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Fluid chemistry and processes at the Porgera gold deposit, Papua New Guinea   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The Porgera gold deposit in Papua New Guinea is a world-class example of an alkalic-type epithermal gold system (stage II), which overprints a precursor stage of magmatic-hydrothermal gold mineralization (stage I). Gas and ion chromatographic analyses of fluid inclusions contained in vein minerals from both mineralization stages have been carried out in order to constrain the compositions of the fluids involved in, and the processes attending, ore deposition. These data indicate the presence of three end-member liquids, the most dilute of which was present throughout the mineralization history and is interpreted to represent evolved groundwater of meteoric origin. Its composition is estimated to have been approximately 500 mM Na+, 10 mM K+, 5 mM Li+, 250 mM Cl, 0.15 mM Br, and 0.01 mM I, plus significant concentrations of dissolved gases. More saline liquids were also present during the two main stages of ore formation, and although their compositions differ, both are interpreted to have been derived at least in part from magmatic fluids, and to have been the media by which gold was introduced into the system. Stage I minerals contain fluid inclusions which decrease in salinity towards this dilute end-member composition through the vein paragenesis, reflecting progressive dilution at depth of the magmatic fluid source by groundwaters. Ore deposition is thought to have been caused largely by simple cooling and/or wallrock reactions, although limited in situ fluid mixing may also have occurred. The most saline fluids, present in early quartz and pyrite, contain at least 810 mM Na+, 530 mM Ca2+, 130 mM K+, 12 mM Li+, 87 mM SO4 2−, 960 mM Cl, 1.1 mM Br, and 0.05 mM I, plus significant but variable concentrations of dissolved gases. Fluid inclusions from stage II hydraulic breccia veins reveal the presence of two distinct liquids with contrasting salinities, which were present at different times during vein formation. A higher salinity liquid appears to have predominated during mineralization, whereas lower salinity groundwaters filled the structures during intervening periods. The ore-forming fluid may have been forcibly injected into the veins from depth during fracturing and depressurization events, displacing the resident groundwaters in the process. The original composition of this fluid is estimated to have been at least 1770 mM Na+, 59 mM K+, 180 mM Li+, 210 mM SO4 2−, 680 mM Cl, 1.4 mM Br, and 0.09 mM I, plus 1.5 mol% CO2, 0.19 mol% CH4, and 0.04 mol% N2. Gas chromatographic analyses of fluid inclusions from stage II samples show a decrease in total gas content between early unmineralized veins and post-mineralization vuggy quartz (suitable samples could not be obtained from the ore stage itself). Post-mineralization samples plot along an experimental gas-saturation curve in the CO2-CH4-H2O-NaCl system, obtained at conditions similar to those attending stage II ore deposition at Porgera (200–300 bar, ˜165 °C). These results are interpreted to indicate a period of depressurization-induced phase separation during hydraulic fracturing, which resulted in rich ore deposition. Volatile gases such as CH4 and N2, in addition to CO2 in solution, are shown to have a significant negative effect on total gas solubility. This effect may be of critical importance in lowering the temperature and increasing the depth (pressure) at which phase separation can occur in epithermal systems. Received: 28 November 1995 / Accepted: 17 July 1996  相似文献   

朱章显  杨振强 《华东地质》2007,28(3):171-178
巴布亚新几内亚波格拉(Porgera)斑岩铜-金矿床的侵入杂岩岩石类型为碱性玄武岩→夏威夷岩(粗面玄武岩)→橄榄粗安岩套.微量元素总体特征是富集大离子亲石元素(LILE)(Sr、Ba)和高场强元素(HFSE)(Zr、Nb、Th) .在微量元素蛛网图上显示宽的Th、Nb、U峰和Ti、Hf、Y的谷.该矿床夏威夷岩和橄榄粗安岩是一套板内富Nb碱性玄武岩系列,属于大陆OIB碱性侵入岩,而不是洋岛OIB系列,与地幔柱活动相关.波格拉侵入杂岩形成于弧-陆碰撞环境,为新生代主动大陆边缘板内碱性玄武岩的典型代表之一.  相似文献   

