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为了配合EXOSAT对Seyfert星系NGC4051光变的观测,继1985年5月的多波段联测之后,我们又于1985年12月7日—9日对NGC4051进行了B波段及V波段的短时标光变的观测和研究,主要结果如下:(1)NGC4051在B波段有两个与X射线波段及U波段相对应的短时标光变,时标分别为4200秒和1800秒,振幅分别为ΔB≈0.21mag(±σ=0.04~m)和ΔB≈0.43mag(±σ=0.08~m),(2)V波段有一个时标为~2400秒,振幅为ΔV=0.07mag(±σ=0.07~m)的短时标光变,(3)结合X射线波段及U波段的观测,我们发现,NGC4051的光变时标随着波长的增大而增大。  相似文献   

老新星武仙V533(V533Her=武仙1963年新星)是一颗光度变化极其复杂的天体。本文给出了我们用双筒天体照相仪于1980年6月至1982年11月间对其所做的照相观测结果。从所得结果可以看到:(1)该星亮度在此期间已基本恢复到其爆前的宁静期亮度;(2)高时频观测指出V533 Her具有时标为小时级,变幅Δm~0.2~m的小幅度光变;(3)在此期间其亮度有上升趋势,上升幅度~1.5等。本文还讨论了V533 Her在爆发前后的光度变化情况,通过分析指出新星在爆发前可能有可觉察的光度变化。  相似文献   

一、前言小行星在短时間的光度变化是一个普遍的現象。有时也往往观測到某个小行星几乎没有明显的光度变化(变幅很小),这可能只是那时观測者恰好处于它的极向位置。例如(9)Metis,在1962年3月26日—30日,它的光变幅只有0.~m06,而現在所发表的观測(1964年11月19日),变幅增大到0.~m31。因此,对小行星經常地进行光电测光,得到尽可能多的优貭光变曲綫,能为了解小行星的自轉、形状以及其他物理特性等提供資料。  相似文献   

本文通过对食双星TU Her(周期:2.267天,光谱型:FO)的光变极小时刻的统计分析,进一步证实了周期在1910—1977年间,存在着迅速减小的现象,周期变化率ΔP/P~-1.29×10~(-3)=-0.41秒/年,并且得到了周期在长期稳定减小的同时,存在着三次可能的周期突变。作者定性讨论了周期变化的原因,认为可能是系统存在着物质损失的动力学演化效应所致。  相似文献   

利用云南天文台1m光学望远镜2000~2001年对3个GeV和/或TeV γ噪Blazar天体的观测,发现γ噪类星体PKS 1510-089在R波段有一个光变时标为41min的星等变化为2.0mag的剧烈光变,这是迄今为止我们所观测到的变幅最大的一个γ噪Blazar天体短时标光变.对此光变,可估计限制光变辐射模型的一些参数,如辐射区半径R、多普勒因子δ以及吸积转化效率η等.η=59.6的值强烈预示着相对论聚束效应可较好解释γ噪Blazar天体的辐射机制.我们仔细考察了大气视宁度对光变的影响.发现对1ES 2344+514,观测到的光变与当地大气视宁度有一个弱相关,结果表明,对光变参数较小(C<5)的光变,大气视宁度引起的假光变的贡献较大,需要选择较严格的光变判据.  相似文献   

热超短周期造父变星的周期≤0.~d1、变幅≥0.~m2、光谱型为A.在银河系中呈延仲球状分布;在银晕星族的球状星团和年老盘族的运动星群中都有.在色星等图上,处于造父不稳定带的左外侧而温度较高,故简称热造父变星.球状星团中超短周期造父变星现知五颗.三颗是热造父变星:半人马ω的V65星(M_v= 0.~m82),M56的V11星(M_v= 0.~m10)和M15的K1082星(M_v=0.~m09)。它们在色星等图上的位置紧邻,亮度和天琴RR型星相近,但色均较蓝.它们都处在银河系中呈延伸球状分布的贫金属星团中.银河系中已知超短周期造父变星的周期变幅图上,有可用0.~m2简示的变幅分布隙,和两条周期分布隙.其中变幅≥0.~m2、周期≤ 0.~d1的-群共九颗,是银河系一般星场的热造父变星.其银纬分布除一颗是b= 10°44′外,余均为|h|>20°.这九颗中的两颗是年老盘族的运动星群的成员,-颗具有空间速度高和金属线强度ΔS≥2的星族Ⅱ星的特点.  相似文献   

