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The Liard Lobe formed a part of the north‐eastern sector of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet and drained ice from accumulation areas in the Selwyn, Pelly, Cassiar and Skeena mountains. This study reconstructs the ice retreat pattern of the Liard Lobe during the last deglaciation from the glacial landform record that comprises glacial lineations and landforms of the meltwater system such as eskers, meltwater channels, perched deltas and outwash fans. The spatial distribution of these landforms defines the successive configurations of the ice sheet during the deglaciation. The Liard Lobe retreated to the west and south‐west across the Hyland Highland from its local Last Glacial Maximum position in the south‐eastern Mackenzie Mountains where it coalesced with the Laurentide Ice Sheet. Retreat across the Liard Lowland is evidenced by large esker complexes that stretch across the Liard Lowland cutting across the contemporary drainage network. Ice margin positions from the late stage of deglaciation are reconstructed locally at the foot of the Cassiar Mountains and further up‐valley in an eastern‐facing valley of the Cassiar Mountains. The presented landform record indicates that the deglaciation of the Liard Lobe was accomplished mainly by active ice retreat and that ice stagnation played a minor role in the deglaciation of this region. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A review of the academic literature and British Geological Survey mapping is employed to produce a 'Glacial Map', and accompanying geographic information system (GIS) database, of features related to the last (Devensian) British Ice Sheet. The map (1:625 000) is included in a folder and GIS data are freely available by web download (http://www.shef.ac.uk/geography/staff/clark_chris/britice.html). Emphasis is on information that constrains the last ice sheet. The following are included: moraines, eskers, drumlins, meltwater channels, tunnel valleys, trimlines, limit of key glacigenic deposits, glaciolacustrine deposits, ice-dammed lakes, erratic dispersal patterns, shelf-edge fans and the Loch Lomond Readvance limit of the main ice cap. The GIS contains over 20 000 features split into thematic layers (as above). Individual features are attributed such that they can be traced back to their published sources. Given that the published sources of information that underpin this work were derived by piecemeal effort over 150 years, then our main caveat is of data consistency and reliability. It is hoped that this compilation will stimulate greater scrutiny of published data, assist in palaeoglaciological reconstructions and facilitate use of field evidence in numerical ice-sheet modelling. It may also help direct field workers in their future investigations.  相似文献   

Studies in southern British Columbia have shown that Cordilleran Ice Sheet flow was controlled by topograph, even in full glacial time. New ice‐flow evidence from the Nass River region, northern British Columbia, however, indicates that ice was thicker there and that the continental ice‐sheet phase of glaciation was reached. Inspection of high elevation sites has revealed a suite of ice‐flow indicators (mainly striae) undetected by earlier work. These suggest that at the Last Glacial Maximum (Fraser Glaciation), ice flowed southwestward across the Nass River region from an ice divide that probably was located in the Skeena Mountain area. Comparisons with adjacent work allow this divide to be mapped over a wide area. The results suggest that maximum ice thicknesses in the northern part of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet were larger than reported previously. The location of storm tracks in full glacial time may have played an important role in the production of an ice sheet that was thicker in northern British Columbia than it was in the southern half of the province. During deglaciation, ice thinned and gradually became confined to fiords and valleys, resulting in numerous and variable ice‐flow directions at that time. Topographic control was thus exerted on ice flow only after the glacial maximum was reached, despite the significant amount of relief in this region. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Radiocarbon dates from critical stratigraphic localities in southern British Columbia indicate that the growth history of the late Wisconsin Cordilleran Ice Sheet was different from that of most of the Laurentide Ice Sheet to the east. Much of southern British Columbia remained free of ice until after about 19,000 to 20,000 yr ago; only adjacent to the Coast Mountains is there a record of lowland glacier tongues in the interval 22,000 to 20,000 yr B.P. A major advance to the climax of late Wisconsin Cordilleran glacier ice in the northern States was not begun until after about 18,000 yr B.P. in the southwest of British Columbia and after about 17,500 yr B.P. in the southeast. The rate of glacier growth must have been very rapid in the two to three millennia prior to the climax, which has been dated in western Washington at shortly after 15,000 yr B.P.  相似文献   

