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美国海军拥有完备的海洋环境保障体系,业务能力处于世界先进水平,为海军部队作战目的达成和行动安全保障发挥了重要支撑作用。阐述了美国海军海洋环境保障作战保障概念,介绍了美国海军海洋环境保障业务的组织架构,分析了美国海军海洋环境保障内容和主要特点,论述了美国海军用于海洋环境作战辅助决策的信息系统,为我国海洋环境保障领域的建设发展提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

自核潜艇问世以来,全世界共建造和发展核潜艇500余艘,而核潜艇参与作战仅有一次,但核潜艇沉没海底的恶性事故却达17起,造成600多名艇员丧生。导致核潜艇沉没的原因:火灾占38%,进水占19%,爆炸、碰撞、误操等有各占12.5%。这其中美国和俄罗斯  相似文献   

“旗舰”是海军舰队指挥中枢,平时接受和传达上级训练指示,统一组织实施舰队大规模海上训练和演习;战时主要用于远程大规模作战指挥以及在封锁作战、登陆作战中对登陆编队实施统一指挥,组织协调海军舰炮和近程空中火力支援及海上编队的行动,指挥登陆部队突击上陆及协调登陆场战区电子战的实施。  相似文献   

汤华  宁薇 《海洋世界》2001,(8):34-35
从1961年6月建院至今,七院在这40年间立足自行研究开发,为海军提供了多型各类精干顶用的作战舰艇以及技术保障,显著提升了海军防卫作战能力;全院荣获国家级科技奖的舰船科研成果就达600项,其中国家科技进步特等奖就有新型导弹核潜艇、新一代导弹驱逐舰等6项,一等奖有新型导弹护卫舰、新型常规动力鱼雷攻击潜艇、大型登陆舰、某型水雷系统、全封闭遥控自动舰炮等15项。  相似文献   

目前,美国海军正在服役的核潜艇大约有120多艘,其中100艘在今后20年到30年时间里将陆续退役。核潜艇退役的速率约为每年3—5艘。现在有5艘已经退出现役,等待处置。美国海军作战部长办公室在1982年的《环境影响声明草案》中,对这些已卸料的核潜艇提出了三种处置方案:①将放射性壳体部分和反应堆埋葬于现有的国营陆上处置场;②将核潜艇整体沉于预先选定的远离美国海岸的海床上;③在决定进行永久性处置以前,采取防护措施封存起来。若将退役核潜艇处置到海洋中,可将其拖航到  相似文献   

美国海军是一个遂行“全球战略”的远洋进攻型作战的军种。其三大力量支柱分别是核潜艇、航母战斗群和两栖部队。两栖作战部队在美国海军中拥有特殊的地位。美军在历史上曾实施过数十次大规模两栖作战。太平洋战争后期的1944年,美军曾组成3个陆战师,2个步兵师和1个陆战旅共计2万人的登陆突出编队,在640艘各型舰船和1600架飞机的支援下,通过逐岛争夺战,历时7个月,最终将日军赶出太平洋的各岛屿,美军正是依靠其强大的两栖部队,赢得了战争的胜利。小  相似文献   

惊涛 《海洋世界》2007,(12):75-80
英国皇家海军已经没有了1918年拥有64艘装甲舰的气派,也没有了1945年拥有85万人的庞大规模,但却有着在21世纪继续成为世界最强大海军的意志。2007年7月31日英国议会刚刚批准了未来3年追加77亿英镑的国防预算.其中海军开支占重要比例。布朗政府要利用这笔预算建造2艘航空母舰和4艘弹道导弹核潜艇。英国新任首相布朗指出,他的目标是加强打击恐怖主义的海上作战能力,支持北约的濒海战略,支持英国军队在国外的远征作战行动,保持英国独立的核威慑能力。[编者按]  相似文献   

着眼我深远海水下作战面临的现实困难及未来可能遇到的瓶颈问题,设计深远海水下作战概念。以作战概念为驱动,分析深远海水下作战需求,在作战背景下设计行动构想,构建基于作战概念的深远海水下作战体系,评估优化完善后对研究成果进行应用。  相似文献   

