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Alan G. Jones  James A. Craven 《Lithos》2004,77(1-4):765-782
Previously proposed methods of area selection for diamond-prospective regions have predominantly relied on till geochemistry, airborne geophysics, and/or an appraisal of tectonic setting. Herein we suggest that a novel, deep-probing geophysical technique—electromagnetic studies using the natural-source magnetotelluric (MT) method—can contribute to such an activity. Essentially, diamondiferous regions must have (1) old lithosphere, (2) thick lithosphere, and (3) lithosphere that contains high concentrations of carbon. Deep-probing MT studies are able to address all three of these. The second and the third of these can be accomplished independently using MT, but for the first the geometries produced from modelling the MT observations must be interpreted with appropriate interaction with geologists, geochemists and other geophysicists. Examples are given from the Slave and Superior cratons in North America, with a brief mention of an area of the Rae craton, and general speculations about possible diamondiferous regions.  相似文献   

The dispersion of torsional surface waves in two types of inhomogeneous elastic media is discussed (1) in a half-space with shear modulus varying linearly with depth and with constant density (Gibson'S half-space) and (2) in a half-space with shear modulus varying with the square-root of the depth co-ordinate and with constant density. Inhomogeneous media with constant shear wave velocity are also reviewed and the obtained solutions are discussed in relation to appropriate boundary conditions.  相似文献   

A spectral method for modeling high-frequency electromagnetic waves in axisymmetric geometry is proposed.The method is based on the expansion of the solutions of Maxwell’s equations in Laguerre functions in the time region.The spectral method is used to solve Maxwell’s equations for both 2D media and stratified media. In the case of stratified media, a Fourier–Bessel expansion in the radial variable is used. The effectiveness of the spectral and finite-difference methods is compared. Harmonic solutions and solitary solutions by the Laguerre method are considered, and the dynamics of monochromatic and broadband electromagnetic pulses are examined.  相似文献   

瞬变电磁测深法找煤效果研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文简要介绍了瞬变电磁法的工作原理及其优势.通过实例展示了其应用效果,并指明了在煤田上的应用前景和存在的问题,对找煤具有指导意义.  相似文献   

非均匀饱和土中Love波的传播特性   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
柯燎亮  汪越胜  章梓茂 《岩土力学》2004,25(Z2):369-374
基于Biot的横观各向同性饱和孔隙介质模型,考虑孔隙介质的非均匀性,导出了均匀饱和土半空间上非均匀饱和土层中Love波的复频散方程,并提出了复方程的迭代解法.以均匀弹性半空间上非均匀饱和土覆层为例,进行了数值计算,讨论了Love波的频散和衰减特性.  相似文献   

桩体复合地基的拉格朗日法模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用拉格朗日方法,将桩体复合地基分解为桩体、土体和桩土界面3个分离式单元,模拟了非均质地层中复合地基各种应力的分布,以及3个单元的相互影响及响应机理。结果表明,复合地基各种应力的分布受承台大小、桩体间距,及其弹模、土体的性质等多种因素的控制。   相似文献   

栾淑芳  邓炳法 《安徽地质》2011,21(3):239-240
城市的发展越来越重视工程建设的高质量,对于测绘的重视程度和精度要求也在不断的加强,城市测绘工作涉及面广,虽然测绘工程量不大,却节约成本、保证质量的重要一步。因此,本文作者结合实际工作经验,对城市小型工程测绘项目的管理和服务进行较详尽的阐述。  相似文献   

武汉某中心深基坑工程所处的地理位置重要,地下室二层,开挖深达7.60~13.40 m,软土较厚,采用土钉锚固与钻孔灌注桩加预应力锚杆相结合的支护方案,对地下水采用深井降水的处理方案,施工中采用信息化施工管理,取得了良好的与经济效益。  相似文献   