The Porgera gold deposit, Papua New Guinea, is associated with sodic-alkalic, hypabyssal intrusions of alkali basaltic to mugearitic composition. The intrusions were emplaced into Cretaceous mudstones and siltstones in the latest Miocene, and both igneous and sedimentary rocks are mineralized. Three types of veins occur: (1) magnetite-sulfide - Au-carbonate veins; (2) base-metal sulfide - Au-carbonate veins; and, economically most important, (3) quartz-roscoelite-Au veins and breccias. Magmatic hornblende and biotite, hydrothermal biotite from alteration selvages associated with the magnetite-sulfide - Au veins, and roscoelite were dated using the laser 40Ar/39Ar step-heating technique. Magmatic biotite yielded a date of 5.99ǂ.11 Ma (2C error; MSWD=3.7), and two samples of magmatic hornblende provided dates of 6.35ǂ.23 Ma (MSWD=1.0) and 6.3ǂ.7 Ma (MSWD=2.6). Hydrothermal biotite provided a date of 5.98ǂ.13 Ma (MSWD=2.7), and analyses of two roscoelite samples yielded dates of 5.92ǂ.09 Ma (MSWD=2.0) and 5.92ǂ.17 Ma (MSWD=2.0). The date of the magmatic biotite is interpreted to represent the age of the intrusions more accurately than the hornblende dates because small amounts of excess 40Ar were present in the hornblende samples. The date for hydrothermal biotite is interpreted to be the age of the alteration associated with the magnetite-sulfide - Au veins (the paragenetically earliest veins), and thus reflects the age of the onset of the mineralizing activity at Porgera. Based on the two dates for roscoelite, the age of the main ore deposition event is interpreted to be 5.92ǂ.08 Ma. The apparent ages for the intrusive and the mineralizing events are thus identical within error, and suggest that the magmatic and ore-forming system at Porgera was short-lived.  相似文献   

与碱性岩有关的浅成低温热液型金矿在全球特别是环太平成矿带中具有重要意义,波尔盖拉金矿位于新几内亚造山带内较为典型的该类型金矿床。矿床的矿化与碱性的波尔盖拉侵入杂岩体有关,矿化主要发育在岩体与白垩纪Chim组的接触部位,矿化作用分为2期,矿化形态主要为脉状和角砾岩矿化,成矿物质和成矿流体具有明显的岩浆来源的特征。与成矿有关的波尔盖拉杂岩体侵入时代为5.99Ma,与成矿时间一致,并来源于被交代富集型的上地幔,该类碱性岩浆对于金的富集具有重要的意义。通过总结该类矿床的控矿因素和找矿标志为中国企业在该地区寻找同类型金矿提供参考。  相似文献   

陈丹丹 《地质与勘探》2017,53(1):187-197
巴布亚新几内亚利希尔岛拉多拉姆金矿处于太平洋板块与印澳板块的板块边界部位,为西南太平洋地区最大的碱性侵入岩有关的低硫型浅成低温热液型金矿。矿床赋存在Luise火山内,成矿与更新世碱性二长闪长岩侵入体有关,该岩体形成于俯冲带环境下被流体交代的上地幔的部分熔融。矿床的矿化可分为三个阶段,在岩体侵入后形成斑岩铜矿化,并在之后逐渐过渡为浅成低温热液型金矿化。该类矿床在成矿过程和矿体的分布明显受到区域性构造、蚀变带和成矿有关角砾岩等成矿结构面的控制,在找矿标志上具有特定的物化探和地质特征,具有较好的找矿远景。  相似文献   