肖鹏 《海洋世界》2011,(7):68-71
自冷战结束后,全球海上战略出现重大转型,过去那种海上大规模激战很难出现,海上力量主要是为了配合陆上作战.英军积极顺应这一发展形势,按照这种新战略打造多用途舰队,尤其对大型航母、多用途驱逐舰和隐形核潜艇青睐有加.  相似文献   

随着我国海军的战略转型,我军反水雷作战任务发生了变化,除了传统的近岸/ 近海反水雷任务,还增加了海峡反水雷、交通线反水雷以及海外基地反水雷等任务。 反水雷支援舰综合作战能力强、信息化与自动化程度高,在作战时为反水雷兵力提供指控、控制、通信及补给等方面的支持,快速提升反水雷系统的信息化、无人化、模块化水平,使反水雷装备能够协同工作,实现反水雷作战效能的最大化,是提高海军现有反水雷作战能力的理想装备。  相似文献   

Marine conservation actions are promoted to conserve natural values and support human wellbeing. Yet the quality of governance processes and the social consequences of some marine conservation initiatives have been the subject of critique and even human rights complaints. These types of governance and social issues may jeopardize the legitimacy of, support for and long-term effectiveness of marine conservation. Thus, we argue that a clearly articulated and comprehensive set of social standards - a code of conduct - is needed to guide marine conservation. In this paper, we draw on the results of an expert meeting and scoping review to present key principles that might be taken into account in a code of conduct, to propose a draft set of foundational elements for inclusion in a code of conduct, to discuss the benefits and challenges of such a document, and to propose next steps to develop and facilitate the uptake of a broadly applicable code of conduct within the marine conservation community. The objectives of developing such a code of conduct are to promote fair conservation governance and decision-making, socially just conservation actions and outcomes, and accountable conservation practitioners and organizations. The uptake and implementation of a code of conduct would enable marine conservation to be both socially acceptable and ecologically effective, thereby contributing to a truly sustainable ocean.  相似文献   

日本在日前发表的《信息通信白皮书》中提出,要建立网络无所不在的社会;美国1999年提出了“21世纪信息技术计划”,由此看出,信息社会正向人类走来,人们唯有通过网络才能快捷、有效地获得有用信息,海洋产业唯有借助网络才能推动科学研究,有效地利用海洋资源,促进海洋经济发展,海洋信息共享工程建设势在必行。标准化原理能确保海洋信息共享工程建设有序、高效、质量优良。  相似文献   

This paper summarises research and options for sustainable sea transport in Oceania with a focus on domestic shipping. This debate is situated initially within the context of the current Pacific domestic shipping scenario, a region of minute economies connected by some of the longest sea transport routes in the world. All current options are fossil fuel powered and increasingly uneconomic and unsustainable. Many routes are marginal or unviable and a vicious cycle of old ships replaced with old ships prevails. Although a central and essential issue of many Pacific communities, the option of pursuing sustainable sea transport is currently invisible within the policy space at all levels. Various renewable energy options are possible and increasingly available. Recent research finds that these have strong potential for providing benefits across multiple wellbeings. The barriers to pursing this agenda are complex and poorly understood but are perceptual and institutional more than technological. A small number of critical experiments during the last oil crisis provide critical lessons and direction.  相似文献   

针对舰艇的随船备件需求,在现有的备件数量计算模型上,分别建立了基于经济性和任务成功性的备件需求量数学计算模型,并利用实例进行了计算演示.理论分析和实例计算表明了该模型的合理性和可行性,对于新装备备件数量的确定具有指导作用.  相似文献   

