在几毫米.以位于近海的上海测站和位于内陆的武汉测站为例,最大影响可达±7 mm和±1 mm.  相似文献   

The direct and indirect methods for predicting the ionospheric total electron content (TEC) by using the ARIMA (p, d, q) model in the theory of time-series analysis are proposed. The direct method predicts directly the time series composed of the TECs at the every grid point. The indirect method is: at first, to fit the ionospheric TECs with the spherical harmonics and obtain the time series of the fitting coefficients; then, to predict forward the fitting coefficients with the ARIMA (p, d, q) model in the theory of time-series analysis; and finally, to calculate the TEC for the specific time and grid point. Using the ionospheric data of the International GPS Service (IGS) in the period from 1 January 2004 to 31 January 2005, the testing and comparisons on the proposed methods are performed, the results indicate that within 12 days, the results of the two methods are basically consistent, and that for the predictions longer than 12 days, the accuracy of the indirect method is higher than the direct method. In the duration of 20 days, relative to the total ionospheric grid points, the percentage of the grid points with a prediction error less than 3 TECUs is about 80%; as the duration becomes longer, compared with the indirect method, the decline of this percentage is not apparent for the direct method. Obviously, the direct method suits the prediction of regional TECs, and the indirect method suits the prediction of global TECs.  相似文献   

In order to improve the ability to find the faint and small celestial bodies in the solar system, a method of shifting and stacking images which improves the detection efficiency of faint moving objects is applied to process the sequential optical images. This method determines the existence of moving objects by using the method of false position to pre-estimate the apparent velocities of moving objects, then determines iteratively the accurate positions of moving objects based on the SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio) and elongation of stellar image. Using the sequential images of the China Near Earth Object Survey Telescope (CNEOST), we carry out an experiment and succeed in detecting asteroids fainter than 21 magnitude which are invisible on a single image. Thus, the feasibility of this method is verified.  相似文献   

区域GPS网实测电离层变化和卫星硬件延迟的可靠性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据高精度卫星导航定位的实际需要,介绍了利用中国GPS区域网双频相位平滑伪距实测数据,准实时监测区域网电离层电子总含量(TEC)变化和GPS卫星硬件延迟(DCB)的方法和结果.着重研究了区域网独立测定DCB的可靠性,利用中国境内的GPS站点分别构造了3个大小不同的区域网,通过实测DCB和垂直电子总含量(VTEC)与CO...  相似文献   

1986年2月4日太阳耀斑的演化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据乌鲁木齐天文站的H_α耀斑及3.2cm射电流量观侧资料、云南天文台的黑子精细结构照相和Marshall Space Flight Center的向量磁场图,对1986年2月4日的六个耀斑的形态相关及演化联系,特别是0736UT 4B/3X大耀斑的发展过程进行了综合分析。主要结果是: 1.4日大耀斑的初始亮点和闪光相的主要形态演化,与活动区中沿中性线新浮现的强大电流/磁环系密切相关。后者的主要标志是沿中性线的长的剪切半影纤维及它两端的偶极旋涡黑子群(1_3F_3)。 2.上述大耀斑与1972年8月4日0624 UT大耀斑爆发的磁场背景及主要形态特征相似,表明两者的储能和触发机制可能相同。 3.大耀斑爆发的H_α初始亮点,双带出现,环系形成,亮物质抛射和吸收冕珥等现象同3.2cm射电流量的变化在时间上有较好的对应关系。 4.重复性的前期小耀斑爆发位置和发展趋势与大耀斑的主要形态及演化特征相似。它们相对于剪切的纵场中性线两侧的位置相近或相同。因而,可以看作上述强大电流/磁环系不稳性发展过程中的前置小爆发。  相似文献   

Interferometers require accurate determination of the array configuration in order to produce reliable observations. A method is presented for finding the maximum-likelihood estimate of the telescope geometry, and of other instrumental parameters, astrometrically from the visibility timelines obtained from observations of celestial calibrator sources. The method copes systematically with complicated and unconventional antenna and array geometries, with electronic bandpasses that are different for each antenna radiometer, and with low signal-to-noise ratios for the calibrators. The technique automatically focuses on the geometry errors that are most significant for astronomical observation. We apply this method to observations made with the Very Small Array and constrain some 450 telescope parameters, such as the antenna positions, effective observing frequencies and correlator amplitudes and phaseshifts; this requires only ∼1 h of CPU time on a typical workstation.  相似文献   

熊永清  贾沛璋 《天文学报》2006,47(4):467-474
通过模拟长达100天的星载GPS伪距观测资料,进行卡尔曼滤波定轨仿真计算.重点研究:1)采用简化的动力学模型与简化状态转移矩阵,是否保证滤波的长期稳定性;2)模型误差矩阵Q的选取对滤波定轨精度的影响;3)与事后最小二乘批处理相比较,在简化模型下自主定轨的精度.同时给出了相应的结论.  相似文献   

Dramatic extensions of experimental possibilities (spacecraft RHESSI, CORONAS-F and others) in solar gamma-ray astronomy call for urgent, detailed theoretical consideration of a set of physical problems of solar activity and solar-terrestrial relationships that earlier may have only been outlined. Here we undertake a theoretical analysis of issues related to the production of gamma-radiation in the processes of interactions of energetic (accelerated) heavy and middle nuclei with the nuclei of the solar atmosphere (the so-called i-j interactions). We also make an estimate of the contribution of these interactions to the formation of nuclear and isotopic abundances of the solar atmosphere in the range of light and rare elements. The analysis is carried out for solar flares in the wide range of their intensities. We compare our theoretical estimates with RHESSI observations for the flare of 2002 July 23. It was shown that the 24Mg gamma-ray emission in this event was produced by the newly generated Mg nucle  相似文献   

Time delay and phase fluctuation are produced when the signals of a spacecraft are transmitted through the ionosphere of the earth, which give rise to a great influence on the measurement precision of VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry). Using the 1-year same-beam VLBI data of 2 satellites (Rstar and Vstar) in the Japanese lunar exploration project SELENE, we obtained a model of the relation between the fluctuation of double differential total electron content in the ionosphere and the angular distance of the two satellites. For the 6 baselines, the root mean square r of fluctuation (in units of TECU) and the angular distance of the two satellites θ (in units of °) has a relation of r = 0.773θ + 0.562, and for the 4 VLBI stations, the relation is r = 0.554θ + 0.399 from the baselines inversion. The results can serve as a reference for the derivation of differential phase delay and for the occultation observation and study of planetary ionospheres.  相似文献   

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