庵口金矿床是位于大柳行金矿田东北部的石英脉型中型金矿床,矿体呈脉状产于郭家岭岩体内部的北东东向断裂带内。目前,对该矿床的研究相对较少,为探讨其成矿流体性质与成矿物质来源,文章通过井下观察、岩相学、流体包裹体测温、激光拉曼分析和同位素测试,将该矿床热液成矿期划分为黄铁矿石英阶段(Ⅰ)、石英黄铁矿阶段(Ⅱ)、多金属硫化物阶段(Ⅲ)和碳酸盐阶段(Ⅳ)。流体包裹体研究表明,成矿流体含富液相和富气相包裹体,包裹体气相成分以CO2为主,少量N2、CH4,总体为中低温、低盐度CO2-H2O-NaCl体系,成矿早期(Ⅰ阶段)和主成矿期(Ⅱ、Ⅲ阶段)温度变化不大,盐度呈降低趋势,流体演化过程中发生了流体不混溶(沸腾)。H-O同位素测试表明,成矿流体可能主要来源于郭家岭岩体出溶的岩浆水;S、Sr-Nd-Pb同位素示踪显示,成矿物质可能主要来源于重熔活化的下地壳(前寒武纪变质基底),并在向上运移过程中混入了上地壳物质。  相似文献   

Summary Grab samples from the submarine Conical Seamount, located about 10km south of the giant Ladolam gold deposit, Lihir Island, reveal the highest gold concentrations yet reported from the modern seafloor. Lavas from Conical Seamount are characterized by high K2O contents, high K2O/Na2O ratios, and high Ce/Yb ratios, which are typical of high-K igneous rocks from oceanic (island) arc-settings. The primitive character of the rocks from Conical Seamount implies a magmatic evolution related to a single eruptive phase, which contrasts with the more evolved rocks forming Lihir Island. Geochemical as well as mineral chemical data suggest that the melts from both Conical Seamount and Lihir Island originate from the same magma source. In common with the samples from Lihir Island, elevated oxygen fugacities of 0.7–2.5log units above the FMQ buffer are recorded from the Conical Seamount lavas.There are distinct differences between the mineralization styles at Conical Seamount and at the Ladolam gold deposit, Lihir Island. While early-stage pyritic stockwork mineralization at Conical Seamount is hosted by clay-silica altered basaltic rocks with local alunite±kaolinite alteration, main-stage Au-mineralization occurs in sericite-alkali feldspar altered polymetallic sulfide-bearing siliceous veins. By contrast, early-stage pyritic stockwork mineralization at Ladolam is restricted to biotite–magnetite ± silica-altered monzodiorite, while the main-stage bulk-tonnage mineralization occurs as auriferous pyrite-bearing hydrothermal breccias which, in places, are cut by quartz–chalcedony–illite–adularia–pyrite±marcasite veins containing isolated bonanza gold grades.  相似文献   

流体包裹体研究表明,滩间山矿区的金矿体是2次热液-矿化事件的叠加产物。第一次热液-矿化作用与区域上加里东碰撞造山作用有关,形成的流体属于中低温(186~250℃)、低盐度〔w(NaCleq)1.4%~7.9%〕的H2O-CO2-CH4-NaCl体系,压力变化于(4900~1800)×105Pa之间,其主要沿NW向剪切带迁移和沉淀形成金矿化。第二次热液-矿化作用与晚古生代—早中生代碰撞造山作用密切相关,产生两种不混溶流体。第一种不混溶流体属于高温的H2O-NaCl体系,可能与岩浆侵入活动有关,第二种不混溶流体为温度274~289℃,盐度w(NaCleq)1.8%~7.9%,x(CO2)=0.19~0.27,x(H2O)=0.81~0.73,压力为(2300~1100)×105Pa的H2O-CO2-NaCl体系的流体,其沿NW向剪切带内的近NS向褶皱两翼的层间破碎带流动和沉淀,并最终导致滩间山矿床内金矿体的定位。按岩压估算,第一次热液-矿化事件发生于上地壳下部,第二次热液-矿化事件发生于浅成环境,这也进一步证实了滩间山矿床的金成矿于区域晚华力西时期的隆升造山过程中。与晚加里东碰撞造山期间相比,本区晚华力西期-印支期碰撞造山过程中的最大隆升幅度达9km左右。  相似文献   