Three‐dimensional (3D) seismic datasets, 2D seismic reflection profiles and shallow cores provide insights into the geometry and composition of glacial features on the continental shelf, offshore eastern Scotland (58° N, 1–2° W). The relic features are related to the activity of the last British Ice Sheet (BIS) in the Outer Moray Firth. A landsystem assemblage consisting of four types of subglacial and ice marginal morphology is mapped at the seafloor. The assemblage comprises: (i) large seabed banks (interpreted as end moraines), coeval with the Bosies Bank moraine; (ii) morainic ridges (hummocky, push and end moraine) formed beneath, and at the margins of the ice sheet; (iii) an incised valley (a subglacial meltwater channel), recording meltwater drainage beneath former ice sheets; and (iv) elongate ridges and grooves (subglacial bedforms) overprinted by transverse ridges (grounding line moraines). The bedforms suggest that fast‐flowing grounded ice advanced eastward of the previously proposed terminus of the offshore Late Weichselian BIS, increasing the size and extent of the ice sheet beyond traditional limits. Complex moraine formation at the margins of less active ice characterised subsequent retreat, with periodic stillstands and readvances. Observations are consistent with interpretations of a dynamic and oscillating ice margin during BIS deglaciation, and with an extensive ice sheet in the North Sea basin at the Last Glacial Maximum. Final ice margin retreat was rapid, manifested in stagnant ice topography, which aided preservation of the landsystem record. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Relative sea level at Vancouver, British Columbia rose from below the present datum about 30,000 cal yr B.P. to at least 18 m above sea level 28,000 cal yr B.P. In contrast, eustatic sea level in this interval was at least 85 m lower than at present. The difference in the local and eustatic sea-level positions is attributed to glacio-isostatic depression of the crust in the expanding forefield of the Cordilleran ice sheet during the initial phase of the Fraser Glaciation. Our findings suggest that about 1 km of ice was present in the northern Strait of Georgia 28,000 cal yr B.P., early during the Fraser Glaciation.  相似文献   

Glaciotectonic structures in subglacial till and substrate, as well as stone fabric, provenance and surface features in till, indicate that complex interactions of late Wisconsinan glacial lobes occurred along a mountain front in the western Fraser Lowland of southwestern British Columbia. Tills of this study represent subglacial deposition through the maxima of two stades in the Fraser Glaciation, the Coquitlam and the Vashon. Through each stadial maximum, temperate glacial ice was grounded and commonly overrode proglacial outwash while superimposing deformations in subglacial till during three phases: (1) pre-maximum glacier flow down valleys and into lowland piedmont ice, (2) coalescent piedmont ice during stadial maxima when flow was westward along the mountain front and across valley mouths, and (3) post-maximum glacier flow down valleys into lowland piedmont ice but prior to general deglaciation. Valley glaciers appear to have shifted flow directions during phases 1 and 3. During stadial maxima (phase 2), Fraser Lowland piedmont ice may have been part of an outlet glacier-ice stream complex that terminated in salt water over the continental shelf.  相似文献   

The last ice sheet over the British Isles, together with other mid-latitude Pleistocene ice sheets, and in contrast to the modern ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica, had a relatively low profile, low summit elevation and extensive, elongated lobes at its margin. A thermo-mechanically coupled numerical ice sheet model, driven by a proxy climate, has been used to explore the properties that would have permitted these characteristics to develop. The approach, the key to quantitative palaeoglaciology, is to determine the boundary conditions that permit the simulated ice sheet to mimic the evolution of the real ice sheet through the last glacial cycle. Simulations show how a British ice sheet may have been confluent with a Scandinavian ice sheet during some parts of its history and how unforced periodic and asynchronous oscillations could occur in different parts of its margins. Marginal lobes are a reflection of streaming within the ice sheet. Such streams can be ephemeral, dynamic streams located because of ice sheet properties, or fixed streams whose location is determined by bed properties. The simulations that best satisfy constraints of extent, elevation and relative sea levels are those with major fixed streams that strongly draw down the ice sheet surface. In these, the core upland areas of the ice sheet were cold based at the Last Glacial Maximum, basal streaming velocities were between 500 and 1000 ma−1 compared with surface velocities of 10–50 ma−1 in inter-stream zones, shear stresses were as low as 15–25 kPa in streams compared with 70–110 kPa in upland areas and 60–84% of the ice flux was delivered to the margin via streams.  相似文献   