介绍了某高层建筑工程的场地地质情况、桩基础方案对比与设计计算,并对采用的钻孔灌注桩施工后的检验结果作了分析。  相似文献   

The Dalongtan Reservoir Project is located in Jingxi County of Guangxi Autonomous Region; of which the masonry dam, is 249 meters long; it was completed and impounded in 1963. The dam foundation occurred a large number of water leakage; a number of vortex of leakage appeared; water flows under the dam into lower reaches. When emptying the reservoir, it is found that some karst collapses in the reservoir bottom. The past used conventional methods can only understand a single exploration drilling vertical direction of the geological conditions, not conducive to identify foundation for the development of horizontal and cave with broken spatial distribution. CT-between electromagnetic detection with drilling technology integration, it can make up for this deficiency. CT-between electromagnetic detection Dalongtan Reservoir dam foundation in the exploration of karst results show that this approach is feasible and effective.  相似文献   

高层建筑深基坑支护施工技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
深圳某高层建筑原基坑已作支护,但一直废弃作鱼塘用。新的基坑支护采用土钉墙和树根桩施工,支护完成后监测结果较好,没有发生明显的位移和沉降。  相似文献   

The construction of additional facilities at the Florida Power Corporation's Crystal River Energy Complex required an extensive stabilization program to construct foundations for approximately one half mile of cooling towers. This paper presents an overview of the techniques and methods used in the construction of additional facilities at the Crystal River Generating Station. Excavations for intake and discharge structures were to be more than 20 ft below the water table. Cooling tower foundations were constructed on extensively solutioned Florida limerock located on the central Gulf Coast of Florida. Hybrid ground modification techniques were used to stabilize soft or loose soils and solution features in the underlying limerock, allowing mat and spread footing foundations to be used for most of the facility. The ground modification techniques were used to detect, collapse, densify, and fill solution features below the structure foundations. The bearing capacity after ground modification was verified by field load tests. Subsurface investigations indicated that sheet pile excavations with grouted seals were the optimal technique for cofferdam excavations in the limerock formation. Existing collapsed caverns were encountered during construction of the cofferdam for the intake structure and the adjacent discharge structure, requiring a fast-track design change, considerable field coordination, and daily modifications to accommodate the varied conditions encountered. Tied-back soldier pile cofferdam construction was combined with grouting, underwater excavation, and a massive, unreinforced, concrete tremie slab with grouted anchors, and installed off a barge to provide a dewatered excavation. This project involved the use of hybrid soil-rock anchors to anchor one of the largest continuous placement tremie seals installed in Florida. Other excavations used sheeting and grouting of the underlying limerock formation to provide a dewatered excavation. Ground modification techniques were used to treat a filled cavern discovered in the corner of one discharge structure. The entire construction of this facility was confined to a narrow work area by existing wetlands and the generating station discharge canal. Strict environmental restrictions required by the regulatory agencies to prevent impacts to the surrounding area were imposed on this project.  相似文献   

按Voronoi算法分析不均匀土层上的桩筏基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现有桩筏基础分析方法仅能利用地基分层考虑土层的竖向不均匀性,对土层水平向不均匀性的分析却是无能为力。为了改进现有方法,首先计算地基多个勘察孔在水平面上的Voronoi图,利用Voronoi图最近影响范围特性,通过把多边形范围内土层按最近勘察孔的土层资料替代的方法,近似分析水平向不均匀土层上的桩筏基础。分析时按Bowyer-Watson算法计算Delaunay三角形,然后用间接法得到Voronoi图,借助C++计算机语言编制程序分析桩筏基础。通过一个桩筏基础计算模型,对比分析采用多个勘察孔和一个勘察孔土层资料桩筏基础的分析结果,发现土层水平向差异较大时,基础沉降、桩顶反力分布,筏板弯矩等结果差别较大。故对土层不均匀性较明显地基上的桩筏基础设计,宜采用Voronoi图算法应用全部勘察孔资料进行分析。  相似文献   