信迪  刘京  李雷  冉丽  宋学信 《地质通报》2014,33(2-3):299-307
巴布亚新几内亚西部Fubilan山奥克泰迪矿床是一个世界级铜金矿床,在大地构造上位于新几内亚造山带的巴布亚褶皱带。该矿床的铜金矿化赋存于Fubilan二长斑岩及其周边的磁铁矿夕卡岩和硫化物夕卡岩中。矿石类型以原生硫化物矿石为主,金属矿物包括磁铁矿、黄铁矿、磁黄铁矿、白铁矿、黄铜矿、斑铜矿等。蚀变类型包括夕卡岩化、钾化、泥化和青盘岩化。矿床氧化次生富集带发育,表生矿石矿物为蓝辉铜矿、辉铜矿、自然铜、铜蓝和银金矿。成矿作用主要受区域构造、侵入杂岩体、Darai组灰岩地层、断裂等因素的控制。根据矿床的主岩、矿石特征、蚀变特征和控矿因素,认为该矿床成因类型属于较为典型的夕卡岩—斑岩型矿床。  相似文献   

A case history is presented describing geochemical exploration of the porphyry Cu-Mo system at Yandera in the Bismark Ranges of Papua New Guinea. Three phases of geochemistry are discussed: (1) stream sediment, (2) ridge and spur, and (3) detailed rock and soil from contour trails. Results of each phase are presented and their relationship to drill-indicated mineralisation discussed. The effectiveness of the three techniques and various elements as geochemical guides to primary mineralisation is compared.Copper in stream sediment samples at a density of one sample per 1–2 km2 effectively delineated the porphyry Cu system. The extent of ridge and spur sampling was limited, therefore its effectiveness is uncertain. Detailed sampling along contour trails indicated that Au and Mo are the most effective geochemical tools. Copper geochemistry is of limited use as its distribution is largely a function of recent processes and dispersion from supergene mineralisation. No clear relationship exists between Ag geochemistry and mineralisation. Lead and Zn are distributed peripheral to the porphyry Cu system.The effectiveness of Au and, to a lesser extent, Mo as geochemical guides to ore in the steep mountainous terrain of the prospect area where high rainfall, deep weathering and rapid erosion prevail is due to the relatively high stability of these metals in the soils and the oxide zone.  相似文献   

巴布亚新几内亚西部Fubilan山奥克泰迪矿床是一个世界级铜金矿床,在大地构造上位于新几内亚造山带的巴布亚褶皱带。该矿床的铜金矿化赋存于Fubilan二长斑岩及其周边的磁铁矿夕卡岩和硫化物夕卡岩中。矿石类型以原生硫化物矿石为主,金属矿物包括磁铁矿、黄铁矿、磁黄铁矿、白铁矿、黄铜矿、斑铜矿等。蚀变类型包括夕卡岩化、钾化、泥化和青盘岩化。矿床氧化次生富集带发育,表生矿石矿物为蓝辉铜矿、辉铜矿、自然铜、铜蓝和银金矿。成矿作用主要受区域构造、侵入杂岩体、Darai组灰岩地层、断裂等因素的控制。根据矿床的主岩、矿石特征、蚀变特征和控矿因素,认为该矿床成因类型属于较为典型的夕卡岩一斑岩型矿床。  相似文献   

河南祁雨沟金矿流体包裹体及矿床成因类型研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
河南祁雨沟金矿位于华北克拉通南缘的熊耳地体.产于燕山期火山隐爆角砾岩筒内。流体包裹体研究表明.祁雨沟金矿不同成矿阶段的石英中的流体包裹体有3种类型:水溶液包裹体、含子矿物包裹体和含CO2包裹体。成矿早期流体为高温(〉350℃)、高盐度(〉30wt%NaCl.eqv)、高氧逸度、富CO2的岩浆流体,经流体减压沸腾、挥发分逸失、氧逸度降低、温度降低演化为导致大量金属硫化物及金沉淀的还原性流体.再经大气降水的混入和降温等过程.演化为晚阶段低温、低盐度的大气降水热液。祁雨沟金矿的地质和成矿流体特征指示其应为爆破角砾岩型.而非浅成低温热液型.  相似文献   