In the UK, a combination of outcrop mapping, satellite digital elevation models, high‐resolution marine geophysical data and a range of dating techniques have constrained the maximum limit and overall retreat behaviour of the British and Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS). The changing styles of deglaciation have been most extensively studied in the west and north‐western sectors of the BIIS, primarily using offshore geophysical surveys. The surviving record in the southern, terrestrial sector is fragmentary, permitting only large‐scale (tens of kilometres) and longer timescale (c. 1 ka) reconstructions of ice‐margin movement, with limited information on deglacial processes. Here we present a high‐resolution study of the retreat behaviour for a section of the southern ice‐margin from Windermere in the Lake District, using high‐resolution two‐dimensional multi‐channel seismic data, processed using prestack depth migration. By combining the seismic stratigraphy with landform morphologies, extant cores and seismic velocity measurements, we are able to distinguish between: over‐consolidated till; recessional moraines; De Geer moraines; flowed till/ice‐front fan; supra‐/en‐glacial melt‐out till; and subsequent glaciolacustrine/lacustrine sedimentation. The results reveal a complex and active valley glacier withdrawal from Windermere that changed character between basins and produced two small, localized areas of ice‐stagnation and downwasting. This study indicates that similar active ice‐margin retreats probably took place in other valleys of the Lake District during the Late Devensian deglaciation rather than the previously held view of rapid ice‐stagnation and downwasting. When combined with the regional terrestrial record, this supports a model of early ice loss in terrestrial England compared with other parts of the UK. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

During the last glaciation, most of the British Isles and the surrounding continental shelf were covered by the British–Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS). An earlier compilation from the existing literature (BRITICE version 1) assembled the relevant glacial geomorphological evidence into a freely available GIS geodatabase and map (Clark et al. 2004: Boreas 33, 359). New high‐resolution digital elevation models, of the land and seabed, have become available casting the glacial landform record of the British Isles in a new light and highlighting the shortcomings of the V.1 BRITICE compilation. Here we present a wholesale revision of the evidence, onshore and offshore, to produce BRITICE version 2, which now also includes Ireland. All published geomorphological evidence pertinent to the behaviour of the ice sheet is included, up to the census date of December 2015. The revised GIS database contains over 170 000 geospatially referenced and attributed elements – an eightfold increase in information from the previous version. The compiled data include: drumlins, ribbed moraine, crag‐and‐tails, mega‐scale glacial lineations, glacially streamlined bedrock (grooves, roches moutonnées, whalebacks), glacial erratics, eskers, meltwater channels (subglacial, lateral, proglacial and tunnel valleys), moraines, trimlines, cirques, trough‐mouth fans and evidence defining ice‐dammed lakes. The increased volume of features necessitates different map/database products with varying levels of data generalization, namely: (i) an unfiltered GIS database containing all mapping; (ii) a filtered GIS database, resolving data conflicts and with edits to improve geo‐locational accuracy (available as GIS data and PDF maps); and (iii) a cartographically generalized map to provide an overview of the distribution and types of features at the ice‐sheet scale that can be printed at A0 paper size at a 1:1 250 000 scale. All GIS data, the maps (as PDFs) and a bibliography of all published sources are available for download from: https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/geography/staff/clark_chris/britice .  相似文献   

《Quaternary Research》1987,27(2):182-201
The last floods from glacial Lake Missoula, Montana, probably ran into glacial Lake Columbia, in northeastern Washington. In or near Lake Columbia's Sanpoil arm, Lake Missoula floods dating from late in the Fraser glaciation produced normally graded silt beds that become thinner upsection and which alternate with intervals of progressively fewer varves. The highest three interflood intervals each contain only one or two varves, and about 200–400 successive varves conformably overlie the highest flood bed. This sequence suggests that jökulhlaup frequency progressively increased until Lake Missoula ended, and that Lake Columbia outlasted Lake Missoula. The upper Grand Coulee, Lake Columbia's late Fraser-age outlet, contains a section of 13 graded beds, most of them sandy and separated by varves, that may correlate with the highest Missoula-flood beds of the Sanpoil River valley. The upper Grand Coulee also contains probable correlatives of many of the approximately 200–400 succeeding varves, as do nearby parts of the Columbia River valley. This collective evidence casts doubt on a prevailing hypothesis according to which one or more late Fraser-age floods from Lake Missoula descended the Columbia River valley with little or no interference from Lake Columbia's Okanogan-lobe dam.  相似文献   