1981年4—5月间对晚型食双星AD Boo进行了较详细的BV两色光电测光研究,发现其周期值为以前观测者结果的两倍,约P=2.0688112天;食外光变基本上是平坦的,但有不规则的光扰动(△m~0.075);基本上属大陵五型,主食深0.65,次食深0.40.极小时刻的O-C 图表明,AD Boo的周期有增大的趋势.用经典的Russell-Merrill方法所得测光解的k=0.786,主极小是凌偏食.  相似文献   

探索活动星系的快速光变,是研究星系中心致密核结构及辐射机制的强有力手段。NGC4051是在X射线波段具有短时标(分—小时)光变的极少数活动星系之一。为进一验证X射线波段短时标光变的观测结果,也为了探索光学波段是否具有短时标光变及它们的相关性,我们于1985年5月13—15日分别在美国和中国对NGC4051进行了X射线波段及可见光波段的同时性联测。Martin博士和程福臻在美国利用EXOSAT卫星观测了NGC4051的X射线辐射;谢光中等人在云南天文台利用一米RCC望远镜及积分光度计进行了U波段的观测。结果如下:(1)软X射线的流量降低了13倍,而硬X射线的流量已小到探测不到(至少降低了203倍);(2)U波段在13日晚的观测表明NGC4051有一个时标~1200秒、振幅ΔU 0.11(±0.03)的短时标光变。这种光变共有四个事例,且光变曲线十分完整,由于标准误差σ=0.03,可信度已大于3σ。此外,这一结果还与P.E.Marshall等人在X—射线波段所得到的光变时标~1000秒相吻合,这似乎表明两个波段的光变可能具有相关性。  相似文献   

收集了AO0235+164天体射电4.8GHz和14.5GHz波段的光变测量数据,并获得了长期的光变曲线,从光变曲线可以看出其活动是非常剧烈的。利用Jurkevieh方法和自相关函数方法分别对AO0235+164射电波段宽带谱指数进行周期性分析,并对流量和谱指数进行相关性分析,研究结果表明:(1)AO0235+164天体射电波段4.8GHz-14.5GHz对应的宽带谱指数,可能存在5.30年的光变周期,与Liu等人用功率谱法在射电波段发现其流量密度可能存在5.59±0.47年的光变周期基本吻合;(2)宽带谱指数与流量密度之间存在相关性。  相似文献   

给出了4种分析类星体长周期光变的方法,用一个模拟的周期信号y=sinθ检验这4种分析方法,结果表明:(1)天体光变采样的数据点个数相对少到一定值时,Jurkevich方法、时间补偿离散傅里叶变换分析方法(DCDFT)、离散相关分析方法(DCF)和功率谱密度分析方法(PSD)的分析结果不一样,获取最短的连续数据点后,Jurkevich方法分析结果在4种方法中可能最为精确可靠,且计算方法简捷实用;(2)获得了Jurkevich分析方法的最佳参数,当m=9时分析结果最佳;(3)用m=9时的Jurkevich方法分析了类星体3C 279及3C 454.3的光变周期,得出3C 279的可能光变周期为(2.81±0.54)年,3C 454.3的可能光变周期为457 d。  相似文献   

This paper gives the result of photographic photography of the central star AGK3-0° 695 of the planetary nebula NGC 2346 made from 1981 through 1987. From it we see that after the large-amplitude eclipses which had started at the end of 1981 had continued for several years, the amplitude began to decrease rapidly in 1986 to ˜1.1 mag from ˜4 mag in 1984. In 1987, only irregular fluctuations with amplitudes ˜0.4 mag were present in the light curve and not longer any clear periodicity. A preliminary analysis of this phenomenon is carried out here.  相似文献   