The exceptionally large gold resource at Ladolam (>1,300 metric tons of gold), Lihir Island, resulted from the transition of an early-stage, low-grade porphyry gold system to a low-sulfidation epithermal gold event. This transition was probably triggered by rapid decompression during the partial slope failure of Luise stratovolcano and accompanied by the ingress of seawater. The original porphyry stage is indicated by remnant hydrothermal breccia clasts of strongly biotite-magnetite altered monzodiorite with disseminated pyrite - chalcopyrite and poorly developed pyrite - quartz stockwork veins. The breccias are overprinted by biotite-magnetite alteration and their matrix is strongly mineralized with disseminated auriferous pyrite. The breccias are cut by late-stage epithermal quartz-chalcedony-illite-adularia-pyrite veins and associated illite-adularia alteration that locally contain bonanza gold grades of up to 120 g/t. Isotope data suggest a magmatic source of sulfur in the gold-bearing fluids at Ladolam. Electronic supplementary material to this paper can be obtained by using the Springer LINK server located at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00126-001-0230-y  相似文献   

黔西南泥堡金矿围岩与矿石的对比及其成矿机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
泥堡金矿的矿体主要赋存在构造蚀变体及逆冲断层破碎带中,受地层和断裂的双重控制。本文在岩相学研究的基础上应用X射线粉晶衍射分析(XRD)结合电子探针分析(EMPA)确定和量化了围岩和矿石的蚀变矿物及载金砷黄铁矿,对比了围岩和矿石的特点,并利用主微量元素分析矿化过程中围岩与矿石之间的元素带入带出通量,探讨了泥堡金矿蚀变矿物与成矿的关系及成矿机制问题。分析结果表明,黄铁矿(主要的载金矿物)与石英呈负相关,与伊利石呈正相关;矿石发生了去碳酸盐化作用,矿石中的黄铁矿大多具有环带结构,部分围岩也发生了去碳酸盐化作用,而围岩中的黄铁矿一般不具有环带结构;Au明显加入到构造蚀变体的矿石中,而CaO、MgO、S、Ba、Be等从其围岩中带出;Au、Sc、As和Fe_2O_3明显加入到逆冲断层破碎的矿石中,SiO_2、CaO、Sr、W、Be等则显示从其围岩中带出。综合分析认为,去碳酸盐化和硫化作用是泥堡金矿的主要成矿机制。在矿化前,去碳酸盐化作用为成矿提供了有利的环境;在成矿过程中,矿化通过硫化作用形成了黄铁矿的载金含砷边缘。  相似文献   