In connection with a new deglaciation concept for Iceland, implying an extensive glaciation during the Younger Dryas and the decay of the Icelandic inland ice sheet during the Preboreal, the history of relative sea-level changes on Iceland has been re-evaluated. New field data from the Reykjavik area, in Faxaflói Bay southwestern Iceland, were obtained in order to construct the first stratigraphically controlled curve of relative sea-level displacements for Iceland. The curve is constructed on the basis of radiocarbon-dated shells in raised marine deposits and on tephrostratigraphically controlled and radiocarbon-dated, submerged peat deposits. The curve suggests that a post-glacial relative sea-level change of about 45 m, from + 43 m a.s.1. to — 2 m a.s.l, occurred over a period of 900 14C-years in the Reykjavik area between 10 300 BP and 9400 BP. The sea-level curve shows a shoreline displacement of c . 5 cm 14Cyr-1 for that period. The mean absolute uplift rate is calculated to be 6.9 cm 14C yr-1, which is about double the fastest rate reported from any other coastal North Atlantic site. Although this rapid uplift can probably be partly explained by a 14C plateau around the termination of the Pleistocene, it is more than likely controlled by rapid Preboreal deglaciation, together with low asthenosphere viscosities below Iceland and the release of hydroisostatic stresses in connection with the deglaciation.  相似文献   

Calibrated radiocarbon dates of organic matter below and above till of the last (Fraser) glaciation provide limiting ages that constrain the chronology and duration of the last advance–retreat cycle of the Puget Lobe in the central and southeastern Puget Lowland. Seven dates for wood near the top of a thick proglacial delta have a weighted mean age of 17,420 ± 90 cal yr B.P., which is the closest limiting age for arrival of the glacier near the latitude of Seattle. A time–distance curve constructed along a flowline extending south from southwestern British Columbia to the central Puget Lowland implies an average glacier advance rate of ca. 135 m/yr. The glacier terminus reached its southernmost limit ca. 16,950 yr ago and likely remained there for ca. 100 yr. In the vicinity of Seattle, where the glacier reached a maximum thickness of 1000 m, ice covered the landscape for ca. 1020 yr. Postglacial dates constraining the timing of ice retreat in the central lowland are as old as 16,420 cal yr B.P. and show that the terminus had retreated to the northern limit of the lowland within three to four centuries after the glacial maximum. The average rate of retreat was about twice the rate of advance and was enhanced by rapid calving recession along flowline sectors where the glacier front crossed deep proglacial lakes.  相似文献   

Subglacial landsystems in and around Okanagan Valley, British Columbia, Canada are investigated in order to evaluate landscape development, subglacial hydrology and Cordilleran Ice Sheet dynamics along its southern margin. Major landscape elements include drumlin swarms and tunnel valleys. Drumlins are composed of bedrock, diamicton and glaciofluvial sediments; their form truncates the substrate. Tunnel valleys of various scales (km to 100s km length), incised into bedrock and sediment, exhibit convex longitudinal profiles, and truncate drumlin swarms. Okanagan Valley is the largest tunnel valley in the area and is eroded >300 m below sea level. Over 600 m of Late Wisconsin-age sediments, consisting of a fining-up sequence of cobble gravel, sand and silt fill Okanagan Valley. Landform–substrate relationships, landform associations, and sedimentary sequences are incompatible with prevailing explanations of landsystem development centred mainly on deforming beds. They are best explained by meltwater erosion and deposition during ice sheet underbursts.During the Late-Wisconsin glaciation, Okanagan Valley functioned as part of a subglacial lake spanning multiple connected valleys (few 100s km) of southern British Columbia. Subglacial lake development started either as glaciers advanced over a pre-existing sub-aerial lake (catch lake) or by incremental production and storage of basal meltwater. High geothermal heat flux, geothermal springs and/or subglacial volcanic eruptions contributed to ice melt, and may have triggered, along with priming from supraglacial lakes, subglacial lake drainage. During the underburst(s), sheetflows eroded drumlins in corridors and channelized flows eroded tunnel valleys. Progressive flow channelization focused flows toward major bedrock valleys. In Okanagan Valley, most of the pre-glacial and early-glacial sediment fill was removed. A fining-up sequence of boulder gravel and sand was deposited during waning stages of the underburst(s) and bedrock drumlins in Okanagan Valley were enhanced or wholly formed by this underburst(s).Subglacial lake development and drainage had an impact on ice sheet geometry and ice volumes. The prevailing conceptual model for growth and decay of the CIS suggests significantly thicker ice in valleys compared to plateaus. Subglacial lake development created a reversal of this ice sheet geometry where grounded ice on plateaus thickened while floating valley ice remained thinner (due to melting and enhanced sliding, with significant transfer of ice toward the ice sheet margin). Subglacial lake drainage may have hastened deglaciation by melting ice, lowering ice-surface elevations, and causing lid fracture. This paper highlights the importance of ice sheet hydrology: its control on ice flow dynamics, distribution and volume in continental ice masses.  相似文献   

