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许多国家将水雷视为一种重要的水中兵器,用于封锁对手、对抗强敌。针对现有反水雷装备存在的危险性高、部署速度慢、作战效率低等问题,国外海军将无人技术为代表的高新技术应用到反水雷领域,推出了多种新概念无人反水雷装备,综合运用猎、扫等多种手段,构建空中、水面、水下立体的无人反水雷装备体系,实现快速、安全、高效的反水雷作战能力,对未来反水雷作战产生重大影响。 相似文献
根据我国海洋方向面临的战略安全环境、建设“海上丝绸之路”的要求,我国的反水雷作战范围将延伸到第一岛链以外的海域,反水雷任务除了传统的近岸/ 近海反水雷任务,还增加了海峡反水雷、交通线反水雷以及海外基地反水雷等任务。 为了满足我国反水雷作战需求,结合国际上反水雷技术装备发展方向,用信息化改造、无人化拓展现有反水雷装备,构建无人化时代反水雷装备体系,形成能够在近岸、近海、中远海实施快速、安全、高效的反水雷作战能力。 相似文献
随着我国海军的战略转型,我军反水雷作战任务发生了变化,除了传统的近岸/ 近海反水雷任务,还增加了海峡反水雷、交通线反水雷以及海外基地反水雷等任务。 反水雷支援舰综合作战能力强、信息化与自动化程度高,在作战时为反水雷兵力提供指控、控制、通信及补给等方面的支持,快速提升反水雷系统的信息化、无人化、模块化水平,使反水雷装备能够协同工作,实现反水雷作战效能的最大化,是提高海军现有反水雷作战能力的理想装备。 相似文献
水雷战是最常见的海上作战样式,对争取海上战争的主动权有着重要作用。美国十分注重反水雷作战策略研究及其装备发展。未来,美军将逐渐淡化专业反水雷和建制反水雷装备的区别,取而代之的是一些模块化、通用化的联网无人反水雷系统,从而实现反水雷武器由以平台为中心的到以能力为中心的转变。具体装备包括基于濒海战斗舰的专用反水雷舰艇、小型可用舰船上使用的反水雷模块、小型反水雷远征分队和潜航器等。 相似文献
美军经历了多次水雷战,尝尽了作战对手所布水雷的苦头.因此,美军吸取教训大力加强反水雷力量建设,反水雷作战理念和方法也不断地更新.对美军反水雷作战思想进行探讨,从"注重一体化作战,运用层次防御;航空反水雷为主,舰潜兵力配合;猎扫雷方式并举,强调机动规避"3个方面分析了其可借鉴之处,可为我军反水雷作战思想提供改进及创新思路... 相似文献
水雷作为一种重要的水中兵器,在历次海战中发挥了巨大作用.反水雷用于清除水雷,保护编队的航行自由.随着"零伤亡"战争理念日趋深入人心,雷区无人化成为反水雷的发展方向.综合对比了无人艇、无人水下航行器、无人机等无人平台的特点,分析了无人艇用于反水雷的独特优势,探讨了美国、英国、法国等反水雷无人艇的发展以及在反水雷中的应用情... 相似文献
An inexpensive Pull-Up Shallow Water Seismometer (PUSS) has been designed and built to conduct long range seismic refraction experiments in the North Sea and the continental shelf around Britain, with the particular goal of studying the crustal and lithospheric structure under the epeirogenic basin of the North Sea. Signals from a gimbal-mounted 3-component geophone and a hydrophone are frequency modulated and mixed with clock and flutter correction signals before being recorded on a standard speed cassette tape recorder, with one hour of recording time. A 100 hour programmable timer allows the interval between the time of reset of the clock and each shot window of optional 5 or 10 min duration, to be preselected. The PUSS is launched and recovered using a pull-up technique originally developed for current meters. The replay system is also described.In May 1976 sea trials of 5 PUSSes were conducted along a 200 km refraction line in the North Sea. The encouraging performance of the equipment resulted in the decision to build a further 10 units and to proceed with a 400 km refraction line planned for the summer of 1977. 相似文献
美国Teledyne Webb Research公司按照型号系列化、结构模块化和测量多样化的设计思路研制水下滑翔机,其Slocum 200浅海型和Slocum 1000深海型水下滑翔机在海洋环境观测领域具有广泛的客户需求。文中以200 m浅海型和1 000 m深海型两款水下滑翔机为例,详细对比了两者的技术特点,并在此基础上阐述了两者各自适用的海洋环境观测应用范围,两者优势互补,难以取代对方。浅海型水下滑翔机具有锯齿剖面密度大、折返机动性高和平均前向速度快的特点,适合在近海岸、陆架坡折和深海温跃层等区域对高时空变率海洋现象进行观测。近几年,我国深海型水下滑翔机技术取得了惊人进步,同时,我国浅海型水下滑翔机技术也在快速发展,这对推动我国海洋环境监测业务水平的提升意义重大。 相似文献
In this study, the Jinzhou 9-3 CEPD float-over installation project was investigated. During the undocking condition, the water depth of the motion path of the working barge gradually changed from 10.31 m to 9.41 m. The undocking clearance of the HYSY 228 is smaller than 1 m; therefore, the barge shows highly nonlinear hydrodynamic characteristics, and it is difficult to be accurately simulated by numerical analysis. Thus, it is necessary to obtain the hydrodynamic characteristics and laws of the float-over barge at different water depths by using tank model test, to provide some reference and guidance for float-over operations in shallow water.
水雷由于隐蔽性好、威力巨大、效费比高等优点,被许多国家作为重要的一种水种兵器。随着我国海军战略由近海防御向近海防御与中远海护卫转变,反水雷作战范围将延伸到第一岛链以外的海域,针对中远海的反水雷需求,我国应加紧研制建制式反水雷装备,提升编队的反水雷能力。 相似文献
Wave Numerical Model for Shallow Water 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
The history of forecasting wind waves by wave energy conservation equation is briefly des-cribed.Several currently used wave numerical models for shallow water based on different wave theoriesare discussed.Wave energy conservation models for the simulation of shallow water waves are introduced,with emphasis placed on the SWAN model,which takes use of the most advanced wave research achieve-ments and has been applied to several theoretical and field conditions.The characteristics and applicabilityof the model,the finite difference numerical scheme of the action balance equation and its source termscomputing methods are described in detail.The model has been verified with the propagation refractionnumerical experiments for waves propagating in following and opposing currents;finally.the model is ap-plied to the Haian Gulf area to simulate the wave height and wave period field there,and the results arecompared with observed data. 相似文献