Orange roughy form dense spawning aggregations in specific small areas in deep water on the Namibian shelf between late June and early August each year. The biomass in three such areas, where most commercial fishing occurs (the Johnies, Frankies and Rix Quota Management Areas, or QMAs) has been assessed acoustically each year since 1997. Acoustic estimates of the aggregated portion of the biomass (the only component that can be assessed reliably using acoustics) were obtained for all three QMAs in 1997 and 1998, but only for Frankies in 1999 owing to increased problems with target identification as the biomass declined. The methodology developed for these surveys, including the equipment used, survey design, target identification, data processing and error analysis are described. Some important biases that should be corrected for when estimating absolute abundance of orange roughy acoustically are addressed. Individual sources of error were quantified as well as possible, and input to an error model that simulated the error process and produced probability density functions of absolute biomass, from which the mean absolute biomass and its standard error could be computed for each survey, effectively correcting for identified sources of bias and quantifying the overall uncertainty. The correction factors ranged from 1.58 to 1.71 and the CVs increased by factors of 1.2–2.1. Target strength uncertainty and negative bias attributable to the dead zone close to the bottom were considered to be the most serious errors. The acoustic estimates indicate a substantial decline in orange roughy biomass in all three QMAs since 1997, in accord with indices from contemporaneous swept-area surveys and the catch rate of the commercial fleet. Acoustic estimates have already been used extensively to manage the resource and are likely to remain important in the future.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to identify appropriate sites for shrimp farming development in Haiphong province of Vietnam using geographical information systems (GIS). Thirteen base layers (thematic maps) were grouped into four main land use requisites for aquaculture, namely, (1) potential for pond construction (slope, land use type, soil thickness, elevation), (2) soil quality (soil type, soil texture, soil pH), (3) water availability (distance to sea, and water source), and (4) infrastructure and socio-economical status (population density, distance to roads, local markets, and hatcheries). A constraint layer was used to exclude areas from suitability maps that were not allowed to implement shrimp farming. A series of GIS models was developed to identify and prioritize the most suitable areas for shrimp farming.This study shows that the land evaluation model is useful for identifying suitable areas for shrimp farming and for allocating land for efficient income generation, effective conservation, and sustainable land management. It was estimated that about 31% (2604 ha) of the total land area (8281 ha) in Haiphong was highly suitable for shrimp farming. Since existing shrimp farms cover only 1690 ha of land in the study area, the potential for expanding shrimp farms should take into consideration further political and environmental issues.  相似文献   

Wen-Hui Cheng 《Ocean Engineering》2006,33(10):1271-1282
The SBL system (Short Baseline System) is usually utilized by offshore working vessels when performing its underwater orientation task so as to facilitate the exploitation of abundant benthal resources, therefore, the precise distance between the vessel and underwater targets for SBL system's estimation module are highly emphasized. However, hydrological data cited in the SBL system's estimation module is not real-time information and is difficult to accurately measure, which causes the calculation errors. Studies with regard to symmetrical SBL system are carried out by most of the researchers these days, yet research in this text shows the advantage to the asymmetrical SBL system's sensor on the vessel's bottom to be installed at discretion to measure and calculate the position. In addition to the locus equation used in the traditional position calculation, Haussiam Elimination, Cramer's rule, 3D geometry relation theory as well as substitution corrections applied to this asymmetrical SBL system to educe the correction for relative geometrical position between the underwater beacon and the sensor on the ship bottom. Through numeric simulation analysis, this SBL system is proved to be a high precision acoustic positioning system based on its quick correction and high precision position calculated by the asymmetrical SBL system established in this study.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a 2008 citation-analysis study that was undertaken for the 1995 FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and its associated instruments. The overall objective of this study was to contribute towards a strategy for improved dissemination, awareness raising and communication about the Code and its implementation. For each citation, additional information was collected to identify patterns by year, topic, author affiliation or type of literature. Results support previously suggested anecdotal patterns, in particular related to the diversity of publishing outlets and the high proportion of fisheries information published as grey literature. The results also point to areas of concern for long-term preservation and dissemination of fisheries information.  相似文献   

目的:建立筋骨痛巴布膏的质量标准。方法:筛选方中独活、大黄、苏木及冰片进行薄层色谱鉴别;HPLC法对成品中大黄素进行含量测定。结果:制定了巴布膏中独活等药材的薄层鉴别方法;以大黄素为指标,以Kromasil C18色谱柱(250 mm×4.6 mm,5 μm)为固定相,甲醇-0.1%磷酸溶液(85∶15)为流动相;检测波长254 nm条件下,成品中大黄素能有效分离,方法学结果可行。结论:该法方便准确、灵敏度高、重现性好,能够为筋骨痛巴布膏质量标准的制订提供客观精准的依据。  相似文献   

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