Digital elevation models of the area around the Solway Lowlands reveal complex subglacial bedform imprints relating the central sector of the LGM British and Irish Ice Sheet. Drumlin and lineation mapping in four case studies show that glacier flow directions switched significantly through time. These are summarised in four major flow phases in the region: Phase I flow was from a dominant Scottish dispersal centre, which transported Criffel granite erratics to the Eden Valley and forced Lake District ice eastwards over the Pennines at Stainmore; Phase II involved easterly flow of Lake District and Scottish ice through the Tyne Gap and Stainmore Gap with an ice divide located over the Solway Firth; Phase III was a dominant westerly flow from upland dispersal centres into the Solway lowlands and along the Solway Firth due to draw down of ice into the Irish Sea basin; Phase IV was characterised by unconstrained advance of Scottish ice across the Solway Firth. Forcing of a numerical model of ice sheet inception and decay by the Greenland ice core record facilitates an assessment of the potential for rapid ice flow directional switching during one glacial cycle. The model indicates that, after fluctuations of smaller radially flowing ice caps prior to 30 ka BP, the ice sheet grows to produce an elongate, triangular-shaped dome over NW England and SW Scotland at the LGM at 19.5 ka BP. Recession after 18.5 ka BP displays a complex pattern of significant ice flow directional switches over relatively short timescales, complementing the geomorphologically-based assessments of palaeo-ice dynamics. The palaeoglaciological implications of this combined geomorphic and modelling approach are that: (a) the central sector of the BIIS was as a major dispersal centre for only ca 2.5 ka after the LGM; (b) the ice sheet had no real steady state and comprised constantly migrating dispersal centres and ice divides; (c) subglacial streamlining of flow sets was completed over short phases of fast flow activity, with some flow reversals taking place in less than 300 years.  相似文献   

Decay of the last Cordilleran Ice Sheet (CIS) near its geographical centre has been conceptualized as being dominated by passive downwasting (stagnation), in part because of the lack of large recessional moraines. Yet, multiple lines of evidence, including reconstructions of glacio‐isostatic rebound from palaeoglacial lake shoreline deformation suggest a sloping ice surface and a more systematic pattern of ice‐margin retreat. Here we reconstructed ice‐marginal lake evolution across the subdued topography of the southern Fraser Plateau in order to elucidate the pattern and style of lateglacial CIS decay. Lake stage extent was reconstructed using primary and secondary palaeo‐water‐plane indicators: deltas, spillways, ice‐marginal channels, subaqueous fans and lake‐bottom sediments identified from aerial photograph and digital elevation model interpretation combined with field observations of geomorphology and sedimentology, and ground‐penetrating radar surveys. Ice‐contact indicators, such as ice‐marginal channels, and grounding‐line moraines were used to refine and constrain ice‐margin positions. The results show that ice‐dammed lakes were extensive (average 27 km2; max. 116 km2) and relatively shallow (average 18 m). Within basins successive lake stages appear to have evolved by expansion, decanting or drainage (glacial lake outburst flood, outburst flood or lake maintenance) from southeast to northwest, implicating a systematic northwestward retreating ice margin (rather than chaotic stagnation) back toward the Coast Mountains, similar in style and pattern to that proposed for the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet. This pattern is confirmed by cross‐cutting drainage networks between lake basins and is in agreement with numerical models of North American ice‐sheet retreat and recent hypotheses on lateglacial CIS reorganization during decay. Reconstructed lake systems are dynamic and transitory and probably had significant effects on the dynamics of ice‐marginal retreat, the importance of which is currently being recognized in the modern context of the Greenland Ice Sheet, where >35% of meltwater streams from land‐terminating portions of the ice sheet end in ice‐contact lakes.  相似文献   