张其一  栾茂田 《岩土力学》2009,30(5):1281-1286
复合加载情况下精确求解非均质地基上条形基础的极限承载力以及评价影响极限承载力的相关因素,具有很强的工程实用与理论参考价值。基于极限平衡原理,在Mohr-Coulomb破坏准则的基础上,将非均质地基上条形基础极限承载力问题等价为一个边界待定的泛函极值问题。利用变分原理得到与平衡方程相等价的积分约束条件以及相应的欧拉方程与横截条件。引入问题边界条件,利用VC++6.0编制了数值计算程序,求得了复合加载情况下非均质地基破坏时的滑裂面函数与破坏包络曲线。从理论上研究了土体内摩擦角、土体黏聚力、土层强度比与地下水位变化等因素对地基破坏包络曲线的影响。研究结果表明,其解答是地基极限承载力真实解的某一最小上限。  相似文献   

通过对城镇地籍测量中遇到的一系列问题来找出处理问题的方法,同时对于地籍测量的管理也阐述了一些看法。  相似文献   

除有特殊要求外,基坑支护结构的设计使用期限通常为一年,然而在实际工程中经常会出现基坑开挖完成后长时间搁置再复工的现象,形成了一批存在安全风险的超期服役深基坑.北京地区某深基坑停工超过5年,历经两次加固,通过对现状基坑支护结构及周边环境进行检测鉴定、变形分析,确定加固设计的关键环节,针对基坑存在的锚杆预应力损失、桩后土体疏松、堆土挖除后将继续变形等问题,制定了加固方案,包括杆锚增设及二次张拉、疏松土体注浆加固、桩间护壁修补及加强复工时的动态监测等,本加固项目在保证施工质量合格的情况下,顺利开挖至槽底,未发生事故,表明加固措施安全可靠,能够为类似工程提供借鉴与参考.  相似文献   

戚庆学  彭波  董宜辉 《探矿工程》2013,40(10):68-73
河南省人民医院新建病房楼基坑采用两道钢筋混凝土内支撑。通过基坑支护桩深层水平位移、支撑轴力、地面沉降、周边建筑物沉降的监测,对各工况下的监测结果进行了分析,找出了各工况对基坑变形的影响因素及规律性,得到一些有益结论,为以后类似工程施工提供经验与借鉴作用。  相似文献   

葛鹏  鞠骥勤  胡连峰 《江苏地质》2006,30(4):283-286
拟建场地地势相对较高,地貌单元隶属太湖冲积平原虞西高亢平原亚区,主要为第四系河流相冲积。介绍在拟建的建筑物超深基坑支护中,将多种支护方法进行组合,以达到理想的效果。  相似文献   

范庆来  张可誉  张令诺 《岩土力学》2008,29(Z1):621-624
对于非均质各向异性软土地基上管桩基础的承载力,基于塑性极限分析理论考虑软土强度的非均质与各向异性效应,提出了一种改进的三维极限分析上限解法。利用有限元分析软件ABAQUS,采用Hill理想弹塑性模型,对软基上管桩水平承载力进行了数值模拟,由此所得到的破坏模式与极限分析方法中的假设失稳机制基本一致。通过变动参数对比分析,探讨了软黏土不排水抗剪强度的各向异性和非均质性对于管桩基础承载力的影响。  相似文献   

Geometry and connectivity of high-permeability zones determine groundwater flow in karst aquifers. Efficient management of karst aquifers requires regional mapping of preferential flow paths. Remote-sensing technology provides tools to efficiently map the subsurface at such scales. Multi-spectral remote sensing imagery, shuttle radar topography data and frequency-domain airborne electromagnetic (AEM) survey data were used to map karst-aquifer structure on the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Anomalous AEM responses correlated with topographic features and anomalous spectral reflectance of the terrain. One known preferential flow path, the Holbox fracture zone, showed lower bulk electrical resistivity than its surroundings in the AEM surveys. Anomalous structures delineated inland were sealed above by a low-resistivity layer (resistivity: 1–5 Ωm, thickness: 5–6?m). This layer was interpreted as ejecta from the Chicxulub impact (Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary), based on similar resistivity signatures found in borehole logs. Due to limited sensitivity of the AEM survey, the subsurface configuration beneath the low-resistivity layer could not be unambiguously determined. AEM measurements combined with remote-sensing data analysis provide a potentially powerful multi-scale methodology for structural mapping in karst aquifers on the Yucatan Peninsula and beyond.  相似文献   

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