The Ulu Sokor gold deposit is one of the most famous and largest gold deposits in Malaysia and is located in the Central Gold Belt. This deposit consists of three major orebodies that are related to NS- and NE-striking fractures within fault zones in Permian-Triassic meta-sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the East Malaya Block. The faulting events represent different episodes that are related to each orebody and are correlated well with the mineralogy and paragenesis. The gold mineralization consists of quartz-dominant vein systems with sulfides and carbonates. The hydrothermal alteration and mineralization occurred during three stages that were characterized by (I) silicification and brecciation; (II) carbonatization, sericitization, and chloritization; and (III) quartz–carbonate veins.Fluid inclusions in the hydrothermal quartz and calcite of the three stages were studied. The primary CO2–CH4–H2O–NaCl fluid inclusions in stage I are mostly related to gold mineralization and display homogenization temperatures of 269–389 °C, salinities of 2.77–11.89 wt.% NaCl equivalent, variable CO2 contents (typically 5–29 mol%), and up to 15 mol% CH4. In stage II, gold was deposited at 235–398 °C from a CO2 ± CH4–H2O–NaCl fluid with a salinity of 0.83–9.28 wt.% NaCl equivalent, variable CO2 contents (typically 5–63 mol%), and up to 4 mol% CH4. The δ18OH2O and δD values of the ore-forming fluids from the stage II quartz veins are 4.5 to 4.8‰ and − 44 to − 42‰, respectively, and indicate a metamorphic–hydrothermal origin. Oxygen fugacities calculated for the entire range of T-P-XCO2 conditions yielded log fO2 values between − 28.95 and − 36.73 for stage I and between − 28.32 and − 39.18 for stage II. These values indicate reduced conditions for these fluids, which are consistent with the mineral paragenesis, fluid inclusion compositions, and isotope values.The presence of daughter mineral-bearing aqueous inclusions is interpreted to be a magmatic signature of stage IIIa. Combined with the oxygen and hydrogen isotopic compositions (δ18OH2O = 6.8 to 11.9‰, δD =  77 to − 62‰), these inclusions indicate that the initial fluid was likely derived from a magmatic source. In stage IIIb, the gold was deposited at 263° to 347 °C from a CO2–CH4–H2O–NaCl fluid with a salinity of 5.33 to 11.05 wt.% NaCl equivalent, variable CO2 contents (typically 9–15 mol%), and little CH4. The oxygen and hydrogen isotopic compositions of this fluid (δ18OH2O = 8.1 to 8.8‰, δD =  44 to − 32‰) indicate that it was mainly derived from a metamorphic–hydrothermal source. The CO2–H2O ± CH4–NaCl fluids that were responsible for gold deposition in the stage IIIc veins had a wide range of temperatures (214–483 °C), salinities of 1.02 to 21.34 wt.% NaCl equivalent, variable CO2 contents (typically 4–53 mol%), and up to 7 mol% CH4. The oxygen and hydrogen isotopic compositions (δ18OH2O = 8.5 to 9.8‰, δD =  70 to − 58‰) were probably acquired at the site of deposition by mixing of the metamorphic–hydrothermal fluid with deep-seated magmatic water and then evolved by degassing at the site of deposition during mineralization. The log fO2 values from − 28.26 to − 35.51 also indicate reduced conditions for this fluid in stage IIIc. Moreover, this fluid had a near-neutral pH and δ34S values of H2S of − 2.32 to 0.83‰, which may reflect the derivation of sulfur from the subducted oceanic lithospheric materials.The three orebodies represent different gold transportation and precipitation models, and the conditions of ore formation are related to distinct events of hydrothermal alteration and gold mineralization. The gold mineralization of the Ulu Sokor deposit occurred in response to complex and concurrent processes involving fluid immiscibility, fluid–rock reactions, and fluid mixing. However, fluid immiscibility was the most important mechanism for gold deposition and occurred in these orebodies, which have corresponding fluid properties, structural controls, geologic characteristics, tectonic settings, and origins of the ore-forming matter. These characteristics of the Ulu Sokor deposit are consistent with its classification as an orogenic gold deposit, while some of the veins are genetically related to intrusions.  相似文献   

杜荒岭金矿床是产于石英闪长岩、受压性、压扭性断裂和爆破角砾岩筒联合控制的浅成中温岩浆热液矿床。流体包裹体研究表明: ①流体包裹体的类型以气液两相包裹体为主,其次为纯液相包裹体、气相包裹体及少量含NaCl 子矿物三相原生流体包裹体,成矿流体属NaCl--H2O 体系; ②主成矿阶段均一温度为200℃ ~ 375℃,集中在230℃ ~ 320℃; 流体具有低密度( 0. 68 ~ 0. 94 g /cm3 ) ,低盐度 ( 3. 39 ~ 13. 07 ( wt%,NaCl) ) 的特征,成矿压力为7. 5 ~ 14. 3 MPa,估算成矿深度1. 2 ~ 1. 6 km; ③ 结合新近同位素、微量元素及年代学研究成果,认为杜荒岭金矿主要与晚燕山期岩浆活动有关,成矿流体源于岩浆热液,流体上升过程中发生隐爆和沸腾作用,同时伴有部分大气降水加入,导致成矿物质快速沉淀富集。  相似文献   