Lian, O. B. & Hicock, S. R. 2009: Insight into the character of palaeo‐ice‐flow in upland regions of mountain valleys during the last major advance (Vashon Stade) of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet, southwest British Columbia, Canada. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2009.00123.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. A detailed glacial geological study was done on Vashon till, formed during the last (Fraser) glaciation, in upland areas of two relatively short and narrow mountain valleys which open onto the Fraser Lowland in southwest British Columbia. The orientation and association of glaciotectonic structures in till and bedrock, a‐axis fabrics of stones in till and abrasion features, indicate that Vashon till formed initially by lodgement and that brittle deformation processes dominated at least during the latter stages of glaciation. The presence of local glacigenic bedrock quarrying suggests that ice flow experienced localized enhanced compressive flow along valley sides. These observations indicate that ice flow was relatively slow and they contrast with a previous study of bedrock geomorphology undertaken in some larger south Coast Mountains valleys and a model of ice‐flow velocity in the Puget Lowland that suggest rapid ice flow. This indicates that either ice‐flow conditions in the larger valleys were different from those in the valleys studied here, or that the observations from our study reflect subglacial conditions following the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), but immediately prior to deglaciation when ice had thinned and slowed. If the latter scenario is correct, and if processes inferred from this study were also common along the upland parts of other southwest Coast Mountains valleys after the LGM, then the rate at which ice was supplied to lowland piedmont glaciers would have been reduced, and this may have accelerated decay of the southwest margin of the last Cordilleran Ice Sheet.  相似文献   

The glacial geomorphological record provides an effective means to reconstruct former ice sheets at ice sheet scale. In this paper we document our approach and methods for synthesising and interpreting a glacial landform record for its palaeo-ice flow information, applied to landforms of Ireland. New, countrywide glacial geomorphological maps of Ireland comprising >39,000 glacial landforms are interpreted for the spatial, glaciodynamic and relative chronological information they reveal. Seventy one ‘flowsets’ comprising glacial lineations, and 19 ribbed moraine flowsets are identified based on the spatial properties of these landforms, yielding information on palaeo-ice flow geometry. Flowset cross-cutting is prevalent and reveals a highly complex flow geometry; major ice divide migrations are interpreted with commensurate changes in the flow configuration of the ice sheet. Landform superimposition is the key to deciphering the chronology of such changes, and documenting superimposition relationships yields a relative ‘age-stack’ of all Irish flowsets. We use and develop existing templates for interpreting the glaciodynamic context of each flowset – its palaeo-glaciology. Landform patterns consistent with interior ice sheet flow, ice stream flow, and with time-transgressive bedform generation behind a retreating margin, under a thinning ice sheet, and under migrating palaeo-flowlines are each identified. Fast ice flow is found to have evacuated ice from central and northern Ireland into Donegal Bay, and across County Clare towards the south-west. Ice-marginal landform assemblages form a coherent system across southern Ireland marking stages of ice sheet retreat. Time-transgressive, ‘smudged’ landform imprints are particularly abundant; in several ice sheet sectors ice flow geometry was rapidly varying at timescales close to the timescale of bedform generation. The methods and approach we document herein could be useful for interpreting other ice sheet histories. The flowsets and their palaeo-glaciological significance that we derive for Ireland provide a regional framework and context for interpreting results from local scale fieldwork, provide major flow events for testing numerical ice sheet models, and underpin a data-driven reconstruction of the Irish Ice Sheet that we present in an accompanying paper – Part 2.  相似文献   

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