We monitored by photographic photometry the BL Lac object OJ 287 continuously during the 4-year period 1980–1984 and obtained the following results: (1) We confirm a previously proposed light variation on a time scale of about 8 days with an amplitude of 0.37 mag in B. (2) During the period 1980–1982, OJ 287 was stable and faint B = 15.61 mag at its faintest; while in March 1983, we observed an outburst (B = 14.25 mag). (3) Comparison star No. 9 given in Crain's handbook is probably a variable star. (4) A light curve based on all the published photographic data over the period 1968–1984 shows evidence for variations of large amplitudes (ΔB = 1.25–4.00 mag) over time scales of 2–4 years, in addition to the short term variation mentioned above.  相似文献   

We report results of photometry of the suspected V Sge star IPHAS J025827.88+635234.9. The observations were obtained over 25 nights in 2011 and 2012. The total duration of the observations was 153 h. We discovered eclipses typical of cataclysmic variables and flickering, which is also a hallmark of cataclysmic variables. These discoveries characterise this star as a normal cataclysmic variable but not as a star of the V Sge type, as was previously supposed. The eclipse period is equal to 5.882274±0.000008 h. Its depth is equal to 0.3 mag. The full eclipse width is quite large and equal to $(0.160\pm0.011)P_{\rm orb}$ . We obtained an eclipse ephemerid with a formal shelf life of about 500 yr (a 1σ confidence level). This ephemerid is good for investigations of long-term period changes. The eclipse has a complicated two-component V-shaped profile. This profile suggests that the accretion disc is very structured and can consist of an extended disc halo and a quite distinct central part. The off-eclipse light curve is also complicated. It shows two orbital humps at the orbital phases 0.4 and 0.9 and a deep depression at the orbital phase 0.14. By using the period-luminosity-colours relation found by Ak et al., we estimate the distance of this star in the range 660–730 pc. The corresponding absolute visual magnitude is roughly by 1 mag brighter than that for an average cataclysmic variable with the same orbital period. The noted unusual properties of the eclipse profile and off-eclipse light curve can be related with this enlarged luminosity.  相似文献   

The post-common envelope and pre-cataclysmic binary V471 Tau has been observed by the authors since 1973. At least a complete light curve in B and V bands and more than two eclipse timings were obtained in each year. All the available data published so far (including the authors') have been collected and analysed for the brightness and orbital period changes. The system brightened about 0.22 mag in both B and V bands more or less regularly up to 1997 and started to decrease afterwards. A search for periodicity of this variation yields a period longer than 85 yr. In addition to this long-period variation, a small amplitude of about 0.08 mag and short time-interval fluctuations on the mean brightness have been detected. The variations of the mean brightness have been discussed and plausible causes suggested. The changes of the apparent period have been attributed to a third body. Analysis of all the 'observed−calculated' (O−C) data yields a period of 32.4 yr, with a semi-amplitude of 151 s and an eccentricity of 0.30 for the third-body orbit. For orbital inclinations greater than 34° the mass of the third body would possibly match to a brown dwarf. One of the most interesting features in the light curve of V471 Tau is the decrement of the eclipse depth with time. The depth of the eclipse in the B band has been decreased from 0.082 to 0.057 mag over 34 yr. Subtracting the variation of the depth due to the brightening of the red dwarf star, the actual variation in depth, originated from from the white dwarf, was found to be about 0.012 mag. This change in the brightness of the compact object has been attributed to the mass accretion from its primary component via thermally driven wind and/or flare-like events.  相似文献   

The optical (BV) monitoring data for the Seyfert galaxies NGC 4051 and NGC 1068 are presented in this paper. NGC 4051 showed a variation of 0.43 mag in 21 minutes in B band from its bright nucleus, and the nucleus of NGC 1068 exhibited a variability of 0.46 mag in B band in a timescale of 1.8 hours. These results argued that the optical emission from the nuclei of the two Seyfert galaxies could be dominated by the nonthermal radiation. The data in this paper, however, are only marginal evidence on the rapid optical variability of these two Seyferts, and further monitoring is needed to confirm this type of variability.  相似文献   

Radial velocities of the primary star of Aur are presented for phases outside the eclipse between 1975 and 1985. A violent collapse of the atmosphere has occurred with a velocity of about 40 km s–1 on October 1977, indicating a decrease of 0.07 AU in the radius for three days. A shrinking of the primary star is suggested from the characteristics of eclipse light curves that the duration of totality has become longer and the duration of eclipse shorter from eclipse to eclipse. The decrement of radius is estimated to be about 16%, 0.2 AU, in recent 27 years.  相似文献   