坦桑尼亚姆瓦莫拉金矿综合找矿模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
坦桑尼亚Mwamola金矿位于坦桑尼亚环维多利亚湖区域的太古宙卡哈马(Kahama)绿岩带,是典型的铁建造(BIF)型金矿,为一大型隐伏矿床,因此建立Mwamola金矿床综合找矿模式,对寻找同类型矿床具有重要意义。太古宙卡哈马绿岩带是坦桑尼亚重要的成矿带,已发现金矿床和矿点多处,Mwamola金矿是代表性矿床之一,矿体呈层状、似层状,受地层和剪切带双重控制,矿化作用局限于条带状铁建造地层和岩性单元。地面高精度磁测高强度负异常能有效地识别控矿地层—条带状含铁建造带或矿化带,激发极化测深显示的"低阻高极化"异常可对条带状含铁建造和金矿体进行空间定位。岩石地球化学测量表明矿体上Au、As、Sb具强富集特性,且Au与As、Sb具有明显的相关性。本文根据地质、地球物理和地球化学信息,建立了Mwamola金矿地质、物化探综合找矿模式,提出了一套有效的找矿方法组合,为该绿岩带铁建造型金矿的勘查和评价提供指导。  相似文献   

新疆尼勒克县加曼特金矿床地质及流体包裹体研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
新疆尼勒克县加曼特金矿床产于下石炭统大哈拉军山组的一套中酸性火山岩中,矿体受火山-次火山机构控制,呈脉状、透镜状产出。流体包裹体岩相学、显微测温及激光拉曼显微探针分析表明:流体包裹体为气液两相或纯液相的水溶液,属NaCl-H2O体系;均一温度主要集中在180~260℃,盐度为在(0.2~12.5)wt%NaCl.eqv,密度为0.49~0.97 g/cm3,表现为低温、低盐度、低密度的特点。因此,加曼特金矿的矿床地质和成矿流体特征总体属于中低温热液脉状矿床,可能属于斑岩型与浅成低温热液型之间的过渡型。  相似文献   

The Hyde-Macraes Shear Zone in southern New Zealand contains the circa 10 million ounce Macraes gold deposit, one of the larger Phanerozoic orogenic gold deposits discovered to date globally. Approximately 50% of this 10 million ounce resource is hosted by 5 major ore shoots up to 400 m wide and 1500 m long in the Frasers area at the southern end of the mine. Higher grade (>1.5 g/t Au) ore shoots are located along and immediately below the Hangingwall Shear, the principal strand of the Hyde-Macraes Shear Zone at the Frasers deposit. They typically trend parallel to the intersection of the shear and foliation in the underlying schist, commonly where the foliation dips more steeply that the overlying Hangingwall Shear. Especially thick zones of higher grade mineralised rock are located between the Hangingwall Shear and underlying second order splay shears whose position correlates with minor right-hand bends in the strike of the overlying Hangingwall Shear. Lower grade (<1.2 g/t Au), but economically significant, ore shoots are located within mineralised schists below the Hangingwall Shear. Outer margins of these lower grade ore shoots are generally parallel to the strike of the foliation in the host schist. They are most extensive where open disharmonic folding has resulted in the strike of the foliation diverging from that of the overlying Hangingwall Shear. No correlation exists between the position of any ore shoots and gently dipping jogs in the Hangingwall Shear, despite mineralisation occurring during reverse movement on the Hyde-Macraes Shear Zone. Instead the angular relationship between various strands of the Hyde-Macraes Shear Zone at Frasers and foliation in underlying schists is the most consistent structural feature likely to predict the location, extent, and orientation of ore shoots within the Frasers segment of the Hyde-Macraes Shear Zone.  相似文献   

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