Using visual, photographic, and photoelectric measurements, we have constructed a historical light curve for the young binary system UY Aur on an interval longer than 100 yr. About a quarter of all magnitude estimates have been obtained for the first time from photographic plates of the Sternberg Astronomical Institute and Harvard College Observatory Astronomical Plate Stacks. Analysis of the light curve and the magnitude dependences of the polarization and color has led us to the following conclusions. Cyclic variations in the seasonally mean brightness of the binary’s primary component UY Aur A with a period of ≃16.3 yr occurred from the mid-1920s to the mid-1940s and after 1986. The variations are caused by the change in the rate of disk accretion onto the star attributable to the motion of the hypothetical companion UY Aur C around the primary star in an orbit with a semimajor axis of ≃ 6 AU. From the early 1950s to the mid-1980s, the periodicity of the seasonally mean variations was not noticeable due to nonperiodic eclipses of UY Aur A by gas-dust clouds. Between 1945 and 1974, another gas-dust cloud obscured and still obscures the component UY Aur B, causing its mean optical brightness to drop by several magnitudes. The role of the clouds that caused an almost simultaneous eclipse of the stars, whose separation in projection onto the celestial sphere exceeds 100 AU, is played by the denser and puffed-up regions of their accretion disks. These regions are the result of a dynamical interaction between the binary’s stars and the outer circumbinary accretion disk. The extinction variations with time are attributable to orbital motion of the binary’s stars and azimuthal inhomogeneity of the clump regions in the disks. A number of observational tests are suggested to verify our conclusions.  相似文献   

We present the results of a CCD Johnson V and photoelectric Strömgren uvbyβ photometric study of the recently discovered multiperiodic δ Sct star GSC 2683-3076. Our data set mainly consists of 2874 differential measurements in V together with a few data collected into the uvbyβ system. Additional unfiltered CCD measurements were also carried out. A set of seven best-fitting pulsation frequencies representing the light variations of the variable has been detected. The spectral type of the variable is found to be A9V or F0V. Using the uvbyβ indices the following main physical parameters for the variable have been derived: T eff=7230 K , M V =1.95 mag , log  g =3.90 , M =1.85 M , R =2.30 R , ρ =0.16  ρ , age =1.0 Gyr , metal abundance [Me/H]=0.16 and distance modulus =8.4 mag . GSC 2683-3076 is found to be a Population I δ Sct star, slightly metal-enriched, evolving on its main-sequence stage. A mixture of radial and non-radial modes seems to be present in the pulsation of this variable. This star is also known as H133 in the young open cluster NGC 6871, however arguments are given that address this star as a non-member of the cluster. The uvbyβ photometry available in the literature for NGC 6871 is also discussed.  相似文献   

The observations of the peculiar eclipsing binary RT Lac were continued during the observing seasons of 1982 and 1983. The salient properties of the light curves were presented. The shallowest primary eclipse was observed in 1983. When the light curves, obtained in six years sucessively, are interpreted together it is seen that the variations of the brightness at mid-primary and second maximum are too similar to each other. The colour variations at mid-primary also follow those variations in the brightness. These circumstances indicate that the starspot hypothesis is insufficient alone to explain all the phenomena observed. The earlier spectral type G9 companion may be intrinsically variable and the unusual distortion on the light curves following the secondary eclipse may arise from the gas-stream from larger K star to the G9 star.  相似文献   

Two-colour photoelectric light curves of the RS CVn-type eclipsing system UV Psc, obtained in 1985 and 1986, are presented. Present work also deals with the Fourier analysis of the outside-eclipse light variations for five years' light curves (1981, 1982, 1984, 1985, 1986). Based on this analysis, the amplitude variations of the so-called wave-like distortion and its migration period have been investigated. The amplitude of the wave-like distortion seems to vary with a very rough period of 4–5 years, and the migration period of the wave minimum appears to be one of the three different (2.3, 0.7, 0.4 years) but most possible values among some others.  相似文献   

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